The blogger died from the bite. Famous blogger Arslan Valeyev died after being bitten by a snake live

In the event of an actual or probable black mamba bite, carry out the following first aid measures without delay.

  1. Make sure you are not in danger of causing any further injury.
  2. Call a doctor immediately.

For the victim

  1. Calm the person down. Give him or her the opportunity to lie down and avoid movement as much as possible. If possible, position the bitten limb at a lower level than the heart.
  2. Avoid bending or moving the limb.
  3. DO NOT cut into the wound
  4. DO NOT apply ice to the bite area.

Intoxication ends in death within 30 to 120 minutes.

Please read the attached medical management protocol and respond accordingly.

Medical workers

Call your local poison control center. They must find a specialist to help you treat this patient.

Pay attention to signs and symptoms of intoxication.

If signs or symptoms are present, follow these steps:

  1. Administer lactated Ringer at 200 to 250 mL per hour.
  2. Take samples and collect laboratory data.
  3. Inject the contents of 4 ampoules of polyvalent antivenom at a rate of 1 vial (10 ml) per minute.
  4. Remove the cotter pins and crepe bandage slowly for 10 minutes. If symptoms progress rapidly, reapply the bandage and apply 4 additional ampoules. Try to remove the bandage again.
  5. Allergic or adverse reactions to antidotes should be treated with corticosteroids, epinephrine, Benadryl, Atarax, or other antihistamines as appropriate.
  6. Monitor signs, symptoms, and laboratory data and administer additional antivenom in 1-vial increments at a rate of 10 mL per 5 minutes as needed to monitor symptom progression.
  7. The amount of antivenom required will vary depending on the severity of the intoxication.

What to expect when using (including from the starting dose):

  • 4-6 ampoules for just a small bite.
  • 8-20 ampoules or more may be needed for moderate to severe bites.

Arslan Valeyev: mamba bite

The recent death of a blogger live from a black mamba bite confirms the extreme danger of this type of snake. The fatal accident was fatal for the famous serpentologist, collector of a unique collection of reptiles, and a surprise and tragedy for everyone.

Health care

Intoxication from a poisonous bite is manifested mainly by systemic neurological reactions. Somnolence, neurological and neuromuscular symptoms may develop early in life; paralysis, respiratory failure or death occurs quickly.

Please read and follow the following procedures without delay.

  1. Apply a bandage above the level of the bite as first aid to slow the absorption of the venom. DO NOT remove the dressing until the patient has come to the hospital and received antidotes.
  2. Make sure at least 10 vials of polyvalent antidote are present. This antivenom contains the appropriate fractions necessary to neutralize the venom of the black mamba.
  3. Treatment is 4 to 20 vials of intravenous antivenom. Intoxication is diagnosed by the presence of characteristic signs and symptoms.
Published 09.25.17 18:20

A blogger who set a black mamba on himself on live television has died. Biologist Nikolai Drozdov has already commented on death from a snake bite.

Russian video blogger Arslan Valeev, famous for his blog about big wild cats BobCat TV and a video channel about snakes and other reptiles "Exotarium", died from a poisonous snake bite. This is reported in blogger group.

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On the night of September 23, while live on his channel, Valeev received a bite from a black mamba. He was immediately hospitalized. Around noon on September 25, Valeev died.

That night, a video blogger (the total number of subscribers from two channels is 515 thousand) launched a stream on which intkkihs I let the black mamba sting my hand. The guy studied wildlife, so several snakes, spiders and tiger cubs lived in his house.

The video itself has already been removed from YouTube. There was a saved fragment on the Internet in which a guy in a comatose state dictates the phone number of his ex-wife, whom he would like to see before his death. One of Arslan’s subscribers called an ambulance: the guy was taken to the hospital in serious condition and put into a medically induced coma.

Two years ago, Arslan Valeev was bitten by a king cobra. His classmate, who works at the Zoological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, spoke about this in an interview with Channel Five. As Valeev’s acquaintance explained, the poison tends to accumulate. And the second and subsequent bites are much more difficult to tolerate.

TV presenter and biologist Nikolai Drozdov commented on REN-TV on the tragedy that happened to blogger Arslan Valeev.

“You lose attention on live broadcast, you get distracted by filming. It’s very dangerous. I was bitten by a snake only once; I was filmed by a viper; I spent time in the hospital. It’s better not to go on air with snakes. Mamba is very dexterous and fast, bites instantly,” said Drozdov.

In contact with


31-year-old blogger Arslan Valeev, author of the BobCat TV and Private Exotarium video channels dedicated to exotic animals, passed away on Monday afternoon. The young man's death was due to a black mamba bite he received during a live broadcast on YouTube on the night of September 23. After this, Arslan was in a coma. Doctors fought for Valeev’s life, but they could not save him.

In addition, information is being spread on the Internet that shortly before his death, Arslan’s mood worsened due to the departure of his wife Catherine. According to some reports, Valeev seemed to be very jealous of her and even beat her the other day, and on the eve of the tragic incident he behaved strangely - he used obscene language and talked about death and pain.

On the eve of the tragic incident, Arslan met a good friend, Marina, with whom he took a puma cub to the hospital. Friends celebrated this event. After Valeev’s friend left, he again got in touch with subscribers. At some point, Valeev walked away from the computer, and then returned, demonstrating a snake bite.

“I’ll just stay with you for a little while. If anything, there is an entry on the phone for Katya. Just reading your messages. Tell Katya that I loved her very much. Bye everyone. I can’t even believe that this is happening to me. This is Katya’s phone number, if she manages to drive up to me and see me, I would be glad. In fact, I'm already dying. Farewell. But I would be glad to see Katya. I’m shaking,” noted the young man.

Valeev's worried spectators could not understand what had happened. After some time, an ambulance was called, and the moderators turned off the chat, saying that Arslan was alive. Throughout this time, the young man’s subscribers watched what was happening live and panicked. Then Ekaterina came to the blogger and turned off this broadcast.

Subscribers' opinions regarding what happened to Arslan vary. Some of them believe that he decided to commit suicide. At the same time, others, on the contrary, believe that Valeev did not plan to take his own life, and his dying speech was not planned and represents the body’s shock reaction to a snake bite. They note that the Internet activist was the victim of an accident. Many of Arslan’s followers urge him not to blame his ex-wife for what happened to him.

Arslan's admirers wish him to rest in peace. Netizens write that they do not believe in the sudden death of the blogger. It seemed that nothing foreshadowed trouble. Valeev seemed to be a purposeful young man who cared about animals with all his heart.

“We remember, we love, we mourn”, “Please take care of yourself”, “Sincere condolences”, “This is creepy. Hurt. I hope his soul is at peace. Sleep well, good friend,” “Like I lost a loved one,” “Very sad,” “Looks like a bad dream,” “His channel gave me so much positivity,” Valeev’s fans discuss.

It became clear that the blogger had separated from Ekaterina in April of this year. Valeev’s followers suspected that difficulties had arisen in his relationship with his wife, and bombarded the young man with questions.

“Why are there so many channels? Where is Katya? Why is that? Why is this? Yes, we separated, it’s simple. And there are no problems with this, just to get rid of unnecessary questions. We’re dividing everything up little by little,” Arslan said a couple of months ago.

Last Thursday, Arslan publicly apologized to his wife. The blogger noted that he behaved unworthily, omitting unflattering statements about his ex-lover. The young man said that he was hurt and lonely.

“There are no justifications for my statements addressed to you personally, I acted basely and stupidly, I am extremely far from the ideal, but you understand, it’s very hard for me now, it’s hard to live within the walls in which we wanted to meet old age, it’s hard to see everything that connected with you and is an obligatory part of my lonely (I have no one!) life, it is very difficult to accept the fact that everything is already behind and nothing can be fixed. And I see that everything has definitely passed for you, a new life has begun with someone you have long sympathized with,” the blogger wrote to Ekaterina.

Valeev also said that the girl was a wonderful person whom he undeservedly offended.

“Not a single impartial statement addressed to you personally has any meaning or weight, all this is a lie out of resentment and wild envy, you know this, but not everyone watching understood this. I have apologized to you more than once. He apologized publicly. I also apologize to the public, I am not a robot for cleaning up after animals and generating videos, I am a person with a rather weak character as I am,” Arslan noted.

I love YouTube: there is a lot of useful information, and it’s interesting to follow some people’s video blogs. One of my subscriptions is the BobCat channel, on which the spouses Katya and Arslan posted videos of their tame lynx Hannah, and then two more domestic lynxes Martin and Umka, and also often conducted live broadcasts - streams. And now Arslan is no more.

To say that I am shocked by this news is an understatement. The worst thing is that there is already a sea of ​​videos on YouTube, where the relationship between Katya and Arslan is discussed up and down and subscribers are encouraged to discuss it, and most importantly, they talk out loud about whether Arslan’s death was an accident or a suicide.
Now let's talk about everything in order.

Snakes, lynxes and love

I subscribed to the BobCat channel 11 months ago. Then Arslan already had his own YouTube channel “Private Exotarium”, on which he talked about reptiles, because he has been keeping and breeding them at home for more than 20 years. But reptiles were not too interesting to me, but lynxes - they are cute and funny. Everyone loves cats, even if they are big ones. Katya and Arslan lived in a private house near St. Petersburg, built enclosures in their yard, and kept a real lynx kitten in the house. Since the kitten was taken from its mother on the third day after birth, it grew up absolutely tame, very affectionate and sociable. Hannah grew up and moved from home to her own enclosure. Two more lynxes soon settled in Arslan and Katya's yard: the tame, but not wild Martin, and the almost tame Umka. Arslan and Katya several times organized large-scale streams like “Night in an enclosure with a lynx” or a whole day in an enclosure with lynxes.

Watching the streams and regularly released videos was incredibly interesting. It’s not that I’m very interested in the peculiarities of keeping large wild cats in a private home, I just somehow got used to Hannah and her owners.

I never liked Katya. There seems to be nothing so repulsive about her, but for some reason she aroused and continues to arouse antipathy. Arslan, a comrade who was not at all attractive from the point of view of the canons of beauty, just aroused sympathy. In the spring of this year, the guys announced that they were separating and moving away. Katya took a couple of cats and moved to a rented apartment 15 minutes from Arslan’s house. Arslan was left with lynxes, dogs, the cat Missa, and his extensive collection of snakes. Soon he got himself a little puppy. Everyone, as one, said that Arslan and his new pet were very similar.

Who could have imagined?..

Then, like a bolt from the blue, photographs of the beatings inflicted by Arslan appeared on Katya’s Instagram. It seems like he waylaid her near the apartment and beat her. It was impossible to see any serious traces of beatings on the small screens of smartphones or large screens of tablets. A pimple on the neck and two tiny abrasions on the back - that’s all the “beatings”. Katya went to the doctors, they diagnosed a concussion and gave her a certificate. What started in the comments! I read everything and monitored the situation. Arslan is a unique person. In Russian speaking, a classic nerd with an inferiority complex. Just two years ago, when he and Katya got married, he was the happiest man on earth, he said that he had met the one who was the whole universe for him. The happiness was short-lived. Somehow Arslan found out that Katya was cheating on him, found out how long ago and with whom. Could he have beaten her? Rather yes than no. Even the calmest person has a limit to his patience. Did he actually do it? More likely no than yes. Did Katya really cheat on him? I don’t even doubt that I cheated, but no one held a candle. All this is speculation and speculation.

Time passed. Streams began to happen much more often. Sometimes there were three a day: first on the “Private Exotarium” Arslan talked about some kind of snake, then on BobCat he showed a puma, and then he went to Instagram and cooked some food there or simply communicated with subscribers. Of course, when your entire social circle is limited to animals, and you see people a couple of times a week and not always, you want to talk. Man is a social being. Since the lack of real communication, apparently Arslan, went entirely into virtual communication. He spoke himself and answered questions from very real people on the other side of the screen.

Trouble has come - open the gate

It was clear that Arslan was depressed and that he was damn tired. It is not easy to maintain such a large farm alone. It was necessary to clean up the snakes in time, and to devote time to the lynxes, and to nurse the pupena. At first, Arslan bottle-fed the cougar every few hours, then spent the whole day in the veterinary clinic because his new pet had digestive problems, then the cougar fell off the couch and had serious surgery on his little paw, the cure was on the clock.

But everything began to improve more or less. Although it was clear that Arslan was being thrown from side to side. Either he is cheerful, jokes and laughs, then his ears wither from his tediousness, then he is depressed, drunk and says evil words about his ex-wife. Last week I watched several of Arslan's streams. He decided that cooking would be his new hobby, because he had never cooked anything more complicated than pasta and sausages. First, he cooked borscht live under the advice of the audience, the next day he baked oatmeal cookies, then he swung at the Napoleon cake.

I had guests over on Saturday, and although I saw the notification pop up about the start of the stream, I didn’t tune in. On that day, a tragedy occurred live, but I found out about it only 5 days later. The day before yesterday morning, I received a notification on my phone from YouTube about the appearance of a new video on BobCat with the title “Clarification of the situation regarding animals.” I thought that they would talk about where, when and at what price the cats were bought, and analyze the difficulties of keeping them at home. In the evening, when I had some free time, I watched a video that said that “the heirs will have access to communicate with animals.” It seemed to me that I had misheard. What are the heirs? What are we even talking about? The previous videos and recommended materials in the right column of the player on YouTube explained everything to me. For several hours I simply could not believe what had happened. To be honest, I still don’t believe it until now. The recording of the broadcast was deleted by YouTube, fragments of it remained with some subscribers, but when they try to upload the recording again, it is almost immediately deleted due to the naturalistic nature of the content. I downloaded the video with a duration of 7:09. Next I describe the events according to the timing of this video.

Death of Arslan Valeev: stream by second

On September 23, Arslan Valeev began a previously announced broadcast on YouTube, the main character of which was to be the black mamba - one of the most dangerous snakes not only in the collection of this herpetologist, but in the world in general. Arslan was sad, judging by his appearance, he either hadn’t slept for more than a day, or had a cold: he looked tired, his eyes were shining (many subscribers are sure that he was very drunk, and his mother’s opinion is further in this post). The cat Missa is licking herself in the background; the little pup is not visible in the frame. Arslan silently looks at the camera, apparently reading the comments.

00:36 Greets subscribers.
00:39 He says, sighing heavily: “Well, guys, it’s time to do what needs to be done,” and smiles bitterly.
00:58 Answers the question from the comments “The broadcast has moved, yes.” Steps out of frame.
01:42 In the background you can hear: “Aw.... Let go. Let go. It hurts. Well done, you killed me. I’ll go broadcast.”
01:59 Arslan says: “I’ll die like this,” and returns to the computer.

It is clear that Arslan almost immediately felt pain; it was becoming difficult for him to breathe.

02:28 “I’ll just stay with you a little,” Arslan says to his viewers.
02:42 “If anything, there’s an entry on the phone for Katya”
02:59 “Just reading your messages”
03:14 Arslan’s eyelids began to tremble and his eyes closed.
03:42 Every breath comes with great difficulty
03:46 The sound signal of a received donation (money transfer to the owner of the broadcast from a viewer) prompted Arslan to open his eyes for a moment.
03:49 "Tell Katya that I loved her very much"
04:01 Arslan shows his right hand to the camera, where bite marks and a drop of blood are visible on the index finger. "Beauty, huh?" - Arslan asks.
04:04 Arslan swallows with difficulty and says: “Wow, what a…”
04:15 “Bye everyone,” Arslan says goodbye, for a while he gathers his strength to get out of his chair, breathing heavily.
04:44 “I can’t even believe that all this is happening to me”
05:15 Arslan dictates his cell phone number “This is Katya’s phone. If someone gets through to me, if she manages to get to me, at least sees me, I would be glad. But in fact, I’m already dying.”
05:36 "Goodbye... But Katya would be glad to see... It's fucking shaking."

Arslan sits in front of the camera, but it is clear that all his strength is spent just to continue breathing.

06:39 He shows his hands to the camera. The fingers are cramped, the right hand is noticeably swollen.
06:41 Arslan gets up from his chair, turns on the water in the bathroom for a few seconds, and then, apparently, leaves the room.

5 minutes until death

5 minutes. Just 5 minutes from a bite to almost complete paralysis. Arslan managed to go outside, reach the gate, where he fell to the ground and began to wait for help. In Russia, doctors will not be able to save a life after a black mamba bite. Immediately after the bite, within literally a few minutes, an antidote must be administered, otherwise death is inevitable. But you need to be sure of the dosage of the antidote and that the person is definitely not allergic to the components of the drug. Arslan spoke about this many times in interviews with journalists, as well as in videos on the “Private Exotarium”.

Black mamba venom contains fast-acting cardio and neurotoxins. In one bite, the snake injects 100-400 mg of poison; for an adult, 10-15 mg is enough for a lethal dose.

Here's what they write about the consequences of a black mamba bite on Wikipedia:

Many documentaries and articles say that the black mamba, like a shark, does not seek to attack a person and does this only when necessary - when it is provoked. Arslan could not help but know this. He also could not “forget” about precautions, for example, about a thick glove, which he repeatedly wore when working in front of a camera with dangerous snakes.

Arslan was taken to the hospital. Doctors put him into a medically induced coma, but alas... Around noon on September 25, Arslan Valeev died. The man died, but then a large-scale Internet squabble began, which was, in fact, to be expected.

The BobCat channel has 275 thousand subscribers. The "Private Exotarium" has 249 thousand. Some of these people subscribe to both channels. The stream with the black mamba bite was watched by about 600 people. Arslan and Katya may have been known in the online community, but mainly to those who love exotic snakes and wild cats. I myself noticed that the rapid growth in the number of subscribers on the channels occurred between streams, where Arslan said something negative about Katya, or she published something on her Instagram about Arslan. In general, people were interested not only and not so much in animals, but in the personal lives of two adults. So sometimes I wanted to slap some commentators and stream viewers on the forehead, slap them on the forehead and scribble on the same forehead: get away from people, it’s none of your business - their relationships are boring you with your questions. But no, everyone wants to ask for the millionth time. Did Katya and Arslan divorce or not, and when, and why, and why, but definitely divorced?..

In pursuit of sensation

On September 25, just a few hours after Arslan passed away, journalists literally did not allow his sister access. On the same day, the death of the herpetologist was commented on by the host of the program “In the Animal World,” Nikolai Drozdov, with whom Arslan was familiar. During these 5 days, a little more than a dozen different videos were posted on YouTube with plots of information programs of various TV channels, with excerpts from radio broadcasts...

A news presenter on one TV channel said in a summary of the story that “Arslan Valeev was known for playing with wild animals on Internet broadcasts.” In the story itself, the journalist says that the black mamba, it turns out, needs to be very angry for it to attack. Yeah, it’ll lead to hysteria and a nervous breakdown, well, yes, of course. Do they at least sometimes think with their heads when they write texts for their stories? Make you angry... It’s good that you don’t upset, don’t offend, don’t make you laugh, don’t make you ashamed - or force you to show any other purely human emotions.

In another television company, a journalist reports that Arslan “died live in front of thousands of subscribers” - well, if 600 and thousands of subscribers are the same thing, then excuse me, you get a bad mark in mathematics. The expert gives a comment and says that when a black mamba bites, it injects about 20 lethal doses, and in the running line below they already write about 200 lethal doses. And the psychiatrists, who are also asked to comment on the situation, are great! The diagnosis is made not even over the phone, but through retellings. “This man’s condition apparently was close to severe depression, leading to demonstrative behavior and completed suicide.”

Every first journalist called Arslan a herpeNtologist, although the correct word would be a herpetologist.

Surprisingly, the NTV story caused the least negativity in me. Only they showed the exact address in vain...

The Investigative Committee for the Leningrad Region has launched an investigation into the death of Arslan Valeev. The herpetologist’s friends promise to continue running channels on YouTube. A collection of dangerous poisonous snakes (just under 300 specimens), some of which cost several thousand dollars, was taken by Arslan’s father, with the assistance of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, to a closed serpentarium for scientific research. The man openly tells reporters:

“Private collections, especially of poisonous snakes, are illegal. And there is not a single legal snake brought to Russia that is poisonous. It’s all smuggled goods. So you say, private hands... The fight is on! This fight is on to own. They are quite expensive..."

Katya and Arslan's mother were going to fight for the snakes. In one of the interviews, Katya, dramatically adjusting her glasses, says that Arslan’s death was an accident, because “he is a professional.” The mother is also surprisingly calm. In one of the telephone interviews, she suggested that during the fatal broadcast, Arslan was under the influence of sedatives and, due to lethargy and poor reaction, could not avoid the bite. I don’t understand how you can give an interview so calmly when someone close to you has died, when your SON has died! Rumor has it that the mother of the deceased believes in Buddha and sincerely believes that her son is now in the best of all possible worlds

Pumenok and cat Missa now live with Arslan's ex-wife Katya; the lynxes are in the Sirin center for the rehabilitation of wild animals. The dogs were taken by their former owners. The question of the unique collection of snakes remains open. Arslan's friends ask him not to panic, there is a problem, it is in the process of being resolved, and talk and scandals will not help.

freedom of speech

In general, everything revolves around two topics:
1. Was Arslan’s death an accident or a deliberate suicide against the backdrop of protracted depression from unhappy love?
2. Who will get the collection of expensive and extremely dangerous snakes and what will the new owner do with this collection: sell it for big money, continue Arslan’s work, or sacrifice it to science?

Hundreds of thousands of comments, sometimes very aggressive... Opposite opinions, but they come down to one of the sides I indicated in the very wording of the question. People are either black or white...

I still can’t believe that Arslan Valeev died from a black mamba bite. Yes, I didn’t know him, I never talked or corresponded, but for a whole year I watched at least one video a week with his participation, at least 2-3 live broadcasts a month. When I first found out about his death the night before yesterday, my first thought was: “Come on, this is fake! Allegedly, “death” on air is a risky, but bold way to attract subscribers.” Then I looked at the recording of that terrible stream and a second thought came: “Lord, please, let it be fake, let us in a day, two, a month, find out that it was a brilliant acting and laugh at the effect produced.” Yesterday I spent the whole day racking my brains over the first question I formulated, today – over the second.

I sat down to write this post and was sure that by the end of writing I would definitely be able to answer both of these questions, or rather, formulate my personal opinion. And so I finish the post and I don’t care at all why Arslan allowed the mamba to bite and where his numerous snakes will be sent.

The man is gone. Good/bad, right/wrong - it doesn't matter. Just a week ago he was uploading videos, posting photos and responding to comments, and then he practically died live: in front of hundreds of people. How scary this is, Lord! This is how you watch an entertaining video and see how your breathing gradually slows down, your eyes roll back, your hands cramp...

Bloggers of various sizes have already started making videos so as not to miss trend "Arslan Valeev bite mamba stream". Some call him Valiev, some Arsen... People spend tens of minutes analyzing the views and behavior of this or that participant in history, expressing fake condolences to their relatives (who, I’m sure, are especially fond of the semi-literate aunt from Nerezinovsk with 3 thousand subscribers painted like a circus clown) and they cannot even remember and correctly write the name of the person they are talking about.

Meanwhile, the person is no longer there. No, well, we will all die someday. And it’s not a fact that from illness or old age, it could be planned or by accident. Did Arslan understand what he was doing and how he looked in the eyes of the audience? Did the viewers participating in that ill-fated stream, who watched it in real time and not in the recording, understand what was happening? Do we, people, understand that some of the most terrible predictions of science fiction writers have become reality: people are dying on screens, live, before our eyes...

PS: Science and technology have developed at a particularly rapid pace in the last 25 years. According to statistics, this rise will continue for some time, and then there will be a sharp decline, a crisis. So how many more new technologies will enter our lives during this rise? How many more people will we know and love without ever meeting or interacting with them? In what ways will our friends and acquaintances communicate with us in 10-20 years: by the power of thought, by scanning the retina, or by electronic encrypted protocols? How many

Russian blogger died live from a black mamba bite

Still from video

Russian video blogger-serpentologist Arslan Valeev, known for his public page about big wild cats BobCat TV and the video channel about snakes and other reptiles “Exotarium”, died from the bite of a poisonous snake. Information about this appeared in the “Private Exotarium” group.

The incident occurred on the night of September 23rd live on the channel on YouTube. Valeev was hospitalized. He died this afternoon, writes

The incident was preceded by a loud quarrel between Valeev and his ex-wife due to jealousy. The girl reported on her Instagram about the attack: the blogger tracked her down and beat her, as evidenced by the medical documents posted by her ex-wife.

After the ex-wife’s statement, instead of posts about cats, revealing posts began to appear on the BobCat TV public page about the infidelities of the blogger’s ex-wife. The negative reaction of subscribers forced Valeev to take back the accusations of cheating on his former companion and publicly apologize.

Nevertheless, the ex-wife decided not to return to Valeev. Then, during his last stream, in front of thousands of viewers, he provoked a deadly snake to sting his hand.

Valeev’s acquaintances, who were watching what was happening through the streaming window, called an ambulance. The blogger was taken to the hospital in critical condition and put into an artificial coma for medical procedures, but it was not possible to save him.