What does error code 6 mean? Other ways to correct the error. Problems with RAM

Unarc.dll returned an error code. Very often, an error occurs at the stage of unpacking the archive during the installation of games or programs. Unarc.dll is the archiver library. Therefore, before all other actions, we recommend installing the latest version WinRAR archivers or 7Zip.

Unarc.dll returned error code -1

Full error text: ERROR: archive data corrupted (decompression files)

Unpacking was interrupted due to the archive being damaged. The installation file was probably downloaded with errors. This often occurs when downloading installation files via torrent.

Unarc.dll returned error code -2 and -3

First of all, install latest versions WinRAR or 7Zip archivers. Above are links to official sites. Next try:

Unarc.dll returned error code -4

Full text of the error: Not found, if you have this error, please attach a screenshot in the comments.

To fix error code four, you must enable DEP technology for the installation file. By default, DEP technology is enabled only for programs and Windows services. But you need to enable this technology for other programs and add the game installation file to the list.

Read more in the article at the link

Unarc.dll returned error code -5

Error code five is due to insufficient memory during unpacking. Free up space on your hard drive to continue installation. Please note the minimum system requirements in terms of space on the HDD, plus space for temporary unpacking is still needed, approximately +50%, and ideally +100%. For example, if a game requires 5GB of hard drive space, you must have at least 7.5GB for installation free space.

Unarc.dll returned error code -6

Full text: ERROR: can't open file C:\Program Files\Skyrim\data1.bin

After checking hard drive repeat the installation again.

Unarc.dll returned error code -7

Error seven occurs due to archive corruption. It was probably not fully completed.

Unarc.dll returned error code -8

Full text: An error occurred while unpacking: Required Features are not supported by the library!

Unarc.dll returned error code -11

Full text: Unable to write data to disk. ERROR: file write operation failed

First, make sure that the path where the game is installed does not contain Russian characters. Usually error code six is ​​caused by problems with the hard drive. Try installing the application on a different drive. If this is not possible, check the HDD for errors. There are both built-in and third-party programs for this.

The error may also be due to insufficient paging file size. It is necessary to specify in the paging file settings to automatically select the volume.
To do this, run the sysdm.cpl command. Start - Run, type sysdm.cpl and click OK.
In the window that appears, go to the Advanced tab - then “Options”
Next step: Advanced - Edit.
In the window that appears, check the box “Automatically select the size of the paging file”, then OK.

The problem may also be due to the fact that the username is written in Russian letters. And as a result, the temporary directory for unpacking contains Russian characters, for example: C:\Users\ Eugene\AppData\Local\Temp
To solve the problem, you need to change the location of the temporary directory to another one. How to do this, see

Unarc.dll returned error code -12

Full error text: ERROR: file C:\Program Files\GTA\data1.bin failed CRC check

The problem occurred due to incorrect archiving. Most often the problem occurs when installing repacks or mods. Install another version.

Unarc.dll returned error code -13

Full error text: ERROR: wrong password

  1. The password for the archive is not specified or is specified incorrectly
  2. If the game is pirated, make sure that in the folder with installation file there is a crack or tablet

Unarc.dll returned error code -14

Full error text: ERROR: this is not FreeArc archive or this archive is corrupt

Check if all files have been downloaded. If you downloaded by torrent, try recalculating or updating the hash. The hash is intended to verify the integrity of files. To do this, click on download right click and click "Recalculate hash". .

If the above tips did not help you or you solved the problem in another way, write in the comments on our website.

Those who like to download hacked games and programs from torrents, called RePacks, may encounter the error “Unarc.dll returned error code - 6”. By the way, the number in this message can be absolutely any, from 1 to 12, this does not change the essence, The cause is always the same. This article will talk about how to fix it. this error to produce normal installation downloaded application.

What is causing the error?

Before discussing ways to eliminate the error "Unarc.dll returned error code - 6", it is worth understanding the reason for its occurrence. And it's quite simple. An error occurs while unpacking the archive and the process cannot be completed. It can be caused by various reasons, but most often the reason is the lack of the necessary archiver on the computer or its version. This phenomenon can be very easily corrected, which will be discussed below, but there are also so-called critical errors that cannot be corrected.

Critical error

You should immediately indicate a critical error. If you have it, then you should see a line in the message that contains the words filed CRC check. Unfortunately, it cannot be corrected in any way. That is, you will not be able to install a game or program by manipulating the computer. However, there is one way that can help. In the article he comes first in order, so if you find that you have a critical error, contact him.

Not a critical error

But along with critical error, there is also a non-critical one, and, fortunately, it happens more often than the first. To understand that this is it, you need to look at the line that comes after “Unarc.dll return error code - 6”, it should say: file read operation failed. If you see it, it means that one of the following methods will help you fix it. But it is also worth paying attention to the fact that they must be performed in the order specified - this will increase the chance of success. And some of them only work in conjunction with others, so read the instructions carefully and try not to miss anything.

Remedy No. 1: when the archive is damaged

So, it’s time to start talking about ways to eliminate the error “Unarc.dll returned error code - 6”. Now we will tell you how to fix the error if it is related to damaged archive. By the way, this method can help if a critical error occurs.

The fact is that in some cases you can download an archive that is “broken”. Moreover, it can be damaged both during loading and be damaged from the very beginning. In this case, there will be no way to install the game or program, and only downloading a new RePack will help.

Remedy No. 2: installing archivers

It was already said above that the more common cause of the error is the lack of the necessary archiver that would be able to work with the format contained in RePack itself. The fact is that many authors who make these archives use “exotic” archiving methods to reduce their weight as much as possible. The solution to “Unarc.dll returned error code - 6” in this case is quite simple. You need to download and install the latest versions of two archivers on your computer: 7-Zip and WinRar. After installing them, the error should disappear.

Remedy No. 3: disabling antivirus and other security elements

Although the presented error occurs due to the lack of the necessary archivers, this is not the only reason. And the installation third party programs can't always help. Sometimes the cause is an antivirus or other means Windows protection. Now we will tell you how to fix “Unarc.dll returned error code - 6” if the antivirus is to blame.

If you installed an antivirus from third party manufacturer, then check on the website how to disable it. If you use " Windows Defender", then enter the control panel, go to the appropriate section and disable protection in the settings. You can also disable the firewall in the control panel - it can also cause an error. By the way, after installing the game or program, the protection tools can be turned back on.

Remedy No. 4: obtaining rights

You have disabled the antivirus, but what to do with “Unarc.dll return error code - 6” if this message still appears. Now we will look at a fairly simple method to fix this problem. As stated at the beginning of the article, some methods are better used in conjunction with others, this is just such a case - use it with the previous one.

So, disable system protection and try running the installer with administrator rights. That is, right-click on it and click on “Run as administrator”.

Remedy #5: Increase swap volume

Unfortunately, the solution to the problem is not always as simple as in the previous case. The error may occur due to the small size of the paging file. Fortunately, you can increase it at any time. Now let's figure out how to do this.

    Open system properties by right-clicking on the “My Computer” shortcut and selecting “Properties”.

    In the left panel, click " Extra options systems".

    In the window that appears, go to the "Advanced" section.

    Enter performance settings.

    Go to the "Advanced" section.

    Click on "Edit".

Now in the window that appears, you need to check the first item, select the disk with the paging file and specify maximum size, equal to your RAM, then save the changes.

Remedy No. 6: increasing RAM

Unfortunately, solving the error “Unarc.dll returned error code - 6” may simply be impossible using the tools of the operating system itself. Sometimes intervention in the system unit is necessary. The fact is that there may not be enough RAM for correct unpacking; in this case, only increasing it will help. But it is recommended to purchase this type memory only if all other methods have not helped you.

Remedy No. 7: replacing library files

Finally, you can try to replace the dynamic libraries themselves, which are used during the installation process. You need to change ISDone together with Unarc. This can be done as easily as possible:

    Go online and download the libraries of the same name to your computer.

    Move the downloaded files to the path C:\Windows\System32 or C:\Windows\SysWOW64, depending on the bitness of your system.

    Press Win+R.

    Run the command regsvr32 isdone.dll and regsvr32 unarc.dll.

Perhaps after these manipulations the problem will disappear.

After downloading an archive containing the installer of a game, a message appears indicating that the archive is damaged: “Unarc.dll returned an error code...” A similar failure occurs during installation after unpacking performed using the Inno installer.

The error code can be indicated by a number from 1 to 14. But the archive may be in order. Let's consider different reasons errors and ways to fix them.

If you are a gamer, then you may sometimes encounter unarc.dll errors.

The message “unarc dll returned error code 1” indicates problems unpacking the archive. Usually in this case, unpacking on another device is carried out without complications. The following options are possible:

  1. The problem occurs due to the presence of a defender on the PC, which blocks the unpacking of the archive and the launch of the game/program. Therefore, you just need to disable the defender. Done this way:
  • In Control Panel, search for Windows Defender.
  • After launching the defender, go to the “Options” button.
  • Disable the defender in the "Real-time protection" section.

Another antivirus may also block the program. Disable your antivirus temporarily, but remember that you will be putting your PC at risk.

  1. The archive was damaged during download.

It is possible to check its integrity in Total program Commander. Go to “File”, click on “Check Archive”. If the program shows an error, download the file you need from another location.

Code 6

This error most often appears during the installation process of a program/game. If you receive the message “unarc dll returned error code 6,” please note that the cause is usually the hard drive. Check by copying the file to another medium (flash drive, disk). If the transfer is successful, it means that the problem is in your computer - its hard drive. We fix it by following the steps of the algorithm:

  • Run command line. When activating, select run as administrator.
  • Enter “Chkdsk C: /F /R” into the command line - if the file system is FAT, Chkdsk C: /F /R /B if file system NTFS.
  • Pressing "Enter" will run the command. Please note that checking and correcting the disc will take up to 5 hours.

When extracting from the archive and installing repacks pirated versions video games and computer programs users encounter unarc.dll library errors. This problem is common among gamers and appears on computers with Windows 7 and 8. The error code may be different, the main thing you should pay attention to is the notification text in the sign. If you see such an error, do not rush to download Repack games again or from another source, even if you see a message that the archive cannot be unpacked because it is damaged. In fact, there is a 99% chance that everything is fine with the game or program files. Here the matter is different. And to figure it out, you need to pay attention not to the error code, but to the message after ERROR.

This is how the error is described in this screenshot:

If the description contains the words “failed CRC Check”, it means that the downloaded archive actually has errors (it is damaged and cannot be unpacked). What to do in such a situation is clear: download the assembly from another site and unpack it. And if the error description contains the words “decompression failed” (see screenshot below the text), everything is fine with the archive and we look for the problem on the computer.

If you see in the notification sign that “unarc dll returns error code 7,” it means that your computer does not have the archiver program necessary to unpack the game files. Often such errors occur when installing pirated versions of programs and computer games. Licensed assemblies contain all the necessary libraries, since the developers do not set themselves the goal of reducing the size of the archive with files. Also during assembly official games and programs are archived using proven file packers and unpackers. But when creating repacks, “pirates” often archive games with large volumes non-standard archivers, characterized by a high degree of compression. Most often used:

Loading universal program archiving or new build games solves the library problem unarc.dll in 92% of cases. And the remaining 8% is individual problems. If the methods we suggested did not help you, look for a specific reason. Let's look at them in more detail.

Cyrillic in the folder name

This is one of the most common installation problems, by the way. computer game. If the folder where you install a game or program contains Russian letters, errors may occur during installation or startup.

The solution in this situation is simple - write the English name of the game and reinstall it. Perhaps this will solve the problem with installation or startup.

Incorrectly configured pagefile.sys (Windows swap file)

You should look for the cause of the error in the OS swap file. This system file may be incorrectly configured (insufficient in size) or missing from the system altogether (you deleted it for some reason). When you unpack a game that is too large, the system uses RAM and page file resources. If the volume is too small, you will see a “decompression failed” error message. There is only one way out - configure pagefile.sys.

To do this, click on Win+R and enter in the window next command: sysdm.cpl

On the "Advanced" tab, go to "Options":

From there, go to the “Advanced” tab, where you need to select the “ Virtual memory" To change its parameters, click on the corresponding button. You will see a window:

The volume for the paging file is selected in automatic mode, as evidenced by the checkbox next to the corresponding item. Uncheck this box and select a disk location for the paging file. It is advisable not to post it on system disk. It will be optimal if the paging file is placed where there is the most free space. Now we need to specify its size. It should be equal to the amount of RAM. Once you have decided on the size, click on the appropriate button to change its parameters. Save your settings.

RAM (random access memory)

This reason is rare. Possibly due to a library error unarc.dll caused by a malfunction of one of the RAM sticks. To check this version, use two options. The first one is not fast, inconvenient and not suitable for untrained users. First, remove all RAM modules, and then turn on one at a time and check whether the archive with the game or program is unpacked.

The second option is faster and more reliable. To check RAM modules you can use special utilities. We recommend for experienced users. Beginners can test RAM like this:

Click Start and write “Diagnose computer memory problems.” Clicking on the icon will open a window:


Library downloaded to PC unarc.dll will not solve the problem, perhaps it will only change the error code number. If the methods we have discussed do not work, there is only one way out - to reinstall the system.

Gamers often encounter the message “An error occurred while unpacking unarc.dll.” It occurs in various operating rooms. Windows systems and says that it is not possible to open the archive with the game or other applications. Often the error is accompanied additional information. Let's look at the main cases, causes of the error, and also determine how to fix it later in this article.

If the error states the reason “failed CRC Check”, this means that the archive file is damaged. In this case, all that remains is to look for the working file. The addition to the error “decompression failed” indicates reasons related to the user’s computer. It is possible that your computer does not have an archiver that works with this format. Moreover, the creators of “repacks” of games and programs often use special formats and programs for the archive. Most often this is RAR, with the ability to unpack using SFX, 7-ZIP with special algorithms archiving ppmd, dcj2, delta, lzma2, FreeArc with unpacking via SFX and others.

Troubleshooting unarc.dll error

First of all, the user needs to download and install a universal archiver on his computer - 7-ZIP. This can be done on the official website of the program https://www.7-zip.org/download.html. Here you will need to select your operating system and its architecture. It works with almost all types of archives.

When installing a problematic game or application, you must carefully select the installation path. It should not contain Cyrillic, that is, Russian letters. The entire path must consist only of Latin characters or numbers. For example, when installing DotA2 in the Games folder, an error will occur. Try canceling the installation, rename the folder to "Game" or something similar to English language and run the installation again.

Replacing the unarc.dll file

If an error occurs during unpacking the archive, unarc.dll returned error code 11 (1, 7, 12, 6, 14, 8),” you must try to replace the file dynamic library and register it in system registry. To do this, you need to download another unarc.dll file from the link https://www.dll.ru/files/search/unarc.dll.

  1. After downloading the file we need, open the folder where it is located and copy it.
  2. Open system Windows folder, then find 2 folders: System32 and SysWOW The file must be inserted into both of these folders.
  3. Launch Command Prompt by pressing WIN+R. In it, enter the following characters “regsvr32 unarc.dll” and press enter.
  4. Restart your computer.

Try running the application with which you were experiencing the error again.

The cause of the error is RAM

Errors during installation and in other cases occur not only due to software reasons. If one of the RAM modules (or the only one) fails, then you will observe various errors when starting or installing programs. Therefore it needs to be checked. This can be done manually.

  1. Open the inspection cover system unit computer.
  2. Find perpendicular installed boards random access memory. Most often they are located near the main processor cooler.
  3. If there are 2 or more strips, you need to remove them all, then insert them into the socket one by one and check for errors. In this case, it is necessary to interact with computer parts with your hands when the power supply is turned off.

If all the strips turned out to be working, let's move on to another method. It consists of checking the availability of computer device drivers. To do this we need to launch Device Manager. You can enter a query in the search bar by clicking the Start button. Open the list of devices and view all items. If there are any problems with the device driver or the driver needs updating, you can see next to it Exclamation point in a yellow frame. If you find such an icon, right-click on it and select the “Update drivers” context menu item.

Other methods to resolve unarc.dll errors

The installation process may be interfered with by Windows Defender and Firewall. Therefore, they need to be disabled, perhaps temporarily.

  1. Open Settings (Windows1, 10). You can find the item by clicking the “Start” button and selecting the gear icon.
  2. Find "Security" (System and Security) here.
  3. Select Windows Firewall and deactivate it.
  4. Next you need to find the “Updates and Security” item. Here, open Windows Defender and select Security Center again.
  5. On the left side of the panel (Windows 10), select the shield icon.
  6. Find real-time protection and disable it.

If additional antivirus software is installed software, then it must also be disabled. Almost all programs have special functions turning off real-time screens for a while. They can be found through the panel quick access(near the volume control and clock). Disable all security on your computer for a while and try installing the application again. The error when unzipping the unarc.dll file should disappear.

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