How to write to a Chinese person that the goods have not arrived. How to write a message to the seller on Aliexpress? Standard phrases for negative reviews

You can place orders on the Aliexpress platform without communicating with the seller. This applies to those cases when everything is clear in the characteristics of the product, there are no delays in sending the parcel, and the track is tracked. If you have any questions or problems, the first thing to do is contact the seller via private messages. This method of communication is preferable, since in the event of disputes, correspondence acts as evidence. Let's look at the most popular questions that require contact with the seller.

What to write when ordering goods on Aliexpress

The first case is the most common. Product descriptions on the site may be inaccurate or incomplete. The following product categories often require clarification:

  • clothes, shoes- size, color, material;
  • electronics- equipment, product characteristics;
  • sale- Availability.

You can write a message to the seller as follows. There is a “send message” icon in the product card:

Click and you will be taken to the following form:

We leave our message in the “message” field.

List of standard questions that you can ask the seller when ordering:

  • Can I get additional product photos?
  • My parameters are such and such, what size should I choose?
  • Please send the product manufacturer's label with detailed characteristics.
  • Is this product in stock (can you specify a specific color or size here)?
  • What is included in the product package?
  • Can I get a copy of the warranty card? (for high-tech lots)

If it is indicated that the item is sold wholesale, but you really liked it, you can write a message to the seller:

“Can I purchase this item at retail? What will the cost be in this case?

Perhaps, on the contrary, you are a wholesale buyer? Then when ordering you should ask:

“If I order such and such a number of units of goods, can I count on some discount?”

You can also contact the seller if you need the item to be in the manufacturer's box. This is usually carried out for an additional fee, since delivery will be more expensive:

If you want the seller to send the package via a specific postal service, you can ask the following:

“Can you send an order by EMS (DHL or any other)? What will the cost be?”

What to write to the seller if there are problems with the delivery of goods?

You must write to the seller if your package:

  • not tracked;
  • is in the shipping stage for a long time;
  • did not arrive at the specified delivery time.

Advice: do not immediately open a dispute, try to negotiate with the seller directly first.

The first situation is very common on Aliexpress. The specified track numbers may not be tracked at all, or only in Russia (this depends on the delivery method):

Some unscrupulous sellers deliberately provide incorrect tracking numbers.

Attention! Usually the parcel begins to be tracked 10 days after dispatch.

The second case is not too critical. Buyer protection provides a maximum period for sending the parcel after receiving payment of 7 days. You should write questions if you want urgent (1-2 days) shipment of the product.

List of questions regarding product delivery:

  • The specified track number is not tracked. Is it correct?
  • My package is still in the "awaiting shipping" stage. When can you send it?
  • I still haven't received my parcel. Please provide information about her whereabouts.

In what other cases can you write to the seller on Aliexpress?

If there were no problems with the delivery of the parcel, and the purchased product corresponds to the description, you can write a thank you note to the seller. If you are planning further cooperation with this store, this will give you an additional bonus in terms of receiving a discount. There is also a high chance that you will receive a small gift with your next order from this seller.

Message options:

  • Thank you for your cooperation, I am satisfied with my order!
  • You are a true professional! Very fast delivery and excellent quality.
  • It was a pleasure to work with you, I will order more.

Aliexpress has unspoken rules for conducting correspondence:

  • communication is conducted in English;
  • you need to start the dialogue with a greeting;
  • end the question with a wish for a good day.

If you do not speak English, use an online translator.

Many people don’t know how to communicate with him. Therefore, here are the complete instructions - how to contact the seller with Aliexpress?

How to contact the seller with Aliexpress and ask questions?

Now we will look at how to write to the seller in Aliexpress. This can be done in two cases.

The first is when you are just looking for a product and would like to learn more about it from the seller. So, open the page with the product and scroll down a little, to where the description is. This is where we will find the SEND MESSAGE button:

Click on it and this form will open:

Everything is simple here: write your message and send. You can also add a file, for example, if you want to ask if there is a similar product as in the photo you sent.

Now the second case: how to contact the seller on Aliexpress if the product has already been ordered? My orders:

Here we can see the entire history of our orders on the trading platform. Opposite each one there is a button write to the seller:

Select the order for which you have questions and click write, a dialogue page with the seller opens:

In what language should I write to the seller from Aliexpress?

Many people are interested in the question: what language should Chinese write in? If you know English or Chinese, you can scroll through this topic.

Although not all Chinese themselves know English, much less Russian... They use translators for correspondence, why don’t we use them? In general, Aliexpress made an automatic translation and it seems to me that the sellers also have it:

As you can see, I write in Russian and don’t worry. The seller is interested in selling his product. If anything, he himself will find a way to translate your message.

Try to write short phrases so that the poor guy doesn’t have to translate your participial phrases with a bunch of introductory words and constructions :)

How to communicate with the seller on Aliexpress?

In addition, in what language to write to the seller, many are interested: in what form should I communicate with the seller? How to address him as YOU or YOU?

The Chinese are very good-natured people, so be friendly and polite:) Write short phrases calling him friend or dear friend. Here is a list of words and phrases with which you can start a conversation with an Aliexpress seller:

  1. Hello!
  2. Hello dear Friend!
  3. Hi, friend!

Don't forget to thank the seller for the information provided and wish you a good day :)

Sometimes the seller may not understand you the first time, but be patient and try to formulate the idea as clearly as possible. If you respect others, you will be treated with respect.

How to send a photo to the seller on Aliexpress in a message?

I already wrote above how to send a photo to the seller on Aliexpress. You can attach a file from your computer under the message in the dialog:

These can be images in the following formats: jpg, png, jpeg, gif and bmp. Also, the file can weigh no more than 5 megabytes.

How to add a seller to the blacklist on Aliexpress?

Let's imagine a situation where the seller deceived you or simply bothered you with his messages. On Ali you have the right to add him to the blacklist. To do this, go to MY ALIEXPRESS/MESSAGE CENTER:

Find the necessary correspondence with the seller who did not please you and click on the text of the message. Your dialogue with him will open, and at the top you can see a button Black list:

Click on it and the seller will go to emergency situations. He will no longer be able to send you messages. To unblock a seller, in the MESSAGE CENTER menu, select SETTINGS/Blacklist and unblock the desired one.

By the way, if suddenly you were seriously offended, you can post your complaint on the AliTrust website and, more likely, this seller’s sales will immediately decrease.

To avoid falling into the clutches of scammers, learn.

If you are interested in any question about a product on AliExpress, you need to write it to the seller. This is very easy to do, even without knowing a foreign language. In this article you will learn how to write to the seller on AliExpress.

In what language should I write to the seller on AliExpress?

Most often, many are interested in what language to write to the seller on AliExpress. And this is logical, because this trading platform is Chinese, which means that the sellers on it are from China, and few people know their native language.

To our great joy, the vast majority of sellers communicate in English. Some even write in Russian. But not every buyer knows English either.

Now there are a whole lot of programs and online translators. For example, I use a translator from Yandex. Write Russian text into it, copy the translation into English and send this message to the seller. When you receive a response from the seller in English, you also copy the message and paste it into the translator.

Yes, such translators are not ideal. Sometimes they translate words slightly distorted. But don’t worry, Chinese sellers, most often, also write in broken English. You can even make jokes about their Russian style. But this doesn’t matter, because in this way, even without knowing English, you can write to the seller on AliExpress and state the essence of your problem.

If for some reason you cannot use such a translator, then you should write to the seller on AliExpress in your native language. Most likely the seller will translate your message himself. But in most cases, you will still receive an answer in English.

What should I write to the seller on AliExpress?

Every time you place an order, it is advisable to write to the seller on AliExpress. Even when you have no questions or wishes. Don't know what to write? It's simple:

  • It is worth asking about the availability of the product in the desired color, size, and other parameters. Sometimes a product is out of stock, but this information has not yet arrived on the product description page. This happens extremely rarely, but it is better to clarify this issue.
  • If you are updating your wardrobe on AliExpress, be sure to consult the seller about choosing a size, even if you know how to use the size chart yourself.
  • When there is no option to choose the color, shape, material of the product when purchasing, you should write to the seller on AliExpress about your wishes.
  • If the material of the product is important to you (for example, that cotton is 100% cotton), ask the seller a question about this. Sometimes errors are made in the product description due to inaccurate translation, so you should be on the safe side.
  • Always bargain for price, conditions, bonuses. You can and should always write to sellers on AliExpress about this.

By the way, in addition to discounts from the seller, you can save on every purchase using cashback (what is aliexpress cashback?). I recommend you the wonderful and reliable cashback service Epn CashBack.

How to write to the seller on AliExpress before ordering?

There are several ways to write to the seller on AliExpress before ordering:

How to write to the seller on AliExpress after placing an order?

You can write to the seller on AliExpress after completing the order. For example, you need to ask to extend the buyer protection time or clarify some other issue. This is also very easy to do.

Go to the “My Orders” section. In the menu of each order there will be a link “Message to seller”. Click on it to write to the seller after completing the order.

You will be taken to a page with the entire history of messages with the seller for this order. At the bottom of the page there will be a feedback form already familiar from previous photographs. Use it to contact the seller.

As you can see, writing to the seller on AliExpress is very easy. So feel free to write to the selected sellers with any questions. If this article was useful to you, subscribe to site updates and learn a lot more new information. Happy shopping!

Good morning, dear gentlemen. I'm glad to see you on the blog.

Aliexpress is a cunning scheme where it is not only possible, but necessary to write questions to the seller, because it is he who must answer all your questions, otherwise you will order the wrong thing, and then return the money to him, and send you the goods back.

Therefore, you need to ask questions and write comments on the order, and the seller must answer them. Another thing is that the Chinese “brother” does not always answer your questions, but more on that below.

In this article, I propose to consider the following points:

  • How to write a message, we will consider several options.
  • What to write and in what language.
  • What to do if what you wrote is not sent or errors occur.
  • My order is not being sent, what should I do?
  • How to ask for a discount?

How to write a message to the seller on Aliexpress?

Dear, to do these actions you must be a registered user, in addition, log in under your profile.

First let's find out where I can send messages.

I found a way to find contacts for questions.

As you already understand, there are 2 methods of communicating with the seller.

Great, you know where to write. Now you need to know...

What should I write to the seller on Aliexpress and in what language?

Attention! The language for communication is English. NOT RUSSIAN, NOT CHINESE, only English.

I'll just give a few examples of typical questions that are asked. With the help of a small constructor, you can easily ask a question.


  • Hi -Hi
  • Good day
  • Good morning - Morning)
  • Hello - Hello
  • Can you help me? Could you help me?
  • Tell me please. Say me, please.
  • Is there a size larger? Do you have a larger size?
  • Is there a size smaller? Do you have a smaller size?
  • I want a different color. I'd like another color.
  • I want to return my purchase and get my money back. I’d like to return the purchase and get a refund.
  • Do you have anything cheaper? Haven't you cheaper anything?
  • I’d like to change this for a different size.
  • Can I get a discount? Could I have a discount?

I won’t turn everything into an English lesson; if so, Google Translator will help you.

Understand the important thing - you should roughly write what you want in broken English. On the other end is a person for whom English is just as foreign a language. And he will probably answer you too.

What to write for a discount on Aliexpress?

Let's say you saw the seller's price clearly lower yesterday, but today the price is higher, ask to sell at yesterday's price.

You can promise the seller to charge a lot, but now you need a trial batch. Say that you will buy 10 units of the product every month, but now you only need one unit for testing. (Of course, write this only if you will actually buy such a product; deception is not good).

In the end, write that you really want this product, but are ready to buy it at a lower price. Please indicate how much.

Try to bargain - this works especially with young sellers.

How can I see what I have written?

Depending on where you wrote. In an online chat, everything is simple, open it and see the “clock” icon - this is the history of correspondence, and it is also possible to switch between sellers.

What to do if the message is not sent?

  • A technical error. It's worth waiting and sending again.
  • Message in native language. English language accepted.
  • Text length is up to 3,000 characters.
  • Attached pictures no more than 5 MB Jpeg, Png, Gif, Jpg, Bmp.
  • Your browser settings that prevent scripts from working. These can be installed browser add-ons, various Ad-Blocks, and antiviruses. Try turning them off.

I think I answered all the typical questions that plague most people. But you may have your own special question. Ask it in the comments.

Thank you for visiting my blog.

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Previously, we have already touched upon the topic of disputes in detail on, we hope you will not come to this, but still, moments often arise when it becomes necessary to find out some details regarding delivery, order tracking, or simply clarify the technical characteristics of a product, which one way or another involves communication between the buyer and the store. Therefore, this time we’ll talk about how to contact the seller on AliExpress.

Before making a purchase, the user, by entering into a correspondence, can clarify all the details that concern him - the quality of materials, color, request more detailed photographs, expanded specifications and even.

After successful payment, by writing a message to the seller on AliExpress, you can always agree on more reliable packaging of the goods in order to avoid unnecessary mechanical damage during transportation. This advice is especially relevant for parcels whose contents are of some value. Most often, the Chinese make concessions without any questions and help resolve any current situation, and they usually do it for free.

How to write to the seller in AliExpress before ordering

If you are just planning to make a purchase, but you are suddenly tormented by certain doubts or questions, then of course you are interested in how to write to the seller on AliExpress before ordering, and this is done in literally a couple of minutes.

Of course, it’s not worth making threats at every opportunity, but for many stores the mention of a dispute is the decisive trigger that encourages action. By the way, after, almost all parcels without exception must be sent as a registered shipment type, with the ability to be tracked right up to the moment of delivery, and not as it was before - there seems to be a track code, but the movement statuses are visible only within the territory of China, therefore there is no point in all this was zero.

How to write to the seller in AliExpress that the package has not arrived

Before you write to the seller in AliExpress that the package has not arrived, you should familiarize yourself with the average delivery times, specifically for the postal service that sent the goods. In addition, always monitor and, if necessary, extend it.

On average, the overwhelming number of orders from China arrive within 20-30 days. If you do not take into account international holidays and congestion at sorting points, on the occasion of the next sales. True, there are exceptions; low-cost shipping options can delay receipt by 40-50 days. After waiting the promised time and not receiving the goods, you can write the following:

Hello, I was waiting for my order 30 days, but the parcel never came, the track code is not updated now. What should I do for this situation?

Most often, they will offer you to extend the protection time and wait a little longer, but agree to this if you are really sure that the parcel was actually sent, the track code was perfectly tracked and suddenly there was a delay, otherwise they will offer you this endlessly.

Remember, in the vast majority of cases, all shipments generally arrive in no more than 50 days, hopes of receiving your order later are very illusory, so do not miss the moment to contact the seller on AliExpress in time and resolve the situation at the stage when something is possible fix it.

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