How can a company pay less for electricity? Why are my electricity bills so high? how to pay less for light - details

Light / Energy Saving

Few people want to pay for light. What seemingly respectable citizens will go to great lengths to save on energy resources. All of the above methods took place, but we do not recommend repeating them, except perhaps for the last one. Everything else is a clear violation of the law, and some technologies are downright deadly.

Electricity theft. Method 1

Some residents are not looking difficult paths and, in order not to pay for electricity, they simply remove the meters. When asked by the management company, “Where did the meter go?” they answer “stolen”. To the question “when will you install new ones?” They answer “no money, bet it yourself.” Sometimes companies are not very eager to install meters themselves or delay it, and residents, rejoicing, pay the average tariff.

Electricity theft. Method 2

Place a magnet on all meters. “Craftsmen” claim that if you install a strong magnet, the meter will wind in the opposite direction. Those who are especially conscientious place a weak bet, and the counter just spins much more slowly. This is a very popular way to save electricity at the end of the last century. In addition to magnets, they inserted all sorts of things into the counters—broom rods, pieces of mica, and even... forks. All so that this “shaitan device” spins more slowly and saves money in your pocket. Some people inserted old photographic film or a guitar string under the glass of the meter, designed to jam the disk.

Electricity theft. Method 3

At a time when the wires of high-voltage power lines were not yet covered with insulation, many citizens connected to them using simple devices. For example, wires were wound around an ordinary stick, a hook was made from a bent nail at the end, and this whole simple structure was thrown onto a high-voltage line.

Electricity theft. Method 4

Why waste “your” electricity if you can borrow it from your neighbors? Electrical experts managed to connect even a number of commercial enterprises to public meters. Punishable? Certainly. But we warned about extreme methods.

Electricity theft: crime and punishment

“Communal” tricks are commented by the head of the NP “Association of Independent Lawyers of Smolensk” Oleg Rabushenko:

— For the theft of electricity in our country there is both administrative and criminal liability. As Article 7.19 of the Code of Administrative Offenses states, unauthorized connection to electrical networks threatens a citizen with an administrative fine of one and a half to two thousand rubles, officials with a fine of three to four thousand rubles, and legal entities with a fine, but in the amount of thirty to forty. thousand rubles.

If, as a result of secret manipulations with wires or a meter, the owner suffered damage in excess of two hundred and fifty thousand rubles, then a citizen who used unaccounted kilowatts for his own needs risks getting a criminal record. After all, his actions are qualified under Part 1 of Article 165 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation as “causing property damage to the owner or other possessor of property by deception or abuse of trust in the absence of signs of theft, committed on a large scale.” In this case, criminal sanctions go far beyond one and a half thousand rubles; such an act is punishable by a fine in the amount of up to three hundred thousand rubles or in the amount of the wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years. Or forced labor for a term of up to two years with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year. Either by imprisonment for a term of up to two years with a fine of up to eighty thousand rubles, or in the amount of wages, or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to six months, or without it, and with or without restriction of freedom for a term of up to one year.

Regardless of what type of punishment the court chooses for a person, the offender will fully feel the consequences of financial liability to the owner of the “stolen” electricity, who has the right to demand a recalculation of electricity charges. This means that you will have to pay a very significant amount, clearly exceeding the amount of the “benefit” received.

A couple of legal but unexpected ways to save on electricity

In addition to turning off the lights and all electrical appliances in the apartment, some even turn off door bell when they leave home, and also Digital Watch when they go to bed.

Saving on a refrigerator. As you know, a refrigerator consumes a lot of energy. It is clear that it needs to be defrosted periodically. But something else is interesting: some experienced hoarders place it in the coldest place in the house - on the balcony. Eureka!

And soon you will notice that the money spent on its installation will easily justify itself. Such a meter takes into account electricity consumption depending on the time of day. As a rule, at night the price of consumed electricity drops by almost half, and due to this, electricity bills are ultimately reduced. The effect will be greater the more electricity you consume at night.

When planning your equipment purchases, try to pay attention to the energy efficiency class and characteristics. Best performance and devices of classes “A”, “AA” and “AAA” have lower energy consumption. The cost of such goods will significantly justify itself in use. Choose the dimensions of household appliances that match the size of your home. Use the “economy” mode when using all appliances in your home. When going to wash, always load the machine full. Only if heavily soiled, choose high temperature washing.

Remember not to install refrigeration appliances near heat sources. This will make the device work in enhanced mode, which will lead to unnecessary costs electricity. Avoid unnecessary opening and do not place objects with temperatures above room temperature inside.

Turn off unused electrical appliances in a timely manner: TV, computer and lighting. Office equipment - printers and scanners should be turned off completely, since they also consume energy in standby mode. Do not leave adapters in sockets: battery chargers, cell phones. Always turn off the lights where they are not needed. We advise you to avoid bright light. For example, lamps use significantly less energy than a large chandelier.

Use energy saving light bulbs. They last 10 times longer and consume 4 times less electricity compared to conventional ones. Also, these light bulbs practically do not heat up, the energy expended is spent only on lighting, and their service life reaches three years.

If you have an electric stove in your home, then you should choose the right utensils for cooking. Its bottom should be smooth, and its diameter should match the diameter of the burners. When cooking, open the lid as little as possible, and after the water boils, reduce the heat. Turn off the stove a few minutes before the dish is ready. It will finish cooking on a cooling stove. There is not always a need for it - it can be replaced with a regular one. And if you have a gas stove, is it worth spending money on? Eat whole line household appliances, which consume a lot of electricity, but are not so necessary in everyday life.

Rising prices for public utilities causes significant damage to the family budget. However, you can’t refuse to pay for heating during the heating season, when it’s winter outside, or for garbage removal in the yard. It is clear that we are not talking about water and electricity at all, since it is difficult to imagine a full life without them. If you want to learn how to save energy in an apartment or private house, then read the article below, where we invite you to familiarize yourself with those simple ways to save, the use of which is completely legal and legal.

Use LED lamps

Ilyich’s light bulb is gradually becoming obsolete, giving way to , which will save you about 170 kWh per year. Of course, you may be scared by the prospect of replacing all conventional light bulbs with LEDs, because you will have to pay much more for them. However, the operating life of the latter is 6-8 times longer, and the amount of electricity consumed is 12.5 times less, as can be seen in the statistics below:

Don't light empty rooms

This rule is more than basic: to save energy, turn off the lights if you don’t need them now! During the day, try to take advantage of daylight, and in the evening or at night, when moving to other rooms, do not forget to press the switch button. These simple rules will help you pay 2 times less for light, because according to statistics, approximately a third of the electricity consumed is spent on lighting empty space.

Prefer lamps to chandeliers

According to experts, it is more practical to use spot lighting, avoiding bright light. Spot lighting is possible through the use of lamps that consume several times less energy than a chandelier, which will reduce electricity consumption at home.

Arrangement table lamps, sconces, floor lamps in the most significant parts of the apartment will help create a cozy atmosphere due to dim light, and save on electricity. However, you should not completely abandon the lighting provided by a chandelier. Just replace bright lamps with ones of lower power. Do the same with and in the hallway.

Benefits of daylight

This recommendation will seem to the reader the most problematic to implement, since it requires him to change his usual regime. The bottom line is this: go to bed earlier and stay awake less at night, so as not to pay for electricity in the dark. Yes, during the day there may also be a lack of light. We, of course, cannot change what depends on Mother Nature, but getting rid of tall house plants standing on window sills, washing glass, choosing wallpaper for indoor spaces is more light colors will help you get from daylight maximum benefit, and thereby constantly save energy in an apartment or private house.

Give up some things

You should not abuse the use of an electric kettle; replace it with a nickel-plated one. Consider whether, if you have a gas stove, it’s worth paying for a multicooker. There is a whole list of household appliances that waste a lot of electricity, but are not very useful in household chores. By using a cheaper heating source - gas, you can save on your electricity bill.

Use technology less often

Using a washing machine can be much more efficient if you fully load the drum each time you wash it and turn it on less often. Instead of turning on a half-empty machine, it is better to type more things. This approach will reduce the use of technology from two or three times per week to one, which will allow you to pay less for electricity. In addition, make sure that the vacuum cleaner’s dust bag is not overfilled, because in such cases the vacuum cleaner consumes more electricity. Also, do not constantly use the iron on maximum temperatures. The property of the device to retain heat for a long time allows you to iron even when disconnected from the network, which will allow you to save a little on electricity.

Choose equipment of certain energy efficiency classes

Modern technology is not in all cases excessively energy-intensive. Some models of household appliances are designed to consume less electricity. It turns out that televisions and refrigerators of older models consume more than modern models.

Note! When choosing new electrical appliances, ask on forums or sellers what energy efficiency class they belong to. When we talked about this, this issue was discussed in more detail!

Disadvantages of the "standby" mode

Leaving the computer or TV in “standby” mode, you still continue to consume electricity, for which you will then have to pay extra money for light. When leaving your computer for a short time, be sure to turn off your speakers and monitor. At fully charged mobile phone or other devices, in addition to the charged device, also remove the charger itself, since it still continues to work, although to a lesser extent.

Pay attention to the counter

The meter also has a fantastic role in reducing your electricity costs. A two- or three-tariff meter will help distribute the standard across zones of the day in accordance with consumption. For example, at night electricity costs less, but the meter of the single-tariff model does not take this into account. Two-tariff and three-tariff models are suitable for those who actively use household appliances at night and wants to pay for it profitably, or rather save. We talked about all of them in the corresponding article!

Implement the Smart Home system

All kinds of motion sensors, solar-powered lamps, photo relays and other devices that are part of the Smart Home system allow you to effectively save energy and thereby pay several times less for light. The essence of the system is that lighting, heating and power supply are controlled using special programs. A schedule is set for the operation of electrical appliances, lighting and heating systems, so that the equipment turns on and off only at the right moment when you are at home (or an hour or two before that). The Smart Home system is quite popular in 2017 and many owners are already introducing it gradually in their cottages.

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How not to save on electricity

Myths and misconceptions

Hello, my name is Yulia, my husband is an electrician. We recently moved to a new house.

Yulia Medvedeva

was married to an electrician

On the second day after moving, my husband changed all the light bulbs. He says it's more economical. But when I suggested changing the refrigerator to a more energy efficient one, he refused. It turned out that not all savings on electricity make sense.

Expensive, uneconomical, useless

Household appliances class A, A+

Appliances with a high energy efficiency class seemed to me in a good way savings. This was one of the arguments to replace the refrigerator and washing machine with new ones.

It turned out that the savings here are not as obvious as it seemed from the label. Modern Appliances more high class consumes slightly less energy than equipment of a lower class. It’s just that for the same kilowatt-hours it freezes harder, heats hotter and spins the drum faster.

Energy efficient? Yes, but with reverse side: not less energy, just more efficiency.

For example, a refrigerator with energy consumption class B consumes 485 kilowatt-hours per year. A refrigerator with a similar volume and number of chambers with class A+ has a consumption of 272 kilowatt-hours per year.

A new refrigerator costs 30,000 rubles. This means that from an economic point of view it will pay for itself in 30 years. So while the old one is working properly, replacing it will not bring tangible savings. But even if the old one breaks, you should pay attention to cheaper models. The difference of 10-15 thousand rubles is more profitable for family budget than saving 1000 rubles a year on electricity.

Expensive, uneconomical, useful

New electrical wiring

The apartment we moved into has quite old aluminum wiring, but it is well laid and can last for another ten years. We decided to find out whether replacing it would help us save on electricity.

Experts advise replacing aluminum wiring with copper, because copper has fewer electricity losses, which means it is more economical. To calculate the power losses with aluminum wiring and compare them with losses with copper wiring, we used a special calculator.

The calculator showed a difference in voltage loss between aluminum and copper wiring of 4.75 volts. But the electric meter does not count volts, but kilowatt-hours.

To turn one into the other, we multiplied the voltage of 4.75 volts by the current of 4.12 amps to get an output of 19.57 watts per hour or 0.0196 kWh. We multiplied this value by 24 hours, by 365 days a year and by 5.38 rubles according to the tariff and received 922 rubles in savings per year.

922 R copper wiring saves per year

For our apartment, replacing the wiring will cost about 100 thousand rubles plus finishing the walls and ceilings. It turns out that it will pay off in about 100 years.

It is necessary to change the wiring if you live in a very old house, your wiring constantly sparks, smokes, or there are frequent voltage drops in the network. Then new wiring can save your life. And it’s no longer worth saving on this.

Cheap, economical, useless

On and off sensors

The lights in the apartment can be turned off with buttons, or with sensors. The sensor is a box that hangs on the wall or ceiling and turns on the light when it gets dark or when someone approaches it. For example, while you are walking along the corridor, the light is on. We went out and turned off.

A simple wired sensor works like a regular switch, reacts to the degree of illumination, movement or sound and costs from 300 rubles. One electrician can handle its installation and connection.

Sensors can help you save money if you often forget to turn off the lights in common areas. They will turn off light bulbs or prevent them from turning on when it is too bright outside or when the room is empty.

In an ordinary city apartment it is difficult to find a place for effective application such sensors. Most often they are placed in toilets. If you have a small toilet, then a sensor that responds to movement is suitable for it. In large or elongated rooms, you will have to install several sensors and coordinate them with each other. This system is less reliable.

Such a sensor will save quite a bit. Even if you imagine that a forgotten lamp burns all night, according to the tariff you will have to pay 4 rubles for this. But if you forget to turn off the lights every night, then over the course of a year it will save 1,460 rubles.

4 R you will have to pay for the light bulb to be turned on at night

Wired sensors are useful for home or cottage owners. You can install a sensor in your yard that responds to both the degree of illumination and movement. Then the light will come on only in the dark, when someone goes outside or approaches the house. In the garage you need a simple motion sensor. It will turn on the light when the car enters the garage and turn it off when there is no one left in the room.

Very expensive, uneconomical, useful

Wireless sensors

Conventional wired sensors are built into the power network - roughly speaking, they are embedded between the power line and the light bulb that needs to be lit. And there are also wireless sensors.

Wireless sensors are a modern, fashionable, useful, but very expensive way to save money. They must be connected to the system " smart House", which includes a special controller and a bunch of other mechanisms.

Sensors turn lights on and off depending on the light level, react to sounds and movements, and listen to commands from the remote control or controller. They don’t just turn off the light if it’s not needed, but they allow you to dim the lighting or, conversely, add brightness. With their help, you can control the lighting of your home from a distance, for example, when you go on vacation. No more forgotten irons or burning lamps in empty rooms.

Installing such a system will cost approximately 200,000 rubles. It costs about 200,000 more solar battery or a windmill. At maximum savings 10,000 rubles per year, these costs will pay off in at least 20 years. Such investments make sense in a private home that you want to make energy independent.

Free, cost-effective, useful

Remove chargers from sockets

Wall chargers are often called passive consumers. Enthusiasts conducted a study in which they calculated that 7 chargers plugged into an outlet consume only 2.5 kilowatt-hours per year, which costs 13 rubles 45 kopecks.

But you still can’t leave chargers in sockets, because they can cause a fire - especially if they’re three-kopeck chargers from China. The internal transformer may overheat due to power surges, and Charger may catch fire.

Cheap, economical, useful

Energy saving light bulbs

We calculated that compared to a conventional incandescent lamp, one LED lamp wastes 84% less electricity. For 100 hours of operation, an incandescent lamp burns 7.5 kilowatts, or 40.35 rubles. I counted 20 light bulbs in our apartment. Each of them burns for about 300 hours a year. In total, we pay 2,421 rubles a year for all light bulbs. If we replace them with LED ones, we will pay 387.36 rubles.

U LED lamps There is a separate characteristic - light temperature. It ranges from warm light, like regular incandescent lamps, to cool light, like the sun on cloudy days. The light temperature is indicated on the packaging. General advice: in public areas - cold light, in personal - warm.

In order not to overdo it with the brightness of the light, choose lamps at the rate of 100-200 lumens per square meter.

Brightness of the light bulb. The more the brighter

Light temperature

This lamp produces about the same light as a 40 W incandescent lamp

LED lamps are more expensive than conventional lamps, but they also last many times longer, so they compensate for the price difference. Total savings - 2000 rubles per year.

Cheap, economical, useful

Multi-tariff meters

They help you save money if you work a lot, leave home early and return late from work. If the hours of your activity will be at night from 11 pm to 7 am, then a two- or three-tariff meter will reduce electricity costs by 2 or even 3 times.

Regular rate in Moscow - 5.38 rubles per kilowatt-hour. With a two-tariff meter, the night tariff is three times lower - 1.64 rubles per kilowatt-hour. The exact amount of savings will depend on your lifestyle and how your home is organized.

We pay about 6,000 rubles a year for electricity. If we shifted our activity hours to night time and switched to two-tariff payment, we could save 3,000 rubles per year. It is unlikely that you will be able to save more, because some appliances work constantly, and on weekends we could hardly spend evenings without light.

If you decide that this method of saving is suitable for you, call Mosenergosbyt and apply for the installation of a new meter. For the meter itself and the work of the master, you will pay about 5,000 rubles. This investment will pay off within two years.

Free, economical, useful

Switched off electrical appliances

IN ordinary apartment constantly on: TV in stand-by mode - consumes 0.01 kWh per hour, or 87.6 kWh per year, Personal Computer with monitor - 700.8 kWh per year, laser printer- 438 kWh per year, home cinema- 131.4 kWh per year, microwave with timer - 52.6 kWh per year.

We added it all up and multiplied it by the tariff. We received 7,588 rubles per year. You won’t be able to save exactly that much, because these devices will still work for some hours a day, but 3-5 thousand rubles a year is quite enough.

In order not to run around the house every time and not pull out appliances from sockets, you can call an electrician once and ask to connect the refrigerator socket to a separate circuit breaker in the panel. Then the remaining devices can be turned off in the panel before leaving home.

Counter manipulation

Some people believe that The best way saving is stealing. They came up with different ways break the counter unnoticed.

The simplest one is to disconnect the neutral wire from the meter, and ground the other end to the battery. But modern counter does not pay attention to these manipulations and continues to count. But a battery that produces electric current is an unpleasant thing.

The more difficult way is to interrupt electrical circuit and let the current bypass the meter using a secret jumper. Independently installed jumpers and other manipulations with the wiring can lead to breakdown, short circuit, fire and loss of life. Be careful yourself and warn others.

Mosenergosbyt regularly checks meters in houses and apartments. If the inspection reveals that the meter is broken, the owners will be forced to pay the difference, which Mosenergosbyt will calculate, and an administrative fine.


  • Will not help you save: AA+ class household appliances, new electrical wiring, on and off sensors, manipulation of the meter, chargers removed from sockets.
  • Save electricity and money: energy-saving light bulbs, multi-tariff meters, switched off electrical appliances.


Average Russian family spends about 10% of its income on housing and communal services. A significant portion of these costs comes from electricity bills. Almost every family has a refrigerator, TV, washing machine. Increasingly, computers, dishwashers, food processors, electric kettles and other appliances are being installed in our apartments. A fair amount of electricity is also spent on lighting.

Electricity comes to our homes from power plants various types and for its production, organic fuels are mainly used - coal, oil, gas. When fuel is burned, (CO2) is released into the atmosphere. Namely, an increase in its concentration in the atmosphere leads to global climate change.

The economical use of electricity will reduce the volume of energy resources used, which means reducing emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere, keeping the reservoir clean, and preserving forests. Each of us can make our own contribution to the common cause of nature conservation. After all, just replacing one incandescent lamp with an energy-saving one can save about 100 kg of coal per year. And saving this amount of coal reduces CO2 emissions into the atmosphere by 270 kg!

In addition, increasing energy efficiency is also real way reduce the cost of paying electricity bills. After all, the cost of electricity is directly related to the cost of fuel, the reserves of which are limited and the prices of which are constantly rising.

Avoid using lighting and household electrical appliances in modern world impossible. But there are simple ways reducing household energy consumption is accessible to everyone. One of these ways is to replace incandescent lamps with compact ones. energy-saving lamps(CFL). Using CFLs in everyday life means increasing the efficiency of lighting in the home, helping nature, saving energy and own money.

If every Muscovite replaces only one 100 W incandescent lamp with an energy-saving lamp with a power of 20-23 W, then the total reduction in power will be about 800 megawatts. Is it a lot or a little? This is almost half of the current deficit electrical power in the capital. Currently, in Moscow, the shortage of electric power capacity is estimated at 15% of the total. installed capacity(14,000 megawatts). During maximum loads on the energy system in the winter of 2005-2006. The deficit exceeded these figures and reached 4 thousand megawatts.

What is an energy saving lamp? Advantages and disadvantages. Differences from incandescent lamps.

For most Russians, the most common way of lighting their homes is still incandescent lamps. They are widespread and very cheap. But they often burn out, especially during power surges in the network. Is there an alternative to incandescent lamps?

Yes, I have. This - fluorescent lamps (LL). Many people are well aware of tubular luminaires, which are often used to illuminate institutions: schools, institutes, offices.

But these lamps are not very convenient to use for lighting residential premises. Therefore, compact fluorescent lamps are produced for apartment lighting, which consume much less electricity than incandescent lamps. These lamps are expensive (150-200 rubles per lamp), but even at such a high cost they quickly pay for themselves due to low energy consumption and long term services (see Table 1).

Table 1: Calculation of energy savings and monetary costs when using energy-saving lamps. The calculation is based on the fact that the lamp is on 6 hours a day. It is also believed that 1 energy-saving lamp of 23 W corresponds to the luminous efficiency of a 100 W incandescent lamp.


Life time

Electricity costs based on 1 kW hour = 2.37 rubles. (for houses with gas stoves)*.

Work for 8,000 hours

Electricity costs based on 1 kW hour = 1.66 rubles. (for houses with electric stoves)* . Work for 8,000 hours

Incandescent lamp, 100 W, price 10 rub.

1000 hours (1000/6 = 166 days, i.e. about six months)

100 W = 0.1 kW;

0.1 kW x 8000 hours x 2.37 rub./kWh = 1896 rub.

100 W = 0.1 kW;

0.1 kW x 8000 hours x 1.66 rub/kWh. = 1328 rub.

Compact fluorescent lamp (23 W), price 200 rub.

8000 hours* (8000/6 = 1333 days, i.e. 3.5 years)

There are energy-saving lamps with a service life of 12,000 hours, i.e. about 5.5 years

23 W = 0.023 kW;

0.023 kW x 8000 hours x 2.37 rub./kWh = 436.08 rub.

23 W = 0.023 kW;

0.023 kW x 8000 hours x 1.66 RUR/kWh = 305.44 RUR.

As tariffs increase, the picture does not change fundamentally.

** 12000 hours – average term services 1 CFL.

*** You can find energy-saving lamps on sale at prices ranging from 80 to 200 rubles. In our calculations, we deliberately take the most high price, to show that in this case, CFLs are more economical than a cheap incandescent lamp.

So, in about 3.5 years we use 3 incandescent lamps (3 x 10 rubles = 30 rubles) or 1 compact fluorescent lamp (200 rubles)

The total consumption when using incandescent lamps, taking into account the cost of the lamp, will be:

1896 rub. + 30 rub. = 1926 rub. (for houses with gas stoves)
1328 rub. + 30 rub. = 1358 rub. (for houses with electric stoves)

In case of using CFL:

RUB 436.08 + 200 rub. = 636.08 rub. (for houses with gas stoves)
RUB 305.44 + 200 rub. = 505.44 rub. (for houses with electric stoves)

Thus, it turns out that even taking into account the high cost, CFLs, despite the high cost, are 2.8 - 3 times (!) more economical than cheap lamp incandescent The annual savings per lamp is 250-350 rubles.

What to do if an energy-saving lamp burns out?

Firstly, it is immediately worth noting that energy-saving lamps burn out much less often than incandescent lamps. We must firmly remember that you CANNOT throw away energy-saving lamps in the garbage chute or street trash containers.

Don't put yourself and your children at risk!

Unfortunately, there are few ways to properly dispose of energy-saving lamps, but they exist:

1. Burnt-out fluorescent lamps can be taken to your district DEZ or REU, where special containers are installed. They should be accepted there for free. In the future, burnt out lamps are centrally handed over to special enterprises that process them.

2. If there are a lot of lamps (for example, burnt-out lamps in an office or an enterprise), then you can enter into an agreement with specialized organizations involved in the reception and disposal of mercury-containing waste.

Remember: By recycling energy-saving lamps, you not only take care of your health and the health of others, but also help the environment. Receiving mercury, glass and aluminum from waste requires much less energy, clean water and air than producing them from primary mineral raw materials.

How else can you save energy at home?

Use pans with a bottom diameter equal to the diameter of the electric stove burners. This will save energy when cooking.

If the electric stove burner is deformed (“swollen”) it must be replaced.

When cooking on an electric stove, use the residual heat from the burners by turning them off a little before the end of cooking.

Use pressure cookers. They save time on cooking and energy.

Do not use electric stove burners to heat rooms - this is ineffective and dangerous.

Not for heating large quantity water, use an electric kettle, and boil as much water in it as you need in this moment.

Clean the inside of teapots from scale in a timely manner. A layer of scale significantly increases energy consumption.

Use dimmers and special sensors that automatically turn off the lights if there is no one in the room and turn them on when a person appears.

And finally, a few more tips:

Even if you have installed energy-saving lamps in your home, try to use natural light as much as possible and remember to turn off the lights when not needed;

When purchasing electrical appliances, pay attention to their energy efficiency class. Remember that the most economical electrical appliances are class “A”;

Insulate windows and doors well. This will allow you to avoid using electric heaters that require a lot of electricity.

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