To the beginning of the VKontakte dialogue. How to open the beginning of a VK conversation

Many users of the social network do not like the lack of the ability to simply go to the beginning of a conversation. Prolonged scrolling causes the computer to freeze. Before you go to the beginning of the dialogue in VK, you should study the entire process so as not to encounter errors in the process. You can use the search when the date of the first messages is known.

To go to the beginning of the conversation, you must perform a number of actions:

  • Open a dialogue, to the beginning of which you need to go.
  • Add “&msgid=1” to the end of the address bar.

Among the popular methods, scrolling should be highlighted, which takes a lot of time and nerves. To shorten the process, it is recommended to use the Home key. This method is only bad for small correspondences.

How to open the first message in a VK dialogue from your phone

Users of the VKontakte mobile application also encounter the same problem. Sometimes there is no time to scroll, and not everyone remembers the start date of the correspondence. Before returning to the beginning of the conversation in VK from your phone, you should study the sequence of actions:

  1. Download the Kate Mobile app from the AppStore or Google Play.
  2. Install the application and register in the system.
  3. Open the VKontakte application and go to the desired correspondence.
  4. Click on the button in the top right corner of the screen, which is represented by three dots standing vertically.
  5. Select “Start conversation” from the list of actions.

Dialogues on the VKontakte social network are made in such a way that you, as a user of the site, can find any message that was once published, including the very first ones. We will talk about ways to view initial messages later in this article.

You can view the beginning of a particular correspondence only if its integrity is maintained from the moment the communication begins until the reading of this article. However, in the case of a conversation, this directly concerns the time of entry into the dialogue, and not its beginning.

Method 1: Scrolling

The easiest way to see the beginning of a conversation is to rewind it to the very beginning using page scrolling. But this is relevant only for those cases when there is a moderate number of messages in the dialogue.

In case of dialogues with a long history, you are better off using the following method. This is due to the fact that scrolling through a large number of messages requires a significant investment of time and can cause significant problems with the performance of the web browser.

Method 2: Search system

If you have too many messages published in a conversation, but you clearly remember the date of the first of them or their content, you can resort to the search system. Moreover, this approach is generally much more efficient than manual scrolling.

Method 3: Address Bar

Currently, the VKontakte website provides a hidden feature that allows you to instantly move to the first message in the dialogue.

In the case of the full version of the site, this method is the most comfortable. However, its performance in the future cannot be guaranteed.

Mobile app

The official mobile application in terms of searching for messages in correspondence is almost identical to the full version, but with some reservations.

Method 1: Scrolling

As part of this method, you need to do the same as in the corresponding instructions for the social networking site.

And although this method is the simplest, scrolling through all the correspondence can be quite difficult. Especially considering that the application, compared to browsers, does not allow you to influence the scrolling speed in any way.

Method 2: Search system

The principle of operation of the message search functionality in the application is somewhat limited in comparison with a full-fledged website. However, if you know the content of one of the first messages, this approach is quite relevant.

This concludes this instruction.

Method 3: Kate Mobile

This method is optional, as you will need to download and install the application. When using it, you will have access to many features that are not provided by default by the VK website, including instant rewinding of letters.

Just as in the case of the browser address bar, it is impossible to guarantee the functionality of the method in the future due to constant changes to the VKontakte API. We are finishing the article and hope that the material helped you move on to the beginning of the dialogue.

The social network VKontakte is already 12 years old. The project, once launched by Pavel Durov, has gained incredible popularity, and now more than 460 million users from all over the world are registered in VK. Many VK users have been using the site’s functionality for years, conducting long-term correspondence with friends and people of the opposite sex. Such correspondence can take up huge amounts of text, and one day we may have the desire to skip the correspondence to the very beginning, in order to remember how it all began. But how can you quickly skip such huge amounts of text? Below we will look at how to go to the very beginning of the VKontakte dialogue, and what methods will help us with this.

Of course, you can do it the old fashioned way, go to the “Messages” section, click on the desired correspondence, and hold down the “Home” (Pg UP) key. All you have to do is be patient and wait until the system rewinds the correspondence to the very beginning.

You can also use the mouse wheel, which must be turned up. However, this process can be automated. To do this, you need to click on the middle mouse button anywhere on the page (except for links), and then position the cursor a little higher (the pages will start scrolling automatically).

Scrolling with the middle mouse button

Of course, such methods are ineffective, since in the case of large volumes of text, scrolling may take an indefinite amount of time.

Rewind VKontakte correspondence to the beginning - working with the search function

Among the more effective ways to go to the beginning of VK correspondence, it is necessary to mention the method of adding the code &msgid=1 to the very end of the link in the browser address bar.

To go to the very beginning of the conversation in the dialogue, do the following:

  • Go to VKontakte and click on the “Messages” section;
  • Open a conversation with the desired user;
  • Add the following character set to the end of your browser's address bar: &msgid=1

It should look something like:

Add the following code to the end of the address bar

All you have to do is click on enter, and the correspondence with the desired user will open from the very beginning.

Using the search functionality in VK - Search by date

The window for displaying correspondence with the user has a search function that allows you to find the necessary words in the correspondence history.

  1. To do this, click on the icon with a magnifying glass in the message window (“Search by conversation”).
  2. Enter the search word in the search bar and click on the “Search” button.
  3. This will also open a calendar button next to the search button.
  4. Clicking on which will help you choose which day, month and year correspondence you should switch to.

Clicking on the calendar button will allow you to select a specific day of correspondence

Clicking on the button with three dots next to the magnifying glass icon will allow you to select the “Search through message history” option. In general, it duplicates the functionality of the “Search by Conversation” button.

Option “Search through message history”

How to go to the beginning of a VK conversation on mobile devices

On the mobile version of VKontakte, scrolling correspondence is organized somewhat simpler. This uses message page numbers to make it easy to rewind the conversation to the very beginning.

Thus, even PC owners can take advantage of this more convenient functionality, for which you need to add m in front of in the address bar.

Thus, the address bar will look like:

In the mobile display of VK, by going to “Messages” and selecting the appropriate dialog, at the very bottom you will see a list of displayed pages. By clicking on the number “1”, you can view the beginning of the dialogue with the selected user.

At the very bottom of the dialog you can switch between pages

The second way to view the beginning of the dialog is the search button at the very top of the dialog. Go to the “Messages” tab and click on the magnifying glass icon at the very top. The search functionality is similar to the search in the stationary version of VK. Allowing you to find the desired message among the entire dialogue. Third way

is to use the functionality of the popular “Kate Mobile” application. Using this application, go to the “Messages” section. Next, click on the button with three vertical dots at the top and select “Start a conversation.”

Option “Start a conversation” in “Kate Mobile” Fourth way

is to add the code &msgid=1 to the end of the address bar of the VK mobile browser when displaying your correspondence with the desired contact. You can see how it works in this video.

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Among the list of methods that allow you to rewind to the beginning of a dialogue in VK, the most effective option is considered to be adding the corresponding code to the address bar of the browser. It allows you to literally go to the very beginning of the correspondence in just a couple of seconds and enjoy reading the basics. In other cases, it would be justified to use the mobile version of VK, which has convenient capabilities for quickly moving between pages of correspondence.

Many popular Internet services in messages and posts have a special “Back to top” or “Back to top” button with an up arrow, which takes the user to the beginning of the dialogue or to the first message. The social network VKontakte does not have such a button in messages. Instead, users are provided with a slider that can be used to move the list of posts. This article will describe how to quickly go to the beginning of a conversation in VK.

Users often express dissatisfaction with the fact that they cannot quickly go to the first message in VK correspondence. The list can be so long that your hand gets tired of moving the mouse, or the computer starts to freeze. Let's look at all the main ways to move to the beginning or the right place in correspondence with friends.

Go to the first message in the VKontakte dialogue

There are several more ways that will help you immediately open the desired message or the first post of correspondence. To do this, we again need the browser's address bar.

  1. Go to your messages, open the conversation where you would like to go straight to the first message.
  2. Add the following code to the address bar: &msgid=1.
  3. Press ENTER.
  4. After reloading the page, you will see the first message from your correspondence.
Code in the browser line to go to the first message of the conversation

You can find the desired message that was created on a specific day, for example, 03/28/2018. To do this, you need to use the history search, which is located in messages. Select the conversation and click on the three dots on the right that symbolize the menu. Here you need to select “Search by message history”.

Search through VK message history

You can either enter part of the message in words or the date the message was created. To select a date, click the calendar icon on the panel. And then you need to select the month and date.

How to navigate through messages on VK using a mobile application

For those who are accustomed to using mobile applications, there are also ways to go to the beginning of the dialogue on VKontakte. We have already defined one of the methods for the phone - these are pages with which you can quickly go to the first one. Each page has 20 messages. Finding what you need will be very easy.

It is quite difficult to scroll through long conversations on a smartphone using normal movement. There is a search for messages here. And although it is limited only to text typing, this method greatly simplifies our task. You just need to remember a few words from the messages and success is guaranteed.

Click the magnifying glass icon and enter a word or phrase to search.

Then click the Posts tab below to search results only here.

Messages tab in the mobile application

Mobile applications for VK – Kate Mobile

Mobile applications for the VKontakte social network are universal additions to the general functions of the website and mobile application. Developers try to determine the needs of users and cater to their tastes in every possible way. Thus, the Kate Mobile mobile application allows you to go to the first post using the corresponding menu item. In the desired conversation, you need to press the three dots and select “Start conversation” and the application will take you to the beginning of the dialogue.

It must be remembered that most mobile applications for VK require personal data from the user for certain tasks. Before giving your agreement during installation, go to the Market of your device and check on the page for this add-on what data it requires. Many users lose their pages after using third-party programs. The administration of the social network is unable to help you in such a situation. Therefore, in order to go to the beginning of the conversation in VK, use methods that do not involve installing applications.