Application for finding similar songs. EchoPrint - open music recognition system

Searching for your favorite tracks and just music and images that suit you will always be relevant: this will come in handy for the holidays to design a presentation or performance. After all, sometimes you just want to find music for a party or for your new playlist.

CHIP will tell you what online resources will help you do this with minimal costs time and effort. In this case, the selected music will be similar to your favorite, but still it will be different.

Not Google alone...

Search engine Google system knows how to search anywhere and everywhere, it searches for everything that the user’s soul desires. Meanwhile, even the ubiquitous Google will not give you music recommendations based on what you like to listen to. But special music web services can search for music based on various types of queries. For example, such resources will help you find music that is similar to your favorite composition. However, such services work best when searching for music of a given genre.

If you don't know the name of the song playing on the radio, special service“guess the melody” and offer an audio recording or video with the corresponding music.

Online services for searching music

Service: Music Map

The Music-Map online service can search for music by given name performer. As a result search query the Music-Map service, as its name implies, builds a map of the musical preferences of service users. This map is described by the creators of the service as follows: “people who love... also love these artists.” Thus, the presented map musical performers clearly showing the connections between them.

In the center you will see the artist name you specified. The closer to the center the names of other artists are, the more similar their music is to the name of the original singer or group.

Each name is a link, clicking on which you can go to a similar map. Actually, the service doesn’t do anything else. However, if you are looking for yourself new music, matching your tastes, the service will help you choose it.

Service: Music Roamer

This service solves a similar problem - it builds a map of musical preferences. In addition to the artist name, on the Music Roamer page you can also indicate the genre you prefer, for example, jazz, blues, New Year's music, dance. The created map in Music Roamer looks better than in other services, because here the names of the artists are accompanied by their photographs. Double click on the artist's name in the card allows you to build a card for a new artist. At the same time, the card for the old one does not disappear, that is, the new one complements the previous one.

This can be done several times, creating quite large circuits. At the top of the site there are sliders that allow you to set the scale of the map, as well as the number of performers on one map. By default, for each artist or genre, Music Roamer displays 8 similar ones.

This amount can be increased. The maximum value of branching names for one map element is 40, that is, the service can match up to 40 similar artists for one artist or one genre. Also at the top of the page Music service Roamer allows you to customize the size of artist photos.

Each performer has the opportunity to listen to musical fragments of some of their works. The “Listen” button will display a list of compositions by the selected singer and offer to listen to a fragment lasting 25-30 seconds.

Here you will also be able to go to the iTunes online store and download music or display a list of similar tracks. For similar tracks, you can also listen to fragments and purchase music on iTunes.

Search for music on mobile devices

Application: Discover Music

The Discovr app for Apple devices will help music lovers who constantly want to listen to something new. If you're tired of your playlist and want to listen to something new on your iPad or iPhone, Discovr is a great app to help you do just that.

Discovr Music prompts you to enter the name of an artist you like. As a result of a search using Discovr Music, you will see not only compositions by this artist, but also similar ones in style. This means that with Discovr Music, you can find the music you like by simply entering the names of your favorite musicians.

The search result using Discovr Music is implemented in the form of a tree. Just click on the name of the artist in this tree, and the program will build another tree, which will present the names of musicians with similar works. In this way, you can consistently refine your request and finally find an artist you haven’t heard anything about, but who creates in a style that interests you.

If you double-click on the performer in the tree search results, Discovr Music will show you detailed information about him. You can read his biography, a list of the most popular compositions. You can listen to them and immediately buy them in the iTunes online store.

Quite often, music found using Discovr Music will be available at significant discounts or even for free. In addition, the application will immediately show links to the musician’s profiles on social networks. Despite the fact that the Discovr Music interface is made on English language, the program perfectly accepts requests in Russian and can search for Russian performers.

The cost of the program is 120 rubles.

Application: Shazam

This mobile app will help you out if you want to find music by fragment. For example, you remember a few bars of a song, or better yet, you have a piece of music, but you don’t know who performed it, whether it’s a modern artist or not. Just offer Shazam this fragment and the application itself will find the original music track and tell you who performed it and what album this recording is in.

Another special feature of Shazam is that the program can work correctly not only with a fragment music file. You can offer her a recorded fragment of a TV show with music playing in the background - and she will completely cope with her task.

In the same way, Shaznam works correctly with music from movies, radio programs, music tracks, recorded in clubs or discos. The only requirement is the level background noise must be acceptable, that is, not high enough.

As a result of this work, Shazam will not only find the song. The application can redirect the user to a YouTube video with this song, and also offer to listen to it on Spotify or Pandora. But last function not available to Russian users.

SoundHound – guess the melody

Another mobile application that can recognize a melody not only by a sound fragment. The main difference from Shazam is that SoundHound can simply hum a melody, the application will try to guess it and redirect the user to the most similar song. At the same time, SoundHound can read the tune that is broadcast on online radio and guess it.

In this case, the program can broadcast the words of the song directly onto the screen, which turns it into great assistant at karaoke parties.

The program can also conduct a “classic” search - by artist name or song title. SoundHound can offer you detailed information about an artist or band, including their biographies and discographies. Once you find a song, you can download it from iTunes and post links to it on Twitter and Facebook.

Allowing you to find out its name from a recorded excerpt of a song. They are all in to a sufficient extent good, but have a common drawback - closed code and, accordingly, limited scope. TrackID you can only use on Sony phones Ericsson, Shazam - also only on phones, although on a more extensive list of platforms, and Music Brainz is generally unclear whether it works at all.

The beast of functionality that they unleashed is not limited to just recognizing music from a recorded passage, but also allows you to do things like search for duplicate music, mass recognition and filling of tags in music collections, checking audio/video for the content of a particular material , synchronization of collections from various music spaces (iTunes<-><->Spotify, for example) and much more.

How it works?

In short, a code generator is launched on the client side, generating a unique fingerprint of the recorded part of the song, and sending it to the server for identification.
The server side code is also publicly available on github, so you can download it if you wish. own server- Echo Nest even shared several gigabytes of already processed data. The server engine is based on search server Apache Solr, using Tokyo Tyrant as the database.

So far, there is relatively little data on their server - about 150,000 songs, but according to the company, they import the multi-million dollar 7digital collection, actively collaborate with MusicBrainz (which even launched their echoprint server to integrate with their data), and also provide download functionality new songs by users.


Of course, one of the main functions of use remains the recognition of heard music. I heard good song, took out the phone, pressed the button - and found out who was singing. I quickly wrote an echoprint client for Maemo/Meego, and during testing so far I can say the following:
  • some performers are recognized with a very high probability, and some are recognized only once
  • 20 seconds is the minimum recording period. increasing the recording time increases the chance of recognition
  • volume has almost no effect on the result - the algorithm normalizes the sound quite well
  • Metallica is recognized better than Beethoven :-D
  • Sometimes it's wrong :(
Moreover, they even claim that the algorithm allows you to find similar versions - like Live performances or similar covers.
It is, of course, too early to call echoprint a Shazam killer, but it is only a matter of time. Such projects, once released, begin to develop orders of magnitude faster.
The main thing I would like to convey, in addition to simple overview of this wonderful open-source project is the fact that the company is really creating something important (not for everyone, of course). This is not just “another music processing algorithm”, it is an entire encyclopedia of music that allows you to find, describe and combine all the compositions ever released. Unlike Shazam, the Echo Nest database may also contain information about little-known bands - at least upload your own songs. In addition, one of the projects, codenamed Rosetta Stone, is designed to unite various identifier spaces - for example, the same MusicBrainz ID or Napster Artist ID.

In general, a kind of musical Wikipedia, which, thanks to its openness, promises to grow into something truly grandiose.

The Internet has made music accessible like never before, but it hasn't left music lovers without problems. When you have millions of compositions at your fingertips, you begin to think about eternity. Sometimes it seems that it will take about that long to find something worthy. Nevertheless, the situation is gradually changing for the better: online recommendation services are increasingly helping listeners discover new masterpieces. If your music source does not suggest what else to listen to, or does it poorly, it can be supplemented or even replaced by projects from this selection. We have already written about current music services, but in this article I focus specifically on recommendation capabilities.

The Internet has made music accessible like never before, but it hasn't left music lovers without problems. When you have millions of compositions at your fingertips, you begin to think about eternity. Sometimes it seems that it will take about that long to find something worthy. Nevertheless, the situation is gradually changing for the better: online recommendation services are increasingly helping listeners discover new masterpieces. If your music source does not suggest what else to listen to, or does it poorly, it can be supplemented or even replaced by projects from this selection. We have already written about current music services, but in this article I focus specifically on recommendation capabilities.


Spotify makes recommendations based on the music you select. It looks like this. You find an interesting artist, album, playlist, song or genre in the service catalog and activate the radio mode. As a result, the algorithm begins to select and turn on songs that match your choice. To improve the accuracy of these selections, you can use the “like” and “dislike” buttons to rate tracks.

In addition, the system analyzes the songs you listened to in the built-in player and recommends others like them. And if you connect to the service Facebook account, Spotify will start showing you what your friends are sharing and playing on it. The project also offers a choice of tracks from internal music charts and an extensive collection of playlists, which is replenished by users. The service is aimed at Western audiences, but still includes recordings by some artists from Ukraine and Russia.

Although Spotify does not officially work in all countries, this limitation is easy to get around - at least for the desktop client. In addition to it, there is also a web version and applications for Android, iOS and Windows Phone. To use Spotify's huge music library to its fullest, you need to register paid subscription for £10/month as free mode is subject to restrictions. For example, you can only listen to music online and with advertising. But it won't be big problem, if you install Spotify for recommendations alone. In this case, free access will suffice.


Deezer combines the work of a recommendation algorithm with expert advice. While listening to music from the service’s catalog, you indicate which tracks you like and which you don’t. The system monitors these actions and begins to display editorial selections that match your musical taste. The more often you rate tracks, the more accurate your recommendations become. The service contains an impressive list of playlists that are compiled professional editors. You can always find something interesting among them manually.

In addition, Deezer offers something like a radio mode in Yandex.Music and Spotify. Here it is present in two variations: Mix and Flow. The first automatically selects music based on the selected artist or genre. The second does this based on the songs you have already added to your personal library. If you wish, you can subscribe to other users or connect your own social accounts to monitor your friends' activity on Deezer. The project database includes recordings of musicians from Western and post-Soviet countries.


Soundwave is entirely dedicated old-fashioned way discovering new music - exploring the tastes of friends. The project shows what your friends from Facebook and Twitter are listening to in the players of other music services from Deezer to Play Music.

Soundwave captures all your friends' music plays and displays the corresponding tracks in one summary feed. Here you can listen to them using the integrated player or quickly open them in an external streaming service which you are using.

If some friends' music tastes don't match yours, Soundwave allows you to exclude their accounts from your feed. The service also encourages you to follow other users to make new friends and find more good music. The project operates for free on Android and iOS.


Mixcloud is created for fans of club culture. The service introduces users to current DJ mixes and dance radio shows. By launching Mixcloud, you get access to the most popular songs in the project database or popular recordings within a specific genre. These ratings perfectly complement the editorial selections. All of the above can be listened to online in the built-in player. Among other things, the service allows you to subscribe to the channels of DJs, radio stations, music clubs and other types of accounts in order to receive fresh content from them. Search Mixcloud on

When the entire music library has been listened to to the point of rejection, and network radio stations are not able to satisfy your delicate taste, then it’s time to go in search of new stars in worldwide network. Online will help us with this music services, which, based on our musical preferences, will help us get acquainted with the work of artists playing similar music.

This service is similar to the previous one - we enter the name of our favorite artist in the same way and get a list of those playing in the same genre. However, everything is shown here at once known to the service artists, and the degree of similarity can be judged by proximity to the model. So starry space system it turns out.

The creators of Music Roamer were clearly inspired by the example of TuneGlue. But they made a number of improvements to their product. All artists are presented with small photos, and at the top there is a settings panel with which you can customize the appearance and behavior of the service.


Bloson is a large social music network that contains a huge music database. By the way, take a look at the information about the developers (About Us) - you will be surprised to see that Indian women can not only dance well, but also create excellent web services. :)

But we were attracted to this resource, of course, not by this, but by the ability to display a list of similar artists in response to the name entered in the search bar. Here you can read basic information and listen and watch music videos.


There are recommendation services that automatically search for similar songs. An example of such a site is Type the name of the track you like into the search bar and press Enter. The page will display the best matches - songs supposedly similar to the one you entered. Recommendations are formed based on numerous users of the resource.
Another interesting site is There you can search for similar music by artist, style, decade, key . The resource also allows you to listen to tracks and see found musicians.

Among the English-language services, one can name the website Enter the name of the performer (film, actor), and the system will give you a list of similar ones. This search can be carried out ad infinitum by clicking on the names of the found artists. The list is displayed as a visual map with floating bubbles; the more popular the artist, the larger the bubble.
Similar resources -,, It is worth highlighting music network Bloson ( c huge base music, where you can request a list of similar music, view clips and artist biographies.

If you are registered on the website, you can find similar ones there. Since May 2011, the Audio Recordings tab has a Recommendations button. Based on your list of songs, the site will provide a list of music that may interest you. This list is formed by compositions from the lists of those users with whom you have the most matches. This service often suggests tracks that you already have on your list, but also allows you to discover many interesting bands and artists you are unfamiliar with.

There are topics on various music forums where users make recommendations and share information. They can suggest similar songs that are similar in style to your compositions.


  • how to find an artist by music

Helpful advice

It may be that you need to find an artist who has sung it only once, or that the recordings are very rare. For example, a draft version of “Rare Bird” by Vyacheslav Butusov in English or “New York” by Freddie Mercury (initially there was only a verse and a chorus of voices, from which a remix was later edited).

Then special sites for finding rare songs and performers can help you:,,, http://www. and others.


  • find the lyrics

A music video usually illustrates a song or musical composition; they are filmed mainly for broadcast on television or the Internet. Very often, the demonstration of clips accompanies the performance of a group or performer at a concert. There are a lot of modern clips, and it’s very easy to find them; the Internet is teeming with them. But for fans of the music of yesteryear, things are a little more difficult.

You will need

  • - computer with Internet access
  • - browser
  • - program for downloading torrent files


Go to the browser program and try to find a clip by name and artist in any of the search engines - google, yandex, yahoo. Search first for all information, then for video recordings. Add the word “clip” to the title of the song and the name of the artist or band.

Go to specialized sites with clips and search by group name or artist name, separately by song title. For example, go to the website or On the last site you can leave a request to search for a clip; fill it out if you were unable to find the clip on the site. To do this, register on the site. Click on the “registration” link on the right top corner, enter your login, password, and your address Email. After registration, go to the site using your login and place a request to search for a clip. Go to the “requests to search for a video” section and in the comments indicate the name of the group or the name of the artist whose video clip you are looking for and the full name musical composition.

Go to a torrent tracker, for example, and search by band name or artist name. Often the forum discusses the availability of clips of a particular artist, and you can find there a person who has the old clip you need. In each section dedicated to a specific genre of music, there is a section “”, go to the desired section and search for the clip there.

Go to a website where you can watch a video, for example, Search for a clip by group name, artist name, or separately by song title. If you found an artist, but a video for a different song, ask a question about the song you need.

Video on the topic

Often a film is remembered precisely for its musical component. But it can be difficult to find the right song or melody after watching it, because... In movies, the titles of the tracks are not always written, even in the credits.

You can find the composition you like different ways. You can simply find information about the film on the official website or on sites that specialize in collecting information about films, for example on Kinopoisk. On the page about the film, you can find a list of songs and melodies that were played in the film. Also, such information is posted on Wikipedia in an article dedicated to a specific film.

If there is no list of soundtracks on the Internet pages with information about the film, you can try to find them individually. In any search engine, enter the name of the film and “OST”, for example, “Doctor Who OST”. The search results should include melodies and songs that are listed as the official soundtracks of this film or cartoon. Most often, by following the links provided by the search engine, on the page you can find the entire list with links to download melodies.

The most effective way searching for music from a film is a search with the above parameters in large “banks” of music. In the CIS countries, a website with free access To the largest number music is social network"IN ". Account Almost everyone has it, so access problems are unlikely to arise. We enter the already familiar search parameters into the audio search. Unlike previous methods, a search in “VKontakte” gives several times more results, and besides, you can listen to them right away.

You can download the composition from “VKontakte” using one of the following: following methods. Install the FlashGot add-on for FireFox (then just play the melody and click on the “film with lightning” icon that appears - the file will be downloaded to HDD, you can also download), find special program To download songs directly from this site, find add-ons similar to FlashGot for other browsers.


  • FlashGot add-on download page for FireFox
  • - All films on the planet
  • In contact with
  • Audio recordings on VKontakte
  • find songs from films

The golden voices of Russia, kings and sex symbols of the Russian stage come and go, but Joseph Kobzon remains. There is no person in Russia who has not heard this name. Kobzon is not just a star. This is a symbol. This is an example of patriotism, hard work, talent and emotional tact.

You can love Kobzon’s work or not, but this is an era in the Soviet and Russian stage. Like most pop singers Soviet Union, Kobzon began his concert career with Rosconcert, performances on the radio, and later on television. He never disdained the hardest work and was ready to perform anywhere in the Soviet Union. For him, the status of the audience did not matter - he performed equally responsibly both at government concerts and in front of Tyumen oil workers, Chernobyl liquidators, and at free charity concerts.

Kobzon's creative activity began in the 60s; he took a worthy place in the cohort of leading Soviet performers such as Muslim Magomayev, Eduard Khil, Lev Leshchenko, Valentina Tolkunova. Kobzon was given a ticket to concert activity by the Soviet composer Arkady Ostrovsky, who entrusted the young Gnesinka with his songs “And in our yard”, “Boys, boys”, “Biryusinka”. Further, Kobzon’s repertoire expanded to include songs of a patriotic nature, this was facilitated by collaboration with the unique Soviet authors Alexandra Pakhmutova and Nikolai Dobronravov. Kobzon's repertoire (more than 3,000) includes songs of the most varied orientation - lyrical, patriotic, folk, which he always presents in his recognizable noble manner.

Kobzon’s performances are distinguished by high stage culture, respect for the audience, complete absence both flirtation and neglect and arrogance. Kobzon treats his colleagues no less responsibly, which gave rise to calling him the “godfather” of the stage.

Since 1990, Kobzon added the status of a politician to the role of a public figure and singer; he became a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Today he is a deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the VI convocation from the party “ United Russia" Since 2012, Joseph Davydovich has not been active in concert activities, but continues to organize and perform at various charity concerts.

Yuri Zlatov - Kobzon performed one concert under this pseudonym. The pseudonym was invented by Ostrovsky so as not to advertise the artist’s Jewish origin. Subsequently, Kobzon politely but firmly refused this pseudonym.