Why are files disappearing? Files (documents) have disappeared from the folder

Hello! I recently encountered a problem, I would really like to figure out what the reason is and try to fix it. On the hard drive (remote drive) in the "Photos" folder folders and some files suddenly disappeared who were inside. I can’t understand the reason, since I didn’t delete anything, I didn’t install any untested programs. At first the folders and files were there, and then they simply disappeared out of the blue. In addition, when I tried to save a picture from Photoshop into the “Photos” folder, several error windows popped up, saying something like that I don’t have rights to save or access the folder (unfortunately, I didn’t remember exactly). I tried to save again, this time it worked. This file was in the folder for a few seconds and then mysteriously disappeared. The rest of the folders and files on the hard drive are safe and sound, the problem is only with one folder - “Photos”. And what’s most interesting is that not all files are missing, but only those whose names begin with a Russian letter. I read on various forums about missing files and folders, and found information that they could simply be hidden. I checked and unchecked all the necessary checkboxes, a lot appeared different folders, but not the ones that are needed... I checked several times whether the "Show hidden folders...", and whether the "Hide protected files" checkbox was unchecked, because I saw on the forums that they can disappear as a result of viruses. However, everything is fine with these checkboxes, they did not disappear anywhere. Through the program Total Commander all files are visible, and two folders are also visible. I renamed these two folders by adding "1." and 2.". After that, they instantly appeared in Explorer in the “Photos” folder. And everything would be fine, I would accept the fact that I would have to rename a lot of files, but the problem is that even in “Total Commander” not all folders are displayed, about six folders disappeared to no one knows where. They are not in the cart, they are not found through the search... I have no idea what to do now. And it’s completely unclear to me why only those files and folders whose names begin with a number or an English letter are displayed. Maybe this is the effect of some kind of virus? I scanned my computer and found a couple of threats, but even after removing them nothing changed. Can you please tell me what to do?
In addition, I would like to add that when connecting hard drive About a couple of months ago a warning window started popping up " There may be problems with some files on this device", offering to check and correct errors. It also began to appear on for some unknown reason, although I suspect that as a result of connecting to an infected computer... But until that moment, nothing had disappeared, and this pop-up window did not bother me in any way, so I did not check. However, now it’s probably worth it, but I want to clarify - Will anything else disappear after checking and correcting errors?
Thank you in advance for your help, I'm waiting for your answer.

Losing data from your computer is fraught with trouble. If a user works online, then such losses can be a real disaster for him. Why do such incidents happen?

This can be carried out without copying and saving files to media, and. Don’t despair and tear your hair out - as practice shows, almost everything can be restored.

How to recover deleted files?

After installing the program, you will have to scan all the files “pulled” from the depths of your computer. Please note that they are signed program language and you won’t immediately understand what exactly you need. In this case, it is recommended to restore absolutely all found files. This process may take some time - you can leave the program running overnight and get the result in the morning.

In general, data recovery is a job for professionals. Only they can install it correctly the desired program, and trace the process itself. Then all the files will be archived and then you can safely work with the computer - reinstall operating system, clean your gadget from viruses.

Specialists will be able to provide assistance in other areas of service computer equipment- carrying out diagnostics, repairs or complete replacement details, installation of programs in various directions, assistance in creating a website. Very often, clients are served at home - this removes the task of delivering the computer to service center and back after finishing the work.

No need to worry that all files and necessary documents will be completely “demolished” without any possibility of restoration. The offices are staffed exclusively by professionals., the competition in the market is quite strong and the loss of customers due to oversights and mistakes threatens complete ruin.

If you decide to carry out the recovery procedure yourself, then be extremely careful, choose the program only on trusted sites, and be sure to read the reviews.

If for you a computer is a storage valuable documents, passwords, photographs, video clips or texts, then take care in advance about the security of information: under the guidance of specialists, create archives, send some of them to a flash drive or other media.

When was the last time you recorded a disc? I have been for a long time, since now all my information is stored on two hard drives. And if you need to install Opera...

Have you lost folders from your desktop and don't know how to get them back? Then you've come to the right place. Sometimes this happens and the reason for such a loss is quite banal. Getting them back is a matter of one minute, and we don’t need any programs for this. Let's look at several ways to return your folders to your desktop, and start with the simplest.

Typically, desktop folders and files simply become invisible due to the fact that you changed the screen resolution, and the folders were located at the edges of the desktop. In this case, they simply “went” off the screen.

In order to return them, you need to arrange the icons. This is done simply.

  • Right click on free space on the desktop and select from the drop-down context menu paragraph – View – Arrange icons automatically .

It happens that you accidentally dragged one folder into another and did not notice it. Then you need to look for it using Search. To do this, do the following:

  • INWindows 10 open Conductor,

And just like in the previous example, enter in the upper right corner in the field Search name of the missing folder.

What to do if all folders from your desktop are missing?

If almost all or all of the folders on your desktop have disappeared, then you are most likely logged in as a different user. In this case, you need to either restart the computer or change the user (in Windows 7 this can be done without rebooting).

If after a reboot or user change the folders are not returned, then most likely a glitch occurred, as a result of which a folder was created instead of yours. New user, and yours has become inactive.

Then we do the following:

  • Let's go in My Computer or open Conductor, and find the disk “ WITH:».

Open it and look for the folder “ Users" (in Windows 10), or the folder " Users"(in Windows 7).

Open these folders and look for a folder there with the name of the user under which you log in to the system. I have this folder " Lyudmila" In Windows 7, a warning may pop up that you do not have rights to open this folder. Press the button " Continue».

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, dear men. According to statistics, the majority of computer users are the stronger sex. But the trend is that soon this difference will become minimal, or even disappear altogether. But, in any case, today’s article will be a gift from me specifically to men. On March 8, I will try not to offend our weaker sex and give them a gift too :)
There are probably those among you who have encountered such a problem when you inserted a flash drive into someone else’s computer, worked there, came home, opened the flash drive on your computer and saw that There are not enough files on the flash drive, or even none at all. You immediately begin to remember how and where you managed to delete these files. But there may be documents that are very important to you and so on. How could this happen? What to do?

This could happen if there are viruses on the computer where you inserted the flash drive. Some types of viruses change the attributes of files and folders to “hidden” and/or “system”. To check whether you have actually deleted files or whether a virus has simply changed the attribute of a file or folder to “hidden”, you need to check the amount of memory occupied on the flash drive. Let’s say you know that your flash drive weighed about 3 gigs with files, but now you don’t see a single file on the flash drive, but it still weighs the same. This means that the attribute of files and folders has been changed by the virus to “hidden” and/or “system”, and the files themselves have not disappeared anywhere and can be returned. Well, what if the volume used memory, tends to zero, then excuse me, someone deleted your files, but this does not mean that they cannot be returned, but that, as they say, is a completely different story. Today we will talk about the first case, i.e. About how to remove the “hidden” and/or “system” file attributes.

If you have lost (disappeared) files and folders from a flash drive, but the amount of memory remains the same. Solution #1! (doesn't always help).

Click Start—> next Control Panel—> next (in XP "Folder Options"). In the window that opens, go to the second tab "View". Here at the very end we rearrange the button from to "show hidden files, folders and drives".

That's all. All hidden files will be visible on the computer. Next, go to the flash drive, and if all the folders that you previously considered deleted are visible on it, then select them all and right-click on them and select “properties”.

In the window that opens uncheck the "hidden" attribute and click apply. Further in the folder options you can return the settings to "do not show hidden files, folders and drives". This method doesn't always help. Does not help in complex cases when viruses change attributes of files and folders to "system". It is impossible to change this attribute using the method described above. For such cases, there is another option.

If you have lost (disappeared) files and folders from a flash drive, but the amount of memory remains the same. Solution #2! Free console file manager - Far Manager.

First, we need to download this miracle, and this can be done from the official website.

Important: when downloading, select the assembly specifically for your bit depth, i.e. if you have x32(same x86) bit windows, then we load Far Manager precisely for such a system, and accordingly, if the system x64 then Far Manager for such a system. Details about Windows bit depth wrote, if anyone is interested, read it.

After downloading, install this program. I won’t dwell on the installation itself. Having installed Far Manager First of all, we will change the interface language from English to our mighty and truthful Russian language. To do this, launch Far and press the button on the keyboard F9. A menu will appear at the top of the program in which we click on the item "Options". A settings menu will open from which we select the item "Languages".

A small window will open Main language from which of course we choose Russian (Russian).

Next on the keyboard, hold down the button Shift press the button F9 and confirm saving the parameters. And that’s it, we enjoy the program in our native Russian language. I almost forgot. Another useful touch in setting up the program for beginners. Click F9 and in the parameters select the item "interface settings". In the menu that opens, place a cross on the line "Always show menu" and click below "Continue". Next, don’t forget to click again Shift+F9, thereby saving changes in interface settings.
Now closer to the problem of mysterious disappearances of folders and files
So. To switch to removable media (flash drive) in the Far program, press simultaneously Alt+F1 (for left panel) or Alt+F2 (for right panel), there is no difference. Next, a window will open that will display all local (hard) drives and removable media (removable, flash drive) currently connected to the computer.

Select from all disks removable (if several flash drives are connected, you can select the one you need by letter). By selecting the required flash drive in the first sector of the window Far programs Manager will display all files and folders located on the selected flash drive. Among them, select the desired folder and click Ctrl+A. A window like this will open.

As you can see in my case, the attributes are set for the file "ess_nt32_rus.msi" "hidden" And "system" (place a cross in front of these items). Remove them by clicking on them and clicking on the button at the bottom of the window "Install". We do the same with the rest of the files. If there are a lot of files, you can select a group of files and folders simply by right-clicking on the desired folder and file. If you need to select absolutely all files in a folder, then just click * on numeric keypad. All files and folders will be highlighted and you can set the necessary attributes on all of them. Next, we enjoy the fact that our secret files and the folders became accessible and visible again

Well, friends. I hope I saved you from unnecessary worries about lost data on flash drives and all sorts of removable and non-removable removable media. And the article is about how to protect a flash drive from this kind problems associated with the activities of various viruses, read And here lives the second part of the article. So, stay with me and you will learn a lot more interesting and new things.

For those who have not figured out how and what to do according to the article, I offer video instructions.

Hi all! The other day I came across a real viral epidemic. They brought 3 flash drives on which all the files were missing and the folders were empty. This article is about a way to solve this problem.

Files on a flash drive can disappear for two reasons:

  1. Accidental deletion
    In this case, you can try to restore files from the Recycle Bin (provided that they were not permanently deleted). Or use a special one.
  2. Virus
    A virus is the most common reason for files missing from a flash drive. The whole difficulty is that no antivirus will return the missing files, and you will have to restore the files manually.

How to recover files on a flash drive after a virus

If the files disappeared from the flash drive after being used on your computer, then you will have to get rid of the virus first, because the files from the flash drive may disappear again. Most likely you already have an antivirus installed, then most likely it will not help, because... has already let the virus into your computer. But you can run full check for viruses for prevention.

Many famous manufacturers antiviruses are released free utilities to search for and remove viruses, such as DrWeb Cureit, Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool etc.

First, let's download and launch one of them. I will describe the process using the example of Kasperdky VRT.

After downloading, run the downloaded file and after downloading and initialization, click “Start scanning”

Depending on the speed of the computer, the test can last 5 - 15 minutes.

If threats were found, the utility will prompt you to remove them. To do this, select actions and click the “Continue” button. You may need to restart your computer.
Then you can start restoring files.

The most common type of virus is one that makes files on a flash drive hidden. To check if this is the case, go to the Control Panel, go to the “Folder Options” section and check the “Show hidden files and folders” box.

After this you will be able to see the files on the flash drive.

They all have the “hidden” and system attribute, and changing these attributes simply cannot be done.

To make hidden files on a flash drive visible forever, run a couple of commands from the command line.

To do this, press the Win+R key combination, enter cmd, click OK. Or go to the Start menu - Programs - Command Prompt.

In the cmd.exe window that opens, enter:

cd /d f:\ and press Enter

attrib -s -h /d /s and press Enter

f:\ - this is the letter of the flash drive, you can see it in “My Computer”, respectively, if your flash drive has the letter E: then you need to writecd /d e:\

This command will look through all the files on your flash drive and change the attributes to normal. You can go to the flash drive and see that the files have been restored.

Program for recovering files from a flash drive

If you accidentally deleted a file from a flash drive and did not find it in the recycle bin, or a virus tried to do it, then a program for recovering deleted files from a flash drive will help. I will describe the process of recovering files using the Recuva program. For example, I deleted the file from the flash drive "Report.ods"

To increase your chances of recovery, do not use a flash drive or create new files.

Launch the program and select which files need to be restored.

To increase your chances of recovery, create a flash drive image on your hard drive.

Select location on virtual disk(the same flash drive image)

After recovery, the program will display a list of files available for recovery. There we see our file “Report.ods”

Select the file, click restore and select the path where to send the recovered file.

As you can see, the file has been restored.

In the same way, you can restore not only deleted files from a flash drive, but also from any media, even a hard drive.