What is the Android operating system. What is android? Main advantages

The definition of what an "Android" phone is is: it is designed primarily for touchscreen mobile devices. Originally developed for Google-backed Android Inc and later acquired by the company in 2005, the OS was introduced in 2007 with the Open Handset Alliance. The first phone on this platform was sold in October 2008.

Android is open source, which Google releases under the Apache license. This means that software can be developed using permissive licensing, making the OS quickly popular among professionals and developers. Therefore, speaking about what “Android” is in a phone, we can safely say that it is a platform that has a large community of developers who write applications that expand the functionality of devices. As a rule, all applications are written in a special version. In October 2012, there were approximately 700,000 applications available for download on Android phones, and the estimated number of applications downloaded from Google Play, the primary official store, was $25 billion.

These factors have contributed to Android becoming the most widely used smartphone platform in the world, overtaking Symbian in the fourth quarter of 2010. Many technology companies quickly caught on to the Android phone, and today it is widely used as an inexpensive, customizable, and easy-to-use operating system for high-tech devices.

Although it is designed primarily for phones and tablets, additional applications have been developed for televisions, game consoles, digital cameras and other electronics. If previously only the question of how to install Android on a phone was relevant, today the possibility of loading the OS on any gadget is being discussed. The open nature of Android has further influenced the formation of a large community of developers and enthusiasts who began to use its open source code as the basis for collaborative projects. As a result of these projects, new functions have appeared that are designed for advanced users.

Android is based on direct manipulation via touch input. All actions in this OS poorly correspond to real clicks, since you can use the menu with light finger movements. On such devices, the response to user input occurs immediately and is provided by the liquid contained in the displays with a touch interface. Internal ones (accelerometers, gyroscopes and sensors) are also used by some applications and allow them to respond to other user actions. These include changing the screen orientation from portrait to landscape, as well as the ability to perform various actions in games.

If we talk about what “Android” is in a phone visually, then the desktop consists of application icons and widgets. With this layout, icons are designed to launch the corresponding application, while widgets display live content - a weather forecast, a user's email status, or a news ticker.

Ordinary users choose their phone based on what is on display in the store window. Often, studying a smartphone is limited to viewing the interface and music player - buyers do not have great knowledge about the technical characteristics of the purchased product. Let's improve our own literacy level and learn more about how Android differs from a smartphone and about the incorrectness of posing this question.

Great variety

A smartphone is a cross between a mobile phone and a personal computer. For each of these devices it can be:

  • Open webOS;
  • Windows Phone;
  • Android;
  • Apple IOS.

It is a determining factor when considering how Android differs from a smartphone. To understand how incorrectly the question is posed, consider the types of operating systems. They influence the functions that a smartphone can support.

Open webOS

This operating system is the very first one used on smartphones. Now it is becoming less and less common.

Windows Phone (WP)

This MOS was released in 2010 under the leadership of Microsoft. The system also works based on the multi-touch function. Its distinctive property is Hubs. These are sections that unite a common topic (games, contacts, Internet and others). Static icons look like “live” tiles. They reflect information about the state of each partition.

Apple iOS

This type of mobile OS can be installed exclusively on Apple technical products. The screen and interface of the devices operate based on the multi-touch function (simultaneous work with 1-3 points of contact). Applications can be installed on iOS in IPA format.


Let's return to the question of how Android differs from a smartphone. Android and IOS systems are the most popular all over the world. The first version of this OS was launched in 2008. Subsequently, developers only improved Android products. Now this system is installed on many digital technology products (game consoles, watches, tablets and smartphones). Android smartphones have the following advantages:

  • have open source software;
  • support multitasking and multi-user mode;
  • widely available and relatively cheap compared to Apple products;
  • surprise with its bright and user-friendly interface;
  • Support Wi-Fi, file transfer via Internet, USB, Bluetooth.

The main disadvantage of mobile devices running on Android OS is their wasteful battery.

Android or Open webOS

Having dealt with the question of how Android differs from a smartphone, we will find out which OS is better: Android or Open webOS? Of course, give preference to the first option, because Google Corporation occupies one of the first positions in the global market. Its products meet absolutely all modern requirements for mobile devices. The most on Android is Pixi 4007D. Its price is only 1990 rubles.

Instead of a conclusion

It is common to think that Apple products are of higher quality and more prestigious. However, recently there has been a trend towards an increase in Android OS users.

First, let’s clarify for those who do not have information what it is Android.
Android is an operating system for; mobile phones such as smartphones; game consoles; laptops, which is developed by the Open Handset Alliance and belongs to Google. The first version of this system was released in 2008 and after that there have already been 40 system updates. Naturally, all updates were made in order to eliminate or correct certain system errors, as well as to add new functions to the Android system.

Application of the Android operating system

At the moment, based on verified sources, those phones that were purchased in 2014, 85% of them had the Android system. Looking back at Android history, Google originally intended to name versions of the system after famous robots, but ran into copyright issues. But soon each version received its own name, which was given after the name of the desserts. The above names were given in Latin in alphabetical order. At the time of 2014, 12 versions of the operating system had already been released.

Even if you have a simple phone, then with the operating system the same device turns into a full-fledged “smart” phone. Android OS will help you use the Internet without difficulty, for example, watch online movies, videos, read e-books, communicate on social networks, and the like. This system is very easy to use. First of all, you need to connect your phone to the wireless Internet and create a new Google account. If you already have such an account, you can use the old one. After you complete these procedures, all Internet services will become available to you. Next, you will have the opportunity to download programs and other applications.

For example, you can install websites on your phone using the . With this application you can secure your phone by downloading from. Moreover, all programs for downloading are free (but there are also paid ones), unlike other operating systems. If you want to customize the desktop on your device to your liking, then the Android OS will help you change the virtual keyboard, change the interface, screen widgets and shortcuts. Here is an example of a phone with the Android operating system.

Android is one of the most popular and most promising operating systems for various mobile devices. The system offers very convenient tools and maximum flexibility of settings, which allows each user of an Android smartphone or tablet to customize it completely to their needs. The development of this operating system started back in 2003, but it became truly famous only 2 years later - after its acquisition by Google. A turning point in the history of Android occurred in the fall of 2008. Then Google demonstrated the T-Mobile G1, which became the first smartphone running Android. It was at that moment that many world manufacturers paid attention to the promising operating system.

(very first version)

Basic features of the Android operating system

The OS in question has always been positioned by its developers as an open source system. This allows anyone to create their own applications, games and other add-ons to expand the capabilities of Android gadgets. The developers initially thought of everything so that the operating system would work as quickly as possible even on the most “budget” hardware. This is a definite advantage, because... Now even people with the most modest financial resources can enjoy all the main advantages of modern smartphones.

(Android 5.0)

Manufacturers of mobile electronics also willingly take advantage of the openness of the system, releasing their own user interfaces, for example, Sense from HTC. This makes Android gadgets from different manufacturers different from each other. Fans of classic and “pure” Android should pay attention to Nexus devices. They are traditionally the first to receive updates.

Update times for other devices are usually delayed due to the need to modify proprietary shells in accordance with the features of new OS versions.

The main source of games and applications is the Play Store. The catalogs of this store offer a huge selection of free and paid content, the range of which is actively expanding. The quality of Android games and applications is constantly growing. Google itself releases various applications from time to time.

In general, Android devices have all the functions that modern smartphones and tablets must have, according to unspoken requirements. In addition, the functionality can be easily expanded using applications, widgets or third-party firmware.

Those wishing to purchase an Android smartphone must remember that many functions and programs are focused on working with the Internet. If you do not have access to Wi-Fi, it is recommended to connect to a favorable tariff for Internet users or disable some functions that require access to the network.

It is also impossible not to note the limited autonomy of Android devices, especially representatives of previous generations. With active use, a smartphone or tablet will have to be charged daily, and in some cases, 2 times a day. Manufacturers are actively working to correct this shortcoming, and recently interesting devices with noticeably increased autonomy have begun to appear on the market. Developers are not left out either. With each new version, the operating system “eats” less and less charge.

Based on the information provided, we can highlight the key advantages and disadvantages of the operating system in question. So, the undoubted advantages of Android are:
1. Openness of the program code, which makes it possible to develop almost any application and game.
2. Undemanding to the hardware of the device.
3. A huge range of applications and exciting games for every taste.
4. Full compliance with modern ideas about the functionality of a smartphone.
5. Freedom of action for the user. If desired, the system and its interface can be easily customized to suit the owner’s needs.
6. The popularity of the operating system among the vast majority of modern manufacturers. This allows a user with almost any budget to buy a functional and modern smartphone.

It also has its drawbacks. The key ones are:

1. Openness of the program code. Yes, it can be considered both an advantage and a disadvantage at the same time. This is a disadvantage due to the fact that mobile device manufacturers mostly prefer to create their own shells. Because of this, there are significant time delays between the official release of an OS update and its receipt on various devices.
2. Relatively low autonomy. Recently, a huge step forward has been made in this direction, so very soon there will be jokes that “Android smartphones are the most sporty, because... they exercise twice a day” will become nothing more than a funny story.

The platform is constantly being improved and developed. Today it confidently feels itself among the top three leaders in the operating systems market. Numerous experts have repeatedly noted that Android is the future, and they were not mistaken.

The Android platform is already two years old, but despite this there are still people who really don’t know what it is. Therefore, we decided to write this guide for new Android users.

What's happened

Android is the name of the mobile operating system that is currently running on a huge number of devices, and this number continues to grow at a crazy pace. The system is developed by Google, so it comes with a number of proprietary features from the search giant. First of all, this is search and maps.

This means that searching the Internet from your phone is just as effective as searching on your computer. You can also access other Google services such as Gmail, Google Earth, YouTube and Google Calendar.

What can a smartphone based on

Android smartphones are highly customizable and as such can be modified to suit your tastes and needs. With the help of various applications, you can chat and make new friends on or microblog on Twitter, making it ideal for social networks. Thanks to the calendar, you can set reminders, and in the latest version of Android you can send links from your computer to your smartphone and vice versa.

Another useful feature of Android is that it can backup your contacts for you. When setting up your Android device, you'll need to create a Google account or sign in to an existing one. Every time you save a new number to your address book, Android syncs it with your Google account. Where is the advantage, you ask? If you lose your phone, all your phone numbers will be stored in a safe place. Then, when you buy a new Android smartphone and log into your account, all your contacts will appear in the address book of your new device.

What applications can be installed on your phone with

There is a huge range of apps and games that are available for download from the Android Market. There are dedicated camera apps that let you take photos with artistic effects and filters, and music players that let you easily import your favorite music from your computer.

You can customize the appearance of your smartphone by setting the background to wallpapers and photos that you took yourself or downloaded from the Internet.

Android supports on-screen widgets that allow you to access various features and settings on your phone. You can create your own system of shortcuts and menus for your convenience.

Today, the most popular games for Android are , Fruit Ninja, Wordfeud and Drop 7.

How can I get applications on my Android smartphone?

Most applications are downloaded from the Android Market (similar to the iTunes App Store). Most of them are free, but there are also some that you will have to pay for.

In order to pay for applications, you must create an account with Google Checkout. You can pay for apps with a debit or credit card. It takes less than five minutes and is best done from your computer.

Some developers have gone the other way and made their apps freely available for download outside of the Android Market, that is, directly on their websites. In order to download these applications you will have to change some settings on your phone.

What does it look likeAndroid smartphone?

Android devices come in a variety of form factors, colors, and sizes. Some have a super-fast processor, some have a great camera, and others have a slide-out QWERTY keyboard.

All Android smartphones are equipped with a large touch display. Screen sizes vary, but most are at least 3 inches diagonal.

Some of the most popular Android smartphones include HTC Desire (3.7-inch display), Motorola Milestone (3.7-inch display), Samsung Galaxy S (4-inch display), and (4-inch display). The Dell Streak has a huge 5-inch touchscreen display and is currently the largest Android phone in terms of dimensions and screen size.

Who is involved in productionAndroid smartphones?

There are already a lot of them, but the most popular manufacturers are HTC, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson, LG, Dell and Huawei. They all develop smartphones running Android. However, we will probably never see Android smartphones from companies like Nokia and BlackBerry.

Does it existAndroid smartphone developedGoogle?

Google develops software, not hardware. Yes, there is a Google Nexus One, but it is actually made by HTC, which has developed other equally popular Android smartphones, such as the HTC Desire and . The Nexus One is considered the flagship Android smartphone, although some other Android devices have more advanced specifications.

Of all the Android smartphones currently in existence, the Google Nexus One is the first to receive Android updates.

Is Android updated?

Google is constantly working on new versions of Android. These releases are not frequent, and currently usually come out every six months or so, but Google plans to increase this period to one year.

Typically, new versions of the platform come with a digital code and a codename: Android 1.5/Cupcake, Android 2.1/Eclair, and the latest edition Android 2.2/Froyo.

The next version of the operating system will be Android 2.3 Gingerbread. Honeycomb and Ice Cream are expected to be released next.

How are these updates useful and how much do they cost?

Android updates are free. New versions of the platform provide new features as well as various changes. In general, with each update, the speed, performance and stability of Android improves significantly.

Most top Android models receive updates first. Some Android smartphones receive at least one update during their entire life cycle, and some even two.