Why do you need to update the BIOS on a laptop? How and why to flash the motherboard BIOS? About the complex in simple words

For some reason, many users believe that the primary BIOS input/output system, like a program, needs to be upgraded. This is not entirely true. Whether it is necessary will be discussed further. But it’s worth noting right away that if the computer works without failures, it is categorically not recommended to do such things, since this is associated with quite serious risks.

Do possible situations need

First of all, every user must clearly understand that the primary system firmware is integrated into a special chip on the motherboard, and is not located on the hard drive.

In addition, upgrading this system does not provide computer device increase productivity. In some cases, manufacturers indicate that new firmware may simply improve system stability. But this is mainly related only to support for new devices. So, why update the BIOS if you are not going to install new hardware on your computer?

Another thing is when the user wants to update computer hardware, say, install new processor or planks random access memory the latest standard. In this case, of course, an upgrade may be required. But the process of updating the firmware itself, even if a special original program to update the BIOS from the developer is not as simple as it might seem at first glance. The slightest discrepancy, system malfunction, power surge - all this can provoke an interruption of the upgrade, which will lead to a complete failure of the entire computer configuration. This will be discussed separately.

BIOS versions

As for the types of primary input/output systems, today there are at least three of them:

  • AWARD BIOS, developed by Award Software, but later purchased by Phoenix Corporation;
  • AMI BIOS from the corporation American Megatrends Inc.;
  • BIOS UEFI is the most new system with a graphical interface.

The first two types are quite similar to each other both in settings and appearance interface.

The third type appeared relatively recently and is presented in a form with the ability to control the mouse. Some even compare UEFI to a mini-OS (which is partly true).

Possible risks when updating

When asking whether you need to update the BIOS, you should also take into account possible problems:

  • First, you should only install updates that are designed to specific version systems and from a specific manufacturer motherboard. Installing another firmware will result in complete loss of functionality. And make a recovery according to type Windows rollback will not work.
  • In addition, for the first two types, the update should be performed exclusively when booting from removable media and only from DOS mode.

But for UEFI version the BIOS update program can be launched directly in the environment operating system. As a rule, the upgrade is performed automatically after restarting the computer device.

What you need to know when using the BIOS update program

If we talk about the mandatory conditions for updating, you first need to find out the version of the primary system.

You can determine it by the designation of the chip on the motherboard, use system information, called by the msinfo32 command in the Run console or use highly targeted utilities such as AIDA64 Express.

Next, you need to download the new firmware version from the developer’s website and create bootable media. After entering the BIOS settings, you should use the Tools menu, in which you select the upgrade utility, after which the required media is installed directly in the update section and the update file is used.

If you are using a USB drive, it is advisable to connect it to boot on desktop PCs to the port that is located directly on the motherboard (on system unit- behind, not in front).

Particular attention should be paid to the power supply. During the update process, you need to eliminate any possibility of a power surge or computer shutdown. To do this, install a block uninterruptible power supply with stabilizer.

And, of course, you must download firmware exclusively from official resources developers and manufacturers of motherboards, in strict accordance with version numbers. In some cases, when downloading, you may need to disable the antivirus, and when starting from a USB drive, you may need to disable additional ports.


Thus, in the question of whether it is necessary to update the BIOS, the answer suggests itself: if the computer is not supposed to install new equipment that old firmware is not supported, it is better not to do this. Still, no performance effect will be achieved. But if the decision to upgrade is nevertheless made, you need to be extremely careful and comply with all prerequisites, otherwise disastrous consequences cannot be avoided.

Update the operating system and software necessary, but you shouldn’t touch the drivers unnecessarily, although gamers, of course, are better off installing all the updates for their video cards. But what about the BIOS? Should I update it or not?

BIOS updates do not improve the performance of your computer, do not make it more functional, and sometimes cause problems. Therefore, the BIOS should only be updated if the new version contains vital improvements.

What is BIOS?

BIOS stands for “basic input/output system” - basic system input/output. When you turn on your computer, it is the BIOS that steps in and performs a self-test (POST) and then passes control to the bootloader, which starts the operating system. BIOS is the software itself lower level. It does its job quietly without attracting the user's attention. Modern computers instead of BIOS they use UEFI, but the essence does not change - UEFI plays a similar role.

Unlike the operating system, which is stored on the hard drive, the BIOS is stored on the motherboard chip.

BIOS update

Manufacturers often produce BIOS updates for your computers, and for PCs of your own assembly, you should look for updates on the website of the motherboard supplier. The BIOS update can be written to the chip by replacing it with previous version BIOS.

Each computer (motherboard) strictly specific version BIOS, so you can only install updates that are released for that specific model.

Why you shouldn't update your BIOS

BIOS updates are not the same as software updates that add new features, fixes, and improvements. BIOS updates usually come with a very short list of changes: fixed incorrect work some rare components or added support for a new processor model.

If the computer is working normally, BIOS is better do not touch. There will not be much difference between the new and old version, and sometimes even on the contrary, the update can lead to problems if old version at one time it underwent more thorough testing than the new one.

In addition, updating the BIOS is more difficult than regular software. This is most often done through DOS, because updating from Windows often causes problems. Yes, yes, through that same DOS: as a rule, you need to create a bootable USB drive with DOS and boot the computer from it. But in general, each manufacturer has its own instructions for updating the BIOS.

You should only install updates that are intended specifically for this motherboard model. If you take a BIOS for a different model - or even for a different revision of the same motherboard - problems may arise. The BIOS update tool will usually try to check whether the selected version is suitable for a particular hardware, but if the update process starts without checking, it is possible that the computer will then become unbootable.

The same thing will happen if the computer's power is turned off during the update. Ideally, the motherboard should have backup copy BIOS written on the chip is read-only, but not all models have this.

When to update BIOS

Considering that updating the BIOS usually does not lead to any tangible improvements, sometimes causes errors and can result in failure, it is better not to update the BIOS unless necessary. However, there are situations in which updating can help.

Errors. If you encounter errors that new version The BIOS has been fixed (you can find this out in the changelog on the manufacturer’s website), it’s worth updating the BIOS. It is even possible that the manufacturer himself will advise you to do this if you contact support with your problem.

Support for new equipment. Some manufacturers periodically add BIOS support new processors and other components. If you are going to install a new processor that did not exist when the motherboard was released, you will need to update the BIOS.

But in any case, before updating the BIOS, be sure to look at the list of changes and make sure that they are really relevant for you.

After you turn on your computer, control is transferred to Bios, a small firmware stored in the motherboard ROM.

Bios has a lot of functions for checking and identifying hardware, transferring control to the OS bootloader. Through Bios you can change the date and time settings, set a boot password, determine the boot priority of devices, etc.

In this article we will figure out how best to update this firmware using motherboards from Gigabyte as an example...

1. Why do you need to update Bios?

In general, it’s not worth updating just out of curiosity or in pursuit of the latest Bios version. All the same, you will not receive anything except the number of the newer version. But in the following cases, perhaps, it makes sense to think about updating:

1) The inability of the old firmware to detect new devices. For example, you bought new hard disk, and the old version of Bios cannot detect it correctly.

2) Various glitches and errors in the old version of Bios.

3) A new version of Bios can significantly increase the speed of your computer.

4) The emergence of new opportunities that did not exist before. For example, the ability to boot from flash drives.

I would like to immediately warn everyone: in principle, it is necessary to update, but this must be done extremely carefully. At incorrect update you can ruin the motherboard!

Also, do not forget that if your computer is under warranty, updating the Bios will deprive you of the right to warranty service!

2. Bios update

2.1 Determining the correct version

Before updating, you always need to correctly determine the motherboard model and Bios version. Because Computer documents may not always contain accurate information.

To determine the version, it is best to use the Everest utility (link to website: http://www.lavalys.com/support/downloads/).

After installing and launching the utility, go to the section motherboard and select its properties (see screenshot below). We can clearly see the model of the Gigabyte GA-8IE2004(-L) motherboard (we will look for Bios on the manufacturer’s website based on its model).

2.2 Preparation

The preparation mainly lies in the fact that you need to download according to the motherboard model the required version Bios.

By the way, you need to warn in advance, download firmware only from official sites! Moreover, it is advisable not to install beta versions (versions under testing).

In my example above, the official website of the motherboard is: http://www.gigabyte.com/support-downloads/download-center.aspx.

On this page you can find your board model, and then view last news To her. Enter the board model (“GA-8IE2004”) in the line “ Search Keywords" and find our model. See screenshot below.

The page usually lists several Bios versions with descriptions of when they were released and brief comments about what's new in them.

All! You have updated the Bios. The computer will reboot, and if everything went well, you will be working in the new version...

1) Do not go into and change Bios settings unless necessary, especially those that are not familiar to you.

2) To reset Bios parameters Optimal: remove the battery from the motherboard and wait at least 30 seconds.

3) Do not update Bios just because there is a new version. Updates should only be made when absolutely necessary.

4) Save before updating working version Bios on a flash drive or floppy disk.

5) Check the firmware version that you downloaded from the official website 10 times: is it the right one, for the right motherboard, etc.

6) If you are not confident in your abilities and have little knowledge of your PC, do not update yourself, trust more experienced users or service centers.

That's all, happy updates everyone!

BIOS is the firmware responsible for bootstrap Windows. It checks the functionality of components and add-ons. The correct loading of the computer and its normal operation(hardware components).

It is written on the motherboard, not on the hard drive like the OS. In new devices, the BIOS has been replaced by UEFI, which performs the same functions, but has been improved. Both programs sometimes need to be updated.

BIOS can be updated in several ways


Manufacturers regularly release updates for laptops. It is downloaded from the official website of the company that produced the laptop. It’s more difficult for owners of PCs with their own build. To find files to update, they will have to rely on the motherboard chip data. Any update is also written to the chip, replacing the old version.

It is not difficult to update the bios correctly, but only materials designed for a certain model PC or boards. Each motherboard has a strictly defined type of firmware, and installing the wrong version can lead to malfunctions of the computer or its complete inoperability.

BIOS – fine program, and therefore it is better to update it only in extreme cases. On a normally functioning PC there is no need to update it. This is due to several factors:

  • Flash bios on motherboard asus board or any other complex, the process requires some skills, the process goes through DOS;
  • The improvements will not be noticeable, since the differences between the versions are minimal and highly specialized;
  • Malfunctions and malfunctions may occur because... the old version was tested more thoroughly than the new one;
  • When carrying out work, the power must not be turned off, otherwise the device will stop loading.

But sometimes the BIOS needs to be updated. If you regularly encounter one or another error in operation, go to the device manufacturer’s website and check whether such an error has been resolved in the new firmware version. More often, such a list is available on manufacturers’ websites. If such a problem is really solved in the new version, it makes sense to update the bios on the laptop.

Another good reason to flash the BIOS is the installation of new equipment. If you purchased a new processor that appeared after the release of your motherboard, then it will not be supported by your BIOS. Manufacturers add support for new types of processors to new firmware versions, so you will have to download such a file and flash the firmware.

You should update the BIOS as a last resort. But even then, before upgrading, study the characteristics of the new version and find out whether the problems are solved. Based on this, decide whether you need to update the bios.

Find out the current version by pressing Win+R on your keyboard. In the window that opens you see msinfo32 for 32-bit OS. Click Run. A window will open listing the hardware and OS characteristics of the device. Find the one you need among them.

Sometimes a notification appears that the bios mode is outdated. This means that the BIOS operating mode is outdated; it still works in real mode, not protected mode. Firmware may not help solve the problem, but it is not serious and does not need to be fixed.


The update method depends on the computer manufacturer, motherboard model, etc. Most often, each manufacturer has its own instructions for flashing. You can get acquainted with it on the official website of the company.

On all modern motherboards or you can update the bios on your computer with any of the above methods. But it is better to choose the latter, as it guarantees a minimum number of errors.


Update bios asus or any other modern laptop, you can use any of the three described methods. They have their own nuances, but when carrying out the process using utilities, they are still not complicated.


A difficult option with high risks. To update bios to windows computer 7 do the following:

  1. Find out the model of your motherboard;
  2. Download from the manufacturer's official website required version firmware;
  3. Sometimes there are several of them. In this case, choose the one that is designed for installation in DOS mode;
  4. Create bootable USB flash drive with BIOS, DOS and additional utility(it is downloaded from the manufacturer’s website or included in the archive along with the firmware);
  5. Install the USB flash drive and restart the computer;
  6. Specify the media on which bios firmware motherboard;
  7. After the flashing is completed, reboot your PC.

There are no more precise instructions, since they vary for different PCs and boards. Detailed instructions find on the manufacturer's website. But using this method is not recommended.


It's easy to flash the bios on a laptop this way. Errors rarely occur. Popular method.

  1. Download the firmware utility. It is different for each manufacturer. Program for updating bios asus – Asus Update, MSI – Live Update etc.;
  2. Install the program;
  3. Run;
  4. Find the online function to search for new firmware. IN different programs she in different groups commands;
  5. From the list of firmwares, select the required one;
  6. Activate download;
  7. After downloading, run the flashing and follow the instructions of the program.

Firmware for bios asus, MSI and others in this way is also safe because the program itself selects suitable version firmware. Moreover, intuitively clear interface will help even a non-advanced user to install the firmware.


It is possible to reflash the bios on a laptop from the firmware using pre-installed utilities. This the hard way, as it differs depending on the motherboard chip model, manufacturer, etc. To update the bios on the motherboard gigabyte board, run the pre-installed @BIOS utility; other manufacturers have other programs. Such programs are similar to the utilities involved in previous method, but not so convenient. They also work with them - they find required file online and launched.

More often, this method is used when the computer breaks down, when it is impossible to log into the OS, because... PC won't boot.