History of the creation of Adobe Photoshop. Difference between SS and CS versions. Selecting Photoshop for a specific version of Windows

All versions of Photoshop, the most popular, have their own unique set of features, so it is quite difficult for users to decide which version to use.

Let's look at the distinctive characteristics different types Photoshop editor and we will select the best one for your Windows OS build.

Determining your version of Photoshop

If Photoshop is already installed on your computer, you can determine the version of the software yourself.

This is necessary for correct installation and applications additional elements.

Version information software needed if you want to install a crack or special plugins.

Follow the instructions to find out the current version of your Photoshop:

  • To see the version of the program, first turn it on;
  • after loading the main one, open the Help item on the toolbar;
  • click on “System Information”;
  • the first line of the window that opens indicates the program version. Select and copy this text;

  • find the copied text in Google or any other search engine. The long set of numbers determines the build version of the program;

  • Based on the search engine results, we can say that our PC has Photoshop version SS.

Features of program versions

Program Adobe Photoshop has been a leader in the software market for many years. professional processing images.

During the entire period of application support, Adobe released a large number of versions, each of which had its own innovations and features.

First version of Photoshop

The very first version of the program had a numeric identifier of 1.0. The application was released back in 1990.

The functionality of the program resembled the well-known Paint.NET. It was actually an advanced image processing program for its time.

In the future, the developers tried to release new versions of each goal, improving individual elements for editing.

The application acquired its more familiar look and broad functionality only in 2002 with the release of the 2002 build.

Photoshop 7.0 2002

In Photoshop in 2002, the “Healing Brush” first appeared, with which users could even out the tone of individual layers of an image.

The developers for the first time introduced the function of creating and further saving the settings of a personal working window of the program, which the user could adapt to himself.

A version has also appeared for Mac OS X.

First Photoshop CS (version 8.0)

In 2003, Adobe programmers released new version CS, which subsequently gave rise to the development of a whole group of assemblies with this identifier.

This build supports scripts and the ability to work with multiple layers of images, combining them into separate groups.

Photoshop CS2

In this build, for the first time, users have the ability to eliminate red eyes in photographs.

The layer control panel has undergone minor changes and the location of most of the tools has changed.

Photoshop CS3

The CS3 build was released in 2007. It significantly speeds up the process of loading the start window and, in general, working with the program has become much faster.

The program was adapted for Windows XP, and over time began to work well on Windows 7.

The developers have configured an optimized display of the program on portable devices.

Photoshop CS4

The program was released in 2008. As for improving functionality, the developers have simplified “Masks” and improved color correction of images.

The user interface has become more intuitive. Thus, even novice users can quickly start working with the program at an advanced level.

Let's consider more details features more modern versions Photoshop.

Photoshop CC 2014

In June 2014, Adobe released a comprehensive update for most of its software products, including for Photoshop.

The new version received the CC 2014 identifier.

This version of Photoshop started to launch much faster, despite the larger number various functions and opportunities.

At the same time, software began to consume more random access memory(30 – 60 MB).

Significant changes have appeared in the settings of the main window and toolbar. All program windows have become more compact, and the text font has been increased.

More features of the 2014 CC version:

  • The Advanced window is displayed constantly, regardless of the user's operating mode;
  • it became possible to instantly track the distance between selected objects in the image or between the boundaries of the picture;
  • when copying an element, a tooltip automatically appears indicating the distance from the boundaries of two objects;

  • It became possible to embed Linked Smart type objects into a document. This allows you to significantly reduce the size final file without loss of quality;
  • users can import individual PNG files up to 2 GB in size;
  • search by fonts was carried out;
  • instant display of the font on the selected object;
  • adding Path Blur and Spin Blur types of blur;
  • separating a focused object from a more blurry one.

Photoshop CC 2015

In June 2015, Adobe released the version of Photoshop SS 2015. Among the features of the new version of the application are the following:

  • optimization has been improved. The launch of the program and the process of working with images have been significantly accelerated;
  • introduction of the new Design Space tool. With its help you will be able to edit objects big amount improved tools, while the tool eliminates unnecessary mouse movements;

  • simplified image export;
  • Improved resources in Creative Cloud;
  • Artboards design changed;
  • the presence of additional styles of object layers;
  • ability to view user projects on iOS platform;
  • simple printing 3D elements.
Readable file formats JFIF[d], PSD, PNG, GIF, PSB[d], BMP, Cineon[d], DICOM[d], IFF, JP2[d], OpenEXR, PCX, Pixar picture[d], PBF[d], Scitex CT[d], TGA, TIFF, WBMP, PICT[d], Radiance HDR[d] And Photoshop Curve[d] License

Features of Adobe Photoshop[ | ]

Despite the fact that the program was originally developed as an image editor for printing, given time it is widely used in web design. Along with more earlier versions Photoshop was spreading special program for these purposes - Adobe ImageReady (for animation of gif files), which was excluded from the delivery of Photoshop CS3 due to the integration of its functions into the main graphics editor, as well as inclusion in the line of software products Adobe Fireworks, which became the property of Adobe after the acquisition of Macromedia.

Photoshop is closely related to other programs for media processing, animation, and other creative work. In conjunction with programs such as Adobe ImageReady (deprecated in CS3), Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects and , it can be used to create professional DVDs, provides non-linear editing tools and special effects such as backgrounds, textures, etc. for television, cinema and world wide web. Photoshop has also taken root in developer circles computer games.

Story [ | ]

First version [ | ]

The first version appeared in 1987. It was created by University of Michigan student Thomas Noll for the Macintosh platform. He called it Display, but renamed it ImagePro in 1988. In September 1988, Adobe Systems bought the rights to the program, leaving Thomas Noll as the developer, and in 1989 the program was renamed Photoshop. In 1990, Photoshop 1.0 appeared.

As part of the Adobe Creative Suite[ | ]

Photoshop 8.0, dating back to October 2003, was called Photoshop CS, as it began to refer to Adobe Systems' new line of products - Creative Suite.

Photoshop 10.0, dated April 2007, is called Photoshop CS3. The abbreviation CS3 means that the product is integrated into the third version of the Adobe Creative Suite software package. In previous products - Photoshop CS and CS2, in order to differ from previous versions and strengthening the affiliation with the new product line, the program symbol was changed: instead of the image of an eye, which was present in versions from 3 to 7, the image of feathers was used in the style decision. In Photoshop CS3, the application icon and splash screen use the letters from the product name "Ps" in blue gradient background. The list of innovations includes new interface, increased operating speed [ ], new Adobe Bridge, new filters and tools, and an application , allowing for preview work in templates of popular devices, such as mobile phones.

As part of the Adobe Creative Cloud package[ | ]

Photoshop 14, dated June 2013, is called Photoshop CC. The abbreviation CC means that the product is integrated into the Adobe Creative Cloud software suite.

Starting from June 2014, the program has a new version naming: now its name contains the year of release (Photoshop 2014.0.0).

It is possible to use three-dimensional files for embedding into a two-dimensional photo. Some operations are available for processing a 3D model, such as working with wireframes, selecting materials from texture maps, and adjusting light. You can also create inscriptions on a 3D object, rotate models, change their size and position in space. The program also includes commands for converting flat photographs into three-dimensional objects of a certain shape, such as, for example, a can, a pyramid, a cylinder, a sphere, a cone and others.

To simulate motion in Photoshop, you can create animation frames using image layers. You can create video images based on one of many preset pixel aspect ratios. After editing, you can save your work as an animated GIF or PSD file, which you can later play in many video programs, such as Adobe Premiere Pro or Adobe After Effects. You can open or import video files and image sequences for editing and retouching, create animation footage, and export your work to a QuickTime file, GIF animation, or image sequence. Video frames can be separately edited, transformed, cloned, masks, filters can be applied to them, different ways pixel overlays, you can draw on them using various tools.

Starting from the CS version, working with scripts is available in Photoshop.

"Easter eggs"[ | ]

Are common [ | ]

Image of Merlin Hold Alt and click the black triangle in the upper right corner of the Layers palette and hold left button mouse, select Palette Options from the menu. This magician (Merlin) is a long-lived " Easter Egg", present in Photoshop since version 3.0. It is not available in version 13.0 (CS6). Alternative screensaver Hold Ctrl and select Help → About. For Mac OS: ⌘ Command , Photoshop → About Photoshop. The picture changes from version to version. For example, in CS2 the splash screen depicts a monkey in space, in CS3 - a red pill, in CS4 - Stonehenge, in which you can read the name of the version (CS4). And in CS5 - White Rabbit and the inscription White Rabbit. In CS6, it's a text-drawn cat with the title Superstition. In beta versions, the alternative screensaver is shown by default, and when Ctrl is pressed, the standard (release) screensaver is displayed. While the alternate screensaver is itself an Easter egg, other Easter eggs are often included within it. Electric Cat One of the Easter eggs that appears in the alternate screensaver. Version 4.0 was codenamed Big Electric Cat. The electric cat has become the mascot of Photoshop and is found in the alternate screensavers of all versions up to CS6 (except CS4). In some versions (7.0 / Liquid Sky, CS3 / Red Pill) it is hidden; To see it, you should take a screenshot and raise the brightness of the image in the picture.

CS Specific[ | ]

Program website There is a drawing in the form of a pen on the toolbar. When you move the mouse over it, it becomes colored. Clicking on it will open the program website. Taconite Man Open the Photoshop.dll file (C:\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\) with a resource extraction program (such as Restorator or ResHacker). Go to the bitmap section. Open resource No. 5037. There will be a Taconite Man.

CS3 Specific[ | ]

Photo by Bruce Fraser Take a screenshot with an alternative screensaver, then turn the brightness all the way down (−150). This Easter egg was made in memory of Bruce Fraser, the author of books on Photoshop, who died shortly before the release of CS3. Red footprints from a cat's paw Take a screenshot with an alternative splash screen, then open Levels (Ctrl + L) and in the middle cell change 1.00 to 9. At the very bottom the inscription also appears: “Alternative beta splash screen by Jeffrey Tranberry for my grandmother Maxine Tranberry and my kitties Duane and Debbie."

In colloquial speech[ | ]

This program is often simply called Photoshop. Word photoshop in the colloquial speech of non-specialists it has already become a household word and often means any photo editor that applies editing/effect/filter to a photograph (and the process itself - photoshop) or a photo processed in any graphic editor (see.

All versions of Photoshop, the most popular drawing program, have their own unique set of features, making it difficult for users to decide which version to use.

Let's look at the distinctive characteristics of different types of Photoshop editor and select the best one for your Windows OS build.

Determining your version of Photoshop

If Photoshop is already installed on your computer, you can determine the version of the software yourself. This is necessary for the correct installation and use of additional elements.

Information about the software version is needed if you want to install a crack or special plugins. Follow the instructions to find out the current version of your Photoshop:

  • To see the version of the program, first turn it on;
  • after loading the main one, open the Help item on the toolbar;
  • click on “System Information”;
  • the first line of the window that opens indicates the program version. Select and copy this text;
  • find the copied text in Google or any other search engine. The long set of numbers determines the build version of the program;
  • Based on the search engine results, we can say that we have a version of Photoshop CC installed on our PC.

Features of program versions

Adobe Photoshop has been the market leader in professional image editing software for many years. Over the entire period of support for the application, Adobe has released a large number of versions, each of which had its own innovations and features.

First version of Photoshop

The very first version of the program had a numeric identifier of 1.0. The application was released back in 1990. The functionality of the program resembled the well-known Paint.NET. It was actually an advanced image processing program for its time.

In the future, the developers tried to release new versions of each goal, improving individual elements for editing. The application acquired its more familiar look and broad functionality only in 2002 with the release of the 2002 build.

Photoshop 7.0 2002

In Photoshop in 2002, the “Healing Brush” first appeared, with which users could even out the tone of individual layers of an image. The developers for the first time introduced the function of creating and further saving the settings of a personal working window of the program, which the user could adapt to himself. A version has also appeared for Mac OS X.

First Photoshop CS (version 8.0)

In 2003, Adobe programmers released a new version of CS, which subsequently gave rise to the development of a whole group of assemblies with this identifier.

This build supports scripts and the ability to work with multiple image layers, combining them into separate groups.

Photoshop CS2

In this build, for the first time, users have the ability to eliminate red eyes in photographs. The layer control panel has undergone minor changes and the location of most of the tools has changed.

Photoshop CS3

The CS3 build was released in 2007. It significantly speeds up the process of loading the start window and, in general, working with the program has become much faster. The program was adapted for Windows XP, and over time began to work well on Windows 7. The developers configured optimized display of the program on portable devices.

Photoshop CS4

The program was released in 2008. As for improving functionality, the developers have simplified “Masks” and improved color correction of images. The user interface has become more intuitive. Thus, even novice users can quickly start working with the program at an advanced level.

Let's take a closer look at the features of more modern versions of Photoshop.

Photoshop CC 2014

In June 2014, Adobe released comprehensive updates for most of its software products, including Photoshop. The new version received the CC 2014 identifier.

This version of Photoshop began to launch much faster, despite the greater number of different functions and capabilities. At the same time, the software began to consume more RAM (by 30 - 60 MB).

Significant changes have appeared in the settings of the main window and toolbar. All program windows have become more compact, and the text font has been increased.

More features of the 2014 CC version:

  • The Advanced window is displayed constantly, regardless of the user's operating mode;
  • it became possible to instantly track the distance between selected objects in the image or between the boundaries of the picture;
  • when copying an element, a tooltip automatically appears indicating the distance from the boundaries of two objects;
  • It became possible to embed Linked Smart type objects into a document. This allows you to significantly reduce the size of the final file without losing quality;
  • Users can import individual PNG files up to 2 GB in size;
  • search by fonts was carried out;
  • instant display of the font on the selected object;
  • adding Path Blur and Spin Blur types of blur;
  • separating a focused object from a more blurry one.

Photoshop CC 2015

In June 2015, Adobe released the version of Photoshop SS 2015. Among the features of the new version of the application are the following:

  • optimization has been improved. The launch of the program and the process of working with images have been significantly accelerated;
  • introduction of the new Design Space tool. With its help, you will be able to edit objects with a larger number of advanced tools, while the tool eliminates unnecessary mouse movements;
  • access to a huge database of images from Adobe Stock;
  • simplified image export;
  • Improved resources in Creative Cloud;
  • Artboards design changed;
  • the presence of additional styles of object layers;
  • ability to view user projects on the IOS platform;
  • simple printing of 3D elements.

Difference between SS and CS versions

Despite the similarity of all versions, some types of assemblies still have significant differences. Let's consider the difference between the well-known CS and CC.

A set of CS (Creative Suite) versions – more old version Photoshop. This version does not support working with the cloud and some plugins. At the same time, the program is compatible with mobile devices and has an updated toolbar for intelligent object correction.

SS (Creative Cloud) versions – unlike CS, SS supports cloud libraries for data storage. It is possible to “coordinate” work on an image between a mobile device and a PC. Significantly improved AAF optimization. There are additional codecs and support more formats and plugins.

Selecting Photoshop for a specific version of Windows

  • for Windows XP - it is better to install versions 7.0, CS1, CS2, CS3;
  • Windows 7 is among the most suitable versions CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6;
  • Windows 8/8.1 – install CS4, CS5, CS6, CC 2014 or CC 2015;
  • Windows 10 – versions CS6, CC 2014 or CC 2015 are perfect.

Depending on the Windows OS installed on your PC or laptop, you should select the appropriate version of Photoshop. Do not attempt to install the latest version of the editor on Windows XP or 7. This may result in incorrect operation programs and excessive load on the system's RAM.

When installing software, consider the bitness of your OS. It comes in two types - 32-bit and 64-bit. You can find out the bit depth in the window system parameters PC:

Depending on the bit depth, download and install the corresponding exe file.

How to work in FS online

Photoshop is a program that requires installation on your PC. If you do not want to waste time on installation, you can use the online version of the program. They have reduced functionality, so they cannot work with bulky projects.

A detailed lesson on how to use online Photoshop.

Photoshop has become an integral part of the life of any designer, from the moment he first picks up his first mouse. On February 10, 2010, this wonderful program will celebrate its 20th anniversary. The period is considerable. Let's celebrate this with Web Designer Depot significant date, tracing the evolution of versions of Photoshop over the past two decades.

Photoshop: the very beginning
The most remarkable thing is that the idea to create Photoshop was born within the same, but very gifted family. This is father Glen Knoll, a professor, an engineer by profession, and two brothers - Thomas Knoll, a student, also an engineer, and John Knoll, a special effects master.

Glen Noll had two hobbies - computers and photography. It was there, in his father's darkroom, that Thomas studied the basics of contrast and color correction, and John learned with interest about the old Apple. Back in 1984, Glen bought one of the first Macintoshes. His functionality The brothers were very disappointed, and this marked the beginning of the creation of a program that everyone now knows under the name Photoshop.

But first there were long stages of developing the program, creating intermediate products, introducing changes and improvements, and searching for investors. As a result, the first official Adobe version Photoshop was released in February 1990.

1990 – Photoshop 1.0
Thomas was working on source code program, and John was responsible for developing plug-ins. At that time, many Adobe employees considered the brothers' idea to be largely adventurous. On the first version of the program's screensaver, only four names of programmers appear.

1991 – Photoshop 2.0
Among the innovations in this version are the appearance of the Path tool, support for CMYK colors, rasterization vector images for Illustrator. The printing services market has become interested in Photoshop.

1994 – Photoshop 3.0
Revolutionary version of Photoshop. The concept of “Layer” appeared in it. A layer is a small piece of an image. The entire image is formed according to the “sandwich” principle from such small pieces.

1996 – Photoshop 4.0
The introduction of “Adjustment layers” and “Macros” are two of the most notable innovations in this version. Another important change in 4.0 is unification user interface with other Adobe products.

1998 – Photoshop 5.0
In the fifth version, it became possible to control color. Other new features include the History Palette and Magnetic Lasso.

1999 – Photoshop 5.5
As part of Photoshop, another program “Image Ready” has appeared for editing graphics. The “Save For Web” function has appeared.

2000 – Photoshop 6.0
Now you can work with “Layer Styles”, plus expanded capabilities for working with text.

2001 – Photoshop Elements
In 2001, a stripped-down version of the Photoshop Elements program was released, containing a set basic tools. The product turned out to be a success. It is popular among those who do not need the highly sophisticated functions of Photoshop.

2002 – Photoshop 7.0
A “Healing brush” has appeared, the ability to create and save workplace settings, optimization for using Mac OS X

2003 – Photoshop CS
Support for scripts has been implemented, including JavaScript, the ability to combine layers into “Layer groups”, and improved work with large images.

2005 – Photoshop CS2
A tool has appeared that removes the “red-eye effect” from a photograph, the ability to transform the image in perspective, the panel with layers and the location of some tools have changed.

2007 – Photoshop CS3
The increase in loading speed is perhaps the most notable feature of this version. More innovations - graphical optimization for mobile devices and update Adobe Camera RAW.

2008 – Photoshop CS4
The zoom functions for images have been improved, working with “Masks” has been made easier, color correction has been significantly improved, and the user interface has been simplified.

What is the Noll family working on now?
Glen Noll still teaches at Michigan State University. John Knoll works for Industrial Light Magic as a visual effects creator. He participated in the creation of special effects for " Star Wars" and "Pirates of the Caribbean". Thomas Knoll is currently working on creating a plugin " Camera Raw", which will improve compatibility different formats images.

Photoshop - so popular program, which practically needs no introduction. Many people who have a computer know about it, although not everyone works with graphics. But, for those who have never seen this amazing program, I’ll tell you a little about her. And anyway, sooner or later, everyone has to do at least minimal photo processing - cropping, reducing, etc. Of course, you can use Photoshop for these purposes, but it’s like using a cannon against sparrows, because the possibilities of Photoshop in graphics are much wider, almost endless...

So - Photoshop, or more correctly - Photoshop, is a program for creating and processing raster graphics, in other words - a graphics editor. Raster graphics- this is any image that consists of individual pixels of different colors - photographs in a camera, pictures on websites, sprites in games - in general, the bulk of all graphics are raster. Photoshop opens up all this beautifully and provides an incredible number of tools for working with images.

Photoshop itself is just a set of tools that are put together. But everything is done so thoughtfully and carefully that it creates a real working laboratory for an artist or designer. There are drawing tools - various brushes and fills, tools for inserting and working with text, for vector graphicsLatest versions even allow you to load 3D models into popular formats, created in three-dimensional graphics editors.

Photoshop allows you to quickly and effectively edit a photo, create a montage, and even draw a picture with clean slate" As a tool for an artist, it may not seem as convenient as those specially designed for this purpose. graphic editor, But this is only at first glance. The program has everything necessary funds for drawing, starting from the simplest pen, with a changeable and easily customizable “brush”, to many color palettes, which allow you to “mix” colors in any proportion. There are also vector graphics tools that can often make your work much faster and easier. And if you take up drawing at a professional level, the program allows you to easily connect Graphics tablet and fully realize your fantasies...

From the very first versions, Photoshop was intended to be an easily expandable program. This means that it allows you to easily connect different modules, developed by third-party programmers, and there are hundreds and thousands of them. If there are not enough tools in standard set Photoshop, and they are usually quite sufficient for any request, then you can use some exotic filters, brushes, palettes... All this in a huge number available on thousands of sites on the Internet, and much of it can be downloaded absolutely free.

Photoshop is so convenient and powerful program that today almost every person who is somehow related to graphics has this program on their computer. Web designers develop all website graphics in it, programmers - everyone who pleases our eyes beautiful icons and game characters, photographers - correct unsuccessful photographs, removing red-eye and correcting brightness, contrast or color balance. Photoshop is often needed by almost everyone.

In this regard, it is clear that knowing the basics of Photoshop for someone who uses a computer not only for games is just as important as knowing how to type text in Word. These two programs are among the most necessary in the kit of any more or less literate “user”. Therefore, you need to master this program. Fortunately, with its convenience, Photoshop has won such love from users that thousands of websites dedicated to it have been created, hundreds of books have been written, both for beginners and professionals, hundreds of hours of training videos have been filmed... All this is easily accessible to everyone, and with any level of training. Even someone who knows nothing at all about graphics can master it and learn a lot. You just need to try to get to know this program better and the world computer graphics can captivate you for a long time...