Rollback on Windows 7. How to create a restore point in Windows and perform a system rollback

You need to learn how to roll back the system in Windows 7 to restore normal operation of the OS. Drivers on your computer may crash, which happens often. blue screens deaths and other glitches, and system rollback is an option to solve these problems. Users and systems settings will return to the initial state, but the files and other data will remain the same as they were. Let's take a closer look at the rollback process.

How to roll back the system to Windows 7 - Method No. 1

If you can turn on your computer and start the broken system, this method will suit you. Please note that you must have previously made a system restore point. Usually, after sudden reboots of the computer, the system independently creates a recovery file and stores it on drive C.


How to roll back the system in Windows 7 - Method No. 2

When the computer turns on, everything works, but the system does not start as usual, you need to try booting into safe mode. To enter it, you need to press F8 when starting the computer until the menu appears. Next, you need to select boot in “Safe Mode” and only then, after rebooting, repeat the steps of the first method. That's how you learned how to roll back the system in Windows 7.

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Windows 7 is a product from Microsoft. But often even in a good OS problems arise program level. The computer may begin to glitch, slow down, or even not start at all.

In this case the best option will roll back the OS to a version that worked well. This could be a version several days or even weeks old. How to roll back Windows 7 will be discussed below.

How to roll back Windows 7 system

Restoring Windows 7 OS can be done in several ways:

  1. Rollback from Windows 7.
  2. Recovering from safe mode.
  3. Recovery using a boot disk.

Let's look at each method in more detail.

How to downgrade from Windows 7

If the OS is still running, you can roll back the system this way:

  1. Go to Start and type “Recovery” in the search. The results will display the line “System Restore”. When you click on the item, the installation window will open.
  2. In the window, click “Next”, and in the next window select the recovery point that you previously created. A restore point is saved settings of your OS that will help you roll back the system to the moment when the point was created.
  3. We go through all the steps, and the OS recovery will begin.

Your personal data and files will not be deleted or modified during recovery.

How to restore from safe mode

If suddenly Windows 7 does not boot into normal mode, and boots in safe mode, then you can start restoring from safe mode:

  1. To enter the safe mode, while turning on the computer or laptop, press F8. Then a menu will open where you can select “Safe Mode” among the items.
  2. The instructions for restoring Windows 7 in safe mode are no different from the instructions in normal mode, which are described in the previous section.

How to restore Windows 7 using a boot disk

This method is perfect if the case is very severe and even safe mode does not load.

To restore the OS using a boot disk, you need:

  1. Insert boot disk Windows 7 and wait for the OS installation window to open.
  2. In the window, click on the “System Restore” item.
  3. Then the windows will be the same as in previous paragraphs articles.

After recovery, the computer should boot in normal mode. If this does not help, then you should reinstall Windows 7 completely.

How to roll back a Windows 7 update

Sometimes, OS updates may not install correctly and then you need to roll them back or delete them. You can read about this in our articles and.

Sooner or later, all PC users find themselves in a situation where their computer begins to work intermittently or the OS does not start at all. In this case, most convenient option– system rollback. This article will discuss methods to restore the OS in Windows 7.

System recovery methods

All difficulties encountered in system rollback can be figuratively divided into three large groups, each of which will have different recovery methods.

  • It is possible to boot the system;
  • The computer does not start at all;
  • The PC can only be activated in “Safe Mode”.

Method 1: Built-in System Restore

This method is ideal for those users whose PC starts in standard mode. Its essence is that you return the system state to the previously created one control point, in which no global changes have yet been made that have resulted in disruptions. Some PCs automatically create such save steps, but users of other equipment will have to take care of the presence of checkpoints themselves.

  1. Go to the menu "Start" and click on the title "All programs".

  2. Find the directory in the list that appears "Standard".

  3. Open the folder "Service".

  4. Click on the icon opposite the inscription "System Restore".

  5. The system recovery program will automatically launch, in the main window of which you need to click "Further".

  6. In the next window you will need to check the box next to "Show all…", after which all possible points to perform a system rollback. Select the period in which, in your opinion, the PC worked without failures, and click "Further".

  7. Click "Ready" For automatic start rollback procedures. It is recommended to close all utilities and documents in advance, since once the process is completed, the PC will immediately restart.

Method 2: Rollback from a backup archive

If you have already taken care of creating backup copy systems, this method is ideal for solving the problem. It is advisable to create such archives during periods when the computer works most correctly.

  1. Go to the menu "Start" and go to the tab "Control Panel".

  2. Find the title "System and safety" and click on it.

  3. In the proposed list, click on the item "Archiving and recovery", then go to the header "Recovery from archive".

  4. Find the link at the very bottom of the window "Restore system parameters» , and after moving to new tab, click on "Advanced Methods".

  5. You need to choose the first option offered below, which begins with the phrase "Use a system image".

  6. You will be given the opportunity to make a backup copy of the current state. This can protect you if the recovery procedure goes wrong. Select "Archive" or "Skip".

  7. Save all documents open on your PC and quit all applications, then click "Reboot".

  8. Your PC will restart and immediately display a window asking you to select a language for further work. Select the option convenient for you and click on the button "Further".

  9. IN next tab you need to select the image from which the system will be restored. You can indicate the last created copy by clicking on the corresponding button, or find the image on your PC by clicking "Choose an image".
  10. To continue, click "Further".

  11. The next window will provide information about the settings for the period to which you are rolling back. Click "Ready".

  12. An alert will appear "Restoring a computer from an image", where you need to click "Further".
  13. The OS will automatically return to the specified checkpoint.

Method 3: Rehabilitation of damaged system files

During the operation of the computer, problems may arise. various malfunctions in system files. If this is the reason for the PC failure, then simply restoring the damaged information is enough.

Method 4: Activate the system with the last normal configuration

This method should be used when the PC simply does not start in the usual way, even through "Safe mode".

Often this method is used when you need to correct something wrong installed drivers or if there are errors in the main registry.

Method 5: Rollback via “Safe Mode”

There are situations when the PC does not activate the usual method, but it can be launched via "Safe mode".

Method 6: Using the Recovery Environment

This method is used when the computer does not start in normal and safe mode.

Depending on the chosen rollback method, the further recovery procedure will differ. More details on how this can be done were described in the methods above.

As you can see, there are quite a lot in different ways system recovery. Choosing the appropriate method depends on the state of your computer. System Restore can be done in any case, even when the PC does not start in normal or safe mode.

So, today we will talk to you about how to perform a system rollback in Windows 7. The thing is that modern viruses and Trojans can cause all sorts of malfunctions. Then the computer stops working normally. This is where the need to make “kickbacks” arises. Let's learn how this is done.

If there is no choice

But when is a system rollback necessary for Windows 7? Let's try to figure it out with you in this difficult matter.

To begin with, it is worth understanding that such “things” are not done just like that. You must have good reasons for any manipulations with your operating system. The first option when a user may need a system rollback for Windows 7 is a banal clutter that cannot be corrected using normal methods. Moreover, this option It’s only suitable when the computer starts to slow down due to “junk”.

The second reason why you may need to roll back your Windows 7 system is constant crashes and factory resets.

Of course, we cannot ignore such a scenario as introducing a virus or Trojan onto your computer. Sometimes it is rollbacks that help to cope with problems. So, now let's see how to properly prepare and carry out the “operation”.


Of course, after you notice that your computer has stopped “obeying” and is constantly slowing down, a completely logical conclusion comes to mind - do a rollback. After all, it returns the computer to the state it was in on the selected date. Very comfortably. True, if you decide to perform such an action, then you should be well prepared. In Windows 7, a system rollback can be performed in several ways, which we will talk about today. But for now we are just getting ready.

You will need to save all your data that is important. Certainly, personal information, as a rule, rollbacks do not affect, but in the event of a “failure” during the process, you can “lose” Windows along with all the data. So, it's better to be safe. In addition, it is advisable to scan your computer for viruses. Some Trojans can interfere with the recovery process. So, if you are not afraid, then all that remains is to choose how to roll back the Windows 7 system, and then proceed to action. Let's see what's available for this.


Well, the first and most popular method is to restore the operating system using built-in functions. This is very convenient to do in Windows 7. The system rollback will occur quite quickly, however, you will need to enable the function of setting “rollback points” in advance. It is enabled by default.

But how can you roll back operating system when did it enter? To do this you will need a "recovery tool". It can be found in the Start menu. From there, go to "Standard" and then select "Service". Next, all you have to do is click on “recovery tool”. Now let's do a system rollback in Windows 7 together.

After you click on the button, a window will open in front of you that will warn you that the system will inevitably return to the state that you have “installed” now. Just agree with him and move on. Now you need to select a restore point. As a rule, they are done automatically. If there are none, then you are out of luck - if successful, all settings will drop to zero. Click next and wait for the process to finish. During this process, the system may reboot several times. Now you know how to perform a system rollback in Windows 7. But this is only the first option. It’s worth talking about others too.

Command line

Of course, you can’t escape anywhere without the so-called command line. It is she who will help us implement today’s idea. However, you will need to carry out the process correctly so as not to lose important data.

First of all, you will need to start the system in safe mode. Done? Call command line(by pressing Win + R), then enter special combination. The command “rstrui.exe” is suitable for performing a system rollback in Windows 7. Now press "Enter". The already familiar “restorer” window will open in front of you. In it, select a rollback point and confirm your actions. Now all that remains is to wait for completion. In Windows 7, system rollback when booting into safe mode is another very popular method that is used system administrators. But there is another option for the development of events. It won't suit everyone. Let's get to know him.

Installation disk

So, the next way you can do a system rollback in Windows 7 is by using installation disk. If you already have it, then great. No? Then it is better to use one of the already familiar options. After all, the whole problem is that the computer will refuse to work with a disk that is not identical to your OS.

In the case when the user uses a pirated version, especially one he installed himself, there should be no problems. In general, let's assume that we already have a disk. Now you need to set up your computer and get started.

Insert the disk into the drive and go into the BIOS. There you need to set the boot from the DVD-ROM first. Save and restart the computer. Wait until the Windows 7 installer starts to open. You will see the system rollback immediately.

Look at the lower left corner of the window - there will be “recovery” there. In the window that opens, select “System Restore”. Read the information about the irreversibility of the process and click "next". Now you should choose a rollback point. If the computer has been configured correctly, then you will already have at least 2-3 pieces. Have you chosen? Click "next".

In the window that opens, click “Done”. A warning from the series “did you think well?” will pop up. Yes, we had a good time thinking about it! So, feel free to click “yes” and watch how our system will be restored. After this, just click on the “reboot” button. That's all - you know how to rollback using all possible methods.

Doesn't always help

True, very often it turns out that in Windows 7, rolling back the system does not help. Moreover, it can start, and then “stall” in the middle or, even worse, at the very end. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t get the recovery tool to work. What then?

In this situation, the only threat is complete reinstallation"Windows". So, keep a close eye on your computer and make rollback points so that you are prepared in case you need to perform a restore. Good luck!

Has your computer or laptop started to glitch badly? Or doesn't it turn on at all? First of all, try restoring the Windows 7 OS system. The operation takes 10-15 minutes, but it can really help. After all, in in this case rollback in progress Windows systems 7 a couple of days ago, when the PC or laptop was still working fine.

This is an operation during which all parameters are restored and system files from the created Windows backup copies. That is, if you accidentally deleted important files or changed the settings (for example, installed new driver), and after that the computer starts to slow down (or does not turn on at all), then this can be fixed. It's at least worth a try.

Restoring the previous one Windows versions carried out from control points that are created every week, as well as after making any changes (installing or removing programs). Typically, this feature is enabled automatically. Plus you can create control points manually.

There are at least 3 ways:

  • Windows means;
  • via safe mode;
  • using a flash drive with Windows 7.

Let's look at each of them in more detail.

At Windows rollback 7 all your personal files will remain in place. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about this.

But there is one nuance here. During recovery, files recorded between today and the day to which you decide to roll back may be lost. Therefore, if you recently (today, yesterday, the day before yesterday, etc.) downloaded important documents onto your PC, it is better to save them to a flash drive. Just in case.

How to return the system back using Windows 7?

The first way to roll back Windows 7 is through the OS itself. But it is only suitable if your PC or laptop turns on. It doesn’t matter whether it glitches or freezes, the main thing is that you can load the desktop.

So, do the following:

After this, the Windows 7 system rollback will begin. When the operation is completed, the computer or laptop will reboot and you will see a message that everything was successful.

If this doesn't help, try enabling Windows recovery 7 by selecting another control point. But in this case, you will need to check the “Select another point” checkbox and click “Next”. And after that, the familiar window from step 4 will open.

Restoring the OS through Safe Mode

If your PC or laptop does not turn on at all, then you can try recovery Windows startup 7 in safe mode. To do this, when turning on (or restarting) the PC, press the F8 key repeatedly until the menu appears. Next, select “Safe Mode” and click Enter.

However, there are some nuances associated with different Windows versions. Therefore, to avoid any difficulties, I recommend that you read –?

You wait until the computer or laptop turns on, and after that you perform all the same steps as in the previous option. That is, to roll back the Windows 7 system, follow steps 1 to 7 described above.

And the third method: recovery from a flash drive (or disk) with installation files

The disadvantage of this option is that you need to write to Windows flash drive, which is on a computer or laptop. And the plus is that in this way you can try to return the Windows 7 system, even when the PC does not turn on and safe mode does not start. That is, this is your last chance.

If you did everything correctly, a window will open with Windows installation 7.

Wait until the procedure is completed and click on “Reboot”. Then immediately remove the flash drive from the connector (or the disk from the drive), after which the PC should turn on in the usual way.

By the way, restoring Windows on a laptop and computer is the same. So you can try any method you choose.

That's all. Now you know how to rollback Windows systems 7. I hope one of the 3 methods will work and you will be able to restore the functionality of your PC or laptop.