Asus laptop battery calibration via bios. How to manually calibrate a laptop battery. Laptop battery: controller reset, firmware and reset

If the battery charge is displayed incorrectly, calibrating the laptop battery will help you. Over time, the original battery capacity of your device is lost and the full charge may be displayed incorrectly (5% charge is displayed, although the real charge is 20-30%). Please note that physical wear cannot be eliminated, but errors in controller readings and software errors will be eliminated.

How often should the battery be calibrated?

Some manufacturers recommend calibration every two to three months. This helps you read the battery more accurately.
In fact, you don't have to worry about such frequent manipulations if you don't care about the most accurate charge indicator. But when your laptop turns off without any warning or you notice a rapid battery drain in the last 10-15%, then it's time to calibrate the battery.

How to manually calibrate a laptop battery

On this moment There are 2 main calibration methods used: Manual or Software. Both methods work on the same principle - completely discharging and fully charging the battery to restore the charge controller's performance. The only difference is that laptop battery calibration programs can display more information and perform additional software manipulations to obtain best result. But on personal experience we can say that the differences between these two methods are minimal.

So let's get started. The whole point of calibration is to fully charge and fully discharge the battery. In this case, the charge controller readings will be reset, which will allow you to more accurately determine the charge readings in the future.

To begin, open the settings for your power plan: Control Panel – Power Options

Setting up the power plan

Change Extra options

Expand Battery Settings and select options as shown in the image.

the main objective these manipulations so that when the charge ends, the device does not go to sleep, but goes into hibernation, which in our case is more convenient. Set the level complete discharge 5% or less, the less the better. Then set a ban on going to sleep or turning off the display when running on battery power so that the battery discharge process is not interrupted. After completing all the manipulations, you need to set these parameters to default or according to your preference.


  1. Charge your battery to 100%
  2. Disconnect the power cord and completely discharge the battery before turning it off (or going into hibernation)
  3. Connect your device to power and charge it to 100%

Laptop calibration programs

Software calibration is quite difficult process. A large number of battery and laptop models, differences in chipset drivers, ACPI drivers and many other reasons does not allow creating universal application for calibration. But such applications still exist. Most of them were created by device manufacturers, which is not surprising, because supporting the software component is one of the manufacturer’s responsibilities.


Perfect for checking charge and collecting battery performance statistics. free application– BatteryCare. It does not have the ability to perform calibration, but the information that is displayed through this software can tell you whether there are any shortcomings in the operation of the laptop and its power supply.
BatteryCare can be downloaded from the developer’s official website. This utility shows the battery charge and the approximate time until the battery is discharged in the tray. The application can monitor the CPU temperature and hard drive and will notify you about their overheating.

Another program for calibrating a laptop battery is Smarter Battery (download). This utility is paid, but there is a free promotional period of use. The functionality of this application is richer, unlike the previous utility. Statistics collection, notifications, widgets, capacity, power settings - the main list of application functions. Registration is required in order to perform calibration.

If this software is not suitable for you, try paying attention to programs and advice from laptop manufacturers.
Almost every manufacturer has a utility for calibrating a laptop battery; it is usually included in the pre-installed software package.

In addition, it is possible to perform calibration via Laptop BIOS. There is a topic on the Samsung website that may also apply to other laptops (c Phoenix BIOS)
For other manufacturers (Asus, Acer, Dell and others), either there are no utilities or they are very outdated and are available for a limited number of models.

For supporting correct operation Your device and its power supply, you should know a few rules:

  • Always update your drivers: ACPI drivers and chipset drivers are the main components responsible for power supply circuits and the interaction of the main software and hardware components of your device.
  • BIOS/UEFI update. Maintenance current versions microprograms have a positive effect on the laptop's power supply.
  • Usage different schemes power supply depending on the load. No Mode required for surfing the Internet and watching movies high performance, and sometimes this negatively affects the charge performance.
  • In cases where the laptop only works on mains power or the battery is completely discharged in 10-15 minutes, you should consider purchasing a new power source or contacting Service center to diagnose a hardware component, if new battery didn't help.

We hope that this article helped you in resolving your issue. If you have any additional questions or difficulties, write comments on this article, we will try to help.

Have a great day!

The laptop is considered by many owners as portable device, which, if necessary, you can take with you on a trip, to the country, or just to work in a cafe. In such situations, it is important that the computer can work autonomously for as long as possible - without connecting to the network.

Why calibrate your laptop battery?

Laptop batteries have a certain charge level, which cannot be exceeded due to the chemical processes occurring in the device. Because of incorrect operation controller battery, which is a consequence of connecting the laptop to a power source when at different levels charge, maximum capacity battery life may decrease.

Example: The actual battery charge may be at 90%, but the controller will detect it as 50%. When the charge drops to 5-10% according to the controller, the laptop will go into sleep mode. Wherein real level The battery capacity will be at 45-50%, but the computer owner will not be able to use the remaining energy.

To avoid situations in which the controller incorrectly determines the charge level of the laptop battery, it is necessary to calibrate the battery from time to time. Its purpose is to “remind” the battery controller of what charge level is maximum and what is minimum.

When to calibrate your laptop battery

There are recommendations from battery manufacturers that calibration should be performed every 2-3 months, depending on the intensity of computer work. However, it is easier to determine the need to calibrate the battery by checking its parameters at a specific point in time. To find out if your battery needs calibration, do the following:

It is worth noting that calibrating the battery in any case will not make the indicators of full charge and calculated capacity identical. This is due to the chemical processes occurring in the battery, which do not allow the battery to be restored to its original state.

How to automatically calibrate a laptop battery

Before you start calibrating your laptop battery, it should be said that this procedure will take several hours. At automatic calibration source autonomous power supply It is prohibited to use a laptop.

Almost every laptop manufacturing company installs various software. Among them, most often, there is a utility that is responsible for battery operation. Through it you can find out about the status of the battery, configure power settings and, among other things, perform calibration. Below we will consider the option of calibrating the battery using the example of the Energy Management application, which comes with Lenovo laptops, but the operating principle similar programs identical

To calibrate your Lenovo laptop battery using the Energy Management application, you must:

The calibration process assumes that the laptop will charge to 100% and then discharge to 0%. During calibration in automatic mode You cannot use the computer and you should not close the laptop lid, since the screen is the main consumer when the battery is discharged.

Note: If you cannot find a “native” battery calibration application on your laptop, you can use third-party solutions. There are dozens free utilities with similar functionality, for example: Battery Eater or BatteryCare.

It is worth noting that some laptop manufacturers do not install separate application for diagnostics and calibration of the battery, and integrate this functionality in BIOS. For example, this is what HP does when it builds into Phoenix BIOS utility to calibrate the battery. It's called Smart Battery Calibration and can be found under the Boot tab.

In others BIOS versions The location of the utility may differ on other computer models. Before setting the BIOS to use the battery calibration function, it is recommended that you read the information on the computer manufacturer's website and make sure that such functionality is provided.

How to calibrate a laptop battery manually

Since the calibration procedure involves a complete charge and discharge of the battery and no further manipulations, it can be performed without third party applications V manual mode. To do this, you must first change Windows settings, because the laptop computers when the battery charge drops to critical low values go into sleep mode, and this will prevent the battery from being completely discharged. To calibrate the battery in a laptop, configure the device's power supply as follows:

After this, the newly created power plan will be automatically applied. Next, you need to fully charge the laptop battery and remove the power adapter. After this, you need to wait until the computer is completely discharged, then you can use it, but do not forget to save your work, since the laptop may turn off at any time. When the computer battery is completely discharged, you need to charge it again to 100%, after which you can switch the computer to standard mode power supply as the calibration process is about to complete.

If you are a fan of ASUS laptops, then you have probably heard the legend about the origin of this brand. Name trademark was given by the ancient mythical winged creature Pegasus, sharing the last four letters with the inventors. Apparently, the creative team initially decided to convey to users the idea of ​​truly unique performance of this device through a mythical image.

The flight of thought was adjusted by marketers who were looking for a way to highlight their brand, make it recognizable and something that would catch the eye in the first place. Of course, the letter A in any alphabet is guaranteed to be higher than the letter P, so the proposal to eliminate the first three letters was accepted.

What is calibration?

What is calibration and how does it help you? Calibration is the process of zeroing the readings of a battery voltmeter. Resetting allows you to return the controller to normal if the battery is, in principle, still alive. The point is this. A charge indicator of 100% means that the voltage in the battery cells has reached its maximum value. This is 4.2 V. It is at this moment that the controller - electronic brain Battery – signals that the battery is fully charged. However, if the readings are not taken entirely correctly, the signal will arrive much earlier than the battery is charged.

The controller, like any brain, sometimes needs to be rebooted and rethought its usual algorithm of actions. Simply because after many months of work, this brain begins to lose count and incorrectly count volts and percentages. If you fully charge it, then completely discharge it, and then recharge it to capacity, this may well help the controller restore its functions and no longer let you down with false information about fully charged battery Again, we repeat again, if the battery itself is normal. Myths and legends that calibration will help revive a dead battery are not relevant here.

How to restore the battery?

Calibration didn't help and your laptop battery still doesn't hold up? This means that you will have to disassemble and restore! Consultants of specialized companies - in particular, - warn that repairing laptop batteries should be trusted to professionals. In general, it’s better to buy a new one right away. In any case, it will last longer than the restored one.

Do you intend to deal with unruly equipment yourself? Well, then get your scalpel, soldering iron, multimeter and car light bulbs ready. Divide the battery into two parts along the seam, measure the voltage on each element inside the case, and discard those where the voltage is less than 3.7 volts. In their place, install new “barrel” elements (battery elements look exactly like these household equipment). The marking of new elements should be similar to the old ones. After this, seal the body.

Is the laptop working, the battery is charging and has started to hold a charge longer than before? Congratulations! No? Then the offer from the online store is still valid. Contact us and our consultants will help you choose new battery compatible with your laptop!

Programs and utilities for calibrating a laptop battery

To improve the operating efficiency of a laptop battery, it is advisable to periodically calibrate it. This can be done manually using special programs, as well as through utilities in the BIOS. As you know, a laptop battery consists of a controller (chip) and individual batteries connected in parallel and/or in series. The controller monitors the charging and discharging process of the battery cells. The problem here is that during the operation of the battery, the controller data begins to diverge from the actual state of the cans. As a result, the laptop may “go offline” even when the battery is charged. The battery cannot be used under such conditions and requires calibration. Calibrating a laptop battery ensures that the charge of the battery cells and the readings of the charge controller are brought to the same level. In this material we will try to figure out how this is done and what programs and utilities are used.

Calibration is required in cases where the battery charge data of the battery controller does not match their actual state. Let's give a simple example. The charge level of the battery packs is 90%, and the controller has information about their charge at 70%. As a result, when the controller sees 10%, it will send the laptop to sleep mode. But in fact, the battery has a charge of 30% and could still work. As a result, time is reduced battery life and the user has to charge the laptop more often.

Using battery calibration programs and manual method you can get rid of this error. Calibration also eliminates the "memory" effect. Not to be confused with memory effect.

This is a situation where the battery “remembers” the state of charge when connected to the mains, and then releases its charge to this point. As a result, the laptop battery capacity is not fully used.

Battery calibration programs can help correct this situation. In all modern models Laptops use lithium batteries and they do not have the “memory effect” that batteries have.

How to evaluate the capacity and condition of a laptop battery using the program

Before carrying out the activities described below in this material, make an assessment of the laptop battery capacity. As they say, you need to realize and comprehend the state of the battery. To do this you need to do the following sequence actions on a laptop running Windows.

Launch Command Prompt with administrator rights. For those who have forgotten how to do this, type cmd.exe in the Start menu and using context menu Run the command line on your laptop as computer administrator.

IN command line type the following:

powercfg.exe -energy -output c:\report.html

At the end of the line, the path where the report file will be saved and its name is indicated.

Wait for the system analysis to complete and then go to the path you specified to view the report file. In our case, this is the report.html file in the root of drive c.

In the received report, we are interested in the section called “Battery Information”. There you need to pay attention to the calculated capacity and the value at the last full charge of the battery. This section will also indicate your laptop's battery type.

As you can see, the last full charge shows a capacity significantly less than the nominal one. A message is even displayed stating that the last charge was carried out at less than 50% of the battery capacity. In this case, you need to use programs and utilities to calibrate, or, more precisely, recalibrate the laptop battery.

But it should be remembered that calibration is not a cure-all. If the battery has lost capacity due to long term service, then no calibration will help him. Recalibration programs are designed to eliminate errors in determining battery capacity.

What programs are there to calibrate a laptop battery?

In automatic mode, you can perform calibration using special programs. These utilities are produced by laptop manufacturers.

HP laptops

In particular, HP offers a diagnostic tool for this UEFI systems System Diagnostic. To use this utility, you need to press Esc when booting the laptop and after the boot menu appears, F2. You will enter System Diagnostics where you will need to select “Battery Test”.

On the page that appears, you will need to click “Start battery testing”. A scan will be launched which will take certain time. After its completion, the program will offer certain actions which are recommended to be done.

You can also calibrate the battery using the HP Support Assistant in Windows. To do this you need to do the following:

Go to Start -> Programs -> HP Support Assistant. As a result, the program will start and a welcome window will appear. In this window, you can specify the utility's operating parameters and prevent the window from appearing during future launches of HP Support Assistant.

In the window that appears, open the Diagnostics tab and click the HP Battery Check button. The program will run for some time, and upon completion it will display the results of the battery test. Below you can see everything in the photo.

Together with the result of the analysis of the battery condition, the program will give the necessary recommendations, which may include replacement, calibration, successful completion of the test, etc.


For Lenovo laptops, you should use the Energy Management program to calibrate the battery. Most Lenovo Idea laptop models are equipped with an Energy Management utility designed to manage power supplies. The program is possible.

After installation, launch the program and click the gear in the main window. In the next window, click “Start” in the “Reset indicator” line. In the window that appears, the calibration will need to be confirmed by clicking the “Continue” button. All actions are shown in the screenshots below.

The utility will start the calibration process, which can last several hours. When finished, the following program window will be displayed.

You might be interested in an article about.

Battery calibration- This important stage for portable laptop users who monitor the status of their devices.

Due to the way they operate, they currently require periodic adjustments before use so that the current charge is correctly detected.


When is the setup done?

The procedure is required to be performed on new devices, which will give the user up-to-date information about the battery status.

The procedure will not eliminate physical wear and defects in the structure of batteries, but it may increase the battery life. At a certain charge level, usually 30%, the device goes into standby mode.

And if the controller shows that there is 30% of it left (and in reality this value is higher) and transfers it to , then the current state of the capacity will be displayed.

Newer nickel-based cells have a so-called “memory effect”.

It seems to remember the charge level when there is power from the mains and does not discharge below this value, believing that this level corresponds full discharge.

Determining the battery capacity of a laptop computer

Before calibrating the battery, you should make sure that the operation is necessary, especially if there are no problems in determining the amount of charge.

  1. We launch it with administrator privileges, for example, by entering “cmd” in the “Run” window (Win + R) or through search in Windows 10.
  1. We execute the code in it "powercfg.exe -energy –output disk:\path\filename.html".

  1. We are waiting for the operation to complete (indicated by the closing of the window).
  2. We go to the specified directory and open the one created in the .

To do this, you will need a browser, and the functionality of IE or the built-in “ten” is quite sufficient.

  1. We look through the report and find the capacity calculated by the controller and its value after the last full charge.

Calibration is carried out when the peak capacity of the battery is tens or more percent higher than the actual capacity obtained as a result of its last charge.

Battery tuning techniques

There are two ways to make the controller work correctly:

Manual setting

Done in three simple steps and does not require any third-party software.

1 Charge to the maximum value of 100%.

2 Disconnect the cable from the network and wait until its charge drops to zero.

3 Connecting again(as soon as possible) and charge to maximum.

It seems simple, but there is one nuance: when it decreases to a certain level (about 30%), it goes into sleep mode, and therefore achieve desired effect It won't work that way.

To avoid similar situation execution will help next chain actions (relevant for any Windows):

  • Calling the applet Power supply .

This is done through a search in Windows 10 or the control panel when its elements are visualized in the form of large icons.

  • Click on the menu on the left "Create a power plan".

Here you can edit the current plan or create a new one. Let's take the second route, so as not to distort standard settings standard plans.

  • We create a new power supply scheme, set its name and set high performance.

Entering a name and plan for the diagram

Afterwards the scheme will be automatically activated.

If you are satisfied, after charging and disconnecting from the network, you can restart and wait for the device to turn off by logging into BIOS menu, but you will have to wait longer, because the processor load in this case is minimal.

Automatic setup

Many developers ship their laptops with power management utilities. , for example, come with an Energy Management utility.

  1. Launch the software and click on the icon with the image of a gear to start the process.

  1. Click “Start”, closing everything third party programs.
  2. We connect the power cord to the network if it is not connected, and click “Continue”.

The battery will charge, discharge to zero and be charged again. There is no need to remove and connect the cable, and interrupting the process is strictly not recommended, nor is it recommended to use the device.

Only in this case is success guaranteed.


Those laptops that use the Phoenix BIOS I/O system have an integrated test and calibration function.

Advice! It is important that during the calibration process the battery is fully charged and the laptop is unplugged, otherwise an error will be displayed.

Third party software

If you don’t have the desire/opportunity to perform manipulations in , download applications like Battery Care or Battery Eater or Battery Mark if there is no standard software to solve the problem.

Latest program after charging, it loads the CPU with the task of calculating the infinite value of Pi.

The utility will additionally allow you to comprehensive testing battery both during and in case of idle time.

Special algorithm will allow you to perform a couple of discharge-charge cycles for about an hour (the time depends on the capacity and degree of wear).

Hewlett-Packard ships laptops with HP Support Assistant.

The “My Computer” subsection contains tools for testing and debugging a laptop PC.