Furniture landing page - the best examples. Landing page templates. How to make them believe and trust you

The profession of a realtor in our country is young and not fully developed. Unfortunately, real estate dealers are often associated with dishonest extortionists. It's connected with big amount“black” brokers and various scammers, communication with whom can discourage you from using such services for a long time. To achieve success in this area and become a professional in your field, you need to thoroughly study all the issues and figure out how to find clients.

Serious real estate companies were able to earn authority and change people's opinions about this profession. They care about the reputation of their employees and hire only highly qualified specialists.

Digging deeper

There are many in the arsenal in various ways how realtors find clients, but there is a main rule - first of all, it is necessary to assess the capabilities of a potential buyer. It is necessary to find out the marital status, level of financial solvency and the underlying reasons why the person turned to a realtor for help.

Economy clients

Often the overall strategy depends on how much money the client is willing to pay. Only price plays a fundamental role. People who want to save money do not pay attention to the level of service; they are ready to solve many issues on their own in order to reduce the cost of services. Realtors should take this feature into account and understand that even minor expenses can cause a storm of indignation.

Business class clients

Those people who purchase business class real estate equally value the quality of service and the cost of the property. You need to work with them clearly, reliably and always come to meetings on time.

Often clients of this level do not want to take on someone else’s responsibilities and try to shift everything to the realtor. They are willing to pay, but demand excellent service for it.

"Elite" clients

Such buyers deserve special treatment, so you need to understand how to approach the client. It is very important to subtly sense their mood and desires in order to offer the ideal option. The service must be on top level, and the price of real estate really matches its quality. A realtor is obliged to solve all problems before they arise; only such cooperation can bring pleasure to one side and profit to the other.

Always be in sight

When developing a plan for how to find clients, realtors often use tactics where potential clients can find them themselves. You need to “shine” on all thematic forums, blogs and social networks. You can create own blog or organize a community where you can get all the information.

It’s convenient to tell people about the services you offer using your Twitter account. It is advisable to synchronize it with others social networks and “tweet” relevant and interesting articles and reviews. A potential client will definitely remember the realtor, if necessary, immediately remember his existence and ask for help. If a realtor is interested in how to find clients on the Internet, this is one of the easiest ways.

Portfolio - a mirror of excellence

You should not include in your portfolio all your hobbies and areas of activity in which certain work has been done. It is more advisable to focus on achievements in the real estate sector, to indicate all major transactions and successfully implemented projects.

Online and offline advertising

When thinking about how to find new clients, you need to make the most of any advertising tools. These could be various resources on the Internet or old-fashioned marketing methods. Sometimes they can be the most effective source of attracting customers.

People often look for people who can help them solve their problems on message boards. Therefore, it is advisable to leave information about the services offered there.

By sending so-called cold letters to many postal addresses, you will definitely find a person who will be interested in the offer of the real estate company.

Experienced realtors know how to find clients. To do this, you need to leave information about yourself wherever possible. Owners of websites and blogs can place advertisements for a fee, so it’s worth using their services.

Where should the meeting take place?

To understand how to approach a client, it is useful to study the basic rules. Much attention must be paid to the first meeting; it must be thought out to the smallest detail. It is better if the client names the time and place. It is important not to “tease” a potential buyer. If he chooses cheap housing, he should not come in an expensive car. In front of an “elite” client, you need to “keep your mark” and work on your appearance and accessories.

When going to a meeting, you need to have the right mindset for work. For any client, the seriousness and responsibility of a realtor is important. If a person does not inspire confidence and does not convince of his competence, he is unlikely to be entrusted with searching for options.

Features of working as a manager

To succeed in a profession such as a manager, you need to figure out how to find new clients. This knowledge is relevant in any field and for every entrepreneur, whether he is a beginner or an experienced businessman. If earnings depend on the number of buyers, it is necessary to develop basic strategies for finding them.

There are many places where potential clients can “live”. The main thing is to attract their attention.

Telephone directory - manager's reference book

Various directories containing phone numbers and contact details can become useful tool to find clients. Need to call potential clients and offer your services, immediately communicating all the benefits that the buyer will receive. Naturally, they depend on the specifics of the activity and the type of goods or services offered.

When thinking about how a manager can find clients, it is worth looking for them among those who advertise on similar topics in local newspapers. Perhaps they will be interested in the offer. Searching for people on the street and in others in public places may also be successful.

Having formed a certain client base, you can move on, offering services to their family, friends and acquaintances. If people are satisfied with the result of cooperation, they are unlikely to interfere with it.

Of course, it is not so easy to interest a potential client, so managers need to train their ability to persuade and speak eloquently. These are indispensable skills in such a profession.

Listen and convince

To succeed in the profession of a realtor or manager and clients, you need to be able to hear people. Potential clients must be assured that there is complete focus on their needs and desires. Thus it appears more information about areas of interest to the client, and important nuances for him emerge that can be used for further successful cooperation.

Often the fate of a deal depends on the gift of persuasion that the realtor has. This skill allows you to understand not only how realtors find clients, but also how they solve problems that arise in the communication process. People who pay money for services want to avoid any hassle and shift responsibilities to a realtor. The ability to persuade and avoid sharp corners improves over time, the main thing is to remember that the client is always right. You need to convince him carefully, using weighty arguments and arguments.

The art of communication

It is very important for a realtor or manager to immediately understand what the client is and what he expects from cooperation. Seasoned professionals don't need to try very hard to solve this mystery. They select the keys for each client by eye and strive to determine their main idea. There are many communication methods, but first of all it is necessary to recognize the psychotype of a potential client. Based on this, it is worth presenting information in a form in which it will be easier for the buyer to perceive it.

To figure out how to quickly find clients, you need to be a bit of a detective. Studying stranger, you need to find its “control levers” and manage them competently. But do not confuse persuasion with deception. In all situations it is necessary to remain an honest and decent person. Only in this case will clients return again and again, advertising quality services friends and acquaintances.

The problem of finding clients faces not only novice clients, but also professionals. Experienced specialists always use several methods of attraction.

Option for beginners: report new job to all relatives, friends and acquaintances.

To do this, you first need to create a list with at least 100 contacts. Every day you need to meet with 2-3 people and tell them about your new position only in a positive way. For example, about how you came to the real estate industry, completed a training course, how interesting it is to work as a realtor, etc.

Attending social events and exhibitions

They don’t necessarily have to be about real estate, the main thing is that there are a lot of successful people on them. At the exhibition, you can hand out your leaflets or business cards, offer your services to companies, but it’s better to start with small enterprises.

Informant method

Informers are people who tell the realtor about real estate properties for sale and those who want to use the services of a real estate specialist. Their work is not free, it is better to agree on their percentage of the deal in advance. Informants can be employees of the housing office, REU, courts, passport offices, and even grandmothers on benches.

Submitting advertisements “buy”, “exchange”, etc.

Advertisements must be of a personal nature, for example, a young family to buy an apartment in the Central District for up to $30 thousand. During the conversation, try to agree on viewing the apartment, saying that the clients have entered into an agreement with you, and first you must check everything yourself.

Another answer is “these clients have already found a suitable option, but I have many people who want to look at and purchase your apartment.

Large format advertisements

Posters with text and a pocket for business cards can be hung in the courthouse, passport office, poster office, etc. Accommodation can be arranged for a small amount.

Telephone and contact surveys

This method will help not only find clients, but also find out what the population thinks about the real estate industry, what they lack, and what they imagine experienced realtor etc. The survey can be conducted by telephone, calling at least 20 people a day, or going out on the street, communicating with people and giving your business cards.

Posting advertisements around the area

One of the most popular methods, it takes a lot of time, but often it helps to find new clients. Think about the text of the ad; it should be interesting and memorable; the traditional “I’ll buy an apartment...” districts of all Russian cities are replete with them.

Buying “hot” clients in the Adslead service

A convenient method available to realtors from any major city in Russia. Here you spend money not on advertising and search, but on ready-made clients with whom you can immediately start working.

Using this method will help you forget about constantly posting advertisements and surveys. Buying customers is another new one, but reliable way searching for clients. The company reaches over 3 million customers per year. It is also convenient that each partner has his own personal manager, ready to answer any questions.

To start cooperation, you need to go to the service and register, indicating in which city you want to search and how many clients you would like to receive daily. Then set up an account and start getting clients.

This method, unlike others, does not require cold calling and wasting time on advertising and talking with people who are not interested in selling or buying real estate. The service provides contacts of a person who needs professional help.

The fee for one client in St. Petersburg and Moscow is from 50 to 150 rubles, this is much more profitable than searching on your own. A realtor can be confident that a potential buyer or seller is already interested.

Finding clients is one of the main tasks of a realtor. Experts use various methods to attract buyers and sellers of real estate, but they do not always help achieve the desired result. To receive potential clients constantly, you should use a new method - the Adslead service.

Furniture sales companies are desperately fighting for every customer with the largest market players. The battle for the title of sales champion is also heating up in the field of online trading. And here are the 3 main mistakes that prevent you from creating a selling landing page in the “furniture” niche.

Mistake #1. Template approach

Rice. 1 What are the risks of using templates? — You will receive a landing page identical to your competitors, and your clients simply will not remember you.

Find unique furniture website design- a task almost impossible. Almost all landing pages are made as a carbon copy, “by triggers,” using . It seems that the newly arrived players in the furniture market do not bring anything new, at most they add their own photos. And this is the situation even in the premium segment!

The first, the most main mistake— fear of standing out from competitors. Simple is, of course, better than nothing, but not the maximum of possibilities. There are simply too many landing pages like this already, so the most important thing is to study your competitors and NOT do like them.

Mistake #2. All at once

Rice. 2. When you try to create a landing page “about everything,” everything suffers at once: the offer becomes blurry and does not attract attention, the photo on the first screen is uninteresting, and the benefits are lost.

Let's say you make the best upholstered furniture in town. We decided to order a landing page and do everything according to the rules. Then divide your catalog into several areas (beds, sofas, chair-beds, etc.) and make a separate landing page for each area. Ideally, according to the “one product and one price” scheme. There is no need to pull products out of thin air - analyze Wordstat data and select popular items with low competition.

The desire to “cram” the entire catalog onto one page does not lead to anything good. The attention of potential customers is scattered and the effect of an online store is triggered (the client views half the catalog and leaves without purchasing). If the catalog is really voluminous, then there is another solution: present top models on the landing page and send full catalog on request.

Mistake #3. Nothing special, just a discount

Rice. 3. A percentage discount (especially such a small one) does not inspire confidence and is perceived as a handout. The best option: offer a discount in ruble equivalent, or indicate prices (without a discount and with a discount).

This is not the first time I have to repeat: the discount itself does not mean anything. Judge for yourself: often the services are not presented, but the offer includes a 48% discount. The client does not understand his benefit. It is better to always present the discount in concrete terms.

Based on my previous projects, I can say that numbers in an offer only work in combination with a qualitative adjective, when we're talking about about choosing furniture for the home. Still, we choose pieces of furniture not only with our minds, but also with our hearts, and often focus on momentary feelings.

As a result

  • Furniture manufacturers have long used benefits of landing page. The biggest mistake is to follow your competitors and use a template approach.
  • You cannot turn a landing page into a branch of an online store and present the entire catalog. Offer a specific item, for example, leather sofas (and not absolutely all sofas from the catalog), at the most attractive price on the market.
  • Discounts don't work on their own. The benefit must always be shown in concrete terms.

Landing page development in the “Furniture” theme – current solution, if you want guaranteed attract new customers and increase profits. The Zexler company employs experienced professionals: prototypers, developers, designers, copywriters and content managers will work for you. We will create a landing page for you that will not go unnoticed. We emphasize Your benefits, we will develop a beautiful selling design in corporate colors.

We will daily monitor the number of visits to the resource and analyze statistics. In just a few months the number of visitors will increase factor of! Our team will do everything to ensure that the page works for the result: only unique content and a perfect combination of text, graphic and photo elements. Thus, your company will become even more famous and popular thanks to a powerful influx of new customers.

How much does it cost to develop landing page furniture?

Depending on what goals you want to achieve, the price will be different. We can create for you beautiful landing page which will work for attracting clients. Our specialists will hone all the details and pay attention to detail. Beautiful, bright photographs, original graphics and, of course, selling articles are its mandatory components. However, it is difficult to truly interest and surprise the modern consumer. Nothing is impossible for our team! We will make every effort to ensure that the landing page in the Furniture theme does not go unnoticed.

The cost will vary depending on how long it takes to develop and populate the resource. Usually it costs 50,000 rubles. We will discuss in detail with the customer what information he wants to see on the page, in what style (official or free) it should be designed. Contact Zexler, and you won’t have to regret the money spent: we will do everything in at its best– quickly, efficiently and on time!

How to attract customers using a landing page in the Furniture theme?

Zexler company specialists have been developing landing pages for several years. Our team consists of experienced professionals who know their business. We know how to attract customers for your company, even if it comes to creating a single page. We approach the development of landing pages in the Furniture theme responsibly: we think through the structure, create a unique selling design, highlight the advantages. Once on such a page, the client will know exactly what services you provide, what their cost is and how to contact you. We speed up conversions, taking care of the correct application form. As a result, your customer base will expand, and trust in the brand will increase.

Contact Zexler, and new horizons will open up for you that you could not even dream of. Our solutions are the best, our ideas are fresh, and the results will exceed all expectations. All you need to do is call or fill out the application form on our website. Our managers will contact you as soon as possible!

When it comes to buying furniture online, the question arises of how to present a table or sofa in such a way that the user does not need to travel to real store. You always want to see it with your own eyes and touch it, but on our website we require a person to leave a request in two clicks of the mouse. Of course, you can offer a visit to a shopping pavilion, or use the site as a means for additional processing of a client who has already been to the store - in this case it is a little easier to sell. However, furniture still remains an expensive product and requires choice, so selling it via the Internet has some difficulties. In this collection you will find 6 examples of interesting and conversion landing pages on furniture.

The landing page is dedicated to making custom kitchens. There are many kitchen options in the catalogue, three dozen, so the creators had to try to fit them in so that viewing in the end would not tire. Overall, it worked, although we think it would have been worth adding photo options from other angles instead of repeating how many colors and finishes are available. Otherwise, it’s a pretty nice landing page that you can linger on.

In this landing page I would like to note a block that reveals the company’s pricing: which kitchen elements influence the final cost. In addition, it describes in great detail and reliably why the price of furniture is relatively low. In terms of design, you can find a lot to complain about, but the very meaning of the blocks is implemented well.


The most beautiful landing page for making custom-made wardrobes. To be honest, I don’t even want to read the texts, and what exactly they offer - the design works for it all. The selection of fonts, colors, buttons, pictures (photos and drawings), backgrounds - everything is at the highest level, let everyone else be guided. Moreover, no matter what field, many people lack such a design.


A large, very long landing page for a kitchen design studio. And almost all of this space is reserved for their projects, of which there are many, and which are presented with gorgeous photographs. The first screen is worthy of special mention, where there is nothing but one photo and a slogan, as well as non-standard navigation, on the left side of the screen.

Mr. Doors

Quite a nice landing page with an interestingly implemented kitchen selection scheme: you are asked to choose between modern and classic styles, as well as one of three price categories— after this the catalog will be adjusted to your requirements. Clicking on each image will take you to its detailed description, and if you need even more information, then you can always go to the main, large site.