How to bypass restrictions on Smart Unlimited. How to download torrent without speed limit. Options for free Internet distribution using the My Unlimited tariff

First of all, I would like to tell you a little about the tariff itself is from MTS, which caused quite a lot of noise due to quite low price monthly fee and great opportunities. And then we’ll tell you about ways to bypass the distribution of the Internet to other devices.

IMPORTANT! Article updated 01.02.2019 . Added a VERY important innovation from MTS. Information at the end of the article.

Tariffishche tariff provides its subscribers with full unlimited Internet, but without the possibility of subsequent distribution + calls to all operators. Depending on the selected subscription fee The tariff will include: a minimum of 500 minutes/500 SMS for 500 rubles and a maximum of 3000 minutes/3000 SMS for 1400 rubles. IMPORTANT! Unlimited Internet is valid throughout Russia, and the number of minutes is indicated for all operators, and not just on MTS, which is very important. Monthly fee prices may vary depending on the region of connection. All details with tariff descriptions are available.

Now let's move on to the most important thing, namely how to get around Internet distribution MTS tariff. Since the tariff prohibits transferring the Internet to other devices, it is necessary to make sure that this transfer is “invisible”. To do this, it is necessary to change the so-called TTL of the receiving device.

According to the Wikipedia website - TTL (Time to live) is the maximum period of time for which a data set (packet) can exist before it disappears. Wherein maximum TTL=255. Normal initial value TTL for phones and tablets is 64 (Linux, Mac, Android, iOS), For Windows TTL is 128 . As you can see, the value of ttl for phones and Windows various, because of this, the Internet is not distributed.

If we draw small conclusions, then we get that to carry out the distribution need to change TTL:
Android - TTL 64 ( dispenser) = 64 (TTL) Wi-Fi
Windows - TTL 65 ( receiving device) -1 = 64 (TTL) Wi-Fi
Windows - TTL 63 ( dispenser) = 63 (TTL) USB modem 3G/4G Huawei
Android - TTL 64 ( receiving device) -1 = 63 (TTL) " Mobile hotspot» Wi-Fi

As an example, to bypass the distribution of the Internet MTS tariff plan on a computer/laptop, we will use the program TTLPatch. You can download the program for Windows.

The program is very easy to use. To do this you need to run it on behalf of administrator, enter a new DefaultTTL value in the window, in our case it is 65 and click apply. Next you need to make reboot device for the changes to take effect. Now you can easily distribute internet to tariff plan from phone to a laptop or PC. And MTS itself will think that there is no distribution.

Official tariff update from 01.02. 2019 :

From February 12, 2019 at Tariffishche 2019 it will be distribution available Internet traffic via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB. Distribution of the first 3 GB per month is carried out without additional fee. Next, the service fee will be 75 rub./day(bypass using your information). All details call 057051.

Good distribution speed everyone! If you have any questions, ask them in the comments. Also share your internet speed.

Despite all the advantages of the new tariff, there is no Internet distribution to other devices. More precisely, such an opportunity exists, but for it you will have to pay an additional 30 rubles per day. The conditions are not entirely favorable for subscribers, given the popularity of MTS Unlimited Wi-Fi distribution. Moreover, it is not clear why the client cellular company cannot spend his contracted Internet traffic as he pleases. Lack of logic in the decision this issue forces subscribers to look for options self-configuration free distribution of the Internet from your mobile devices.

Options for free Internet distribution using the My Unlimited tariff

Distribution management mobile operator carried out using the TTL command, which limits the time the subscriber remains in the connected Wi-Fi networks. All mobile devices install eigenvalue TTL when transferring data to shared network. With active data distribution, this value is reduced by one point. Thus, mobile operator can consistently track changes in Internet traffic during the operation of a wireless network. How to bypass MTS Unlimited Internet distribution? Right! You should adjust the current TTL using your phone or personal computer.

Changing TTL on a personal computer

This method is applicable for those who want to use wireless internet only on the computer. For 32-bit Windows order settings are as follows:

  • follow the chain “Standard” - “Run” - write regedit in the line;
  • then sequentially Hkey_Local_Machine, System, Current Control Set, Services, Tcpip, Parameters;
  • in the Parameters line, click the “Create” tab;
  • put DWORD, be sure to assign the name Default TTL;
  • put a check mark next to the decimal system;
  • set the desired value to 65;
  • to restart a computer.

Attention! For 64-bit Windows principle The settings are saved, the only word DWORD should be replaced with QWORD.

Changing TTL using your phone

To do this, you first need to get root rights. By enabling such options, your phone will automatically lose warranty period. Complete the steps in the following order:

  • Download and install the “King ROOT” program.
  • Open the application and click on big button Green colour.
  • If the “King ROOT” program is not suitable for your phone, try using other installers, for example, “SuperSU” or “FramaRooT”.
  • Use the TTL Master program found in the list Google applications Play.
  • After launching the installer, a circle with numbers with the value 63 will appear on the screen; you need to go to the settings using the corresponding icon.
  • Change the “TTL value” and “TTL value in the input field” by specifying numeric value 64.
  • Write down the settings and click in the main program field on the “Bypass restrictions” tab.
  • Switch the signal reception on your phone to the “In Flight” mode and after a few seconds return it to its original state.

The setup is complete. Now you can distribute wifi for free from MTS Unlimited.

How to Determine the Effective TTL on Windows

To check the correctness TTL changes through the “Run” command, type cmd, then ping At correct setting value on personal computer will be equal to 65.

The cost of distributing Internet traffic when using the Smart Unlimited tariff

Currently, this tariff is no longer included in the list of offers for connection. It was replaced by the My Unlimited tariff in 2018. It is used only by subscribers who connected the service in 2017. For 350 rubles per month, the client is provided with 10 GB of Internet, 300 minutes and SMS messages. Since November 2017, the mobile operator has introduced a limit on the distribution of Internet traffic from using Wi-Fi, setting additional payment for its use.

Distributing Internet traffic from an Android smartphone to several devices:

  1. We go to the point with wireless networks via "Settings".
  2. Here we select the “More” section.
  3. A new menu will open where you need to enable “Access Point”.

Now all that remains is to order traffic distribution from the provider. Make sure you have unlimited internet connected. The service can be ordered for 1 hour or 24 hours.

How to connect

To use your device as an Internet source, you just need to send digital combination to Beeline number. Command to connect:

  • Internet distribution for 24 hours: dial * 157 * 1 # ;
  • Internet distribution for 1 hour: combination * 157 * 24 # .

After the purchased time has expired, the function is automatically disabled. The number of connected devices depends on the factory settings of the phone manufacturer. You can order “Distribution” as many times as you like.

What is the price

You can order the Internet sharing function for a day, in this case the cost of distribution will be 150 rubles. You can buy an option for 60 minutes for 50 rubles if the subscriber is on a prepaid payment system.

Postpaid customers can distribute Beeline Internet from phone to phone or other gadget for free. The main condition is that the distributing and receiving device must have a Beeline SIM card.

What tariffs are available?

The subscriber can share his gigabytes with other devices if he has one of the packages connected unlimited internet. This is a line of tariff plans “Everything” and archived tariffs, which are still valid, but can no longer be purchased. You can check with your operator whether your tariff is suitable for the service. To contact a consultant, dial 0611 .

How to bypass Internet distribution restrictions on Beeline

For example, a subscriber needs to access the network from a laptop, but there is no Wi-Fi nearby and the money in the account has run out. The operator blocks tethering for those who have not ordered the appropriate service. Is it possible to bypass the ban? Yes, but it will take a little work. You can share the Internet for free on your computer, tablet or phone. Let's look at the example of a laptop, although the same can be done on other gadgets.

When the phone owner does not distribute traffic, the packets go back to the operator with the original TTL value. For Android it is 64, the same value for most iOS devices. If a user tries to distribute the Internet to a PC, packets are sent from the donor with a value of 64. A TTL of 128 is received from the PC - this is the default value. One unit is lost at the donor and goes to the operator in the value 127.

The provider “sees” two different meanings, the possibility of tethering stops, the operator offers to pay for the service. Bypassing blocking of Wi-Fi distribution lies in correcting these indicators. You just need to increase the TTL by one from the computer. This can be done in system registry. Launch the registry editor (enter in the command line regedit line) from the administrator. Command line can be found on your computer by entering “cmd” (without quotes) in Search. In the window that opens, open one by one:

  2. SYSTEM.
  3. CurrentControlSet.
  4. Services.
  5. Tcpip.
  6. Parameters.

Right-click to create a file called DefaultTTL and type REG_DWORD. Change TTL to 65 and reboot the computer.

“Internet for Everything” service for business

You can connect the same traffic to all your devices simultaneously using "Internet for Everything" package. In this case, the phone does not act as a router or modem. Traffic is divided among all connected devices.

Sometimes visiting your favorite websites or using online services using your smartphone is inconvenient. The optimal solution V similar situations should be the use of computers and laptops. At the same time, it is desirable that the connection to the network occurs through a mobile phone, since this allows you to save money on traffic. Especially for similar cases Beeline Internet Distribution option has been developed.

It was created for those individuals who do not want to limit themselves, but are not going to overpay for access to the network.

Distributing traffic from a phone via wifi to a computer does not contain anything complicated. The user only needs to create own network and turn on the transmission third party devices. After that, all you have to do is connect and use the connection to watch videos and download sites.

In this case, only the speed depends on the operator; other features are related exclusively to the phone model. The difficulty of connecting is that Beeline limits access and speed when subscribers use wifi. As a result, you can only use the available gigabytes on the device into which the SIM card is inserted.

At what Beeline tariffs can you distribute Internet?

Theoretically, distributing Beeline Internet from your phone is available on any tariff plan. But there are several the most important nuances that need to be taken into account:

  1. using a similar function on tariffs without advance installed packages GB is pointless;
  2. connection third-party smartphones To unlimited traffic limited to an operator that actively monitors the use of its own services;
  3. the option mentioned above is available on tariff lines With unlimited traffic and a ban on the use of tariffication in modems or as a point wifi access.

Option “Internet sharing”

To get around installed by the operator distribution restrictions, you need to activate a service specially provided for this. Clients are offered 2 main types of tariffs:

  • for 1 hour;
  • for a day.

In this case, the principle of operation in each case is the same. After activation and debiting from the SIM card balance, the operator charges established restrictions and prohibitions. After this, all required individuals and devices are able to connect to the created access point, within the capabilities of the smartphone.

After the time paid by the user, traffic transmission again becomes impossible.

Beeline Internet distribution for 1 hour

To activate the Beeline Internet Distribution service for an hour, you will have to dial a special USSD command *157*1# and press the dial button. The procedure for paying for the service depends on the user’s activity:

  1. the first time in a day there is no charge, connection is free;
  2. the second and subsequent times 50 rubles are debited from the SIM card balance;
  3. the number of activations in a row is not limited, the main thing is to take into account the established mobile company high speed connection time.

That is, after the allotted time period has expired, the service must be re-enabled.

Internet distribution for 24 hours

Using the extended 24-hour option will allow users to save significantly. In this case, the cost will be only 150 rubles, which under standard conditions would be enough for only 4 hours. In this case, subscribers are able to connect to the service unlimited amount times in a row, so the final time depends only on the wishes of the subscribers.

Activation is carried out using a special USSD service command. To start transmitting traffic, you will need to dial simple combination*157*24# and press the call button. Nothing additional is required.

How to disable the Beeline Internet Distribution service?

A special command or phone number to deactivate the active option telephone company not provided because it is not necessary. To refuse to use the service, you can:

  • wait for the selected time, after which the function will turn off automatically, without user intervention;
  • turn off the wifi hotspot on your mobile phone;
  • prohibit strangers from connecting to the created network by setting a strong password.

Each user is required to independently decide which of the approaches listed above will be more convenient and attractive.

How to bypass Beeline's restriction on Internet distribution?

Those wishing to find out how to bypass the blocking of Beeline Internet distribution should remember that such actions are illegal. But there are several workarounds. True, they are quite complex and it will be difficult for an untrained user to understand them. So, theoretically, you can change the IMEI to bypass it. TO the desired result will lead to editing hosts file. Also, sometimes changing the TTL value helps.

Not long ago, the Russian mobile operator MTS presented its customers with a rather convenient and profitable innovation. It consisted of providing the subscriber with a special tariff plan Smart Unlimited with 10 GB traffic. By using of this tariff It is convenient to distribute Wi-Fi. People began to look for ways to circumvent the MTS Unlimited restriction on Internet distribution. You will learn about them from this article, the information of which is relevant for residents of Russia and Belarus.

Most subscribers turned out to be unprepared for such an innovation as an unprofitable daily tariff for Internet from MTS. Neither a wide advertising campaign nor other events helped retain the target audience.

For this reason, MTS lost many of its regular customers who refused the Unlimited tariff.

To justify MTS, an argument can be made that the price is 30 rubles. per day is quite acceptable, considering the prices for similar services of others Russian operators. But the injustice lies in the fact that they set their tariffs for Internet distribution from the very beginning, and their conditions were transparent.

In the case of MTS, there was a marketing plan, which, as practice has shown, played a bad joke on its developers. Finding workarounds for subscribers is the only way to use the Internet under the conditions that were initially announced by MTS, that is, for free.

Important information for MTS Unlimited subscribers

In this way, the operator instantly calculates the location where traffic is being generated unauthorized.

TTL operates as follows:

  1. It is given its own value by all devices that are taken into account at the time the operator sends a package of services.
  2. With TTL, the packet passes through a special router. As a result, its value is reduced by 1. For example, if we take the standard value for mobile devices, which is 64 units, during the transition it will decrease to 63.
  3. The decrease in value is monitored by the operator, which allows him to quickly respond to the fact of distribution without his permission.

Cost of distribution on "Smart" Unlimited

On this moment The presented tariff costs 350 rubles per month. Clients are offered 10 gigabytes of Internet, unlimited calls to MTS number, 300 minutes and SMS to any network. On November 7 last year, the mobile operator introduced minor changes to the Smart Unlimited tariff. At the time of Internet distribution, the system will ask you to make a payment equal to 30 rubles per day. The service involves distributing traffic using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, USB.

How to distribute Internet on MTS Unlimited effectively?

For a long time, specialists have been testing various methods that make it possible to change TTL, but practice has shown that not all of them are suitable for subscribers.

Basically, after restarting the device, the TTL value returns to its original value. Therefore, the priority task remains to find a method for recording the value. This will allow the method to be much more effective when working with the device, and the subscriber, in turn, will not have the need to return to this problem again and again.

How to distribute Internet traffic and not pay for it? Will help with this special applications TTL Editor, TTLFixer or TTL Master. Their advantage is ease of use and high efficiency of the work done. Their nuance is that after each restart of the device, the application program will need to be activated and the TTL updated.

To start using one of these applications, you just need to download and activate it.

Due to the simplicity of these actions, instructions are not needed.

How to distribute Wi-Fi from MTS Unlimited for free from various devices?

Distribution of MTS Unlimited Internet for free can be carried out through two main sources. This can be done both from a computer and from mobile device Android systems. Each method has its own specifics, which will be discussed below.

The first method is suitable for those who find it easier and more accessible to operate with own computer. At the initial stage, you will have to make a partial correction of the registration data.

  • Log in to the registry. In the menu, select the “Run” function, while simultaneously pressing win + r, writing “regedit” in the input field.
  • Find the settings you need. They look like "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters".
  • Go to the Parameters tab, where you will find the “Create” item.
  • Select "DWORD" and assign the name "DefaultTTL".
  • Place a check mark next to the decimal number system.
  • Set TTL and set it to 65.
  • Save the settings and reboot the system.

Second way

The second way to bypass the ban wi-fi distribution on MTS Unlimited allows you to make your phone a source for all the devices you need for free. This is possible provided you have ROOT rights. To get them, do the following:

  1. Download to your phone King app ROOT.
  2. Install ARK and launch the application.
  3. Click on the green button.

Obtaining ROOT rights may not be possible. This is influenced by the model mobile phone and its firmware. If you fail, try again using the applications: “SuperSU”, “FramaRoot”, “Root360”. Remember, by obtaining rights of this type, the user is at risk, since he is deprived of any guarantees for his own device.
TTL adjustment from an Android mobile device occurs according to the following algorithm:

  • Download to your device special program, which is called "TTL Master".
  • Install the downloaded application and launch it.
  • Find a circle with numbers on the interface where the indicator 63 is located.
  • Go to settings
  • Correct the TTL value to 64.
  • Save.
  • Return to home page and set the "Bypass restrictions" command.
  • Reboot your smartphone or send it to “Flight”, and after a minute return it to normal mode.

If all actions were performed correctly, you will not receive messages from the MTS operator with appropriate warnings or notifications of violations.