What can you post on Instagram? Video with different scenes. What does a personal blog on Instagram mean for a company?

Instagram can tell the difference real users from automated bots. If you are caught using a bot, your account may be shadowbanned. This means that your posts will only be visible to your followers, but will not be found through hashtags and recommendations.

The user does not immediately notice the changes. Owners especially suffer from this. You can find out if your Instagram is in a shadow ban through special programs.

2. Post no more than one post per day

Posts on Instagram are no longer shown in chronological order, but based on the user's interests. That is, first we see the most interesting entries, according to special algorithms. They may appear in the feed for more than long period time.

Some users check their feed once a day or even less often. And at the top of the feed, those posts that they have not yet seen are displayed. If you post several photos a day, they will compete with each other. This means that there is a chance that not many people will see both posts.

If you want to share with the world more often what is happening in your life, use.

3. Choose the right time to post

This will determine how much response your post will receive. Choose a time when most of your followers are likely to be online.

Often this is 8:00-9:00 - the time after waking up, around 13:00 - a lunch break, and also 18:00-20:00 - rest after a working day.

4. Identify popular hashtags that suit your account

Hashtags allow your posts to appear in the recommendations of other users - they may turn out to be your potential followers. Therefore, approach this choice more thoroughly.

Identify the 15–30 most popular ones. Instagram has a limit on using more than 30 hashtags. In addition, spam like #likeforlike can easily result in a shadow ban. Don't write thoughtlessly. Based on the interests of your and potential audience.

5. Join groups with other users

Such groups (English: Instagram Pods) bring together people who want to get more likes. IN Instagram chat they share their posts. Each group member likes the photo and leaves a meaningful comment.

As a rule, a like comes from an account with big amount followers is highly valued by other users. A person becomes interested in what good such a popular user found in this account.

6. Use a call to action

Very few users like to leave comments on posts. Therefore, in the posts under the photo, call your subscribers to action. Ask them questions, ask for their opinion, discuss something.

7. Hold a competition

Contests are a great way not only to “wake up” old subscribers, but also to acquire new ones. To attract attention, you can use a photo of some expensive product or a beautiful resort. Make it clear that this is a free competition. Make the rules clear. Usually this means liking, following other accounts, and commenting to tag a few friends. The winner is selected in certain time among those who fulfilled all the conditions.

There are already several dozen photos on your Instagram, but no one except your best friend likes them, and new friends are in no hurry to appear? For a cozy home “event recorder”, which is maintained in the personal diary- This is fine. You simply leave marks as a souvenir. If you want something more, then you need to take a closer look at Instagram and slightly adjust the strategy for its development. It won't take much time.

1. Have something to say

First of all, you need to decide on the theme of your Instagram. Photos of coffee from Starbucks and new sneakers, as well as other everyday nonsense, which is often called buzzword lifestyle, you won’t attract subscribers. Unless you have already become famous person. Analyze your own life: what interests you most, what could you constantly find new facets of? See which photos on your account have the most likes and comments. Now there are so many directions that you can take very narrow segments: your own drawings, landscapes, textures, shadows, books... Whatever! At least take pictures of the same place on the street every day, showing how it changes depending on the weather, time of day and people around you. The main thing is that it is interesting.

In one account you can combine a couple of different topics, for example, photographs of cats and smiling people in public transport. Maximum - 3 if they are closely related. If there are more topics that you can cover efficiently, then create for each of them separate account. It will be more difficult to post photos, but it will be much easier to attract subscribers.

2. Let there be light!

The most important technical detail when posing a shot is light. Try to keep everything in your frame well lit. Then the pictures will be clear. If you decide to photograph something at dusk, you will have to find high-quality equipment which will do nice pictures. Regular camera With a smartphone, you will be able to capture only vague shadows or objects unnaturally illuminated by the flash.

3. Every day as scheduled

Photos need to be posted regularly. Moreover, this does not mean at all that the more often the better. Regularly means measuredly. It is not necessary to make a new post every day, but if you don’t appear for more than 2-3 days, your subscribers will forget about you or get bored. If you took a whole bunch of beautiful and suitable shots at once, then “save” some of them. A large flow of even the most beautiful photos will irritate users of the service. Post a couple, tell us what else you have as a starter, and then post 1-2 photos per day.

4. #How to be hashtags

Think of hashtags as an acid that you need to add to a chemical compound for a reaction to occur. You can’t do without it, just like you can’t do without hashtags - it’s through them that many subscribers find topics that interest them. But if you add too much, everything will spoil or even explode into thin air. Have you ever seen an Instagram post where under a regular frame there are several dozen hashtags that are much longer than the caption? This annoys everyone.

It is advisable that there are no more than 5-6 hashtags. In this case, 2-3 can be made as general as possible, and the rest - as “point-specific” as possible in relation to what is happening in the frame. This is how you can attract the maximum audience.

5. We are not alone here

To successfully promote Instagram, you need to interact with other users. Feel free to like your friends and similar channels, feel free to subscribe to everyone with similar topics. If there are other people with Instagram accounts in your photos, be sure to tag them. Geotagging can also be useful: the more precise, the better. But you shouldn’t get involved in adventures with “you give me, I give you” and bots.

Real users don’t like such cheaters, but you want to convey your creativity to real people, and not get several thousand “dead souls” as subscribers.

6. Black and white is the hit of the season

A difficult question: is it worth using Instagram’s built-in filters? Some of them may actually look good in average quality photographs, but in most photographs they are immediately visible and are quite crudely arranged. If you want to process your own photos with filters, then it’s better to put additional application with great possibilities. At the same time, this will help you stand out from other Instagram accounts on your topic.

7. It's all about technique

Don't be lazy and study technical capabilities your camera, even if it is very simple, built into a smartphone. Any camera has nuances of light, correction, focusing and other things. They may not always be useful to you, but technical diversity will help you make good shot, unlike the others.

Reading books on photography will also benefit you, even if you definitely won’t use half of the techniques you read. The literature on reportage photography is especially good, since any Instagram user is first and foremost a reporter of his own life.

8. Shall we talk?

Each photo must have a caption in addition to hashtags and geotags. Sometimes people follow Instagram precisely because of witty comments. There is no need to make it too large and expanded - after all, people don’t come to Instagram to read. However, it will be useful to ask questions from the audience from time to time to get feedback - answers and comments. At the same time, you will learn first-hand what people like or don’t like about your posts.

9. Fashion for the people

Fashion trends often appear on Instagram, which in one way or another affect almost all users. Remember, for example, Prisma app, which turned photographs into paintings. Or endless photos Pokemon from the game of the same name in unexpected places. Use such " fashionable things"You have to be careful. If they have just appeared, then you can use them when they fit the theme of the channel.

But if the “trend” has been around for several weeks, then it’s better not to touch it, even if it suits you. Users are probably tired of the dominance of this topic in their feed, so there is no need to annoy them again. You can use the idea in a month, when the hype subsides. Then it will look like a kind of retro reminder.

10. From every iron

Cross-promotion can attract many new subscribers. This means you need to configure automatic messages about new photos on Instagram and other social networks. Almost all major social networks now work perfectly with Instagram, so you won’t need to do anything, but your friends and any “mimicrocodiles” will be able to follow the link to your photo channel.

Today, a person’s popularity is determined by the number of his followers on Instagram. Don't be discouraged, if you are not a star yet, it is never too late to become one. Grow your account and use our tips.


Part 1

Update your profile

  • Can't come up with a personal Instagram name? Use a name generator like spinxo.com/instagram-names.
  • Use the underscore (_) and/or other symbols. This will make the name more readable. But don't overdo it with symbols so that you can be easily found on Instagram.

  • If you always follow fashion and are constantly in trend, then try on the image of a stylist and tell your audience how to dress correctly and tastefully.
  • Are you a foodie? Share beautiful photos food and write about it. Or maybe make a permanent column dedicated to the city’s restaurants?
  • You - fan computer games? Make unexpected screenshots, video compilations, reviews and post them on your Instagram page!
  • Do you like sports? This topic and everything related to it- at the peak of popularity. The male part of the audience likes to look at “bikinas”, and the female part- imitate. Such accounts usually contain a lot of information about nutrition and training, as well as motivational photos and videos.

Part 2

Stand out with original photos and cool videos

  • Photos in the same color scheme- good way Maintain your personal aesthetic on Instagram. But remember that a large number of filters will make your profile look tacky. Check out the hashtag #nofilter to find similar examples.
  • There are people on Instagram who prefer to emphasize natural beauty and do not use filters based on this principle.

  • Special application for Instagram users- Boomerang. Make short videos, just a few movements are needed.
  • Download Snapseed, VSCO Cam or Aviary to edit your photos in high quality.
  • Want to make a collage of several photos? Use the Layout program.
  1. Take lots of photos, but choose the best ones for Instagram. You rarely get a good shot the first time, so take several photos so you have plenty to choose from. The requirements are still the same: quality, adherence to the theme and originality!

  • On Instagram, everything comes with experience. If you are no stranger to experiments, and you are ready to try and generate new ideas, then you can definitely do interesting content and raise your profile to the TOP.
  1. Always give your photos ideas. There is always room for bold (and not so bold) experiments on Instagram. Change angles, scenery, location, try new filters and colors. Change your hand, after all!

As an example, start a blog (highlight it with hashtags) about your travels, give advice on city establishments, talk about a new hobby or about your attendance at training courses and your results.

Unfortunately or fortunately, stories are not saved in the profile at all. So you can use them for anything, you don’t have to keep yourself within the chosen topic of your account. Stories always appear at the top of the screen.

Part 3

Promote your profile

These signatures are of considerable importance for promotion, because with their help Instagrammers can search for other people with similar interests and unite into thematic communities.

  • For example, if you decide to post photos from your travels, you can use hashtags simply with the cities you visited, or somehow play on their names using phrases from films or aphorisms: #London, #tourist, #relaxing, #ParisILoveYou, # travel, #nature and others.
  • Hashtags used by photographers- by Instagram users: #photoproject, #pictures, #art, #photoftheday, #photoreport.
  • A few more popular hashtags on Instagram that are used everywhere: #nofilter, #instagood, #forever, #instagramers, #followme.

2. Subscribe yourself. Look for accounts that may be of interest to you and follow them. Try to be active: comments, likes, reposts and exchanges. It's not easy to become popular if you don't interact with other people yourself.

Such tags help you “highlight” your Instagram in front of a large number of people, and therefore find potential subscribers.

This cool topic in attracting new subscribers to your account.

Part 4

Constantly whet the interest of your followers

No new materials- no life! You don't want to lose your subscribers, do you? But don't go to the other extreme- It won't make people admire it either.

  • Post no more than 2-3 photos or videos per day on your page. If you don’t fit into this number, then use “stories” on Instagram. Don't clutter up your followers' feeds.

  1. Reply to comments. Show your audience that you are real and approachable. To reply to a specific person type the "@" symbol and his name.

  1. Mention other Instagrammers. The statistics are that users who mention their followers in the comments are as much as 50% more popular than those who do not.

  • For example: you took a photo in a restaurant, indicate its name in the caption (for example, @ilpomodoro.moscow).
  • Accidentally stumbled upon something that reminds you of someone else Instagram user? Send him this photo or repost it with a caption like “I just saw it and immediately thought of you, @[Username]!”

Try to take part in discussions under posts more often, respond to messages, and like other profiles.

When finished, sum it up and choose a winner!

  • Make this condition: subscribers should tag their friends under your posts so that they can also take part in the competition.

This is very useful: if people start unfollowing you, you should reconsider the content you post and think about what should be changed in this case.

If the photos you post evoke a great response from visitors, then you can safely continue in the same spirit.

  • Don't try to beg "likes" from other users and don't beg everyone to subscribe. Such beggars only annoy people.
  • Always be yourself, don't try to look like someone you really are not. If you are honest with your followers, the chances of your page being popular will skyrocket.
  • In a situation where you are offered to make a mutual subscription, agree to this step, if possible. This way you can get even more subscribers.

We decided to write an article about how to learn to use Instagram, so to speak, the Instagram application for beginners. So, boys and girls, let's sit down and listen. We will learn about the main functions of the social network Instagram, learn how to take photos, apply filters and post them online.

To start…

First, let's tell you a little about Instagram: what it is and how to use it. This is an application that is also social network. With it you can take photos, process them and publish them. Some people consider Instagram to be a worldwide evil (like other social networks), while others see it as gold mine. Whatever opinions exist, in order to develop your own, you need to try.

Of course, we won't be able to learn how to use Instagram until we download and install it. This has been written about in detail in other articles on our website, but here we will only touch on the topic.

Reasonable and sane boys and girls do not take setup files Instagram anywhere. There are situations when you have to do this in order to start using it. If this is not your case, don't experiment. It's always better to use the app from official store. And we hasten to please you: recently in Microsoft Store appeared Instagram version For Windows Phone- Instagram Beta. Therefore, you can now download Instagram from three stores - App Store, Play Market and Microsoft Store. How to use Instagram on Windows smartphone Background, we also have an article.

  • Find the application there and click “Install”.

It will be installed, after which we open it and get to the registration page. You can register different ways: via phone number, email address or Facebook. The first two require entering your data.

Let's move on to the next stage - how to use Instagram on your phone.

Having registered, we get into the feed - this is home page, where the latest posts from all the users you follow appear. Your photos will also appear there.

If you like something, give it a like (click on the heart under the photo). To leave a comment, tap the bubble. These features are very easy to use.

And if you tap the arrow, you can send a photo or video to a friend via Direct.

To take a photo, click on small image cameras below. First we will get to the gallery (from where you can also take a picture), but to take a photo of something right now, you need to click on “Photo”, and then on the large circle below.

Now let's move on to filters. To use filters, you need to click on one or another box under the photo. The effect will be visible immediately:

If you need to change the brightness (the effect will be very light), click on the sun from above, and then adjust it with your finger.

In the field on the right we write something with a hashtag. If you have already used a similar function, then you know that words are written together. If you want to write separately, then put a hashtag before each word. You don’t have to write, but this way your photo can be found using these words, and those who don’t follow you can appreciate it. Instagram will show all posts that were made with the same or similar tags.

Finally a video

This video is about how to use Instagram. It will be useful to those for whom verbal description is not enough. Here we look in more detail at installing the application, what Instagram is and how to learn to use it.

What else is worth knowing?

To use this social network, using all the functions, you need not only to publish photos, but also to look. And this is already possible on the website instagram.com. And we tell you in a separate article how to use this service.

So, don't forget to watch the video. It tells you how to use Instagram on your phone. And check out other articles. They contain a lot of interesting information about how to use Instagram.

Greetings, friends! 🙋🏻

Do you want your Instagram feed to look perfect and please even the most picky Instagrammer? Surely you have repeatedly found yourself on Instagram profiles that are simply very nice to look at. You open such an account and see that it is thought out visually, well, just photo to photo - all in the same style. You don’t want to leave such a profile, but, as you know, people are greeted by their clothes. That is why it is very important that your overall profile looks beautiful and immediately attracts attention. We will talk about how this can be done in this article.

Here are some examples of beautiful insta profiles for your inspiration. Click on the image to take a closer look.

Please just note that this is not an article about how to learn how to do beautiful photos! This is a completely different topic. Become good photographer, although even at the amateur level, perhaps not everyone will. After all, this is incredible work, and without inner talent it is oh so difficult to achieve this goal. BUT, have beautiful profile Anyone can! The main thing is to organize your feed correctly, follow color scheme, symmetry and general form your gallery. In this case, even ordinary photos will look beautiful and harmonious.

In order to design your Instagram profile in the same style, you will need special mobile applications, which will allow you to solve this problem very easily and simply. With their help, you will no longer need to guess how a particular photo or video will fit into your Instagram gallery, and then delete it because it is somehow “off topic”.

Below you will find 5 best apps for iOS and Android that will make your profile ideal, or at least close to ideal 😉 I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the capabilities of each application, since despite the fact that they are all visual planners for Instagram posts, some of them have much wider functionality + special functions that may be useful to you. See, compare and choose what is best suited for your goals and the seriousness of your work in social media. networks.

The best apps for planning the order of photo and video posts on your Instagram profile feed

Inpreview: plan your Instagram (iOS only)

UNUM - Design Perfection

  • Link to Android application
  • iOS app link

UNUM- another application for creating a beautiful Instagram feed. Please note that this app is available for both iOS and Android. However, the Android application is still a little crude and the reviews about it are not so positive. While the version of the application for iPhone is better and more stable.

Of the minuses: English version, advanced features only by subscription.

The program has free version, as well as more paid plans(monthly subscription!) with more features and functionality. Free plan includes one Instagram account, 18 cells for visual viewing feeds and the ability to publish up to 500 photo and video posts per month.

Main features:

  • opportunity save content for Instagram in the application, so that you don’t have to search for it throughout your phone’s entire gallery;
  • visual post planner, the ability to change the order of photos in the feed by dragging + the ability to see what the feed looks like without any previously published images;
  • photo editor and color correction inside the application;
  • tons of free photo filters;
  • statistics the best time to post on your account and other analytics;
  • ability to manage several accounts in one application;
  • publication planning for a certain time + notification of what needs to be published;
  • opportunity write and save signatures to photos, so you can quickly add them to publications;
  • Snug for Instagram

    That's all I have! I hope you found this article helpful! Wish you good mood and successful promotion on Instagram! ☺️