Mutual comments on Instagram chat. How to boost posts using Instagram like chats. Paid and free activity chats on Instagram

You can always look at several things, for example, how water flows, a fire burns, or how Instagrammers suffer from a reduction in organic reach and a drop in activity. Although I don’t like to look at the latter, because I myself suffer from changes in the algorithmic feed. Perhaps even more than yours, someone needs to look for a way out of this situation. So today we’ll talk to you about LikeTime!

What is LikeTime and why is it needed?

First, let's understand the terminology, because everyone calls activities on Instagram the way they like. There are two types of LikeTimes:

"Old LikeTime"— a bored blogger looks at his statistics, realizes that there are not enough likes and wants to increase activity in the eyes of advertisers. Therefore, he writes a post with approximately the following content:

Of course, it is absolutely impossible to track whether a subscriber gave 10 likes or not, and such PR rarely gave a good increase in subscribers to the lucky one, but there was a serious explosion of activity in the organizer’s profile.

Such things are no longer relevant for a long time, but some, especially stubborn ones, continue to indulge further. Of course, we will not judge them.

New Russians LikeTimes. This activity began to appear in different versions in the summer, but the real boom occurred in December - January 2017. Most of the chats about Instagram were literally inundated with offers like “LT account 30k+.” I translate from bird’s language into Russian: “I invite owners of accounts from 30,000 subscribers to the chat for liketimes.”

And so young administrators of public pages and blogs get together, agree on a standard time for posts and record for the near future. The names of the profiles participating in the activity are added one by one into one message, which is subsequently copied to direct for quick navigation between accounts.

All nicknames are specially covered up. Perhaps the participants do not want additional fame :)
The goal is simple: at the time of publication, the post receives a dozen or two likes and full video views from similar large accounts, which should bring the post to recommended. Not in the top hashtags, don’t confuse them, but in the recommended ones. Here it is =>

And then an incredible thing happens and coverage grows by leaps and bounds. Moreover, out of all the attempts to do something like this in a photograph, it never took off. But video posts fly away from the recommended one or two. It’s hard to say whether this is due to my total bad luck, or to changed feed algorithms that give priority to virality for videos. There is a fact and we must continue to live with it.

What effect will LikeTime give?

How many subscribers do you think the account from which the statistics are given below has? I'll give you a minute to tell your fortune.

This profile has 31k followers. Something like this. The owner of the public himself claims that without LikeTime, views cannot be compared with the statistics above.

I have a couple of dozen such messages. So, theories about the principles of LikeTime:

  1. The reach increases due to the fact that Instagram evaluates not only the fact of the like, but also the “weight” of the account that posted the like. I have already described a similar experience in a case about how. Therefore, by collecting large accounts in one place and at the same time exchanging likes with them, you can show the algorithm “all the coolness of your content.”
  2. Your reach increases due to the fact that by liking a post you send it to the recommended posts for your subscribers. It's not a good theory, to be honest, but perhaps there is some truth in it. On Facebook, there is a similar principle when your feed contains posts that your friends have liked or commented on.
  3. Reach increases due to the speed of gaining likes. I don’t really believe in this, because... Likes from bots do not send posts to recommended posts, only to top hashtags.
  4. The similarity of the themes of the likes. This is another important point, usually chats for liketimes are organized by topic and accounts with a similar or close topic/audience participate in them.

Another feature of chats with liketimes is the incredible amount of swearing and fighting. Almost always, someone blames someone for not liking someone quickly enough, someone missed someone, and so on. Be prepared for this if you decide to undertake such activities.

By the way, I wrote above that prototypes of chats with LikeTimes appeared in the summer. It’s simple, Instagram bloggers have long united in “interest-based chats” in which they intensively like and comment on each other, increasing activity and making themselves more valuable and interesting for advertisers. I still plan to get to such chats and talk about all the ins and outs.

Instagram activity chats. What are they and how to use them?

A large number of likes on Instagram is a sign of demand. People perceive accounts whose posts receive a small number of likes and those whose posts are “filled with thousands of hearts” completely differently. The latter are taken seriously so that they do not post. That is why there is always a big stir around likes, comments and other activities. Especially lately, when the visibility of a post in subscribers’ feeds depends on likes, comments and other interactions.

In order to get more likes on their posts, Instagrammers began to use various tricks. For example, mass following, which generally speaking refers to gray methods of promotion. But nevertheless, he has taken root closely on Instagram. Recently, activity chats, which are also designed to collect “unnatural” or inorganic likes and comments, are attracting more and more attention. Below I will tell you What are activity chats on Instagram and how to use them?

"Like me please!"

An activity chat is a group of Instagram users who have come together to exchange mutual activity. Most often, such groups are created in Telegram, but it makes no difference where the group is created. If only there was an opportunity to follow external links. Group members send links to their posts in the chat, promising to give mutual likes to everyone who likes their post. This way they provide themselves with additional likes and comments.

How many likes can you get in an activity chat?

When do we want to get more likes? This usually happens when we post a new post to our account. The rest of the time, Instagram users are not so interested in likes. This is also reflected in activity chats. Even if there are several thousand people in a group, a small percentage of them post a new post on Instagram at the same time. Obviously, this small percentage of chat participants are the most active, generously distributing likes, hoping to receive them in return. From my experience: in a Telegram group with 3.3K subscribers, I got from 10 to 40 likes.

Paid and free activity chats on Instagram

Groups for collecting likes and comments on Instagram can be paid or free. They usually differ in the quality of moderation and filtering out passives. Moreover, paid CHATs often use some kind of motivational techniques to encourage users to like posts more actively. For example, rewarding the most active users with prizes or advertising in a good account. As a result, you can get significantly more likes and comments in paid chats.

How to get a large number of likes using activity chats?

The beauty is that there are a lot of activity chats and there are more of them all the time. By subscribing to 10-20 such chats, you can ensure yourself a solid influx of likes and comments by posting a link to your post with a call to be active, promising it in return.

Activity Chat Super Instagram Chat

One of the best activity chats I've seen on the Internet is Super Instagram Chat. With this chat you can get a large number of likes, comments and other activities. The chat works like this:

  • Liketimes take place in the chat 3 times a day, each lasting 20 minutes. During liketimes, you can post your post, but only 1 post per liketime. I really like that everything is time-bound, so I don’t have to constantly be distracted by chat messages. Liking posts is allowed throughout the day. At the end of the day, likes are counted by a program specially developed for this purpose. So, chat activity is monitored.
  • Super Instagram Chat is free for active users and paid for those who only like to receive activity. If you do not want to like, you will have to pay 500 rubles for a subscription for the next month.
  • There are all kinds of bonuses and prizes for active users in the chat. So, the 3rd subscribers who put the most likes in a month receive 3000, 2000 and 1000 rubles for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places, respectively. Moreover, at the end, a random selection is carried out using a number generator and the lucky ones are determined who receive the same number of rubles as they gave likes.
  • The chat has an internal currency - bonus rubles, which can be spent on paying for a subscription. Bonuses are distributed to active chat subscribers at the end of each month.
  • Only interesting profiles are accepted into the chat - personal and business pages. The administrator eliminates public pages and pages with pictures.

The chat is in Telegram. You can join it by sending a request for moderation to the chat administrator ->

There are girls here who blog on Instagram.
Has everyone heard about blogger chats? These are messenger groups in which bloggers communicate with each other about work topics. This thing is very good, with great practical benefits👌 Here are the opportunities that participation in them provides:
✌️️You can agree with each other on mutual PR
✌️️Plan joint Instagram activities (competitions, marathons, flash mobs, etc.)
✌️️Discuss the effectiveness of advertising on a particular platform
✌️️Collect wholesale orders for advertising (several bloggers buy a post in one public (either from a blogger or from a star) and receive a 20-50 percent discount for a wholesale order)
✌️️Initiate face-to-face meetings to get to know each other better
✌️️Share ideas and experiences
✌️️Receive valuable advice from colleagues
✌️️Get moral support, approval and inspiration
Below are answers to common questions
🎀Who creates such chats?
✅The most active and caring Instagram bloggers who want to unite colleagues to solve common problems
🎀How to get there?
✅At the very beginning, the organizer invites his familiar bloggers and those with whom he is interested in collaborating to chat. Then you can get into the chat based on the personal recommendation of one of the participants
🎀Are there shops there or only bloggers?
✅There are both shops and bloggers
🎀What is the atmosphere in these chats?
✅The people I am a part of are very warm and friendly
🎀Is this paid?
✅No, participation in such chats is usually free.
I invite you to experience the power of networking and organize your own chat. You can try it right in the comments 🙌
To do this, write: your nickname, number of subscribers, blog topic or area of ​​activity and the phrase “Looking for colleagues.”
Who wants to chat (write: I want to chat).
Those who do not wish can simply provide information about themselves.
And wait for responses! @evgeniya_kobrinets ⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤⛤
We will be glad to see your every ❤
#showyourig #instagram #appleblogger #momsblog


Good night! 🙌My name is Valeria, I’m 22, I’m Sofia’s young mother and I still can’t believe that the #yama of my universe🌎 is the mother of such a sweet🍒 and restless bun🍩 I love reading, especially stories from the lives of various bloggers, I’m a very kind soul, so I confess , stories about #mimi grab your soul 🍓 I absolutely love singing karaoke, although I criticize myself for not being able to do it! Every time I hear that I’m doing great 🎼🎧🎤💫 I love to cook, but I hate cleaning everything up afterwards, so my husband comes to help on weekends 🤗 I love reading blogs from experienced mothers and finding useful information for myself. The topic of useful finds and purchases is very interesting. I want to write posts about children's products 🙌👏. My nickname: valery_kovda Subscribers: 683 I will be glad to meet you and communicate👯💃🙌 Blog topic: #motherhood👩‍👧 I'm #looking for colleagues and of course, #want👌

Hello, I want to chat (@eegoza), 405 subscribers, I educate you on what remote work and freelancing are and help you switch to remote work, I also have my own database of remote employees, I can quickly select remote personnel. I have a son, Matvey, 1 year old, I combine motherhood and self-realization. I will be glad to see you as my friend. @kobra33

- @eegoza Hello) I’ll write you a direct message

Hello! Can I join you in the chat?

- @im_ksun yes of course. write to me 8 926 621 93 33

Hello 🙋🏽 is it still relevant?

- @kikiki7755 hello))) yeah)) I’ll PM you the link TBK

Can I chat with you?))

I want to chat🙏🙏🙏

Can I chat with you too?🙈

Can I come to you too?

I want to chat

- @mom2baby_ write to me on whats app please 8926 621 93 33

Friends, is it still relevant? I'm more than in the know)

I really want to chat with you ☺️

Can I do it too?)

- @ogrishkevich_ @marrybsk @mama_katit Kobrinets Evgeniya: If interested, join us by following the link (chat in whats app)👉 Or (chat in telegram) 👉 /interesnuj_bloger We are also looking for new members for a new blog with clear rules and duties @vmeste_veselej

Take me to chat))

I would like to be added to your chat) are you still accepting?

- @krishorosheva

- @flowerolia

- @krishorosheva we are still recruiting participants for a new blog in IG @vmesteveselej@flowerolia, join and read the rules. If you are satisfied, complete the tasks)

- @flowerolia @krishorosheva @ogrishkevich_ @marrybsk @mama_katit new project

But for some reason I don’t see any messages. This is fine?

Ever since Instagram removed the chronological sorting of posts, users of the social network have been trying to “hack the system.” Some have turned to bots, others rely on hashtags... But what about the pros? They join forces in the fight against the soulless machine, using a “secret weapon” - like chats on Instagram (Instagram pods).

What kind of like chats are they on Instagram?

If you are not yet part of such a group, apparently this is the question on your lips right now. Like chats on Instagram (Instagram pods) are private communities of 10-15 users, independent bloggers or company representatives who have similar audiences and a similar burning desire to increase engagement and have more followers. They are also called activity chats or reciprocity chats.

Members of a like chat on Instagram communicate with each other via direct message, and as soon as one member of the chat publishes a post, it is shared in a group message. Next, chat members go to the post, like it and leave a quality comment, which should encourage other, ordinary users to somehow interact with this post. Thoughtless spam comments will not work here!

It's hard to say exactly when these communities entered the global scene, but we can confidently say that this is the result of Instagram's inglorious policy - "algorithm changes" - which caused fashion bloggers to break gold iPhones in a frenzy in 2016. "As soon as Instagram turned off sorting chronologically, they now only show your posts to users they deem deeply engaged or interested in your content,” says Stephanie Gilbert of Small Talk Social, who herself is a member of 2 like chat groups.

Indeed, the more likes and comments your post receives immediately after it is published, the better the new Instagram algorithm will treat it. A high level of initial engagement signals to Instagram that you're posting quality, interesting content, and as a result, your post could rank higher in your followers' feeds (and ideally, go viral via Instagram Explore).

By the way, the same logic has long been in effect in the prestigious global design community Dribbble. Shots are included in the Popular section if they are actively liked and commented on in the first minutes and hours after publication.

Increasing engagement by starting with yourself

And how does all this happen? You are invited to a private Instagram chat. Usually word of mouth, the hashtag #liketime helps, you can also try your luck on Twitter (search for the tag #instagrampods) or Facebook groups (for example, Instagram Marketing Mastermind, The Gram Gang or Later Community). Once you get inside, you learn that chat has its own rules - each community works to increase engagement in its own way.

As Stephanie says, “The main thing you need to remember is that you have to give as much as you receive, and that’s a lot of work! This is service.” That is, the policy of “like for like” and “comment for comment” is not an empty phrase. Of course, for those new to Instagram, this may seem like too much. Ms. Gilbert believes it will require a lot of online productivity work, and it's not for the faint of heart. We can only confirm this - we've only been chatting for a week and have found that it requires an investment of time and commitment 24/7. Again we give the floor to Stephanie: “In my first group there really was too much. The group members posted several (3-4) times a day, and there were about 20 of them, so it all felt like the Wild West.”

What's the future of the Instagram Pods trend?

How long-term this trend could be is explained by Instagram marketer Jon Westenberg: “It seems that at some point either Instagram will close up shop when they see that a lot of people are trying to hack the system, or they will introduce a feature that -degree will replace work in like chats.”

Charlie Terry, director of CEEK Marketing, echoes him: “Basically, this is fake engagement. When playing the long game, such a technique can damage your business account. In my opinion, it is better to build real audience loyalty to the author or brand instead of inflated short-term hype."

In any case, remember - your chances of surviving and thriving in the fascinating world of Instagram depend on your dedication, your ability to work together and, of course, your ability to adapt.

based on articles by Gabriela Barho for Later, Daisy Murray for Elle UK and Stephanie Leishman for Agora Pulse

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Users who have been registered on the Instagram social network for a long time have probably noticed that the system now displays posts in the feed not by date, but by activity. The more likes and comments, the higher the chance of being in the top of Insta. Today we will look at how Instagram chat works and how to use this tool. Activity chat is a mutually beneficial collaboration consisting of a group of bloggers. Participants like each other, comment on posts, watch videos, live broadcasts, and stories. The most convenient way to create such an association is in social networks and instant messengers, where it is possible to open a group.

This is PR, which leans more towards “black” promotion. Let's highlight the main functions of the new tool:

  • Displaying the publication as recommended. When you click on the search button in the mobile application. Photos of other users appear on the main feed. Among them there are “promoted” posts.
  • General subscribers. Followers of each member of such a group will be able to subscribe to companions. This way bloggers share their audience with colleagues.
  • Increased activity. An artificially created “movement” appears in the profile, which tells ordinary followers and, most importantly, advertisers about the popularity of the account owner.

It is worth saying that the last function is the main one. When a publication has a lot of comments and likes, there is demand from advertisers. If a page is created for an online store, then the level of trust in the seller increases among potential buyers. The disadvantage of this method of black PR is that it is quite easy to identify fake comments. To do this, it is enough to study the profile, and the user will understand that the entries are left by participants of the media platform, which are repeated in each post.

Should I use this method? Yes, it is highly effective. It is enough to follow a few rules so that your actions are not mistaken for intrusive advertising:

  1. Your “colleagues” should not leave reviews under all publications; alternate posts so as not to arouse suspicion among subscribers and advertisers.
  2. Find several activity groups to alternate in the future. Then the profile looks natural. Different names will appear under the posts, which will add trust to the potential advertiser.
  3. Do not join an association in which more than 15 users participate, if the main condition is to contribute to all colleagues. You won't be able to comment on all member profiles, it will take too much time.

There are groups with a large audience where they leave as many likes and comments as possible. You should not abuse such a tool, as the administration may even block your account.

Instagram chat on PC

It will also be useful for users to learn how to make their own chat. To do this, you need to find bloggers, write them your proposal and create a group on any social network convenient for you. Using Instagram Direct, you can have a group conversation if you don’t want to go beyond Insta. Choose people who have similar topics. It will be easier to join a ready-made chat where there are 5-10 people. Usually, to gain access, you are asked to provide a questionnaire and write why this type of mutual assistance is required.