Similar channels on youtube. NewPipe is a free YouTube analogue with the option to download music and videos on Android

Material from the most complete encyclopedia of Internet marketing in RuNet

YouTube analogues

Projects similar to YouTube arose both before and after the advent of YouTube: Vimeo, Dailymotion, Smotri,, Music.ivi, and many others.

Some services copied the YouTube interface (Revver at the beginning of its creation; Clipshack; in Russia - Rutube).

Sites based on video content have similar structures, video hosting and distribution services, etc. Their main difference is in business models (paid/ free service, the use of advertising), technical details and the prevalence of certain content (music videos/movies/TV shows/videos in high quality etc.).

Foreign video hosting sites

Let's look at the largest and most popular foreign video hosting sites.

Free video hosting for downloading and watching HD videos with social network elements. Opened in California (USA) in 2004.

Vimeo has two types of accounts: paid and free. Free allows you to:

1. Upload videos of any format. For a week, each user is given 500 MB for storing videos. All files are stored on hosting services so that anyone can view or download them at any time.

2. Distinctive feature hosting - the ability to watch videos in HD quality.

3. On Vimeo, you can share videos (or even entire albums with videos) with any user with one click. In the settings, you can specify the category of users to whom you want to send the video, for example, registered users, friends, etc. It is possible to publish videos in in social networks: Facebook, Flickr, MySpace and others. You can also insert the hosting player code into blogs and any other sites.

4. Possibility of communication. You can subscribe to updates from other users, chat with friends, comment on their videos, and join communities of interests.

5. Select videos from a catalog in which videos are divided into categories. The hosting also has channels and groups that any user can subscribe to.

6. Make privacy settings.

Dailymotion is a popular video hosting service in the USA. The average monthly hosting audience in January 2013 was about 116 million users. Provides access to a large collection of videos, including in Russian. Eat Russian-language interface. Supports HD video format. Not all videos are available worldwide - hosting has restrictions for some cities.

There are no restrictions on uploading videos on the hosting: you can upload any number, videos are almost never deleted (except for videos promoting violence, pornography, etc.).

Video hosting has the following features:

  • Video,
  • channels,
  • films and TV,
  • communities,
  • subscriptions, etc.

Russian-language video hosting sites

Let's look at the largest and most popular video hosting sites on the Runet. is one of the popular hosting services on the RuNet. The peculiarity is that the site offers the possibility of online broadcasts. These are live broadcasts of users, through which everyone can go online and communicate with other users, show themselves, look at others, comment on everything that happens in live. To do this, you need to create your own channel. You can create regular broadcasts like discussions on the topic of the day or simply talk about everything that interests the author of the broadcast.

The site's technology allows for the organization of up to 500 live broadcasts simultaneously, each of which can involve up to 5,000 users.

Users can view, download, and also comment on videos. The database contains both amateur and professional videos.

The hosting has paid services, which make it possible to promote your video (promote it in new videos, use the “Video Leader” service, etc.), as well as use hosting as storage for the originals of your video files.

Russian-language video hosting, created in 2006. As close as possible in interface and functionality to YouTube. With it, users can create own channels and video blogs, live broadcasts, etc.

Advantages: there are no time limits for downloading videos; you can download videos via URL.

The downloaded file is processed from a few seconds to 15 minutes depending on the weight and format. For example, the video in FLV format will appear on the site immediately, without processing.

A video service that allows you to download and view videos on various topics. The advantages are that on Yandex. Videos do not need to be registered separately for those who have an account in Yandex.

Hosting makes it possible to download videos from a PC, from a webcam, from the Internet (in this case, the video will only be added to the album without the ability to download: when viewing, the player of another hosting will be displayed). The video upload limit is up to 750 MB.

At Yandex. Video" has its own club where users communicate: they discuss video and hosting capabilities, offer ideas for improving it, and also ask questions. Video hosting sites that are focused on watching movies and TV shows include:,, ZoomBy.Ru and others.

Greetings to blog readers!
Phrase, " YouTube alternative“Sounds strange coming from my lips, doesn’t it? An ardent supporter, he suddenly began looking for a replacement for his favorite video hosting site. There are good reasons for this.

Namely, an amendment to the law on storing personal data of Russians on Russian servers. This amendment accelerates its entry into force by one and a half years. From January 1, 2015, foreign companies collecting personal data, for example during registration, are required to rent or build their data centers in the Russian Federation. The latter are not particularly keen to do so for now.

What might this affect? Scary to imagine, Facebook, Twitter, Google, largest stores etc... But I won’t exaggerate, but will simply tell you about what personally worries me. Basically, these are related services, especially YouTube video hosting

List of Russian video hosting sites

All of us, even if we are not video filming specialists or owners, have personal videos. As a rule, these are celebrations, weddings, anniversaries, vacations, our children, parents, careers, achievements, etc... All this needs to be stored somewhere, and, if necessary, shown to family and friends.

There are a number of media where you can save your video materials. But the development of the Internet greatly simplifies the task and gives additional functions and opportunities.

What about educational, presentation, advertising, and entertainment videos? All this active user can’t save it on your hard drive, and there’s no point in doing so!

So. Here is a list of the most popular Russian video hosting sites:

  • Classmates

In my opinion, these are the most available services. They have the functions of embedding videos into web pages, the ability to share in, and gather an audience (subscribers). In general, an almost complete alternative to YouTube.

A long-time Russian competitor to foreign analogues. Easy to register, nothing superfluous. The interface resembles YouTube. Almost all the same functions. Video upload restrictions are 10 GB and video length is 50 minutes.

There is an interesting affiliate program for websites. By placing video material on your resource, you will be able to receive part of the income from advertising.

What else attracted me as a layman? For example, the absence of any advertising if you watch a video on while logged in. That is, watching a film or program on the channel is a pleasure. But you must be a registered user.

On this moment time, video hosting was what I liked the most. I'm sure many users have mail from this Russian giant. This will make creating your channel much easier. Yes, that's right, channel.

True, there is a nuance: first you will have to upload the video to your personal albums, and only then add it to the channel. Verification via SMS is required.
Upload size is not limited, files are accepted various formats, are perfectly indexed search engine, a rich interface for embedding and promotion.

I use it for a section and have already created a trial channel. I haven’t decorated it much yet, I’m exploring the possibilities.

A few words in general about the portal. This is not the same service as it used to be! Mail has become significantly more secure, there is little spam, and in general all services are developing rapidly. I left this site at one time, but now I’m happy to return.


And finally, the popular social network Odnoklassniki. There are no special problems here. Upload video material and that’s it, create a channel if necessary. The videos are easily embedded into web pages and look very decent.

What do I think about it?

Perhaps this panic has no serious basis and a compromise will be found, but as they say:

Forewarned is forearmed! 20 votes
Average rating: 4.8 out of 5

From the article you will learn:

  • why is it more profitable to promote in similar videos than in search;
  • how YouTube ranks similar videos;
  • how to get traffic from related videos.

How to make a video watchable? Many will answer: promote in search. But this approach works well in highly specialized topics with a small audience. In other areas it performs much better promotion in similar videos.

In order not to be unfounded, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the statistics on the video from real channel about Internet marketing. Please note that even in such a specific topic, which is not aimed at a wide range of users, 26% of views are provided by similar videos, while searches on YouTube are only 16%:

On channels with a wide audience, similar videos sometimes provide up to 70-80% of traffic.

When promoting a video in search, it is “tailored” to a specific key query. For example, you made a video on request "How to choose the right trouser length" and took first place in the search results:

But how many users will come to your video from search? If you look at Wordstat statistics, then the results are disappointing:

It is clear that a video can rank well for a number of other queries, but still the number of user requests from search is limited. Another thing is similar videos. This is an almost inexhaustible source of traffic. So, if we open a video about the length of trousers, we will see in the recommendations videos about perfumes, shirts, jackets, etc.

If YouTube finds your video worthy of a recommendation, it will begin to offer it to users who are interested not only in your topic, but also in related topics.

There is a lot of speculation about the algorithm for generating a list of similar videos. Some believe that ranking is based on the number of subscribers and views, others on the length of the video and optimization of titles for queries, others on the number and content of tags, etc.

In fact, there is nothing secret here. Nothing depends on the video format. For YouTube, only one criterion is important: Do viewers like this or that video?.

To determine preferences, algorithms based on artificial intelligence. On the one hand, the behavior of specific users on YouTube is taken into account, on the other, the popularity of a particular video.

Your task is to make videos that will evoke interest from viewers (that is, they will click on icons, like or dislike them, and watch them for a long time). You shouldn’t try to figure out a ranking formula, gain followers and likes in the hope of ranking high in recommendations.

We won't talk about the quality of the content. It is clear that if you are filming gray boredom in a vertical format with a shaking hand, then you cannot expect a surge of interest (unless you have some kind of super exclusive). Most topics are highly competitive, and your videos should be at least as good as others. Below are tips to help you drive traffic from related videos.

1. Catchy headlines

It is by the title that users decide whether to watch the video or not. Make it intriguing, stand out from the rest, and motivate to start watching. At the same time, do not mislead viewers - the title must correspond to the content, otherwise the video will be quickly closed.

Unlike search optimization, the key phrase in pure form does not have to be included in the title. The priority is to attract attention. Here are some examples of transforming a regular header:

Review Meizu smartphone M6 Note → Why I will never buy a Meizu M6 Note

How to cure intervertebral disc protrusion → How I got rid of protrusion for 500 rubles and 3 months

How to optimize a website for Yandex → ​​Why Yandex loves sites from the TOP-10

Don't repeat your competitors' headlines. YouTube tries to diversify similar videos, so it rarely includes videos with same name. Stand out from others, but don’t overdo it with creativity so that the meaning isn’t lost behind the bright headline.

2. Unique video icons

The video icon, along with the title, serves as an attention-grabbing element. With the help of a customized icon, you can lift the veil of secrecy, create intrigue, interest, and play on instincts.

When creating icons, as with headings, try not to copy your competitors.

3. Focus on viewing time

YouTube takes into account the average video viewing time when creating a list of recommendations. Don't confuse this with viewing percentage. So, if a 60-minute video is watched on average by 15 minutes (25%), then, other things being equal, it will receive priority over a 3-minute video, which is watched for 2 minutes (67%).

But this does not mean that you should artificially tighten the rollers and make them longer. Nobody will watch a boring and long video. On the other hand, if you are able to saturate the video with content that is interesting to the audience, this will work to your advantage.

To increase viewing time, tell at the very beginning what awaits the audience, what questions will be revealed, promise a surprise at the end, etc. Be sure to maintain the dynamics of the video. If you feel like you're burning out, shoot it in several takes.

4. Serial content

Serial videos goes well with the audience. Individual episodes form a complete picture, and if the viewer is interested in the topic, he will wait for the release of new videos. Serial videos often appear not only in recommendations for other people’s videos, but also for your own videos, which serves as a factor in keeping viewers on the channel:

When creating series, follow these tips:

  • indicate the title and/or episode number in each video before the title;
  • use the same style for video icons;
  • add short description series for each video;
  • For each episode cycle, create a playlist.

5. Engagement

Users’ interest in video is manifested not only by prolonged viewing, but also additional actions: shares, likes (dislikes), comments.

Your task is to stimulate user activity. Ask viewers to like it, ask a question and ask them to answer it in the comments, ask for advice, write a few comments “for starters.” Remember to respond to comments in a timely manner and keep the discussion interesting.

6. Video optimization

Despite the fact that videos are “tailored” for promotion in recommendation lists, they still need to be optimized:

  • name the file uploaded to YouTube in accordance with the topic of the video;
  • write a description for the video with an entry key phrases, hashtags, links to useful resources;
  • create video tags based on high- and mid-frequency semantic core queries;
  • Add an end screen with a call to action.

Let's sum it up

So here's what's important to remember:

  • traffic when promoting in similar videos is not limited by the frequency of the request, as is the case with promotion in search;
  • the main criterion for visibility in the recommendations feed is the viewers’ interest in the video;
  • necessary for good ranking quality content, attractive video titles and icons, increasing watch time, stimulating viewer activity and video optimization; Content series are performing well.

Don't forget about the need to promote your video. To do this, develop links to videos from blogs, forums and media, and repost them on social networks. Collaboration with YouTube bloggers shows itself well. Find channels in different topics If you are ready to place a mention or create a full review of your channel, you can go to the Webartex exchange.

To do this, it is enough to indicate the topic, audience coverage, acceptable price range and other parameters, select suitable sites and order placement. Webartex acts as a guarantor for bloggers to fulfill their obligations, so you do not bear the risks as in the case of contacting bloggers directly.

In this article we will talk about how to get into similar videos on YouTube. Many of my subscribers often ask questions: “How to get traffic from similar videos?”, “How does the algorithm for getting into similar videos work?” and “Why don’t my videos appear in similar videos on YouTube?” If the video is included in similar videos to a popular video famous video blogger, the number of views increases to unprecedented levels. This is a well-known fact. But getting into similar videos is very difficult task for many YouTubers. First of all, this is due to a lot of competition and the inconspicuous design of the video. Read our recommendations and you will understand how to increase your chances of getting featured in related videos on YouTube.

Playlist “Earning money on YouTube from A to Z” with all video lessons

Naturally, in order to get into similar videos, you need to work with metadata correctly. What is video metadata? This is the title, description and tags (the correct SEO promotion of video clips has been discussed; how to choose the right tags for a video, see). These parameters are the main ones. Of course, several components are important here. Just technically getting somewhere in similar videos is not enough to get good traffic. If your video has a low discoverability factor, it will not be noticed or clicked on. Therefore, it is important to attract the attention of potential viewers so that they click on your video and start watching. An unattractive video that ranks even in a good position among similar videos will most likely not collect traffic, this is inevitable.
What do you need to do to get into similar videos? The first step is to use key search queries that are relevant to your video and coincide with the overall trend and other creators you want to target. I draw your attention to the fact that no one will give you a guarantee of getting into similar ones to any specific video. If someone promises you this is nonsense, send it in a certain direction. Algorithms are constantly changing and take into account hundreds of factors when ranking videos and when comparing similar videos, and therefore no one will give you any guarantees.

To increase the likelihood and navigate through a group of videos in a group of channels in which you can get into similar ones, you need to properly optimize the video, as they say, from the point of view of SEO optimization. We focus on high-frequency search queries. As a last resort, for medium-frequency requests. This is better than focusing on low-frequency ones, for which there is not much traffic and in most cases there is no point in fighting for them.

We choose the right search queries for which, in principle, there is interest from the audience and there is traffic for them. Let's use these key queries in all metadata: title, description and tags. By the way, often you don’t need to use a keyword in the title! This is amazing, but recommendation systems help such a video get into similar videos if the title is interesting. And remember that different topics have different thresholds for entering similar videos. Educational videos or promotional videos on YouTube, such as I do, will not appear similar because there are no particularly similar videos in this niche and other content and a different format are popular.

Now I will give examples of the content that is received and how it does it and for what reason and what audience it attracts. That is, you must have a topic that is popular among large quantity potential audience, your channel must have some initial traffic. Remember that when getting into similar videos, traffic dynamics and audience retention are always taken into account. But the paradox is that audience retention can be low, that is, it can be, say, 20-30 percent of the duration, that’s enough. More important for similar videos is the total time spent watching the video.

That is, for similar videos higher value has the number of total views in minutes be large. Traffic dynamics have key value. If your video has 10 views per hour, and you want to get into similar videos to a video that has 1000 views, nothing will most likely happen. Because it is great amount competitors, other videos that have comparable dynamics and they will appear in a similar video.

So videos usually end up in videos similar to those that are comparable in topic, in terms of viewing dynamics and in target audience. YouTube tries to select similar videos based on viewers' interests. Now artificial neural networks, which YouTube uses, are trained and every day they should rank videos more accurately. Of course, mistakes happen, sometimes the system rolls back, because of this, many people experience traffic disruptions and a huge drop to almost zero.

Cool video icon

It is important to make a cool icon and cool name! A good icon that matches the theme of your video, bright, contrasting, with large details that are clearly visible in the miniature. With a clear plot, with emotions, reflecting brands (if they naturally appear in your video) and some popular trends. Plus, many disguise icons into a single form style. Just remember the theme of super heroes. All the icons there are approximately the same. A yellow or light green unobtrusive background and close-ups of bright super heroes in different scenes.
Or children's theme. Videos about marmalade. They all have a blue background, the authors adapt to each other. Some bright plate and children with emotions. When a video meets the expectations of the audience and is found in similar videos, there is a high probability that it will be clicked on and receive good factor detection. The next task is to retain the attention of viewers and gain interaction factors with the video. If you watch the video to the end, that's great. If you participate in surveys using prompts, that's also good. If they share the video and write comments, it’s just great. That is, you need to get good behavioral factors. This way your video will stay in similar ones for as long as possible.

Video lesson “How to make a beautiful icon for YouTube videos”

And remember that you should not strive to get into some top channels that are similar at once. Especially if your channel is not comparable to the traffic dynamics of the top channel. This is her best idea, you will only waste time. We need to systematically work on the channel and increase the subscriber base. To do this, we are making more and more interesting icons, working on names, making them so as to attract the attention of the target audience. One video that you optimized may well not get anywhere

But when you have 50 quality videos that overlap with brands, are trending, and are highly optimized for similar videos, the likelihood of getting into similar videos increases significantly. Moreover, when one of your videos gets into similar ones and gets good traffic, it can pull your other videos on the channel through similar and recommended videos and then through home page. The main thing is that these videos should be in some kind of serial context, that is, they were about approximately the same thing, and the algorithms could recommend them to the same people. These are fundamentally important points.

First of all, focus on what is really interesting to you, what you understand and what you are good at. Shoot content where you can understand and read target audience. This is the tactic that will help promote your channel. It’s impossible to single out something specific; this kind of content is the easiest to shoot, but this kind of content is more difficult. No. It's all individual. For some it will be easier to film some life hacks, for others it will be easier to film home renovations or something like that. There are many options, to each his own. Choose what you like, but only if it is some more or less popular and in demand topic.

Now let's summarize everything that was written above and highlight the main points, following which you will increase the possibility of getting into similar videos.

  • We produce high-quality, interesting content;
  • the content should be serial, that is, a lot of videos on similar topics;
  • select the right search queries and compose them into a title, description and tags for the video;
  • making a colorful video icon.

As you can see, getting into similar videos is quite a difficult task. But if your videos are really high quality and you optimize them correctly, you will succeed. And if you do everything correctly, over time you will notice how other video bloggers will strive to get into similar videos to your videos.