How to beautifully design your Instagram profile in the same style. Promotion on Instagram: what to do to get noticed

I am an advanced Instagram user or, to paraphrase a joke from Comedy Club, an Instagramophile.

And sometimes I’m surprised by people’s ignorance of how to do this or that thing on Instagram. Sometimes even the most basic ones.

That’s why I collected in this article all the tricks and secrets of Instagram that I use myself personally, and also honestly learned from my colleagues.

At first it was just a list of 40 items, but then I remembered one question that I get asked all the time: “How can I make money on Instagram?”

Three conditions for reading. Firstly, the list may contain “lifehacks and Instagram secrets” that you know.

No need to shout: “Bullshit!”, remember about people who are just getting acquainted with Instagram and for them these will be truly new features.

Secondly, various services are often mentioned here. And if you want to read about them in more detail, I recommend our article

Third, I wrote all the actions that need to be performed exclusively for the iPhone.

I have no idea how to implement this or that feature on Android. Please treat these things with understanding. Go.

This is not banal

Yes, I agree. This is not just a list, but a specific set of step-by-step actions that will allow you to get to know Instagram much better and use it 146% (I hope many still remember this joke).

Otherwise, many people don’t know anything other than posting posts and using special programs for promotion.

And I deliberately did not write the usual banality, which is on a huge number of other sites in the series: post interesting photos, give literate ones.

No! Only what you really didn’t know and is really interesting. Enjoy.

Important. If you would like to transfer account management to professionals, then follow the link -> Instagram management and leave a request. The specialists will do everything for you. The prices are more than reasonable!

For business/promotion

Since our blog is about marketing for business, we will first discuss the nuances for companies.

Let's figure out how you can use Instagram management to increase your reach and attract customers with the help of small actions. And then let’s move on to interesting points for personal use.

1. Setting up a business profile

If you want to be fashionable and see all the statistics, all the instructions cannot be described in 2 words, so we have a special step-by-step article with pictures.

Promotion services

How to:

  1. “Promote” button next to “Edit profile”;
  2. Select the publication you want to promote;
  3. Configure all the parameters you need.

Secret. Directly from Instagram you can promote any publication, be it old or new. From Facebook in Ads Manager, you can only promote a new publication that you create immediately there.

16. Enlarge the signature

Instagram functionality is limited to only 150 characters that can describe what you do. Sometimes this is not enough (especially for work accounts). Therefore, using a little trick you can enlarge the signature.

How to do:

  1. Create the desired signature in “Notes”;
  2. Be sure to write with hyphens and the necessary emoticons;
  3. Go to “Edit profile”;
  4. Go to “Methods of communication”;
  5. Copy the required description into the “Address”;
  6. Save.

17. How to make money on your account

The most common question I hear lately. There are many options, but for small cities, I think the simplest and most adequate is advertising in your account for money (or barter).

How to:

  1. Choose a topic, if not;
  2. Increase subscribers (at least up to 5-10 thousand people);
  3. Launch mass following (required);
  4. You launch, or just advertise directly from Instagram;
  5. Register on the account exchange (you can also buy advertising in other accounts there);
  6. Place advertisements in your account for money;
  7. You start making money.

For myself

Now that we’re done with business... ugh, or rather finished, we can move on to personal actions that will make your time on Instagram more interesting and exciting. And, naturally, your Instagram is better.

1. Enlarging the photo

A standard photo on Instagram is always small, and it’s hard to see the details from a small phone.

Recently, it has become possible to enlarge a photo to look at it better.

How to:

  1. Point your fingers at the photo, spread them apart without lifting them from the screen, look at the photo in detail.

2. Beautiful text description

Personally, I like it when the account description is beautiful and contains emoji.

It looks more attractive and “selling”. This is exactly how it should be for you too 😉

Profile description

How to do it, option 1:

  1. Prepare text in “Notes” using spaces, Enter and emoji;
  2. Copy the description into the “About Me” column in “Edit Profile”.

How to do it, option 2:

  1. Log in to Instagram from your computer;
  2. Click on your profile icon;
  3. Click “Edit profile”;
  4. In the “About Me” column, format everything the way you like using Enter.

3. Edit photos without publishing

You took a beautiful photo and put a filter on it, but didn’t come up with a caption?

How to:

  1. Upload a photo;
  2. Edit, apply filters;
  3. At the moment when you need to add a description, a left arrow (“<”);
  4. Click it 2 times;
  5. Select “Save Draft.”

4. View posts that have been liked

If you liked a beautiful girl/guy, but forgot to follow him and after a while you can’t find him, don’t despair.

Instagram stores the last 300 photos you liked. For example, this is how I track .

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Posts you liked.”

5. Clear search history

Instagram saves your entire search history. To start everything from scratch (or excuse the expression, “not get burned”), you just need to do a few steps.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Click “Clear search history” almost at the very end;
  4. The search is now clear.

6. Setting up notifications on your favorite accounts

If you are promoting your account using mass following, but at the same time you are still trying to track accounts that interest you, then this secret will allow you not to miss their publications.

How to:

  1. Go to the main page of the account you need;
  2. Click “…” (aka “Account Settings”);
  3. Click “Enable post notifications” in the pop-up window.

7. View the activity of your subscribers

Do you want to see who your subscribers like and subscribe to? It is very easy.

Recently, it has become clear what comments they like and what comments they leave themselves.

How to:

  1. Click on the “Heart” tab;
  2. The “You” tab will open (who followed you and liked you);
  3. Swipe (scroll) to the right. The “Subscriptions” tab will appear;
  4. Study.

8. Adding additional accounts

Do you have a personal and work account? Or maybe another account for a company or even several? To avoid “going in and out” endlessly, collect them in one place.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Click “Add” almost at the very end.


9. “Jumping” between accounts

Previously, to view the direct message of the second profile, you had to leave the first and enter the second.

Now there is an opportunity (even 2) to make this much easier.

How to do it, option 1:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click your profile name in the top center;
  3. In the pop-up window, select the account you need.

Jumping between accounts

How to do it, option 2:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click your profile button in the lower right corner;
  3. Hold;
  4. In the pop-up window, select the account you need.

10. Deleting comments

How to:

  1. Under the photo, click the comments icon (to the right of the heart);
  2. Swipe (flick) left;
  3. Click the trash can icon.

11. Disabling comments

If you publish a photo that you don’t want anyone from your subscribers to comment on (well, suddenly inappropriate statements are expected), then do the following manipulations.

How to:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Edit it;
  3. Add a description if necessary;
  4. Click “Advanced settings” at the bottom of this page;
  5. Check the “Disable comments” checkbox.

12. Saving posts

If you liked the publication and want to see it later, you can save it. By the way, no one except you will know that you saved this publication.

How to:

  1. Choose the publication you like;
  2. In the lower right corner, click the “Flag” or “Bookmark” icon;
  3. Go to the main page of your profile;
  4. Click the same icon;
  5. You see the saved post.
Saving a Post

13. Hide photos in which you are tagged

Moreover, there are hundreds more of the same ones marked on them. And here's what you need to do to remove the mark.

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. The “Picture” tab (“Photo of you”) is right below the description;
  3. Choose a photo;
  4. Click “…” (“Post Settings”) in the upper right corner of the photo;
  5. In the pop-up window, click “Actions”;
  6. Select “Hide from my profile” (this photo will not be shown on your profile) or “Remove me from publication” (the tag on your profile will be removed from the initial publication).

14. Find everything you need

Sometimes you need to find a user, a current hashtag or geolocation that you saw somewhere, but then forgot about it. And searching on Instagram will help you.

How to:

  1. “Magnifier” tab;
  2. Click search;
  3. Enter what you need;
  4. Choose between “People” (accounts), “Tags” (hashtags) and “Places” (geolocations).

15. Overlaying multiple filters

Since my artistic taste is not very developed, I use only 3-4 filters and don’t bother too much.

But there are people who apply 2-3 filters to one photo. Want to try?

How to:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click “Gear” (aka “Settings”);
  3. Check the box “Save original photo”;
  4. Post a photo;
  5. Close the error message;
  6. Turn on airplane mode on your phone;
  7. Find the saved photo in Albums;
  8. Use as you wish.

16. Beautiful caption for the photo

I like it when the text under the photo is well and beautifully designed, and also divided into paragraphs. Yes, it is more difficult and takes longer, but it is much more enjoyable to read.

How to:

  1. Prepare text in “Notes” using spaces, Enter and emoji;
  2. Copy the description to “Description”.

17. Filter intensity

Sometimes filters are too saturated. Strongly lighten, strongly darken. But if the filter is still excellent, its saturation/intensity can be changed.

How to:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Choose the filter you like;
  3. Click on it;
  4. Press again;
  5. Move the slider as you wish.

18. Customizing filters for yourself

Personally, I use 3-5 filters (well, I don’t like to get too worked up in processing).

The rest are hidden from me as unnecessary. You can do the same.

How to do it, option 1:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Scroll right to the very end of the filters;
  3. Click settings;
  4. Customize it as you please.

Setting up filters

How to do it, option 2:

  1. Add photos/videos;
  2. Clamp the filter you don’t need;
  3. With a movement of your finger, throw it up;
  4. The filter is now hidden.

19. Communication in Direct

In fact, Instagram is increasingly becoming a mobile social network.

And it increasingly encourages users to communicate with each other. And you can write a personal message to any user.

How to:

  1. Go to the page of the user you want to send a message to;
  2. In the upper right corner, click “…” (aka “Account Settings”);
  3. In the pop-up window, click “Send message”;
  4. Write what you like, but keep it decent.

How to:

Now, when writing a comment, you can make it go directly to the Direct message of the user you are replying to. Quite a cool feature.

How to:

  1. Under the user's comment, click “Reply”;
  2. On the left side, click the airplane;
  3. The message “Sending by message” will appear. This means the message went to the user’s Direct;
  4. Write a message;
  5. Click “Send”.

22. Disappearing content

When communicating in Direct, you can send a photo or video that will disappear after viewing after 30 seconds. A sort of analogue of the Telegram secret chat.

How to:

  1. Go to Direct messages;
  2. To the left of “Write a message” select the blue photo icon;
  3. Take photos/videos or choose from the library;
  4. Click on the user's avatar to send.

Secret. Photos/videos can be viewed only 2 times within one minute. After this it will not be available. By the way, if a screenshot is taken from your photo, this entry will appear under the photo.

23. Adding photos/videos to stories

Stories have been quite popular lately. These are your photos/videos that are stored for exactly 24 hours and then disappear. But not everyone knows how to use them correctly. Let's fix this.

How to do it, option 1:

  1. Home page of your profile;
  2. Click on your avatar with a blue plus;

How to do it, option 2:

  1. Go to the “House” (tape);
  2. Swipe (scroll) to the right;
  3. Take a photo/video or select from the library.

By the way, not long ago we published an article where we collected all the information about stories together.

In recent years, Instagram has grown to a global scale. On this popular social network, personal profiles are created daily, both for entertainment and for running your own business. In order to attract a huge audience, every effort must be made. Promoting a business on a social network is quite a profitable business, so recently a new inscription has appeared on the social network. That is, each user can switch their page to a personal blog.

Owners of a personal personal blog have a number of advantages. This status looks more attractive. This indicates that the owner is interested in running his own business. Thus, the account can be distinguished from ordinary pages.

How to change the caption on your Instagram

In order to change the page caption and make it a personal blog, you must follow these steps. Initially, you need to find it in the center - we have a separate material. Then you should select a specific category, which opens in the menu. Certain preferences about fictional characters are also presented here. Beautiful people can instantly attract followers and gather a large audience. Among them you need to indicate:

  • company;
  • public figure;
  • model;
  • blogger;
  • athlete

Relatively recently, Instagram developers decided to offer a large audience several new features. For example, there is a point through which you can open a map and determine how to get to a certain company. This feature is suitable for local businesses. If desired, you can change the fonts. These features are listed in the middle of the home page. Changing the text is only possible from smartphones and iPhones. It is not possible to carry out the operation using a computer.


So, turning your Instagram account into a personal blog is not that difficult. To do this, you need to follow the instructions above, and you will certainly succeed. “Personal blog” opens up new opportunities for you to develop your business on Instagram.

There is probably no person in the modern world who has not heard anything about Instagram. In recent years, the popularity of this social network has reached enormous proportions, and it can rightfully be called one of the leaders among similar projects. More and more community members are asking the question: on Instagram?

People all over the world upload more than 40 million photos to Instagram every day. Of course, most of them are quite far from photographic masterpieces. The network is called a crowd of would-be photographers and the best place to waste free time. However, everything cannot be divided into just black and white. Among Instagram followers there are a lot of talented, conscientious people who post interesting and sometimes very funny content online every day.

Why is Instagram interesting?

Unlike other social networks, here users are only allowed to post their photos and leave small comments on them. You won’t find great articles or clever sayings on Instagram. You can view your friends' updates very quickly, literally on the go. Moreover, all the photos are posted in real time, which produces a very unusual and attractive effect - you get the feeling that you are always close to the person you are interested in, and after watching the feed for a week, it seems that you know absolutely everything about him.

This may sound unusual, but with the help of Instagram, people are becoming closer to each other. The network allows you not to lose touch with old acquaintances who have moved to another city or even country. By regularly viewing updates, you can see the world through their eyes.

Popularity on Instagram is synonymous with meeting new people. Do you want to regularly connect with people around the world who share your passions? Post new photos on topics that interest you as often as possible, and very soon you will have dozens of like-minded people among your subscribers. Thanks to a social network, you can significantly increase the number of personal acquaintances, expand your horizons and make every day a little more emotional and perky. And for this you don’t need to go or travel anywhere, you only need a smartphone and a popular application installed on it.

In addition, Instagram is an excellent way for active advertising and promotion of various products and business projects. After all, the number of users of the social network has already exceeded 200 million. Thanks to this, artificially boosting likes on Instagram has become very popular.

Now let’s talk about all of the above in detail and in order.

Such different photos

Users' photos are present on absolutely all social networks. And in this regard, one can rightly say: why create an account here too? The thing is that photos on networks such as VKontakte, Facebook or Twitter are radically different from what Instagrammers post. There, all the images can be called static; they are carefully selected by their owner and posted in order to create the necessary image among friends. They are posted very rarely. On Instagram, actions are free and relaxed, and photos are mostly useless and are purely entertaining. The most popular Instagrams, as a rule, have an unexpected plot, show rare footage, or evoke emotion in the viewer. They are captured with a smartphone and immediately posted online, and their number can shock a new user who has just registered.

Of course, most of the pictures are far from ideal, but the value of such photos lies in something completely different. The main thing here is living human emotion, which can be conveyed at a distance using an image.

Who is the popular user on Instagram? This is someone who receives a large number of likes on every photo or video posted and whose updates are followed by at least several thousand people.

A popular “Insta-user” should be interesting and attractive to many people. Therefore, the ribbons of stars attract maximum attention - after all, everyone wants to know what their world looks like from the inside. Already popular people do not need to make efforts to collect several thousand subscribers in the shortest possible time.

But what about everyone else, deprived of popular love? If you care, on Instagram - regularly take pictures and post something interesting. If the plot is truly attractive, subscribers will not keep you waiting.

There are photos, but they don’t like them? Don't despair. Most likely, the reason lies in incorrect actions, and not in the photographs themselves. You also need to lift the veil of your life wisely.

How to make Instagram popular

It’s quite easy to become interesting to a large number of users of this social network. After all, the whole atmosphere here is conducive to easy communication and unobtrusive acquaintances.

Let's give some simple tips to those who want to know how to become more popular on Instagram:

  • Fill out your profile, write about yourself in an interesting and concise manner (preferably in English), and be sure to provide a link to your website or blog.
  • Subscribe to updates from all your friends from other social networks, and also invite them to follow your news.
  • Start adding interesting pictures to your account, provide them with short descriptions, for example, where and how the photo was taken, what was happening around, what the account owner was thinking about at that moment.
  • Give access to your account to all network users.
  • Like and comment on other people's photos, so you can arouse interest in your account among strangers.
  • Use hashtags and geotags for all your photos.
  • Mention other users in your comments, participate in various promotions.

What is a hashtag

In simple words, this is a tag that allows you to find all the photos and videos on a given topic. It consists of the # symbol and a word that is as close as possible to the content of the image. Hashtags are ranked by the number of likes they receive. A correctly selected tag is a guarantee of increasing subscribers to your account.

You can add several hashtags at the same time to each post on Instagram. But don’t get carried away; a large number of them are associated with spam and, naturally, cause a negative reaction.

Popular hashtags

If you want to collect as many “hearts” as possible, add the most. How do you recognize them? You can google it or spy on friends.

Each topic has its own, but, as elsewhere, there are established leaders:

  • for Russian-speaking users: #russia #instaman_russia #vk #vkpost #Russia #cat #cat #kote #love #Moscow #me #autumn #photo #snow #Russian #winter #Peter #girl #travel #sky #night #morning #beauty #evening #girls #rain #beautiful #icy rain #metro #fashion #home #city, #summer #photo #food #style;
  • those who are interested in how to become more popular on Instagram and get English-speaking subscribers should remember the following hashtags: #instagood #cute #me #tweegram #iphonesia #instamood #tbt #iphonesia #picoftheday #happy #iphoneonly #bestoftheday #followme #igers #instadaily #photooftheday #love #instagramhub #jj #beautiful.

For the most part, the proposed tags are universal. If you use only them, there is a chance to make the material somewhat impersonal. To make your photos more specific and attract thematic users to your subscribers, you should use tags with their real description. However, do not forget that English-speaking ones are more popular.

Time matters

In addition to the reasons already described, the popularity of a new publication is greatly influenced by the time of its publication. And this is not surprising; it is best to post pictures during those hours when most users have the desire and opportunity to view updates. According to statistics, this is 5 pm on Monday and the middle of the working day on Wednesday or Thursday.

Money issue

Every account owner dreams of getting as many “hearts” as possible under their photos and videos. However, when the figure exceeds several thousand, the profile becomes not only a source of pride for its owner, but also a small business project or advertising platform. Account monetization is the main reason why artificial increases in likes occur on Instagram.

Like for like

The most public and honest way to get a subscriber is to like other people's posts and follow other users. But, unfortunately, this path is very long and does not always work. It can be implemented in two ways.

  1. Subscribe to all users in a row. Some people will subscribe in response, but they will be relatively few. As a result, the number of subscriptions in the account will be several times higher than the number of subscribers, everyone will understand that most users subscribed in response out of politeness, and not because of interesting content.
  2. Give as many likes as possible. The catch lies in the fact that you will have to press the treasured button almost around the clock, without days off or food breaks.

We automate the process

Simple bot programs will come to the rescue and will click on the “hearts” for you under all pictures with a given tag. Such a development will be an ideal assistant for any user wondering how to become more popular on Instagram. She can give up to one and a half thousand likes per day. The bot does not press more than one “heart” per minute so that the trick is not revealed.

In addition, such programs like not only photos with a given tag, but also selective publications in the feed. Using this trick, you can speed up the growth of followers on Instagram, because if you regularly praise someone, sooner or later he will become friends with you.

So cute

And now a few words about the content of the photos themselves. The more interesting and attractive they are for the majority of visitors to your update feed, the sooner you will get the desired number of subscribers.

What evokes maximum emotions in users? What subject should you choose for your photos to promote your account as quickly as possible?

People from all over the world primarily prefer images of animals, unusual places, shocking extreme actions, retro photographs, romance and beautiful girls. At the same time, a particularly negative attitude is expressed towards photographs of food and showing off in the “look how cool I am” style, although they continue to be posted in huge quantities.

It’s also possible. However, for this you need to install a special application on your smartphone. You can combine similar photos, but from different angles, or completely unrelated in content, but conveying a similar mood. Collage is loved for the details it provides and the hidden details that cannot be seen in a single photograph. If you try hard enough, you can tell a whole story in a composed image.

According to statistics, collages are liked almost twice as often as other publications on a network such as Instagram.

How to become popular is a difficult question. The article tells you almost everything that those who want to gain virtual fame need to know. Create an account, capture moments and post photos. And then you need to act depending on the current circumstances and the goals you have set for yourself.

In order to open the options menu, you should go to your personal Instagram account. To access it, you should click on the icon on the far right at the bottom of the screen with the image of a man.

When it is open, tap on the button with three vertical dots at the top of the screen. This simple action will display a list of parameters embedded in the service.

So what options are available here? The first category, “Invite Friends,” focuses on adding users both from the social network Facebook and from recipients of your email correspondence. To invite friends from Facebook, click the “Invite Facebook Friends” button.

After a short time interval, a form will appear asking you to enter the login and password for your social network account. Let's do it!

After this, a simple form will appear confirming your Facebook authentication. By clicking OK, we will thereby call up a list of friends from Facebook who have not yet created an account on Instagram.

Having selected the desired people, click on the mini-button “Invite” to the right of the user name, after which the user you have chosen will receive an invitation from you to create an account on Instagram and connect to you.

The second button in the section, called “Invite friends,” is responsible for sending invitations via email, SMS, Bluetooth and other mechanisms, both popular and common, and not so popular. This point should be addressed last, since this method of “luring friends” has long been obsolete.

Go ahead! The next section, “For subscriptions,” also invites us to invite friends from social networks, but if the previous category was intended for those who have not yet registered on Instagram, then this section will serve specifically for those who have already registered, but have not yet subscribed. As you can see, there is a difference!

The first and last points are used to subscribe friends from the same Facebook and VK, respectively.

You could do the same thing when registering a new account, which was discussed. In fact, these options only duplicate the same functionality.

The second item “Find contacts” allows you to access the phone’s memory, the list of contacts on the SIM card, to invite you to connect to users from the smartphone’s address book. When you click it, a warning appears on the screen about synchronizing contacts between all servers with which you deal while working.

By agreeing to this by clicking the “Allow” button, you will thereby display an expanded list of contacts after synchronization. As usual, add yourself to your subscription by clicking the “Subscribe” button.

All the most important Instagram settings are concentrated in the “Account” section. What options are available to us here?

The first item, “History Settings,” allows you to hide your history for selected users and prohibit replies to messages for selected or all users without exception. What is meant by history here? These are photos you liked, new subscriptions and subscribers, as well as comments left under other images. If you want your story not to be visible to one or more selected users, select them in the "Hide story from" option.

The second option in the list of settings, “Edit Profile,” is intended for editing personal information in your personal profile.

You can change not only your phone number and mailbox, but also information about your active website and yourself. You can also change your own avatar.

The third item in line “Change password” allows you to start the standard procedure of replacing the current password with a new one if your account has been hacked, or you have decided to prevent it from being hacked in advance.

Another useful option is “Posts you liked.”

Here, in a structured list, you can find all the photos you have liked. The list belongs to the history category discussed in the “History Settings” section above.

How to block a user on Instagram?

The next Instagram settings item is used to display users you have blocked.

To block a user, you need to click on their name to open their profile. After this, you should tap on the menu button with three vertical dots at the top and select “Block” from the list that appears.

After this, you will not be able to receive messages and notifications from this user, and your profile will not be available to him. Let's move on...

Another important element is the “Switch to company profile” option. If you run a Facebook page, using this tool you can link it to your Instagram account and publish photos for it directly from here. Agree, it’s very convenient.

How to make an Instagram account private?

The last option in this section is “Private Account”. If you set your account to private, only people you approve will be able to view your photos and subscribe to your updates. Changing this Instagram setting will not affect existing subscribers...

About settings

A rather significant category is the “Settings” section. Although there are no particularly important points here, it is still worth briefly going over the parameters.

The first item here is the “Linked Accounts” parameter. By logging into it, you can see which third-party services are linked to your account.

If you could link Facebook and VK through other items in the settings menu, then all other social networks are available only here. To link the service you have chosen, click on its name in the list.

The next point involves changing the Instagram interface language. Select the language you like, and all menu items will be immediately translated into it.

The “Push Notifications” setting is responsible for customizing the notifications received on your smartphone. By default, all notifications are enabled. You can set up notifications based on actions performed by other users. Each action is configured separately. You can set the corresponding actions to be performed from users you follow, from all users, or turn off this option for a specific action.

Now about the item “Data usage on the cellular network”. Here you can activate data saving when displaying photos and videos. The default is Normal mode.

The next element is “Download Quality”. You should only use this option if you are having difficulty publishing photos. In the case where your photos are published as black or black images in places, this can be corrected by selecting the “Basic” option here. Otherwise, leave the Normal setting untouched.

The last two points are responsible for saving original images and videos in the phone’s memory after publication. If after publication you no longer need these objects, uncheck the corresponding box.

All other settings relate exclusively to reference points, and there is no need for them for everyday work. The exception is the last menu items in this list.

The “Clear search history” item allows you to delete all names and accounts that you searched for. The “Add account” item will be able to attach an additional account to your active account so that you can work with two at once if necessary, and the last “Log out” item will help you log out of your current account.

So we have described for you all the basic Instagram settings. In truth, only some of the indicated points are urgently necessary; you can resort to the remaining sections as needed, if the need arises. We hope that Instagram will give you a lot of pleasant moments and allow you to fully enjoy excellent high-quality images of topics that appeal to you.

How to repost on iPhone?

First of all, it’s worth saying that the developers of the official application did not bother with the ability of users to repost other people’s posts on Instagram. Let's talk about what reposting is, and then we'll figure out how to do it. So, this is another user’s post copied to your account. Sometimes with a mention of the original source, sometimes not. But we all understand that plagiarism is bad, and the first case is much preferable for us.

So, how to repost on Instagram with the author’s signature? The easiest way is a third-party application.

First, we need to log into the App Store. Secondly, find the right application. And, although there are a lot of them, the most popular are Repost for Instagram or Instarepost. Then download and install. After that – launch. The application resembles the official one in that you need to log in, unlike similar programs for the same competitors Apple and Samsung. After entering your page, a menu will open in front of you, which consists of several sections: publications from the feed, from your subscriptions, popular ones and those that you have liked. From here you can take any post and repost it to your page. It will appear with the signature of the reposted program and the nickname of the original user.

Repost for Android

Before we move on to how to repost on Instagram from a computer, it’s worth talking about another method that doesn’t require downloading anything. All you have to do is take a screenshot and post it. Of course, in this case there will be no watermarks on the photo with the name of the program and the author of the entry. Therefore, to avoid plagiarism, you should leave a comment with the nickname or hashtag of the original source. It is possible to take a screenshot using a special key combination, which is different for each phone brand.

Repost to Instagram from a computer

Sometimes you need to repost on Instagram from your computer. And the method described in the previous paragraph is suitable for this - copying a post using a screenshot. And there may be several ways. It all depends on how you access Instagram.

Via Bluestacks and other emulators. Here you just need to go to Google Play and download one of the applications suitable for this purpose. For example, one of those described above.

If you have Windows 10 installed, all you need is to download the official application to your computer, then Repost and repost in the usual way.

To upload photos via your computer, you do not need to download an emulator or other applications. It is enough to open the developer panel in the browser using the Ctrl, Shift and I key combination, then click on the device emulation button in the upper left corner of the panel. Then refresh the page, the add photos button should appear. Then the algorithm is the same as on a smartphone - we take a screenshot and post it. Before reposting on Instagram in this way, remember copyright.