Booklet applied informatics. Presentation on the topic "Creating booklets"

Topic of the speech: “Information and communication technologies (ICT) in preschool education” (from work experience). The speech was prepared by: teacher of the MBDOU d/s combined type “Berry”, 1st quarter. categories Gorelkina A.F. 2012 Presentation of teaching experience on the topic: “Use of ICT (information and communication technologies) in working with children.” ICT - information and communication technologies. Advantages of ICT  increases the level of cognitive activity;  increases the amount of work performed in class;  develops speech competencies of pupils;  high aesthetic and emotional level of the lesson;  ensuring visibility;  attraction large quantity didactic material;  ensuring differentiation in training and education (individual approach). ICT: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Improves the quality of knowledge; promotes the child in overall development; helps overcome difficulties; brings joy to a child's life; allows for learning in the zone of proximal development; 6. Ensures favorable cooperation. In the process of using ICT, the learner develops, preschoolers are prepared for free and comfortable life in the conditions of the information society: - development of visual-figurative, visual-effective, theoretical, intuitive, creative types of thinking; - aesthetic education through the use of computer graphics and multimedia technology; - development of communication abilities; - formation of skills to accept optimal solution or offer solutions in a difficult situation (use of situational computer games, presentations focused on optimizing decision-making activities); - formation information culture, skills to process information. One type of ICT is the use computer technology, for example, presentation. The inclusion of presentations in the structure of classes makes the process of learning new material more visual and accessible, creates a situation of emotional uplift, and contributes to the creation of a positive attitude towards the material being studied. One of the most successful forms of preparing and presenting a project is the creation of multimedia presentations. Multimedia presentations are a convenient and effective way of presenting information using computer programs. It 2 combines dynamics, sound and image, i.e. those factors that hold a person’s attention for the longest time. Simultaneous impact on the two most important organs of perception (hearing and vision) allows you to achieve much greater effect. The methodological strength of multimedia lies precisely in the fact that it is easier to interest and teach a child when he perceives a coordinated stream of sound and visual images, and it has not only an informational, but also an emotional impact. Moreover, the presentation makes it possible to independently assemble the collected material based on the characteristics of a particular project. I developed the following presentations and were widely used in practical activities at preschool educational institutions: 1. A series of presentations for the project “The Path of Bread to Our Table”: “Loaf, loaf, whatever you want, choose!”; “Take enough bread for dinner! Bread jewel! Don’t bother them!”; “Bread and bakery products of the Samovar cafe”; “It’s not a big piece of the pie, but it costs a lot of work.” 2. A series of presentations for the project “Oh, little cockroaches”: “Butterflies”; "Riddles about insects"; “Who eats insects?”; “Such different insects.” 3. A series of presentations for the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed”: “All professions are important”; "Meet us, we work in kindergarten"Berry" 4. A series of presentations for the project “In Big Russia – a Small Corner”: “Acquaintance with the small people of the North (Khanty)”; “Raven Day” is a Khanty holiday in the MBDOU d/s “Yagodka”; “Museum of History and Culture” in the village of Aleksandrovskoye; “MBU “Historical and Local Lore Museum” in Strezhevoy. 5. Literacy Presentation Series: “Sounds and the Letter A-O”; "Sound and letter I-U"; “Sound and letter K-G”; “Sound and letter D-T”; “Sound and letter V-F”; “Sound and letter SH-SH”; "Sound and letter E-Y-Y"; “Complete literacy activities.” Next, I present to your attention the materials that were used in presentations for children.     Materials from presentations for the project “The Path of Bread to Our Table.” Materials from presentations for the project “Oh, cockroach bugs.” Materials from presentations for the project “All professions are important, all professions are needed.” Materials from presentations for the project “In Big Russia – a Small Corner”. 3  Materials from presentations on teaching literacy to older preschoolers. The computer develops many intellectual skills. But we must not forget about the norm. Like any activity, classes with ICT require time, proper use, patience and attention from teachers. Already existing experience has shown that working with a computer and demonstrating presentation materials in the classroom improves students’ perception of the material. Children and parents believe that classes showing animated films and presentations are much more interesting than a teacher’s story using printed handouts. They recognize that an interactive approach helps them actively participate in the lesson. I conducted a study of children’s attitudes towards the use of information and communication technologies in the classroom. The survey was conducted according to the following criteria: I like classes with cartoons and presentations; I don’t like classes that show cartoons and presentations. As a result, the students liked classes using interactive tools (100%). What is said above is just a “grain” about the use of ICT in project activities. But how interesting it is for children in such classes! Such activities contribute to the development of creative abilities, activation of mental and cognitive activity. The use of ICT allows children to be involved in active work and arouse their desire to acquire knowledge. Thus, the use of ICT in the educational process allows us to solve one of the important tasks of education - increasing the level of education. The use of information and communication technologies allows me to participate in professional skills competitions, as well as in various project competitions and modern innovations. District level: 1. Competition of environmental projects “Man on Earth” - certificate of honor, 1st place; 2. Participation in the Week of Pedagogical Excellence “Organization of work on speech development and familiarization with fiction” - certificate; 3. Participation in the Week of Teaching Excellence " Play activity in preschool educational institution" certificate. Regional level: 1.VI regional festival of Projects among educational institutions of Tomsk and the Tomsk region, as well as regions of Siberia and the Far East - 1st degree diploma. All-Russian level: 1. All-Russian correspondence competition “vocation-educator” of original ideas, promising initiatives, innovative practices in teaching, upbringing, development and socialization of children in a modern preschool educational institution - silver medal, diploma. 4 2. All-Russian competition“My small Motherland: culture and traditions” - II degree diploma. 3. All-Russian competition for the best youth project in vocational guidance - 1st degree diploma. International level: 1. International competition “Information and communication technologies (ICT) in preschool education - 2012” - laureate diploma. Having posted my original presentations and developments from my experience in electronic media, I was awarded the following awards: * Certificates of publication; * Gratitude for active participation in the work of the educational social network; * Certificate of creation of a personal website. workers The 21st century is characterized by the world of information technology. Their use in kindergarten is of great importance in modern preschool education. Usage electronic internet resources and computer programs contributes to a stronger assimilation of knowledge, educational process with its use it becomes more accessible, visual, and interesting. 5

What does he study?
Computer science -
science that studies structure
and properties of information, and
also issues related to
use in various
The tasks of computer science are
the following:
information processes
any nature;
the newest
technologies in all areas
Gorlovka gymnasium
computer science
Gymnasium address: 84624,
Gorlovka, st. Malynycha, 34
Phone: (06242) 34896
Fax: (06242) 3-
[email protected]

Gorlovka 2017

computer equipment is
for many
Yes, it brought great benefits
carriers, thanks to which
information is no longer necessary
store on paper. This is in
in many ways
schoolchildren receive without looking
on maps and layouts, and on
interactive whiteboards. For changing
textbooks are gradually coming
e-books and tablets.
mechanisms that replace
the work of several people at once.
It is quite possible that in the future
all mechanical work will
specialists with skills
in demand.
is engaged
Programmer profession
electronic devices, in
including a computer.
He develops special
recording them on
"understood" by the computer. Profession
quite promising and good
programmers are always worth their weight
achieve results no worse than
at Bill Gates.
Profession web designer
is engaged

not to possess
sites should
I lived
artistic taste, basic
deals with them
Programmer creates programs
electronic devices, including
including a computer.
He develops special
algorithms, writing them on
programmers are always worth their weight
gold, so you can successfully
achieve results no worse
than Bill Gates.
Profession web
Such a specialist deals
creating websites and inventing
solutions for them. Web designer
must have no websites

« Applied Informatics»

Duration of training - 4 years

The duration of accelerated training is 2 years 7 months.

Based on specialized secondary, incomplete and complete higher education

Bachelor of Applied Informatics



The IT field is changing every day. If you choose it for your specialty, think about what area you should improve your skills in. Making the right choice is extremely important so as not to be “out of the game” tomorrow. Already in 2010, the greatest demand in the IT field was not for the most technologically advanced specialists. Most programming and service support is largely outsourced to service providers. The most in demand are people with sufficient technological training and experience, but above all, those who understand business problems, enterprise architecture and planning, as well as those who are sociable, creative and able to quickly adapt to new conditions. This is precisely the conclusion reached by several groups of researchers who dealt with the problems of the IT personnel of the future.

The Bachelor of Applied Informatics is proficient in the techniques and methods of system analysis in economics and the design of information systems that optimize the processes of information processing, analysis and design of information systems.

List of disciplines studied

by curriculum cycles

1. General humanitarian and socio-economic disciplines: philosophy, foreign language, cultural studies, history, jurisprudence, political science, sociology, psychology, economic theory.

2. General mathematical and natural science disciplines: mathematics, probability theory and math statistics, computer science and programming, systems theory and system analysis.

3. General professional disciplines: computing systems, networks and telecommunications, information systems, high-level computer science and programming methods, OS, environments and shells, information Technology, development and standardization software, information management, world economy, finance and credit, accounting, statistics, mathematical economics, simulation modeling economic processes, theory of economic information systems, econometrics.

4. Special disciplines: intelligent information systems, world information resources, Information Security, marketing, network economics, management, business fundamentals, Taxation, subject-oriented economics Information Systems.

At our university, training in this area has been carried out by the Department of Macroeconomics, Economic Informatics and Statistics (MEIS) since 1992, in cooperation and close contacts with leading departments of the universities of Moscow and St. Petersburg. In this direction it goes training in three profiles: 1) Applied Informatics in economics (informatics economist); 2) applied informatics in management (informatics manager); 3) applied computer science in state and municipal administration (informatics specialist in state and municipal administration).

Graduates of the MEIS department are prepared to pose problems and analyze the subject area for any objects, develop and administer information systems.

The practice of their employment shows that, if necessary, their competence allows them to take over the management of large companies, financial and commodity flows.

Graduates of the MEIS department work in: international corporations, large consulting companies, banks (Sberbank of the Russian Federation, Rosbank, Baikalbank, VTB24), the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Belarus, tax inspectorates of the Republic of Belarus, district administrations of the Republic of Belarus, industrial enterprises, business.

Computer scientist-economist is a specialist who has received a special education in the field of computer science and is engaged in the creation, implementation, analysis and maintenance of information systems in the field of economics, he solves functional problems, and also manages information, materials and cash flows in the economy with the help of information systems.

Computer Science Manager is a specialist who is ready to professionally solve various problems in the field information management. Applied informatics in management is a high-tech, knowledge-intensive and innovative industry, based on the latest achievements in the field of information and communication technologies and related fields.

Informatician – specialist in state and municipal administration designs, develops and operates information systems in management, optimizes work existing systems. This profile combines elements of the theory of management of state and municipal structures and skills in working with various software, the ability to analyze, model and predict situations, and make effective management decisions.

List of entrance exams:


    Russian language;

    computer science and ICT.

Required documents:

1. Document on secondary education;

2. Identity card (passport);

3. Six 3x4 photographs.

4. Unified State Examination certificate

Contact for inquiries:

VSTU, Selection committee,

st. Klyuchevskaya, 40 "v",

building No. 10, room. 123

tel. (3012) 41-01-95,

670000, Ulan-ude, st. Smolina, 26,

building No. 1, Department of Macroeconomics

economic informatics and statistics", room 149

tel. (3012) 21-56-21

www.esstu-meis .ru or


The MEIS department is a partner of the 1C company and an Authorized Certification Center 1C: Professional. Only VSTU students have a unique opportunity to take the certificate exam (with a 50% discount).

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Booklet Highlight the following types booklets: 1. single-fold; 2. parallel or double-folded; 3. double; 4. Eurobooklets, the dimensions of which coincide with the dimensions of Euroenvelopes (100 x 210 mm); 5. booklets; 6. accordion booklets.

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Create a booklet in Publisher

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    Booklet design

    When developing a design, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of the company’s activities, the types of its products, and the presence of a corporate identity. If the company has corporate colors, it is recommended to print booklets in this color color scheme, as this will create a memorable visual image for consumers. In the design of booklets, text should be harmoniously combined with graphics. The design of the booklet should immediately attract interest potential clients, create a desire to study the information contained in the booklet.

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    Booklets contain three components: visuals, information block, describing the products, and the necessary contact information. Design information booklet should contain as much as possible more information required by the consumer. And at the same time, the booklet design should not be overloaded with text. Information must be presented concisely and as clearly as possible. Illustrations and tables should be appropriate and organically complement the text.

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    Font selection

    Acceptable for easy reading fonts: Century Schoolbook; Century Expanded; Georgia; Palatino. Common font Times New Roman for desktop publishing system is not suitable as it becomes difficult to read, especially in the main text. It is preferable to choose fonts from one “family” and use its components for various layout elements (body text, headings, subheadings). "Family" includes specifically made modifications to a single font.

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    Rules for choosing a font

    Standard guidelines for the use of type in booklet layout to assist in the selection of fonts.Body TextBody text size: 12 point. Leading ( line spacing) Body text should never be smaller than the font size, or larger than twice the font size. Make sure that the line spacing is approximately 120-130% of the font size.

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    Subtitle text Typed 12pt text can be titled with 14pt font. Excessive use large font for headlines is tasteless and can give the impression that you are “filling up” space. Heading text Set headings can be designed in a font other than the main one. Headings - the most eye-catching parts of the booklet - should be readable

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    General principles font selection Use bullets to break up text. Minimize Usage capital letters, italics, and bold. Use colors to draw attention to certain layout points. Be consistent (set all headings to the same font and style, all headings to the same font and style, and so on). Bullitt – list marker; a typographical character (usually a dot, asterisk, etc.) placed at the beginning of a line containing a list item and used to highlight that item.

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    Rules for good layout

    1. Use no more than three fonts for your booklet. 2. Don't fill up a small space with huge headlines that look like plugs. 3. Be consistent in your use of fonts and styles for headings, body text, and subheadings. 4. Break up lists with bullet points. 5. Keep paragraphs as short as possible. 6. Use appropriate line spacing to make the booklet attractive and easy to read. 7. Don't overcrowd the pages.

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