How to remove large font in contact. How to change the font size in contact

The social network VKontakte is loved by many Russian-speaking Internet users and not only others. It has gained its popularity not only for the huge number of features that it provides almost free of charge, but also for its very convenient, unobtrusive interface, which has changed many times. One thing remains unchanged - the official color and font. It is great for use on many computers and laptops and looks very organic. However, sometimes users need to change the font, for example, if they have vision problems and would like to change the text size. Depending on the situation, you can use one of the proposed options.

Previously, it was possible to change the font size in the appearance settings. However, the developers of the social network have done a lot of work on the display of the site and its new design, so that, in their opinion, the need for this has disappeared. So now users have only one option for changing the font - scaling.

This may be enough if the user wants to slightly enlarge not only the font, but everything he sees on his page. This is very easy to do and you don't have to change any settings. All that will change is the scale, the reflection on the page.

Step 1. Open any VKontakte page.

Step 2. Open your browser settings by clicking on the three dots in the top right corner of the window if you are using the Chrome browser. Zoom in or out by clicking on + or - respectively.

The scale will change immediately, you won't even have to reload the page. Here's what the page looks like in a browser at 120% zoom on a laptop.

This makes the site easier for people with low vision to use, but you can also zoom out like in the screenshot below. At 75%, the entire site page fits in a minimized browser window.

Note! E This method only works in the browser. These changes do not apply to other programs or web browsers.

Reducing font size using extensions

There are many extensions that are available to install and use for free. They exist for absolutely everything and for changing fonts on different sites, including. One such extension is A+ FontSize Changer Lite.

Step 1. Find it in the extension store.

Step 2. Open any page on the VKontakte website and click on the extension icon. A menu will open on your screen where you can reduce the font size. Click on the button:

  • A+ to make the font larger;
  • A- to reduce it.

As you can see, the font has been reduced; the text has become almost 1.5 times smaller than the original one.

Extension namePeculiaritiesFlaws
Magic Reader
Changes apply only to text within messages and publications. You cannot change the font size of menu items and other service elements. Still, it's better than nothing at all.Affects text only
A+ FontSize Changer LiteChanges the font of absolutely all elements that you see in the browser window. It is possible to adjust the text size manuallyStops working after refreshing the page or opening a new window
Font Changer with Google Web Fonts™It changes not only the size, but also the appearance and even the style of the font. Settings are not lost when refreshing the page
The extension has many fonts, but many of them are not adapted to the Cyrillic alphabet.

Changes the font of all sites that you open in the browser in which the extension is installed

Changing the font size in the mobile application

Although this is no longer possible in the full version of the site, in the mobile version of the social network, changing the font in the settings is still available. So, if you are using the official app, open it by going to your profile.

Step 1. Click on the gear in the upper right corner. This will take you to the application settings.

Step 2. Go to the "Basic" section.

Go to the “Basic” section

Step 3. Here you will see a section called “Font Size”. That's exactly what we need. Click on it and select one of the options.

Close settings. They should take effect immediately, and the display of all data in your application will now change according to your selection.

Changing the font size and type

So, everything that was discussed above concerns only the font size, but not its other characteristics, such as appearance and style. This is also possible, again with the help of an extension. As an example, we will consider the extension that was already mentioned above - Font Changer with Google Web Fonts™.

Step 1. Find this extension in the Chrome store and install it in your browser. Its icon will appear in the extensions bar in your browser.

Step 2. Open VK and click on the extension icon. A menu will appear on the screen.

For your convenience, it is worth explaining the meaning of the characteristics:

  1. Font Name - the name of the font used on the site.
  2. Font Weight - font thickness.
  3. Font Size - size.
  4. Font Style - style, namely italics, underlining, etc.

Set the parameters that suit you and click on the blue “Done” button. Now your page will look different.

Note! This extension works exclusively within the browser and on all sites that you open with it.

Video - How to reduce the font in contact

Many users who have poor eyesight or simply “clicked something wrong” by mistake and changed the font size in the contact simply cannot use the site normally. For those who regularly wonder how to change the font in a contact, here are some of the simplest ways to solve the problem.

How to increase the font in contact?

To make the font in contact normal for perception, you first need to go to your page, and then immediately go to the “My Settings” item. If you went to the settings panel and at the same time decided to search, see how to do this in another article on our website. So, back to the font. The page with settings that opens needs to be scrolled to the very bottom: here you will see a window and the inscription next to it “ Use larger fonts" According to all the laws of logic, you need to check this box. That's it: problem solved. Now you can surf your favorite website with the same comfort and without straining your eyes trying to make out tiny inscriptions.

However, this method is not the easiest, because you can change the font in a contact by simply pressing a couple of buttons. These buttons are CTRL and “+”. Alternatively, instead of the “+” button, you can use the mouse wheel.

How to reduce the font in contact?

We have dealt with the increase in tiny letters. But how can you change the font in a contact if it suddenly becomes too large? After all, the buttons Use smaller fonts", as you may have already noticed, is not in the site settings. Here you need to use the already familiar method with buttons, only, accordingly, hold down “+”, but “-” at the same time as CTRL, or turn the mouse wheel in the other direction.

How to change the font in contact?

Are you happy with the font size, but don't like the style? Then you should try to change the font using your browser settings. Let's look at how to do this using the example of two popular browsers - Opera and Mozilla Firefox.

In Opera, go to the menu " General settings", go to "Web Pages" and choose the font style and color that you like. In Mozilla Firefox, go to the following path: Tools – Settings – Content.

And in order to attract attention among the huge stream of pages, you need to beautifully and correctly design the appearance of the group or community. If you want to stand out from the gray faceless mass of similar pages created, for example, on the popular VKontakte, you need to know some ways to change the font and other “manipulations with letters”, which will now be discussed. So, your group or public page will have a convenient and aesthetic design.

How to change the VKontakte font yourself

To beautifully design the menu in a group, a special so-called menu was developed. Wiki markup that allows you to select which font is needed for a certain text (bold, italic, strikethrough, etc.) How to do this:

1. Open the VK main page and enter your username and password if you have not logged in yet.

2. Click on the “My Groups” tab, and then go to its internal “Manage” tab (located at the top of the page).

3. In the list, find the group (community) in which you want to make changes. Go to your group page and go to “Community Management” (link under the avatar in the upper right part of the page)

4. By default, you are in the very first tab “Information”, find the “Materials” item at the bottom of it and change its parameter to “Connected” if it is initially turned off. Save all changes and go to the group page by clicking on the button with the group name:

5. Now under the name of your community there is an inscription: “Latest news”. Hover your mouse cursor over it and an “edit” link will appear. Click on it.

6. The fun begins: after writing the text you need in the VKontakte group, use the tag buttons to make the font large, strikethrough or bold.

How to write in strikethrough font on VKontakte

We have just discussed in detail how to go to the required page to create any type of font on VKontakte. Now let's take a closer look at font types. If we look at the editing panel, we will not find a button with strikethrough letters here. What to do? The strikethrough font on VKontakte has its own specific code: ̶. You just need to copy this code and paste it between each letter or number: How to write in strikethrough font on VKontakte, we figured it out. Not a very convenient method, but, nevertheless, it can be implemented quite quickly.

How to make a large font on VKontakte

To make the font larger, try using the title buttons in the editing panel (H1, H2, H3). Alternatively, you can increase the VKontakte font by using the CAPS LOCK key on your computer keyboard, but we do not recommend using it often - too “flashy” inscriptions can scare away group members and interlocutors.

How to write in bold on VKontakte

Bold font is indicated by the letter B (button in the editing panel). Click on this button (triple apostrophes will appear in the text input field) and enclose the text you need between the apostrophes that appear.

If you like everything “not like everyone else” and even want to customize the social network VKontakte for yourself, then this article is for you. Today I will tell you how you can change the VKontakte font on your page or in the community.

How to change the VKontakte font yourself in a group?

To create the most unusual design for the group using their own fonts, the developers came up with a special wiki function - page layout. Using this function, you can quickly install new fonts and make a wide variety of changes to the design of the group. Using wiki markup is very simple, for this you need:

1) Log in to VKontakte and log in with your username and password.
2) Go to the groups tab, and then to the tab called management.
3) In the directory that opens, find the group for which you want to change the font.
4) Go to the page of this community and go to the community management menu.
5) In the management menu, in the very first tab (you are in it) called Information, click on the materials item (it is located at the very bottom of the page) and change it to the “Connected” state.
6) Open your community and you will see that the inscription “Latest News” appears immediately under its name. Move your mouse over this inscription and a link for editing will appear, feel free to click on it.
7) After you have written the text, use the buttons to change the font and make the font you like - large, bold, small, strikethrough, etc.

Now that we've covered the technique for changing fonts, let's go through each font in more detail and see how it can be used.

How to write in bold on VKontakte

To write text in bold on the VK social network, you must carefully examine the font panel and find the B button there - this is the bold font. Select your text and click on this button. As an option for writing in bold in a regular message, you need to open the message editor, enter the symbol there many times and write a message in the subject box that appears, it will be in bold.

How to write in strikethrough font on VK

If you want to write in strikethrough font on VKontakte, you need to follow the same procedure. We find the strikethrough text in the editing panel, insert the symbols and write the text we need. You can also copy the strikethrough font code (denoted by: ̶.) and place it between each character of the written text. In order to reduce the time of writing in a strikethrough font, you can use this site, it automatically allows you to convert the font to a strikethrough font.

How to make the VKontakte font larger

If you want to increase the VK font, you can go to the editing panel and use the html buttons of the heading tags H1, H2, H3. Your font will take on the title format and become larger. Instead of using the heading format, you can simply write the text using the Caps Lock key in capital letters. Just don’t get carried away with capital letters, this will irritate many of your group’s visitors.
How to make a beautiful font on VKontakte (VK) photos.

The social network has a very interesting feature that allows you to colorfully sign photos with a variety of patterned fonts. In order to use this function, you need to select any uploaded photo, click on it and select the “Edit” button, then click on the letter “T”, which is located directly on your photo and enter a description of the photo in the desired font. After all the manipulations, do not forget to save your creation, otherwise all the changes you have made will be lost.

Thus, using wiki markup and special functions of the social network, you can make the VKontakte font very beautiful and delight the visitors of your group.

How to change the font in contact

For those who love variety and appreciate beauty, the creators of the social network “VKontakte” have prepared the opportunity to choose the theme of page design, fonts and pictures for the wall. There are two ways how to change the font in contact.

One of them is complex, it requires knowledge of HTML programming and the ability to work with style sheets.

The second method involves installing the desired design from the downloaded theme package. The user needs to download ready-made packages and unpack them into one folder.

Installing a theme in the Opera browser

  1. To change the font in Contact and change the theme of the page in Contact, launch the Opera browser.
  2. Open the “Settings” menu. We search and go to the “Advanced” tab.
  3. We look for the “Content” section, click on the “Customize Styles” button, open the “Display Modes” tab.
  4. In the list we find “My style sheet”, put a tick in front of it.
  5. Let's launch VKontakte. We are looking for the “Site Settings” button. Go to the “View” tab.
  6. Click on “Review”. Select a file with css resolution (these files are located in the folder with downloaded themes). Click "Ok".

Installing a theme in the Mozilla Firefox browser

  1. To install a new theme for a page in Contact, you need to download the Stylish add-on in this browser. You can download it, for example.
  2. Open the folder with themes for VKontakte downloaded to your computer with the css extension. Copying the contents.
  3. Go to the Stylish menu. Create a new style there and paste the copied css files there. Data is inserted between curly braces. Save the changes.

Installing a theme in the Internet Explorer browser

  1. Go to the “Service” menu. Select “Internet Options”.
  2. Click on the “General” tab and select the “Design” button there.
  3. In the window, select the item “Design using a custom style.” We put a tick opposite.
  4. The Browse button will now appear. Select the desired file with the css extension from the folder with the downloaded design styles.

This way you can easily change the theme of your page in Contact, which means you can figure out the question: how to change the font in Contact?