Yandex search page internet portal. Internet search: search engines Yandex and Google

Yandex services are the most visited and in demand of all known today specialized services. The Yandex search engine is used by millions of people around the world.

The history of the creation of the Yandex search engine

History of existence search engine Yandex dates back to 1996. The search engine officially began its thorny path on September 23, 1997, but this was preceded by the work of many specialists and infinite number testing.

At the time of its launch, Yandex was just a search engine and did not have as many services as it does today. Why the search engine received such a name is not known for certain. There are several versions. One of the most realistic is the origin of the name from the word “index”, which on the Internet means site indexing.

In the late 90s, creating a search engine with Russian morphology was a strategic task for engineers and web developers. We needed a system that could classify search results as accurately as possible and would meet the ever-growing requirements and wishes of users. As we can see, the goal was achieved: today the Yandex search engine and its services are extremely popular among Russian-speaking users.

According to independent research, last year Yandex accounted for more than 60% of the audience. Search engine took second place Google system, and the share of all other search engines remains about 10% of users.

The name of the search engine has gone through several changes. Initially, the search engine had the English name Yandex, which meant “Yet Another iNDEXer”.

However, the search engine promotion strategy aimed at Russian-speaking users forced its developers to first change the first letter to the Russian “Ya” (it turned out “Yandex”), and then completely Russify the name, changing “Yandex” to “Yandex”. The search engine received its final name in 2008.

Benefits and features

For almost twenty years of its existence, Yandex has become the most popular search engine, ahead of such a giant as . Compared to the American search engine, Yandex has a number of advantages and meets the most stringent search requirements in the Russian language. This is an advanced search engine whose algorithms are regularly updated and constantly improved.

The main advantage of Yandex is a large number of special applications and useful services.

In Yandex you can:

  • Search necessary information and images.
  • Select products and services.
  • Compare prices and conditions.
  • Check train schedules.
  • Check the weather and do much more.

IN Yandex system there are many corporate solutions, right up to creating your own websites on the platform (on this moment Sales Ucoz company). The Yandex.Webmaster service is especially popular (article), where it provides ample opportunities for professional work with your own websites and client projects.

The most popular Yandex services:

  • "Yandex Mail" - Post service, allowing any user to create their own email or acquire any number of them. Mail from Yandex is preferred by more than 29 million users per week.
  • "" is a useful service for webmasters and optimizers, with wide functionality, which facilitates the creation and promotion of Internet resources.
  • « » – unique system electronic payments with user-friendly functionality and user-friendly interface. Available for users from Russia and other countries.
  • « » – paid service contextual advertising, which is an effective tool for promoting goods and services on the Internet, having simple settings and intuitive functionality.
  • "Yandex.Maps" - popular information service, with which you can plot any route and find any, even insignificant, object.
  • "" is the most popular service for collecting statistics on the RuNet, allowing you to audit resources, track user behavior on the site, its traffic and other events important for successful promotion.
  • "Yandex.Disk" - cloud service, allowing you to store an unlimited amount of data on remote server and transfer them to any user.

Currently, the Yandex search system is available in Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Tatar, English, French and German. Data search is carried out according to morphological and some other characteristics search words and phrases.

The operation of the system is constantly being improved, increasingly high demands are placed on the quality of sites, which rids the Internet of low-grade, uninformative sites and other web garbage.

The founders of Yandex are I.V. Segalovich and A.Yu. Volozh. Initially, it was a modest project, which today has grown into a large corporation with offices in different cities of Russia, near and far abroad, with thousands of employees and far-reaching plans.

For those Internet agencies that operate in the Russian-language segment of the network, the best indicator quality work is to achieve a leading position in the Yandex search results.

The Yandex search engine is configured in such a way that fast promotion sites are impossible in it.

Promotion indicators have a special impact key queries. If these requests are low in competition, good result it will be possible to achieve faster if there is a lot of competition in the segment with which the webmaster works, it will be much more difficult to promote the site. We should not forget that each site is a unique project that has a lot of features and individual deadlines for promoting the site to the TOP of Yandex.

Website promotion cannot proceed quickly, especially if it is a young domain (ours and ).

In this case average term website promotion in Yandex will be about 9-12 months. The time indicator of the promotion period is influenced by the competitiveness of key queries.

Yandex - search engine

Probably, if you ask any domestic citizen what association he has with the phrase Russian-language Internet, he will answer - of course, Yandex. Indeed, at the moment, the Yandex Internet portal is the first most popular site in Russia, and the search engine of the same name processes more than 3 billion requests per year, and with this indicator it ranks 5th among search engines in the world. The number of regular users turning to the search engine for help in 2012 exceeded 50 million people.

With such indicators, the Yandex company has become the real pride of the Russian IT industry. Having developed from a small part of CompTec Internetional, a Russian distributor computer equipment And software to him, to a huge independent company, whose offices are located not only in Russia and some CIS countries, but also in foreign countries, in particular the USA.

"Yandex": a success story of an innovative company

Getting to know the Yandex search system

It all started in 1997, it was then that CompTek Internetional officially announced the emergence of a new search system called Yandex. The initiative was successful, and in 2000 the division grew into an independent company, which a year later carried out an initial public offering of shares on the market.

A distinctive feature that characterizes Yandex’s attitude to the implementation of its ideas in business is an individual approach to each request, to each client. In addition, the company strives for the most modern approaches, in implementation appearance interface of their products. To achieve this, Yandex has been fruitfully collaborating with Artemy Lebedev’s design studio almost since its founding.

Prerequisites for the appearance of the Yandex PS

The history of the emergence of Yandex dates back long before the emergence of the word Yandex itself. The classic countdown of its history begins in 1990, when two Arkadys - Borkovsky and Volozh, who were at the head of the Arcadia company, chose as one of the company's activities the development of a data search system on the Internet. Since there were not enough independent forces, in 1993 Arcadia merged and became a division of CompTec Internetional.

The infusion of new resources, as well as fruitful cooperation with the research department of Yu.D. Apresyan at the Institute for Information Transmission Problems, led to a significant improvement in search technology. This fact pushed the company's management to the conclusion that the development of the search mechanism is a priority area for developers. This decision The result of the analysis of market needs, which showed excellent prospects for search engines, also contributed.

However, already in 1994 the developed search system was distinguished by its integrity and pronounced potential. The peculiarity of its implementation was the initial focus on the Russian-speaking user. For this purpose, a special Russian language dictionary was developed, the work of which in processing queries and producing results was particularly fast. The semantic features of the Russian language and checking documents for uniqueness were also taken into account. Particular attention was paid to the algorithm for assessing relevance, i.e. how well the answer matches the query. The algorithm took into account both the number and average frequency the use of the requested word in the document, as well as their location, as well as the distance between words.

This search mechanism was quite functional, but the developers found the courage to go further and switch to a fundamentally new level interaction with the client. Now, if the required word or its word forms was not in the dictionary, the system independently selected a similar word and carried out further work already with him.

As a result, on September 23, 1997, at the SofTool software exhibition, the first release was presented search engine The demonstration performance was successful, because the Russian Internet community needed something optimized for their needs domestic market search engine.

There are several opinions about the origin of the word Yandex itself, but the most common is that it was invented by one of the system developers. Yandex is an abbreviation for “Language index”, in English version, from Yet Another Indexer.

Stages in the development of Yandex PS

Despite the more than successful market acceptance of the new search system, its creators understood that the search robot mechanism must be improved. And already 2 months after the SofTool exhibition and the launch of Yandex on the market, the search engine was optimized, so to speak, “for people.” Now the request could not be something in the style of a telegram, but an ordinary human remark, for example: “What is a synchrophasotron?” or "Pushkin's last poem."

A year later, the contextual advertising mechanism will be implemented. Yandex's business model provides for its viewing exclusively by the target audience.

At the same time, the search robot mechanism was again modernized. Yandex is not only becoming even faster, but also providing users with additional features. Now, you can search by certain areas of text (headings, addresses, links, etc.), and it is also possible to limit the search area to a certain group of sites. It becomes possible to search by images or links. And finally, for the first time, in the Russian-language segment of the Internet, a “citation index” is being introduced.

And a year later, in 2000, Yandex finally grew out of short pants and became a completely independent company. 35% of the shares went to the parent company CompTek Internetional, another 35% went to ru-Net Holdings, which invested more than $5 million in the development of the search engine. The company was headed by Arkady Volozh.

The same year was marked by the opening of a number of services that later became an integral part of Yandex: Yandex Mail, Yandex Bookmarks, Yandex News, etc.

Another remarkable fact in 2000 for Yandex was the first use in television advertising of the later famous phrase - “Everything can be found!” It became a kind of calling card of Yandex, despite the subsequent implementation of several advertising campaigns using other slogans, in particular: “All questions to Yandex”,

In 2001, Yandex Direct was implemented, thanks to this mechanism, anyone can independently place their advertisements on Yandex pages. And already in the same 2001, more than 2,500 people became advertisers in this way.

2002 was marked by the fact that the money invested in its development and promotion was recouped. From this moment to this day, Yandex brings exclusively profit to its owners.

2005 period of territorial expansion of Yandex. Remote offices of the company appear not only in various cities of Russia, but also in Ukraine, Belarus, and the USA.

In 2008, Yandex founded the School of Data Analysis. On these free courses, many students are upgrading their skills in data science and data analytics.

In 2009, another improvement of the search robot. Now it processes data using a method called “Matrixnet”. Queries are processed even more efficiently, and the output of results becomes even more complete.

2010 – again new technology processing user requests, now called “Spectrum”. Yandex now understands even those users who do not clearly express their requests.

This year showed the company’s desire to reach the international level, this was manifested in the registration of the English version of the program under the domain. Regional versions of the search engine have appeared in Ukraine and Belarus.

In 2011, Yandex shares were listed on the American Nasdaq exchange. Also, the company decided to enter the Turkish market. For this purpose, a portal has been launched in Turkish, with the support of all basic services the company, in addition, a Yandex representative office was opened in Istanbul.

Yandex management commented on the company's entry into the Turkish market as, rather, a forced countermeasure. If we do not fight in foreign markets, Google will inevitably one day crush all its competitors, even in their fiefdoms.

The most popular Yandex services

Although priority direction The company's activity is the development and improvement of the search system, Yandex provides about 30 all kinds of services for Internet users. Among them are:

  1. Yandex Mail— an excellent email service that is developing with the times, which is confirmed by the ability to work with it on portable devices mobile devices (mobile phones, smartphones, etc.)
  2. Yandex moneyelectronic service based on the idea of ​​using virtual money in real time. Deposits and withdrawals of money are made on the basis of the Russian ruble. Interaction with the service is possible both based on the interactive interface and using special program installed on the user's computer.
  3. Yandex Direct– a service whose mechanism leaves the advertiser ample opportunities to independently manage their contextual advertising.
  4. Yandex Weather– everything is simple here, you need to find out the weather forecast – I went to this page and found out everything.
  5. Yandex maps– the idea of ​​this service is also simple. This is a set of scalable maps of Russia and the whole world. The functions of searching for a given address and plotting a route to it if necessary are also implemented. It is possible to view a panoramic image of the streets of many cities, as well as photographs of individual buildings or just interesting places. Motorists are provided with information about congestion on certain roads. The service is quite easy to describe, but its implementation is quite complex. There are more than 30 organizations supplying cartographic data alone. One of them, GIS Technologies LLC, belongs directly to Yandex itself.
  6. Yandex Pictures– on the pages of this service you can find images for every taste.
  7. Yandex Photos– unlike Yandex Images, the main goal of this service is not to show the image, but to store it. This free hosting, where you can store an unlimited number of photos. In this case, the user can set a certain level of access to his photos.
  8. Yandex Market– with the help of this service, any seller of any product or service can present his product, and the buyer has the opportunity to choose what he requires, based on the price-quality ratio. In general, Yandex Market lives up to the etymology of its name and, in essence, represents big market. By the way, there is a fee for sellers to enter the market.
  9. Yandex News– an electronic service that provides news from all over the world, online mode, around the clock. The selection and censorship of material is carried out exclusively computer program, created by Yandex itself. This method allows us to minimize human bias in the presentation of this or that material.

Yandex PS plans in the long term

The strategy of any modern corporation cannot do without long-term planning. Yandex, in in this case, is no exception, and his plans are both simple and grandiose at the same time. The search giant's management wants the system their company created to do more than just find suitable for the user content, but only that content that fully satisfies the client’s request. So that the map does not display a general panorama, but each specific house in any, even the tiniest village. So that questions can be addressed to Yandex not only on the Russian-language Internet, but throughout the world.


Psychology faculty

on the course "Informatics"

Internet search: search engines Yandex and Google


Lobanova Anastasia Andreevna,

student of group p-2011-1

1.1 Google search engine features

2. Comparison of search engines Yandex and Google in terms of usefulness




Russian citizens learned about the possibilities of the Internet only a few years ago; despite such a short period of time, the World Wide Web is now becoming accessible even in remote corners of our large country. For example, among Moscow residents, ninety percent of young people under 30 are active users Internet. Every day throughout the country their number is rapidly increasing, and the speed capacity of the channels is also significantly increasing.

Runet users, the number of which is constantly growing, use search engines to search the Internet. If you have your own resource on the Internet, being in the top guarantees its popularity, which has a beneficial effect on sales and increased profits from the site or online store.

The ability to use Internet search capabilities is the information competence of any modern person.

Few people can now argue that in RuNet the main suppliers of traffic (flow of visitors) for websites today are two search engines - Yandex and Google. We will not consider Rambler due to its current low power, and we will not touch on the newly-minted Bing brand due to its unpredictability.

search engine Yandex google

The purpose of my work: To identify and formulate an interesting and at the same time difficult question for students of the specialty “Psychology” on the topic “Internet Search”.

1. Studying the capabilities of search engines Yandex and Google

2. Comparison of search engines Yandex and Google

3. Defining and framing the question

4. Development of criteria for assessing the answer to the question

1. Possibilities of search engines Yandex and Google

1.1 Search engine capabilities Google

The Google search engine was created as a class project by Stanford University students Larry Page and Sergey Brin. They worked on the BackRub search engine in 1996, and in 1998, based on it, they created the Google search engine.

Although the corporation was founded on September 4, 1998, and the domain was registered on September 15, 1997, the search engine (since 2005) sometimes celebrates its birthday on a different day: both September 7 and September 27.

The name Google comes from Sergey Brin's misspelling of the word Googol, which means ten to the hundredth power - 10100

Google's interface contains a rather complex query language that allows you to limit your search scope separate domains, languages, file types, etc. For example, searching for "intitle: Google site:" will return all Wikipedia articles in all languages ​​whose title contains word Google. Powerful query language in the hands of hackers can be used to probe websites for vulnerabilities.

For some results Google search previously provided a repeat search field that allows the user to find what they are looking for within a particular website. This idea came from the way users used search. According to software engineer Ben Lee and product manager Jack Menzel, "teleporting" on the network is exactly what helps Google users complete your search. Google has taken this concept a step further, and instead of simply "teleporting", which means users only need to type part of a website's name into Google to find a site (they don't have to remember the entire address), users can enter keywords to search within the selected site. It turned out that users often have a hard time finding what they are looking for inside a corporate website. Since 2011, this option has not been available, which has had a very negative impact on the convenience, popularity, and relevance of Google.

Although this search tool is new to users, it has caused controversy among some publishers and distributors. Google search results pages display paid (pay per click) advertisements from competing companies that base their advertisements on brands. "While the service could help increase traffic, some users are being drained as Google uses brand recognition to sell advertisements, as a rule, to competing companies." To smooth out this conflict, Google proposed disabling this opportunity for companies who wish to do so.

Search technology that allows the user to customize search results for search queries. The user can remove results from the list and move them to the top of the list. The technology was launched by Google in the spring of 2009 and worked until the fall. IN currently(May 4, 2010), in the search settings there is still a setting to enable "Wikisearch", but the corresponding controls are missing in the results. Other search engines have not yet provided such functionality.

On September 22, 2010 the company launched voice search in Russia. To search, you need to press the button next to the search line on your phone and say your request, the phone will send your voice to the server and the browser will display a line with your request recognized and the search results for it.

On the occasion of a holiday or anniversary of some well-known personality, the standard Google logo for regional domains can be changed to a festive one with a specific theme and meaning. For example, on the occasion of the birthday of Napoleon Orda on February 11, 2010, watercolors of this famous artist appeared on the logo of the Belarusian Google domain; on July 6, they congratulated Marc Chagall on his 121st birthday (the logo was in the form of a collage of fragments of his works). After a ten year wait March 22, 2011 Google of the Year won a patent for "Google Doodle".

1.2 Features of the Yandex search engine

Yandex appeared in 1997, and today it is one of the most popular search engines in RuNet. Yandex Search allows you to search for documents in Russian, Tatar, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, English, German and French, taking into account the morphology of these languages ​​and the proximity of words in a sentence.

A distinctive feature of Yandex is the ability fine tuning search query. This is achieved through a flexible query language. So, for example, for an exclusion operation you can specify the scope: the query A ~~ B will find documents (pages) in which A is present, but B is not present, and the query A ~ B will find documents where the word B is not present with the word A in in one sentence. Similarly, the & operator looks for combinations keywords in a sentence, and && throughout the document.

Operator! allows you to disable morphology for a specific word, eh!! allows you to specify normal shape, which avoids some problems associated with homonymy. For example request!! Ivanov will find Ivanov and Ivanovs, but not Ivan.

By default, Yandex displays 10 links on each results page; in the search results settings, you can increase the page size to 20, 30 or 50 found documents. Sometimes the order of sites on these pages may differ because the databases for these results are not updated at the same time.

If a query finds a lot of links, the results page offers to limit the search range - by region (that is, by IP range) or by date. If nothing is found for a word or words, it is proposed to replace it/them with similar ones (since the proposed options depend on the frequency of finding similar words, sometimes funny situations arise). Also, it is proposed to correct words typed in the wrong keyboard layout.

From time to time, Yandex algorithms responsible for the relevance of search results change, which leads to changes in results search queries. Such changes, officially announced, occurred, for example, in March 2004, August 2005 and January 2007; according to unofficial information, there are much more of them (for example, in August-September 2007). The last such change occurred in November 2009, when the updated version search program"Snezhinsk".

In particular, these changes are aimed against search spam, leading to irrelevant results for some queries (less often - for entire families of queries).

2. Comparison of search engines Yandex and Google in terms of usefulness

It is reliably known that the algorithms of Yandex and Google are radically different. Yandex builds its positions based on the uniqueness of texts on sites, and Google based on the number of links that lead to the site in question.

After many years of working with these search engines, we can state the fact that working with Google is much easier.

He quickly identifies sites that are bad from the point of view of visitors, imposes a wide variety of penalties (filters) on them, or even completely excludes them from search results(sends to ban). Working with it is not easy, promoting sites in the top 10 of Google is a very difficult task, but when compared with Yandex, it is complete child's play.

You can make a wonderful website for Yandex, literally filled with the most unique content, put on the site the most honest links from the most “fat” sites - and still this is not a guarantee that your site will appear in the normal places in the results.

It seems that the entire issuance of the first pages for absolutely all requests in Yandex is paid for, which is why you can often see completely mediocre sites there. Of course, this is not true, but that is the impression it gets.

Another thing is Google. By making a normal website (that is, useful for visitors), but filling it with content borrowed from other sites, you can easily get into the top 10, not for all queries, of course, but for many low-competitive ones.

To do this, you need to take key phrases on the selected topic, which are so-called “low frequency” (LF). But there should be a lot of such phrases. And they must be duplicated on each page at least 5 times. How more page, the more such phrases will fit into it. Naturally, you should not forget about visitors.

For Google, the comfort and convenience of visitors is one of the first places. For Yandex, of course, too, but somehow this is not noticed. And Google notices it. Google forgives the webmaster many mistakes and sins if the visitor does not suffer.

So about key phrases- their density can go off scale, but if Google sees that visitors to your site are “sitting” quite long time, then this positive factor outweighs many negative ones. Google is even ready to turn a blind eye to its deception search robots, if the visitor likes the site.

3. Formation of a question and criteria for answering it

While studying in the specialty “Psychology” and answering assignments on the topic “Internet Search”, I became interested in the question of Nobel Prizes awarded to relatives. While I was looking for an answer, I simultaneously thought: “Is there a Nobel Prize in psychology? Has it been awarded?” This is how the idea of ​​creating a question came about.

So the question is: " Psychologist who won a Nobel Prize in a field other than psychology ".

In order to give the correct answer to this question necessary:

1. Find out the name of the psychologist.

2. Name the area in which he received this award

3. Year of receiving the award

To find the correct answer, you need to create the query “Nobel Prize in Psychology”. In my opinion, it is better to use the Yandex search engine.


We are in our modern world We can’t imagine life without the Internet; with its help we buy a variety of goods, meet people, communicate, work, listen to music, watch movies, etc. Possibilities World Wide Web are endless, search engines are reliable assistants in virtual labyrinths. There is nothing easier than writing the desired query in the search bar, and the search engine will return great amount suggestions for the entered words or phrase. Just recently we didn’t even dream of something like this.

Most popular. Yandex and Google. Comparing their capabilities, I came to the conclusion that it is better to use Yandex. While studying at the Faculty of Psychology, I decided to draw up a question about the Nobel Prize in Psychology. And shape it in such a way that it is both complex and interesting at the same time.

Thus, I believe that I have achieved my goal and that I have completed my tasks.



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5. php


First Nobel laureate - psychologist

At the very beginning of the new millennium, the history of psychology was completely inscribed new page: The 2002 Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded not to an economist, but to psychologist Daniel Kahneman, a professor at Princeton University, “for enriching the science of economics with the results of research into human psychology.” The Royal Swedish Academy recognized his achievements for challenging the common assumption that economic decision-making is rational.

Before this incident, the following anecdote regarding Nobel laureates was quite common: George Stigler, a Nobel laureate, was asked why there were no Nobel Prizes in the fields of sociology, psychology, history and other social sciences.

Don't worry, the economist replied, they have all already received Nobel Prizes in the field. literature.

The work of Kahneman (a psychologist by training) made it possible to bring the experience of psychology into economic science and shed new light on the decision-making process in the market, in particular, in conditions of information deficiency.

Daniel Kahneman's main work concerns people's ability to assess situations and make decisions under conditions of uncertainty. For example, Kahneman showed that a person's temptation to seek even greater risks after a series of losses only increases over time and dulls the sense of reality. Simply put, it is human nature to strive for revenge after losses, not paying attention to the failures, but at the same time, he invests less and less in winning trades.

The economist's main conclusion is that the idea of ​​homo economics, which acts rationally, is hopelessly outdated. When making decisions, a person, as a rule, does not skimp on bad options, but invests less in winning trades. Yes exactly. The American-Israeli laureate received his money precisely because he studied the role of human preferences in money matters. The official wording is as follows: “For enriching economic science with the results of research into human psychology.” Mr. Kahneman found that in situations of economic uncertainty, people's actions often contradict not only standard economic theory, but even the theory of probability. It's hard to argue with that. Indeed, everyone has repeatedly witnessed the completely idiotic actions of other citizens, which defy not only economic, but also generally reasonable explanation. True, one should not exaggerate the role of idiocy in the adoption economic decisions. For example, such a prominent theorist and practitioner of American economics as the head of the Federal reserve system Alan Greenspan emphasized: “People are not fools.” Therefore, advertising executives of large corporations should not hope that a crappy product can be passed off as good forever. Well, all this only indicates that the issue of the relationship between idiocy and rationalism in economics requires further research.

Daniel Kahneman became the first Israeli to receive the Nobel Prize in Economics. Kahneman, 68, who also has American citizenship, will share the $1.1 million prize with Vernon Smith, 75, of the University of Virginia, who was awarded for his use of laboratory experiment as a tool for economic analysis.

Kahneman was born in Tel Aviv in 1934. Since 1993 he has been working as a professor at Princeton University.

Here are a few titles of his works demonstrating the breadth and specificity of his interests:

· Analytical model of the semantic differential (1961)

Diameter and capacity human memory (1966)

· Temporal effects in the perception of light and shapes (1967)

· Changes in heart rate and skin resistance during mental exertion (1969)

Subjective Probability: Estimates of Representativeness (1972)

· Attention and Effort (1973)

· Psychology of Prediction (1973)

· Correlation of test results for attention with traffic accidents (1973)

· Decision Making under Uncertainty (1974)

· Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision Making Under Risk (1979)

· Intuitive Forecasting: Errors and Correction Procedures (1979)

· Decision making and the psychology of choice (1981)

· Statistical Intuition (1982)

· Psychology of Preferences (1982)

· Options, Values ​​and Frameworks (1984)

· Norm Theory: Comparing Reality with Its Alternatives (1986)

· Experimental Economics: Psychological Perspectives (1987)

· Understanding patients' decisions: cognitive and emotional aspects (1993)

· Can Living in California Make a Man Happy (1998)

· Fundamentals of hedonic psychology (1999)