Searching for keywords in Yandex. Keyword statistics. "Yandex.Direct". Google and Yandex keyword statistics

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today there will probably be a rather boring article about working with search query statistics from Yandex, Google and Rambler. Well, what could be interesting in analyzing the frequency or number of questions entered by users into search engines?

Therefore, it turns out that if you write articles yourself, then your project is simply doomed to success and high traffic, the lion’s share of which will be provided by transitions from Yandex and Google (search traffic). But, unfortunately, in the real world this is far from the case and everything is to blame for the notorious search query statistics, damn it.

Why bother with search query statistics?

The fact is that the statistics of queries from Yandex, Google or Rambler (Wordstat is usually the most popular) can negate all your attempts to attract users from search engines by writing interesting, absolutely unique articles, but blindly optimized for randomly selected queries.

This is exactly what happened with most of the articles on my blog site, when I finally decided to conduct a full analysis of all the keywords that may be related to my blog in Yandex statistics.

The results mostly disappointed me, although there were some successful articles that could attract visitors from a huge number of keywords at once, often with a very high frequency. But let’s still begin to deal with the problem of accounting for statistics on search queries from Yandex and, to a lesser extent, Google (well, although this system can probably already be classified as the living dead).

The problem is that by working blindly (without preliminary drafting at least for the article that you are writing at the moment), you can seriously miss and optimizing the text of the article and internal linking (link anchors from other pages of your site to the promoted page) are not at all for those search queries that can bring you a large number of visitors.

It’s very easy to miss the intuitive selection of promising queries, but then it will be very disappointing to see in the statistics of Yandex or Google that they turned out to be dummies (i.e., search engine users extremely rarely use this particular combination of keywords in their questions).

No, of course, if all webmasters were in the same conditions and no one had the opportunity to view and analyze statistics in the same Yandex, then there probably wouldn’t be such a problem. But the statistics of requests from search engine users is available to everyone without restrictions, and by not using it, you are simply putting yourself in unfavorable conditions.

You should not listen to the “trolls” who shout that you have lowered your SDL (project for people) to the level of GS (a project for making money, designed for a short life cycle) by first compiling a small semantic core for a future article, using online services for this statistics of Yandex or Google and Rambler search queries.

This is due to envy or their “troll” nature. But you shouldn’t spam the text of the article with keywords - in this case, you can ruin everything.

Let me first provide factual information, and only then will I pour water on the matter your experience working with search query statistics, mostly Yandex (I don’t know how to write briefly, so there will be a lot of letters; sorry, but it seemed to me that this was all important). So, the facts. Why do you think search engines like Yandex, Google or Rambler give you the opportunity to delve into their statistics?

After all, optimizers (Seo specialists) have always been on the other side of the barricades in relation to search engines. Do you know why? There is no place for any principled considerations or ideologies. Everything is banally simple and, as one would expect, comes down to money, because optimizers take away from search part of their main source of income from contextual advertising. A large number of potential Direct or Adwords clients receive visitors to their projects using the services of optimizers (SEO specialists).

Therefore, it looks very strange that Yandex and Google give optimizers (you and me) access to search query statistics. The answer here is again tied to the main way search engines make money - contextual advertising. The fact is that context advertisers need this information to compile the most or Google Adwords. It is thanks to them that this request statistics is available to us too, and it would be a sin not to use it in our personal (selfish) interests.

Yandex, Google and Rambler statistics services

In my unprofessional opinion, there are three or even four main sources for obtaining direct (there are services that collect data from these services automatically - they parse them) statistics of search queries:

How to work with Yandex query statistics

I am not a professional SEO specialist, so for me to understand the overall picture and compile a semantic core, Yandex statistics are quite enough, although it is possible that when promoting a project using very high-frequency phrases, it would make sense to clarify the data in Rambler or Google services, but I do not need this.

A little theory. Search queries and keywords very often confused with each other, so I’ll try to clarify. A search query is a set of words that any user types in the search bar. There are sets of words that are searched very often (high-frequency queries or HF), there are less popular combinations of words (mid-frequency or MF), and, of course, there are rarely found sets of words (low-frequency or LF).

I don’t draw a clear line between these queries based on the frequency of their displays, but it is usually considered that if a set of words has a frequency of over 10,000 impressions per month, then it is high-frequency. If a phrase has a frequency of less than 1,000 impressions per month, then it is low frequency, but mid frequency lies somewhere in the middle. But these figures are more than arbitrary and strongly depend on the topic.

It is clear that it is best to choose more frequent queries for the future semantic core, because if you get on the first page of search results, you will receive a very large influx of visitors. But it will most likely be very difficult to advance in HF or MF, because there will probably be a lot of other webmasters as smart as you.

Therefore, when selecting search queries for the future semantic core, both for the site as a whole and for a separate article, you should correctly calculate your strengths - otherwise you may not get a single visitor at all via HF, because you won’t be able to get even close to the Top 10 (first page of results).

True, there will not always be many people willing to promote themselves for high-frequency and mid-frequency queries. There are cases when the competition in HF and MF is quite low and everyone has a chance to make it. Here you need to look and analyze those sites that are in the Top for your chosen query. If there are not very trusted resources there, then you can try to fight.

When we come directly to optimization, this is where we talk about , which essentially represent individual words from the queries you have chosen, for which you will try to advance and get to the Top (the first ten sites in the search results).

Very often, the dozen search queries selected (as a semantic core) for a given specific article may consist of only a few keywords, which you will need to use N number of times in the text of the article and be sure to include them in the Title. Moreover, at the beginning of the Title, include the words of the more frequent request and then in descending order. For example, the semantic core of this article can be said to consist of:

I checked the frequency according to Yandex statistics, enclosing the given words and phrases in quotation marks to weed out obvious dummies. Those. I started by typing something like “query statistics” and got a bunch of possible options with these words, as well as a bunch of associative queries in the right column. I checked each of the proposed options for the actual frequency of impressions by enclosing them in quotes and as a result I received the list given just above.

As you can see, with all the richness of phrases from the semantic core of the article, there are not so many keywords for which I should optimize the text. Now you just need to create the correct Title for the page with the article, so that at the beginning there are keys from the most frequent request, and use each keyword in the article from one to two percent of the total number of words in the article.

Be careful not to spam the text and increase the density of keys to 3 percent or more - it is possible to exclude the article from . It is better to use keywords in different word forms (do not try to cram only direct occurrences into the text), in accordance with the logic of your narrative. I once mentioned that online service where you can conduct articles on the density of occurrence of keys.

As you can see, this article seems to have everything in order, except that the frequency of the first word (I am not citing it so as not to further increase the density of its occurrence) should be reduced. You can ignore the nausea indicator, because... it is calculated there as the square root of the most frequently used word, which means that the larger the text, the higher the nausea will be, which is not logical. And in general, nausea has already sunk into oblivion.

Let's summarize again. After you have sketched out on a piece of paper those queries (analysis of statistics in Yandex usually takes a few minutes) from which you expect to receive an influx of visitors, you will need to isolate keywords from this semantic core of the article and be sure to use them in the Title of the promoted page (which the higher the frequency, the closer to the beginning of the Title tag) and use keywords selected from the semantic core in the text of the article with frequency from 1 to 2 percent of their total number.

I admit that I started writing articles taking into account Yandex query statistics only a little less than a year ago, and doing it with my eyes completely open only about a month ago. And the reason for this is not laziness at all (I don’t have a lot of it), but rather some inertia (not flexibility) in relation to something new. Well, like, I’ve always done this and will continue in the same spirit.

But sometimes you need to take a breath, look around and understand whether you are moving in the right direction. It is precisely the use of Wordstat to analyze your project that allows you to look around and change the direction of movement if necessary. For the last couple of weeks, I have been trying to extract from Yandex statistics all the options that may be relevant to my blog.

I do this manually, which is quite tedious, but I am gradually gaining an understanding of the overall picture of this entire kitchen (my eyes are opening). At the same time, the brain is already melting, but the analysis is drawn out and gradually reveals obvious mistakes, and also allows determine the topics of future articles, because what users most often type in search engines is what interests them most. And keeping up with the wishes of future readers is, in my opinion, a direct path to the successful development of the project.

By the way, when analyzing your project using Yandex query statistics, you may need to find out whether your site already has any positions for the word or phrase you are interested in. To do this, I use the capabilities of the program, which I already wrote about, but forgot to mention the possibility of determining the visibility of a site by the keys you need using this wonderful program.

You will need to go to the “Selection” tab of the Site Auditor program, enter the words you are interested in in the “Check” area and click on the arrow located on the right. You will be redirected to the “Site Visibility” tab, where you will need to enter the URL of your resource and click on the “Check” button.

As a result, you will see the position of your site for the keyword of interest in the Yandex and Google search engines. If no positions appear, it means your project ranks below fiftieth in the search results.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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This article will talk about search query statistics: how to view it, where you can view it, what it is for, etc. This topic will be very interesting for those new to SEO. Let's not pour too much water, but let's get closer to the point.

1. Why do you need search query statistics?

Now let's talk about how and where you can view query statistics.

3. Yandex and Google query statistics services

I will consider two services in the most popular Runet search engines: Yandex and Google (this is quite enough for analyzing queries). If we compare the statistics of other search engines, the difference in numbers will be very small (naturally, if we compare proportionally the frequency and audience of search engines).

3.1. Yandex Wordstat service

Yandex has a special service: (Yandex Wordstat). This is a very popular service, but it does not show the frequency of search queries, but the frequency of queries in Yandex Direct. In most cases, this is enough to understand whether the request is popular or not.

I’ll briefly explain how to use wordstat yandex. By entering a request in the form, Yandex will offer all word forms of this request:

The frequency of the request in the general table will be indicated taking into account all the clarifications and additions. If you need to find out the frequency of a specific keyword in the same word form, then you need to write it in quotation marks and put an exclamation point before each word:

It is also worth considering that Yandex makes no difference whether phrases are written in the plural or not. Yandex does not take into account word forms at all, and also does not take into account all prepositions.

Having received some data on search queries in Wordstat, you need to remember that this data is far from accurate. For example, I take them into account only proportionally, i.e. if a query is popular in Yandex Direct, then it is logical to assume that it will also be popular in search results.

To take into account prepositions (that, how, in, on, etc.) you need to put a plus sign “+” in front of it. For example, the request “+how to make money +on the Internet”.

3.2. Google Adwords service

Now let's talk about Google, which provides an even slightly more interesting tool than Yandex. Link to service: You need to log in, then click on “Tools and Analysis” and then “Keyword Planner”. Here you need to enter keywords and you are offered a large selection of key phrases that Google finds from its Adwords database of contextual advertising. It’s also very cool that you can see the history of changes in the frequency of a request.

Rambler used to have a very good service, but recently it no longer has its own search database, because... it uses Yandex output. In general, there are only two good services in RuNet, which I considered.

All systems for keyword analysis, collection of keywords, etc. they take data from these two services - remember this!

4. How to find out the dynamics of the popularity of a query

Yandex and Google provide a free opportunity to see the dynamics of the popularity of a query. This is convenient for determining the general trend and prospects of some queries. You can also use this to determine the seasonality of requests.

In Yandex Wordstat, you need to select the "Query history" checkbox and you will see a change graph.

But not everyone is familiar with all the capabilities of this unique Yandex service. Unique, because all automatic services and programs collect data specifically from Wordstat, since nowhere else is there more accurate data on search queries.

This post is dedicated to a review of Yandex Wordstat, its main functions and hidden capabilities. After reading the material to the end and putting into practice what it says, you will be able to quickly receive up-to-date data for setting up and launching advertising campaigns, as well as find topics for writing articles on your resource and new queries for which you can promote your website.

So, let's figure out how to work with Yandex Wordstat using an example. After opening the page In the query window, enter the key phrase for which you want to get statistics. For example: “summer tires for a Camry.” After executing the request, the result will appear:

The left column shows all the word combinations and phrases associated with the keyword. The top line combines query statistics, i.e. it summarizes the number of user hits with partial occurrences of keywords. Also, requests are divided into pages and for any request there can be no more than 40 of them. The received data is statistics of requests for the previous month, the date of the last update is shown on the right.

The right column of the result contains phrases that are similar in meaning, which are used by visitors along with the request from the example. They are also worth paying attention to, since they can not only make queries that are similar in meaning, but also other queries that characterize the user’s interests.

It is useful to take into account the obtained statistics on the use of search queries when placing contextual advertising and for. The Yandex Wordstat service provides information in the form of visual graphs (Query History), with which you can understand the seasonality of demand for a product or service.

The picture shows that summer tires are used at higher rates in the spring from March to May.

Also, recently a new opportunity has appeared to group and display in the form of graphs information on the use of the device from which the search was carried out ( mobile devices, tablets, desktops). This feature is useful for determining the number of potential customers who can access your website from a smartphone or tablet.

Wordstat operators

The service provides the webmaster with additional features that allow him to work more efficiently. These are special characters (Wordstat operators) that are inserted into the search bar along with the key phrase.

If you need to sort and identify the exact occurrence key, the Wordstat operator exclamation point (!) is used. Here's how it works as part of a request:

If you need to accurately determine the number of requests without changing (diluting), then combine the Wordstat operators: exclamation point (!) and quotation marks (“”). Now the example will look like this:

Let's try to remove or add the word “buy” to the search line from the right column of the results. Wordstat operators are used for this minus and plus (- and +). The result will change as follows:

Useful Wordstat operators parentheses () and choice (or, |) allow you to conduct an extended search using one key phrase without creating a new query. Let’s say you need to ask: “buy Qashqai summer tires in St. Petersburg.” The request and its result will be defined as:

Here we show only the basic techniques on how to work with Yandex Wordstat. In the search string, keywords can be combined with operators in a variety of ways.

To consolidate the information received, let's try to select keywords in Yandex Wordstat using a simple example.

Example. For a website that sells furniture, it is necessary to generate key queries on the topic: cribs.

We set the first key: “bed for children.”

According to statistics, we determine the most popular queries that suit us: “bed for children”, “children’s bed”, “bunk bed for children”, “buy a bed for a child”, “bunk bed” and “children’s bunk bed”.

Although by the total number of requests the keyword “children’s bed” is the absolute leader, by exact occurrence we see a completely different picture and here the leader is “bunk bed”, this at least means that if the site does not yet sell bunk beds, you need to start doing so as soon as possible rather, and if they are already presented on the site, it is worth highlighting a separate category for them.

We think the basic principle of selecting keywords in Yandex Wordstat is clear, the rest requires practice. If you want to find out similar information for Google, then you need. And if you have any questions, ask them in the comments.

We will analyze Yandex Wordstat selection of keywords to start your first advertising campaign in the Yandex Direct system. It's no secret that contextual advertising is one of the most effective ways of advertising on the Internet.

This is especially important for all online stores. Now we will select just a few words so that you can use them to start advertising in Yandex Direct.

So now you need to go to the Yandex keyword tool ( With the help of this service, we will learn how to select the appropriate words. So, you can understand how to get the first customers for your online stores.

We specify the region in Yandex Wordstat

The first thing we do is specify the region in Yandex Wordstat (1) .

For example, if an online store operates throughout Russia, then we specify the region and check the box “ Only Russia«.

If the store is aimed at some narrower market (for example, only Moscow and Moscow region), then you can easily select the desired region for which you will work. Next, click “ Choose«.

Selecting a high-frequency query in Yandex Wordstat

Now we select a high-frequency query in Yandex Wordstat. Let's say we have an online store that sells children's products (in particular, baby strollers).

Enter the phrase “ baby carriage". Since our online store operates throughout Russia, our region is Russia. Press the button " Pick up"And what do we see?

We see keywords and statistics in this system for each request. So, let's see.

Baby strollers - a huge number of shows (more than 192,000 impressions per month). This is a high frequency request. Now I need to copy this request and write it into a separate file to search for keywords in Yandex. By the way, this is . So, I submitted the first request.

Now I want to explain to you one mistake that most newbies make in contextual advertising. They leave this request just like that.

In fact, the request " Baby strollers" shows the frequency of impressions per month, taking into account all lower Yandex keyword suggestions that include the word " children's" And " strollers". In order to see how many people searched for the phrase only “ Baby strollers", then this request must be enclosed in quotation marks ("").

The end result will look like the picture below.

Now only this phrase will be displayed, which had 10,042 impressions per month. It is this high-frequency phrase in quotes that we will need to add to the list of keywords for a contextual advertising campaign. We add it in quotes.

What are transactional queries in Yandex?

There is such a thing as . These are phrases that contain some kind of verb that calls for action. For example, " Buy a baby stroller" is a transactional search query.

In general, words such as buy, show, order, and so on are queries that imply that the user already wants to take a specific action. Such requests are very effective.

In order for you to get some results at the very beginning of working with contextual advertising, be sure to add such words to your separate list. So we copy " Buy a baby stroller" and add it to your list.

I also found the query " Stroller store“, which will also be effective. For this query, users are looking for a specific store. But among the many baby stroller stores, these people will choose and compare prices, conditions, and so on accordingly.

Therefore, it is very important that your store has a unitary sales offer. This is an offer that the visitor will find very difficult to refuse.

  1. "baby strollers"
  2. buy a baby stroller
  3. baby stroller store
  4. baby strollers online store

Basically, that's all for now. We have these 4 requests left. Firstly, they have a high frequency. Such queries are often searched for and, accordingly, you can find a large number of visitors and potential buyers for your online store.

Secondly, the selected queries are the most targeted. That is, a person already knows what he wants. And he wants to buy a certain product. You simply give him information in your ad that you are selling this product. Therefore, the effectiveness of such advertising will be very high.

Yandex Wordstat selection of keywords with an example

Yandex Wordstat selects keywords for us in the simplest form. Let's try again to choose keywords. This time we will search online using the query “ Child car seats«.

We see the top request “ baby car seat” with 45,135 impressions per month. We take this phrase and insert it into the list with quotation marks.

Next I'll have " Buy a child car seat". Also an excellent request. Let's copy it, but without the quotes.

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. I would like to once again touch on the topic of selecting keywords for individual articles and the entire site as a whole. This will allow you to more specifically target the audience that may be interested in your publication.

Potentially. Those. this does not guarantee success, but it allows you to hope for it. In other words, this is a necessary condition for the successful development of the site, but not at all sufficient.

The most popular tool that allows you to analyze statistics on the use of various words and phrases in search engine user queries is the tool “Selection of words” from Yandex(famous WordStat). It is intended for advertisers who advertise on , but this is not important, because the statistics it produces can also be useful for optimizing their own website.

You can work with Wordstat either manually or using special programs. If you need to break through one or two key phrases according to Yandex query statistics, then it will be easier to go to the site indicated just above, but if you want to collect a database of keywords for yourself on the topic you need, then you will not be able to do without automation.

Online service “Word Selection” from Yandex

I understand that there are more than enough publications on the topic of compiling a semantic core on the Internet. But, it seems to me, they were written mainly by those who deal with this matter professionally, i.e. optimizers from SEO firms or freelancers. The methods they describe are quite interesting, because they allow you to automate and simplify the process of assembling the kernel, but personally, they bore me when reading.

The little things and nuances they describe help save time with a large flow of projects that pass through their hands, but if you have a task selecting keywords for your own website, then in most cases excessive automation can even get in the way, because something can be missed or not taken into account.

Here, it seems to me, there is no need to rush. For example, I once bought a wonderful program with Profit Partner bonuses Key Collector. Here. He twirled it, turned it over, and put it on the far shelf. Why? It’s just not for me - it’s difficult to master and understand the usefulness of all the rich functionality it contains. For the same reason, I use Yandex Metrica and not Google Analytics.

Of course, I’m wrong and I had to dig my heels in and achieve an understanding of all the chips available in Key Collector (useful of course). But in reality, I downloaded a lightweight version of this word selection program from the same developer’s website, albeit under an unpresentable name Slovoeb(written in Russian letters it is not very printed).

That’s it, now I work exclusively with him, and Key Collector has once again been blocked for me after a system update (it is linked to the computer configuration) and I’m too lazy to contact the author again in order to revive it.

Therefore, today I will only talk about manual use of the “Word Selection” tool from Yandex, about using Slovoeb to quickly obtain statistics on thousands of key phrases at once and weeding out dummies. There are other tools similar to Wordstat (you can read about them in the article about), but they have not gained such wide popularity.

In general, of course, working with Wordstat is outrageously simple in terms of theory, but quite dreary in terms of practice. By the way, not so long ago they changed their design, but not only that. According to subjective feelings, the parsing speed of the new version of the online word selection tool has increased significantly.

Where to begin? From calmly thinking about the current situation and what you would like to get as a result. You have a topic for your resource (future or existing). For this topic, you can immediately select a dozen or two phrases or words that may be related to it. How to understand which of the phrases spinning in your head have a future?

You need to look at the statistics of their use when accessing the Yandex search engine. Wordstat is needed for this purpose. True, recently it has been available only to registered users, so you will first have to, and also add to it.

If you already have all this stuff, then it won’t hurt to remember your authorization data, because you will have to enter them into Slovoeb to make it work. Next, enter your first request into the appropriate form on the service page Choice of words :

Oh, how much it turned out. Wordstat displays statistics on keywords for the last calendar month. This means that in a year it will be possible to get an order of magnitude larger number. Although this is not entirely true. One of the reasons may be fluctuations in the frequency of requests depending on the time of year (i.e. seasonality).

This can be checked by checking the box "Request History". For clarity, let’s take, indeed, something with a pronounced seasonality, where the frequency of entering a given keyword into the Yandex search line depending on the time of year can change six times.

If the query you are interested in has a regional link, this will also significantly affect the frequency of its entry into Yandex. To understand this, just click on the link "All regions" and select the geographic location you need.

For example, this is what statistics on a Yandex audience who is interested in pizza delivery in a small town will look like.

In addition, many SEOs and website owners check ) for all sorts of keywords, and do not always use their own for this. And this means that cheating is happening(not special) frequency. Therefore, you should not blindly believe the figures of these statistics and should not take them literally.

And even without this, everything is not so simple. If these were statistics based solely on the use of this one word (phrase) that you entered, then everything would be great. But the Yandex word selection service, when entering a query into it without any additional operators, takes into account in the number shown all the phrases in which this phrase was used (in any word form).

For example, if we return to the first screenshot, we can say with confidence that almost 900,000 times per month Yandex users entered queries in which the word Joomla was found (for example, “templates for Joomla” or “the world’s most popular sites on a content management system Joomla").

This statistics will help you gain perspective creating a website or a separate section on this topic, but when writing specific articles you will need to use other numbers that are more specific. Where can I get them? A good question, which we will now try to answer.

How to collect statistics on the actual frequency of requests (Wordstat operators)

Before starting practice, I want to dwell on those Wordstat operators, which can be used in the Yandex keyword selection service. Actually, there are very few of them. I think that no one can tell about them better than this service’s own help.

Personally, I only use two of them - quotation marks and an exclamation point. You are free to do as you see fit.

So, quotes force the search engine to share statistics on entering only this phrase. However, all possible word forms of the words contained in it (cases, numbers) will be taken into account. For example, like this:

Strange, isn't it? The number decreased three times. How else can you formulate this query to a search engine? Well, if you think about it, it’s most likely in the plural, especially since the remaining numbers can immediately be seen where they went:

Well, consider the theory done, it’s time to start practicing. All my projects are informational in nature and therefore the seasonality and regionality of requests do not concern me much. If your situation is different, then you will also have to take this data into account in order to understand the prospects.

What you need to consider when assembling the semantic core of a site

Since we are talking about prospects. Assembly consists of several stages:

When developing a semantic core, it is very important to start somewhere (to catch on to something). A few key phrases taken from your competitors, taken from your head, or just obvious ones will become your starting point. But be sure to continue the search process and always have a piece of paper at hand so that you can write down the idea that arises and then look at the statistics in the Yandex word selection service to make sure it is sound.

From any high-frequency query, you can use Wordstat or Slovoeb to get dozens or even hundreds of keywords for your future articles. How to do it? First you need to find such high-frequency speakers. These are the most obvious phrases that users use when turning to Yandex when they want to get an answer to a question on the topic in which you want to get involved in creating a website.

For example, for my blog these could be the words Joomla, WordPress, website promotion, website promotion, earnings, etc. You can start with them. But many people do this, so it wouldn’t be bad if you tried to formulate all the ideas for future articles that come to you into queries that Yandex users could use to find them. We must try to think like an ordinary Internet user asking a question to a search engine.

Selection of words for the seed directly in Yandex Wordstat

OK. You can pour water for a long time. Let's type the query “Site Promotion” in Wordstat and see what it can come up with for you and me.

Amazing. We have received a bunch of information that we now need to try to process somehow. Yandex selected words for us based on the phrase we entered and distributed them into two columns. Both of them are very important.

In the left column of Wordstat All phrases where the entered keywords occur directly are collected. To the right of them is displayed the frequency of their request from Yandex by its users. But don’t rush to rejoice, because this frequency is fake in most cases (). Those. the numbers written there may actually be fiction.

How can you check this? Well, the first thing that comes to mind is to open another Wordstat window in a new browser tab and enter all these phrases from the left column into it one by one, enclosing them in quotes.

Then you will get real statistics (well, or closer to real ones). You can copy these phrases into a Word or Excel document and add the frequencies calculated in this way.

Just? Theoretically, yes, but in practice, after checking a dozen phrases from the left column (from the above screenshot) in Wordstat, opened in a new tab, you will want to forget about all this and go get drunk (or hang yourself).

Routine, not everyone enjoys it. But the left column of the “Word Selection” service window also has page navigation. Imagine, there can be up to 50 pages, which in total will give 2000 selected key phrases. And all of them will need to be checked manually, enclosed in quotes. Perhaps only a few can do this.

And that is not all. We forgot about right column of Yandex Wordstat. But this is simply a wonderful thing. It displays the queries of the same users who entered the phrase from the right column, made by them in the same search session. This will allow you to significantly expand the semantic core of the site, and sometimes even in a very unexpected direction.

What to do with all this wealth from the right column? View its contents and all phrases that are related to your topic, and then enter them in the newly opened browser tab with Wordstat. In our example, the phrase “site optimization” catches your eye with a high (potentially) frequency.

And what do we see here? And again, there are a lot of interesting things. All phrases from the left column will need to be checked for fakes by enclosing the phrase in quotation marks. And the contents of the right column can be checked to see if there is anything new there that you have not yet added to your semantic core.

And so for many hours you can sit with the pages of the Yandex “Word Selection” service open in different browser tabs, so as not to miss anything from the potential clues and at the same time weed out all the dummies. After a while, however, you will want to give up all this, because the effort and perseverance needed here are truly not human.

It is against the backdrop of such torment of manually selecting keywords that you will feel the beauty of Key Collector, or its lightweight version called Slovoeb. What a thrill it is (without exaggeration) to put into a program some high-frequency query that comes to your mind, automatically parse all the pages from the left column of Wordstat, and then also automatically weed out dummies.

The resulting list of really popular keywords can be sorted in descending order of frequency and saved in CSV format for subsequent analysis and breakdown by article. By the way, the process of distributing keywords among articles can also be automated. I found out about this quite recently from the exchange newsletter ContentMonster(lately I buy articles mainly only from them).

It turns out that there is an online service KeyAssistant under the auspices of this exchange (it’s free, as I understand it), which allows you to distribute keys across pages, and pages into sections. It would take quite a long time to explain its functionality, so I suggest watching a “movie” on the topic and perhaps it will interest you:

Okay, we got distracted, but in the meantime it’s time to get acquainted with our today’s hero with an extremely unassuming name.

How to automate the selection of words from Yandex to Slovoeb

Download Slovoeb you can follow the link provided. It does not require installation - just unpack the downloaded archive and run the Slovoeb.exe file

Immediately after launch, it makes sense to go to the program settings, where in the “Parsing” tabs - “Yandex Wordstat” in the area “Yandex account settings” You will need to enter at least one login-password pair (separated by a colon and without spaces) to access the services of this search engine. For what? I have already mentioned that recently Wordstat allows only authorized users to use it.

note that It would be better to create new accounts in Yandex(fake, i.e. not the main ones, where you, for example, work with YAN or money). Why? The search engine does not allow you to parse its results directly (instead, it provides limits on how XML results work), so you can get your account banned for showing excessive impudence.

It also makes sense to put the maximum number of pages from the left column of the Yandex “Word Selection” service that will be parsed (50). This will be useful when punching through HF requests, because there can be a lot of possible options. Sometimes even on the last page the total frequency is several thousand, which suggests that not all keys can be collected using Wordstat (unfortunately).

If you don’t want to overload and anger Yandex, then on the first tab of the “General” settings, increase the range of timeouts (breaks between submitting requests to the search engine).

Save the settings and click on the “Create Project” button, or on “Open Project” if you haven’t finished some work before.

Give the project a name, then enter the key phrase or word you are interested in in the line that appears. Did you enter? Okay, press Enter on your keyboard.

Yes, there is an alternative option. Press the button “Left column of Yandex Wordstat” and enter into the form that opens several phrases at once (one per line), the statistics for which you want to parse. Then click the button located below and get several lists merged together at once.

In the modern version of Slovoeb, you will have to wait five or a little less minutes until it docks with Wordstat (this happens only after starting the program, and in future work there will be no such delays).

After parsing of the left column of the “Word Selection” service will begin for a given phrase to the depth (number of pages) that you set in the settings. I always have 50 installed there. As a result, you will receive no more than 2000 keys that include your original phrase.

For example, I took the super HF request “work”. As you can see, even on the last page of Wordstat, the total frequency of phrases exceeds ten thousand. Consequently, in this case, we cannot use this tool to cover the entire pool of requests and much remains behind the scenes. It is probably also possible to pull out the “tail”, but this is much more difficult and less reliable.

So, we just parsed the keys, but we still need to separate the wheat from the chaff, i.e. understand which of these keywords makes sense to continue using in the semantic core, and which to discard due to their extremely low real frequency. The latter is calculated by enclosing the phrase in quotation marks or adding exclamation marks.

In Slovoeb, all you need to do is select the button from the drop-down menu "Yandex.Wordstat frequencies" last or penultimate paragraph. You should already understand the difference between them, so choose what you think is necessary. For some reason I prefer the latter option, but this may unnecessarily limit the results.

Punching the real frequency in Slovoeb is much slower than parsing and, what is important, do not go to Wordstat through the browser at this time, because this program freezes for me. It's possible that this problem only occurs on my computer, but it's still worth warning.

You can follow the process of checking the real frequency with your own eyes - new numbers will appear in the corresponding column in real time. Although it makes sense to let this matter take its course and go do something more useful, but you can only look into the program periodically. Once the collection process is complete, the red hexagon in the top left corner will turn gray.

If you wish, you can stop the process yourself by selecting the appropriate item from the context menu of this button. The project can be saved and Slovoeb can be closed. And then open the program and the saved project again, and then continue collecting statistics using the method described above. Very convenient and, most importantly, simply outrageous.

Here. After the process is completed, you can sort the results in descending order of frequency by clicking on the column header with statistics of phrases enclosed in quotation marks, or with them and exclamation marks before each word. It will turn out very clearly, because the most promising (even if often unrealistic due to high competition) requests will be at the top of the list.

I advise save all results obtained as a result of selecting keywords lists to file. This is done in Slovoeb using the icon shown in the screenshot, located at the top of the program window. Saving is in CSV format, which, if desired, can be opened in regular Excel, the main thing is to specify the correct column separator so that everything fits together.

If this does not work, then in the program settings on the “Interface” - “Export” tab, select a different saving format (xlsx). There you can also see the separator used when exporting to CSV.

Extra columns in Excel can be deleted (or removed in the same export settings by simply removing the checkmarks from the columns you don’t need - see the screenshot just above) so that they do not reduce visibility. Personally, I leave only the key phrase itself and its actual frequency, and everything else goes into the furnace.

Actually, you can already work with these lists, taking something from there directly, and running something again through Wordstat to obtain new keys (for example, not a complete phrase, but a word or phrase found in it, which in itself can generate lots of options). In general, the process is very creative and, due to its strong automation, not very tedious, especially in comparison with the manual method of using the “Word Selection” service described above.

Other Slovoeb statistics collection capabilities

Yes, I forgot to mention that Slovoeb can also collect search tips. This is what appears when you enter a query into the Yandex or Google search bar.

Among them, there may also be quite interesting variants of keywords, which can then be checked using the method described just above for their actual frequency.

Previously, there was a separate utility for this (SlovoDer) from the same developer (Alexander Lustik), but now this functionality is contained in one program. To collect search tips, just click the corresponding button on the Slovoeb toolbar.

In the window that opens, you need to check the boxes opposite those search engines from where these tips will come from.

Actually, you should also specify the keywords for which these tips will be collected and click the “Start collection” button. The collected keys from the hints will be added to the general list, so that later you can check them all en masse and collect statistics on the frequency of use.

In the general list, they will be marked with a different icon to make it easier for you to work with them and distinguish between Wordstat parsing and search suggestions.

The same applies to collecting words from the right column of Wordstat(Slovoeb can parse it too).

A little higher in the text, I said that when assembling the semantic core, it is very important to pay attention not only to the frequency of selected words and phrases, but also to how high is the competition exists in Yandex and Google results for these queries. The higher it is, the more difficult it will be for you to break into the TOP.

To evaluate it, many suggest using the number of responses search engines give to a given query. I wrote about this in more detail a little higher. So, our wonderful program can parse this very number of answers from Yandex and Google results.

Those. For all the collected words, you can break through their competitiveness using the button KEI on the Slovoeb toolbar:

The KEI parameter is obtained and, in order to rely on it, it would be better to use Key Collector (a paid version of this free program with significantly more advanced functionality).

As you can see, even the simplified version of the program has quite rich functionality. What can we say about Key Collector. Another thing is - do you need this functionality? Personally, it turned out to be very difficult for me to find time to master it, especially since I did not see any special prospects in it. I am wrong? Convince me in the comments then.

However, not everyone has the time and energy to carry out such work (collecting a full seed), but do it anyway absolutely necessary. However, if there is demand, there will be supply. There will always be people who are ready to do this for you; another thing is that they may not always be honest and diligent.

Let me be bold and end with a video taken from Maxim Dovzhenko’s blog, where he talks about settings and word selection in Slovoeb: