The difference between a router and a router. What is the difference between a router and a router? Solutions for corporate networks and the Internet

Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to find a house that does not have a Wi-Fi network, local or with Internet access. Almost everyone knows or has at least once heard about such devices as a router and a router, the difference between which interests many.

Both of these devices perform the same function - creating a home local network with access to the World Wide Web. However, in order to understand the difference between a router and a router, you should take a closer look at what kind of equipment it is.

A router allows you to create a local network between two or more computers. In this case, the connection can be either exclusively local or with Internet access.

Essentially, it is equipment that allows you to send and receive data packets.

It is worth noting that modern devices can work wirelessly, that is, using the Wi-Fi standard, transmitting data over radio channels. This greatly simplifies networking. To manage the device and network settings, the router has a built-in software. This gives the user a set of tools to secure the network and manage connections.

Now, to understand what is the difference between a router and a router, let's answer the question of what is a router. The name itself suggests that this is a device that creates certain routes. This means that the device forwards data packets.

For this purpose, the router has built-in software - tools for protecting and forwarding packets. In addition, there are functions for managing connections, adjusting bandwidth, and so on.

That is, in other words, this is a device that allows you to create and manage a local network between two or more computers (or other network equipment). From here it becomes clear that essentially a router and a router are one and the same thing, just in different words.

What is better to choose

Quite often the question comes up: what is better – a router or a router? If we take into account all of the above, the answer suggests itself - there is no difference. These are two names for one gadget. Therefore, in essence, there is nothing to choose from. Both names are the definition of one gadget, which can be either exclusively wired or wireless.

Such devices may have 2 or more interfaces for connection network cable(RJ45), which allows you to connect computers. At the same time, there is also a wireless connection for connecting laptops, smartphones and other equipment equipped with Wi-Fi adapters.

If we talk about how a Wi-Fi router differs from a router, it should be noted that while the functions of the devices are identical, the Wi-Fi standards themselves may be different. That is, when choosing and purchasing a wireless network equipment First of all, you should pay attention to what standards it supports.

There are several basic Wi-Fi versions which are most often used in everyday life:

  • 802.11b is an older but still fairly common standard. Its main difference is that it works in frequency range 2.4GHz. Bandwidth does not exceed 11 Mbits.
  • 802.11g is more a new version compared to the previous one, but is also already outdated. It operates at the same frequency (2.4 GHz), but allows for faster data transfer rates up to 54 Mbps.
  • 802.11n is new standard, which operates at a frequency of 5 GHz and allows data transfer at speeds of up to 300 Mbits. There is an even newer version of AC, but it is rare. IN this moment N is the most common Wi-Fi operating mode.

In addition to all of the above, differences may exist at the model level. Routers and routers are manufactured by different manufacturers, each of which produces different models- from budget to expensive flagship ones. The difference between models may lie in stability of operation, the number of interfaces for connecting computers and other equipment (printers, TVs, scanners, faxes, etc.), as well as antenna power.

Choice technical devices for home organization wi-fi networks can sometimes confuse the buyer. For example, not every user choosing equipment in a store will immediately say how a router differs from a router. Although both devices are presented on the shelves of computer stores in an assortment.

Gemini brothers

Router or router - try to tell the difference

At first glance, it may seem that a router is the same as a router. And indeed it is. The task of each device is to connect several computers, tablets and other devices to the existing network in an apartment or house. mobile devices. Both the router and the router have the same device - one socket for connecting a connector and several ports (most often there are at least four) for devices.

They also work on the same principle - they receive a signal from a computer connected to the network, after which they either allow it access to the Internet (if it is added to the table of signal recipients) or deny it.

The differences are linguistic

In fact, there are no technical differences between a router and a router

What are the differences? They are mostly linguistic, not technical.

You can feel the difference between the two devices by defining the concepts. “Router” is a transliteration of “router”. The word came to us from in English, and it can be translated into Russian only as “router”. So the first difference between the two concepts is the origin of the names. One is simpler and “ours”, the other is sophisticated and foreign.

The differences do not end there, but only begin. The use of synonymous names varies depending on the context. “Router” is more suitable for documentation, “router” for colloquial speech.

Interestingly, routers in hardware stores most often refer to devices used to organize networks in companies and in production. While sellers refer to devices for the home as household routers.

Paradoxical as it may seem, as a result of all this verbal leapfrog, technical means and by price. Routers in stores are more expensive than routers. Apparently, due to its loud foreign name.

Uninformed users will not be able to immediately answer the question of how a router differs from a router. In order to determine the difference between these network devices, it is necessary to clearly define them.

Router or Router?

A router is a special network device that connects personal computers into a single local computer network. But the same definition can be given to a router. Router is an English word that is translated into Russian as router. The only difference is the origin of the word. In practice, consumers simply meet different variants spelling the same name network device.

A router and a router perform exactly the same functions. They are equipped with an input jack for connecting a twisted pair connector from a specific provider and four ports. True, there may be more ports. They will be required to connect devices via the local network. The router and router are equipped with wireless transmitter Wi-Fi. A router, like a router, is a more intelligent device, unlike the same port concentrator. The router stores a table of addresses of computers that were connected to the device. Upon receipt external message The recipient's address is checked. If it is present in the table, the information is immediately transmitted to the recipient. Otherwise, the data is completely deleted. This intelligent approach allows for more efficient use of resources and capabilities of the local network.

The problem of choosing a router or router

Specialized routers or routers are divided into household and industrial. Industrial routers are often used to organize corporate networks. But household routers are purchased regular users who are not well trained specialists. When choosing, they should pay attention to the router manufacturer. The preferred brands will be D-Link and Asus. Also important criterion choosing a router is maximum speed transfer of information via demon wired network.

When purchasing, be sure to check the package contents local device. In addition to the router, the box should contain: a power supply, a disk with software, a user manual and a twisted pair cord.

Every day the number of new users world wide web is growing, and mobile device and television technologies do not stand still. More and more I want to have a permanent access to a high-speed wireless Internet network. In this case, so-called WI-FI routers or routers will come to the rescue, allowing you to distribute both wired (LAN) and wireless (Wi-Fi) Internet signals from the provider to computers, smartphones, printers and other equipment.

But how to do right choice? How not to make a mistake in choosing among the number of various routers on the market that differ both externally and internally? We will help you figure it out and understand what kind of device it is and how to use it correctly. And, of course, how not to fall for the bait of cunning sellers who from time to time try to sell unprofitable, sometimes simply stale goods from the shelves of their stores.

Router purpose

It is quite problematic for a beginner to make a choice, because you can easily confuse a Wi-Fi router and an access point, which on the one hand are very similar, but on the other are completely different in type of device.

Wireless Access Point is base station, providing wireless access to an existing network. There is no possibility to connect and create a wired network. Wireless data transmission, just like routers, is carried out using radio waves, which are defined by the standard IEEE 802.11. Routers operate on exactly the same standard demon wired connection, but at the same time with all of the above, they have the ability to connect devices to the network using a wired Ethernet standard so that on others desktop computers, where there is no Wi-Fi connection, the Internet has appeared. So, we figured out what is the difference between a router and an access point. Now you need to understand how the routers themselves differ from each other. After all, their number is global market counted not even in tens, but in hundreds, if not thousands!

You will understand the main difference after you decide which network you need a router to service. You may need a device either under the connector RJ-45- the most common Internet connection in Russia, or under ADSL- Internet connection via telephone cable, often offered by providers simultaneously with TV and telephony. There are also routers that allow you to use a 3G4G modem to connect to the Internet. mobile operators. And some are even equipped with a slot for a SIM card, which eliminates the need to purchase and connect a separate modem - it is actually built into such a model.

If in the case of the RJ-45 connector things are quite simple, then when choosing a router for ADSL you need to make sure that it has a connector telephone line- she smaller in size than a traditional WAN connector. If there is no such port on the case, then such a router cannot be used to connect to ADSL. To connect a USB modem you need, as you might guess, USB port 2.0 or its faster brother - USB 3.0. However there is one thing important condition! The router must support your particular USB modem model, of which there are a great many now available. Some routers have USB on board, but they are not equipped with support for connecting modems - this also happens. In this case, the connector is used only for connecting external drives(their contents then become available to any other device in the created Wi-Fi network).

We can say that we have decided on our purpose. Further attention will focus on the cost of the device. The price range now varies from 500 rubles (for models entry level) up to 20,000 rubles (for top models). Accordingly, the functionality between them will be very different.


Main selection criteria

Speed ​​characteristics

The first thing you need to pay attention to is what Wi-Fi standard the router supports. It is denoted as IEEE 802.11n- be sure to look at the letter at the end of the numbers. In the above example it is "n" - given letter speaks of involvement in one of the most widespread standards today. Next, your attention should be drawn to such a parameter as speed wireless transmission data. It is desirable that it be equal to 300 (Mbps) or even reach larger values. Speed ​​directly depends on Wi-Fi standard. And you need to understand that the real throughput will always be lower. To convert the value indicated in the specifications into the megabytes we are used to, you need to divide the megabits by 8. In the case of Wi-Fi 802.11n, the speed is more than enough for you to complete household tasks. A higher speed standard may only be required if you have a huge number of gadgets that constantly require a large amount of Internet traffic.

The characteristics of the router must indicate the number and speed of ports. If you want to connect as many devices as possible using them, then their number should be four, and the standard speed should be 10100 (Mbps). One important point, you must understand what to get real speed the Internet provided to you by your provider can only be obtained by using wired connection. Over the air, some crumbs of the signal will definitely be lost. If the speed provided to you is 100 Mbps, but it will be displayed as 90-95 Mbps, then you should not worry. This is the best you can hope for when using a home router. The data transfer speed also depends on the skillful configuration of the connection itself, and the compatibility of your router with the provider.

Well, if your provider provides you with Internet access at a speed of more than 100 Mbps, then you should approach your choice a little more carefully. In this case, it won’t hurt you to think about a router that has the following characteristics:

  • IEEE 802.11ac WI-FI standard- in this case, the device operates at a frequency of 5 GHz, the throughput of this standard starts from 433 Mbps and ends at 6.77 Gbps (so far achieved by some manufacturers only experimentally) . Backwards compatible with the slower 802.11n standard.
  • LAN 1000 Mbps- the so-called “gigabits”. So high-speed ports are necessary in cases where the information you are going to transmit via cable amounts to gigabytes.

Number of external antennas

Next, pay attention to how many antennas the device has. Ideally, there should be two of them, so that each of them receives and transmits data. Then you will not wait for the speed to drop, as happens in the case of one antenna. Well, if your choice is a router with three antennas, then one of them will receive and the others will transmit data. Or vice versa, if the load on one of them increases too much. As you understand, the more antennas, the better. Also look at the signal output and reception strength that the manufacturer indicates in the specifications. Removable antennas with a gain of 5 dBi would be ideal.

Find out how many bands it works on Wi-fi router. Of course, if it's simple home router, then you will be choosing a single-frequency device that operates on the standard 2.4 GHz frequency range (2400 MHz - 2483.5 MHz). If you have flagship smartphones and tablets, then you can think about a dual-band router capable of operating at frequencies of 2.4 and 5 GHz. Switching between them is usually carried out in automatic mode. And if there are many antennas on the device, both bands work simultaneously.


Also take care of the security system of your router, and more specifically, what encryption method it supports. This is necessary to protect the network from third party connections To her. Please note that in addition to popular WEP And WPA there was also an encryption method WPA2, since client adapters have supported such an algorithm for a long time.


Protocol and software

Pay attention to what protocol your provider provides Internet services on, and whether the device you choose supports it. In most cases, preference is given to PPPoE And PPTP. But if you find out from your provider’s support service that the Internet is provided using the protocol L2TP, then you should know that it is not supported by every router, unlike the ones listed above.

An important factor is the presence service support- You will contact it if the device breaks down. It is also desirable to have constantly updated software (firmware). Check on the company’s website to see how long ago the software update was released and how many firmware versions there were. You can also find out whether the device supports alternative firmware from other manufacturers. And finally, it is worth knowing whether the software is Russified.

Memory and processor

A router, like a PC, consists of random access memory, processor and constant working memory. Manufacturers very rarely indicate this information, so it is the most difficult to find. In any case, you should have an idea of ​​what to start from.

  • Amount of random access memory (RAM) should be considered from 64 MB. The speed of the router depends on it.
  • CPU, located inside, is very different from the chipsets that we are used to seeing in personal computer. But the main parameter remains clock frequency processor. The higher it is, the greater the throughput of the chipset will be. Ideally, this parameter should be at least 300 MHz.
  • Persistent memory , its volume must be at least 8 MB. This is where all the software is stored. And the larger the volume, the more the functionality of the device can be expanded with future firmware updates.


The most popular router manufacturers

As for router manufacturers, today their number numbers in the dozens. Their products differ in price, functionality, appearance, productivity, etc. Most popular models presented by such manufacturers as TP-LINK, Xiaomi, NETGEAR, Tenda, D- link, ZyXEL, ASUS. Please take into account that price will always be the determining factor in quality and stability. 95-98% of all devices supplied to our market are assembled in China, you should not pay attention to this.

Common Buyer Mistakes

  • If you are buying a low-power router for a room with large area, then get ready for the fact that in the farthest part of it the signal will practically not be caught.
  • Pay attention to budget router models. They may have the IEEE 802.11g communication standard, the speed of which is far from the maximum.
  • If you purchased your router with outdated method encryption, the security of the connection will be at great risk. This is especially true for cases where the device is used in offices large companies, afraid of leaking important information.