Whois change history. What is domain history

You need to check his information. The history of the domain, if any, directly affects the success of the created project.

If the developer has worked hard on a masterpiece, but it is not visible on the Internet. Why is this happening? One of the main reasons is bad domain history.

Domain history analysis using services

Before registering a domain, you should definitely check its history. Maybe it was already occupied earlier by another resource with bad reputation. Many tools have been developed to check the history of a domain.


The tool is available for free. The created archive stores information about all resources posted on the Internet. The information is stored in the form of working sites with all links. On home page The tool provides access to archives of books, multimedia content, and resource pages. In the main menu window, just enter the name of the blog and the event history and calendar will immediately appear on the screen. By clicking on any day of the month, it is easy to find out what the site looked like and what content was posted on it.


Using the service, the history of domains in the RU zone is checked. Once on the service page, you will see a table of domain names. By entering the name of a specific site in the search box, you can familiarize yourself with domain history. The resource card reflects the date of registration and last payment, as well as the owner of the project. Available Additional Information about servers, personal data of the resource owner, if they are not hidden.


In order to use the service, registration is required. Once on the service page, four types of requests will be offered with at different prices. You can obtain the following information:

  • You can find out all the owners of the domain up to date.
  • What changes have occurred in the history of domain hosting.
  • Find out what other domains have the same IP address as the domain you are checking.
  • Display all domains on DNS servers.

Before registering a resource, you need to analyze the domain using the proposed services. After all, the history of the domain affects the future promotion of the site, the authority of the project among search engines. Before you register Domain name, make sure in crystal pure history domain.

You will also be interested in a service that helps you choose a domain name. We talked about this in.

In general, the topic is very voluminous and if there is confusion in your head, then I would also recommend

Today we have a turn WHOIS. Essentially, this is a special protocol that allows you to access special servers and find out who owns this or that domain (site) or where the computer with the IP address you are interested in is located. The word whois is derived from English phrase"Who is it?" meaning literally: “who is this?”

The Internet operates based on this protocol. many WHOIS services, allowing you to find out whose domain it is (who owns it - full name, email and telephone number of the owner, or at least the details of the domain registrar where it was purchased), when the domain was registered (its age), when it will need to be renewed and possible date release (if it is not renewed on time, you will be able to purchase a successful domain that is being released). Let's talk about all this in more detail...

WHOIS domain - domain information

Or data on hosting provider who owns this server:

This data may well be enough to then turn to them to look for the owner of a specific IP (if you really need it). In general, WHOIS IP is quite a working thing if you need to understand who owns a particular IP address (for example, a blackmailer or a fraudster).

WHOIS IP services

Domain history in WHOIS History and domains.rf

I would especially like to highlight the service WHOIS History. It is completely free and in its basic functionality (green field located at the bottom of the window) does not require registration. At the same time, it displays the history of domain ownership by year, from which you can understand whether its owner has changed, on what hosting the site linked to it was located, and much more.

But WHOIS service History has an extended form for searching (filtering) information on domain history. There you can, for example, search for domain names not by full name, but only in part. You can select domains that are about to become vacant (potential drops) for their subsequent occupation. And much more can be done.

True, the extended form in WHOIS History only works after you have been identified using nicid.ru (the Russian version of the OpenID implementation, i.e. a single account). But it's not difficult to implement. As a result, you will have many options for searching the domain history of the entire Internet.

Service Domains.рф represents a a worthy alternative WHOIS History described above. With it you can track who and when this domain belonged, but DNS servers you can find out which hosting site was hosted on in historical retrospect. Analysis is available for domain zones.com .ru .org .рф.su and some others.

It turns out very quickly, clearly and conveniently for analysis. Well, and of course, it’s free.

Good luck to you! Before see you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Domain history is information about the site from the moment of its registration.

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All sites have a name that users see in address bar. It's called a domain, domain name.

There are millions of websites on the world wide web; it has long been impossible to choose any name for yourself. We have to look for compromises.

Usually it goes like this:

  1. In the domain name sales service (you can enter “buy a domain name” in a search engine), select a thematic category in which free options are offered.
  2. Or enter the desired name in the search bar, the employment status will appear and offers of similar options will appear, with a different domain zone (.com, .ru - data after the dot).

If you find something you like, pay for the selected period and you can use it at your discretion. It is necessary to renew, usually once every 1-2 years.

Few people think that free does not mean that you are the first and the history of domain registration begins with you. Just as many people do not suspect that the presence of a website’s past can affect the work to promote a new project.

If the domain had an owner before you, it is called .

Why check domain name history

Before you arrived, the site could have contained absolutely any information, including prohibited information. It may be under a virus filter, malware, which is not removed when resold by search engines. The seller won’t say this, and it’s almost impossible to find out in advance. You will have to install it experimentally.

If, despite all efforts, with competent and comprehensive optimization measures, pages do not fall into the Yandex index for many months, this a clear sign. Communication with technical support can partially help.

Reasons why the domain was free

  1. The resource sold links or prohibited content and received filters (AGS or the like). Removing a site from under the filter is time-consuming and difficult, and it is impossible to do this without changing its content. That's why they prefer to get rid of it.
  2. The content was illegal, search engines banned him for distributing this information.
  3. For some reason, the project stalled, they stopped working on the website, and then stopped paying for it.
  4. The owner forgot to renew the domain.

As you can see, the probability of acquiring yourself together with interesting name problems are quite high.

How to check domain history

Purchase services

You can see when your name was registered in the purchasing services.

Among the popular ones: nic.ru, reg.ru, beget.com. The verification link is hidden under the word . Information about the date of registration is posted there, The contact person- current owner of the name.

In this case, only the data of the last transaction is provided. Previous more detailed statistics can be obtained using the services below.


Valid only for zones.RU, .SU and.РФ.
You need to open the service, enter in the line URL address, the domain history is checked.

2 columns will open.

  • Time intervals - here the renewal dates and when it was not occupied are recorded.
  • Whois data - information about, history of domain owners, dns.


Works only with the .RU extension, and displays information only for resources younger than 2006.

The principle is the same - by URL. After checking, you will receive a list of all registration dates. You can expand each period by clicking on it and see who is there and what.

Checking through search engines

The easiest way is to enter the domain into search engines and analyze all the pages that appear in the results.


Another way to find out the history of a domain before purchasing is to analyze the link mass. Using Linkpad you can see which sites are donors. The topic can tell approximately the direction in which the web resource functioned in the past.

Check using whois.domaintools.com

Based on the results of checking our address, we will receive a list of lines, among which we are looking for “Whois History”.

To the right of it there is an arrow, when clicked, the service will provide an overview of statistics indicating when the first article was published, how many publications there were, and how many significant changes.

It remains to estimate in proportion to how serious alterations the resource has undergone over the period of its existence.

If the message is like this, it means that there have been no registrations before and you can safely take it.


Using this, you can find out analytics for the address of any domain zone.

Press the designated Go button. In the graph that opens, we get an overview sorted by year.

The points where information was archived are also marked there. If you go to a specific date on the calendar, you can see what that website was all about.

Registration of domains with history

There are times when people want to purchase a domain with a “past life”. There are many discussions on this topic on forums between optimizers. The fact is that everyone remembers well that search engines give preference to old domains with history compared to new sites.

But there is one significant problem here. The story must be positive. That is, the domain must have a website similar to your topic. It should not be under filters.

There are cases when it is possible to buy trust sites with an excellent TIC at auctions (probably from those that forgot to pay for registration for the new period).

Why are they looking for names with a past?

  • Drops with a good citation index and established link mass are bought mainly for websites selling links. If the optimization work is done correctly, the weight will be transferred to the new resource. And reselling links from it will be a very profitable business.
  • Old domains on active full-fledged Internet resources. This is what was mentioned above: more high level trust in the PS and, as a result, accelerated progress and development of the project.
  • Domain names containing keyword seo.com, from which the topic is immediately clear. More often they are taken for resale, less often for themselves.
  • Short aaa.com, 111.com, etc.
  • They just like the name, associate it with something, don’t think that the name has already been used or that it is not significant.

Where can I buy

There are many auction services for selling domains or websites. In rare cases, when you really need a name, you will have to buy it along with the website.
In the lot you can see:

  • website theme, TIC, traffic, monthly income, if it has traffic draining services;
  • the number of applications, information about the time of completion of trading, and the initial cost are displayed in real time;
  • If you go to the lot you are interested in, inside it will be described in varying degrees of detail, what information is filled on the pages, and what promotional work is being carried out.
  • design description: unique, pattern, etc.
  • the services used are described: surveys, tests, forum.
  • origin and history of the TIC of the domain, whether it was subject to search engine sanctions, reasons for the sale.
    what additional means and promotion tools are provided along with the website. These could be linked groups on social networks.

Selling domains

Whether to buy a domain with history or not is up to you. This decision should depend on your goals and your budget. Sometimes it will be easier to register a new domain name and start promoting a young site from scratch.

Article reading time: approximately 9-11 minutes.

Have you checked the domain name history?

Greetings, friends, and I’m glad to see you on my blog.

If you have just now decided to create your own website (blog), then the first thing you will do is... But before you do this, I strongly advise you to read this article to the end. The information provided in it will be very useful and important for you, so do not ignore it.

In this article I will clearly show you exactly how check domain history. You'll also learn why it's important to check the history of your future domain name before you register it. If you have already registered a domain and even created your own blog or website, but have not checked the history of your domain, then this article will also be useful to you, because you will learn an additional reason for the slow progress of some web resources.

If this is the first time you hear this name “domain” and do not quite understand what we are talking about, then read my previous article. In it I provided the most detailed and voluminous information about domains.

Few people think about checking the history of their future website domain name, but in vain!

It often happens that after creating a website (blog), the author (web master) does not understand why his creation is not progressing in the right way on the Internet.

For example, new articles are not indexed by search engines, or they are indexed, but not all of them. Competent and proper SEO optimization articles cannot break through to the top of search engines even after a long time. You can completely forget about Titz and PR. If you don’t know what Tietz and PR are, then please read, in it I mentioned these terms.

Sometimes it happens that your site cannot be found on the Internet at all. That is, as if it simply does not exist. And when you start checking the cause of this disaster, you are surprised to find out that your site is banned by search engines! Do you know what this is a ban? It's better for you not to know!

A search engine ban is when search engines exclude all website content from search results!

Exclusion of site content can be either complete or partial. Partial exclusion of website content by search engines is called filters or sanctions. For example, sanctions from the Yandex search engine are called AGS. You can read it and it will become clearer to you what we are talking about.

In short, all this bad weather can happen to your future site, and you won’t understand why you are being punished.

The reason for all of the above could be your domain's bad history!

You may now ask, “What other story is there?” After all, the service showed that the domain I had chosen was free.”

This is true, but the service does not tell you that this domain was once occupied and for some reason became vacant.

Most often, such sites eventually receive bans or sanctions from search engines. In this regard, their owners prefer to get rid of them and create new, clean ones. After all, as you know, in order to remove a site from a ban or a filter, you need to make serious efforts.

If you check the history of a domain name and it turns out that it has already belonged to someone before, then this does not mean that the domain has a bad history

It happens that the site owner simply forgot to renew it. It may also be that the owner’s strategic plans changed and he decided to create a new website on a new domain. Another reason for non-renewal of a domain may be the fact that the author did not achieve the expected results from the site or blog and he simply gave up and abandoned it.

So, as you already understand, the domain history can be bad, which will slow down the promotion of your site, but the domain history can also be good, which will not affect the promotion of your future resource at all. The problem is that you have no way to verify exactly what history the domain has. You will learn about this only after creating a website and trying to promote it.

To do this in mandatory you will need to check the history of your future domain in several specialized services, which will now be discussed. And then you will reduce the risk to a minimum!

How and where to check domain history

There are many services on the Internet that can check the history of a domain name. In this article I will review the most popular services. You only have to choose the service that suits your requirements and repeat the steps described in the article.

So... let's go...

Check domain history using archive.org service

In my opinion best service to check the history of a domain name, this is foreign servicehttps://archive.org, not only that, it’s also free!

Its main advantage is that it can be used to check domain names of absolutely any domain zone, unlike the subsequent services that I will show you in this article.

But this is not the only advantage of this service. Let me now show you with the help of screenshots how to use the service and what opportunities it offers.

Despite the fact that the service is foreign and all the options on it are in English, you have nothing to worry about, everything is very simple and does not require any super-druper knowledge from you in English. In addition, I will translate and explain everything to you.

So, pay attention to the window that appears in the middle of the site ( I marked it with a red arrow). In it you must enter your future domain name, which you want to check for its history. For example, I will write the domain name of my blog - website. After this you press "ENTER". And you find yourself on such a page.

What do we see here?

Firstly, we see a table with years from 1996 to 2016. That is, the service shows us the history of any domains starting from 1996. Pay attention to 2014 to 2016. In the table with these years there appears something like a graph. This means that something happened to this domain name in these years. In other words, this domain has already been registered since 2014. And this is already a bad sign for us. Go ahead.

Please note that under the table with years there is a calendar. In this calendar, some numbers are colored blue. Let's click on one of these numbers and see what happens. For example, I'll click on February 5th. Look at the screenshot.

What do we see?

We see what this site looked like and what topic it was on on February 5th. That is, this service has incredible opportunities to take photo archives of sites in different time. Why do we need this?

In principle, we don’t need this, because We are looking for a clean domain, without any history and we absolutely don’t care what it looked like before. But...it happens that web masters specifically choose domain names that already have a certain history.

Why is it sometimes beneficial to register a domain with history?

How can this be? After all, I am now contradicting myself! So far, I have argued that it is better to choose a clean domain so as not to regret it later. So why are there people who specifically search for domain names that have already been registered?

The point is that not everyone creates personal blogs or author’s websites and slowly promote them on their own from scratch.

There are web masters who are not going to bother with their blog and spend years promoting it. It is much more profitable for them to buy a well-promoted domain that already has TIC and PR indicators and start making money with it almost from the very beginning.

How can you make money on a blog with TIC and PR indicators?

The most common way to make money is selling links from the site. The higher the Tietz and PR indicators, the higher the price for selling links.

Friends, before you start fantasizing about making money using selling links, I advise you to read!!! After reading it, you will learn all the disadvantages of this method of earning money and most likely change your mind.

But the question immediately arises: “How do you know that a domain has such indicators? »

Good question!

  • Firstly, there are special companies that resell domains or organize auctions. These companies can provide you with the most detailed information about different domains. But don't forget that it costs money!

  • Secondly, sometimes you can count on luck! Of course, these are naive and stupid hopes, but still.

  • Thirdly, you can analyze the site yourself, the domain of which you want to purchase now. This is exactly why the service I am offering you now is needed. From the photo archives you can find out what topic the site belonged to, the quality of the articles on the site, comments, etc. Of course, this is not an accurate indicator of a high-quality site and its high performance, but you can still get a rough idea of ​​it.

  • Fourthly, registering a domain name is so cheap that even if there is an analysis error or an unsuccessful domain choice, no one will be upset!

By the way, in the next article I will show you.

Now I present to you for your viewing pleasure additional service to check the domain name history.

It happens that in some services information about the domain you need will not appear at all, so it is always advisable to check the domain history in several services for the most accurate results.

Check domain history using whoistory.com service

The next service is whohistory.com

The disadvantage of this service is that it can be used to check the history of domains only with the Ru domain zone.

This service has a history of domain names since 2006.

In the above table, you can check all domain names that have been registered in certain period time.

On the right top corner there is a search form for the domain you need “Search by domain”

For example, let’s write the domain “auto86.ru” in this search form and click on “find”.

In the left corner we see the domain we requested and the number of its registration is indicated in brackets.

Click on it and you will be taken to this picture.

So we see all the data for this domain. The registration date is 03/16/2006 and the last payment date is 03/16/2007. That is, the site with this domain existed for one year. You can also see who was the owner of this domain. IN in this case This is a certain Evgeny Popov. Additionally, you can see the type of domain, the servers on which the domain was located, and even the owner’s personal data, such as phone numbers and email.

But again, if you want to independently promote your website from scratch, relying on your own abilities and knowledge, then you should only be interested in domains that are not in these services.

Check domain history using the whoishistory.ru service

The next service is whoishistory.ru

This service provides the ability to check the history of a domain name in domain zones RU, SU and RF.

As you can see, there is the possibility of expanded information by domains and even by IP addresses. But such a check can only be carried out after authorization via OpenId (nicid).

What is OpenId?

OpenID is a technology that allows you to log in to different sites using a single account, without the need to create and enter new passwords.

So it's up to you.

We are interested in the search form, which is located in the lower left corner.

For example, let’s write in this search the domain name that we already checked in the previous service, “auto86.ru” and click “find”.

Please note that this service provides the most extensive and exact information about this domain than the previous service.

Here you can see information for each year of existence of a site with this domain name.

By the way, we can see that this domain was paid until March 16, 2016. Although the last service showed us that the last payment for it was in 2007.

This is why you need to check the domain history in several services at the same time.

Check domain history using the reg.ru service

The last service that I want to introduce to you is one of the most popular and reliable services existing in RuNet - https://www.reg.ru/whois/history/index

The only problem is that this service paid and required mandatory registration for any check. But the cost of checking the domain history is only 34 rubles. Therefore, it is worth considering using this service.

At the bottom of the page you can see a domain search box “Specify domain » .

Under this window you can see 4 types of requests that you want to check for the domain. Each request has its own cost. For example, if you want to check information about the owner of a domain, it will cost you 220 rubles.

Let me show you with a screenshot as an example. Enter the domain name in the box. For example, my site name website and put a tick in the first request about the owner. As soon as you check the box, you will see a picture like this.

If you want to check only the domain history, then just check the box in the second request about “domain hosting change history » . And then you will see such a picture.

After that, click “Add to cart” » and you will be redirected to the registration and payment page.

I tried to check the history of a domain name with the RU domain zone and for some reason the service gave me a message that domains with such a zone are in this moment are not supported.

I hope this is a temporary glitch, so try experimenting later.

The service is in Russian, so it won’t be difficult for you to understand it.

So, friends, if you have already come up with a name for your future website, but did not have time to register it, then be sure to use the services I presented in this article

Bad domain history! What to do?

But what should you do if you find yourself in the situation that I described above? That is, your site is poorly indexed and only now you have checked the domain history, but as it turns out, the results of the check are not encouraging.

In this case, do not be discouraged.

  • First, contact technical support search engines and explain the situation. Despite the slowness to quickly respond to solving customer problems, search engines are not so indifferent. They will definitely analyze your site and if they are convinced that you are right, then they will definitely return it to its corresponding positions on the Internet.

Of course, this may take a certain amount of time, but...it's still worth being patient.

  • Secondly, if you have a very young site and it is not yet filled big amount information, then you should think about changing the domain name and creating a new website on it.

These are, of course, extreme measures, but sometimes it’s better to save time.

As Benjamin Franklin said, “Time is Money”

And that's it!

That's all I have for today.

Thanks to everyone who read this article to the end. I hope it was interesting and informative for you and now you understand how important the history of your future or current domain is.

If you have questions about this, or would like to supplement the information I provided in this article, please write about it in the comments.

It is advisable to check their history. This is necessary to protect yourself from purchasing a domain with a “bad” history. The Internet has not been around for so long, and perhaps the domain name you have chosen has already been used more than once by other webmasters.

Drop- this is a domain that has already been used by another webmaster.

1. What are the risks of buying a domain without verification?

1.1. Poor indexing

When purchasing a domain without checking the history, there is a risk of running into a banned domain with a bad history. For example, it hosted some kind of GS with copy-paste and it also posted popunders, sold links, etc. By default, the trust of such a site will be severely decimated.

Search engines store the entire history of a domain. Of course, in my opinion this is not entirely correct. The fact that a domain previously had a low-quality resource does not make it bad forever.

If the selected domain is poorly indexed, then you should not despair; you should try writing to search engine technical support. There are high chances that they will help you. Especially if the website you made is good and of high quality.

1.2. Bad site trust

In addition to poor indexing, there are also risks of poor domain ranking. But again, these issues can be resolved by writing to technical support. It’s tedious and unpleasant, but what can’t you do to ensure that your website has a beautiful domain?

2. Ways to check domain history

Let's look at ways to check the history of a domain and give a comment on what you should look at in order to understand whether to buy or not.

2.1. Find out information about all owners through Whoishistory

Service address whoishistory.ru. It allows you to obtain free information about all previous domain registrations and their owners.

What does this give us? Firstly, we can definitely find out that the domain was previously registered. Secondly, we can look at the registration deadlines.

In addition, you can determine the number of owners previously. For example, if there were a lot of them, then there is nothing good about it. This only confirms suspicions that something is wrong with the domain.

2.2. Check the site in WebArchive

The service address is http://archive.org/web/web.php. WebArchive allows you to see what the site was like before (if it existed). This way you can immediately understand what information was placed on it.

The main thing for us is that nothing illegal is posted on the site. Ideally, if nothing has been posted on the site before.

2.3. Checking incoming domain links

Again, I note that if there are no incoming links to the site, then this is even better.

2.4. View domain in Yandex Webmaster

After purchasing (or registering) a domain, you can add it to the Yandex Webmaster panel and see what the search engine tells us all about it. If no sanctions were found and after adding the site to the indexing queue no warnings were displayed, then this is a positive thing.

However, you can add a site here and check something only after purchasing a domain.

3. Bad domain history - what to do

Above, we have already touched upon the issue that if a site is poorly indexed or ranked, then you can try writing to technical support. This correspondence process may take up to a month. As a rule, the answers will be standard. There may even be a feeling that the request may not even be read and not delved into the problem.

You can correct the “karma” of the domain in your favor. To do this, you need to develop a website. I am sure that any sanctions and filters from the domain will be removed. This may take more than one year.

The easiest way is to register a new (clean) domain and develop a website on it. But sometimes a domain name is so good that you can and should take a risk. Moreover, if nothing “criminal” was found in the story. For example, filters for selling links will be removed over time.