Free email for your domain. Email with your own domain

Hi all! Today we will examine a topic such as “ Mail for a domain: Yandex and Google mail with your own domain" "What is this?" - you ask. The point is this: I finally made my own mail for the domain, that is, now my main mailbox will look like petr@site.

Why do I need this?

If for some reason you also want to create your own mail with your own domain, then read the lesson further and you will learn how to create the same mail.

I showed mail for a domain using the example of two services: Yandex (at the beginning) and Google (in the middle of the lesson). Choose which email service is more convenient for you and start using it.

Mail for a domain: Yandex will do everything for you!

I first created mail for my domain through Yandex. I don’t know why, but I don’t really like Gmail and Facebook, but prefer Yandex and VKontakte. The first ones seem terribly inconvenient to me. But the fact that gmail is the best email service in the world, and even the fact that many applications are integrated specifically for gmail, “forced” me to choose mail from Google. I have long wanted to switch to this mail, but now I will have to get used to a new mail service for me.

So, first, let's look at the example with Yandex (let me remind you, I created it for myself on Google, the method of which is described below).

  1. We log in to Yandex (that is, we log in with our username and password).
  2. First, go to the page
  3. There you “drive in” the address of your domain:
  4. Click on the “Connect domain” button (located next to it).
  5. And you wait. Please note that “Verifying domain connectivity may take a long time.” For some reason, this process in my Google Chrome takes a very long time, I solved the problem using Mozilla Firefox (the domain “connects” instantly, no need to wait 3 hours).
  6. Next, create a new document and insert there the text that Yandex gives us (I chose the first item to confirm domain ownership):
  7. Click on the “Save” button and save the file under the name Yandex tells us:
  8. Next, upload the saved file to the root of the site (where the wp-admin, wp-config, etc. folders are located):
  9. Next, click on the “Check Now” button:
  10. Wait a few minutes (Yandex rechecks the presence of the file approximately every 10 minutes). Although you don’t even have to sit and wait, you can safely follow “Step 2. Set up MX records.”
  11. If you are like me, then follow the steps below (even if you did not buy there, the steps will be similar, just go to the control panel of your domain registrar). Go to the control panel -> Domains -> My domains:
  12. There, left-click on the domain for which you are creating mail:
  13. In the next window, select “Manage DNS zone”:
  14. On the page where you confirmed your rights to manage the domain, fill out the following information:
  15. And fill them in “DNS Zone Management”:
  16. Click “Add”. Now Yandex has probably checked the rights to access the domain, but now you will need to wait while it checks the MX records (again you will need to wait about 10 minutes). It says “Next check will be at XX:XX:XX”. Just refresh the page when the “cherished moment” comes.
  17. Now come up with a login for your mailbox, that is, what will appear in front of For example: “admin”, “my”, “your_name”, etc., then click on the “Add” button:
  18. Mail has been created! Next, go to the Yandex main page and enter a new email address and password:
  19. Next, fill in the required information and click on the “Complete registration” button:
  20. Next, you need to specify a different e-mail that you used before in order to automatically redirect letters from another mailbox to a new one. To do this, click on the “Add your mailbox” button:
  21. There you click on the “Connect mailbox” button:
  22. There, enter the login and password for the old mailbox, check the box to save originals in that mailbox or not, and click “Connect”:
  23. That's all! Now you are the owner of a very beautiful email box. Still, mail for domain- cool stuff! Is it true?

If you prefer Google, then mail for domain This service will come in handy. Connecting Google mail is also not difficult (unfortunately, Google’s innovation: this service has become paid):

  1. Let's go to .
  2. Enter your domain name:
  3. Click on the “Get Started” button.
  4. Next, fill in the required information and click on the “Next” button:
  5. Next, enter your username and password. The username can be “admin”, your name (for example, “petr”), that is, this will be the word that will be in your email address before the “@” sign:

  6. Enter the word from the picture and click on the “I Accept” button. Continue setting up.”
  7. Next, if you were already logged in to Gmail, in the next window click on “Log in to another account”:
  8. Next, click on the “Install quickly” button:
  9. Next, go to the “Domain Ownership Confirmation” tab:
  10. Click on the “Next” button:
  11. Click on the link “this HTML confirmation file” to download the required file:
  12. Then place this downloaded file via FTP in the root of the blog (where wp-config, wp-admin, etc. are located):
  13. Next, click on the link that confirms the successful completion of the download:
  14. And then click on the “Confirm” button.
  15. Now you should see a notification that everything was completed successfully, in that window you need to click on “Continue”:
  16. In the next window, since I will be working alone with the mail of this domain, to the question “Will other domain users work with Google Apps services together with you?” I answer “No, just me.” (Skip information for multiple users.).” Then I click on the “Next” button:
  17. Then in the next window I will leave a checkmark next to Gmail only and click on the “Next” button:
  18. In the next window, click “Next”:
  19. Then click on the “Next” button again:
  20. Further in “Gmail settings for a domain” to the question “Where do you want to redirect your mail?” answer “Google Servers”, and then click on the “Next” button:
  21. In the next “Select a service provider” window, select “Other”:
  22. Next, follow steps No. 11-13 to create a domain mail on Yandex (see above). And we take the data that Google gives us for domain mail:
  23. We enter this data into “DNS Zone Management”:
  24. Now in the window for creating Google mail for the domain, click on the “Next” button:
  25. You will be redirected to a new window where you need to log in using a new login:
  26. Congratulations! That's all! Now your mailbox has a very cool address. You don’t have to go through the rest of the steps; you can click on the “Do it later” buttons. In order for letters from the old mailbox to automatically go to our new one, you need to go to “Mail Settings” (upper right corner) -> Accounts -> Collecting mail from other accounts -> Add your mail account. And just enter your old email address (in my case [email protected]) and enter a password. And letters will be automatically sent from the old mailbox :).

How to make access to mail in the form

Now I will tell you how to make access to mail in the form (in my case). We go again to the “DNS Zone Management” of the domain registrar (see No. 11-13 about the Yandex mailbox) and add another entry there. Namely:

  • Subdomain name – mail
  • Record type – CNAME
  • Data (IP, CNAME...) -

Now go to and in the lower right corner you will find the “Manage Domain” link:

Go there, go to the “Settings” tab:

There, click on the “Change URL” button:

And already there, put a “dot” on the second line and enter the word “mail” into the field:

In the next window, click on the “I completed these steps” button:

That's all! Now when I go to the address I get to my mailbox. Very comfortably!


Ugh…. The lesson turned out to be difficult, I really hope that you got the hang of it. After halfway through writing the article, I began to regret that I had not recorded a video tutorial; I didn’t know that I would need so many graphics (illustrations, etc.). If everything worked out for you, please unsubscribe, I’m afraid maybe I missed some step... If it didn’t work out, also write in the comments, we’ll figure it out together.

Now I’m thinking about how I can transfer RSS, Google Analytics and other services to this account so as not to re-authorize 50 times. If you have any tips, please leave them in the comments.

See you soon friends!

Life cannot be imagined without the use of electronic gadgets and communications. It seems that the days when free email was a novelty have long gone into oblivion. Nowadays you rarely meet people who don’t have it. Sometimes, when exchanging email addresses, people ask only for the main letters of the address, and the domain name is most often from the most common email services (, Yandex or Google). This is quite convenient, because we are hostages of our habits and stereotypes.

But what if you need a non-standard mail name? How to make it different from hundreds and thousands of others? In this case, it is better to register an email with your own domain.

What is it for

The need to create an email with your own business domain arises for the following reasons:

  • giving the addresses of employees or the company a corporate element that unites the company’s contacts;
  • increasing the company’s recognition, the desire to combine the brand with business correspondence;
  • adding originality, emphasizing differences and creating a positive association with the image or type of activity of the company.

For personal purposes, mail with its own domain is created for uniqueness, since every person wants to be different in some way. This method is no worse than the others. A personal name for an email indicates that its owner has knowledge and skills in web programming.

Before you create an email with your domain, you need to come up with a name. The solution to this issue is an individual, creative matter, but it is recommended to do this based on the following factors:

  • includes Latin characters, so it is advisable to check the name for consonance;
  • creates an association rather than a meaningless set of symbols;
  • It is better to limit the length, since the shorter the name, the easier it is to remember and the easier it is to type the address;
  • check for consonance, write the entire name, including the characters that come before the domain name.

It's easy to create an email with a unique domain. It is easier to do this using popular search engines from Google and Yandex. You can do this using hosting if you have registration.

Creating a unique domain in Yandex

The simplest free way to create an email with a unique domain is the services provided by Yandex. Moreover, the resources provided by the service allow you to solve both personal and corporate problems. Among the main indicators are:

  • The amount of available disk space is 10 GB;
  • the minimum number of mailboxes is one thousand, it is possible to increase them free of charge;
  • easy to understand and manage interface;
  • It is acceptable to use your own company logo;
  • The size of the mailbox is not limited;
  • There are also additional options (work calendars, notes, etc.).

Let's look at step-by-step steps on how to create an email with an original domain:

  1. We register with subsequent authorization on this resource.
  2. Go to the “Mail for Domain” page.
  3. In the field that opens, enter the selected domain name. Click “Add domain”. We are waiting for the service to check whether such a domain name is available.
  4. Click the “Connect domain” button and wait for the connection to occur. Depending on the type of browser, this process can take up to three hours.
  5. Open notepad and copy the encoding that the service provides into it.
  6. Create a suggested file name and save it.
  7. Place the file in the root directory of the site.
  8. The next step is to check again, click the “Check Now” button.
  9. We are waiting for verification (it will take no more than ten minutes).
  10. We configure MX records. This setting is made in accordance with the algorithm provided by the hosting.
  11. After Yandex has verified the name, fill in the MX record data on the same page. Click “Add” and wait for the next verification confirmation. To do this, we periodically update the page.
  12. Fill in the login that will appear in front of the email domain name, click “Add”.
  13. Next, you need to log into Yandex and add your new mail. To do this, we enter the data and also indicate that mail from old addresses should arrive at the new mailbox.

Setting up MX records

One of the most important steps before setting up mail with a custom domain is setting up MX records. This process must be carried out according to the instructions provided by the hosting providers, since some of them have certain features in their settings. And if they are not followed, then a cyclical nature of mailings may occur, when the mailing address loops back on itself and letters will not be sent.

Although there are some differences, most of these instructions provide the following steps:

  • hosting account authorization;
  • deleting all your MX records available on the hosting;
  • creating a new MX record. Here, a necessary condition is the presence of the “dot” sign in the extreme right position (if the control panel field does not provide for its setting by default);
  • it is necessary to set the priority to “10”; if this is not provided in the interface, then you need to set any other one other than zero;
  • enter the subdomain name (usually the “@” sign or a created domain name);
  • waiting for DNS changes to be made.

That's it, now the task of creating a personal domain is completed. E-mail with all the advantages and an unusual address is at the complete disposal of its owner.

Mail on your website domain - beautiful, cool, useful!

Hi all! I decided to touch on the topic of creating mail on the website domain, because... Today this is quite relevant and it doesn’t matter what kind of website you have - a corporate website for business or a personal blog. Creating an email on your domain is not that difficult; you can do everything in 10 minutes. How? Read on...

Mail on a domain works using the technologies of mail services - Yandex, Mail, Google (the most popular). I will show the example of Yandex and Mail. Google is a little more complicated (as always). In general, Google does not allow you to use email on a domain for free, so I will not consider it.

Article structure

Mail using Yandex technologies

To create mail on the Yandex domain, go to the following address - Next, we need to add a domain on which the mail will work.

Next, we need to confirm ownership of our domain. To do this, you need to create a file with the extension “html”. Yandex will give you the name of the file, as well as its contents. See screenshot below. Just don’t try to copy from my screenshot, they are individual for each domain.

Upload this file to the root directory of the site.

It sometimes happens that you click the “Confirm domain ownership” button and Yandex starts complaining that the file was not found. If you are absolutely sure that the file was uploaded correctly, then you should just wait a little (3-4 minutes).

After confirmation is successful, you will be asked to enter your email username and password. Login is the name that comes before @.

By creating mail, you essentially create a new account in Yandex, through which almost all Yandex services will be available. To log in to your mail, you can use the link above - “Login to mail”. You can also log in to your email via the main page of Your email on the domain will act as a login - [email protected](instead of yourlogin - your login, instead of yourdomain - your domain) and password - your password.

The next thing we need to do is set up an MX record so that incoming and outgoing emails go through our domain. In order not to bother with MX records, Yandex itself suggests delegating the domain to their DNS servers, but I did this once and in some cases the letters did not arrive for some reason. For example, in the Joomshopping store, in the general settings of the store, the administrator's email on the site domain was specified. The domain was delegated to Yandex. So, no letters about new orders arrived. I don’t know what this was connected with, but I found a simpler option for myself - adding an MX record on the hosting. My hosting is Beget, and I will use it as an example.

Setting up MX records on Beget hosting

Log in to the control panel and go to the DNS section. Immediately select the desired domain and go down a little lower. We see that Beget MX records are substituted by default. We need to edit them. Click on the pencil icon. I hid my domain just in case.

Beget records are replaced by Yandex by default. Let's save. That's it, it's done. You can check your mail.

If you have hosting other than Beget, then everything is done in the same way. In extreme cases, you can contact technical support. hosting support, they will advise you.

Mail using technologies

To set up mail, go to We create a project and enter the domain. Next you need to confirm it. There are 3 confirmation options - through DNS, through a file and through a meta tag. I chose the option - meta tag, it’s easier for me.

If you want to confirm like me via a meta tag, copy it and paste it into the " section » your website template. Then click the “Confirm” button. Now we also configure the MX record. I won’t repeat everything here, I’ll just say that in the templates you need to select instead of Yandex. After changing MX, click on the “Check Now” button.

Setting up a DKIM record

If the MX record is correct, you will be asked to also create a DKIM record. Its type is the same as that of MX - TXT. DKIM is needed to confirm that the “From” field contains a real e-mail. This entry affects the “deliverability” of letters, i.e. emails are more likely to not end up in SPAM.

DKIM is created in the same place as the MX record - in the DNS section. In Beget, go to the DNS section and select your domain. Next, click on the “Add subzone” link below and enter the name of the subdomain - mailru._domainkey.

If it’s difficult for you to understand all this, then I advise you to immediately contact your hoster for help. As a rule, they help in these matters.

After all the necessary records have been added, you need to create mailboxes. They are created in the “Users” section in Click on the “Add” button and enter data for the user - first name, last name, login, password (the password will be generated automatically). That's it, now you can log in to your mail with the created data. You can also log into your domain mailbox from the main page of the site. The login will be your email on the domain, for example - [email protected], and password is your generated password.

That's all. Please ask questions in the comments. See you soon!

Today I want to help you create a beautiful domain email on your hosting, redirect it and delegate it to Yandex Mail.

What does this mean?

You will receive a beautiful email with the tail of your domain. And you can view it in the panel of the Yandex Mail mail service.

Why do you need domain mail?

3) A solid mailbox for business cards.

Advantages of domain mail delegated to Yandex Mail.

1) Fewer emails will end up in SPAM.

2) More trust from email services.

3) Beautiful type mailbox [email protected]

4) Convenient interface for working with mail from Yandex Mail.

5) You can create up to 1000 boxes for yourself and your employees and friends.

6) All correspondence is stored on Yandex without taking up space on the hosting.

7) Unlimited mailbox volume.

8) Scan mail for viruses.

9) Convenient setup of your SPAM filters.

10) Many different themes for the interface.

11) Access to mail via POP3/IMAP protocols.

12) Access to mail from mobile applications and devices.

13) Convenient tools for working with letters in the web interface (downloading all attached files in one archive, listening to attached mp3 files, tags of popular social networks and much more).

14) Chat (instant messaging) on ​​Mail pages.

The fact is that many hosting providers generally do not provide mailboxes based on a domain and you have to look for an external mail service. But even if your hoster has a mail service, then these mailboxes take up disk space from your hosting tariff plan, which forces you to constantly delete read letters and not store correspondence, since there are restrictions on the number, volume and mail traffic.

If you still decide create domain mail directly on your hosting, then get ready for the fact that you will encounter a completely unfamiliar and inconvenient interface for managing domain mail. There may also be problems with setting up for different email programs and a bunch of other nuances.

Today I will tell you how to create a domain email on the Yandex Mail service and how to immediately solve all the problems that arise with mail for the domain.

We connect domain mail on Yandex.

Many of you have an account on Yandex and use Yandex mail. So you are familiar with the simple and functional user interface of this email service. It would be nice if the email interface on a domain were just as convenient. This is exactly the question that Yandex programmers thought through when they created a mail service for the domain.

In addition to simplicity and convenience, domain mail from Yandex has a lot of advantages, which I talked about a little higher.

All that remains is connect Yandex mail for your domain. This will take from 10 to 30 minutes and depends on the specifics of your hosting and how quickly the Yandex robot checks your settings. After all the settings, you will be able to enjoy all these delights together with your website.

Step-by-step plan for connecting the Yandex mail service and creating a domain email to the site:

Step #1.

Register on Yandex if you are not registered, or log in to your account using your existing username and password.

Step #3.

We confirm the domain that belongs to you; you must prove that you are its rightful owner. There are several ways to do this. Whichever you choose is up to you, I recommend the first method.

There are 3 ways to check website domain ownership:

1) Placing a special txt (text) file in the root directory of your site.

2) Creating a subdomain with a special name that Yandex offers with a Cname record leading to

3) Change the contact address for the domain name.

The latter, in my opinion, immediately disappears due to the complexity of implementation in most cases. The first and second methods, in my opinion, are simple and can be used. Next, I will show confirmation by uploading an html file with a special name to my hosting.
Watch my video tutorial on setting up domain mail on Yandex so you don't miss anything.

In the video tutorial, I told you how to set up mail for a domain in two hosting sites, this and .

If you have a different hosting, then you can view the manual for setting up domain mail for some popular hosters on Yandex at the link:

Below I will tell you how to set up domain mail only using Timeweb hosting as an example. Using your login and password, log in.

Go to the Quick Actions section and click on the item: “Upload files to the server.”

In the root pablic_html folder of your site, select the “File” item, then click on “Create a file” and create a new file with a special name that Yandex suggested to us with the html extension.

Now go to the main page for connecting domain mail on Yandex and click the check domain button.

Step #4.

Setting up an MX record on the hosting so that the hosting redirects all mail to the Yandex mail account.

We return to the Timeweb hosting control panel and go to the panel to the list of created domains. When you hover over your domain, a green key button will appear, click on it.

In the window that opens, go to the second tab called MX mail servers and make the settings for MX 10 MX.YANDEX.RU as in the picture below and save the changes.

We return to the Yandex MX record settings and click the “Check MX record” button and wait for the Yandex robot to check it.

Now, you can log into the mailboxes you created using a special link that Yandex offers. The link looks like this or simply through the authorization form on the main page of Yandex mail.

When you log into your new mailbox, Yandex will ask you to fill in your personal data and redirect you to the “Mail for Domain” page. Completion of registration." Here you just need to correctly fill in all your personal data and save it. After saving your personal data, you will be able to use your personal domain email.

Step #6. We make additional DKIM digital signature settings for your mailbox

. This is necessary to ensure that all sent letters reach 100%.

What is DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail)?

This is a method of verifying your mail using a special signature.

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) technology combines several existing anti-phishing and anti-spam techniques to improve the classification and identification of legitimate email. Instead of a traditional IP address, DKIM adds a digital signature associated with the organization's domain name to identify the sender of a message. The signature is automatically verified on the recipient’s side, after which “white lists” and “black lists” are used to determine the sender’s reputation.

This is not a required step, but without it there is a chance that mail sent from your domain mailbox will end up in your recipient's SPAM mailbox.

To set up a DKIM signature for your domain mail, return to the main page for registering domain mail on Yandex and scroll down to the bottom of the page and look for the column with the following content: “To enable DKIM, you need to add a special TXT record to the DNS of your domain” and click on the link: “Show contents of the entry."

In the window that opens, copy your digital signature to your domain email and go to our hosting settings.

In the hosting settings, go to the control panel, to the list of created domains. When you hover over your domain, a green key button will appear, click on it.

In the window that opens, go to the third tab called “Advanced settings” and change the digital signature of the DKIM TXT record there to the one you took from Yandex. Be sure to click and save the changes made.

It remains to wait a little while for the Yandex robot to check the digital signature settings for domain mail.

That's all for me, thank you for your attention, I look forward to your questions in the comments to the article. Sincerely yours Alexander Novikov.

And again, Hello friends! The topic of this article is email with your own domain using Yandex! Many people ignore this seemingly trifle, but in vain! As you know, every little thing like this makes up the overall picture - a brand!

And in the end, it’s solid to have your own personal domain, don’t you agree?!.ru and you will be happy!

By the way, in the last article I told you how to create one for instant scrolling on the site. If you have quite lengthy articles and you have not yet implemented such a feature as scrolling, then I recommend reading...

So that's what I mean?! Oh yes! I noticed that the majority of bloggers have regular email addresses for Mail and Google email services and others. Why is it that only a small part of administrators use this opportunity?!

I don’t know who has what reasons, but for those who have the desire, but there are difficulties in technical aspects, I wrote this article for you.

I hope it will help you and you without much difficulty create and configure mail on your domain using everyone’s favorite Yandex

So let's go...

There are several options to implement our idea, but for myself personally, I chose the Yandex service. I also had mail on Google, but for some reason I didn’t like it.
It's a matter of taste, so to speak, everyone has the right to choose!

Another option is to create mail directly in the hosting control panel, but this option personally does not suit me for several reasons:

Firstly, I like to use a browser-based, understandable and functional email client, with anti-spam protection and other goodies.

Secondly, I don’t want to fill up the free hosting space, and I’ll have to pay for additional “GB”. Well, you can, of course, periodically clean letters, but that’s not for me!
For these reasons, I decided to create mail on Yandex, where everything suits me more than

Over a long period of use, only positive emotions - everything is simple, clear and stable! In general, I recommend using Yandex, although it’s up to you to decide!

  • Lots and lots and lots of space;
  • Protection from spammers and viruses;
  • Access via browser, as well as via POP3/IMAP;
  • Organizer and other features;
  • More than 1000 addresses on one domain;
  • You can place your logo;
  • Setting up the design and theme. (I like the weather theme better - light during the day, dark at night).

Creation, configuration, connection.

Well, friends, let’s move on to the most interesting part, namely the step-by-step instructions. I will try to explain and remember all the intricacies of this process as clearly as possible! I used to think it was difficult, but as it turned out in practice, everything is quite simple!

Read my article - choice and if you don't have one. The cost is only 100 rubles per year and everyone has the opportunity to buy a domain name.

1. Go to the official Yandex website;

2. Enter your domain name and click - connect! Log in to the site or create a new account.

3. Now you need to confirm your rights, choose a convenient method. I chose to upload the file to the root hosting system, the file name and text inside the document are different for everyone.

After you have placed the file on the hosting server, click the “Check” button. If the verification is successful, proceed to stage 2.

4. Now you need to configure MX records in your hosting control panel.

Let's go to the hosting control panel (here everyone has different methods, depending on what hosting). Using my AdminVPS hosting as an example - the domain names section - we see the settings for MX records.

We write such an entry as shown in the picture, if there is no field for entering a priority, then we write like this - 10 (the period at the end is required).

5. After successfully checking the MX records, we see the following picture:

Now come up with a beautiful email name, a complex password, add a logo and basically EVERYTHING! Then I think you’ll figure out for yourself what’s what

One more thing - so that your letters do not end up in SPAM when sent to someone, I recommend making a digital signature.

To do this, in the right column, at the very bottom, there is a block “Digital signature DKIM”, we take the data from there and create another TXT record in the hosting control panel.

Now all the dancing with the tambourine is over, you can forget all this horror and calmly use your favorite mail on your domain

By the way, what do you think about the growth dynamics of the dollar? What is your forecast? It would be interesting to hear opinions on this matter. I’m such a fool that I didn’t buy a dollar when it was still 35 rubles, I wouldn’t have made bad money now! Well, okay, I blew the moment, it’s my own fault!

Now probably most bloggers, including me, are waiting for the results of the competition, right?! It’s quite interesting to see who will take the prizes!

I would like to wish everyone, and myself in particular, good luck and not to give up if you are unlucky! This means there is something to strive for, something to improve and something to complete! We are great at what we have achieved so far; not everyone can do this - maintaining a personal blog!

P.S: If you would like to learn how to competently and professionally conduct your mailings, as well as earn a lot of money from them, I would like to recommend you good courses: Newsletter that makes money - part 1 and part 2!

Personally, these courses helped me avoid a lot of mistakes that I could have made without them. I especially liked part 2 - this information is currently the most relevant!

By the way, I will also help you save money on their purchase. Just write me a letter and I will tell you what needs to be done!

Best regards, Vladimir Savelyev

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