Where can I get a ready-made Microsoft account? Create an account in Microsoft.

To download games and applications from Windows Store Phone, must be created account Microsoft. It is advisable to do this immediately after purchase. Nokia smartphone Lumia, otherwise the whole point of purchasing it is simply lost.

Important: We would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that when creating an account, you must indicate an age over 18 years (even if this is not the case), otherwise in the future there will be insurmountable difficulties with installing applications and games.

Advice: If you already have a Microsoft account, you don't need to create a new one. For example, if you have an Xbox or Hotmail, then there is no need to start an additional one.

If you don't have it, use the instructions below:

How to create a Microsoft account:

This can be done in several ways, depending on the situation.

1. From a Lumia smartphone:

  • Go to "Settings"
  • Select "Mail+Accounts"
  • Click "Add a service" and select "Microsoft Account"

2. When setting up the device for the first time:

  • Follow the onscreen instructions on your Lumia or other until you get to "Create an Account"
  • Click on "Create" and follow the on-screen instructions.

3. Via a browser from a computer:

  • Go to the official website using the following link
  • Fill in the required fields
  • Click "Create an account".

How to set up an account on your phone:

  • Go to the "Settings" menu
  • Go to the "Mail+Accounts" section
  • Select "Add Service". After this, you need to select the Microsoft entry and enter your username and password.

Congratulations, your account is set up!

If you have forgotten your password, you can recover your Microsoft account on the official website using this link

If you have any problems, ask a question in the comments or

Even records are directly related to the topic of PC administration, and for any network administrator knowledge of this is our “daily bread.” By creating a new user account, you will receive a separate and individual account that has its own access rights to objects stored on your hard drive, applications installed on your PC, and your desktop. There are two types of accounts in Windows 10: global (or Microsoft accounts) and local. A local account can be used exclusively on the computer on which it was created, it can be accessed, and it does not have the functions of synchronizing user data between different computers, from which you logged into the system. Account Microsoft Windows 10 , on the contrary, has the functions of synchronizing user data between several computers from which the operating system was logged in (exclusively Microsoft applications are meant - Skype, Outlook, OneDrive, etc.). It can be used from any computer running Windows OS and is protected with a strong password. To enter it, just enter your username or phone number. If desired, a local account can be converted to a Microsoft account, and vice versa. In this article I will only talk about a secure Microsoft account; using a local account is quite simple, and you don’t need to use it to figure it out. a large number of time.

Microsoft account Windows 10 - creation principle

Let's create new account Microsoft on Windows OS. To do this, open the Start menu and select the new Settings icon. This is where all the Windows 10 settings that appeared exclusively starting with this version of the system from Microsoft are concentrated.

In the settings menu, go to the “Accounts” subsection, where we can manage all accounts in detail, set privileges and authentication methods. In the presented section, select the item “Family and other people”.

As you can see, the presented form is divided into 2 parts: you can add new users who are members of your family to the top section of the “Your Family” window. This can be either administrators or regular users or children to whom parental controls apply. At the bottom of the “Other People” window, you can add users who are not related to your family, but whom you want to provide access to the system. Accordingly, they can also be either local or global (i.e., with a Microsoft account).

In order for a Microsoft Windows 10 account to be created, you need to have an administrator account, and with a Microsoft account, respectively. If you log into Top Ten from a local account, Windows will identify you as a local user, and, therefore, the means to generate a new account will not be available.

Well, let's say you're signed in with a Microsoft account and visit the "Family and Other People" section in the "Accounts" category. Let's try to generate an account for a new family member. Click on the “Add Family Member” control.

A window appears to select the user you want to add. You can choose from an adult account or a child account. Select the account type and enter email address new user. Important point: Before you create a new Microsoft account, you must add an email account for it. In addition to visiting Outlook.com and registering a mailbox through a browser, the same can be done by clicking on the button “The user I want to add does not have Email».

At the next iteration, the system offers to add a user with a new email account to the list of those allowed to log in to active device and in the list of your family members. We confirm our decision and move on.

So, by clicking the “Confirm” button, an invitation is sent to the specified user’s email account to join the family members on your work computer. Now we need to agree with this decision by logging into the email Mailbox and clicking the “Accept” button in the received letter.

We go to email and accept the invitation.

Now new user added to the list of allowed logins on your computer. You can verify this by looking again at the Family and Others form and finding that the child's account is fully active and available for use.

What additional privileges will a new user added as a child have?

— first of all, managing the financial activities of the account. It is possible to transfer some financial amounts to the child’s account so that he can make small purchases in the Xbox and Windows online stores without having a credit card;

- in addition to this, you will have the right to study the actions carried out by children on the active device, what programs they purchased and what queries they asked in the search engine;

- similar to the previous ability - limiting the duration of work on an active device for users added as children;

— the last of the most significant features is the ability to track a child’s location on a map if he has a smart device with Windows 10 pre-installed.

A user who is not a member of your family is added in exactly the same way. For it, you can also add both a local account without the synchronization function with the server, and a Microsoft account. The method is completely the same as in the case of a family member: create an email account, add it as an account identifier and log in to the system using it. This also uses a Microsoft Windows 10 account.

By default, when creating a new user, he has the rights standard user. But to install new applications and change operating system settings, you will most likely need administrator rights. Below I will tell you how to get admin rights on a computer under Windows control 10.

Go to the above settings form in the same “Family and other people” section and select the user for whom you plan to change the account type. The “Change account type” control appears at the bottom - click on it.

In the account type menu Windows entries 10 change the account permissions from “Standard” to “Administrator”, thereby giving maximum rights to the selected user.

To log in to the system under a new account, just click on the “Start” button and select from the list active users the one under which you want to log into the operating system.

An alternative way is to log out of the system and indicate on the authentication form new login and password.

How to create an account using the control userpasswords2 command?

Let's use a sequence of buttons and in the “Run” mini-form, enter the value “control userpasswords2”.

As a result of entering the command, the “User Accounts” window will appear on the display, where all accounts installed in the system are available. To add a new account, use the “Add” button.

After activating the corresponding button, a pop-up form appears asking you to enter the name of the mailbox that you would like to register for the new user.

Of course, the system assumes that the email account has already been created previously, otherwise it is proposed to create it from scratch by clicking the “Register” button new address Email". In all other respects, the procedure for registering a new account in the “ten” does not differ at all from the algorithm described earlier, so there should be no problems.

How to delete a Microsoft account?

Let's enter the same equipment that was discussed in the previous section of our instructions. Having selected the account to delete here, click the “Delete” button under the list of accounts under the user’s control.

How to reset your Microsoft account password?

After connecting to an active account using your login, go to the OS configuration window, then to the “Accounts” section, and then select the “Login Options” subcategory. To change the password of an active account, in the “Password” section, click the “Change” button, and then carefully follow the advice of the built-in wizard.

Microsoft Account Windows 10 - a powerful mechanism for authentication in Windows services 10, as well as Xbox Live. Having created an email account once, you will subsequently be able to control all the services to which you have connected, freely add new users, both related to your family and third-party ones, and also use parental control for children's accounts, carefully protecting your child from unnecessary information and external sites with violent adult content. If such possibilities are too cumbersome for you, you can always create local account, and use it only from your computer without synchronization functions with Microsoft servers.

An avid user of operating systems Windows family The concept of an account is familiar. This administration attribute in new versions takes on new and relevant meaning. And if earlier, for example, back on XP, its essence boiled down to delimiting local access zones to services, services and OS programs, but now everything is much more complicated.

Windows Profile Advantage

With the development of an extensive structure of Internet services and web applications, it becomes inconvenient for users to manage quick access to your accounts. The developers took into account the growing problem over time and proposed universal solution– single profile Windows user. Now you can work with Skype from any device (PC, laptop, tablet) with just one user account. All that remains is to read the instructions on how to create a Microsoft account on Windows 10.

Creating a profile in Windows 10

Create Microsoft profile Can:

  1. Using standard dialog forms in windows via the control panel + settings (accounts).
  2. Using the command line – “Run”, located in the main system start menu.

In the first case, you need:

Advice! Similarly, you can enter the record creation system via command line using the command: control userpasswords2

You will be asked to go through a similar procedure.

Register on the Microsoft website

Users of several Microsoft devices and services are encouraged to create a single universal profile. Go to the address

Creation is done in two ways:

The sequence of transition commands is as follows: “Settings” → “Mail + accounts” → “Add service” → “Microsoft account” → “Create”.

Creation single profile on all devices with Windows OS without exception, useful for every advanced user. If you have a question about Windows 10, . Together we will try to find the answer.

A Microsoft account is a single login and password that a person can use to log into various services Microsoft. Let's take a closer look at what a Microsoft account is and what capabilities it has.

Microsoft account features

A Microsoft account allows you to sign in to Outlook.com, OneDrive, Windows Phone and Xbox LIVE using a single login/password pair. By creating a login and password for at least one of these services, a person can use the same login information to use the others. In addition, a Microsoft account allows you to log in to any computer under Windows control 8.

Supports Microsoft account and mobile devices on the base operating system from the American giant. The user can log into Skype, cloud storage OneDrive, buy games, music and other content from official store applications using a Microsoft account.

What is Windows Live ID?

Windows Live ID is just the old name of the account Microsoft records. For now on some Microsoft services You can still find the old name, but it will soon be produced complete replacement, and the name on all services will become the same.

For security purposes, when several people use a computer, or when working in an enterprise, it would be advisable to create a separate account for each user so that everyone has access to their documents, browser settings and desktop. This distinction will be very useful.

Even on one computer, several user accounts form an orderly picture for work, since by selecting the user you need when logging into the OS, you will receive completely delimited and separate privileges, files and other user objects, and when working under your account, you can immediately log out of your account and switch to another account if the user so needs. Today I will talk about how to create a Microsoft account on a PC running Windows 10, how to change it and delete it.

IN operating environment Windows 10 has two types of accounts: local and Microsoft. A local account is valid only on the computer on which you created it, and you can log in to it without a password. A Microsoft account has advanced rights and capabilities; you can log in from any computer using it. Windows based 10, and get access to the same applications and programs you were working with (meaning only Microsoft programs– Skype, OneDrive, Outlook, etc.).

To sign in to your Microsoft account, you typically need to enter your username or phone number. In this article, I will only touch on your Microsoft account, how to work with it, and methods for changing and deleting it. Read how to create a local account.

Create a Microsoft account

Method 1 – using a form Windows settings 10

Click the Start button and select Settings from the pop-up menu.

A prerequisite for creating a Microsoft account is to first log into your account with a Microsoft account, respectively (such a pun, don’t blame me). If you are logged in from a local account, the system will also accept you as local user and the tools to create a new Microsoft account will not be available.

So, let’s assume you did just that, logged in with a Microsoft account and went to the PC settings in the desired section. Here you see two sections: “Your Family” and “Other People”. In the first section (namely, Your Family), you can create a Microsoft account for another member of your family. They will sync with Microsoft and you can set parental controls for each of them.

The "Other People" section is for accounts of third-party users who do not belong to your family. They will also be controlled by Microsoft and may be local or online.

First, let's use the first case, when you want to add an account for another member of your family. Click on the “Add family member” button.

Select for whom you want to add an account: for a child or for an adult and enter the Email of the new user. When everything is ready, proceed further by clicking “Next”.

Confirm your choice by clicking the “Confirm” button in the next window that opens.

After confirmation, an invitation will be sent to the added user’s email address, which must also be confirmed. Let's do this by logging into your email and agreeing to accept the invitation.

What options will be available to us after inviting a child as a new PC user?

  • firstly, you will be able to transfer some amounts of money to your child so that they can make purchases in Xbox and Windows stores without a credit card;
  • secondly, you can see what actions children performed on the device, what applications they bought and what search queries compiled in a search engine;
  • Another feature that cannot be overstated is the installation age restrictions for assessed content - television programs, films, videos, games and applications;
  • a similar function is setting limits on the duration of work on an active device for children;
  • finally, the last, but by no means least important feature is the location of the child on the map if they use a smartphone based on the “tens”.

So, after the child’s joining is confirmed, information about his account and the ability to log in to the system will appear in the account settings menu.

Now let's add a user who is not part of your family. Both a local account and a Microsoft account can be created for it. Click on the “Add a user for this PC” button in the “Other people” section.

To add a Microsoft account, you will need to enter the email address of the user under which you would like to log in to the system. If this person does not have an email, you will have to create a mailbox. Otherwise, all we can count on is a local account without the ability to synchronize.

So, let's assume that we have created an email (on the same Outlook.com). Let's enter his name on the next form that opens.

Well, everything is ready! We have created a user, as evidenced by the following active form.

Now you can log in to the system using his account and freely use Win 10 from the same device.
By default, when creating a new account, its powers are limited. To turn a user into an administrator, click on his name on the settings form, and the “Change account type” button will appear. Use it and change the current type to administrator.

You can log in as a new user by selecting an account from the list of active users in the Start menu and clicking on its name.

Another option is to quit and log in using a new user and password in the login window.

Method 2 – using the control userpasswords2 command

Using a key combination and in the field for entering commands, enter the value “control userpasswords2”.

The “User Accounts” form will open, which presents all user accounts available in the system (both local and online, or, in other words, Microsoft). Let's use the "Add" button.

As a result, an input window will appear email box new user. We saw an absolutely similar form, but made in a different design, earlier, using the first method indicated in this article.

If an account has already been created for the new user, enter the name of the corresponding email address in the field provided. If there is none at the time of registration, select the button to create a new email account.

The further procedure is not particularly original - we have already seen all this earlier, in the Windows OS settings, so we will not have the opportunity to encounter anything new here.

How do I delete my Microsoft account?

Let's use the same control command userpasswords2, described in the mechanics of creating a user account. Select the account that we want to remove and click the “Delete” button located under the list of controlled accounts.

How do I reset my Microsoft account password?

After logging in to your account, go to the new system settings menu in the “top ten”, select the “Accounts” section and enter the “Login Options” subcategory there. Click on the “Change account password” button in the middle part of the form and then follow the wizard’s prompts.

A Microsoft account works in all programs and services of the Redmond software giant: starting with the Xbox Live account used to log into the exclusive service game console Xbox and ending mobile version Windows 10 installed on smartphones and mobile gadgets from Microsoft.

Now you can use all your devices that use the same authentication algorithm, with the same settings and options, by connecting to your Microsoft account from any of your Windows 10-based gadgets or accessories. If you simply don't need these capabilities, use this instead a regular local Microsoft account, without a password and synchronization.