Uninstalling from Windows 10. Installing and removing the Windows Store

To those users who consider them useless.

So, Windows 10 comes with utilities such as 3D Builder, Alarms and Clocks, Calculator, Camera, Improve Office, Download Skype, Getting Started, Groove Music, Cards, Solitaire, Money, Movies & TV, News, OneNote, People, Phone, Photos, Windows Store, Sport, Voice recording, Weather, Xbox, etc. Some of these programs can be removed from the start menu: open " Start", find unnecessary applications, right-click on its icon and select "Delete".

There are also those that simply cannot be deleted, because... they are “hidden” inside the OS, and to remove them you will have to poke around in the command line. For this purpose in Windows 10 a special tool is provided PowerShell. Click on the menu " Start" and in search bar enter PowerShell.

Select " Windows PowerShell(classic app)" and run it as administrator - a window will open command line.

To see all installed applications from Microsoft, enter the following entry:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers

To remove 3D Builder, enter the following command:

Get-AppxPackage *3d* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Xbox: Get-AppxPackage *xbox* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Alarm: Get-AppxPackage *alarms* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Money, Sports, News: Get-AppxPackage *bing* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Voice recording: Get-AppxPackage *soundrec* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Camera: Get-AppxPackage *camera* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Maps: Get-AppxPackage *maps* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Music Groove: Get-AppxPackage *zune* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Solitaire Solitaire: Get-AppxPackage *solit* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Mail and Calendar: Get-AppxPackage *communi* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Phone: Get-AppxPackage *phone* | Remove-AppxPackage

  • Photos: Get-AppxPackage *photo* | Remove-AppxPackage

But this command will remove all built-in applications at once:

Get-AppxPackage | Remove-AppxPackage

However, please note that this will also remove the Windows Store.


Get-AppxPackage command - you will get a complete list of all installed applications

Command Get-AppxPackage *maps* | Remove-AppxPackage will remove the map app

List of app names that you are most likely to want to remove

people - People application

communicationsapps - Calendar and Mail

zunevideo - Cinema and TV

3dbuilder - 3D Builder

skypeapp - download Skype

solitaire - Microsoft Solitaire Collection

officehub - download or improve Office

xbox - XBOX application

photos - Photos

maps - Maps

calculator - Calculator

camera - Camera

alarms - Alarms and clocks

onenote - OneNote

bing - Applications News, sports, weather, finance (all at once)

soundrecorder - Voice recording

windowsphone - Phone Manager

Currently, many applications have already been written to remove built-in programs in Windows 10. Let's look at the best of them.

10AppsManager. Very simple and convenient portable application which will save you from unnecessary Microsoft software literally in a couple of clicks: click on the icon of the unnecessary application and confirm deletion - after a few seconds in general list the programs of the selected instrument will no longer exist. For convenience, the developers have provided instructions for restoring the entire application package (tab " Reinstall").

Windows 10 Default App Remover. This utility does not require installation on the system (portable), has a laconic, simple interface without any settings. All you need to do is select the program to remove and agree to its uninstallation.

Destroy Windows 10 Spying. The main purpose of this program is to disable modules and telemetry tools that monitor the user. However, as an additional functionality, there is also removal system applications Windows 10. Everything is simple here too - mark unnecessary programs and get rid of them forever.

W10Privacy. Application for changing system settings Windows 10 and minimizing the collection of user data. In addition, it contains a section for uninstalling built-in utilities from Microsoft.

Remove Windows 10 Spying. Like previous tools, this program is designed to be disabled in the operating system Windows 10 modules for tracking user actions. However, there is an option to delete the previous installed applications, which, in your opinion, are completely unnecessary.

If subsequently there is a need to restore any of remote utilities, then this can be done in the application store Windows Store. And if you don’t have a Microsoft account, then do the same PowerShell, using a command that will return the entire package to its place at once before installed programs:

Get-AppXPackage | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml")

P.S. In conclusion, I would like to add that hasty removal of built-in tools Windows 10 may harm the stable operation of the system. In any case, it is recommended to make backup copies of important information and

Standard in the operating room Windows systems 10 already exist: games, mail, calendar, clock, music players, video, maps and more. Some of them are absolutely useless for the user. Therefore, you can safely delete them. But this software is not so easy to erase.

How to uninstall and reinstall a game on Windows 10

When a problem occurs during the game, then most likely you should reinstall the game. This replaces the files that make up the game. They may be accidentally damaged or changed due to viruses on the PC or after modifying the game on the device.

There are games that can restore the original files without deleting the game. But if this is a game that you installed from the Windows Store, after a problem occurs, you can only fix it by deleting and reinstalling the game again.

Before such actions, you should always make a backup copy of your game settings, so that in case of failure you have a safety net.

The sequence of reinstalling the game from the Windows Store

  1. Call up the start menu using the mouse or Windows buttons on keyboard.
  2. Open “All applications” and look for the game in the list that opens.
  3. Right-click on the game tile and select “Delete.”
  4. We erase the game according to the instructions that appear.
  5. To install, open the “Store” and select a profile.
  6. In the “My Library” tab, look for the game you need.
  7. The installation is then automatic.

How to remove games from the Windows Store?

A PC usually has many applications and programs installed. Some of them are simply removed from the Start menu. To do this, hover your mouse over the unnecessary application, right-click on it (RMB) and select “Delete”.

  1. The application will be deleted and the result of successful disposal will be displayed.
  2. The Add or Remove Programs Wizard will open, in which you will need to find the application that you wanted to erase, click on it with the left mouse button (LMB) and select “Delete” from the top.

These are the most common ways to remove programs, but sometimes, to erase a program or game, you also need to use the command line.

How to remove games from a Windows 10 computer using the command line?

To remove any program in this way, you need to know the name of the packages and log into the program as an administrator.

To get started, open the taskbar and type PowerShell, select the desktop Windows PowerShell application, right-click on it and in context menu Open "Run as administrator".

The command line opened. To remove a universal application, enter the command “Get-AppxPackage” and press “Enter”.

All games and programs installed from Windows Store. To remove them, you need the package names, which can be copied and pasted into the command line like this:
Get-AppxPackage | Set-Content "$Env:userprofile\Desktop\AllApps.txt"

If you did everything correctly, a test file AllApps.txt will appear on your desktop with the names of packages of installed applications; you can save it in HTML format and thereby get more information in the resulting file

To do this, enter into the command line:
Get-AppxPackage | ConvertTo-Html | Set-Content "$Env:userprofile\Desktop\AllApps.html"

The full package name is PackageFullName.

To delete:

Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.BingNews_4.4.200.0_x86__8wekyb3d8bbwe -Confirm
The application has been deleted.
To remove all games and applications from the *Windows 10 Store* you can use the command:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage

This way you can delete everything that you no longer intend to play or use, except for applications that belong to the operating system.

When all extra app removed to avoid them reinstallation use the command:

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online

This command erases all applications, including the Windows Store.

How to uninstall game and classic apps using command line?

To erase programs in this way, you need to run the command prompt as an administrator and run wmic commands and product get name. A list of installed programs and their names that need to be removed will be displayed.

To save a list with names for further use run the command:
wmic /output:C:\Users\<имя пользователя>\Desktop\software_list.txt product get Name,Version
or wmic /output:C:\Users\<имя пользователя>\Desktop\software_list.html product get Name, Version /format:htable

If the results previous actions you were not pleased and gaming application need to reinstall, you can also do it like all other built-in Windows 10 apps using the PowerShell command:
Get-AppxPackage -allusers | foreach (Add-AppxPackage -register "$($_.InstallLocation)\appxmanifest.xml" -DisableDevelopmentMode)

Uninstalling applications using CCleaner

The latest versions of the CCleaner optimizer are equipped with a function to remove reinstalled Windows 10 applications. This can be done through the “Tools - Uninstall Programs” section. All programs will be displayed in the list.

This way you can remove all applications that are on your PC.

Hello friends! In this article we will get rid of all types of universal Windows applications 10, namely: from those that are simply pre-installed as an appendage to the system, and from those that are part of the system itself. The first ones are such as “News”, “Weather”, “Skype”, “Advice”, “Feedback Center”, etc. - are installed with the system, but can later be removed. This can be done, for example, in the context menu called up on the tile in the Start menu.

But the applications "Mail", "Calendar", "Movies and TV", "Calculator", etc. are part of Windows 10 and cannot be removed from its environment by normal uninstallation. They must be removed using special tools. We will consider such tools below. We will first remove uninstallable universal applications with using PowerShell, then consider alternatives in the form of third-party software with a usable interface. So command line haters, after reading the precautions, can immediately proceed to the second part of the article.

A major update to further strengthen the position of universal (Windows Store) apps operating system and their dominance over desktop software. True, so far only in the minds of the developers Microsoft. In the "Applications" section standard parameters systems, we can observe discrimination against desktop software: if necessary, the computer administrator can prohibit their installation and allow the installation of only universal applications from the Windows Store.

Precautionary measures

  • Removing some universal applications may result in disruptions in the operation of others, as well as causing problems in the functioning of the Store itself. Before you begin to follow the instructions below, you must.

PowerShell: Uninstalling individual applications

You can get rid of uninstallable universal apps using the new PowerShell command line format. We launch it as an administrator from the search results by name or in the Win+X menu.

To remove, for example, the Photos application, enter the command in the PowerShell window:

Get-AppxPackage *photos* | Remove-AppxPackage

and press Enter.

Everything in this command is generally valid except for the *photos* value displayed in white font. This is the technical name of the application in English. The value is surrounded by asterisks on both sides, and inside these asterisks (without a space) to remove other applications you must substitute them, respectively technical names. These names (even with asterisks for ease of insertion) are given in the table below. The values ​​on the right need to be substituted into the PowerShell command above.

Uninstallable Windows 10 apps Value to insert into PowerShell command
3D Builder *3dbuilder*
OneNote *onenote*
Paint 3D *mspaint*
View 3D *3dviewer*
Xbox *xbox*
Alarms and clocks *alarms*
Voice recording *soundrecorder*
Calculator *calculator*
Camera *camera*
Cards *maps*
Cinema and TV *zunevideo*
People *people*
Music Groove *zunemusic*
Mail and Calendar *communicationsapps*
Messages *messaging*
Photos *photos*

In progress uninstall PowerShell may report operation errors, however problematic applications will still be deleted.

PowerShell: Uninstall all applications

Using PowerShell, you can remove all standard Windows 10 applications along with the Store with one command. But you shouldn’t use this opportunity unless absolutely necessary. PowerShell provides commands for reverse action– restoring both the Store itself and its content. However, it is not at all a fact that these operations will be successful. Still a backup copy of Windows will be a more reliable means.

So, to remove all universal applications from the system along with the Store, enter the following into the PowerShell window:

Get-AppxPackage | Remove-AppxPackage

PowerShell: Uninstall applications for all computer accounts

Using the methods described above, universal applications are removed only for the current account. In order for the operation action to be applied to all computer accounts, the “-allusers” parameter must be included in the commands. When deleting individual applications this will be, accordingly, a command like:

Get-AppxPackage -allusers *3dbuilder* | Remove-AppxPackage

And when deleting the Store and all applications:

Get-AppxPackage -allusers | Remove-AppxPackage

Uninstalling Windows 10 apps with third-party programs

IObit Uninstaller

The simplest and safe way uninstalling Windows 10 applications is included in the functionality of the free uninstaller program IObit Uninstaller. Its huge advantage is the ability to batch uninstall software. Launch the program and go to its “Windows Applications” section. Here you can get rid of uninstalled applications. And to remove undeletable ones from the system, expand the list at the top.

We check the boxes next to everything that we don’t want to see in the system and click the “Delete” button.

We confirm.

Create a restore point and click “Delete” again.

We destroy entries in the registry.


The famous cleaner-optimizer CCleaner can also remove universal applications. Unlike the previous one IObit programs Uninstaller, it does not provide for the creation of a restore point, does not support batch mode and does not clean up the remains of deleted software. Nevertheless, he can directly perform operations to remove universal applications - each individually. In the CCleaner window you need to enter the “Tools” section, select unwanted application and click the “Uninstall” button.

Recovering deleted applications

If about deleting some universal application Later we will suddenly regret it; you can return it using the Store. In the search, enter the name of the application and install it.

Note: for installation standard applications In Windows 10, it is critical that Update is not disabled.And so that, on the contrary, the deleted application does not appear in the system again after automatic installation updates, in the Store window, open the menu in the right top corner, select “Settings”.

And disable updates for content from the Windows Store.

A thorough solution for haters of modern Windows 10 functionality

Users who, in principle, do not accept the modern concept of the operating system from Microsoft, can initially work with a “cleaned” Windows build 10 LTSB. This is the official assembly of the Enterprise system edition, in which the modern functionality something like that.

Windows 10, like its predecessors Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, comes with several pre-installed Modern applications(previously called Metro Apps). These are Calculator, Calendar, Mail, Cortana, Maps, News, OneNote, Groove Music Camera, etc. These applications are pre-installed for every user Windows systems 10. Even if you remove these applications from the graphic Windows interface, they are at next update systems will be installed again into your account from the system account.

In this article we will show you how to correctly remove standard Modern applications in Window 10, which will allow you to save extra bed on the system disk.

Uninstall modern apps using the new Control Panel

The easiest way is to remove the modern app from the updated Control Panel, which is tightly integrated with the Windows App Store (Windows Store).

To do this, click the Start button and go to the section Settings -> Apps and features(Applications and features). In the list of programs, find and select the application you want to remove. Click the button Uninstall(Delete).

However, most pre-installed Modern apps are protected and cannot be removed using this tool. The delete button for such applications is inactive. You can only remove such applications using the Powershell command line.

Advice. At complete removal standard Modern application from the system, restoring it will be problematic.

How to Uninstall a Specific Modern App on Windows 10

To remove a specific Modern application, you need to get the system name of that package. To do this, in the Start menu, type PowerShell, in the list of results, right-click on it and select Run as administrator(Without administrator rights, you cannot delete the application).

Let's deduce full list modern applications installed on Windows 10 by running the command:
Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers

Advice. The results of the command can be redirected to text file for more convenient viewing and searching for the required package name. Get-AppxPackage –AllUsers>c:\folder1\modernapps.txt

In the list of applications, find the application you want to remove. Let's say we want to delete "Solitare Collection". For this we need the field value PackageFullName (full name package). In our example it is:


Copy the package name by highlighting it directly in the command line window and clicking Ctrl+C(this and other new command features Windows strings 10 are described).

Let's remove the application with the following command:
Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_3.2.7340.0_x64__8wekyd3d8abwe

When these commands are executed, an action is performed on applications current user. If you need to remove an application from another user of the system, you need to use the parameter -User .

For example, like this:
Get-AppxPackage -User test_user

Accordingly, deleting the application is also performed by specifying the username:

Remove-AppxPackage Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection_3.2.7340.0_x64__8wekyd3d8abwe -User test_user

If you need to remove an application for all system users at once, use the option -AllUsers

How to remove all modern Windows 10 apps at once

Important. Deleting all apps will also delete the Store app (Windows Store). This means you will no longer be able to install apps from the Windows Store. However, Modern applications are possible (but here is a method that allows you to get the installation appx file of any Windows Store application).

UPDATE. This article describes.

To remove all Modern applications in the system account, run the command:

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage -online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -online

So everything is new Accounts will be created without built-in Modern applications (this also means that new user profiles will be created faster).

If you need to remove applications from mounted offline Windows image(assuming the path to the mounted image is c:\offline), the command will be like this:

Get-AppXProvisionedPackage –Path c:\offline | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage –Path c:\offline

To remove all modern apps for the current user:

Get-AppXPackage | Remove-AppxPackage

If you need to delete pre-installed applications for another user:

Get-AppXPackage -User test_user | Remove-AppxPackage

And finally to remove all apps for everyone Windows users 10, use the command:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage

Advice. If you get an error when uninstalling modern Windows 10 apps 0x80073CFA, this means that this application is built-in and protected. You can remove such applications using these instructions

Previously, we already discussed in some detail, as you can see, nothing fundamentally has changed in Windows 10.