How to cancel a password change in Windows 10. Method using accounts. Automatic login to Windows using commands - control userpasswords2 and netplwiz

It often happens that there is no need to enter a password every time Windows startup 10. For example, you home computer or a laptop, and you are sure that no one except you and your close relatives (who already know the password) will be able to use the device. And you want your Windows 10 to start right up to the desktop when you start your computer, without the obstacle of having to enter a password.

If you are sure that you definitely don’t need a password when logging in, then I’ll tell you step by step with pictures, how to disable entering a password when logging into Windows 10.

In Windows 10 this is done in the same way as in previous versions of this operating system Microsoft companies: “seven” and “eight”.

To begin, hold Win key(this is a system Windows key on the keyboard, located, as a rule, between the left Ctrl and Alt), you must press Latin letter R.

In the Run window that opens, enter the command netplwiz and click OK.

In the “User Accounts” window that opens, we need to uncheck the “Require username and password” checkbox, and then save the changes made by clicking OK.

On last stage you will be prompted to enter your password twice to confirm that you really want to disable password entry when logging in. Windows system 10.

That's all. Windows 10 will no longer require you to enter a password when logging in. Your computer will start up on its own to the desktop state while you, for example, go about your business in the morning.

Note! Disable password entry when booting Windows 10 may not turn off immediately, but only from the second reboot. That is, the next time you turn off and turn on the computer, you will have to enter the password. Perhaps this is a glitch of the operating system, or perhaps its additional protection.

Need I say that enable password entry when logging into Windows 10 you can do it the same way.

P.S.: After writing the article, the following entry appeared in the comments below: “ After all the suggested actions, I rebooted twice; Initially it does not require a password, but if the beech lid is closed and opened again, it asks for a password again.» A Windows 10 user had a completely natural and fair question. Therefore, I am adding here a way to cope with this task.

Before that we are with you disabled the password request when turning on or restarting the computer. And in this case (closing the laptop lid), the computer goes into sleep mode. The appearance of the password after exiting these states is determined by completely different parameters. And here's how to disable it:

  1. Stand in search bar Taskbar (magnifying glass next to the Start menu)
  2. Type the phrase " Login Options»
  3. Run the found tool " Login Options» .
  4. Under Login Required, select " Never».

Or here's an even faster way:

  1. Press Win + i
  2. Select the “Accounts” item.
  3. In the left column “Login Options”.
  4. In the “Login required” item, set “Never”.

Thus, you and I are still disabled the password request in Windows 10 after waking up from sleep .

If at Windows installation 10 you have specified your Microsoft account, then after each time you turn on the computer you will see a password prompt. Naturally, this is not very convenient, especially if you use enough complex password. In this material, you will learn how to remove the password when logging into Windows 10 and sign in automatically after starting your computer, even if you use a Microsoft account.

Step No. 1. Execute the “netplwiz” command.

First, we need to run the “netplwiz” command. To do this, open the “Run” menu (combination Windows-R keys), enter this command into the line and press the enter button.

Also this operation can be done using . To do this, open the start menu and enter the command “netplwiz” in the search bar. Then run the netplwiz program, which will appear at the top of the search results.

Step No. 2. Disable the password request.

After executing the “netplwiz” command, the “User Accounts” window will open in front of you. It is in this window that we can remove the password when logging into Windows 10. To do this, we need to uncheck the box next to “Require username and password.” After that, close the window by clicking on the “Ok” button.

Step No. 3. Confirm that the password is disabled.

After clicking on the “Ok” button, a confirmation window will appear in front of us without a password. Here you need to enter your name twice Current Password from the Microsoft account you use to sign in to Windows. After that, you need to close this window by clicking on the “Ok” button.

That's it, now you have removed the password in Windows 10, and the next time you boot the operating system you will not have to enter it. But, when exiting sleep mode, the password request will still appear. In order to disable the password request in this case, you need to perform another step No. 4.

Step No. 4. Disable the password when exiting sleep mode.

In order to remove the password request when exiting sleep mode, you need to make some more settings to the system.

If you have Windows 10 without updates, then you need to click right click Click the “Start” button and select “Power Management” from the menu that opens.

Next, you need to go to the “Request password on wakeup” section. If the “Wake up password request” section is missing, then try opening the “Power button action” section, which should contain the same settings.

After this, you need to activate the “Do not ask for password” function and click on the “Save changes” button. Thus, we have completely removed the password when logging into Windows 10.

But, if you have installed Latest updates for Windows 10, then the “Power Options” section will not have the settings described above. In this case, you need to use the "Options" menu. To do this, open the START menu, go to Settings and open the Accounts - Sign-in options section. There should be an option called “Login required”, you need to switch it to “Never”. After this, the system will remove the password prompt when logging into Windows 10 after sleep mode.

If you have Windows 10 Professional or Windows 10 Enterprise, then you can do the same procedure using the Editor group policies. To do this, run the command “gpedit.msc” and in the window that opens, go to the section “Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Power Management - Sleep Settings”. There are two options in this section that allow you to remove the password when exiting sleep mode (marked in the screenshot below).

Once again, I repeat that the Group Policy Editor (gpedit.msc) is only available for Windows 10 Professional or Windows 10 Enterprise. If you have Windows 10 Home, then you will not be able to gpedit.msc and will need to configure it through the Options menu.

Typically, during the Windows 10 installation procedure, an account is entered, which subsequently entails the need to enter a password each time you log in to the system.

This causes some inconvenience to the user, and if the code contains a large number of dissimilar signs, then there are also significant unjustified losses of time. Windows 10 has several options to shut down and quickly resume its working state.

For example, each time the computer owner exits the hibernation state, he or she must enter a password. Below is a guide that will help you disable the code request when logging into Windows 10.

Stage 1. Log in to the “User Accounts” menu

The following steps need to be taken:

Stage 2. Disable the display of the window for entering account data and code when logging into the OS

In the main menu “User Accounts”, enter the “Users” tab and here you need to uncheck the “Require user login and code” section. Then click “Ok”.

Stage 3. Confirm to the system the seriousness of your intentions to deactivate the password request

Performing the steps in the second step will cause a menu to appear on the screen with Windows requirement confirm canceling the code disabling. Algorithm consistent actions as follows:

  1. In the menu that appears, enter the valid code to log into Windows 10 in the “Password” field;
  2. In the next “Password Confirmation” field, enter the same code again;
  3. Next click on “Ok”.

Ready! Following the steps prescribed in steps 1-3 allowed us to successfully disable the code prompt when starting Windows 10. Now, after loading the OS, entering account credentials is not necessary.

However, after hibernation, the system will continue to prompt for a code.

Below are instructions in the form of “4 steps” to solve this problem.

Stage 4. Disable the code entry window when resuming from hibernation mode

To remove the OS login code after hibernation, you need to take the following steps:

All! Now logging into Windows 10 will not require the user to enter a code. Following the steps in all four stages of the instructions allowed us to remove the interfering window at each loading Windows or after the system “wakes up”.

The described method is not the only one. You can also remove the code prompt when logging in from the OS through the registry editor.

Alternative methods to solve the problem

There are two more additional ways, with the help of which you can also effectively get rid of the problem in question.

Remove password using Registry Editor

Additional effective method To remove the annoying request, use the editor Windows registry 10.

To do this, follow the following step-by-step guide:

Getting rid of the user credentials request

In the case where the user uses a local account on the PC, you can remove the request for this data for a specific user. To do this, you need to perform several sequential actions:

  1. Call command line with Administrator rights;
  2. Type “net users username”;
  3. Click “Enter”;
  4. Quit the command line;
  5. Ready! The OS will no longer prompt a specific user for a password.


As you can see, the process is quite simple to follow. The computer now quickly launches the operating system desktop. No need to waste precious time by simply skipping the login screen every time you turn on your PC. From now on, the user will not need additional effort to remember and type characters. But now the computer owner will need to take special care to prevent important information people who can unwittingly delete necessary files, for example, children, because to access the user’s desktop now you only need to press the computer’s power button.

Over time, the password set on the computer may become unnecessary, and then the user begins to want to disable it or delete it. There are several ways to disable the password when logging into Windows, but in any case, one condition must be met: you must be logged in under an account with administrator rights.

How to disable login password protection in Windows 10

Disabling a password, unlike deleting it, does not completely erase it from the system memory. It simply removes the command that forces your computer to prompt you for a password every time you try to log into your account. There are three ways to disable the password:

  • editing system parameters;
  • editing the registry;
  • special third-party program.

A special feature is the method that allows you to disable password entry only when sleep mode is deactivated.

Disabling password entry: editing system parameters

This option is relevant not only for Windows 10, but also for previous versions operating system:

  1. Through Windows search launch the Run program.
  2. Write and use the netplwiz command.
  3. If there are several accounts, select the one you need.
  4. Disable the "Require username and password" feature.
  5. Use the “Apply” and “OK” buttons successively.
  6. A window will open in which you will need to fill in all the fields to continue the operation.
  7. Confirm the action by clicking the "OK" button. Done, now the computer will start to boot on its own, without entering a password.

Stopping your computer from asking for a password: changing the registry settings

  1. Launch Run via Windows Search.
  2. Enter the regedit command and run it.
  3. Using the folder tree that is located on the left side of the window, follow the following path: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon.
  4. In the folder that opens, open the file DefaultUserName.
  5. See if the name of your Windows account is written in the Value data line. If it is not there, fill out the field yourself.
  6. Open it if it exists, or create a file called DefaultPassword.
  7. If it is missing, then click on empty space right click to bring up the menu.
  8. Select the “Create” section in it, and then click the “String parameter” button.
  9. Rename the created file to DefaultPassword.
  10. In the Value data field, enter the password used to log into your account.
  11. The last step is to open the AutoAdminLogo file, which is responsible for self-login without asking for a password, and change the parameter in the Value data line from 0 to 1. Done, password use is disabled.

Cancel password entry: Autologon program

If none of the above methods helped solve your problem, you can try using special program, distributed freely on the Internet itself by Microsoft. This program is called “Autologon for Windows”, and you can download it from following link:

Changing wake-up settings

If your account is protected, then by default you will have to enter data even when the computer comes out of sleep mode, which it enters quite often. This can get boring over time, and if you don't need such strong protection, you can disable this feature using one of two methods.

Through parameters

Using the control panel

  1. Using search, open Control Panel.
  2. Using the search bar, find the “Power Options” section.
  3. Use the “Configure power plan” button, which is located opposite your power plan.
  4. In the window that opens, select “Edit Extra options nutrition."
  5. Click on the "Change settings that are currently unavailable" button. To use it you will need administrator rights.
  6. In the window that opens, expand the section with the name of your account.
  7. Expand the “Require password on wakeup” subsection and change the option there to No.

Removing a password

If you want not only to cancel entering your password, but to delete it permanently, follow these steps:

How to remove the administrator password

You cannot delete an administrator password in Windows 10 if you do not have access to this account. But after doing the following actions, you can bypass the ban:

  1. Go to the official website of the developer Offline applications NT Password Editor and download installation file programs. You will need the USB stick version. While on the site, go to the Bootdisk section, scroll to about the middle of the page and download the required file.
  2. Turn off the computer. Insert the USB flash drive into the USB port. Launch the BIOS and set the “Via USB” option in the “Boot method” section.
  3. When the program loads, select HDD, on which Windows is installed. By default this is disk 1, but it is better to navigate by disk size.
  4. You will be asked to confirm the path to the registry; press the Enter button on your keyboard.
  5. You will be asked which registry key to load. Since we are resetting the password, option number 1 is suitable for us.
  6. A menu will open in which we select the first option: Edit user data and password.
  7. We decide for which user the password needs to be removed.
  8. Next, select the Clear option user password. Ready! If everything goes well, the message “Password deleted successfully” will appear.
  9. Now you need to save the changes. Execute the command “!” to exit the menu.
  10. We execute the q command to exit the program.
  11. The program will ask what to do with the changed data. Enter the command y.
  12. The question will appear: New Run? Just press Enter on your keyboard.
  13. We execute the last command - reboot, to restart the computer.
  14. We take out the USB flash drive or change the startup order via Computer BIOS. Done, all you have to do is log in.

Deleting a user account

Deleting an account is not disabling or deleting a password, but completely erasing all references to one of the accounts Windows. Be careful: all files, photos, videos and other elements stored in the deleted account will be permanently erased. If this is what you want, follow these steps:

  1. Through Windows Search, open the Settings app.
  2. Go to the “Accounts” section.
  3. Open the “Family and other users” subsection.
  4. In the “Other Users” section, select the account you want to delete.
  5. Use the "Delete" button.
  6. Confirm the action by clicking the “Delete account and data” button. Ready, Windows account irretrievably deleted from the system memory.

If the password set for your account Windows entry, you no longer need it, you can disable it or delete it completely. In addition, there is a method that allows you to remove the administrator password without having the proper rights to do so. If you want to completely get rid of one of your accounts, you can delete it too by following the steps above.

Romanov Stanislav 10.01.2019 1473498

How to remove password when logging into Windows 10?

Do you want to quickly boot into work? Windows table 10, skipping the login screen? Want to avoid having to enter your account password every time you turn on your computer? You can easily disable the login password and configure Windows operation 10 on automatic download to your desktop or start screen without entering it.

The main advantage of logging in without a password is that the account will not require you to enter it, which means you do not need to remember it and spend several seconds during loading. That is, it will launch the desktop a couple of seconds faster. But, on the other hand, remember that it is much easier to access a PC without a password (for example, for children).

The procedure for setting up automatic login in Windows 10 is very similar to the same operations in Windows 7 and Windows 8. Therefore, some of the screenshots were taken in Windows 8.1. This method applies to both the local account and the Microsoft records. In other words, you can use these instructions regardless of your account type.

Warning: Enable automatic login only if you are the only user of the PC. If the computer is used by other people (and children), it is best to keep the accounts locked.

You can follow one of the methods given below to enable automatic login in Windows 10 without entering a password.

Method No. 1 for automatic login without entering a password

This is the easiest way to remove password from Windows 10 login screen.

Step 1: Open the Run window by simultaneously pressing Win+R (key with Windows logo and the R key). In the dialog box, type Netplwiz and then press enter.

Step 2: This will bring up the “Accounts” dialog box, select the user account, and then uncheck the “Require username and password” option. Click the “Apply” button, then the “ Automatic login into the system."

Step 3: In the automatic login dialog, enter the password, re-enter it to confirm, and click “OK”.

Step 4: Make sure the check mark is gone. You can try rebooting the system to check the effect.

Method No. 2 to remove the password through the registry

If, for some reason, you are unable to set up automatic login in Windows 10 by following the above method, please use this one.

Step 1: Open Registry Editor. To do this, open the Run window (using the Win+R keyboard shortcut), enter Regedit command into the available field and press enter. Click the “Yes” button if a new window appears asking you to make changes to the system.

Step 2: In Registry Editor, navigate to the following section:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon

Step 3: On the right side of the editor, find the option called DefaultUserName, double-click on it and make sure that the name of your Microsoft account or local user account is mentioned in the “Value” field.

Step 4: Next, again in the same part of the window, find the DefaultPassword parameter. If there is no entry, create one by right-clicking on empty space by clicking the "Create" button and then clicking on "String Value". Rename it DefaultPassword and enter the password in the Value field. Click OK.

Step 5: Lastly, you need to enable automatic login. To do this, in the same part of the editor, find the entry labeled AutoAdminLogon, and then change its value from “0” (zero) to “1” (one).