Social networks do more harm than good. But on the other hand. Social networking features

Thanks to the development of Internet technologies, everything appears in the world every year. large quantity social networks. Most popular networks, such as VK, are visited by millions of users daily.

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For example, tracking new music or watching online broadcasts matches of interest.

One of the advantages of such networks is that they make it possible to erase the boundaries of time and space and allow you to always stay in touch with your family, regardless of your country of residence.

But, despite the wide variety of advantages, such global networks There is also a negative side.

To begin with, it is worth considering the general probable reasons emergence of possible problems.

One of the reasons is simple pleasure and increased self-esteem. Laying out Personal Photos on a social network and receiving many positive comments and ratings, naturally, the level of the happiness hormone increases on a subconscious level.

As a consequence, it appears good mood and self-confidence.

The second common reason for dependence on social networks is the rapid assimilation of received information, as well as the ability to multitask.

For example, you can respond to messages while simultaneously viewing the news feed and listening to music, or watching videos.

Most people like this lifestyle, despite the fact that most psychologists have proven the harm of multitasking.

And the last of the most common reasons lies in the variety and availability of information.

The variety of information allows you to find what you need without filtering from a multitude of data, which reduces the level of your ability to clearly formulate your thoughts.

The consequences of such a passion for the Internet are quite disastrous for the younger generation.

For example, the decline in the reading level of the younger generation is due to the fact that by being on social networks too often, the brain reduces the level of possible concentration on certain action or information.

Another no less sad consequence is the choice of real loneliness in favor of virtual friends.

It’s one thing if a person consciously chose loneliness even before registering on any network, and quite another when communication from personal has grown into online.

In any case, you should try not to be influenced by social networks and try to spend more time in the real world.

| 12.10.2015

The modern world can no longer be imagined without the Internet, getting to know worldwide network For many, it begins at a fairly early age. The most popular hobby today is social networks. Almost all young people, children, their parents and even grandparents have their own pages on one or another social network. How useful is such an activity, what does it do more - harm or benefit?

The modern world can no longer be imagined without the Internet; many people become familiar with the World Wide Web at a fairly early age. The most popular hobby today is social networks. Almost all young people, children, their parents and even grandparents have their own pages on one or another social network. How useful is such an activity, what does it do more - harm or benefit?


Don't own computer literacy in our time is the same as not being able to read in the last century. IN modern world internet offers limitless possibilities for creative development. A huge number of educational games, educational programs with which you can learn how to draw, shoot and edit films, learn foreign language, read any book, listen to music, visit any museum, on the Internet you can get answers to almost all questions. You can communicate with friends from other cities and countries and find new ones based on your interests. Social networks help you meet people, find friends, discuss news and events. Having moved far from each other, people can talk or ask for advice at any time.

From childhood, a child learns to easily find the necessary information; in the future, these skills will help him easily find activities based on his interests, educational establishments, work and place of rest.


Excessive enthusiasm for the social network also poses a certain danger. Virtual communication sometimes replaces real relationships with people; it can immerse a child in an unreal world, displacing the desire to live an ordinary life not connected with a computer.

There are many scammers and dishonest people on the Internet; parents should teach their children how to communicate virtually.


Physical health

Spending a long time at the computer is especially harmful to children's bodies. Doctors advise limiting time working with a computer for preschoolers to 30-40 minutes a day and up to an hour a day for primary and secondary schoolchildren. If a child has vision problems or other health contraindications, then the issue of time to work with a computer should be decided together with a specialist.

Psychological health

Immersion in the virtual world can cause painful addiction in a child with his excitable and just emerging psyche. It is very important that the child’s communication is not limited only to the social network.

Dangerous communication

Explain to your child that you cannot communicate with strangers. If you receive strange messages from someone you know, you need to tell your parents without replying. Accounts are hacked and can be used for spam advertising or pornography. You cannot disclose anything about yourself personal information V free access. Together with your child, choose a nickname and a neutral, non-provocative avatar. It should be explained that you should not make your personal pages available to the entire Internet, and limit yourself to a group of friends you know personally; you cannot provide information about your parents: full name, where they work and their current address. You should not meet virtual friends in real life, no matter how much they want it, the friend may not be who he claims to be.

Unsolicited information

On a social network there is always a risk of encountering harmful information that encourages drug use, suicide, information about pseudo-religious and mystical activities, sects, fraudulent and pornographic resources. Usually, all this dangerous information can be cut off by appropriate programs and antiviruses. But with small preschool children and younger schoolchildren Parents should be nearby while online. Children need to be told that they should not immediately trust everything they learn about from the Internet.

Fraud Threat

On the Internet you may encounter various services, which are offered after paying for an SMS to a short number. Most often this is a simple scam. It is necessary to warn the child in advance about this possibility. Sending SMS to short numbers should be strictly prohibited. If it is necessary to purchase some artifacts for the game, this must always be agreed with the parents. Also explain that accepting files from strangers, you should not open dubious links, because this can infect your computer with viruses.

How to help a child?

Build with kids trusting relationship. The child must understand that meeting in reality with a virtual friend should be avoided not because the parents will argue, but because it is really dangerous. Give examples from reality.

Install it on your computer good antivirus with the ability to configure parental controls.

Find time to sit with your child on the computer. Adults should help the child learn to navigate the flow of information, communicate safely, and get the most out of the Internet.

The way our world has changed is truly impressive. Many changes are truly global. Not only technologies are becoming different, but there is no doubt - today life has become much easier. Just think about what a significant role in getting necessary information Internet plays. There is no longer any point in sitting for hours in libraries, going shopping in search of the book you need or a movie. Now everything you need can be obtained right from the comfort of your home. Is it good? Of course, life has become much simpler. Is this useful? Undoubtedly, because we can now avoid many “unnecessary” procedures. Everything would be fine, but underwater rocks is everywhere. Progress has changed our lives significantly, but not entirely better side.

Do you remember how, as a child, friends stood under the windows, shouting our name loudly - that’s how they called us to go for a walk; remember how we had to go to a friend’s house to convey some information? Agree, today people communicate with each other directly much less than before. Often all communication comes down to everyone sitting at home and sending messages to their friends via social networks. who consider such communication more productive and interesting than personal communication. Are the harms of social networks real? Yes, it really exists.

Some would say that social networks are extremely useful because they give people the opportunity to communicate even on long distance. It is almost impossible to argue with this fact. There are also many supporters in the world that the Internet gives even a person who is unsure of his abilities the opportunity to prove himself. There is some truth here too.

What is the harm of social networks? Look around: what is happening to our children? They no longer walk outside in the evenings, don’t play football in the yard, don’t gather with friends. All they need is a computer. When asked to go for a walk with friends, they respond that they already communicate well with them. Every day the world becomes less and less interesting for them.

What good will happen to a person who sits at a computer all day? His health will become worse, he will become overweight, and it will become much more difficult for him to communicate in real life.

Yes, you can be an Internet star, you can make friends all over the world, learn to surprise people with unusual (although not independently invented) messages, but sooner or later you will have to understand that life must be arranged in this world. A person who is withdrawn and not used to normal communication can become immersed in social networks. What's wrong with that? The harm of social networks is that they only provide illusions. A person who is mired in them will think that everything is fine with him and will stop making attempts in order to somehow realize himself in life.

Social networks, the harm of which we consider, literally teach us how to live. From them we understand what is good and what is bad. You say that television is zombie-like? Yes, those who watch TV, as a rule, are deprived of their opinions, but Internet lovers also have problems. The harm of social networks lies in the fact that they unobtrusively introduce new standards, dictate whose rules it is unclear, and tell us what to do. The information that spreads in them at lightning speed is not useful, cultural, or in demand. In most cases, it is garbage that is passed off as something necessary and needed.

The harm of social networks is obvious. Know that they are delaying. It's not always easy to realize that time is being wasted. Make any decisions only thoughtfully. Remember that nothing can ever replace real communication. Life is constant movement and development. For the most part, all this is only possible in the real world. Illusions destroy.

“I decided to look into Odnoklassniki for a couple of minutes, an hour and a half passed” - this is one of the most quoted statements dedicated to social networks. Indeed, it seems that I just opened the page, looked at what was new with my friends, uploaded a couple of photos, changed the status, talked with a childhood friend, “liked” several new videos, and now the second hour of being on the site is coming to an end.

But, fortunately, everything is not as sad as it might seem at first glance, and in this situation you can also find a lot positive aspects.

So, what are the pros and cons of visiting? social networks? And in order to make it more convenient to calculate the final result, we number each item separately.

Let's start with the positive aspects of social networks

1. Search speed. You can easily find it on social networks the right person(if he is registered there, of course), information of interest regarding any companies (Many companies create groups of the same name on social networks), and also simply find like-minded people. Moreover, this can be done simply by specifying several specific criteria. For example, we indicate: First name, last name, place of residence, age to search a certain person or write in the search bar “Cooking desserts”, “Paper crafts”, “Sports cars”, etc. - to meet and communicate with like-minded people in groups.

2. Ease of communication and information exchange. Of course, each of us has mobile phone and we can exchange information via SMS and mms messages. But this takes a considerable amount of money. It is much more convenient, faster and, importantly, more profitable, to send data on social networks.

3. You can create a circle of interests. That is, subscribe to news from interesting communities and groups, make certain purchases (Groups selling any goods are now very developed) and even find a job.

4. Receive reminders on time about holidays, be it City Day, a school friend’s anniversary, or your neighbor’s name day. And after receiving a reminder, you can immediately send a beautiful sticker on a photo or a greeting card.

Now let's look at the negative aspects of social networks

1. Consumption large quantity time. But you can spend it with much greater benefit, meet with friends, cook a delicious dinner, or engage in self-education.

2. Detachment from real world . On social networks we position ourselves somewhat differently than in life. And in the end, there is a risk of becoming so accustomed to the created virtual image, that, so to speak, it is not always possible to return to earth on time.

3. Personality degradation. If you pay too much attention to speech active users social networks, you can notice the meaninglessness of most of their conversations and the presence in them of words that are incomprehensible to ordinary people, such as “like”, “use”, “lol”, etc.

4. Social networks are a field of activity for scammers and ill-wishers. Unfortunately, not many people think that posting the most detailed information about your life (address, phone number, place of work) can ultimately turn against you. For example, on a social network you share the joy of buying a new laptop or a fur coat, and a week later you write that you are going on vacation with the whole family, like “Don’t lose me, I’m vacationing in Turkey.” And as a result, when you return from a trip, you may not find a fur coat, a laptop, or other valuables.

Perhaps we’ll end the comparison at this point, thereby leveling out all the pros and cons of visiting social networks.
And based on what was written above, we can draw an unambiguous conclusion - Social networks do not cause harm if you use them in moderation, devoting to them, ideally, no more than 1 hour a day.

So we considered the issue

The benefits and harms of social networks

Nowadays, social networks have become an integral part of life. a huge amount of people. And some regular users develop a certain dependence on such time spent. A considerable part of all registered accounts belong to children aged 5 years and older. Unfortunately, not all parents consider such an important factor as monitoring the time their child spends on the Internet, including on social networks. But the child’s psyche is much more flexible than an adult’s, and the harm caused by constant visiting of social networks can be quite great for a child.

So what danger can lie in wait for a child on social networks?

Of course, that's already regular presence in front of the monitor within a few hours cannot have a good effect on the well-being and health of the child. Firstly, this is, and secondly, due to incorrect position, problems may arise. problems with posture and spine, and thirdly, minimizing physical activity leads to a general weakening of the body, as a result of which immunity suffers, and, as a result, all sorts of viruses and diseases begin to stick to the child. But can an adequate and reasonable parent who loves his child allow this? Of course, many mothers and fathers find it convenient to free up their time in this way by putting their child at the computer and keeping him busy with some kind of game (And often this activity is precisely Online Games in and VKontakte).

It should not be forgotten that, in addition to ordinary people spending time on social networks to communicate with school friends, see interesting pictures or videos and play games, there are also those who hide their real faces by introducing themselves fictitious names and knowingly providing information about themselves false information. But among such users there may be maniacs and perverts. They can introduce themselves as childhood friends of the child's parents, neighbors, parents of classmates and make an appointment, promising to give a gift for his parents, warning that they do not need to know about it, since it is a surprise. And this is not the only example of luring children into the clutches of criminals.

The next danger is the child’s detachment from the real world. After all, communicating with peers on a social network is much easier. And a child can acquire live communication skills only in real life. And if he spends more time talking through Internet messages, then in the very near future he may have problems communicating with classmates and friends in the yard.

Also, one of the consequences of constantly being on social networks is a decrease in concentration. In other words, it becomes difficult for a child to focus his gaze on one object (for example, reading a book), since in a social network he constantly has to transfer his attention from one object to another.

Dear parents, in order to avoid unpleasant and sometimes very sad consequences, try to limit your child’s presence at the computer as much as possible, and also carefully monitor his communication on the Internet. in social networks. Take the time to have a preventative conversation, explaining who you can carry on a conversation with and who you shouldn’t. And then your child will not get into trouble and harm his health.

So, we have shown what exists

The harmful effects of social networks on the life and psyche of a child

The influence of social networks Odnoklassniki, VKontakte on a person’s real life

Most of the population globe spends more than one hour every day in in social networks. And many even transfer their entire lives into virtual space, sometimes forgetting about real time altogether.

Every year, a considerable number of people move more and more away from live communication, walks in the fresh air, picnics, etc. in favor of spending time on social networks.

Of course, live in virtual world much easier, since it becomes possible to think about each word before writing it, thanks to which many conflicts can be avoided. In life, we sometimes speak without thinking, which often leads to unpleasant consequences.

Nowadays, we congratulate friends more and more often via the Internet, stick stickers on their photos in Odnoklassniki, post cards on the VKontakte wall, or simply add congratulatory comments to photos. Although it really wouldn't hurt to call in person.

Games on social networks also began to take up a lot of time. It is rare to meet a person who has never participated in them. Some people plant and water the garden, some fight zombies or raise pets, and some solve logic puzzles and riddles. And this entire gaming audience is not limited to certain age limits. Both children and adults are passionate about this.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when communication and games on social networks have the most negative impact on real life. Many people lose their jobs because they spend work time for Internet entertainment. Family breakdowns are also common. There can be absolutely many reasons for this. Starting with banal acquaintances, which lead to far from harmless meetings, and ending with excessive enthusiasm for the above-mentioned games and applications to the detriment of time that should be devoted to your children and significant other. And how many scandals flare up because of the reading of the correspondence of one of the spouses.

Again, let's return to the problem of real communication. After all, when we get used to writing text on a social network, we lose our emotions. As a result, speech becomes much less developed. After doing a little research in this area and talking to regular visitors virtual space, we can conclude that the speech of these people is replete with words like: “Oki” and “Smacks”. And communication with them does not carry any semantic load. As a rule, on a social network, users express their thoughts and emotions through statuses, that is, certain phrases several words long. Agree, but in real life it is practically impossible to express your opinion in this way.

Excessive enthusiasm for communicating on social networks can lead to the manifestation in a person’s mind of an illusory world in which he is the smartest, most beautiful and quick-witted. And this fact does not give a person a chance for realization in real life. It turns out that in the virtual world he is a hero, but in reality he has nothing.

These consequences are especially fraught for the not fully formed child and youth psyche. Because I prefer virtual communication, they overprotect themselves from the realities of life and, as a result, can get problems in contact with classmates and teachers.

Of course, it will definitely protect itself from the world of Internet hobbies and social networks very difficult, but still limiting their influence on real life will not be superfluous.

So we have briefly shown

The influence of social networks Odnoklassn, VKontakte on a person’s real life

We see that the Internet and social networks have made people dependent on social networks. Man, instead of real life, live communication, replaced it with virtual communication. The Internet and social networks are necessary, they have become part of our lives. But nothing should have the will of a person, his purpose. You need to understand that a person was born not for social networks, but for learning to love other living beings on earth. And this time is short!


  1. Every year, a lot of people move more and more away from live communication, walks in the fresh air, picnics, etc. in favor of spending time on social networks.

The development of the Internet has brought a lot of new and useful things into our lives. We have the opportunity to instantly find out information that interests us and continuously communicate on social networks. However, many of us would agree that everything is good in moderation. Along with all the advantages, we received a lot of information noise, and the harm of social networks for teenagers today is quite clear. To ensure that your child does not disappear into the vastness of the Internet, treat this problem with special attention.

The danger of social networks

We have always suspected that constant wandering on social networks does not have a very favorable effect on children. However, in the modern world there are several main dangers that can harm your child with uncontrolled access to the Internet:

  1. Rapid addiction and addiction formation . Social networks are designed in such a way that they contain quite a lot of diverse information, here you can chat with friends, show off new photos, read news, learn about new technology knitting and so on. This leads to the fact that a teenager who finds himself on social networks cannot escape from there. for a long time and always strives to return there for new information;
  2. Easily accessible emotions , obtained by positive ratings the sender's posts also form a dependency;
  3. Information on social networks is presented in a somewhat specific way, through small notes, photographs, videos. This causes the brain stops perceiving more detailed text and analyze what you read;
  4. The ease of access to social networks on the phone becomes the reason for the constant desire to learn more and more without judging the quality information received. The brain constantly requires food for new thoughts and it turns out that even traveling on the subway without access to the Internet becomes extremely difficult;
  5. Monotonous scrolling through posts leads to rapid fatigue and tiredness , and sometimes even to stress;
  6. The substitution of full communication leads to a dulling of real feelings of joy, fear, and compassion. As a result, it develops alienation ;
  7. Lack of opportunity to reflect and reason on various topics, coming to logical conclusions, making decisions leads to degradation and a clear decrease in intelligence.

Thus, if you do not focus on the frequency of use of social networks, this will lead to visible changes in behavior and deterioration in the quality of real life.

Why is this happening?

All the negative factors of the Internet so easily affect a child’s psyche, primarily because he does not see the danger.

  • Communicate with different people;
  • Make acquaintances with peers from other countries;
  • Learn something new;
  • It’s safe to share your achievements and skills;
  • Receive instant feedback;
  • Be aware of the life events of other people, including famous personalities;
  • Freely express your thoughts.

Behind these completely harmless ideas lie the extremely dangerous aspirations of a teenager:

  1. Hide your real appearance;
  2. Do not take full responsibility for your words and actions;
  3. To be like others, not always good people;
  4. Cause feelings of envy towards yourself;
  5. Block unwanted people.

All these aspirations cannot be realized in ordinary life, but social networks are a very convenient platform for this.

Internet scam

It is much easier for the younger generation to fall into online scams. An adult can distinguish true information from forgery and take care to prevent the penetration of viruses, but teenagers do not even think about their safety when using social networks.

At any moment, a child may face deception:

  1. Randomly list cash from your phone or a card linked to a gadget in order to find out something;
  2. Download virus applications or files and infect your computer;
  3. Take advantage paid services to promote your page, listen to music;
  4. Get on the pages of extremist and propaganda groups;
  5. Become a distributor of prohibited information.

All this stems from the lack of vigilance and excessive gullibility of teenagers. And it can lead not only to financial losses, but also to a more tragic ending.

Dangerous groups in networks

One can argue for a long time about who and why it is necessary to treat young people in such a cruel way, however, as a result, it became clear that teenagers do not know how and cannot resist their influence. There are several types of death groups:

  • Communities that promote suicide. (For example, "Blue Whale"). They can often be distinguished by the presence of various strange signs in pictures or posts, black and gray colors in the page design, constant posts about death, suicide, loss, lack of meaning in life;
  • Extremist recruiting groups. The teenager falls under the influence of the implanted ideology and is ready to commit any act on the orders of the motivator.

Of course, network moderators, together with specially trained people, try to identify such pages and fight them, and delete them. But, unfortunately, it is complex and long process, so youth should be aware of this danger and beware of it.

How to protect yourself from negative influences?

Of course, parents are obliged to intervene when alarming signs of behavior appear. But teenagers themselves also need to know how to move away from the influence of social networks and return to real life:

  1. Set yourself a time to be online;
  2. Control your desire to regularly view updates;
  3. Think about the essence of what you read on social networks;
  4. Be attentive to pop-ups and suspicious pages;
  5. Find something to do that will be just as interesting and help you distract yourself in moments of idleness and boredom;
  6. Meet with real people. It's much more interesting;

There are helpers for parents in this case:

  • Ability to control the applications used on the computer;
  • Blocking unnecessary sites;
  • Installing an antivirus program.

Thus, the harm of social networks for teenagers is quite great. A special problem is that first of all it is necessary to understand what prompted the child to spend much more time there than in reality. None of technical limitations won't help without normal relationship in the family and confidential conversations with parents.

Video: 6 reasons why it is better to delete your account from all social networks

In this video, Denis Voloshin will tell you several interesting things that will make you want to delete your account forever: