Types of voice recorders. How can a regular voice recorder improve your life, even if you are not a journalist? Prices

A voice recorder is not an easy gadget. Its functions seem to have been taken over by tablets, Cell phones, smartphones and some others mobile devices- due to low requirements for the function of recording sounds in everyday life, when you need to record a lecture or an eyewitness story on the street, a musical number or a funny cat snoring. And then the question arises...

Who needs a voice recorder and why?

And an independent device is necessary for professionals and not only for solving serious problems. So, you need a voice recorder. Which to choose? When choosing a recording device, you need to navigate this way: you are choosing a professional device.

Who needs a voice recorder?

This device is necessary for students. If the educational institution allows you to record lectures, then a voice recorder will come to the rescue (although there are teachers who do not allow audio recording).

The device will be useful to those who collect information for further processing (tourists, interviewers, researchers, journalists, writers).

The recorder is useful during planning meetings and meetings (if recording is allowed), when many issues are discussed, but after the end it is not so easy to remember everything.

When a person decides to fulfill his civic duty: recording demands for bribes, threats, blackmail, extortion, rudeness.

Those managers who want to control the communication of their employees with clients.

Creative people who are constantly forced to write down their ideas, other people's opinions, and take notes on their observations.

Analog voice recorder

Not so long ago, recording devices were presented in two types - analog and digital voice recorder. Which to choose? Those who were in love with magnetic tape and cassettes could purchase the sweet analog version. It was easy to use, and due to the limited memory of digital devices, it was also more convenient. Nowadays, the situation has changed dramatically. How to choose a voice recorder? The market is dominated by digital. Although you can still purchase analog models in specialized stores.

How to choose a voice recorder

The judicial system in Russia is more loyal to audio evidence recorded on film, rather than digital evidence. And if court proceedings are looming on the horizon, then it is better to use the “old-fashioned” method of recording: the chances that the court will accept the recording are higher, and the examination is cheaper and easier. And the quality of what is recorded on an analog voice recorder will be higher than on a cheap digital version.

For a very reasonable amount (up to 1 thousand rubles), you can buy a good analog voice recorder with decent quality of recorded sound. However, narrow, one-time tasks are considered here. Versatility was not even close. The search for microcassettes for recording, the large size of the device and limited battery life will also add headaches. And the recording itself will have characteristic noise from the recorder itself.

Is it necessary to save money when a relatively small amount, albeit a large one, can provide a digital model with the additional function of protecting audio material from editing (in this case, the court accepts the recording as evidence), compact, with a battery, high quality of the recorded material and the absence of removable media?

Enough has been said about analog models. The rest of the story will be about digital voice recorders.

Fail-safe memory

The material can be recorded to an external or internal storage device. Which voice recorder should you choose? Reviews indicate that those models that use both options are popular: small flash memory and an SD card as an addition. This combination is convenient because it allows you to store recorded information offline without copying it to another medium.

You just need to change SD cards. And in the absence blank card you can write to internal flush memory, however, is small. There are voice recorder models that do not have external storage. But they have a significant amount of built-in storage. You just need to know that the larger this volume, the more expensive the device will be, and if you need to record high-quality sound, then a lot of memory will be required.

Less common are models with the ability to record only to an external drive. However, the range additional features they are no less wide than other models. How to choose a voice recorder? The lack of built-in memory may be due to material protection, banal savings (manufacturers of cheap models offer the user to purchase memory cards themselves), or the proprietary format of the drive.

How to work with sound

Recording speech is the main task of a voice recorder. Frequency characteristics responsible for quality must be carefully studied when choosing a model. How to choose the right voice recorder? The maximum limit reaches 44,000 Hz, but it is needed if professional recording is intended musical compositions. 4,000 Hz is enough to record human speech. The minimum level for recording a conversation is 100 Hz, but for musicians the lower the better. It should also be noted that to record musical compositions you will need stereo mode, while mono is better for voices. In general, the purpose of a voice recorder is to record speech, and for other recordings there are separate devices.

Good quality sound with a high bitrate will take up a large amount of memory, which means expensive components and high cost. And with low sound levels, it will be difficult to understand the recording. For many models, you can change the recording quality, depending on the tasks. When clarity is not important and the presence of noise is not critical, the bitrate is reduced, which will save storage space and extend recording time. Mode profiles are responsible for this, and their number can reach 12.

Except frequency characteristics, the quality of the recording is affected by the microphone. How to choose good voice recorder? Expensive models have protection against the latter extraneous noise, and cheap ones, in addition to the desired sounds, will also record background noise, air movement, and friction of the voice recorder body. The microphone sensitivity can be adjusted for some models. This will allow you to create a recording of good quality, depending on the surrounding conditions (remoteness of the object, traffic, etc.).

Recording format

When choosing a voice recorder, do not forget about the file format in which the final result will be saved. How to choose a digital voice recorder? When the box lists several options (WMA, MP3, PCM) that's great. During operation there will be a choice, which makes the device more versatile. WMA and MP3 are read by all players and there will be no problems with playback.

PCM will produce excellent quality without compression. Specific formats (ACT, DSS) will require additional installation software and forced conversion. However, manufacturers who resort to such formats in their creations, as a rule, provide the required programs completely free of charge.

It is necessary to say a few words about recording protection. This function is vital when using recorded materials in the legal field. How to choose a digital voice recorder? There are various options for implementing protection: digital signature, inability to store files that were created in memory third party software. When the protection of what is recorded is needed, but not for legal battles, you can use the banal setting of passwords.

Power, dimensions, connection

Everyone chooses the size of the voice recorder that suits them. Some people are comfortable with a device the size of a phone, while others choose miniature models that can be easily attached to clothing. How to choose a voice recorder for wiretapping? There are also “spy” things, very miniature or disguised as household items (keychain, pen). They are freely available, but prohibited by law. This is such a paradox. The majority of citizens who do not fight the law are not attracted to such toys. If you need a screen to view post details, tags, graphic files, then you should forget about the minimum dimensions of the device.

The voice recorder, like any other portable equipment, is powered by batteries or accumulators. Select more correct option it won't work. How to choose a voice recorder for an interview? The batteries are good on the road and in conditions where it is not possible to find an outlet. They are cheap, but their service life is short. Therefore, you should always have spare ones in your pocket. Batteries need recharging, but they will last longer.

In the characteristics, their ability to record from one charge cycle is indicated in the number of hours: more is better. And economical models will allow you not to think about sockets.

The digital voice recorder, like many other digital devices, interacts perfectly with a computer via a USB port, and everything recorded can be downloaded to the computer to listen to. A good bonus is the ability to charge the battery from the port. If the model does not communicate with the computer, then it is ready to provide it with a memory card. Card reader to help.

Additional functions

Functionality, as well as size, distinguish voice recorder models from each other. How to choose a digital voice recorder? Most manufacturers are familiar to users from other portable equipment, except for some authentic, domestic ones (“Gnome”, Edic).

Everyone must choose for themselves what additional functions they need. There are the displays that were mentioned earlier, of various purposes and sizes, as well as flashlights, cameras, an alarm clock, and an organizer. All these “bells and whistles” have nothing to do with speech recording. A built-in speaker or headphone port may be useful. The function of connecting an external microphone is very useful. There is also a function for recording by sound or clap. As a rule, any additional function is described in detail by marketers, so you won’t be able to miss it.

How to choose a voice recorder for lectures

Students and schoolchildren need a voice recorder to record lectures and... audio cheat sheets. Hence the basic requirements:

Miniature - this factor is important only if a diligent student decides not to cram exam papers or Control questions, but rely on technology, which will tell you everything.

In addition to the miniature size, in this case you will also need the ability to listen to the recording through an earphone or microspeaker.

Microphone sensitivity – devices have appeared on the market with microphone sensitivity up to 12 meters, which allows you to record not only from the front desks of the audience.

Autonomy – you will need a battery that supports 400 hours of operation in recording mode.

Large amount of memory - about 2400 hours will be required, which will be approximately 16 Gb.

AGC - the system automatically amplifies the sound signal, which allows you to record even if the room is very noisy.

The sensitivity of the microphone, autonomy, a large amount of built-in memory, the mentioned AGC system and some others are important.

It also wouldn’t hurt to have an electronic marker function to mark the beginning and end of a recording, which will make it easier to parse the recorded material in the future. selective deletion or editing files.


A voice recorder can become a convenient and reliable study assistant, especially if you consider the availability of programs that allow you to convert sounds into alphabetic symbols, which allows you to turn a recorded lecture into a detailed summary by simply printing it out.

Even though modern smartphone can successfully replace almost any gadget; the good old highly specialized devices remain in demand today. That is why the questions “how to choose a voice recorder/camera/electronic reader” remain relevant to this day. The fact is that highly specialized devices cope with their task many times better than the notorious smartphones, and every specialist in their field can confirm this. That is why not a single professional journalist will ever agree to replace a full-fledged voice recorder with a combined gadget.

A voice recorder is necessary not only in professional activities, but also in everyday life. It is simply irreplaceable at various seminars, lectures and group interviews, as it allows you to quickly and efficiently record information. In this regard, the recorder has no equal, and rightfully holds the palm. Ten years ago this review would be dedicated to two types of sound recording devices - film and digital. But since film devices have long since sunk into oblivion, it is better to pay attention exclusively to the digital version.

Before you buy a voice recorder, decide on your goals. A professional journalist should choose a more serious option; for study, you can buy a simpler sample.

Recording format and quality

The voice recorder can record sound in various formats. Usually this:

  • MP3 is the most common audio recording format. A good option both in terms of memory footprint and quality. Almost every player can read this format, so there will be no problems with playback and decoding. Experts say that MP3 cannot convey full sound quality, but hearing ordinary person I still can't tell the difference.
  • WMA is a format that appeared thanks to Microsoft. The recording quality here is slightly better than in the case of MP 3, but at the same time this format takes up much more memory. There is no particular difference between these two options.
  • DSS is a modern audio recording format with a high level of compression. Excellent voice transmission and the best way suitable for interviewing. The only negative is that not every player is able to reproduce such a recording.

Recording can be done at different bitrates, which you can select in your device settings. Every modern voice recorder provides a choice of bitrate in which you are going to record audio.

If you stop at 256 kbps you get great post high quality, if at around 8 kbit/s there is indigestible noise, similar to interference in a walkie-talkie. Bitrate is directly related to file size - what better quality, the larger the size.

Modern voice recorders have both mono and stereo modes. In most cases, mono mode is more than enough, but if you want to record a press conference with a large number of participants, recording in stereo will work much better. Thanks to stereo recording, you can clearly hear each voice and avoid confusion when transcribing.

Pay attention to the frequency range - the best option would be 400-4000 Hz.


Capacity, or memory size, is the main criterion when choosing. The larger the memory capacity, the more information you can write it down. The capacity of sound recording devices varies from 16 MB to 8 GB, and which option to choose is up to you. Be that as it may, the pocket does not last long, so the more information your voice recorder can hold, the better. The best option The memory capacity will be 2-4 GB.

Opportunities these days electronic devices are practically unlimited, and the voice recorder is no exception. Many models are designed to be used additional cards memory, which can significantly increase the number of hours recorded.

Do not forget that in the column “ maximum capacity» Manufacturers usually provide figures based on the minimum bitrate.

Therefore, you should not be guided by primary data - before buying a voice recorder, you should carefully study the instructions.

Possibility of indexing

Indexing is the ability to make unique bookmarks that will help you quickly find the right moment of recording. For example, if you recorded a lecture from several topics, you can mark each of these topics with its own index for greater convenience.

Additional features

A modern voice recorder offers a lot of additional features, and one of the most important is the ability to connect external microphone. An external microphone will improve the recording quality, especially when the sound source is far from you. A microphone is usually not included in the package, so you will have to buy it separately.

Very useful choice different modes– “on the street”, “interview” and so on. They allow you to best adapt to any situation and avoid outside interference. You can also adjust the microphone sensitivity according to your needs to achieve maximum quality.

A great addition is voice activation. Thanks to these features, you can control the device directly during an interview without pressing any buttons. Stop recording, continue it, turn off the recorder - voice control makes operation easier and saves battery power.

If you come across a voice recorder with a USB input, you simply must buy it if you value maximum simplicity and efficiency. Thanks to this input, you can connect the device to your computer like a flash drive, which will significantly save time.

Some voice recorders can be used as a wiretap for your phone. The system is simple - to wiretap, the device is connected to a landline telephone, and all conversations are recorded on a memory card.

It is worth recalling that this method of wiretapping is not always legal, and it must be used carefully.

Whatever voice recorder you choose, familiarize yourself with its power sources before purchasing it. Best choice will be a voice recorder with a built-in battery and the ability to charge from a USB input. According to most people, charging from a USB port has long replaced all other methods, so it would be advisable to keep up with the times.

Of course, many voice recorders are equipped with an alarm clock, MP 3 player, organizer and other amenities, but all these additions turn them into the above-mentioned combination gadgets. Which option to choose is your choice. If the voice recorder you choose meets all the specified criteria, you can safely buy it and appreciate all the benefits. The main thing is not to try to save on quality, and then you are guaranteed success.

Today, voice recorders are a necessity in journalism and some other professions. But there are times when this device will be useful for the average resident of our country.

Today, voice recorders for secret recording have become available to almost everyone, and they are used not only for espionage. The scope of application of such voice recorders is very wide and is limited only by human imagination.

There are two types of voice recorders for secret recording:

Analog voice recorders that record sound onto magnetic tape

They, in turn, are divided into cassette and micro-cassette voice recorders. The disadvantage of such a voice recorder is that the amount of information recorded on a cassette is quite limited, which is why you will have to constantly buy them (if, of course, you want to save the necessary recordings). If you no longer need the recorded information, then the cassette can simply be re-recorded. The advantage of this type of voice recorders is their low cost, which makes them accessible to almost everyone.

Digital voice recorders

They cost an order of magnitude higher than analog ones, but the quality of the recorded sound is much higher. In addition, the recording from the voice recorder can be easily transferred to a computer if necessary. Digital voice recorders, thanks to their compact size, are very convenient to use, and you don’t have to carry around a bunch of replacement cassettes, and searching for the necessary recorded information is easy.


Before you start choosing a voice recorder for covert recording, it is worth familiarizing yourself with their main characteristics, which directly determine the quality of the device and the audio recordings made. These characteristics include the recording format, its duration and quality.

Recording format

All modern voice recorders support two recording formats:

  1. WMA. This format allows you to make a high-quality recording of all, even the quietest sounds that are recorded through a microphone. But the quality level of such recordings directly depends on the microphone itself. Files of this format take up more space than MP3s.
  2. MP3 format allows you to write high quality sound, and the files can be downloaded to the player without processing and listen to them. Such files take up little space, since the recording is done in compressed form.

In addition, some voice recorders have the ability to record in WAV and PCM formats. Such files take up a lot of memory because they are not compressed, but the recording quality is very high, it is possible to hear the most quiet sounds. Such files can also be processed.

Recording duration

The recording duration of voice recorders directly depends on the memory capacity of the recording device, and, of course, on the format of the recorded files and the level of compression. As mentioned above, the files WMA format take up more space on the memory card than MP3 files. In addition, it is worth knowing that the file size is affected by the bitrate. The lower it is, the less space the file will take up, but it is worth considering that the quality of the recording may suffer significantly as a result.

Recording quality

Recording quality is one of the most important parameters. As mentioned above, the bitrate level plays a big role. For example, 280 kbps gives good sound to a high-quality CD disc. If you use 128 kbps you will get sound like cheap ones computer speakers, but it will be enough to distinguish words and voices.

There are voice recorders with lower bit rates, but the sound quality of such recordings will be quite poor.

Therefore, when choosing a voice recorder, be guided by the purpose of its use. If you speak directly into the microphone, you can buy a cheaper device with a lower bitrate. If you record conferences, meetings, etc., then the quality of the recording should be high, since at low bitrates you will be able to distinguish words, but it is unlikely that who is speaking them.

Additional functions

Many of the voice recorder models, in addition to the voice recording function, also have many other functions that are useful in one case or another.

It could be:

  • recording monitoring;
  • editing and mounting files;
  • voice activation;
  • auto reverse;
  • organizer;
  • memory counter;
  • radio;
  • alarm;

Buying a voice recorder

When buying a voice recorder, it is quite natural for questions to arise about how to choose it, where to buy it, which models are better, and how much they cost.

Although today anyone can buy a voice recorder for secret recording, they are not sold in every hardware store. Therefore, to select suitable model You'll have to do a good run around the city.

It’s easier to use the services of online stores, which make it possible to order a voice recorder without leaving home. In addition, some stores even have a home delivery service.

It will be quite easy to make a choice, because all models come with detailed description parameters, characteristics and functions.

Best models

Leading manufacturers of voice recorders are Denpa, Cenix, Philips, Olympus, Sony, Panasonic, Samsung. If we talk about voice recorders for covert recording, the main characteristics here are size, weight, and recording quality.

Digital voice recorders from E-dic are ideal for covert recording. In addition, the models of these voice recorders have been included in the Guinness Book of Records more than once. The most famous models, such as E-dic Tiny Classik, E-dic Tiny Mini, and E-dic Gold are only 10-20 mm in size. And some models can even easily fit on your fingertips.

A special place is occupied by such a model as E-dic Gold. This voice recorder has a very durable metal body. Weight – 13 grams. Recording time – 299 hours. Despite the fact that the device only has one button, it has quite a lot of functions (voice activation, USB connector, external microphone).

Models of voice recorders for covert recording can be made in the form of various everyday objects. It could be a pen, a flash drive, or even a wristwatch.


If we talk about prices for voice recorders for covert recording, it is worth noting that the cheapest options may not be suitable. But, as always, be guided by the purpose of use of this device. For example, Edic-mini Tiny 16 A52-300h will cost between 9-10 thousand rubles. And made in the form wristwatch the Edic-mini Led S51-300h model will cost about 12 thousand rubles. There are more expensive models, for example, Edic-mini Tiny 16 A405-1200h in the form of a small keychain costs about 14-15 thousand rubles.

Voice recorders are becoming more and more popular every day, and their use is often necessary in everyday life. The range of these devices is also very wide, so to choose the model that is right for you, proceed from the purpose of your purchase and the functions you need.

Without detracting from the advantages of modern multifunctional gadgets, it is worth noting that with a specific task highly specialized devices They still do better. For example, such a technique is a voice recorder. The device is simply necessary when attending lectures, seminars and interviews, for recording creative ideas and observations. It will also come in handy during meetings and planning sessions, for learning languages, when it is impossible to write down everything and remember the necessary points. Another area of ​​application is monitoring communication between employees and clients. To choose the right voice recorder, you first need to decide on the purpose of its use.

A voice recorder is a small-sized device that is designed for recording and further listening to voices. The technique was developed in the twenties of the last century, but then these devices were very large and inconvenient. The devices did not accommodate more than an hour continuous conversation.

Progress does not stand still - storage media have changed, and the voice recorder has changed along with them. The device began to have numerous functions, and the convenience of the interface need not be mentioned - today you can choose the optimal size and appearance option.

Types of voice recorders

The equipment is presented in two types - analog and digital versions.

Despite the obvious superiority of the digital version, analog devices are still in demand: for example, it is better to provide this type as sound evidence. You can choose a device with good recording quality for a price of up to about 1,000 rubles. If necessary, the tape can be re-recorded. However, here you should immediately prepare for the following disadvantages:

  • characteristic noise from the operation of the device;
  • search for media (rare today micro- and regular cassettes);
  • limited battery life.

If you need versatility and purity of sound, it is better to immediately “fork out” for a digital model. The main difference between such a device is that it works with non-volatile information storage device– memory chip. The invention of such devices made it possible to increase operating time and save on power supplies. The equipment is ready to amaze its owner with other interesting “talents”.

Current specifications for the digital voice recorder

Important criteria for work similar device are the following indicators:

  • sensitivity;
  • working hours;
  • recording format.

Each of them deserves a more detailed analysis.

Why does a voice recorder need sensitivity?

This parameter determines from what distance the user will record his voice (for example, it is unlikely that he will be able to hold the recorder in front of the lecture teacher). Usually this indicator is indicated in meters - this is what you should pay attention to.

The maximum frequency for recording any sound reaches 44,000 Hz, but such numbers are needed only for professional recording of musical compositions. In the case of human speech, 4000 Hz is enough, the minimum frequency will be 100 Hz; with a lower range it will be difficult to understand the recording itself.

Today there are models that allow adjust microphone sensitivity depending on conditions, for example, the distance of the object. If the presence of noise is not so critical, then the bitrate (the number of bits used to store one second of multimedia content) can be reduced. More expensive voice recorders have protection from extraneous noise, but in cheaper options, in addition to the sound of the voice itself, you can also “enjoy” background noise, up to friction with the body, when voice recording carried out from the pocket.

What to do if the quality of what you listen to is very important, and the work needs to be done at a distance? When purchasing a device for hidden recording(for example, for marketing research “Mystery shopping”) best advice will do trial version and listen to how well it satisfies the user's needs.

Today, devices have appeared on the market that can pick up sound from 12 meters. Some people decide to use them (especially if the recorder is really small) to listen to other people. By law, only special services are allowed to do this - this circumstance should be remembered.

Mini voice recorder “Edic-mini Tiny+ B76-150HQ”

Such kids can be a real boon for a student as miniature audio cribs, but in this case an appropriate microspeaker is also required.

Recording time

In fact, it, of course, can hardly be called infinite. The decisive role is played by the type of media, which can be either built-in or removable media information:

  • Flash cards have capacity limitations;
  • In the case of smart cards, the limitation appears in their type.

There is no need to panic in advance: the recording will take many hours and will be limited, first of all, by power supplies. A portable memory cards They will also significantly extend the operating time of the device.

Voice recorder with memory card slot

Storage capacity is measured in megabytes and gigabytes in the ratio “the more, the better.” However, the decisive point here is the format of the recording produced. You must understand that manufacturers always indicate exactly the lower bitrate threshold in recording modes - this means that the promised 128 hours of continuous operation will take place in 8 kbit/s mode, which is more reminiscent of interference reproduced by a walkie-talkie.

A real time the operation of the device itself will depend directly on its capacity battery, as well as on power consumption. This value is specified in the data sheet: for example, with a power consumption of 0.2 W and a specified battery capacity of 1200 mAh, the recorder will actually work for 6 hours.

Usually 2-4 GB is enough for standard work. However, if you plan to process large amounts of memory, then the storage capacity should be at least 16 GB.

Such an important format

The voice recorder is capable of recording sound in the most different formats. The most common of them are the following.

It is worth reassuring future users: most often, if the DSS, ACT and PCM formats are available, the manufacturer also provides the required programs.

Additional features

One of the interesting features of the device is voice activation. This allows the recorder to automatically stop recording when there is silence and start it again when the conversation resumes. However, you must prepare for the fact that the activation will not turn on immediately, but after a few seconds: this may lead to the loss of the first words. Typically, devices with such capabilities have an activation threshold adjustment: the user sets specific value noise, which the recorder will recognize as silence (you can set the threshold from real silence to street noise).

Useful modes

Among them are special ones, such as “street”, “interview”, and noise reduction. They are used to record voices in noisy and crowded places. The principle of operation is as follows: when you turn on such modes (and each manufacturer has their own name), everything that does not resemble a voice is cut off. Of course, this also affects the final result, which becomes a little “poorer,” but at the same time everything that interferes with high-quality reproduction disappears.

External microphone available

This function is useful if the recorder is located far from the source being recorded. It is very important to know the direction of the recording, then its quality will exceed the best expectations.

In the presence of external microphone, it will be enough to connect it to the device, put the recorder in your pocket, put on a buttonhole and record yourself. This will also free up your hands for more important actions.

Automatic signal gain control

For this need, AGC was created, which will independently adjust the microphone to the output signal. It works like this: with loud voices, the sound is slightly muffled, and if a person begins to speak quietly, the level of perception rises. This function is useful, for example, at press conferences when several sources speak, and each is to varying degrees removed from the recorder on the table.

Setting the frequency range

Regular voice recorders support frequency range from 300 to 3000 hertz. This is more than enough to record simple speech. Another thing is that there are devices designed for recording music. Here they not only expand the range to current values, but also use special remote external microphones.

Mono or stereo

The stereo recording capability comes in handy when record of disputes. But in this case, you should prepare to comply with the following conditions:

  • the need to connect an external microphone;
  • reducing disk space.

Other interesting characteristics

The voice recorder may have one or more of the following options.

  1. Built-in tuner to listen to the radio. Very useful in cases where you need to make a recording from the radio.
  2. Speeding up listening mode will allow you to find the right place on the recording. In essence, this is just a fast forwarding that allows you to listen to what was recorded in fast mode(some models will not even change the voice timbre in this case).
  3. To write down telephone conversations , you will need a special adapter that connects to a landline phone.

Every profession requires the use of specialized tools. A voice recorder is a gadget associated with journalism. But if you think about it, it becomes obvious that recordings in audio format may be needed not only for interviews. A writer, poet, scientist, student, schoolboy, and just any person, using a voice recorder, will save important thoughts and necessary information.

In this market segment, portable recorders compete with voice recorders. The main differences between these devices are as follows:

  1. Voice recorderssimple devices, intended for voice recording. The most common applications are interviews, lectures and voice notes. Voice recorders are designed in compact body, work for a long time on batteries. These devices do not require high computing power, they only need a small amount of built-in memory. The devices are presented in all price categories, from economy class to premium.
  2. Portable recorders– advanced devices that can safely be called a full-fledged multi-channel recording studio. Simple models can record 2 channels, while more equipped ones can record 4 or 6 channels simultaneously. Many recorders are equipped with a pair of microphones to record stereo signals at very high quality. Portable recorders are suitable for recording rehearsals or concerts, recording sound during video shooting, preparing demos while traveling, as well as any quality recording sound in field conditions.

Leading manufacturers of voice recorders and portable recorders (Olympus, Sony, Tascam, Zoom) and other companies carefully work to create each model, equipping it with functionality that can cope with tasks of varying complexity. With such a wide assortment, it is difficult for consumers to decide what parameters the device they need should have in order for the ratio of price, quality and service life to be optimal.

  • characteristics of the device (number of communication channels, built-in memory, weight, etc.);
  • price/functionality ratio;
  • customer reviews;
  • expert opinions.

The best inexpensive voice recorders: budget up to 5,000 rubles

Budget voice recorders have found wide popularity. Despite the fact that most of them offer only one communication channel, these are practical and high-quality devices that can be useful in lectures, when conducting experiments and experiments, for taking notes by voice, etc.

4 Ritmix RR-150 4Gb

The lowest price. Built-in highly sensitive microphone
A country: Russia (manufactured in China)
Average price: RUB 2,228.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Among the best was a compact digital voice recorder from Rhythmix in an elegant dark metal case. Among all the nominees in the rating, it has the lowest price. The leading distinguishing characteristic is the built-in highly sensitive microphone, providing first-class recording quality.

Model features:

  • Voice recorder with functions music player and built-in FM receiver.
  • Support different types recordings: high quality (PCM), noise reduction (NR), standard recording (HQ). Possibility of encoding audio recordings into MP3.
  • Microphone sensitivity correction.
  • A rich set of accessories, including a velvety case, a wrist strap, a stand for the device, headphones and a cable for connecting to a computer.

The comments also note that the start of recording occurs literally with one movement of the hand or by activating the device with the voice. This is a convenient and easy-to-use voice recorder with a built-in 4 GB memory that can also be used as a flash drive. The operating time, and this is confirmed by reviews, is 11 hours. The gadget is suitable for recording lectures by students, conducting interviews, recording observations by voice, etc.

3 Olympus VN-731PC

Clear sound. Ergonomics
Country: Japan
Average price: 2,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The recorder is equipped with only one recording channel, but, according to user reviews, the quality of the created files does not suffer from this. The sound from the built-in microphone is clear and high sensitivity provides the ability to work even in a pocket or bag, which is very convenient for recording lectures, meetings and more. If necessary, you can select a third-party microphone for the device by connecting it through a special input.

The main advantage of the model compared to its competitors is its long recording duration, amounting to 126 hours in high quality mode and 790 hours in low quality mode. The well-thought-out ergonomics of the device are expressed in an intuitive button layout, a small, logical display, compact dimensions and a built-in stand.

Among the disadvantages, users highlight support only for the WMA format, the lack of expansion of internal memory through cards and the lack of backlighting on the display, which affects the convenience of working in the dark.

2 Ritmix RR-650 4Gb

The best compact voice recorder. Own battery (Li-Pol)
Country: Korea
Average price: RUB 2,415.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Users appreciate the presented model for its compactness and good functionality at a modest cost. The device's low weight, only 25 g including batteries, and its small size (25 x 91 x 12 mm) make it easy to transport, and the Soft-touch coating provides a pleasant tactile sensation.

Two available modes of different quality recordings saved in MP3 or WMA format allow you to select the necessary criteria for each specific situation. A small display equipped with a gray-blue backlight displays data on battery charge and remaining recording time. The included adapter allows you to record to good quality conversations from a landline phone.

The presence of only one channel does not allow recording with long distance, since the sound is too quiet and unintelligible, so the model is not suitable for recording lectures in large, noisy classrooms. Low operating time (14 hours) and a delay in the start of recording are also disadvantages. Otherwise, the recorder copes well with basic tasks.

Voice recorders and portable recorders are used for sound recording. How exactly they are similar and how they differ – we will find out from the detailed comparison table.

Comparison criterion


Portable recorder

Recording channels

Stereo (two channels) – standard situation for voice recorders that do not require multi-channel capabilities. More simple models record sound in mono mode, which is not a drawback as such. The only thing is that in mono you need to record your voice more legibly.

Portable recorders support connectivity professional microphone and even electric guitars, and the sound recording quality will be comparable to studio level. The fact is that each channel is recorded on a separate track. This feature also has a positive effect on ease of processing and editing.


The built-in memory of voice recorders, as a rule, does not exceed 16 GB, and for optimal performance 2 GB is quite enough. This volume will be enough for tens of hours of sound recording in good quality.

All models have an SD card slot for 32 or even 64 GB, since multi-channel audio material takes up much more space than mono.

Recording quality

Portable recorders are professional devices. They are capable of digitizing with improved characteristics and support high bit depth and frequency.


The display of voice recorders is the simplest and most compact.

Larger display of recorders due to expanded functionality.

Function automatic switching on When noise or voice sounds occur, it can be present in both voice recorders and portable recorders.


Both types of sound recording devices are required to be equipped with a small speaker. It is needed not so much for playing a recording loudly, but for quickly listening to the material.

Microphone input

An input for an external microphone will come in handy if there is a need for higher-quality voice recording.

Portable recorders have at least one input for an external microphone - this is the minimum. Depending on the model, there may be more.

Additional functions

Voice recorders are simple devices with a minimal set of options that are inferior in functionality to portable recorders. But for everyday needs they will be quite useful and relevant.

Portable recorders offer, among other features, built-in audio effects, time code synchronization with the camera, a built-in audio interface, and more.

1 Philips DVT2000

Best for recording on the go. Stereo, recording up to 270 hours
A country: Netherlands (manufactured in China)
Average price: RUB 3,275.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The best budget voice recorder is a Philips brand device. Experts highly appreciate the characteristics of the device, in particular the quality of stereo recording, which the recorder demonstrates in field conditions. A two-channel device is an excellent option for creating voice notes while traveling.

Model features:

  • The device can be used as a voice recorder, clock, MP3 player and flash drive. The device is equipped with voice activation - this option saves recording time; you do not have to scroll through the “silence”, for example, when listening to a recorded lecture. The reviews thank the manufacturer for the presence of indicators of battery charge and remaining recording time - current characteristics, helping users “calculate forces.”
  • The set includes headphones and a USB cable. The device body has a microphone input - an important aspect for those who are used to making audio recordings using a microphone. Built-in memory is 4 GB - a good indicator, especially considering the support microSD and microSDHC. The built-in speaker is useful for quickly listening to material.

This is a compact (3.8*11.1*1.9 cm) and lightweight (49 g without battery) voice recorder, the operating time of which is limited to 38 hours. It can be used to record up to 23 hours in high quality, and up to 270 hours in low quality. One of best models in his price segment according to experts and buyers!

The best voice recorders: price – quality

4 Olympus VP-10

Intuitive and clear controls. Comfortable fixation
A country:
Average price: 6,444 rubles.
Rating (2018): 4.8

An Olympus voice recorder with two recording channels could easily end up in James Bond's arsenal. This is a compact model with few larger size A ballpoint pen attached to your pocket or collar allows you to write down anything and everything while remaining hidden from prying eyes. It is enough to set the settings at which the noise of friction against clothes will be minimal - and “Voila!”, press “Play”.

Model features:

  • Ability to connect the recorder directly to your computer.
  • Intuitive and clear controls.
  • Excellent recording quality even from a bag or jacket.
  • Easy to press buttons.

Reviews write enthusiastically about stereo microphones. The clip securely fixes the device, so you don’t have to worry about it falling at the most inopportune moment. A good, non-gluttonous battery, experts note in their recommendations for the model for purchase.

3 Edic-mini Tiny A45-1Gb

Sleek design. Maximum hidden use
Country Russia
Average price: 10,000 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

This voice recorder model from Edik Mini is one of the best for covert recording. At first glance, it is difficult to guess that this is a sound recording device and not a pen. Appearances can be deceiving – that’s the case!

Model features:

  • The weight of this voice recorder without battery is a record 14 grams. It couldn't be easier.
  • The device offers 50 hours of operation and up to 210 hours of standby time.
  • This is a mono device with built-in memory of 1 GB.
  • In terms of functionality, the model does not lag behind its competitors: voice activation, timer recording, adjustable microphone sensitivity.

The recorder is equipped with a microphone input. As buyers write in reviews, this is a compact device that is easy to operate and at the same time has professional-level characteristics. Elegant design, convenient operation. Experts emphasize low current consumption and the ability to recharge from USB among the advantages.

2 Olympus WS-853

Retractable USB. Indexing every record
A country: Japan (manufactured in China and Vietnam)
Average price: 6,090 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

On domestic market The voice recorder from Olympus has proven itself to be excellent. The model has more than enough advantages: it holds the battery perfectly, is equipped with a retractable USB, so you don’t even need a cord, there is a stand at a convenient angle (45 degrees) right on the body - a godsend, in a word.

Model features:

  • The package includes batteries and a case.
  • High quality microphone - hears literally every rustle.
  • The device has 8 GB of built-in memory and the ability to connect external memory.
  • Recording time up to 130 hours with high quality.

The recorder is moderately compact, however, most likely, it will not be suitable for secret recording. This is an excellent solution for audio recording lectures and interviews. In addition, the model is distinguished by indexing of each recording, locking the buttons to prevent accidental pressing and the ability to pause the recording.

1 Sony ICD-TX650

Large amount of built-in memory (16 GB). Timer recording
A country:
Average price: 8,080 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

“Everything about this model is perfect!” - buyers say in reviews. Let's take it in order. Here we have a stylish and compact voice recorder, which is not a shame to put on the table in front of you, for example, during an interview. Not only will the device fit even in a shirt pocket (2.0 * 10.2 * 0.7 cm), but it will also perfectly record sound from there - an ideal solution for hidden use, because even the “working lights” will not give you away. The interface is clear and extremely simple - even a child can figure it out. This gadget weighs only 29 g – and that, including the battery, is fantastic!

Model features:

  • 16 GB of built-in memory - you can simply forget about running out of storage space, this is enough for hundreds of hours of recording.
  • 2 channels (stereo) recording – high quality sound.
  • The maximum recording time is 15 hours.

The recorder boasts an abundance of functions - pause, timer recording, clock, voice activation, changing microphone sensitivity. The manufacturer indicates that the voice recorder can create up to 400 folders and more than 4,000 messages. The set includes headphones, a cable for a computer and Leather Case. Another plus is a reliable metal clip for hooking into a shirt or jacket pocket. If you need to record lectures or take audio notes, this is what you need!

The best premium voice recorders: budget from 10,000 rubles

Premium voice recorders are advanced devices with an expanded range of functions and rich equipment. Many of them offer setting a password to secure data. Some models have a certificate from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which means that audio recordings from this recorder can be included as evidence in court.

3 Edic-mini Tiny + B76-150hq

The lightest (16 g). Password protection, voice activation
Country Russia
Average price: 16,900 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

A 16-gram voice recorder with a digital marker system of the Edik-Mini brand is a miniature device that many have adapted for recording lectures, conducting interviews and creating voice notes, including hidden from prying eyes mode.

Model features:

  • One recording channel (mono), still offering excellent quality sound.
  • Built-in memory of 4 GB.
  • The maximum recording time is 150 hours.
  • Recording functions with different quality, timer, voice activation.
  • Loop recording mode.

In reviews, customers write that the recorder is password protected - current option for those who do not want to be heard by someone else if they lose their device. Connection to a computer occurs via the included USB adapter.

2 Sony ICD-TX800

New. Remote control
A country: Japan (made in China)
Average price: 13,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

A new product on the market is a voice recorder model from Sony. After reviewing the characteristics, you understand that the owner of the device will be very, very lucky. This device boasts a built-in memory of 16 GB - one of the best indicators among the rating nominees.

Model features:

  • IN included remote control.
  • The ability to control the voice recorder via Bluetooth using a special application.
  • Compactness (3.8*3.8*1.4 cm) and lightness (22 grams including battery) is a quite suitable device for hidden audio recording.
  • The maximum recording time is 238 hours.

Among the basic functions is voice activation, which is relevant for users, saving the device’s battery. This model can be used as a flash drive and MP3 player. One communication channel does not negatively affect the quality of sound recording - this is confirmed by buyers in reviews and experts in recommendations.

1 Speech Technology Center Gnome-Nano

The choice of professionals. Certificate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Country Russia
Average price: 58,500 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The best Russian model is the Gnome-Nano voice recorder from the Speech Development Center. The miniature device is the winner of the “Choice of Professionals” rating category. Despite the high cost, this voice recorder is in demand, and there are reasons for this: entry using a PIN code and certification by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which allows you to use a recording from an audio device in court as evidence.

Model features:

  • High quality recording with automatic gain.
  • To copy recordings to a computer, no driver installation is required.
  • Support for digital signatures.
  • Possibility of installing the manager on the flash drive itself.

The voice recorder includes the ability to connect an external microphone. The built-in memory (2 GB) lasts for a long time. Recording time is limited to 8.5 hours with settings set to maximum. At low quality, the recorder can record up to 70 hours. The battery lasts on average, as buyers write in reviews, for 9 hours.

Best portable recorders

Portable recorders are used for high quality audio recording. They are typically used at concerts, in podcasts, or for audio tracks on recorded videos. Clear voice transmission to the device is ensured by built-in microphones that create a stereophonic effect. The ability to connect additional, more powerful microphones expands the boundaries of use.

4 Zoom H1

Optimal price-function ratio
Country: USA
Average price: 8,250 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.7

The entry-level model has a good set of features required functions allowing you to perform many tasks. Decent quality of recorded sound can be obtained if you do not touch the device again when recording is in progress, and use high digitization, which allows you to get rid of various types of noise during subsequent processing of the file. Attaching the device to a tripod using the built-in mount will also help to avoid unnecessary sounds during operation.

A small backlit display shows the remaining recording time and charge. The intuitive settings interface won't take much time to figure out. The compact dimensions of the device (44 x 136 x 31 mm) and its low weight (60 g without batteries) provide additional convenience.

Duration battery life The device life is at least 10 hours, which is a decent indicator. The moderately priced model is suitable for amateurs who are just starting their acquaintance with portable recorders, or for people who record sound exclusively for video.

3 Olympus LS-12

Best for Sound Recording difficult conditions. Record control
A country: Japan (manufactured in China and Vietnam)
Average price: 9,990 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.8

Among the best portable recorders is a model from Olympus with operational and simple controls. Significant characteristic– recording control – you can adjust the microphone sensitivity from the headphones and select the sound recording quality.

Model features:

  • Stereo – 2 recording channels.
  • Built-in memory (2 GB) and Secure Digital card slot.
  • Microphone and audio line inputs, headphone output, built-in speaker and FM tuner.
  • Up to 50 hours of operation is an outstanding indicator.

Reviews claim that the portable recorder is not afraid of any load - even a rock concert can be recorded perfectly. Experts agree with users that this is an excellent portable recorder for recording in challenging environments.

2 Zoom H6

Best audio recording quality
Country: USA
Average price: RUB 30,676.
Rating (2018): 4.8

The price category of the presented model is close to professional analogues of portable recorders. The functionality it has is also up to par. Three built-in microphones and six recording channels allow you to capture perfect quality a large multi-voice conference, a concert of any format, sounds of nature, and so on.

Convenient ergonomics of the buttons makes it possible to easily and quickly adjust required parameters. Plastic with Soft-touch coating, high-quality assembly, backlit color display (2 inches) - highlight the device, providing it with a presentable appearance. Quick start won't let you miss records important points, and the operating time of 21 hours will not force the device to turn off at the most inopportune time.

The device looks impressive, but is not compact (78 x 153 x 48 mm) and light in weight (280 g without battery). Sometimes this can be a disadvantage, especially in the work of journalists - the dimensions attract unnecessary attention.

1 Tascam DR-05

The best recorder in its price category
Country: USA
Average price: 8,680 rub.
Rating (2018): 4.9

The Tascam DR-05 is considered the best portable recorder due to the main purpose of all audio recording devices - to obtain crystal clear, deep sound and the ability to capture even the smallest nuances of what is happening around. The model has more than 100 levels of sensitivity settings for the built-in microphones, so you can choose different modes for every situation. Recording is carried out in three formats: MP3, WAV, PCM.

In terms of the quality of materials, assembly and ergonomics, the device surpasses competitors in its price category. Good protection for the case and external microphones will prevent damage to an expensive device, extending its service life. A good built-in speaker provides clear sound, but if you need clearer audibility, you can use the headphone output. The small display, illuminated by a pleasant amber backlight, displays the required limit indicator, warning the owner if the device is overloaded.