Some features of creative ideas for landing pages in web design. LPgenerator is the most functional constructor. Ucraft - free landing page builder

“People are greeted by their clothes...” says a well-known proverb. Well, in the case of Internet marketing, this is absolutely true 9 times out of 10.

Thousands of books have been written about web design, often with completely opposite advice. In this short article we will try to figure out what the role of design is in creating a landing page.

The first rule of design is: “Don’t make me think!”

The key rule of web design is formulated by Steve Krug. The book “Don’t Make Me Think,” published back in 2000, is still relevant 15 years later.

First of all, the idea itself is not new or revolutionary. The need to avoid complications in advertising was written long before the advent of the Internet. And so it’s surprising how often people neglect this simple rule.

What is the essence of the rule? The average consumer doesn't want to think. Having visited a website or a sales page, he wants to reason according to the principle “okay, that’s clear... and here’s this... and here’s what I need.” And how often site owners themselves create obstacles on the path of a potential buyer! A mediocre landing page design is what hammers the first nail into the coffin of your project.
What do typical mistakes look like?

4 mistakes that reduce conversions

Mistakes No. 1 and No. 2

You will be surprised, but you can ruin the landing page design at the stage before creating the actual design. It's about identifying the target audience.
On the Internet you can find hundreds of examples of “selling pages” that sell who knows what to no one:

  • In the first case, “designers” use hackneyed, lifeless templates. Free icons pulled from, full-screen timers with “special offers” and other delights are included.
  • The second case is much worse than the first, and, by God, it would be better if the unfortunate designers sculpted everything according to the same (but good) template. We are talking about cases when the design absolutely does not correspond to the product offered. Visually “heavy” blocks, dark brown color, leather, wood and gold textures in a landing page selling weight loss tea? Easily!
    How to avoid this
  • Beware of free "off the shelf" templates. They can be very bright and colorful, but they absolutely do not express the essence of your product. Contact professionals who will give your landing page a truly unique look.
  • Clearly define your target audience. If these are girls, then landing design page should be moderately “girly” - depending on the product. If you sell drills the latest models, then let the design landing page will be restrained, “professional” - after all, this is what the male audience expects. Remember: you can't please everyone.

Mistake #3

For some unknown reason, the texts and fonts in many landing pages are designed so ugly that you are amazed. This topic is vast and it would be impossible to cover it in a short post. Let's consider only the most common mistakes:

  • Small font. This is the worst... the worst of all, in general. When the text is typed in tiny letters, your potential client WILL NOT strain his eyes for more than a few seconds and will simply close the page. Humble yourself. And finally start using capital letters.
  • Too much text. A landing page can consist of either 5 or 25 blocks (the latter is even better - if executed accordingly). However, none of them should be overloaded with text. 90% of people are visual people - so give them pictures and images that are easy to read and remember. "Don't make me think!" - have you forgotten?
  • Light text on dark background, capslock, exclamation marks!!!, and other little things. All this directly relates to design. The text in the landing page should be easy to read. And readability depends not only on how the phrase is constructed, but also on how it looks.

How to avoid this?

It's very simple: focus on infographics and images instead of text, and make sure the text is easy to read.

Mistake #4

This point applies primarily to landing pages related to business topics. The error we are going to talk about affects 99 out of 100 sales pages. We are talking about images from free photo stocks. Mostly this horror can be seen in the “About the Company” sections, but some do not hesitate to put photos of smiling businessmen in the first block of the landing page.
Take this seriously. What is acceptable in a blog or article is unacceptable in business, especially in sales.
When you use this:

Your landing page looks like:

  • banal
  • vulgar and tasteless
  • shouting “we don’t have our own photos, so we’ll show a sugary picture”
  • and most importantly, it significantly reduces conversion

If you are shy, or you have no one to photograph as employees, splurge on $5 for the sake of paid account on photo stocks.

A little about usability

The design also includes the usability of the landing page. The word usability does not have an adequate translation into Russian. “Ease of use” is a fairly close translation, however, devoid of the original “taste”.
The visitor’s purchasing decision largely depends on how the interface elements are located and how they look on your landing page.

To put it simply:

  1. Does the “buy” button look defiant and flashy? “They are forcing something on me,” the client thinks, and leaves your page forever.
  2. Is the “buy” button located in a non-obvious place, is it difficult to find? The client leaves again.

Let's be honest: it's difficult to maintain a balance. Only a very good designer can create an ergonomic, unobtrusive, convenient, and at the same time sales-focused landing page interface.

Remember what a landing page is for

There are landing pages with excellent design, competent structure, and perfectly chosen fonts. Everything is great, but for some reason the conversion is scanty. What's the problem? The fact is that a landing page is created solely for one purpose. For the sake of sale.
All elements of the landing page - design, text, structure - should be tailored to encourage the visitor to place an order. It's not that easy, and it's easy to miss the forest for the trees. Remember this.

Many entrepreneurs pay a lot of money for design development and corporate identity: choose a web studio or freelancer, make up technical task to design a landing page, look at dozens of layouts, agree on the size and placement of the logo and other elements - and can often be dissatisfied with the result.

When developing a design, a number of points are usually taken into account: page layout and layout, appearance and placement of logo, header, buttons and forms. In addition, it is important to understand where prices for services should be located, Special offers, product description, how these blocks should be designed, what amount of text and images on the page is optimal. Often, clients leave websites, in particular landing pages, because the design “didn’t catch my attention.” A thought unconsciously forms in the user’s head: “If their design is not very good, and it is impossible to find anything on the site, then where is the guarantee that you can use their services?” To prevent this from happening, you need a beautiful landing page.

Service ready-made solutions 1C-UMI offers organic and stylish design landing pages for any type of business. The big plus is that each design template is responsive. This means that your website will be displayed correctly on all devices: both on a computer monitor and on a smartphone screen. Determine which color scheme is right for you and choose the optimal landing page design.

In 1C-UMI templates, all blocks are already located in in a certain order, in accordance with user behavior on the site. There is a menu at the top of the site. The user, by clicking on one or another section, will immediately go to the selected part of the page. This is very convenient from a navigation point of view.

Just below, across the entire width of the page, there is an image, against which there are blocks for the title and a form. feedback. Next you will find a description of the offer or product, complemented by a photo carousel. Only after entering the site, the user will see all up-to-date information. He will find the rest, less important, in the middle and bottom of the page: more detailed description company activities, employee photos, counter countdown until the end of a promotion or before the start of an event, customer reviews and more.

If you want to change the background color, buttons, font, style of headings and links, location and size of blocks, do it using CSS styles. This is a simple tool that allows you to expand the scope of a standard template, radically change the look of your website and create a unique design.

If you don’t have the time and ability to develop design yourself, just register on 1C-UMI in 2 clicks and create really cool landing pages!

To order a landing page design, visit the Yudu website. There are many experienced programmers, web designers, and developers registered on YouDo who provide a full range of services:

  • website design
  • creation of layouts
  • development of individual web page design
  • installation of exclusive templates
  • adaptive layout websites for different devices

Programmers registered on Yuda will help you create a modern website and landing page inexpensively. During the development process, Yudu specialists use new technologies and effective methods CMS content management.

Yudu performers specialize in creating, promoting and technical support websites of different types and modifications. They guarantee high conversion resource. Yudu specialists create websites and sales pages for the following purposes:

  • wholesale and retail trade
  • various types of service industries
  • unique (exclusive) goods
  • training programs (webinars, trainings, etc.)

Programmers registered with Yuda will turn your website into an effective tool for business development on the Internet, regardless of whether you are a manufacturer or an intermediary. They approach each order creatively and always achieve their goals.

Features of website development

Yudu specialists deeply analyze the task at hand. They convey the benefits of a product (good or service) thanks to quality content, text, correct wording and place important accents in the design.

The sales page made by Yudu artists combines everything important nuances, which allow the client to immediately understand what it’s about we're talking about, and what benefits he will receive.

Properly designed landing pages will help expand target audience and improve site visits.

Yudu specialists perform the task in the following order:

  • preparing text and prototype
  • create a new one modern design or adjust the existing one
  • design and program the website
  • place the site on paid hosting
  • launch traffic

All of the above actions allow you to get better website performance. Specialists will help you track and analyze attendance and other indicators in order to improve them in the future.

Cost of specialist services

You can order a landing page design from Yudu specialists at an inexpensive price. The cost of work is influenced by a number of factors:

  • project complexity
  • site type
  • connecting an online payment form
  • website testing and integration
  • setting up the administration system

Find out how much the work of professionals costs from the price list on the Yudu website. Yudu specialists have the most affordable prices in Moscow. Make sure of this by reading the information in the performers' profiles.

Why should you contact Yudu specialists?

Yudu specialists have their own special approach to website development and promotion. They carefully analyze the customer's product to show customers its benefits. The overall aesthetics of the landing page creates a good impression of it.

After collaborating with Yudu specialists, you will receive a completely finished tool. In addition, programmers connect the administration system so that the content can be edited if necessary.

Specialists also monitor traffic and other indicators responsible for the development of the resource. They guarantee high conversion of all projects, thanks to their extensive experience and the use of modern technologies.

By collaborating with specialists, you will receive a number of advantages:

  • application of marketing techniques
  • use of advanced technologies
  • creating high-quality sales pages
  • unique design solutions

Yudu artists use innovative techniques in the field of Internet marketing and develop websites in such a way that they become constant source arrived.

Even before work begins, specialists will tell you how many clients they can attract. All their projects have an individual design, adaptive layout and many other important components for productive development.

As a result of cooperation with the performers, you will receive a simple website with easy navigation, simple controls and high-quality graphics. It will not only attract customers, but also collect their contacts, thus building a base of regular users.

To order a landing page design by affordable price, leave a request on the website or call the specified phone number, and free performers will immediately offer you their services.

Landing page or landing page is that page, that information, which for the first time, in most cases, introduces users (and potential clients) with the brand and its services/products. This is not even a website in the usual sense for us. It's more complicated thing, let’s put it this way, which presents the same information as on the site, but in a more condensed and specific form, as they say, “to the point without frills.” It would seem that it should look boring and dull, but in fact, even those who do not need the brand’s services “hang out” on the pages and look, read, try to find out how it is designed, etc. Imagine that such a user is magically still bewitched so that he still manages to buy/order something or, certainly, add a page to his bookmarks.

That's why? How do they (web designers) do this?

There is a lot about landing pages various information on the Internet, books are sold in stores, etc. But in this material we want to consider those moments from which not only a landing page is created, but how famous (and not so famous) designers work with these moments. What interesting ideas do they find, what inspires them, and more. In general, as usual, we go into the jungle of web design and creative ideas. Today is Monday...

Not so simple

It would seem that the simplest thing is: place a logo, an image on the canvas, arrange text blocks with brief information “about this and that” and the landing page is ready. Like, if anyone is interested, they will go to a full-fledged site. But in this case, the landing page will not use the interaction experience, the user’s experience, and therefore the information he expects may also not be available. It may become difficult to navigate the abundance of content, it will be difficult to read due to unselected typography, it will be difficult to perceive visualization due to the abundance of tacky effects or, conversely, dullness and dullness.


Speaking about landing page design, about interesting ideas, finds, it often seems that the designer is trying to come up with or is looking for something new and original. Sometimes, of course, such original things are created, but they are few and far between and are not particularly welcomed by either users or brand owners. Why? Because users are already accustomed to templates. They are accustomed to the fact that on this or that site there are blocks, headings, texts, and buttons that are already familiar to them. All this can have different type, but the presence and similarity of following each other is mandatory. And this results in a situation where the web designer has to find interesting visual solutions and do not deviate from the general pattern.

As a result, landing pages such as pinestreet, youate, ginventory, baronfig. The structure of each of them is recognizable and not original (in essence), but the visualization as a whole, design, arrangement of individual elements, typography give each landing page its own character and uniqueness.


Each user should know exactly what is expected of him on a particular website, landing page, application, and so on. Therefore, the rule that calls to action should be clear and clear is undeniable. The user himself will never do what the web designer wants, because... People are not telepaths; we all can’t read minds.

That is why good calls for action are always presented in the form familiar to many: buttons, forms to fill out, instructions, animations of various kinds.

Landing Lyft is entirely aimed at motivating drivers to earn money. That’s why right there, on the first part of the landing page, there is a form to fill out, thanks to which drivers can find out how much they will earn in a week with Lyft by entering their city and mileage. Moreover, after filling out the form, users are not sent to a new page, they immediately see a certain amount in dollars and another CTA button to apply the entered data. Only then does redirection, registration, etc. begin.

Thus, these two ways of getting to know branding allow all users to be divided into those who need it and are interested right away and those who need more information.

In its turn landing page Taster's Club solves several ideas at once, which we described above. This includes a personal approach, bright CTAs, and creating a design that is understandable for different types users. Interest in in this case represents the moment that this landing page is and home page whiskey club

If you want to know more about the club, then after clicking on EXPLORE CLUBS on next page you can see the wines that the club offers, you can also see user reviews, etc., etc.

If you click on JOIN NOW, then the real fun begins. Initially, you have to choose your club (type of whiskey) that you like best and then see possible options memberships and prices for purchase. Then you can click on the “Join” button again and go to the form for filling out payment information.

Hierarchy, flow and examples of integrity

A good landing page is easy to use. With one quick glance at it, users usually understand what to watch, what to read, where to click. Of course, design patterns and user behavior again play a big role in this. That is why we can talk about the creation of a certain “flow”, which forms the integrity of perception. Images, typography, and branding elements are usually arranged in such a way that a visual hierarchy of content is created, which becomes clear.

Project LS Productions It initially has a large video and a noticeable logo in the upper left corner, as well as a message in the center that you need to scroll the page. Thus, the user understands that they can skip the video and proceed to familiarize themselves with the content, services, etc. In the future, when using the split screen style, all information is presented in blocks with contrasting alternation, artistic fonts, highlights, and so on. And what’s interesting is that the abundance of content does not turn into mush, since there is a lot of free space.

In turn, the company’s landing page H.BLOOM is also informative and understandable, although it probably has the most small size unlike most templates. To begin with, let us note that since the theme is devoted to flower arrangements and bouquets, a rather elegant font and several small images were chosen ( large quantity it’s simply not required on the landing page). That's all. There is no more content here.

But there is a form to fill out to arrange a consultation with a floral designer. But since this is basic and important for the company, the form is located immediately at the beginning of the landing page.

Another section is of particular interest - HOW IT WORKS. Most people are busy with something and don’t like difficulties, so the section has become the perfect way eliminate any doubts. In just three steps it is shown how the company works and what and why the user should do: consultation - work schedule - final result. Trite, you say, it's obvious. One thing is clear, but it never hurts to repeat and say it again.

One more landing page cannot but be mentioned for close consideration. Patreon familiar to those who are looking for voluntary support for their hobbies, creativity (for the doant). The uniqueness of the landing page is that it uses a slightly different approach. Instead of asking users for money for a particular project, owners instead invite participation in the process by supporting and engaging creative and interested users as “patrons of the arts.” This is a completely different approach, non-standard.

That is why the initial video shows how creative individuals live and work, that they are people just like others, but at the same time they are connected to this service.

The CTA button is created bright and somewhat deliberate, it is impossible to miss, but if you wish, you can also find out the details of the Patreon project. Wherein new page will not appear, but will appear short video, explaining how the platform works. Or you can scroll the page.

Thus, we have a visually designed standard landing page, which differs from others in the positioning of the project and its attitude towards users in a global sense. And this alone changes the perception of the landing page.

The landing page is built similarly Wave, which presents applications for small business management. But. Instead of, as is usually the case, presenting the application itself and its capabilities, web designers decided to immediately tell who it is for and why. And they displayed this both in the image and in the title. And a correctly selected image, in this case, says more than an abundance of text or explanations, reviews, comments. Even if the user is interested in the application, he can scroll through the page and find out the details, but they are not the first priority and not the most significant for branding.


The key point when creating a landing page, thinking about its design and visualization is that the landing page may not always be the home page. But landing pages can be the first stops on the way to the main site and getting to know the brand and services.

There are moments, depending on traffic, marketing and other subtleties, when the landing page is part of the site and this happens often. However, this is also more convenient for users. If you wanted, you looked at the information on the page or used the menu and delved into the jungle of content. At the same time, other pages may even be more popular due to content, links from search engines and sources. And when it comes time to create a landing page, the designer has to figure out what exactly is interesting to users on this site, where they come from, for what queries and what exactly they are looking for. Then the display of that brief information and will allow you to provide clients with a set of services and a short description of it.

But considering in detail all the examples given above, it becomes obvious that the landing page’s goal should initially be set, then individualization, why it is created and for whom, highlightingCTA. And the design template is convenient. These are just sections with information, which can be a lot or a little, but it all depends on the specific content and topic.