Perfect sound in headphones. Headphone specifications - what do they mean?

The absence of shortages and a wide range of products from all corners of the globe has led to a massive filling of the market with goods of various categories, quality and level. The headphone market is no exception. A lazy buyer, having made a rash decision, easily says goodbye to his money, giving it away for the first model he liked. There is no desire to understand the issue, and as a result, a product is purchased that hardly justifies the initial requests. The presence of thousands of different models has led to the fact that buying those “one and only” headphones is not far from buying your first car in terms of difficulty in choosing.

In today's article we will try to understand the question of what main categories of headphones presented on the market, what are their main differences and advantages.

Before I talk about all the modifications of the presented headphones, I will try to put myself in the shoes of a buyer who has put aside a certain amount and is ready to start buying right now. Our buyer is hardly familiar with the features of each category of headphones, but he has a little free time in order to understand the whole essence of the issue and then make the right choice.

By type of construction

Among the abundance of headphones, one of the main criteria for dividing them is type of construction. We recognize any product by its clothing, and it is the type of design that immediately catches our eye.

In-ear headphones.

This type of headphones is more commonly called "buttons" or "liners". They are inserted directly into the ear and are one of the most common. The generally accepted standard was developed back in 1991 company engineers Etymotic Research, and the ancestors of in-ear headphones were audiological headphones used in scientific centers.

Among the accessories accompanying in-ear headphones, it is worth noting primitive ear pads- round pieces of foam rubber.

Their main task is not only to make wearing more comfortable, but also to improve the level of sound insulation.

In-ear headphones

Most often, in-ear headphones are confused with in-ear headphones, popularly called “plugs” or “vacuum”. In-ear headphones ( IEMIn-Ear-Canalphone) are installed directly into the ear canal. Their fit in the human ear is much deeper than that of in-ear headphones.

The design of in-ear headphones is also borrowed from advances in the field of medicine, and the progenitor of this category of audio devices were hearing aids and headphone monitors, successfully used by musicians on stage for more than 20 years.

Main difference between in-ear headphones and in-ear headphones is to improve sealing And concentrations sound. The use of soft ear pads allows you to isolate music playback as much as possible from extraneous noise and reduce the level of amplitude distortion of the membrane by increasing the sound area.

Another distinctive feature of in-ear headphones is the availability of a wide range of nozzles. In a word, you see headphones with a characteristic soft spout - you can be sure that this is a representative of in-ear headphones.

The sore spot of in-ear headphones is the transmission of the high frequency range, which loses out to the booming and meaty bass.

Conclusion:In-ear headphones or “earbuds” and in-ear headphones – “plugs” – are two different types of headphones that fall under the same category of in-ear headphones.

On-ear headphones

Over-ear headphones got their name for a reason. Their principle of fixation is to be fixed on the surface of the ear and pressed against it from the outside, and the sound source itself is located outside the auricle.

Due to the fact that on-ear headphones are located at a noticeable (by sound standards) distance from the ear canal, a higher volume level is required for their full sound. Over-ear headphones can have different types of fastening: using a behind-the-ear, or using an arched headband.

Over-ear headphones

They are rightfully considered the ideal headphones for home use. over-ear headphones. The peculiarity of their design is full ear coverage. High-quality sound is emphasized by good noise insulation. Moreover, by enveloping the ear, the ear pads create additional sound space.

Over-ear headphones are rarely equipped with a folding mechanism, so in terms of portability they are far from the best allies. In order to promote full-size headphones on the market, manufacturers use a pseudo-class of headphones that are close to on-ear headphones, but in terms of characteristics tend to be full-size. What you won’t do for the sake of popularization. “Demi-season” in music is bad, so you shouldn’t choose something “between overhead and full-size.”

Monitor headphones

A separate category of headphones, which at first glance can be confused with full-size ones. You can really call monitor headphones full-size, because with their ear pads they completely cover the ear. The main signs that you are looking at monitor headphones: a large, powerful headband, considerable weight, a thick, often ring-shaped, long cord and the absence of any hint of portability.

The category of these headphones is intended exclusively for sound engineers, but not for music lovers. Monitor headphones have a wide frequency range and reproduce sound without unnecessary “embellishments” or post-equalization. In other words, your favorite songs that have delighted you for years with their sound may seem dull, boring and distorted on monitors.

According to the design of the emitter

Depending on what sound source is installed in the headphones, they are divided into 4 categories.


The most common type of headphones. They are based on an electrodynamic type of transformation. In a part inaccessible to the buyer without third-party tools, there is a membrane to which a coil of wire is connected. Under the influence of alternating current, the installed magnet creates a magnetic field that is transmitted to the membrane.

Despite the fact that from an acoustic point of view, this design is considered the most primitive and has a number of disadvantages, the improvement of technology and the use of new solutions by manufacturers make it possible to call dynamic headphones headphones with good sound quality.

Electrostatic (Electret)

Headphones belonging to the category of Hi-End devices. You won't find them in consumer electronics stores; they are not widely available. All because of the high cost, the lower limit of which is 2.5 - 3 thousand dollars.

The operating principle of electrostatic headphones is to use a very thin membrane located between two electrodes. Under the influence of high current, the membrane moves and creates sound vibrations. Electrostatic headphones have the highest quality sound, virtually free of distortion. A significant drawback of such headphones is the mandatory presence of an impressively sized amplifier.

Isodynamic and orthodynamic

In pursuit of high-quality sound from loudspeakers in 1973 An application was filed with the US Patent Office for the so-called Hale emitter. This invention is the basis isodynamic headphones.

The emitted element is a rectangular membrane made of thin Teflon film coated with aluminum in the form of rectangular strips. This complex structure is located between two magnets with a strong magnetic field. The current drives the plate and it is these vibrations that the human ear hears. The advantage of isodynamic headphones is high accuracy and an impressive power reserve (especially relevant in the production of loudspeakers).

A type of Hale emitters are orthodynamic headphones. Their only difference is the use of a round membrane (in isodynamic it is rectangular).


Armature headphones are headphones that feature an exclusively in-ear design. They are based on a U-shaped magnetic circuit, in the field of which there is an armature with a voice coil. The diffuser is attached directly to the armature. At the moment when current is applied to the voice coil, the armature leaves its resting state and sets the diffuser in motion.

Armature headphones have a high level of efficiency with compact dimensions. Due to the specific design of the emitter, armature headphones sound clearer and cleaner.

Conclusion: In-ear headphones can be dynamic. In-ear headphones can be dynamic or reinforced. Over-ear headphones are mainly represented by dynamic models. Over-ear headphones can be dynamic, electrostatic, iso- or orthodynamic.

According to acoustic design

Depending on the design of the housing in which the headphone speakers are enclosed, they are divided into two categories: closed And open.


They have a completely closed body without the characteristic perforated grille. Using closed-back headphones allows you to isolate sound from extraneous noise.

At the same time, closed-type headphones completely direct the sound into the listener’s ear, and the sound from outside is practically inaudible.


Open-back headphones involve placing the speaker in a chamber equipped with slits, slits, or drape. Thanks to this solution, open headphones have a “connection with the outside world.”

From the point of view of listening to music in urban mode, open-back headphones are safer. In addition to music, open-back headphones also allow ambient noise to pass through. Using open headphones avoids the air cushion effect, which complicates the operation of the membrane, creating additional acoustic distortion.

Conclusion:Regardless of the type of design and the emitter used, all headphones can be either open or closed. Their type can be determined by the appearance of the ear pads and the head in which the speaker is located. “Semi-open” or “semi-closed” headphones in practice exist solely in the imagination of marketers.

By signal transmission method

Depending on how exactly the sound comes from the sound source to the headphone emitter, they are divided into two categories: wired And wireless.


Wired headphones have high quality sound reproduction. Despite the fact that the entire evolution of headphones is inseparably linked with the wire directly connected to the emitter, in parallel with the development of the headphones themselves, the speaker cables used were also improved.

Wired headphones can include all of the above types of designs with different types of emitters and acoustic design.


Deciding that the consumer was tired of the ever-tangling wires of headphones, manufacturers decided to take the next step towards comfortable listening to music by creating wireless headphones.

There are four types of wireless headphones: infrared, radio, Bluetooth And WiFi. There are also “hybrid” models on the market, using which the user can independently decide to connect the wire or take advantage of all the advantages of its absence. Wireless headphones are practically not used for sound recording, since they have an insignificant delay of a few milliseconds.

The value of the data indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging with headphones, as a rule, does not tell the average consumer anything, so many sales consultants, taking advantage of the buyer’s ignorance, easily “hang noodles” and sell off the stale goods. To prevent this from happening to you, you should learn to understand the basic technical parameters of headphones and their meaning on your own.

Frequency characteristics without indicating the harmonic distortion coefficient are worthless, and a flat frequency response graph does not guarantee high sound detail.

The frequency range in headphones and its meaning.

It is generally accepted that the higher the frequency range, the better the sound quality. But as we know from a biology textbook, a person is able to distinguish sound in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. Then why do manufacturers of various audio devices produce products with frequencies exceeding the audible range of the human hearing aid by two to three times or more.

If in the frequency characteristics of the headphone model you like you see values ​​exceeding the limits of the audible region, this is more likely a plus than a minus. Such speakers are capable of operating not only in a narrow boundary mode, but also have additional potential for more accurate, distortion-free transmission of audible frequencies.

Speaker size and headphone power.

The diameter of a speaker is just its size and nothing more, but for some reason many buyers are consciously or subconsciously convinced of the relationship between the size of the driver (aka speaker) and the sound quality of the acoustics.

The speaker size characteristic is meaningless; in fact, it is a marketing ploy designed for the stereotype of an unenlightened buyer.

Acoustic power is important when choosing. This parameter tells us about the output power of the speakers and affects their volume. The higher the headphone power value, the richer, brighter the sound, the greater the bass, and the more accurate the interpretation.

High power headphones of 2000 mW and above will drain the battery of your portable device much faster. If the power of the sound source exceeds the maximum permissible for the headphones, they may fail. Consider these nuances when choosing.

What affects the sensitivity of headphones?

Let me answer briefly - the sensitivity parameter is responsible for the sound volume. With the same headphone power, those whose sensitivity is higher will sound louder. Focus on a sensitivity rating of 90 dB and above; such devices can be considered good.

What does impedance mean in headphones?

What affects resistance or what is impedance in headphones? This technical parameter means the following: the greater the resistance (impedance)
headphones, the more powerful the incoming signal must be to swing the membrane.

Thus, for players and other portable gadgets, the acceptable headphone impedance is 16-50 Ohms. More powerful headphones with an impedance of 250 Ohms will require a sound source more powerful than a standard player; of course, they will work from a standard player, but you will not get powerful sound.

There is the following pattern: the higher the resistance, the clearer and purer the sound. Therefore, low-impedance headphones can transmit sound with distortion, while high-impedance headphones are not loud enough when the power of the outgoing signal source is low.

A good choice for a portable player and computer would be headphones with an impedance of 32-80 Ohms. For more professional work in the studio, etc., the headphone impedance can be from 200 Ohms and higher using sound amplifiers.

When choosing headphones, for example for a player, take into account its power and the impedance of headphones it is designed for. Typically, portable gadgets are designed to work with low-impedance head-mounted monitors with a resistance of 32 ohms.

Frequency response - amplitude-frequency response of headphones.

Frequency response is one of the visual ways to present the sound of head monitors in the form of a graph. As a rule, this is a curve on which you can see how certain headphones transmit frequencies. The fewer sharp bends there are in the graph and the further this line goes, the more accurately the monitors transmit the original audio material. Bass lovers can use the frequency response graph to understand whether these headphones are suitable for them or not; there should be a “hump” in the low-frequency region of the graph. The higher the graph extends, the louder the sound of the headphones.

A flat frequency response line does not guarantee high sound quality. This gives us reason to believe that the sound in the headphones is balanced, in other words, the low frequencies do not roll over or stick out, and do not hurt the hearing.

Nonlinear (harmonic) distortion factor.

In Western literature, they usually use THD - harmonic distortion factor, while in domestic literature they traditionally prefer THD - nonlinear distortion factor. This is perhaps the only parameter by which you can judge the sound quality. If you want to get high-quality sound from your headphones, choose models with a harmonic distortion coefficient of less than 0.5%. Head-mounted monitors with an indicator of more than 1% can be considered mediocre.

Very often you will not find this indicator on the packaging or on the official website of some manufacturers; perhaps the manufacturer has something to hide, this is a reason to think about it. For example, the widely advertised Beats by Dr. headphones, popular among young people. Dre Studio has a THD of 1.5% at 1kHz.

If you find this characteristic in the description of the model you like, pay attention to what frequency this indicator is indicated for. The fact is that the harmonic distortion coefficient is not constant over the entire frequency spectrum. Due to the fact that the human ear hears the low frequency region less intelligibly, harmonic distortion of up to 10% is permissible in the low frequency range, but in the frequency range from 100 Hz to 2 kHz - no more than 1%.

The best headphone manufacturers

Now you know the importance of the characteristics of headphones and you are unlikely to buy a “pig in a poke”, but I still advise you to choose head monitors from well-known brands, time-tested and proven to be good.

Here are some reliable companies: AKG, Beyerdynamics, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, Grado, KOSS, Sony, Fostex, Denon, Bose, Shure. There are dozens of headphone models in the model range of these manufacturers, but whatever one may say, they are all made using similar technologies, so their accents are very similar.

Fans of classic rock should take a closer look at the KOSS models; they have a pronounced bass. Head monitors under the AKG brand are famous for their “beauty” - the detail of high frequencies. Headphones from the German company Sennheizer usually have a relatively flat frequency response, which indicates good balance without falling or bulging frequencies.

What do the letters in the name of the headphones mean?

The letter prefix in the name of the head monitors indicates the design features and some technical details of the model.
Here is an example of smart labeling of Sennheiser headphones:

  • CX, as well as the IE series - in-ear headphones;
  • MX - in-ear headphones;
  • HD - classic with headband;
  • RS - wireless, base and headphones included;
  • HDR - additional pair of wireless headphones;
  • OMX - plug-in with hook type fastening;
  • OCX - in-channel with hook type fastening;
  • PMX - overhead or plug-in with an occipital arch;
  • PXC - a line of headphones with an active noise reduction system;
  • PC - computer headsets;
  • HME - headset models designed for pilots and crews of airplanes and helicopters.

If you see the index “i” at the end of the model name, then you are looking at headphones that can work with Apple gadgets.

The final values ​​of the main technical characteristics of head-mounted monitors should be as follows.

1. The size of the speakers does not matter from a technical point of view.
2. Acoustic power - The higher the power value, the “brighter” the sound, the higher the bass, the more accurate the interpretation.
3. Sensitivity - from 90 dB and above can be called good.
4. Resistance (impedance) - for a portable player and computer, choose head monitors with an impedance of 32-80 Ohms. For studio work from 200 Ohms and above.
5. Harmonic distortion coefficient - high quality sound will be provided by models with a harmonic distortion coefficient of less than 0.5%. Head-mounted monitors with an indicator of more than 1% can be considered mediocre.

Have a nice day and good luck in choosing headphones!

As we know, knowledge is power, especially in technical matters. The main characteristics of the headphones, usually indicated on the packaging, give an idea of ​​their capabilities before listening. You just need to figure out what's what.


Everyone has encountered a situation where some headphones sound louder than others, even though the level on the player (or smartphone) is set the same. This fact is often associated with the difference in headphone power. But headphones are not an amplifier; such a premise is fundamentally wrong.

In fact, how loud the headphones will sound depends on their sensitivity. Traditionally, this parameter lies in the range of 90–120 dB, and for most models available on the market this range is already 95–105 dB. Sensitivity shows how loud the headphones will play, all other things being equal. The higher it is, the higher the maximum volume and the less load on the built-in amplifier of the player or smartphone. I noticed another direct relationship: the cheaper the headphones, the less likely it is that their real (and not indicated in the technical data sheet) sensitivity will be high.

Headphones AKG K 315. Sensitivity - 126 dB, impedance - 32 Ohms, maximum input power - 15 mW.


But when it comes to power, you shouldn’t chase watts. Especially when the main source of music is a smartphone or portable player. With high sensitivity, a few milliwatts are enough for the music to play loudly, and the gadget’s amplifier is not overloaded and uses up battery power sparingly. Yes, if you choose headphones with high power, the sound will probably (just maybe) be solid and punchy. But this will not last as long as you would like - the gadget’s battery will begin to discharge rapidly under such a load. Moreover, there are often cases when the built-in amplifier simply cannot cope with powerful headphones. As a result, you won’t hear a good sound (loose, shallow bass), and you’ll get distortion at volumes above average.

For headphones used at home, high power is no longer a problem, because it is assumed that they will be used with a stationary amplifier. Then high power will contribute to high sound quality.

Beyerdynamic DT 1350 headphones. Sensitivity - 129 dB, impedance - 80 Ohms, maximum input power - 100 mW


Another factor that significantly affects sound quality, energy consumption and generally determines the compatibility of headphones with the amplifier part is impedance. From the point of view of physics, impedance is somewhat different from the more understandable term “resistance,” but from a consumer point of view this is not so important, so it is quite possible to find such writing on the packaging of headphones.

Any amplifier has a certain range of loads with which it is capable of operating optimally. The impedance of the headphones, measured in ohms, accordingly determines the operating mode of the amplifier. Portable equipment usually contains amplifiers designed to operate with an impedance from 16 to 32 ohms. Therefore, these are the numbers you will find in most headphones. However, it is quite acceptable to use headphones with an impedance of 40–60 ohms with portable equipment. The fundamental difference is that the latter will require more power to operate, which means battery consumption will increase. Also remember that if the headphone impedance differs significantly from the recommended one, the amplifier will operate in “freelance” mode, which may result in distortion and a general decrease in sound quality. And in extreme cases, it will also lead to failure of the amplifier or headphones.

Denon AH-C250 headphones. Sensitivity - 109 dB, impedance - 87 Ohms, maximum input power - 100 mW

High-impedance headphones, whose impedance amounts to hundreds of ohms, should only be used with stationary amplifiers. Most often, high-impedance headphones are made for professional purposes, although they can also be found among expensive high-end models for home use.

Attention, if you choose a model for home: the impedance of the headphones must fall within the recommended load range, which is indicated in the technical data of the amplifier. In general, most headphones and amplifiers are quite clearly divided into low- and high-impedance, so there should not be any particular problems with finding a suitable pair.

frequency range

The frequency range of headphones is probably the simplest and most understandable value. The wider it is, the better the sound. If the factory settings go beyond the audible range, for example, 5 Hz - 25 kHz, it indicates that the edges of this very audible range will be reproduced without much loss. Maybe because this is a simple value, and even with large numbers, manufacturers tend to embellish it. There are often standard numbers such as 20 Hz - 20 kHz. And no indications about the conditions under which the measurements were made, not to mention the frequency response graph. 20Hz can really be there, but with such a volume that only instruments in a deaf acoustic room, where perhaps (only perhaps) the measurements took place, will hear them.

Headphones Sony MDR-1R. Sensitivity - 105 dB, impedance - 48 Ohm, maximum input power - 1500 mW, frequency response - 4–80,000 Hz

Ears versus numbers

In conclusion of the review of the main characteristics, I want to save readers from one common illusion that “headphones with the same passport data sound the same.” Not at all.

With the same frequency range, the same sensitivity, power and impedance, different headphones will most likely play completely different from each other. Since our impression of the sound is formed by the accuracy of the response of the emitter, the shape of the frequency response and a number of other indicators that are published by developers extremely rarely, while others cannot be measured at all. Unfortunately or fortunately, modern measuring instruments have not yet reached those heights when they learn to perceive a musical signal in a complex manner, like a person. Therefore, having studied the characteristics for compatibility with the rest of the equipment set (source, amplifier), weighing their cost against your wallet, you still need to go and listen to them. No other way.

Sounds play a much larger role in our lives than it might seem at first glance. They guide us; with the help of sounds we exchange useful and not so useful information. And sounds collected in harmony can influence our mood. Scientists have repeatedly proven the connection between the health of living beings and the sound background that accompanies them every day. Perhaps it is precisely because of this invisible connection that many strive to surround themselves with pleasant music by purchasing audio equipment - amplifiers, players, acoustics.

For many, tinnitus is not just a way to kill time in transport, it is also a way to get your own space, which is sometimes so lacking in everyday life. To make this space comfortable and cozy, it is necessary that the headphones fit perfectly - fit well and, of course, have a pleasant sound. Finding your pair of headphones is no easier than, say, finding good clothes for yourself. Store shelves are bursting with hundreds and hundreds of models at a variety of prices - from “a ruble is a bucket” to those whose cost amounts to thousands of dollars.

How can you not get lost in the variety of forms and characteristics? The answer is simple - you just need to understand for yourself once and for all the classes and varieties of these devices. After this, you should think about which class of headphones is best suited for your purposes, and then navigate your financial capabilities.

⇡ Methods for attaching headphones to your head

Everyone's head shape is different, so the same headphone model may be ideal for one person and completely unacceptable for another. To satisfy all requests, constructors and designers have come up with a lot of ways to attach headphones to a music lover’s head.

The classic option is an arc mount, or “headphones with a headband.” The arc of such headphones goes around the head, pressing the cups with emitters to the ears.

The second option is a hook. The headphones are two hooks that cling to the ears, holding the capsule with the speaker opposite the ear canal. Since this mount uses the same principle as glasses, this option will not be very convenient for those who constantly wear frames.

The third option for wearing headphones is the occipital arch. Similar to the previous one, with the difference that the hooks are connected by a light bow running along the back of the head.

The fourth option is earbuds. These are small, portable headphones that usually come with your smartphone or MP3 player. They are simply inserted into the auricle and seem to lie there. This option has many disadvantages - the headphones do not fit tightly to the ear hole, so the quality of the transmitted sound usually suffers. In addition, this mounting option in the ear is unreliable - they fall out during active movement.

There are some modifications to in-ear headphones. One of the most successful solutions, in our opinion, is the Twist-to-fit design from the German manufacturer Sennheiser. This mounting option allows the headphones not only to lie in the auricle, but also to be hooked onto it by an additional element. A similar improvement can be seen from other well-known manufacturers of portable headphones, such as BOSE.

The fifth option is in-ear headphones (they are also sometimes called vacuum headphones). This type of portable headphones delivers sound directly into the ear canal. In-ear headphones have a flexible silicone tip (like those on a doctor's phonendoscope) or special memory foam. These tips are inserted directly into the ear opening, literally plugging it. For a perfect fit, in-ear headphones usually come with three pairs of interchangeable silicone tips of different sizes. The result of this tight fit is an amazingly high degree of isolation from external noise. These headphones can even be used as earplugs.

However, this design also has its drawbacks. Firstly, the load on the hearing aid increases, and prolonged listening at high volumes with such headphones can quickly damage your hearing. Secondly, the ear hole does not “breathe” and wearing in-ear headphones for a long time can cause unpleasant sensations, such as itchy skin.

Headphones may differ in one more design feature - the way they fit to the head. For example, models that completely cover a person’s ears are called full-size, or monitor.

Headphones that simply fit into the ear are called over-ear headphones.

Not only in-ear or in-ear headphones can be portable. Models with a headband can also have a folding design, and the most expensive ones are equipped with a convenient cover or even a carrying case.

⇡ Differences in cup design. Open and closed headphones

First of all, we draw your attention to the fact that all headphones are divided into two large classes - open and closed. These words should be taken literally. Closed headphones prevent sound waves from escaping from the ear cups. The body of the right and left cups of such devices does not contain any holes on the side not adjacent to the listener’s head. The walls of the cups of such headphones are usually quite massive, and the material from which they are made often has the ability to dampen sound vibrations. Typically, closed-back headphones have a noticeably higher degree of passive noise reduction.

In open headphones, somewhere on the body, usually on the back of the earcups, you can see a mesh of holes. These holes are necessary to ensure that sound waves travel in the same way as in the natural environment, which contributes to a more realistic, believable sound of the headphones.

The nature of the sound in closed and open headphones differs. Since in a closed case the sound wave is repeatedly reflected from the walls, the lower range becomes more assertive, which does not correspond to the nominal sound of the audio material. For musicians, it is preferable to work with open headphones, since this design does not distort the frequency response and sounds more authentic.

Headphones with a closed design usually have a characteristic strong pressing of the cups to the head, and not everyone likes this. These headphones have much better sound insulation compared to open headphones. This implies another advantage of a closed design - the listener in such headphones cannot hear surrounding sounds, and those around them cannot hear the music directed to the ears of the music lover. In open headphones, sound waves pass outward, so loud music will “buzz” quite clearly for the person standing next to you.

Sometimes you can find headphones of a semi-open or semi-closed type on sale - these are headphones whose design cannot be classified as either open or closed. This is usually the name for open-back headphones with good passive noise reduction.

⇡ Active noise reduction system

Inexpensive headphones use one method of suppressing external noise - passive. This is usually achieved through the design of ear pads - soft inserts that soften the fit of the headphone cups to the head. However, this method has its limitations. Headphones with the best passive noise reduction have 35-37 dB.

To enhance the effect of reducing ambient noise, engineers came up with a way to suppress unwanted acoustic vibrations with similar waves with the opposite phase. Headphones that implement this idea are called “headphones with an active noise reduction system.” These headphones are designed with a hidden microphone that picks up background noise. The received signal is processed by the electronic unit of the device, and then a signal with an inverted phase is generated. The emitted sound dampens background acoustic signals and reduces overall noise by 70-90%. The active noise reduction system, even in expensive models, partly spoils the original sound, limiting the dynamic range of the model. However, if you like to listen to music in fairly noisy places, such as the subway, bus, airplane, such a system will come in handy.

For its operation, batteries are used, which are enough for a maximum of 3-4 days of continuous operation. Active noise cancellation technology does not eliminate all noise; it is only most effective in a certain low-frequency range (for example, from 25 to 500 Hz).

⇡ Technical specifications: what to look for

Headphones also differ in technical characteristics. You shouldn't take the numbers and graphs on the headphone packaging too seriously. The data provided by the headphone manufacturer is designed primarily for those buyers who, when choosing, are guided not by their ears, but by “smart” numbers and colorful diagrams. There is some truth in the parameters indicated by the manufacturer, but you need to understand that frequency characteristics without indicating the harmonic distortion coefficient are worthless, and a flat frequency response graph does not at all guarantee high sound detail. However, if you want not a single sales consultant to be able to screw you over and sell off your stale goods, you should understand the basic parameters.

⇡ Frequency range

The first is a private range. The wider its boundaries, the better for sound quality. For some, this statement is not entirely obvious. Moreover, if you start thinking about this parameter, you can come to a completely different conclusion: “Why overpay for too wide a frequency range?”

Let's remember the biology textbook - a person is able to understand sound in the range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. This is in the best case; in practice, the audible range for many is much narrower. Many people stop hearing frequencies of 15 kHz and below. However, manufacturers of audio devices often indicate frequencies that are two, three or more times higher in the characteristics of their products. For what?

When manufacturers of stationary acoustics go beyond the audible limit, this makes a certain sense. The fact is that theoretically a person feels ordinary sound not only with his ears, but with his whole body. Therefore, the biggest audiophiles are convinced that they are able to feel music literally in their bones. In the auricle, as is known from the same biology textbook, fortunately, there are no bones. Therefore, if the headphones indicate a range that is far beyond the audible frequency, even an audiophile with very good hearing and very sensitive ear cartilage will not hear the “extra” hertz.

Still, if you see numbers on the headphone box that extend beyond the audible range, that’s good. This gives reason to believe that the drivers (the so-called speakers, sound emitters in headphones) do not operate in the boundary mode and therefore have sufficient potential to more accurately, without distortion, convey audible frequencies. Of course, the only way to check this is for sure - by putting on a pair of headphones and listening to them.

⇡ Driver size and power

This parameter doesn't say much. Many manufacturers like to proudly display numbers on the box, say, 50 mm or 40 mm. The diameter of the speaker is its size, and nothing more. This trick is designed to appeal to a common stereotype - most buyers consciously (or subconsciously) believe that the larger the size of the acoustics, the better their sound. It’s as if the manufacturer is trying to say: “See how huge the speakers we used? Can you imagine what a cool sound they have - at such and such a size!”

Sony MDR-XB1000 headphones have a speaker diameter of 70 mm!

In fact, this indicator is often meaningless. The power of the device is another matter. This setting determines the output power of the speakers and affects their volume. The higher the power, the brighter and richer the sound - more bass, more accurate interpretation. But high-power headphones (2000-3000 mW) will drain your portable device's battery faster.

⇡ Sensitivity

There is a certain category of users who use the word “loud” to describe the sound, for example, “these headphones play very loud.” Despite the fact that not a single connoisseur of high-quality sound would use this word when talking about audio, considering it amateurish, there is a certain meaning in this definition. The volume of the sound is determined by the parameter “sensitivity”. The higher it is, the stronger the sound (at the same power). Headphones with a sensitivity of 95-100 dB and above can be considered good.

⇡ Resistance

This is a pretty important parameter. If you are choosing headphones for your player, it would be a good idea to check what headphones impedance it is designed for. Typically, portable audio is designed to work with low-impedance headphones, which have an impedance of 32 ohms. But if you connect headphones with an impedance of 300 ohms to the player, this does not mean that you will not be able to hear the sound - they will just sound quieter. High-impedance headphones are rarely used; their resistance is measured in kilo-ohms.

⇡ Frequency response

One of the most visual ways to present the sound of headphones is using a graph of the device's amplitude-frequency response (AFC). Usually this is a curve that describes the transmission of certain frequencies by headphones. The fewer sharp bends it contains and the further it extends on the graph, the more accurately the headphones reproduce the original audio material. Based on the frequency response, bass lovers can immediately determine whether these headphones are suitable for them or not - there should be a “hump” in the low frequency region. The higher the graph is, the louder the headphones sound.

Frequency response of Beats by Dr. headphones Dre Studio

A smooth frequency response does not guarantee high sound quality. This is just a prerequisite to think that the sound is balanced, that is, no frequencies fall or protrude, or hurt the ear.

⇡ Harmonic distortion factor

Harmonic distortion coefficient is perhaps the only parameter that objectively indicates sound quality. If high sound quality is important to you, make sure that the harmonic distortion coefficient of the model you choose is less than 0.5%. Headphones with a harmonic distortion coefficient of more than 1% can be considered mediocre.

If you do not find this characteristic on the packaging or on the official website, this is a reason to think: perhaps the manufacturer has something to hide. You don’t have to go far: the popular Beats by Dr. model among young people. Dre Studio has a THD of 1.5% at 1kHz.

On the other hand, pay attention to what frequency this characteristic is given for. The harmonic distortion factor is not constant across the entire frequency spectrum. Since the low-frequency region the human ear hears less intelligibly, harmonic distortion of less than 10% is permissible in the low-frequency range, but in the frequency band from 100 Hz to 2 kHz - no more than 1%.

⇡ Cable

In the description of headphones you can often find the term “one-way/two-way connection”. This means that the design of these headphones is made in such a way that the wire fits either only one of the ear cups, or has a Y-shape and fits both cups.

One-way headphones

Two-way headphones

The terms “balanced” and “unbalanced” cable usually refer to portable in-ear or in-ear headphones. The design of headphones with a balanced cable means that the wire is Y-shaped. An unbalanced cable allows you to throw the longer cable of one of the headphones behind your neck. These headphones are more comfortable to wear - when they are not in use, they simply hang on your neck.

The cable may also be listed as “flat” in the headphone description. This means that the headphone wire is shaped like a telephone cable, popularly called a noodle. The advantage of a flat cable is that it does not get tangled.

The wire on studio headphones can be twisted, that is, twisted into a spiral.

⇡ Wire may not be needed

Headphones do not necessarily have to be connected to the sound source by wire; there are also wireless versions that can work remotely, without any connecting cables. Wireless headphone models (with rare exceptions) have lower sound quality, which is explained by losses during signal transmission over the air, and sometimes by data compression.

Wireless headphones operate from power sources built into the case, the service life of which usually ranges from several hours to several days. The source of signal transmission is the base. The base can be a stationary docking station connected to any line input, or a portable module connected to any analog audio source or USB port.

Wireless models use three main methods of signal transmission - via radio, via infrared, and via Bluetooth. When transmitted over radio frequencies, sound is inevitably accompanied by on-air interference. The infrared port option is a thing of the past, an outdated technology that requires the listener to have his receiver sensor on the headphones in the line of sight of the transmitter. Wireless headphones using Bluetooth technology have a relatively short range, about ten to twenty meters, while radio headphones can operate at a distance of up to 100 meters or more. Many portable devices, including smartphones and MP3 players, can work with wireless Bluetooth headphones.

⇡ A few words about headsets

Headphones with a microphone are called a headset. The microphone can be detached, turning the headset into regular headphones, can be rotated to the side when it is not needed, and can be rigidly attached to the connecting cable of the device.

The computer headset can be connected either directly to the headphone and microphone jacks on the sound card, or using a USB audio adapter, which may be included.

Many well-known headphone manufacturers have recently begun to release special modifications of their time-tested models, giving them support for Apple devices. Models such as the Sennheiser MM 70i and Koss PRODJ200 have an additional microphone and a remote control for quick access to some smartphone options. However, mobile headsets are a separate class of devices with a wide range of functions, the consideration of which is beyond the scope of this review.

⇡ Understanding brands

Despite the variety of headphone brands on sale, there are certain names that have earned a reputation and are in demand among connoisseurs of good sound. Here are some of the "proven" names: AKG, Beyerdynamics, Sennheiser, Audio-Technica, Grado, KOSS, Philips, Sony, Fostex, Denon, Bose, Shure and others.

It’s interesting that many companies offer dozens and dozens of headphone models, but all these different headphones are made using similar technology, so their “emphasis” is often very similar. If you're a classic rock fan, you'll probably enjoy most of the KOSS models, which have plenty of bass. AKG models are famous for their very beautiful high-frequency detail, and Sennheizer headphones usually have a relatively flat frequency response.

If you look at the assortment that is offered to headphone lovers, you can see that every second brand has dozens, or even hundreds of models in stock. To enable users to better navigate their products, many well-known manufacturers use certain product labeling principles. A striking example of “smart” labeling of headphones is from the German company Sennheiser. The names of these models contain a letter prefix, which can say a lot about the design of certain headphones.

  • CX, as well as the IE series - in-ear headphones;
  • MX - in-ear headphones;
  • HD - classic headphones with headband;
  • RS - wireless headphones, base set plus headphones;
  • HDR - additional pair of wireless headphones;
  • OMX - in-ear headphones with a “hook” type mount;
  • OCX - in-ear headphones with a “hook” type mount;
  • PMX - on-ear or in-ear headphones with an occipital arch;
  • PXC - a line of headphones with an active noise reduction system;
  • PC - computer headsets;
  • HME - headset models designed for pilots and crews of airplanes and helicopters.

And if there is an “i” at the end of the model name, it means that it supports work with Apple devices - it includes a four-pin plug, a microphone on the wire and a remote control for controlling some device commands.

For the most popular headphone models, some manufacturers produce separate sets of ear pads, which you can purchase and replace yourself if over time the original inserts lose their appearance - they crack or wear off.

⇡ How to find the perfect headphones?

In fact, even if you are surrounded by oscilloscopes and other measuring instruments, it is difficult to find an objective evaluation criterion for headphones. How to compare different models?

By price, guided by the principle “the more expensive, the better”? But there are also inexpensive, little-known headphones that sound no worse than branded ones (we wrote about one of the models in the article “Superlux HD669 (Axelvox HD 272) headphones: an exception to the rule.”

Focus on power? But this indicator also doesn’t say anything. One of the top Philips headphones - Fidelio L1 - has a power of only 200 mW, but their sound is guaranteed by a control commission of “golden ears”, consisting of people with exceptional hearing.

The frequency range, which is so popularly written on the boxes of headsets and headphones, also does not give an idea of ​​the quality of the product. As mentioned above, not every person can hear the reference 20 Hz - 20 kHz. And if the boundaries of the range are much wider than this frequency band, the proverb “If a deaf person does not hear, he will lie” begins to be justified. Only human imagination can say how beautifully the speakers reproduce a violin at 30 kHz.

The frequency range of the microphone in the headset descriptions is not much more informative. Logic dictates that the wider the band, the more “natural” the sound should be. In practice, this turns out to be completely different. It all depends on the design of the microphone, as well as on the protective filter that eliminates sharp aspiration and extraneous noise. Moreover, in the line of, say, Plantronics there are many headsets that are equipped with a DSP electronic sound filtering module. This unit very effectively removes extraneous noise, emphasizing the sound specifically on the voice. At the same time, the microphone frequency band in such models, according to the technical characteristics, looks more than modest, and speech sounds more natural than in expensive “gaming” headsets.

So how do you form your opinion about headphones? Some audiophiles - those who think they can tell the difference between the sound quality of a regular cable and a cable made of ultra-pure oxygen-free copper - have come to trust not their own ears, but glossy magazines and graphs obtained using a device called an “artificial ear.” . This may be “according to science,” but not everyone will agree with this statement.

It must be said that those who are looking for the ideal sound formula have a hard time in life - they are constantly forced to swallow sarcastic jokes about “warm tube sound.” Not everyone who sneers about “crystal clear sound” is right, just as not all “audio maniacs” can tell the difference between a $400 amplifier and a $4,000 amplifier.

At the same time, it is quite difficult to find real opponents in the debate about high-quality sound. It's not a problem to come across the opinion that expensive audio equipment is a waste of money. However, the reasons that give rise to this thought may be different. For example, let me ask you: when did you have your hearing tested? Most likely - a very long time ago, or maybe never at all. You don’t experience discomfort when talking with friends, so why should you go to the doctor? But the fact that a person does not need to scream in his ear does not guarantee his perfect hearing.

Encyclopedic information that a person hears a range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz is an extremely optimistic statement. In real life, the audible spectrum is much narrower. Yes, you can see this for yourself. Here is a simple, “clumsy” way to test your own hearing. In the foobar2000 player, open the File -> Add Location menu and type tone://20000, where the number is the frequency in hertz.

Did you get a bad result? Dont be upset. Firstly, the results could be influenced by the technical characteristics of the headphones, sound card or acoustics, and secondly, there are not many people who can boast of absolute pitch. Besides, to enjoy music, you need only one thing - a feeling of beauty. It is not the ear or the liver that is responsible for the latter, but some particularly cunning organ called the “human soul,” the position of which no doctor can show you. In the end, Beethoven did not hear his Ninth Symphony due to deafness, but this did not stop him from receiving such a standing ovation at the premiere that the audience had to be calmed down by force.

So the answer to the question “How to choose the best headphones for yourself?” sounds incredibly simple: “Put it on and listen!”

The growth in popularity of this accessory is largely due to the growing market for portable electronics. Therefore, in addition to the usual models, new devices for sound transmission are appearing, adapted specifically for such devices. When choosing headphones, you should be based not only on your own preferences, but also on the features of the device for which you are purchasing this accessory. Let's consider what types of headphones exist and what are their functional differences.

The quality of such accessories, as well as their price, is largely determined by the design features and the manufacturer. In any case, before purchasing, the user should independently check their sound, and, if possible, compatibility with the device on which they will be used.

Headphones are classified according to several parameters. Group division is affected by:

  • design features;
  • type of installed emitter (speaker);
  • acoustic design;
  • way to connect to a sound source.

Construction type

This is perhaps the most important criterion that most buyers pay attention to. In accordance with the external design features, the following gadget designs are distinguished.

In-ear headphones

In another way they are also called “liners”. This is the most budget option for devices. As a rule, it is this type of accessories comes included with mobile gadgets. The generally accepted standard for such devices was developed by employees of the Etymotic Research company back in the early 90s, but they began to be used much later.

Etymotic Research ER6i In-Ear Headphones

They do not have good sound quality and are not always ideally suited to the user's anatomical features. And even with the use of foam ear pads, they do not provide the proper level of sound insulation.

More expensive models come with additional replacement tips that are designed for better fit in the ear.

Models of this type of headphones are compact and convenient to use on the road. But they are gradually being replaced by more practical devices, for example, in-ear headphones - these two types are often confused.

In-ear headphones

At the moment, this is the most popular and sought-after type of accessory for listening to various audio information from smartphones and mp3 players. The seating of “plugs” or “vacuum” headphones in the ear canal is much deeper, thereby improving sealing and sound concentration, since the amplitude of membrane vibrations and sound distortion is reduced. As a rule, such accessories have a wide range of attachments.

In-ear headphones RBH Sound EP 1

The quality of the devices themselves is an order of magnitude higher than plug-in ones, but they are still inferior to overhead ones, since a small speaker is physically unable to provide the required sound level.

It is worth noting that when used outdoors, owners of such in-ear models need to be extremely careful, since music playback is isolated from extraneous noise.

In-ear and in-ear types of headphones are best suited for phones and other gadgets. They are lightweight, compact, and can be equipped with a headset, which makes their use multifunctional.

The name refers to the method of fixing them on the surface of the ear. This is the type that is used for sports models. The headphones are placed over the ear, but do not completely cover it. The sound source is not inserted into the auricle, but is located outside it. Therefore, for full sound, a powerful emitter and high volume are required. They are relatively compact, have different fastenings: in the form of separate behind-the-ear arches or a common arched headband.

The sound quality is better than vacuum ones, the first signs of volume and good bass appear, but at the same time they are inferior in sound insulation.

Monster Beats By Dre Studio White Headphones

Great option for home use— on the road, such models may not be very convenient due to their size. But that doesn’t stop connoisseurs of good sound either. The cups of such models with soft ear pads completely cover the surface of the ear, resulting in good noise insulation and creating additional sound space.

Modern full-size premium models are different light weight, convenient (sometimes folding) design, small cord size, which allows them to be comfortably used in conjunction with mobile devices.

Over-ear headphones Sennheiser Momentum M2 AEG

Most classify them as a variety of full-size models, with which one cannot but agree. Their cups are also fixed on the entire surface of the ear. They are distinguished by a more massive design, a powerful emitter, a large headband, a long and thick cable, and a high price. Not the best option for use with portable electronics or listening to average or low quality music. They have a wide sound range and balanced sound. Most often they are used in conjunction with professional stationary equipment for working with sound.

Emitter design

As a rule, buyers do not pay attention to this criterion. There are four types in total, but it’s rare to find a large selection of this option in a store. Most often there are models with conventional speakers. It's worth starting with them.


The most popular version of the converter of electrical vibrations of audio frequency into acoustic ones. The closed housing contains a membrane to which a coil of wire and a magnet are connected. Under the influence of an electric current, a strong electromagnetic field is created, which is transmitted to the membrane, in turn, it begins to move and reproduce sound.

Despite the fact that such speakers are considered the most common (largely due to their affordable price), from an acoustic point of view, they are not the best option. But we cannot say that they have low sound quality; moreover, such models have a fairly wide sound range.

This emitter can be installed in any headphones.

Fostex dynamic headphones


Devices elite classHiEnd, which cannot be found in ordinary consumer electronics stores, have just such an emitter. Their price is quite high. A lightweight sound membrane is installed between two electrodes. Thanks to this structure, it is possible to eliminate almost all sound distortion. Devices with such an emitter have excellent quality of sound reproduction. A special docking station is used for connection.

The electrostatic emitter can only be found in full-size models.

Electrostatic headphones Sennheiser Orpheus

Orthodynamic and isodynamic

Between two strong magnets there is a complex emitter (rectangular or round membrane, made of a thin plastic film with a special foil coating). Thanks to this structure, it was possible to achieve excellent quality of reproduced sound with high clarity and good power reserve(relevant for loudspeakers). Like electrostatic emitters, they can only be found in full-size models.

Orthodynamic headphones Fostex


Found in expensive models of in-ear headphones. Despite their compact size, they have great performance, but have a limited sound range, especially at low frequencies. But they have good quality detailed reproduction, high accuracy and sensitivity.

Armature headphones EarSonic SM64 with detachable wire

Acoustic design

This criterion determines whether others will hear the information reproduced in the headphones or not. In accordance with this parameter, accessories are divided into two types: closed and open. In the first option - closed headphones— the device body does not have a perforated grille, typical for the open type. Therefore, this design allows you to isolate the sound flow from others, directing it completely to the recipient (into the auricle).

Safer for urban use. They have a lattice structure on the outer surface of the cup, through which not only the sound wave from the emitter passes, but also the surrounding noise. In addition, such headphones sound better; they do not create an air cushion, which contributes to acoustic distortion.

Signal transmission method

This setting is determined by how you connect to the audio source.


Wired headphones remain the most common and affordable for many consumers. They have high quality sound reproduction. The connection is made using wires of different lengths through a connector with a standard 3.5 mm Mini-jack connector.

There are also Jack 6.3 mm, micro-jack 2.5 mm and USB connectors, the latter being used in new models of accessories.

The wire can have a microphone, volume control, and a call acceptance button. Any model of headphones, different in design, type of emitters or acoustic design, can be wired.

When considering options for wired accessories for a phone with a headset, there are three methods: microphone mount.

  1. On the wire, next to the call acceptance button or volume control. This type is suitable for users who rarely use this option. The speaker, through which sound information is transmitted to the interlocutor, rubs against clothing when moving, which creates additional interference.
  2. Fixed position. This is an option that is most convenient for working on stationary equipment, for example, at a computer. If desired, such a headset can also be connected to a phone via a standard connector.
  3. Built-in microphone. The most optimal option for a telephone headset. But still, such a speaker picks up extraneous noise, which reduces the quality of the transmitted sound.

If you plan to frequently use a telephone headset for telephone conversations, it is better to choose closed-type models so that strangers cannot hear the interlocutor.

Wired headphones Philips SHS5200


Modern wireless headphones relieve the user of constantly tangled wires. When choosing, many people wonder what they are like, and what to look for when choosing wireless headphones?

Today, there are four types of connecting wireless headphones, two of which - infrared and radio connections - are gradually losing their relevance. Bluetooth models are considered the most common; Wi-Fi devices are also gradually gaining popularity, which have a large range and the ability to play tracks directly from the network. Such devices operate using batteries inserted into them.

There are also “hybrid” models in which you can choose how to connect the headphones to the sound source.

When choosing headphones, it is important not only to evaluate their design features, but also the sound quality. This is the most important criterion that you should pay special attention to. Before making the final choice, you need to evaluate the capabilities of the accessory by testing it in operation. You should not base your choice on the loudest models in order to listen to your favorite music without interference. In this case, it is better to choose closed types of headphones that have good sound insulation. When using devices for personal listening to audio information, one must not forget about safety measures. It is better to refrain from using such accessories on busy city streets or continuously listening to music in the headset for a long time.