There was an error in the google fit app. An error occurred in the Google Play Market application. Causes and solutions to the error. Deleting a Google Account

There is probably no need to say that owners of Android devices have encountered such a service as Google Play. Unfortunately, quite often when using it, the system displays a message that an error has occurred in the Google Play Service application, followed by short description and the failure code is indicated. Let's see what this is connected with and how to deal with it.


Let's start a little from afar and figure out what the Google Play service is, also called Play Market or Android Market.

Essentially it's remote file storage, which presents software and multimedia content used in the operating room environment Android systems. This is practically the same as AppStore service, developed for Apple devices.

If you look at the service itself, here all the content is clearly structured by content type, say, programs, games, music, films, books, etc. But fundamentally, you should pay attention to the fact that both paid and free content are presented here . Even despite the purchase of some kind of program or game, servers are the most common thing. Now we will consider the most probable reasons occurrence of such failures, as well as recommended methods for resolving problems.

Why are there errors in the Google Play service?

The most common cause of failures and error messages is considered to be an overflow of the cache of the service itself. Sometimes receiving error Google data Play may be related to installation unofficial firmware or even with an update of the service itself. In some cases, incorrect user identification may occur (inability to log into the service under an existing account). Finally, if it is initially produced on a removable memory card, it is logical to assume that it is simply faulty, or that it does not have enough free space. But first things first.

Types and error codes of Google Play

As for the types of errors, almost all of them are related to loading content when installing applications, programs, games or updating existing ones.

The most common errors are codes 413, 491, 492, 498, 905, 919, 921, 923, 927, etc., you just can’t list them all. It is somewhat unclear, however, why the service displays this great amount types of failures with different codes, although they all have one root cause.

An error occurred in the Google Play Services application: what does this mean in most cases?

Service failures, as is already clear, are common. Suffice it to say that sometimes, for example, Google Play error 921 may appear, which, as the system itself writes, is unknown; again, it only indicates that some content cannot be downloaded or updated.

However, since all errors are of the same nature, the method for correcting them remains the same for almost all cases and comes down to just three things: clearing the cache and application data, deleting updates of the service itself, and entering the account correctly. It goes without saying that the Google Play Market error may also be associated with a malfunction of the removable storage device, but this will be discussed a little later. For now, let's focus on the simplest solutions.

The simplest method to fix all errors is to clear the cache

So, let's say that an unknown Google Play error occurs during the process of downloading data or updating an application. For some reason, the system and the service itself do not identify such a failure, pointing to unknown reason origin. Usually 921 Google Play.

Taking into account all of the above, you should do the following: go to settings mobile device and select the application menu there, and then find Google Play. When you enter the main menu of the section you are looking for, you can use two buttons: clearing the cache and deleting data. Please note that if the error does not contain code 905, you can leave the updates alone. Unknown error Google Play with code 921 can be eliminated quite simply using the specified method.

Uninstalling updates

As for such an unpleasant situation as a failure with error code 905, here you will have to delete everything installed updates service. In some cases, you may need to remove updates for absolutely all Google services.

In the example above, it was indicated that in the service management menu there is a button to remove updates. There will be nothing wrong if you perform this operation and then reboot the device. At reconnection to the Internet will happen automatic update service to the already corrected latest release, which bypasses the installation of the previous “clumsy” package. In principle, if you use clearing the cache, deleting data, and uninstalling updates, in most cases any problem is solved once and for all.

Deleting an account

However, despite the apparent simplicity of solving problems with downloading content (note, it is with downloading, and not with installation, since temporary temporary installation files), in some cases the problem may be due to the fact that the service simply does not recognize the registered user. Naturally, the easiest way out would be to enter the correct data specified during registration ( Gmail as login and password).

However, as practice shows (and this is not an isolated case), this does not always work. Especially often, a message that an error has occurred in the Google Play Service application is issued by the system with failure codes 905 and 492. These are the most common situations. How to fix Google error Play this type? Nothing could be simpler. You just need to delete your “account” and log in again after rebooting the system.

Produce this operation you can from the settings menu, where the accounts section is selected, in particular, we are interested in Google. After entering the control window, you just need to use the delete registration button or the corresponding line from the menu (it all depends on the modification of the Android system).

Of course, deleting registration data is a thankless task, especially when you don’t remember your exact email address and password. On the other hand, if all the necessary data is available, after a reboot, when the system prompts you to log in with an existing account or create a new one, you can enter everything required, after which an automatic connection will occur.

If you suddenly have a problem logging in, you can either try to recover your password (if you know exactly Gmail address), or agree to create a new account and try to log into the service using it. By the way, you can always change this registration if you suddenly remember your personal data. This is done in the same accounts section by selecting the Google service.

Restoring the functionality of a removable memory card

The most serious problem when a warning appears that an error has occurred in the Google Play Service application is the malfunction of the removable storage device (SD card) when software glitch or physical damage. Solving such a problem is quite difficult, but there is a way out.

The most important thing is that the card will have to be completely formatted using a special utility suitable only for this type of media. First you will have to find out some controller codes, and then download the corresponding program from the equipment manufacturer’s website. Please note that not every program is suitable in every specific case. Often, even when inserted into a computer through an adapter or card reader, a card may not be detected as removable device. This is the worst thing that can happen.

However, by formatting, you can achieve the desired result, and it is best not to change the default settings and download applications not on removable media, but to the internal memory of the Android device itself. Believe me, this way you can get rid of many problems.


In general, if the user sees a message on the screen stating that an error has occurred in the Google Play Service application, there should not be any particular cause for concern. Any of the above problems can be resolved quite simply.

However, the topic of the impact of viruses has not been discussed now. As practice shows, this is mainly spyware and codes or regular spam, which, by the way, works as follows: first it tries to open some page on the Internet through a browser (most often indicating that the device is infected with a virus or can work faster), followed by a redirect to Google Play. Here you certainly can’t help but wonder whether the developers themselves installed in some of their applications downloaded from the service malicious codes, redirecting the user to the Play Market to increase the popularity and increase the number of downloads of some of their applications or software products partners? So, after this, think about whether the Market’s errors are related precisely to those failures that the service so diligently reports.

However, if problems do arise, in most cases standard solution is normal deletion cache content. No, of course, you can take a more drastic approach, say, by resetting the settings to factory defaults or even performing the so-called hard reset, but it seems that in most cases such procedures will not be required. In addition, after these actions you can easily lose all the software that is already installed on your smartphone or tablet, so you should think a hundred times before taking such steps, because, sad as it sounds, you can lose everything that you have you are there.

These days, Google apps help us deal with the most various tasks. In any difficult situation, we turn to Google for help and get a solution. But it also happens that you urgently need something in Google app, and suddenly a pop-up window appears saying: "". And you also have to stop in the middle of the journey. This is very annoying, since you never received the desired solution and at that moment you found yourself completely helpless.

But don't give up: we will give you simple options that will help you easily solve your problem if you encounter this error. We will also teach you how to get out of the situation if Google Search I settled not on the Google application, but on any other application. We also have an easy solution for situations like screen overlay detection, Google Play services stopping and many other errors for Android devices.

There are several reasons why a Google app might stop working. The Google app you're using may be out of date, or there may be another problem with the Google Play app. The trouble may be caused by something else running out of free space on your device. IN currently we have 3 solutions, at least one of which will help fix this error.

Solution 1: Update Google app to latest versions

The "Google app has stopped" error can have several causes and one of them is related to outdated version Google Play application installed on your Android device. Therefore, you should update the Google app to the latest versions to resolve this issue.

How to update Google Play Services to latest version:
If you have saved automatic Play update Market, then the Google app should be automatically updated to the latest version. But due to low connectivity, services may not be updated. You can update the Google app to the latest version using this link.

Solution 2: Clear Google App Cache

Whenever you search for something in the Google app, some data, search results, and search queries are saved as a cache on your device. Google apps can also crash due to cache. You can try clearing the cache and see if that fixes the problem.
To clear Google app cache: the following actions:

Clearing the cache can fix the error in the Google app. You can even clear the cache of all apps using the same method.

Solution 3: Clear all Google app data:

There may be several reasons why the Google app is stopped and the glitch may be related to the Google app data. Therefore, as alternative solution you can try to delete all Google app data. Clearing Google app data will not delete your device's internal data, it will simply delete the result of saved search queries that you performed in your Google app.
To clear Google app data: the following actions:

We hope that at least one of the three solutions proposed here will help you deal with the problem " Google app has stopped" If you tried some other solution and it worked, please share it in the comments to the article. Your experience may help other users.

While using your mobile device on operating system"Android", all users use the services official store Google Play applications, but not always successfully. The fact is that even such a proven application can malfunction and many people have to see on their screen “an error occurred in the google play services application.” First of all, you should understand that this is not the fault of the gadget manufacturer, problems can be different and their causes also differ, as well as solutions, but first things first.

Crashes without ID

Basically, errors that occur have a serial number, by which it is easy to determine its cause, but it is also possible that an error without a number occurred in the Google Play application. The solution to this issue is the following procedure:

  • first you need to go to the application configuration (look in the phone settings) and clear the Google Play intermediate buffer;
  • if it doesn’t work, reinstall the application store;
  • clear intermediate buffer " Google Services Framework";
  • check for correctness set date and time on the device, change if necessary;
  • check your internet connection.

Based on the available number, it is easy to determine “where the legs are coming from,” so it is worth describing the elimination of the most popular errors and identifiers.

Error ID 101

This failure occurs when there is not enough free space on the device. The problem can be solved, of course, by clearing the memory. This can be done manually by deleting unnecessary data or using special utilities, which will clear the Cache of all programs and free up a sufficient number of megabytes. When error 101 occurs in the Google Play Market application, it is advisable to clear the Cache in it as well.

Error ID 403

This problem occurs when several Google accounts are installed on the device at once. Naturally, to fix it, you need to delete unnecessary data or log in from your main account, delete the application that failed, and try to install it again.

Error ID 481

It also has a connection with incorrect account operation. When google play market error 481 occurs in the application, you can fix it by deleting it from the device account. After this procedure, you need to reboot your phone or tablet and create a new account.

911 ID Error

The failure occurs due to a failed verification procedure while connecting to the Internet. To solve this problem need to:

  • clear cache and app store data;
  • using mobile browser go to APN and try downloading again;
  • connect to another network, possibly mobile.

Error ID 919

This problem arises just like 101 due to insufficient memory on the gadget and is solved, in fact, in the same way. Must be removed from the gadget unnecessary programs or other data, then the question “an error occurred in the google play services application: how to fix it” will no longer arise.

Error ID 920

This problem is based on incorrect operation wireless internet connections. To resolve the problem, you should first try to reconnect to Wi-Fi networks and download the program.

If this action does not help, then you need to delete your current account, restart the gadget, and create a new account with which to log into the virtual store. The last solution is to clear the data and Cache memory of the Google Play service. After this, you must restart your device and enter the Play Store again.

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If an error occurs in the Google Play Services application, you can fix it by resetting the cache, re-adding Google profile or reinstalling updates. This universal methods troubleshooting, but depending on the error number, other methods may be needed.

Bug fix

So, an error occurred in the “Google Play Services” application, let’s see how to fix it and return Android to a normal, working state.

  1. Reboot your device. This simple recommendation helps eliminate some system failures without unnecessary hassle.
  2. Make sure that mobile traffic not over, the Wi-Fi connection is stable, there are no problems with communication.
  3. Launch Play Market, find the Google Services application, open its page and click Update. The firmware will be updated to the latest version.

If these measures did not help resolve the problem, you will have to do a little digging in the phone’s settings and work with the cache and application updates, as well as your Google profile.

Reset cache

The cache stores data for quick launch applications. Sometimes, along with the “correct” data, there may be incorrect information that will interfere with the launch, causing an error. Let's fix this flaw:

  1. Go to settings, open the “Applications” section
  2. Go to the “All” tab, find Google Services.
  3. Open the program page, click “Stop”, then “Clear cache”.
  4. Repeat the operation for the Google Services Framework application.

After clearing the cache of these two programs, reboot and make sure that you were able to fix the problem that was preventing you from using your mobile device normally.

Re-adding a profile

If nothing has changed after clearing the cache, try adding your Google account again.

  1. Open settings and find the “Account” field (or the “Accounts” section).
  2. Find the Google profile you are using and open its synchronization settings.
  3. Call up the additional menu and select “Delete”.

After deleting your account, restart your device, open settings and in the “Accounts” field, click “Add”. Select account Google entry and enter your email and password for your existing profile or create a new account.

Reinstalling updates

Another way to fix the error is to uninstall the Services updates and then install them again. The "Uninstall updates" button is disabled by default, but this is easy to fix:

  1. Open the "Security" section.
  2. Go to the “Device Administrators” submenu.
  3. Uncheck the box next to “Remote control”.
  4. Confirm deactivation of the function by clicking “Disable”.

After disabling the “Administrator”, you can go to the “Applications” section, open additional settings Services and remove updates. To save changes made be sure to reboot.

To reinstall updates, launch any built-in application. It will not open immediately, but will prompt you to install Google Services updates first. Agree with the installation and wait until the procedure is completed.


If listed methods did not solve the problem, use extreme measures - reset the settings.

  1. Open the "Backup and Reset" section.
  2. Select Reset Settings. Not network, but all Android settings.

Please note that on Android reset settings also means deleting user data from internal memory devices. Therefore, in order not to lose important information, do backup copy before resetting the settings.

Correcting errors by numbers

Almost all Android errors have a serial number, with which you can find out why the problem occurred and what to do to fix it. As a rule, to fix errors in the Google Play Service, it is enough to use one of the methods listed above, but sometimes you have to look for other ways to solve the problem.

Error 24

A failure with this number occurs when reinstallation application when its data is superimposed on information about a previously installed application. To fix this problem you need Root rights and Root program Explorer, through which you can get to the sdcard/android/data directory and delete unnecessary files applications.

Error 101

Message number 101 appears due to lack of space on the device. To fix the problem, clear the memory, delete the program cache Play Market and Google Play Services. Clearing the cache in Services also corrects errors with numbers 413, 491, 492, 495, 504, 911, 919, 920, 921, 923, 941-942.

In some cases, it is necessary to add a reinstallation to clearing the cache Google account, shutdown and turning on Wi-Fi, uninstalling Google Service and Play Market updates, resetting settings.