What is error rh 01. Re-adding an account

Many owners of gadgets running Android OS use the proprietary Play Market application to download various software. But sometimes, after installing or incorrectly uninstalling an installed program or game, it is simply impossible to go to the store, because a message appears on the screen that there was an error in receiving data from the rh 01 server. As a result, the user simply cannot download something new.

This error can be observed quite often on devices with custom firmware, as well as on Chinese products, and the required shell from Google is not always installed on them, which is why it is not possible to go to the software purchase store.

First, you need to understand that the reasons that cause the Play Market service to not work properly lie in incorrect device settings or lack of Internet access. Only after eliminating these shortcomings can the error be removed.

Option one - Check that the date and time are set correctly

This is the most common reason why an error appears when retrieving data from the rh-01 server. To fix it you need to do the following:

Option two - Restart

Error rh 01 Play Market can be removed with this seemingly simple method. Just try rebooting your device and then go to the Play Store again. If again nothing works, then proceed to implement other methods for fixing the rh-01 play problem, which are presented later in the article.

Option three - Clear cache and Play Market data

To do this you need:

Did it help? No? Then try other methods.

Option four - Update your account information

Go to settings, find the line “Google Account”, and delete the data. Reboot the device and enter the required data again.

Option five - Reinstall Google Play Market

You can try to solve the problem “Error receiving data from server rh 01” by reinstalling the service itself.

  1. Go from your computer to the website apkmirror.com, find and download the latest version of the Play Market and Google services for your Android.
  2. Connect your phone to your PC and transfer the downloaded apk files to it, and then install it manually, after first deleting the non-working version of the Market from the phone’s memory.
  3. Reboot your device.

Radical methods

If you still get the rh 01 Play Market error, the reason may be hidden in the Google Services Framework system application. It can either be stopped or even deleted by mistake.

To fix this you need root superuser rights. How to get them is a topic for a separate article:

  1. Open the system partition /System/App.
  2. Find the Phonesky.apk and GoogleServicesFramework.apk files and check their extension, it should be rw-r-r .

Using custom recovery

On some models of Android devices you can install a custom version of recovery, you can download it. Pay attention to the version, you need a file that is suitable for your device.


  • The software is designed to eliminate various connection errors with Play Market servers, including rh-01.
  • Using this software you can make custom shell assemblies.
  • Download updates and patches to jailbroken devices.
  • Make backups and much, much more.


  1. Download the file to the memory card.
  2. We check the percentage of battery charge - it should be at least 50%.
  3. We connect the device to the computer in storage mode.
  4. Open the program and select Install to install it.
  5. We agree to the terms and install the program.
  6. Then you need to clear the system cache and reboot the device from the Reboot tab.

Trivial solution

Check your wireless connection, it is likely that there is simply no Internet access, and therefore the connection is being reset.

You can check the DNS server settings, but they can only be applied to wireless networks if your phone has original firmware:

  1. From the main settings menu, go to Wi-Fi. A list of all available networks will appear here.
  2. Select your network, and hold the button until the settings menu appears.
  3. Here you need to go to the additional functions tab and select the statistical IP item.
  4. Next you should enter the GoogleDNS value, and if you are using a connection via a router, then the DNS server values ​​are
  5. To check, go to the system folder (you must have root rights), find the hosts/etc/ file, only localhost should be written here. If there are other entries, they need to be deleted.


We told you what to do and how to fix the rh 01 error on your Android device. These are the most common reasons and their solutions for the problem.

But if none of the above helps restore the Play Store application, then you can simply return the device to factory settings or restore from a previously created backup.

RH 01 error appears in the Play Market due to problems receiving data from the server of the same name. You can troubleshoot problems in different ways, from a regular Android reboot to deleting user information. Sometimes an error appears when trying to establish a connection to the DFERH-01 server. This problem can be resolved in the same way as the RH error.

Error RH 01 in the Play Market application does not necessarily indicate serious problems with the program. Sometimes a simple reboot of the device helps resolve the problem.

  1. Press and hold the power key.
  2. Select reboot.
  3. Wait for the system to restart and check the functionality of the Play Market.

Instead of rebooting the phone, you can turn it off and on again. It makes no difference what the user did, the result will be the same - restarting the system with the correction of minor errors in the operation of the device.

Changing the date and time

If rebooting does not help and error RH 01 continues to appear in the Play Store, check the date and time set on the device. Pay special attention to the date. The time may be incorrect because there are different time zones, but the date must be accurate. The fact is that when communicating with a server, any system checks certificates that are issued for a certain period. If the date is incorrect, Android considers the certificate invalid and throws an error in Google Play and other applications.

To correct the date:

  1. Open Settings, “Date and Time” submenu.
  2. Set up synchronization over the network.

If synchronization is enabled, but the data is not displayed correctly, causing the Play Market to not work, set the date manually. Disable synchronization and use of the network clock, and then enter the correct date and time one by one. Try logging into Google Play with the correct date and time settings.

Clearing data and cache

What to do if the date is set correctly, but the Play Market refuses to work? Clear the cache and data of built-in programs that are responsible for communicating with Google servers and operating the application store.

After deleting the temporary files of all built-in programs responsible for communicating with Google servers, try launching the Play Market again and installing any application from it.

Re-adding an account

When working with the app store, everything is tied to the user's Google account. If there are any problems with it, then errors will appear when connecting to the server and performing other actions. There is only one way to eliminate factors that interfere with the normal operation of the Play Market, which is to delete and re-add your account.

  1. Open Settings and find the Accounts submenu or field. In it you need to select the “Google” section to get to the list of all accounts registered on this site.
  2. Select the profile you use in the Play Store from the list. Open its settings.
  3. Call up the additional menu and select “Delete”.

Important: when deleting an account, data that was not previously synchronized may be lost, so before erasing your profile, be sure to make a backup with current information.

After deleting your account, reboot your device. The next time you start the system, go to settings and click “Add” in the “Accounts” field. Enter the email and password from your previous profile to add it to your device again. After adding your account, check if the Play Market is working.

Troubleshooting after uninstalling Freedom

Freedom is an application that allows you to make in-game purchases through a fictitious card. The user receives game currency for free, but in return he has to put up with some inconveniences - in particular, periodically appearing errors.

If you use the Freedom program incorrectly or delete it incorrectly, then entries will remain in the hosts that will prevent the system from establishing a connection to the server. To fix this problem, you need root rights; without them, you simply won’t be able to get to the hosts file.

Most modern smartphones run on the Android operating system. All applications in it are installed using the built-in Play Market. This is very convenient - just select the desired program from the thousands presented in the catalog, and it is immediately downloaded and installed. However, it happens that error RH-01 occurs when you try to open the Play Market. When this happens, the app store becomes unavailable and you won't be able to download anything from it. This confuses many users, but everything is not as scary as it seems. The problem can usually be solved on your own.

Fixing error RH-01 in the Play Market.

Error RH-01 appears when there is a problem receiving data from the server where the store is located. This means that the smartphone or tablet cannot contact it and load the start page. There are several reasons why the Play Market displays an error such as RH-01:

  • Failures in the operating system or its incorrect configuration.
  • Problems with the Play Market program itself.
  • Use of root access on the device, due to which some programs or services could be mistakenly removed or disabled.
  • Incorrect Google account settings on the device.
  • Using third-party programs to buy game currency for free using fictitious data. The most common program is Freedom. It makes changes to the system hosts file, and because of this, various problems appear when connecting to the server. It must be removed.

All this is not scary and can be completely solved on your own. A screwdriver and soldering iron are not required for this.

How to fix error RH-01

In each situation you need to act differently. But usually the reason is unclear, and it happens unexpectedly, literally “everything worked yesterday, but today it doesn’t.” Therefore, you have to try different ways to solve the problem until it goes away. It’s better to start with the simplest ones, which, by the way, usually help solve the problem of eliminating RH-01.

Setting the correct date and time

The first thing you must do when error RH-01 appears in the Play Market is to check the date and time. They may be correct at first glance, but the time zone may be incorrect. To do this, you need to go to “Settings” - “Date and Time”, and check there and, if necessary, set the correct parameters. Also pay attention to the time zone. Sometimes such simple actions help and the problem is solved. But if the Play Market still reports a problem, then try the following methods.

When error RH-01 occurs on your phone when you try to access the Play Market, and the previous method did not help, you can simply try to reboot it. When this is not done for a long time, errors accumulate in the operating system, and some background services may not work correctly or be completely disabled. In addition, during operation, the system creates many different temporary files that slow down its operation. As a result, various error codes appear, including RH-01 in the Play Market. A simple reboot of your smartphone can solve a huge number of problems, including this one. The newly started operating system clears the garbage accumulated in the previous session and restarts all necessary services. Therefore, the error may disappear by itself, since there are simply no software reasons for it.

Clearing temporary Play Market files

Sometimes the Play Market displays error RH-01 if the application has accumulated too many “junk”, that is, temporary files. They are created during the operation of almost any program, and upon completion they remain on a flash drive or in the built-in memory. When a lot of this garbage accumulates, it greatly slows down the operation of the system as a whole, and the application may not work correctly or may not start at all. Therefore, it is useful to periodically delete these temporary files. To clear the Play Market temporary files folder, you need to go to “Settings” - “Applications” and select “Google Play Market”. This screen has a prominent Clear Cache button, which is what you need. If there are a lot of temporary files accumulated, cleaning will take some time, so you will have to wait. Also use the “Erase data” button.

Perform the same operation to clear temporary files for “Google Play Services” and “Google Services Framework”. In different versions of the operating system and on different phones, some of them may not be in the list of applications, so clear out those that are named. Restart your smartphone and see if error RH-01 disappears. This method often helps.

Error in Google account

Sometimes connection failure in the Play Market with error RH-01 occurs due to an incorrectly configured Google account. For example, you could change the password for it on your computer, but on your smartphone it remains the same, so the application cannot access the store. To get to your account settings, go to “Settings” and at the very bottom there find the “Accounts” section - you are interested in “Google”, tap on this item and it will open. You will see your Google account by gmail mailbox name. Tap on the name of the mailbox and go to the settings of this account. Sometimes enabling synchronization in your account settings helps, but not always. It’s safer to delete the account completely from the device - use the “Delete account” menu item to do this.

Now, if you launch the Play Market, you will be asked to enter your Google account username and password. Enter them correctly and see if the RH-01 error disappears.

Reinstalling Google Play Market

A Google Play Market failure may also be accompanied by error RH-01. If the previous methods did not help, you can try reinstalling the store application itself. To do this, you must first stop it and then remove it. Go to “Settings” - “Applications” - “Google Play Market”. Next, use the “Stop” and “Disable” buttons. At the same time, you will see a warning that disabling the Play Market may interfere with the operation of other programs. However, be persistent and the program will be stopped. After that, use the “Uninstall updates” button. That's it, the application is disabled and deleted.

To install the store again, you need to go to Applications again and find it in the list, and then simply enable it. The application will be installed from a copy of Android that was installed on the smartphone by the manufacturer, so the Play Market version will be the same as it was originally. When you connect to the Internet, the Play Market will be updated to the latest version. Usually, reinstalling the Play Market helps solve the problem with RH-01 if other, simpler methods do not help. The above methods for solving the problem are usually sufficient. All of them are quite simple and do not require qualifications. But if all else fails, you may need to update the firmware of your smartphone or tablet, and this is best left to a specialist.

Tell us in the comments if you have encountered the RH-01 error and what method of solving it helped. Any advice you have will help our readers in a similar situation.

Error RH-01, which occurs when trying to install or update an application from the Google Play Store, is a fairly common occurrence - many Android smartphone owners complain about this problem. This problem is most often encountered by users who have installed custom firmware on their device. A message appears on the screen: “ Error when receiving data from server RH-01" There is a way to overcome the problem, but first let's look at what causes it. It turns out that despite the fact that the error message directly indicates problems with the server, the reason lies not in it, but in the Android device on which they are trying to install new software from Google Play or update an already installed application.

Found to date four solutions, allowing you to cope with the error RH-01 in Google Play.

Method 1: Set the correct date and time.

The inability to install and update applications is often due to incorrectly set date and time. We won’t go into details, but the failure is explained by a mismatch between dates and license expiration dates. If this is the only reason, then the error when receiving data from the RH-01 server is removed very simple:

Most likely, this solution will help solve your problem. If not, then you should use the methods described below.

Method 2: Reboot your Android device.

One of the easiest and fastest ways to resolve many errors is to simply reboot your Android device. Try restarting your smartphone and try updating or downloading the desired application again.

Method 3: Clear cache and Google Play data.

An equally common way to get rid of errors is to clear the cache and Google Play data. It also works in the case of error RH-01. Execute the following actions:

Still seeing an error when trying to update or install from Google Play? There is another solution.

Method 4: Re-add your Google account.

If none of the previous methods worked, the only thing left to do is to add your Google account again - perhaps this will help get rid of the RH-01 error in Google Play." Do this the following actions:

Perhaps this is all we can help you with today. We hope that the error when receiving data from the RH-01 server will no longer bother you. If you have your own way to get rid of this problem, share it with our visitors - we will be very grateful to you.

Is "Error RH-01" appearing? It appears due to an error when receiving data from the Google server. To fix it, read the following instructions.

There are several ways to help get rid of the hated error. All of them will be discussed below.

The Android system is not perfect and may be unstable from time to time. The cure for this in many cases is simply turning off the device.

If the error is still present, check out the next method.

Method 2: Manually setting the date and time

There are times when the current date and time get lost, after which some applications stop working correctly. The Play Store online store is no exception.

Method 3: Delete Play Store and Google Play Services data

While using the application store, a lot of information from the pages you open is saved in the device’s memory. This system garbage can have a detrimental effect on the stability of the Play Store, so you need to clean it up periodically.

  1. First, erase the temporary files of the online store. IN "Settings" of your device, go to "Applications".
  2. Find an item "Play Market" and go to it to manage settings.
  3. If you own a gadget with Android version higher than version 5, then to perform the following steps you will need to go to "Memory".
  4. Next step click on "Reset" and confirm your action by selecting "Delete".
  5. Now go back to installed applications and select "Google Play Services".
  6. Open the tab here "Place Management".
  7. Next, click on the button "Delete all data" and agree in the pop-up notification with the button "OK".

  • Next, turn off and on your device.
  • Cleaning the main services installed on the gadget in most cases solves the problem that has arisen.

    Method 4: Re-enter your Google Account

    Since when "Error RH-01" There is a failure in the process of receiving data from the server, synchronizing your Google account with it may be directly related to this problem.

    1. To erase your Google profile from your device, go to "Settings". Next, find and open the item "Accounts".
    2. Now, from the accounts available on your device, select "Google".
    3. Next, click on the button for the first time "Delete account", and in the second - in the information window that appears on the screen.
    4. To re-enter your profile, open the list again "Accounts" and at the very bottom go to the column "Add account".
    5. Next select the line "Google".
    6. Next you will see an empty line where you will need to enter the email or mobile phone number associated with your account. Enter the data you know, then tap on "Further". If you want to use your new Google account, use the button "Or create a new account".
    7. On the next page you will need to enter a password. Enter the data in the empty column and click to go to the final stage "Further".
    8. Finally, you will be asked to read "Terms of Use" Google services. The last step in authorization will be the button "Accept".

    This way you have re-logged into your Google account. Now open the Play Store and check it for “Error RH-01”.

    Method 5: Uninstall Freedom App

    If you are rooted and using this application, please be aware that it may affect your connection to Google servers. Its incorrect operation in some cases leads to errors.

    1. To check whether an application is involved or not, install a file manager suitable for the situation, which makes it possible to view system files and folders. The most common and proven by many users are ES Explorer and Total Commander.
    2. Open the file explorer you chose and go to "File system root".
    3. Next go to the folder "etc".
    4. Scroll down until you find the file "hosts", and tap on it.
    5. In the menu that appears, click "Edit file".
    6. You will then be asked to select an application through which you can make changes.
    7. After this, a text document will open, in which nothing should be written except “ localhost”. If there is excess, then delete and click on the floppy disk icon to save.
    8. Now reboot your device, the error should disappear. If you want to correctly remove this application, then first go to it and click on the menu "Stop" to stop it from working. After that open "Applications" on the menu "Settings".
    9. Open the Freedom app settings and uninstall it with the button "Delete". In the window that appears on the screen, agree with your action.
    10. Now restart the smartphone or other gadget you are working on. The Freedom application will disappear and will no longer affect internal system parameters.

    As you can see, there are several factors that influence the appearance of “Error RH-01”. Choose a solution that suits your situation and get rid of the problem. If none of the methods work for you, reset your device to factory settings. If you don't know how to do this, read the article below.