Setting up a local network via a zyxel keenetic router. Modem setup: correct equipment connection. Login to router settings

In this article we will tell you how to set up wireless router(access point) Zyxel Keenetic lite for those who are connected via a dedicated line. Settings Zyxel router Keenetic lite is partly simple due to the fact that the router settings windows are in Russian.

Installing and connecting the Zyxel Keenetic lite router to a computer

Advice. Before connecting and setting up the Zyxel Keenetic lite router, keep this page open, print it or save it to your computer so that all the information is before your eyes.

Unpack the router from the box, connect the cable supplied with one end to the connector on the router named LAN 1, LAN 2, LAN 3 or LAN 4, and the other end to the connector on the back wall of the computer or laptop. It is impossible to mix up the connector on a computer - as a rule, there is only one suitable connector.

The cable that was previously plugged into your computer now needs to be inserted into the router’s connector called WAN or INTERNET.

Connect power to the router.

Make sure that the IP address values ​​for Internet Protocol TCP/IP version 4 on the network card are set to receive automatically. Connect the antenna to the router.

After execution preparatory work and turn on the power of the Zyxel Keenetic lite router, wait 1-2 minutes so that the router has time to fully boot.

Type in your browser, for example Internet Explorer, address without a dot at the end. In the input window that appears, enter as username admin, and as a password 1234 . A window will open in which you will see the current state of the router, namely, whether the router is currently connected to the Internet, to the provider’s network, what parameters the home network has, what mode the router is operating in and how loaded it is, the name of your wireless network.

Advice. If, when entering an address or password, you cannot log in or nothing appears, it is possible that your router has already been configured by someone else and then you will either have to contact the person who configured the router or reset it to factory settings. Also check if a different keyboard layout is enabled or if you have pressed Shift key. In rare cases, a router may be faulty even if it was just purchased.

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If you are connected via a dedicated line without using a TV cable

Select an option from the item list Configuring IP settings option PPTP. As the server address, enter the address that can be obtained from the technical support of your provider, as the username - your Internet password, as the password - your Internet password. Leave the authentication method as Auto detection, Data security in position Not used, put a tick next to the option Forced reset of the WAN interface upon connection error.

Setting up a wireless network on the Zyxel Keenetic lite router

Click on the plus sign next to the word Wi-Fi network. Make sure the option is checked Enable point wireless access . In field Network name (SSID) dial on English layout the name of your wireless network, for example PROVIDER-IVANTEEVKA. If you use wireless communication at a close distance between the laptop and the router, then the signal strength can be reduced to 75, 50 or even 3%. The signal strength has almost no effect on the power consumption of the device, but it allows you to reduce the level electromagnetic radiation and influence on others wireless devices in the house, and most importantly will reduce the impact of radiation on your brain in terms of health. If, after changing the signal level, the Internet speed has noticeably decreased, return the level to its previous value.

Now select the section in the menu on the left Safety. To prevent your neighbor from connecting to your Internet and slowing down the Internet speed with his downloads at your expense, you need to set a password for your Wi-Fi. Select from the list Authentication one of the options, for example, WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK and in the field Key phrase enter your password 8 or more characters long with Latin letters and numbers, for example, UUzS45KLL. Try to avoid traditional passwords like password, 1234, 1111, qwerty, 999999, etc. Click the Apply button.

This completes the basic settings of the Zyxel Keenetic lite router. You can disconnect the cable from the laptop or router from which you just configured the router and now try connecting via Wi-Fi.

Advice. If your laptop sees your wireless network, but when you try to connect, it displays a phrase like “ given network is no longer available,” try changing the authentication type on the router to another one, for example, to WPA.

In the network of the Ivstar provider, as a rule, the settings made are enough to then access the Internet. If the router settings comply with these instructions, but the Internet does not work, try turning off the power of the router for 15 minutes, turning it on and checking the Internet after 5 minutes. If all else fails, go to the router settings by connecting via wire and check that nothing has gone wrong, then contact your provider's technical support or try setting up the router again, especially paying attention to the keyboard layout, availability extra spaces and points.

For advanced users, here are some other sections of the Zyxel Keenetic lite router settings.

Setting up routing on the Zyxel Keenetic lite router

Changing the internal IP address of the Zyxel Keenetic lite router

Setting up a home server on the Zyxel Keenetic lite router

Do wireless routers consume a lot of energy?

Wireless routers for home use As a rule, they consume about 3-5 W of electricity per hour, which is approximately 3-4 kWh per month when continuously connected to the network. Now multiply the cost of a kilowatt-hour by 4 and you will get the amount that it costs you to maintain the router when continuously plugged into the outlet - it turns out to be mere pennies. Therefore, there is no need to worry about high electricity consumption and constantly unplug the router from the network at night or when leaving home. The router should be turned off only if you are away from home for a long time when going on vacation, but on the other hand, due to the turned off router, your Wi-Fi network will be absent, and this is a signal to spotters that your apartment is unattended

Additional technical information on the Zyxel keenetic Lite router

Hardware configuration

The device is based on the Ralink RT3050 single-chip system, including processor core MIPS architecture with clock frequency 320 MHz, five-port Ethernet switch and 802.11n radio module in 1T1R configuration ( maximum speed data transfer up to 150 Mbit/s). Volume random access memory 32 MB, and the flash for storing firmware is 4 MB. None additional connectors, except for the antenna, there is no one on the board. The console port connector on the board is not soldered.

Firmware for Zyxel Keenetic Lite router (firmware update)

Compared to more old firmware in new router firmware Keenetic Lite changes made:

  • Updated SSL library from version 1.0.1c to 1.0.1g
  • Added the ability to load a list of routes from a .bat file
  • Added function to prevent IP address conflicts on WAN and LAN interfaces
  • Added the ability to reassign the functionality of buttons on devices
  • Added the ability to work with the service dynamic DNS DNS-Master RU-CENTER company
  • Added the ability to enable/disable debugging mode in the web interface
  • Number of user accounts increased to 32
  • The SkyDNS Internet filter is free from the influence of providers that intercept requests to third-party DNS servers
  • The compatibility of the IGMP-proxy service has been expanded for more IPTV providers and receivers
  • Added support for KabiNET authorizer
  • Added udpxy component
  • 802.1x: added support for EAP-PEAP/MSCHAPv2, EAP-TTLS/CHAP and EAP-TTLS/MSCHAP
  • Resolved issue with increased CPU load when using IPv6
  • Increased transmission speed in L2TP tunnels
  • Improved WPS resistance to attacks
  • Improved web interface

Older versions of firmware can be useful if new firmware for the Kinetic Light router only worsens the performance of the router.

Compared to even older versions of router firmware, the following changes were made in the firmware dated April 10, 2012:

  • Added the ability to enable a mode in which access to digital television will be available only from a set-top box connected to TVport;
  • Network driver improvements;
  • Improvements in hardware NAT driver;
  • Internal functional improvements in PPTP and L2TP modules;
  • Improvements in the IGMP Snooping module;
  • Added support for DDNS service DNS-O-Matic;
  • Improved work with DLNA devices;
  • Improvements in UPnP operation;
  • Various improvements and fixes in the web interface.

Reasons for poor Wi-Fi performance

Even though your router is completely new or you bought one of the most expensive routers, the problem with poor Wi-Fi performance in an apartment can happen to any router and in any apartment. We won't even load you brief theory radio signal propagation, but we will only give a summary of theoretical and practical observations related to poor Wi-Fi performance.

What WiFi problems can you encounter?

  1. Even the wireless network in the next room barely works - the signal is very weak.
  2. Low Internet speed via Wi-Fi, but via wires through the router everything is fine.
  3. Every other time I manage to connect to my network, although it doesn’t disappear anywhere.
  4. After a while, the Internet disappears through the router, even over wires.

Reasons for poor Wi-Fi performance and what to do

1. Interference from other routers in the house, wireless video cameras. working nearby. Solution. Try in settings Wi-Fi router and rigidly set the channel number or change it to another by selection. A radical option is to move the router to the opposite side of the apartment. 2. Interference from Bluetooth devices operating within the coverage area of ​​your Wi-Fi device. Bluetooth devices work in the same frequency range, as Wi-Fi devices, is 2.4 GHz, therefore, may affect the operation of Wi-Fi devices. Solution. If you have bluetooth on your computer, router or laptop, do not use it or remove the bluetooth adapter. If your neighbor has it behind the wall, curse him. 3. Long distances between your router and laptop. tablet, etc. Ideally, in residential buildings, the Wi-Fi range is at most a couple of tens of meters, excluding furniture. fittings in walls, elevator cabins and metal doors. Solution. Move the router closer to your devices or the devices themselves closer to the router. Maybe you thought of putting the router in the shield on the stairs?

4. Various obstacles (walls, ceilings, furniture, metal doors, mirrors, etc.) located between Wi-Fi devices can partially or significantly reflect/absorb radio signals, which leads to partial or complete loss of the signal. Solution. Change the position of the router in the room or move it to another place altogether. How do obstacles affect Wi-Fi? Open areas are affected by trees, precipitation, especially fog and heavy rain. A window with a metallized surface (tinted) attenuates the signal by 50% (the signal strength is multiplied by 0.5). A wooden wall (!) weakens the signal by 70% (we multiply the signal strength by 0.7). Load-bearing walls and monolithic reinforced concrete floors weaken the signal by 90%, interior walls and concrete floors or ceilings - by 85%. 5. Various Appliances, operating within the coverage area of ​​your Wi-Fi device: microwave ovens, old monitors with a tube, cordless phones, taxi radio communication, baby monitors, etc. Solution. We'll have to come to terms with it.

You purchased new router from the manufacturer Zyxel for home devices local network and free access to the Internet. If you already had an access point from your provider, now you have the opportunity to connect to global network all other devices using a wireless WiFi connection.

Having some computer skills and following detailed instructions, any user can easily cope with connecting and setting up a Zyxel router.
Let's start by connecting the router and turning it on:

  • We remove the provider cable from the computer and insert it into the blue “WAN” or “INTERNET” socket of the router;
  • We connect one end of the cable that was included into any yellow “LAN” socket of the router, and the other into that connector system unit computer that previously housed the provider's cable. The remaining yellow ports can be used to connect a laptop or other PCs.
  • Next, connect the antenna to the router and turn on its power.

Remember! When connecting any devices to a computer, it is simply impossible to mix up the sockets and connectors, and plug the wires in the wrong way: they are all different sizes and only fits required cables.

After the router boots up, open your browser (any Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox,Opera, Google Chrome) and in address bar enter
A window will appear asking you to enter your username. Type the word admin, and for the password enter the numbers 1234. A window opens where you can see the status of the router and its parameters: Internet connection, operating mode, load and network name.

Attention! If this window does not appear, it means that the router has already been configured by someone and you need to return to the factory settings. This can be easily done using the Reset button on the rear panel. Press it and hold it for a while. The router will reboot and you can start working.

All settings and parameters for full-fledged work router are entered in the list, which is located on the left side of the screen on a blue background. It is strongly not recommended to enter and make changes to other sections!

The following window shows the default installed network parameters your router. Now we don’t need them for work, which means we’re moving on to the next stage.

Setting up the router

In the “Internet” tab, in the “Connection” line, fill out the page that appears line by line:

  • “IP Settings” - Automatic
  • “MAC address” - use taken from the computer
  • What is a MAC address? This is a combination of numbers that represents serial number. This number is assigned to all devices by which they are recognized on the Internet. This can be compared to the car number that is issued upon registration. What “MAC address” of the computer to choose in this situation? If you only have one computer connected to the router, choose it. And if there are several of them connected, then write down the address of the one that was connected to the network earlier and its MAC address was already specified.
  • “Respond to ping requests from the Internet” - check the box;
  • “Auto-QoS” - also check the box;
  • “Allow UPnP” – again – tick;
  • Click “Apply”

Here's a picture:

Now your computer is connected to the Internet and you can work.
On the page " System Monitor"In the subsection "Internet Connection" you can see all the working parameters.

Wireless setup WiFi networks

Open the “Wi-Fi Network” section and go to the “Connection” line. A window will open on the screen in which you need to fill in the fields:

  • Check the box next to “Enable wireless access point”;
  • In the “Network name (SSID)” line, write down the name of your network;
  • We skip the following lines and stop at the last one;
  • Check "Enable" Wi-Fi mode Multimedia (WMM)";
  • Save with the “Apply” button

Answer “Ok” to the question in the next window.

Wireless network has a fairly wide coverage, so in order to avoid “foreign” connections, it is necessary to install protection. In order to install an encryption system on your local network, go to the “Settings” menu WiFi security" Enter the protection parameters:

  • “Authentication” - we recommend installing WPA2-PSK;
  • “Protection type” - select TKIP-AES;
  • "Format network key» - ASCII;
  • “Network Key (ASCII)” is your password. Come up with a code of 8-20 characters that you can remember. You should not use words in your password that have associations with you or your family members (names, phone numbers or dates of birth).
  • Apply button

Now all you have to do is check the Internet connection on your home devices. For example, on a laptop, in the lower left corner should appear new icon, which indicates WiFi network availability. Click on it right key mouse, and in the window that opens you will need to enter your code word. Thus, allow access to everyone mobile devices and consoles. Now your whole family can use the Internet simultaneously in any corner of your home or even in the yard!

Today we will talk about setting up a router such as Zyxel Keenetic Lite. This is a fairly inexpensive device with a VPN that has convenient sizes. Besides the price and size, it has good standard functionality. Specific Settings allow you to distribute Internet speed between several users.

Regarding the characteristics. Manufacturers set the speed limit at 5 Megabytes per second when working via PPTP. It is worth recalling that our model has more full version(without the Lite prefix), so this older model has a speed limit of 7 Megabytes. We will try to consider in as much detail as possible the question of how to configure a Zyxel Keenetic Lite router with VPN.

Appearance review

Externally, on the back of the router it is worth highlighting various ports and buttons:

· Place where the antenna is screwed in. Thanks to it, we can use the Internet at a greater distance.

· A key that is designed to reset settings. The button itself is located inside a recess, which is why it needs to be pressed with a paper clip. All so that no one accidentally resets the settings.

· Place for Internet connection. It's also a WAN port.

· Four LAN ports, as standard. They are necessary to connect a PC or laptop to the router directly.

Externally, various indicators can be distinguished on the front:

· Starting on the left side, the first is the status indicator of the router itself.

· Then from 0-4 there are ports.

· Next comes the wireless network status indicator.

· The last indicator determines the Internet connection status.

On the top cover, in addition to the name, there is one key - the router power button. We do not consider the lower part, but it may contain the necessary data and various serial codes Zyxel Keenetic Lite, setup sometimes requires you to look at the bottom.

Router installation

The instructions for installing a router with VPN are extremely short. Setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Lite router has only 4 points:

1. First, take the antenna of our device and screw it into its proper place, so that it is directed upward.

2. The power supply, which must be included, must be connected to the electrical network in your home, and the other side to the router. The connector responsible for power is called “Power”.

3. A short one usually comes with the router network cable. It needs to be inserted into one of the LAN network ports, and into your desktop computer or laptop. This is needed for initial setup.

4. The wire provided by the ISP or Internet company is inserted into WAN port. You can distinguish this port by the fact that it is only one color and another.

When finished, press the power key and make sure that the Internet Zyxel center Keenetic Lite VPN has launched. Please note that your PC must connect well and without problems to the router, as this may make it difficult initial installation. The drivers of your network card. In the device manager, it is better to make sure that they are working in advance before setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Lite router.

Directly setting up the router

To configure, you need to go to the website, as on other routers. The address that needs to be registered is In the username and password fields you must enter admin and 1234, respectively. Click on “Login”.

There are times when this data does not allow you to log in. In this case, you need to update the router firmware, reset it to factory settings VPN settings. Then this password will be the default. Resetting the settings is simple and is done by holding down the reset key (the “reset” button on the back).

After you have visited the desired site, go to the “Internet” tab. There will be a drop-down list, select “Authorization” there. On the tab that opens, we need to fill in some of the fields we need:

· Internet access protocol. Here in the list we are only interested in PPPoE. (but it’s better to check with your provider).

· Username and password are provided by your ISP. Most often they are included in the contract.

· It is better to check MTU with your Internet company. It may need to be left unchanged.

At this stage, the Internet should appear on the router and the computer connected via a LAN cable. To appear wireless Internet, we perform the following actions: item “Wi-Fi network” -> “Connection”.

On this page, check the “Enable wireless access point” checkbox. In the SSID field, which is responsible for the name of your Wi-FI, enter any one you like. Click “Accept”.

To protect yourself, you need to properly configure WiFi and set a password. Go to the “Security” tab. We select in order “WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK”, “TKIP/AES”, “ASCII”, as it goes according to the list. In the last one, which is called “ASCII”, enter the password for your WiFi. It must be used when connecting a new device to the router. This completes the configuration of the Zyxel Keenetic Lite router.

In some cases, most often when using uTorrent, there is a need for port forwarding. The easiest way is to use the UPnP service, which is built into the program itself. You can find it in the top tabs. First, open the settings and select configurations there. Go to the “connections” item. There should be three checkboxes here and one should not be checked. Should be opposite: “UPnP redirection”, “NAT-PMP redirection”, “In firewall exception”. It should not be opposite “Random port on startup”.

Thanks to these checkboxes, port forwarding should work properly, but only if the router settings allow it. How can I check this? On the router’s website you need to assign the PC to a permanent (static) IP. home network-> Servers you need to check the box next to “Port forwarding”.

In the “Internet” tab, then “Routes” you need to add the IP address of your computer, secure it using the button located at right side From him.


In general, this is all you need to know about setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Lite router. Now you can easily connect to the Internet from anywhere in your home using the password you entered.

Video on the topic

Happy Internet to you!

Zyxel Keenetic Start is the younger brother of Zyxel Keenetic. As you can understand from the addition to the name of the Start router, this is a somewhat stripped-down version from Zyxel Keenetic. Nevertheless, Keenetic Start will do an excellent job of connecting your home to the Internet, the provider’s network and its services, such as IP television. It unites the home computer equipment to the network and will provide the opportunity to simultaneously access the Internet from several computers or gadgets, play online games, participate in file-sharing networks, connect smartphones, tablets and laptops via Wi-Fi (speed up to 150 Mbit/sec), use TVs with Smart function TV. For guest Wi-Fi devices, you can enable a separate wireless network with Internet access, but without access to information on your home network. Built-in firewall internet center protects all devices on your home network from attacks from the Internet. I think for most users this is more than enough.

Let's start with the appearance of the router - it doesn't really stand out among a number of others, black in color, glossy with a ribbed surface.

Zyxel Keenetic Start is not big size 140 x 110 x 30 mm excluding antennas. There is a button on top of the case; it allows you to quickly and safely connect Wi-Fi 802.11g/n wireless devices that support the WPS standard, such as computers and laptops with operating system Microsoft Windows.
Short press- Launches a function quick connection(WPS).
Press for more than 3 seconds- Turns the wireless network on or off.

At the back there are traditionally 5 ports (100 Mbit): 4 ports for local network + 1 port for the Internet. What surprised me a little is that the ports are signed in Russian letters (Home Network, Internet, etc.) is not fundamental, of course, but it’s not common to see this. There is also a button to turn the router on/off.

There are 8 indicators on the front panel:

Indicator - Status
Does not burn
Zyxel Keenetic Start is disabled.
Flashes rarely
The router is loading. If the indicator blinks for more than two minutes, the Internet center may be faulty.
Flashes quickly
Firmware update.
The Internet center is turned on and functioning normally.

Indicators 0-4 Connection to network connectors
Does not burn
The cable is not connected to the corresponding connector of the Internet center, or network connection not installed.
Lights up or flashes
The network connection has been established and information is being transferred.

Indicator - Wireless network Wi-Fi
Does not burn
Wi-Fi network is turned off.
Wi-Fi network is turned on.
Flashes quickly
Data is being transmitted over the wireless network.
Flashes, rarely
Wireless quick setup session started
connections using WPS technology.

Indicator - Internet
Does not burn
Zyxel Keenetic Start did not receive IP parameters from the provider to connect to the Internet or did not pass authorization.
The IP settings for connecting to the Internet are set.

In order to set up the router, you need to connect it to your computer/laptop using an Ethernet cable. Don't forget to connect power to the Zyxel Keenetic Start and press the power button on the case. In the computer/laptop settings, set automatic retrieval of network settings . After this, open any browser (IE, Chrome, Opera), the web interface of the router will open, if this does not happen, enter or in the address bar, a web interface window will open offering a choice - go to the web interface or run quick setup . I suggest starting with a quick setup.

The first step is to set up the Internet, the router supports Various types VPN connections(PPTP and L2TP), PPPoE, 802.1X, VLAN 802.1Q, IPv4/IPv6. In order to properly configure the Internet, I recommend contacting your provider. After the global network is configured, Zyxel Keenetic Start will offer to update its firmware, agree and click " Update".

After installing the updates and rebooting the router (this will take no more than 5 minutes), you will see a window stating that the Internet Center components are updated and you can begin next step, press " Further".

The next step is to suggest enabling the Yandex.DNS Internet Filter application; I recommend turning it on to make browsing the global network safer; if this function turns out to be unnecessary for you, you can always turn it off.

This completes the quick setup and you will be asked to go online or continue settings using the web interface.

Many may notice that in the quick setup there was nothing about Wi-Fi network settings, the whole point is that the router is already configured secure wifi network, in order to find out the SSID and password, just turn the device over and you will see on the sticker Wi-Fi name network and its password. In my opinion, a reasonable solution, since many routers from other manufacturers have Wi-Fi network open to everyone, but it’s not safe, and those who change Wi-Fi settings networks very often forget the password, in this same router everything can be seen on a sticker.

Back to web interface, I suggest you look at the basic settings of Zyxel Keenetic Start; to do this, press the button " Web configurator".

The first thing you will be asked to do is enter a password to connect via the web interface, I recommend using complex password consisting of at least 6 characters with numbers, large and small letters and specials. signs (!@#$), just don’t forget it later, otherwise you’ll have to press the Reset button and return the router settings to factory settings and then configure everything again.

After entering the password, you must log in (enter your login and password), login - admin The password is the one you just set.

After connecting to the web interface, you will see System Monitor, it shows information about the system, the status of the router, and network interfaces.

Video review of the Zyxel firmware update.

If you want to change the Wi-Fi network settings, you must press the " Wi-Fi network" and on the tab " Access point", make the necessary changes.

If you select the " Guest network ", we can enable and configure another Wi-Fi network without access to the local network. Typically, the Guest network is used in the office so that non-employees of the enterprise can connect to the Internet without access to the local network.

In order to manually update the firmware and components of Zyxel Keenetic Start, you need to go to the " tab System", check the boxes which components need to be updated and click the " button Update", after that the router will download, install updates and reboot.

In order to configure IPTV, you need to press the button " Applications.

Hello, in this article we will look at detailed instructions for setting up the Zyxel Keenetic Start router. This model has proven itself to be a stable router for a fairly low purchase price. I’ll say right away that yes, if you thought that since the price is not high, it means that it doesn’t have much power. This router model is budget and its data transfer speed is limited. But it all depends on what goals you are pursuing; the Keenetic Start model is perfect for small spaces. For those who will connect only 3-5 devices, and who will not need to simultaneously open 1000 sessions on them. Otherwise it works stably, software updates are released regularly and are updated automatically. So for the average user small premises it will fit perfectly.

How to connect a zyxel keenetic start Wi-Fi router to a computer

Connecting zyxel keenetic start to a computer will not be a problem for anyone, since Russian description ports, makes this process very easy. I want to say right away that during the initial setup, I advise you to connect the router to your laptop and computer via wire. Otherwise, if you start setting up over Wi-Fi, there is a high chance that you will get confused when you start setting up security Wi-Fi local networks. So I'll briefly go over the connection.


  1. We insert the plug of the power supply into the “power” connector.
  2. Wire from the Internet provider to the “Internet” connector.
  3. We insert the patch cord (short wire included) into any of the “Home Network” ports.
  4. Well, don’t forget to insert the power supply into the outlet and press the button on the right.

It is also worth noting that if you have a keenetic start, someone else has already used it, then before setting it up you should reset the settings to standard (factory). Also check.

Login to the router default login and password for zyxel keenetic start

To enter the admin panel (router configuration interface), you will need to open any browser and in the address bar and press Enter.

If this is your first time logging into the router, a window will open in front of you Quick settings. We don’t need it since it’s better to do everything ourselves; we go straight to the “Web Configurator” by clicking the corresponding button.

After which a window will open in front of you asking you to set a password to enter the interface (it is worth noting that on all routers from zyxel, the default login is admin, and the password is 1234). We ask it, preferably in a more complex way, but so that you don’t forget it (or better yet, write it down right away). After entering, click on the “Apply” button.

After reloading the page, a window will open asking you to log in, enter the standard “User name - admin”, and “Password - the one you specified (and did not forget to write down). Click the “OK” button to enter.

Will open home page router interface. From here we will configure our router

Detailed instructions for setting up the Internet on zyxel keenetic start

This router supports all types of connections transmitted via Ethernet cable. These are PPPoE, PPtP, L2tp, Static ip, Dynamic ip. Also for PPPoE, PPtP, L2tp it reduces the speed a little, but don’t be afraid it’s enough for you. Next, I will explain in detail where to go, what fields to fill out, and where to get the data for each type of connection. But I will not explain the meaning of each connection type.

Let's go to the Internet settings panel by clicking on the Planet icon in the bottom panel of the interface.

First, let's look at the three main and popular types of Internet connection. These are types of connections that require authorization via a login and password. To do this, go to the “PPPoE/VPN” tab and click on the “Add connection” button

Setting up L2tp connection Beeline (beeline), Kyivstar.

  1. Type (protocol) – select L2tp from the list.
  2. “Server address” enter the server address specified in the agreement. Some providers also call it the VPN server address.

Setting up PPPoE connection (Rostelecom,, Megaline, ID-Net).

  1. Type (protocol) – select PPPoE from the list.
  2. Connect via – select our interface. By default this is Broadband connection (ISP).
  3. Username – enter your login from the agreement with the provider, if not, check with the provider’s support.
  4. Password – your password from the agreement with the provider.
  5. Configuring IP parameters – select “Automatic” from the list.
  6. Service name, Hub name, Description - filled in only if there is a requirement from the provider.
  7. Save the settings by clicking on the “Apply” button.

Setting up a PPTP connection Aist Togliatti, UfaNet (UfaNet)

  1. Type (protocol) – select PPTP from the list.
  2. Connect via – select our interface. By default this is Broadband connection (ISP).
  3. Server address enter the server address specified in the agreement. Some providers also call it the VPN server address.
  4. The username is your login from the agreement with the provider.
  5. The password is also in the agreement with the provider. If not, check with your provider's support.
  6. Select IP settings from the “Automatic” list.
  7. The authentication method must be confirmed with the provider. But first set it to "Auto"
  8. Service name, Hub name, Description - filled in only if there is a requirement from the provider.
  9. After filling in all fields, click Apply.

Automatically obtain an IP address.

The dynamic connection type does not require settings; it is the default in the Zyxel Keenetic Start settings. But for those who want to reconfigure the router from a different connection type, we should tell you how to do this. To do this, go to the Internet section (icon in the form of a planet), and in the Connections section, click on the Broadband connection (ISP) link.

Here you need to check that Automatic is selected in the “Configure IP parameters” field. And in the field MTU size enter 1400.

Setting up a static IP address

In the same section, in the “Configure IP parameters” field, select “Manual” from the list. After which the fields at the bottom will be active, you should fill them in (IP address, Subnet mask, Default gateway, DNS1, DNS2). All parameters must be specified in the contract; you can also check them with your provider’s support.

How to set a Wi-Fi password on zyxel keenetic start

To set up Wi-Fi, go to the appropriate section.

A settings window will open here we will need to fill in certain fields

  • “Network name (SSID)” enter the name of your network. This is the network name that will be displayed when connecting to Wi-Fi.
  • In the “Network protection” field, select WPA2-PSK from the list. This is the most secure type of signal encryption.
  • In the Network Key field, enter any password. Which must consist of eight characters and numbers.
  • In the Channel field, select Auto. If problems arise with WiFi operation then select a specific channel.
  • It is better to leave the remaining fields unchanged.
  • After filling out all the fields, click on the “Apply” button.

On this basic setup zyxel keenetic start router is completed. If you don’t have enough information, write in the comments, I will try to supplement the article.

Example of setting up zyxel keenetic start video
