How and where is the best way to store passwords? Where is the best place to store passwords?

Why you need to store passwords

On the Internet, we increasingly visit sites that require user registration. Forums, social networks, payment systems, online banks and even translators force us to create logins and passwords. We think that each of us has at least a dozen passwords, and they should all be different. How can you remember them all, especially if password length requirements vary from site to site and some of them are impossible to remember in your head? Moreover, sometimes online pages automatically send you a username and password.

In general, where is it possible and where is it better to store passwords:

In paper form. Simply put, on paper. It will just be difficult to find the right password if you have a lot of them, but, on the other hand, your data will not be lost if you keep the piece of paper with passwords in a safe place.

In a txt file or in Word. In this case, both the advantages (quickness and ease of finding your login and password) and disadvantages (the file you created may not open, and it is easy to “steal” it) are completely obvious.

In the browser. Many systems now allow you to save data about it in the program without leaving the site. This is, of course, very convenient, because then you can view your password from any computer, but if you lose the login to your browser account or the operating system does not start one day, then that’s it: all passwords will be lost at once.

In phone. This is convenient because we usually carry smartphones all the time, and you can always find the password you need with a quick glance. The risks in this option are also obvious: the smartphone may break or simply not turn on. And if they steal it, then all your information about passwords will definitely fall into the wrong hands!

Moreover, if your laptop or phone can be “infected” with pirated software, then rest assured, the first thing that will be lost from it is your passwords.

In programs for storing passwords on a computer

There are also specialized programs for storing passwords on computers. So-called computer password managers save all the passwords you enter into their own database.

Let's look at some of these programs.


LastPass is a password manager program that can save passwords both in a local database and in its online copy.

LastPass remembers either all entered passwords or selective ones, depending on the user's choice. The program has the functionality of automatically changing all stored data. Login to the local password database is protected by two-factor authentication. LastPass also has a convenient service for generating new passwords and can autofill forms in browsers, or more precisely, insert last name, first name, phone numbers, residential address, etc. into the required fields.

The basic version of the program is completely free for non-commercial use.


KeePass is an open source program. The password database can only be stored locally, but is encrypted. Access to passwords can only be obtained in two ways: log into this database from a specific computer or transfer it, using the export method, to a flash drive, install a copy of the program on another computer, and then open and see your data there. The free password manager has a built-in password generator that can check the uniqueness of each login-password pair.

KeePass also allows you to connect a huge number of plugins written by enthusiasts, which seriously increase the functionality of the program. For example, there is an add-on that adds the ability to fill in data in operating system dialog boxes.


RoboForm is a real text data memorization machine. All saved data is encrypted and stored immediately both online and locally. RoboForm is recommended to be used if you have three or more computers that you constantly work on, because only this password manager allows you to install a database on a USB device.

We also note the multi-profile functionality, which means that in one program you can store the passwords of two users, for example, your passwords and your husband’s/wife’s credentials.

The program is free until the limit of 10 logins is reached.


1Password has all the standard password manager features, but also has its own unique features - a built-in virtual wallet where you can store your credit cards; support for synchronization through today's popular icloud; support for external user access to the local database. The program, of course, has a fairly high-quality password generator.

Storing passwords on a computer is, perhaps, an issue that will never lose its relevance. Whether it is asked today, tomorrow or in 10-20 years, when in magazines the i7 processor will only be remembered under the heading “It was, it was...” - it’s all the same.

It is impossible not to mention the public who is interested in this topic - there are both beginners and advanced users (lightning-fast clicking the mouse and climbing through the OS options), and seasoned professionals, scrupulous regulars of digital innovations and conveniences.

Internet users now have a lot of accounts. Social services such as VKontakte and Odnoklassniki, online games, forums, online stores - all these web resources require registration for full use. That is, creating a login and password. And, of course, you should never lose them (credentials) or leave them unattended. Otherwise it won't be a hassle.

However, dear reader, since you are here on our website, and in front of you on the display are the lines of this article, do not rush to unnecessarily torture yourself with the alarming question “Where to store passwords?!” We'll help. We'll teach you. We'll tell you. Your profile keys will not go anywhere from you.

This review looks at different ways to store passwords: simple - less secure; and more complex ones - requiring the use of third-party software and reducing the risk of data loss and theft to a minimum.

But in any case, regardless of the chosen option, you will spend very little time on its implementation and configuration. But you will create a lot of benefits and conveniences on your PC, and also establish an appropriate level of security.

So, sit back and let's get started.

Method No. 1: storing in a file


In this case, the keeper of all your passwords will be the most ordinary text file with the .txt extension.

Note. This guide is intended for beginners who are just beginning to comprehend the basics of network literacy and computer wisdom.

To create a password vault as a file, follow these steps:
1. Press the key on your keyboard that has the Windows icon on it (located to the left and right of the space bar). Or left-click the system icon in the lower right corner of the display (the very first one in the row).

2. In the search line, enter the query - notepad.

3. Click the program icon with the same name (notepad) at the top of the panel.

4. Enter all the necessary credentials into the application work field (sheet). The following format is recommended:

  • Name/address of the site or game.
  • Login.
  • Password.

5. When all the account information has been entered, open the program menu: File → Create As.

6. In the window that opens, specify the saving settings:

  • In the left column, click on the additional hard drive partition. For example, drive E or D. But under no circumstances select the system drive - drive C. The file on it may get lost or deleted when you reinstall Windows.
  • Click the folder in the disk directory where the file will be placed.
  • Give the file a name. It is advisable to disguise the name so that it cannot be visually determined that the keys are stored there.

How to use?

1. Open the file with the list of authorization data created earlier in Notepad.

2. Hold down the left mouse button and move the cursor over the login so that all its symbols are highlighted.

Attention! Extra spaces and letters should not be highlighted, as when copied they will be transferred to the input field and cause a data entry error.

3. Right-click on the selected fragment. Click “Copy” in the menu.

4. Go to your browser. Open the site where you need to log in.

5. Place the cursor in the “Login” field.

6. Click the right mouse button again.

7. In the drop-down list, click “Insert”.

8. In the same way, transfer the password from the file to the site form.

9. Click “Login” (on the website).

File access protection

Let's immediately say that this approach - storing keys in a file - seems to be a very risky undertaking, especially if several users work on the computer. And then, some Trojan viruses, after a successful attack on a PC, can steal data from this “storage” or damage it.

That's it... if you leave it, that is, save the file as it is, in plain sight, without restricting access to it. It’s another matter if you arrange everything in such a way that only you can open the list with logins/passwords. There will be much less worry. And, of course, there is less chance of successful theft of personal keys. Let's take a closer look at how you can hide a safe file away from prying eyes and hands:

1. Deny access using Windows settings:

Note. It is advisable to use this protection if you use several accounts on your PC and your personal account is password protected.

  • right-click on the folder where the account archive is stored;
  • in the contextual list of options, select the “Properties” section;
  • in a new window, open the “Access” tab;
  • click "Advanced setup";
  • Uncheck the “Share” box by clicking;
  • close the panel: click “Apply” → “OK”;
  • Click “Sharing” and select your OS account.

2. Save to cloud storage:

Using remote storage on Google, or Yandex, you can hide the list of keys out of harm's way in just a few clicks. For example, on this procedure is performed like this:

1. In your profile on the web portal, in the top menu, click the “Cloud” section.

2. Click the “Download” button on the page that opens.

3. In the additional panel, click the blue “Select files” button.

4. In the system explorer window, go to the folder with the file storing the keys, then left-click to select it and click “Open”.

5. Wait for the download to the site server to complete.

6. When you need logins and passwords, log in to again, go to the storage and open the file with a mouse click. It will open in the browser and you can copy all the necessary data from it in almost the same way as in the operating system.

3. Place in a password-protected archive:

Note. To complete this instruction, you need an archiver installed in the OS (7-Zip or WinRAR).

1. Right-click on the file or folder where the file is stored.

2. In the commands directory, click “Add to archive...”.

3. In the “Name and Parameters...” panel, click the “Set Password” command.

4. Enter the key twice to access the list of authorization data. Click OK.

4. Use a blocker program:

If you are “floating” in the system settings, you do not have an account in mail services with storage and “communicate” with archivers exclusively on “you”, use special utilities that create access protection.

Also, noting the superiority of this software over the options discussed above, one cannot fail to mention the degree of reliability. It is almost impossible to break its lock. Let's take a closer look at the most popular blockers:

An easy-to-use, small-sized, powerful tool for protecting confidential information. Can hide visually (make invisible) and block not only files, but also folders and disk partitions. Provides access to all elements included in the protection area using a single master password. Distributed free of charge.

1. Open the product’s website -

3. Download and install the distribution.

4. When you first launch the utility, create and enter a master password for subsequent access to blocked objects.

5. After entering the character combination, click “OK”.

6. In the left column, open the “Lock Folders” section.

7. Click the “Add Items to Lock” option in the adjacent block.

8. In the drop-down list, select: Add File or Add Folders.

9. Specify the file you want to lock.

10. Once the blocking is complete, it will not be visible in the directory where it is stored. To open it, you will need to open the Folder Lock panel, go to the Lock Folders section and click the shortcut with the name and address of the location.

You can also use other utilities to “disguise” your account database:

Product from iObit, developer of popular system maintenance programs. Reliably protects user information from theft and third-party interference.

Easy to use, equipped with multi-level locking. Able to resist various hacking methods.

Does not require installation in the OS. It is distributed in two versions - free and paid (with advanced options).

Encrypts objects using a 256-bit key. Hides absolutely all files in the folder on which it applies protection, leaving in it only the executable module for entering a password and gaining access.

Method No. 2: using a safe program

Well, here we come to more complex, specialized methods of storing passwords for authorization in online services, programs and other digital resources. From this part of the article you will learn how to store passwords in special safe programs. Let's take a closer look at the top products from this category.


A real “bunker” for keys. Too tough for even the most seasoned hackers. Encrypts user profile data with current, powerful algorithms (SHA-256, AES). Prevents hacking and selection of the master password to enter the account database. Equipped with a data cataloger (search, sorting, classification, directory hierarchy) and a custom password generator. Supports export/import of user databases. Automatically clears the clipboard after copying logins/passwords from the database.

Today we will talk about passwords. More precisely, we will consider where to store passwords for their maximum security and how to store passwords so that they do not fall into the hands of fraudsters.

Lost passwords or even worse, theft is a huge loss. If certain rules are not followed, this can happen not only if you are connected to the Internet, it can even affect those who are not connected to the Internet. To avoid theft of passwords, you need to be able to store them correctly and not enter them anywhere. Let's look at a few rules for successfully storing passwords.

1. Delete letters that come to your mail and contain any personal data: logins, passwords, etc. Naturally, before this you need to write them down somewhere. You can create a special notebook for these purposes and write down all your logins and passwords from various sites there.

2. Delete SMS messages from your phone, which also contain passwords, activation codes, and various keys from the sites where you registered. Of course, this data also needs to be written down in some safe place first.

3. Change all your passwords. This is good protection against hackers. It is best to make different passwords everywhere; you can come up with one password for mail, another for a social network page, etc. Use both letters and numbers in passwords; a password like pass777my91102 will be almost impossible for an attacker to guess. Do not use numbers taken from your life as a password: phone number, car number, date of birth, and so on. Such passwords are very unreliable, time-tested.

4. After you leave any site where you were logged in, click the “Exit” button.

5. It is not recommended to check the box when logging in "remember password", "stay on site" and so on. By leaving a checkmark there, we are telling the browser to remember the password. And if our passwords are stored in the browser, then it’s not a fact that tomorrow someone else won’t recognize them, there’s a virus for every program. To avoid this, it is better to immediately go to your browser settings and disable the function of remembering passwords and storing them in your database.

6. Don't use special programs, which store passwords. There are no guarantees that one day they will not be transferred to third parties.

7. Now a little about where to store passwords where on the computer or is it better to keep a notebook for such purposes. Of course, the second option is much better, or rather more reliable. We get a special notebook or notepad and write everything there.

You can write this in notepad:

Login: sergey2012
Password: pro999pass911

Another option is to print out passwords. Save them in Word and print them onto sheets. And to store these sheets, create a special folder.

If you still want to store passwords on your computer for some reason, for example, if you constantly need quick access to them. In this case, it is necessary to properly disguise and hide on the computer the file where you store passwords. You can create a text notepad and paste all your passwords into it. This notebook needs to be given some NOT interesting name so that it does not attract attention, and hidden away on the computer. But the best option is still the option of storing personal data offline.

I hope the above tips will definitely be useful to you, and you will now store your passwords as correctly as possible and they will never run away from you! Happy password saving!

Option 1: in the head

The safest place to store passwords is your head, because no one will steal them from here. In order to remember many passwords from different accounts, you can use the system we talked about. A pleasant “side effect” of this method is the development of imagination and memory.

Option 2: in notepad

In the old fashioned way, you can record all the information in a notebook or notebook, but there is a fairly high probability that sooner or later you will lose this notebook. Of course, you can have three such notebooks at once, but even in this case the risks are great. Although, if you are an organized person and you even have all your socks accounted for, then you can go with this option.

Option 3: in a notepad/document/spreadsheet on your computer

My friend's grandmother stores passwords in an Excel spreadsheet. Quite convenient, everything is at hand, but imagine a situation where you forgot the password for the computer itself. Or you find yourself in another city without a personal device... And if the computer is infected with a virus and hackers gain access to the data... Well, you know.

Option 4: in the browser's built-in password managers

Perhaps most Internet users store their passwords in their browsers. Convenient, especially considering the ability to autofill - you don’t have to re-enter these passwords. However, this storage method is one of the most unreliable.

Option 5: Applications and Services

A more modern way is applications for smartphones and services for the computer. They have proven themselves quite well on the market and, in principle, do not differ fundamentally from each other, so users are more often focused on design and convenient configuration. Services are able to synchronize data across all devices.

There are two ways to store passwords in applications and services. The first method allows you to hide them on the Internet, and the second allows you to store them on your computer or phone. In this case, the basis of the choice is your trust. If you are not obsessed with the possibility that attackers will hack a site or service and gain access to all data, you can safely store all your passwords on the Internet. But we still do not recommend storing credit card and document data here.

If you store your credentials locally, the possibility of hacking is also not 100% excluded, since it is quite easy to get a virus from a malicious link, not to mention the theft of your phone. There is only one conclusion from this - your credentials are only as secure as the storage system you choose.

5 convenient and reliable services for storing passwords

1. Zoho Vault

A free password manager that can store an infinite number of passwords, notes and documents. If you don't know what password to set, the program will generate one for you. Its advantages are the ability to track password history and activity, as well as simple configuration.

2. Last Pass

This application has two versions: free and paid (from 1200 rubles per year). Both versions can store an unlimited number of passwords, have an autofill feature, and use multi-factor authentication. The paid version syncs data between devices and allows you to share secret folders with other people. It is also worth noting a good unguessable password generator.

3. Dashlane

One of the most functional applications in this area. The free version supports the same basic functions as the premium one (2,600 rubles per year): a password manager that stores them in encrypted form, autofill and something new - an electronic wallet function. Dashlane stores card data to quickly fill out fields when making purchases. It also saves the history of where you spent half your salary again.

4. RoboForm

The service is just as popular as the previous ones, but if you want synchronization with a smartphone, you will have to pay for a subscription – 895 rubles. in year. The application allows you not only to protect your accounts from light passwords and, accordingly, theft, but also from phishing.

5. Sticky Password

This application was developed by professionals who created the free AVG antivirus. The basic capabilities of Sticky Password are the same as those of its competitors - support for multiple platforms, a portable USB version, synchronization between devices, even over a local network. The developers of Sticky Password ask for 1,890 rubles for maximum reliability. in year.

Considering the current specifics of the Internet, even the most unpretentious users are forced to use one or another program to store passwords.

Even with a very limited number of sites visited, for almost every person who actively uses the capabilities of the World Wide Web, there are several dozen accounts on various resources.

Remembering such a large number of passwords is almost impossible.

For many people, such a loss can cause serious harm in the form of leakage of personal correspondence or loss of access to an electronic wallet.

Therefore, a reliable program that stores all passwords in one place and at the same time protects them using an encryption algorithm is an essential tool on a computer.

However, there are dozens of products in this field that have different reputations and technical features, and choosing the right one among them is not easy.

This task becomes especially difficult for inexperienced users who have little idea of ​​what encryption methods, a trusted connection, dictionary search, etc. are.

This review is aimed at them, but those who consider themselves savvy in matters of Internet technology can also find a lot of useful information in it.

No. 1. KeePass – OpenSource with a human face

Its main advantage is a free license, which allows you to use all the functions of the software for free.

Despite its spartan interface, this software has extensive capabilities that are quite conveniently organized, which is not typical for OpenSource software.

It's easy to start using KeePass; you just need to follow a few simple steps:

  • After installing the distribution, for further convenience, you can organize work with the software in Russian.
    To do this, you need to download the localization file from the appropriate section of the official website and place it in the directory with the program files. Then select the View-Change Language function and select the required item.

Advice! At the moment, two program branches are supported, versions 1.XX and 2.XX, and the second is backward compatible with the first. We recommend choosing version 2, as it has an improved encryption system and advanced data export capabilities.

  • Next, you need to create a new password database. To do this, use the File-New command on the toolbar. Here we enter the created master password and remember it, since it will be required each time you launch KeePass.
    Also in this window you can select additional protection measures such as Key File or Windows Account.

  • The KeePass operating interface is quite intuitive. You can create a new entry using the key icon with a green arrow on the toolbar or using Edit-Create Entry. The new entry menu looks like this:

Advice! KeePass supports an auto-dial feature, which can be activated using the hotkey Ctrl + Alt + A . When you click this combination, the account login fields will be filled in automatically. You can configure this function correctly in the menu of each entry by going to the Autodial tab.

  • By selecting the Service-Settings function, you can customize the software for yourself. All options are described quite carefully and clearly, so if you do not take into account the complex technical issues associated with the encryption procedure, then everyone can figure it out.

Many network security experts believe that the best software is open source, and the author of this review fully shares this opinion.

But for the sake of objectivity, you should consider other options for such specific software, since some options can also be a good solution.

No. 2. LastPass – modern design and usability

The LastPass developers took a rather original approach to solving the issue of porting to various systems: the main product is distributed in the form of a browser add-on, which can be downloaded from the application store or from the official website.

There is a free version, but it has significant limitations, in particular, it does not support synchronization across multiple devices.

To get started, you need to create a LastPass account, which will be the basis for protecting your password database.

The main advantage of this product is its visual appeal and a fairly well-thought-out interface that captivates many users.

After installing the add-on and registering an account, you must enter your username and password in the appropriate field.

You can manage your passwords both through the web interface and through the add-on menu. This article will consider the second option, as the most popular.

Working with passwords through this manager is very convenient: when entering data in the appropriate authorization fields, the user will be prompted to make an entry in the database.

Also, special buttons will be attached to the login and password fields, giving access to some functions.

Advice! Despite the fact that there is a version in Russian, the quality of the translation leaves much to be desired. Some menu items are not translated accurately, and some are only written in English. Therefore, if you want to fully understand the functionality of the program, at least a superficial knowledge of the English language will be very useful.

Other features of the LastPass plugin include the ability to create secure notes, templates for new entries, and generate customized passwords.

These functions may seem quite useful to some, but, according to the author of the article, they are added only to create the effect of a wide variety of tools.

The program settings, as in the previous case, are quite clear. But most of them in LastPass are related to usability and interface improvements.

These features are the main reason for the popularity of this application.

It should be noted that in 2015, LastPass servers were hacked, resulting in hundreds of thousands of accounts falling into the hands of attackers.

However, this incident only caused reputational losses to the developers, since the user agreement states that the company does not bear any responsibility for the data provided to them.

Therefore, if you decide to give preference to this password manager, be sure to analyze other similar products that may turn out to be at least as good.

No. 3. Dashlane - a feature-rich commerce solution

A special feature of this password manager is its focus on organizing secure online payments.

The basic version can be downloaded for free on the official website, but just like LastPass, it has significant limitations.

A commercial subscription costs $40 per year, which may be too high for many users.

Cross-platform functionality has also been quite successfully implemented, allowing you to import this storage for Android, Windows, iOS and Mac.

The approach to working with Dashlane is unique: the software is a comprehensive solution consisting of a desktop client and an add-on for any of the popular browsers.

But often both of these components copy the functionality of each other, and only the version on the computer has some advanced features.

The working area of ​​the main program is organized quite standardly: a top toolbar, a sidebar with the most necessary functions, and a workspace that occupies most of the window.

Advice! There is no Russian localization, so if you are not comfortable with the most popular languages, such as English, German or Spanish, then Dashlane will not suit you.

The best place to start is by exporting passwords from previously used managers.

The program has extensive capabilities that allow you to move records from many different clients, including KeePass and LastPass, without loss, for which you need to use the File-Import Passwords function.

To create new entries, you must use the Password functions in the sidebar, after which they will be displayed in the Security Dashboard.

Settings (accessed via Tools-Preferences) allow you to organize the synchronization procedure, change the master password and slightly adjust usability and security features - nothing unusual.

The browser add-on serves only as a kind of remote control and gives access to basic functions, such as generating passwords, viewing and using entries, as well as the most necessary settings.

In general, this product is very similar to LastPass: behind the beautiful cover there is a lot of tinsel and a lack of necessary functions.

Moreover, all this is complemented by a paid subscription, which must be renewed annually.

There are other solutions in this area, such as StickyPassword, Roboform, Password, but they are noticeably inferior to the products described in this article.

At the same time, KeePass remains the only cross-platform OpenSource solution, the reliability of which can be verified by anyone.

Video materials:

Password manager KeePass Password Safe (program review)

Review and use of the free and convenient password manager KeePass Password Safe in a portable version.

Where to store passwords. LastPass Review

Where to store passwords? This question is no longer relevant for me, since I store my passwords in the LatPass storage.

Programs for storing passwords: TOP-3 reliable storages