Using the FileZilla program. Best Way to Transfer Files via FTP with FileZilla

This document contains a list of frequently asked questions and their answers. Please read it carefully before asking any questions.


  1. How much does FileZilla cost?
    Does it FileZilla free?
    Is it allowed commercial use FileZilla?

    FileZilla is free software with open source codes, distributed under GNU license(General Public License) free.
    In simple words, this means that anyone can use FileZilla for personal, educational, commercial or any other purposes.
  2. What do the numbers that make up the FileZilla version number mean?
    FileZilla version symbols (client or server) are located in following format: n.n.n[c], where n is a number and c is a letter character. The first number is main number version followed by two numbers of the minor version number. The letter character at the end is optional and denotes support releases, which in most cases fix bugs; Often associated with "alpha" or "beta" releases, the suffixes "a" or "b" do NOT imply that the release is unstable.

    Example: 2.2.4 is the original version, the first support version is 2.2.4a, the next is 2.2.4b, etc.

  3. I have a question, where can I get an answer or technical assistance?
    The most important thing is don't rush. Think before you ask questions. What are you trying to do? What did you expect and what did you get? What was going to happen?
    Please note known limitations in FileZilla
  4. How can I contact the FileZilla development team?
    There are several ways to contact the developers: the easiest is the forum or, if you need direct communication, IRC - #filezilla on the freenode server ( or see the list of servers for more details).

FAQ about the FileZilla client

  1. I can't get any directory listing on the server or I can't transfer files
    I receive a "Critical transmission errors" message
    I can't connect to the server
    In most cases the reason for this is incorrect setting FileZilla, your firewall, your router, or a combination of these problems. Refer to the Network Setup Guide.
  2. What settings command line does FileZilla support?
    Refer to the document Command Line Options
  3. Where FileZilla stores information about websites and own settings?
    Finding the directory with FileZilla settings depends on your operating system. On most systems, information about sites and settings are stored in the directory ~/.filezilla. Windows is an exception to the rule; under this operating system, settings are stored in the directory %APPDATA%/FileZilla.
  4. Why won't FileZilla start anymore?
    This could happen due to a violation installation files or FileZilla settings. First of all, try reinstalling FileZilla; this process will not change your program settings. If this does not help, delete the FileZilla settings directory (see above). Please note that all your settings and site information will be lost if you do not back up this data.
  5. I can't run FileZilla under Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4 or 2000, the program crashes with a runtime error.
    Latest versions FileZilla does not support Windows 9x/ME/NT4/2000. Consider upgrading your OS to Windows XP or higher, moreover, older Windows versions are not supported by Microsoft. Using older versions of FileZilla is not recommended due to existing security vulnerabilities.
  6. I want to help, how can I participate in the translation of the FileZilla client?
    Refer to for details.
  7. FileZilla does not display or transfer files whose names contain Cyrillic characters
    Refer to the Code Pages article.

FileZilla server FAQ

  1. I just installed the FileZilla server and immediately after opening the interface I received a request for the server address.
    The interface can be used both for administering the local server and remote servers. In most cases you need to administer local server, for which you need to specify the address and the same port number that was specified during installation (14147 by default).
  2. I'm behind firewall
    You should set your firewall to allow incoming connections based on the type of connection you are using. FTP port(21 by default), as well as permission for outgoing connections from the server. IN active mode FileZilla server tries to use a port one less than the FTP port for outgoing connections. At unsuccessful attempt a port one larger is used; if it fails again, a free port is requested from the OS. It is best to allow all connections originating from the server. After that, you should allow incoming connections in passive mode for a whole range of ports. You can specify the port range on the "passive mode settings" page in the settings dialog in the server interface. In most cases, the 5000-5100 range is sufficient. With some firewalls, FileZilla will not be able to determine its own external IP address. In this case, you need to enter the IP address (or hostname) on the passive mode page of the settings dialog. When using a dynamic IP (which is typical for dial-up users), you can configure FileZilla to obtain an IP using a specific site.
  3. I'm behind router and no one can connect to my server or transfer files / get directory listing
    You need to configure your router to forward the FTP port (default 21) to the server PC. Next, you should configure port range forwarding for data transfer in passive mode. You can specify the port range on the passive mode page in the settings dialog. In most cases, the 5000-5100 range is sufficient. In most cases, being behind a router, FileZilla will not be able to determine its own external IP address. In this case, you need to enter the IP address (or hostname) on the passive mode page of the settings dialog. When using a dynamic IP (which is typical for dial-up users), you can configure FileZilla to obtain an IP using a specific site.
  4. I'm behind router and firewall and no one can connect to my server or transfer files / get directory listing
    Follow the instructions from the previous two paragraphs.
  5. How to allow anonymous users to log in?
    Just create account With name anonymous and make sure that password usage is not enabled for this account.
  6. How can I check the availability of my server from the Internet?
    You will not be able to check server availability by connecting from local network(or even from the PC on which the server is installed) and pointing the client to an external IP. Most firewalls and/or routers forward ports only for requests coming from outside the local network. So to check availability you need to connect using an external device. You can check your server availability using free service
  7. How do aliases work?
    How can I make multiple drives available at once?

    Let's pretend that home directory servers C:\ftroot and you want to make your own collection of images located in a directory D:\mypictures, available at /pictures. Add D:\mypictures to the list of available directories and select it from the list. After that add /pictures in the aliases column. The server will now display the virtual directory pictures on the right in the root directory, and its contents will be the same as D:\mypictures.
  8. How to make a network storage device accessible?
    In general, distributing files on network drives is not recommended, because... all data will be transmitted twice. It's better to just install FileZilla on the PC with this drive. If you still want to make network storage available using FileZilla servers, make sure that the account under which the server is running is allowed access to the network storage. By default, the FileZilla server runs under the SYSTEM account. You can change the account for the FileZilla server from the services page in the console Windows management: Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> FTP server FileZilla -> Account Login. However, access to network storage devices may still not work due to errors in networking Windows.
  9. Command Line Options for FileZilla Server
    Refer to the article Command Line Options (Server)
  10. How safe is it for users and group settings is an upgrade from older versions of FileZilla server?
    Installing a new version over an old one does not affect the settings of the old version.

Greetings to all readers and guests of the site. Anton Kalmykov is with you.

First of all, let's figure out what FTP is and why it is needed.

FTP is a file transfer protocol that allows you to upload various objects to your server, delete them, edit them, and of course, make a backup copy of your blog. Without these manipulations this moment It is impossible to imagine a single successful blogger.

When I started working on our project, I initially tried to tinker with the code in WordPress panels, but it was inconvenient and unsafe. You ask me why? Yes, because when I saved any changes and they did not lead to the desired result, I had to make a backup.

Now, I have created two directories on my computer. In the first one, using Filezil, I copy original files from the hosting, and in the second I download files with which I conduct all my experiments.

What is Filezilla and where to start?

So, let's take a closer look at my favorite, and not only mine, ftp client FileZilla. This is one of the most common and convenient free FTP clients in the blogosphere.

Downloading and installing the program

First, you need to download and install the program on your computer. You can do this by following this link to the official website of the developer and select the appropriate version.

After installation, you need to connect to your hosting by clicking on the File tab→ Site Manager.

In the window that opens, click the “New site” button (1) and enter the name of your site (2).

Afterwards, in the “Host” field (3) insert the IP address of your server. It is given to you when you purchase your hosting, most often by email. It will also indicate “User” and “Password” (5)

By the way, to activate the login and password fields in the “Login Type” field (4) in the drop-down menu, select “Normal”. Well, to connect, don’t forget to click the “Connect” button (6).

If you did everything correctly, then in the first window you will see that “Connection has been established.”

Filezilla interface and features

Now let's take a closer look at the interface of our program. Visually it is divided into two parts.

The first part is the Local site (2, 3). In it you see the contents of your computer (disks, folders, files). The second part is the Remote site (section 4, 5). In them we see the objects of your hosting.

For a beginner, before getting started, I would recommend creating a backup copy of all blog content on your computer.

How to create a backup

To do this, on any disk other than the one where you have installed operating system, create a directory and copy all files from the remote server into it.

Let's look at how to do this in more detail, and at the same time learn how to work with the program.

Click the cursor on any file or folder in window No. 5. Afterwards, using the Ctrl+C key combinations, select the entire contents of window 5. Next, press the right mouse button and a drop-down menu appears, using the functionality of which you can copy, create, delete everything that you think is not necessary, add to task, etc.

I want to warn you right away inexperienced users that after deleting a file from the server, it will no longer be possible to restore it, because FileZilla does not have a recycle bin feature like Windows does.

So, I somehow digressed from our educational program; in the drop-down menu, select “Download”. At the same time, do not forget to check that the directory you created in advance is open in window No. 3.

In my case, this is “Test” on drive D (this can be seen in window No. 2 and No. 3). Well, now we have created backup copy our site, and at the same time we learned how to download files from our hosting to our work disk.

Example of working with files

I would like to note that the transfer of the required object to the server must be done in the same order, the only difference is that the selection occurs on the left side (Local Site area).

Many will ask, what is all this for, why download it to a computer, what will it give me?

Let's look at a small example: you need to fix the index.php code. We find it on the server and download it to our folder on the computer.

Note: Please note that you should not use to edit files. standard program Notepad in Windows, because When saving, the encoding may change and the content may not display correctly. To edit the code I recommend using Notepad program++ .

You can read a more detailed description of it on our blog in one of next articles. And so as not to miss -

If the opening occurred in another program, then we find our file on our disk, in my case, I click on the Start menu → Computer, select Local disk D and go to our “Test” folder. Next, I right-click on index.php and select “Open with” from the drop-down menu.

In the window that appears, find Notepad, select it, also don’t forget to check the box “Use the selected program for all files of this type” and click “OK”.

Now you can safely work with this object.

I will tell you in more detail how to work with Notepad in the following articles.

Once you have edited your file, save it and simply drag it into zone 5.

Since the file already exists on the server, the program will clarify your actions. Don’t be alarmed, in the window that appears, simply select “Overwrite” and click OK.

Well, now we have figured out what an FTP client is and how it can be used when working with your blog.

I hope I succeeded accessible language tell about all this. Please do not judge me harshly, because this is my first article :). If you have any comments or suggestions, write them in the comments.

Here are a couple more useful programs:

Anton Kalmykov

It is difficult to find a program that would overshadow the capabilities of FileZilla and relegate this client to the background. If you need to upload a stack of files to your hosting, connect to remote computer or connect the PS3 to a PC, many do this through FileZilla. It's powerful and free program. Unfortunately, it is not ideal, because there are cases when it is impossible to upload a number of files to the hosting because some kind of critical error. Let's look at why the error occurs when transferring files and how to fix it.

Why is it better to use FileZilla, or mistakes of other FTP clients

Some may think that since an error appeared when trying to configure file transfer to the site, then the problem lies with FileZilla. After such thoughts, users quickly change the client. Then they go back to the hosting, and the critical error not only does not go away, but becomes even more serious.

For example, if we take the same Total Commmader. This good program For driving file system computer, but through Total it will be difficult for you to upload anything to the site, especially if there are a lot of files. The problem with this program is that it is designed for good connection. If you have problems with the Internet, then get ready for the fact that you will not be able to load data onto the site normally. As soon as a drop in download speed occurs, how Total Commander gives an error or starts transferring files to the site very slowly, which many people cannot stand.

Of course, Total Commander is not the only FileZilla analogue. You can also upload files to hosting through other programs, for example, through Far. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to work with the terminal in Far. That is, to upload something to the site, you need to enter commands in a special line, and this requires special knowledge. In addition, when uploading to hosting large quantity Far data may be somewhat damaging separate files. As a result, they will get to the site damaged files, which will not affect at all normal work resource. Therefore, it is still better to use FileZilla.

Why does a critical error occur when transferring data to the site?

If you surf the Internet, you will see that everyone's problem looks pretty much the same. The user normally accesses the site through FileZilla and can download files from there. But as soon as it tries to start uploading to the hosting, a critical error immediately appears and the data transfer is interrupted. Sometimes this happens to all directories to which the user tries to upload files, and sometimes it is impossible to upload data via FileZilla to the hosting only in a specific directory.

To be sure to find out why an error appeared when you tried to upload a file or files to your hosting, go to the FileZilla logs - the reason will be indicated there.

If the error is listed under a number starting with 5, then the hosting is to blame. This means you are trying to upload a file to a folder that is not allowed to upload anything. Perhaps this was set by default, or perhaps you foolishly introduced such a setting. You just need to check it and change it using the same FileZilla programs.

Sometimes it happens that it is impossible to change the rights to a directory, even using FileZilla. Then the hosting is definitely to blame, or rather its standard settings. It happens that the directive is placed in a directory with rights 777, that is, this is an access level equal to completely free hands; and in the internal folder it is impossible to change permissions higher than 755. This means that the hosting does not allow you to do this for security reasons. Try writing to technical support, and if this is a normal hosting provider, then they will definitely help you: either they will remove restrictions on the folder, or they will suggest another method of solving the problem.

Sometimes a problem with downloading files appears immediately after the version of the FileZilla client has been updated on the computer. It is difficult to pinpoint the reason for this turn of events, but such precedents happen often. This means that the developers made a mistake in the program code and now it is impossible to work normally with hosting through the client. In this case, try rolling back the new one FileZilla version to the old one. If this does not help, then the reason lies in something else.

On the official FileZilla website, the documentation says that errors with connection, data transfer and problems with directory listing are often associated with internal settings program and its conflict with other components of the computer. For example, you have an antivirus on your PC that you recently installed. It may be preventing FileZilla from sending any data to the Internet, but still allowing data to be received on the computer. In this case, you need to go into this antivirus and enter FileZilla client to the list trusted programs so that the antivirus stops monitoring the client’s activities.

You may know that there are two data transfer modes in FileZilla. One mode is active and the other is passive. Both modes work over two connections. The first connection communicates with the server, and the second is intended for data transfer. So, if you use active mode, which means you need to configure the router and firewall every time the client tries to transfer some data. And if you work in passive mode, then this setting is only necessary once. So, better use passive mode, and it is likely that the loading problem will be resolved.

On the other hand, the problem may lie in the NAT router through which your PC accesses the Internet. These routers have two IP addresses. One for the local network and the other for the Internet. In the settings you need to specify the external IP, that is, the one intended for the Internet. Sometimes users write an internal IP in the settings, which is why they experience errors with connecting and downloading files.

Very often, problems with FileZilla are related to firewall activity. This program is necessary to prevent various viruses from damaging your system via the Internet. But often the firewall gives false alarm, especially if you are working with the FileZill client. Sometimes the firewall blocks the client port, so you can't even connect to the network. It is better to configure exceptions in the firewall so that the program perceives the FileZilla client as a friendly application and not a malicious one. Or disable the firewall temporarily while you are uploading files to the host.

It happens that even setting up a firewall and router does not help stabilize the loading of data to the site through FileZilla. Then try checking the router firmware version and firewall update. You may have old software installed that has certain problems. Then you need to reflash the router and update the firewall to fix the error.

Connection using FTP protocol is one of best options to transfer files to your own website or remote hosting storage, as well as for downloading content from there. Most popular program to make an FTP connection in given time considered FileZilla. But, unfortunately, not all users know how to work with this software product. Let's figure out how to use FileZilla.

In order to start using FileZilla, you must first configure it.

In the vast majority of cases, the settings that are made in the Site Manager for each FTP connection account separately are sufficient. These are mainly account details on the FTP server.

In order to go to the Site Manager, click on the corresponding icon, which is located on the edge in the left half of the toolbar.

In the window that appears, we are required to enter an arbitrary conditional name for the new account, host address, username (login) of the account and password. You should also indicate whether you intend to use encryption during data transfer. It is recommended, if possible, to use the TLS protocol in order to secure the connection. Only if the connection is via this protocol is impossible for a number of reasons, you should stop using it. Immediately in the Site Manager you need to specify the login type. In most cases, it is recommended to set either the Normal or Require Password option. After entering all the settings into mandatory To save the results, click the “OK” button.

In most cases, the above settings are sufficient for a correct connection to the server. But, sometimes for a more convenient connection, or to fulfill the conditions set by the hosting or provider, it is necessary to enter additional settings programs. General settings apply to FileZilla work in general, and not on a specific account.

In order to go to the settings wizard, you need to go to the top horizontal menu“Editing”, and there go to the “Settings...” sub-item.

A window opens in front of us where the global program settings are located. By default, they have the most optimal performance, but due to a number of reasons that we discussed above, they may need to be changed. It must be done strictly individually, with an eye to system capabilities, requirements of the provider and hosting administration, availability of antiviruses and firewalls.

Main sections this manager settings available for making changes:

    Connection (responsible for setting the number of connections and waiting time);
    Transfers (sets a limit on the number of simultaneous transfers);
    Interface (responsible for appearance program, and its behavior when collapsing);
    Language (provides the ability to select a language);
    Editing a file (defines the choice of program for changing files on the hosting during remote editing);
    Updates (sets the frequency of checking for updates);
    Login (enables the formation of a log file and sets a limit on its size);
    Debugging (includes a professional tool for programmers).

It should be emphasized once again that changes to General settings It is strictly individual in nature and is recommended to be performed only if truly necessary.

Connecting to the server

After all the settings have been made, you can attempt to connect to the server.

You can connect in two ways: connecting using the Site Manager, and through the quick connection form located at the top of the program interface.

In order to connect through the Site Manager, you need to go to its window, select the appropriate account, and click on the “Connect” button.

For quick connection Just enter your credentials and host address at the top of the main FileZilla program window, and click on the “ Fast connection" But, when the latter method connections, you will have to enter data every time you log into the server.

As you can see, the connection to the server was successful.

Managing files on the server

After connecting to the server, using the FileZilla program you can perform various actions on files and folders located on it.

As you can see, the FileZilla interface has two panels. The left panel allows you to navigate through hard drive computer, and on the right - according to the directories of the hosting account.

In order to manipulate files or folders located on the server, you need to hover the cursor over desired object, and click right button mouse to open the context menu.

By going through its points, you can download files from the server to HDD, delete them, rename them, view them, edit them remotely without downloading them to your computer, add new folders.

Of particular interest is the ability to change access rights to files and folders located on the server. After selecting the appropriate menu item, a window opens in front of you in which you can set read, write and execute rights for various categories of users.

In order to upload a file or an entire folder to the server, you need to mark the desired element with the cursor on the panel in which the directory is open hard drive, and by calling the context menu, select the “Upload to server” item.

Problem solution

At the same time, when working using the FTP protocol in the FileZilla program, problems often occur. various errors. Most frequent mistakes are those that are accompanied by the messages “Could not load TLS libraries” and “Unable to connect to the server.”

To solve the “Could not load TLS libraries” problem, you must first check for all updates in the system. If the error recurs, reinstall the program. As a last resort, stop using secure TLS– protocol, and switch to regular FTP.

The main reasons causing the error“It is impossible to connect to the server” is the lack of or incorrect Internet settings, or incorrectly filled in data in the account in the Site Manager (host, user, password). In order to eliminate this problem, depending on the reason for its occurrence, you need to either set up the Internet connection or check the account filled in in the site manager with the data issued on the server.

As you can see, managing the FileZilla program is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. At the same time, this application is one of the most functional among FTP clients, which predetermined its popularity.