Creating an FTP server on Windows 7. Installing an FTP server and configuring it (using the FileZilla Server program as an example). Methods for connecting to an FTP server

Files in computer systems transmitted using specific protocols. One of the first was FTP or File Transfer Protocol. Using FTP allows you to work with servers of the same type; in essence, it is something like connecting to some folder located on another computer or server.

An FTP server is a PC that is connected to the Internet and stores files that are available to other Internet users. To connect and to gain access to files, the user on his PC must have a special FTP protocol. Connect to the server possible through special programs(FTP clients) or Internet browser and file managers.

Installation using the operating system

Any operating system and allows you to install and run an FTP server using your own funds completely free of charge. At the same time, this is done the same way on all Windows operating systems (7, 8, 10). In order to “raise” FTP you need:

After this you need to configure it:

  1. « Outgoing rules"—enable the "FTP server traffic" rule.

After changing the firewall settings, you need to create a user with access to the server via FTP:

Now you should return to the directory that was specified for FTP (c:\inetpub\ftproot) and open its properties: Security – Edit – Add – FTP users– check the box “Full access” – OK.

After this, the final stage of configuration, for this you again need to return to the IIS Services Manager and select the created site:

This completes the creation and configuration. You can connect to it via conductor Windows: My computer - enter the server address in the line for anonymous login and add a password and administrator name to manage the site.

Using FileZilla Server

This is one of the most common distributions for creating and using FTP servers. Its features include drag-and-drop, directory synchronization, and online search. remote servers, as well as files.

You can download it from the official website, where you should select the OS and program type: FileZilla Client or Server. After that:

  1. Click on the downloaded file and start installation;
  2. In the window that opens, accept license agreement(button " I Agree»);
  3. Choose type of instalation, it is recommended to select Standard. There are 5 of them in total:
    • standart – this type will install the entire distribution for the full functioning of the server;
    • full – to full distribution The program code is also copied, which will allow you to edit it if desired;
    • service only – FTP service only, without access through the interface;
    • interface only - only visible form management;
    • custom – custom setting of parameters.
  4. Click " Next" and select the folder where the program will be installed, click "Next" again.

After this you need to choose launch method:

  • Service and startup when entering the OS;
  • Service and manual start Always;
  • Easy installation and manual start.

It is best to give preference to the first or second option; the difference between the latter is that you will have to search for and launch the service yourself. It is also worth changing the connection port from standard to any other for security and click “Next”. The next task is choice of options launch:

  1. When all users log in;
  2. Only for current user when the OS starts;
  3. Manually.

After this, you can click on the “ Install" and wait complete installation and launching the distribution.


Immediately after installation, a window will open where you will need to enter the address and port local connection and administrator password.

Changing parameters is carried out in the “Edit” menu - “ Settings"or through the icon on the panel:

In the settings window " General Settings» parameters are set for third party connection: client connection port, maximum amount threads (0 by default, i.e. unlimited), as well as timeouts.

In the settings it is also possible:

To configure user access, you need to go to “ Edit» — « Users" and in the window that opens, click on "Add".

You will need to enter your name and group membership, click on “ OK».

Then enter a password and restrictions.

On the " Share Folders» grant the user permission to certain folders: « Add» — desired folder and action (read only, write, delete) and editing rights " Append».

Setting up a firewall and router

After setting up the utility, you should also configure connections in the firewall:

After setting up the firewall, you can also configure the router, or rather port forwarding on the gateway:

After all the settings, users will be able to access the server through the FTP client FileZilla client. Using FTP is very simple:

Using Golden FTP Server

Golden FTP server is a utility that allows you to create FTP servers on any PC. It can be downloaded from the official website, where you can take advantage of a free trial period.

After downloading and installation you should:

Any user to whom the owner provides the address will have access to the files. Creating and setting up an FTP is quite simple, the main thing is to choose the most convenient way and follow the instructions.

FTP installation-servers.

The FTP server is included with Internet Information Services. To install it, open Control Panel -> Programs -> Turn Windows features on or off. Expand the IIS Services section and check the boxes next to the following components: FTP service and IIS Management Console.

Setting up an FTP server.

Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administration -> Computer Management (you can quickly: Start menu -> right click on Computer -> select Management from the menu). In the window that opens, expand the Services and Applications group and open IIS Service Manager. In the Connections window, select the Sites folder, then in the right Actions window click on the Add FTP site link.

In the FTP site creation wizard, specify its name and location (by default c:\inetpub\ftproot).

Next, specify the binding and SSL parameters. I leave the binding section unchanged. I disable the “Start ftp site automatically” option (I only need ftp from time to time). In the SSL section, I select the “No SSL” option.

In the next window, leave everything unchanged and click Finish.

The site has been created. Now you can go to additional options for fine tuning(for example limit the maximum number simultaneous connections). Select the newly created site, on the right in the Actions panel click on Extra options.

The next stage is setup Windows Firewall. Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Windows Firewall -> Advanced Settings. In the “Rules for incoming connections” section, find and activate “FTP server (incoming traffic)” and “FTP Server Passive (FTP Passive Traffic-In)”. The last rule allows the ftp client to connect in passive mode.

In the “Rules for outgoing connection” section, find and activate “FTP Server (FTP Traffic-Out)”.

If the system has additional firewall(Comodo, Outpost, etc.), then you also need to open port 21 (TCP) for incoming connections and port 20 (TCP) for outgoing ones.

If you connect to the Internet using a router, and you want to make your server accessible to Internet users, then you need to configure port forwarding on the router. On my Dlink DI-804HV this is done in the Virtual Server section. — IP address of the ftp server in local network.

Setting up user rights.

If you leave everything as it is, then any user can connect to the FTP server (anonymous access is enabled) with read-only rights (you can download, but you cannot write or change files). Let's assume that we need to make access for trusted users who would have the rights to write and change files.

Open Control Panel -> System and Security -> Administrative Tools -> Computer Management (Start -> right click on Computer -> select Management from the menu). Next, expand the group Local users and groups ( this setting available only in Business and Ultimate editions). Right click on the Groups folder and select Create Group from the menu.

Enter the name of the group - FTP Users, a description (you don't have to enter it) and click the Create button.

Now you need to create a user. Right-click on the Users folder and select from the menu New user.

Enter the user name (for example ftp_user_1), password (at least 6 characters), check the boxes next to the options “Prohibit the user from changing the password” and “Password does not expire.”

The user has been created. Now you need to assign it the previously created group Ftp Users. To do this, open the user properties and go to the “Group Membership” tab. By default, a new user is assigned the Users group; delete it. Click the Add -> Advanced -> Search button. A list of user groups will open. Select the FTP Users group and click Ok. As a result we get:

Click Ok and move on to the next step.

At the stage of creating an ftp site, we needed to select a working directory (c:\inetpub\ftproot). Now you need to configure access rights to this directory for the FTP Users group. Open c:\inetpub in Explorer, open the properties of the ftproot folder, go to the Security tab and click the Edit button. In the window that opens, click the Add button and select the “FTP Users” group (as when creating a user). Set the permission level to “Full Control” and click OK.

Final stage. Open IIS Services Manager again and select our ftp server (Test FTP). In the FTP site control panel, select “FTP Authorization Rules”. Add an allowing rule. In the window that opens, select the “Specified roles or user groups” option. At the bottom, in the text field, we manually write the name of our group (FTP Users), then check the boxes in the Permissions section opposite Read and Write and click OK.

This completes the setup.

At the beginning, we did not select the option to automatically start the server, so we do not forget to start it manually (right click on the site name -> Manage FTP site -> Start).

How to connect?

Option using Windows Explorer.
Open Computer (Vista, Win 7) or My Computer (XP).
For anonymous access, simply enter in address bar server address (
To log in with a username and password, enter an address like: ftp://[username]:[password]@[ftp server address]. For example ftp://ftp_user_1: [email protected]- to connect from a local network. To connect from the Internet local address replace it with an external or domain name.

Files) is a standard protocol designed for transferring files over TCP networks (for example, the Internet). FTP is often used for uploading network pages and other documents from a private development device to open servers hosting.
The protocol is built on a client-server architecture and uses different network connections to transfer commands and data between client and server. FTP users can authenticate by passing a username and password in clear text, or, if the server allows it, they can connect anonymously. You can use the SSH protocol to safe transfer, which hides (encrypts) the login and password, as well as encrypts the content.
The first FTP client applications were interactive tools command line, implementing standard commands and syntax. Graphical user interfaces have since been developed for many operating systems still in use today. These interfaces range from general web design programs like Microsoft Expression Web to specialized FTP clients (like CuteFTP).
FTP is one of the oldest application protocols, which appeared long before HTTP, in 1971. It is still widely used today for software distribution and access to remote hosts.
Creating an FTP server on Windows 7 step by step:

Go to Start>Control Panel In View select “Small Icons” Next select “Programs and Features”
Select "Turn Windows features on or off" Select "FTP Extensibility", "FTP Service" and "IIS Management Console"
Click OK and wait for the process to complete Go to Control Panel>Administration
Select "IIS Services Manager"
Go to the sites tab Right-click and select “Add FTP site” from the drop-down menu Specify the site name and location (by default "C:\inetpub\ftproot")
Click "Next". Specify the FTP launch parameters ("If you do not need automatic start FTP, uncheck "Launch FTP site automatically." In the "SSL" section, set "Without SSL"
Click "Next", then "Finish".
The site has been created. Next, go to Control Panel>Firewall>Advanced settings>Rules for incoming connections. Select and activate the FTP Server Passive items (so you can connect to FTP in passive mode) and FTP server. Go to the "Rules for outgoing connections" section and activate the "FTP Server" item. Next, go to Control Panel>Administration>Computer Management>Local Users>Groups>(right mouse button)>Create group
Specify the group name "FTP" and click "Create".
Next, go to Users. Cry right click mouse>New user Specify your username and password (at least 8 characters). Check the boxes next to “Prohibit the user from changing the password” and “Password does not expire.” Click create
Next, select the user, right-click, “Properties”, “Group Membership”. Click "Add" and select the "FTP" group and click "OK".
Click "OK" again. We go to the directory that we specified for the FTP server (see “Specifying the site name and location”). Right mouse button>Properties>Security>Edit Next “Add”, indicate the name of the group and “OK”.
Set permissions to "Allow all" Go to Control Panel>Administration>IIS Service Manager and select our FTP. Go to "FTP Authorization Rules". Select "Add allowing rule" and specify our group "FTP". Check the boxes next to "Read" and "Write". Click "OK"
If you want to allow access to all users, again “Add allowing rule” and specify “All anonymous users”. Just check the box next to “Reading”!
Go to "FTP Authentication" Select " Anonymous access", right mouse button, "Enable". Now to FTP server Everyone can connect.
Go to "FTP Logging". Install maximum size log or disable it altogether.

FTP response codes

Below is short description response codes that may be returned by the FTP server. These codes have been standardized by the IETF in RFC 959. As mentioned earlier, the response code is a three-digit number. The first digit is responsible for one of three outcomes: success, refusal, or an indication of an error or incomplete answer.
Code Description
100 The requested action has been initiated, wait for the next response before executing a new command.

FTP (from English. File Transfer Protocol - file transfer protocol) is a protocol used to transfer files in TCP networks. Today it is used primarily for downloading information from a client device to hosting servers. Consider FTP Windows server 7.

The protocol was created in 1971, long before the advent of the TCP/IP stack, which was released only in the late 70s.

Initially, in its first edition, the protocol used the same channel for transmitting commands and transmitting data.

But already in 1972, the protocol became very similar to the one we are dealing with today - for the exchange between the server and the client, a separate control channel is created, which operates on port 21, data is transferred via a data channel, for which a separate connection is created.

The latest version of the protocol was presented in 1985.

A significant disadvantage of FTP are numerous security vulnerabilities, a list of which was compiled and published in 1999: the problem of port hijacking, username protection, low resistance to brute force, spoof, sniff, and hidden attacks.

Data transfer using FTP is carried out in clear text, without traffic encryption, thus, access to logins, passwords, control commands, etc. can be obtained by third parties who are able to intercept a packet over the network.

This problem is common to everyone earlier versions protocols (for example mail SMTP, POP, IMAP), developed before the advent of SSL and TLS encryption mechanisms.

In this article, we will look at creating an FTP server based on Windows 7.

Step 1: Install the FTP component

1.2. In the search field, enter “Programs and Features,” without quotes.

1.3. Select the appropriate menu item.

1.4. In the window that appears, in the left column, go to the “Turn Windows components on or off” menu.

1.5. Choose Windows components The items that should be installed are FTP Server and IIS Management Console.

Step 2. Configure the FTP server

2.2. In the search field, enter “Administration”, without quotes.

2.3. Select the appropriate menu item.

2.4. In the window that appears, go to the “IIS Services Manager” menu.

2.5 Go to the “sites” tab, right-click and select “Add FTP site”.

2.6. We enter the name of the FTP server and the path to the folder in which the information will be stored, and proceed to the next setting item - “Next”. As an example, a subdirectory ftpsw7 was created.

2.7. In the IP address selection field, select the desired IP address from the list. If you need to share a folder for all available subnets, select “All free”. Standard port(21) is left unchanged.

If you plan to use an FTP server on permanent basis- check the box “Launch FTP site automatically”. Select "No SSL".

2.8. We select basic authentication and leave the authorization field unchanged. This completes the FTP server setup.

After configuration, the newly created FTP server will appear in the “sites” menu.

Step 3: Firewall Settings

To open the appropriate ports and allow FTP server services, you must configure the Windows Firewall settings. For this:

3.2. In the search field, enter “Firewall”, without quotes.

3.3. Select the appropriate menu item.

3.4. Go to the “Rules for incoming connections” menu and enable two rules regarding the operation of the FTP server.

3.5. To enable, you need to right-click on each of the rules and select “Enable Rule” from the menu.

3.6. After activating the rule, its color will change to green, and the “Enabled” field will be marked “Yes”.

3.7. Let's move on to the rules for outgoing connections and, as in previous paragraph, activate the FTP Server (FTP Traffic-Out) rule.

This completes the firewall configuration for the FTP server.

Step 4: Create FTP users and assign rights

4.2. In the search field, enter “Computer Management”, without quotes.

4.3. Select the appropriate menu item.

4.4. Go to the menu located in the left column - “Local users”. Right-click on “Groups” and select “Create Group”.

4.5. Let’s call the group “FTP users”, and in the description field we’ll give it a short description so that after a while you can quickly remember the purpose of this group.

4.6. Let's create users for whom the FTP server will be available. To do this, in the previous menu “Local Users”, right-click on the “Users” item, select “New User” and fill in the fields as shown in the figure.

4.7. After this, you need to add users to the previously created “FTP users” group.

To do this, right-click on account user, select the “Properties” item, the “Group Membership” tab, the “Add” button, “Advanced”, “Search”, select the group, click “OK”.

This operation must be performed for all users who will have access to the FTP server.

4.8. Next step access rights will be set for the “FTP users” group.

To do this, you need to go to the FTP server directory (section 2.6), right-click on it, “Properties”, “Security” tab, “Add”, “Advanced”, “Search”, select the “FTP users” group, “OK”, select “Full access”, “OK”.

If you are contacting this kind articles, then it most likely makes no sense to remind once again about the essence and purpose of such servers, but for the sake of formality it is worth clarifying that File Transfer Protocol By default it uses port 21 and can be used for viewing with both an Internet browser and most file managers, including Windows Explorer.

Continuing with the obligatory introduction, let me remind you that for normal operation on the local network you will need to open port 21 in the Firewall server computer(obviously the one on which you will configure), and for access from external network You also need to forward this port on the router. The last reminders are necessary for the happy owners of firewalls and routers. So, if you use these programs and devices, it would be a good idea to read the instructions and complete the setup.

Let's start by making sure that our operating system can do such work at all. To do this, we simply look at the name of the assembly and consider everything above the Home version to be suitable for our needs.

Step one.

Find the “programs and features” item in the control panel and go to the “Turn Windows features on or off” option.

Step two

The menu that opens will offer us a list of components from which we must find and enable “IIS services” and all its subservices. It should turn out like this:

Click OK and wait for Windows to complete the installation.

Step three

Now we need to directly start our server. In the same control panel we find the “Administration” item, and in it “IIS service manager"

In the window that opens, in the left column, open the tree to the “Sites” tab and click on this tab right key. Select “Add FTP site”

Then we set the name of the site and the directory to which the ftp protocol will physically access

Next, the parameters for launching the server are determined and to simplify access, it is worth specifying launch without SSL. Whether to launch it at system startup and whether to bind it to a specific address is at your discretion.

On next page Check the boxes next to “Anonymous” and “Normal” and click done.

On this moment FTP - the server is ready, but in order for us to use it, we will continue to configure it.

Now let's configure the Windows Firewall

"Control Panel"→ “Windows Firewall”

Here we go to additional parameters.

Then you need to enable 2 rules for incoming connections

    FTP server (incoming traffic)

    FTP server traffic in passive mode (incoming FTP traffic in passive mode).

For outgoing connections, you need to enable the following rule in the firewall " FTP server traffic (outgoing FTP traffic)".

Step five

Now you need to create a user to work with the server. Why do we open it? system console. Press the Win+R key combination and enter “mmc” in the field

in the console that opens, press Ctrl+M or the “file” menu - “Add or remove snap-in”. A menu will open in which you need to add “Local users and groups”

If you did everything correctly, you will get a window that looks like this:

Now we create a group for the user of our FTP server.

Right-click on “Groups” - “Create a new group”

We issue the “create” command and proceed to creating a user.

Now we need to bind our user to the previously created group. To do this, go to the user properties to the “group membership” tab. There we press the “add” and “advanced” - “search” button. Now we add the group that we created a couple of minutes ago.

Step six

We need to specify group permissions for the directory that we specified when creating the server. To do this, open its properties to the “Security” tab and click the “Change” button:

Click the “Add” button and add the group that we created. We provide the group full access by checking the corresponding checkbox at the bottom of the window:

Step seven

Let's go back to the FTP server settings

Go to “authorization rules” FTP "and create a allowing rule, where in Select “Specified roles or user groups” and enter the name of our group. Give this group read and write permissions and click OK.

Now your FTP server is configured and completely ready for use. Don't forget to check your Firewall and router for open ports for the site and you can safely get to work.