Download wordpress seo by yoast plugin. Quick setup of Yoast SEO. Social networks - Accounts

Hello, friends. I already told you that to increase traffic you need to optimize articles, but “naked” WordPress does not natively provide this feature. Don't despair! There are plugins that allow you to set title, description and other important parameters for SEO. One of the best is the Yoast SEO plugin, and we’ll talk about how to configure it correctly today.

What is this plugin for?

I will list the capabilities of the Yoast SEO plugin for a WordPress blog.

  • Allows you to fill out title, description and keywords meta tags (I don’t fill in keywords - it’s outdated);
  • Snippet preview for Google;
  • Automatically builds an XML sitemap;
  • Allows you to remove bread crumbs;
  • You can confirm rights to Yandex Webmaster directly from the admin panel (convenient for beginners);
  • Add semantic markup for social media. networks (Open Graph).

This is the block that appears when writing an article. Extremely convenient!

If you are using another plugin, please do so. But if you’ve given up on optimization, run and set it up!

After installation, the SEO icon will appear in the left menu.

Now about each section in detail.

Are common

You can set “allow anonymous tracking of the parameters of this site” - this will not affect the optimization of your blog, but developers will be able, based on the collected anonymous statistics, to make the plugin even better.

Be careful with the “reset to default” button. Once you have everything set up, do not click it, otherwise the headings and structure may change, which will negatively affect the blog.

General – your info

Here we set the name of the site and its description “Website name” and “Alternate name”.

In the “Company or person” section, select “person” - private person.

Webmaster Tools

As I said, very convenient feature for those who are afraid to get into the code.

You simply paste the resulting meta tags into the fields, and the Yoast SEO functionality itself will display them in the template between the “head” tags.


Headings and Metadata - General

Be sure to check the “Enable force rewrite titles” checkbox. It allows you to overwrite standard headers with those that we will create ourselves.

“Title separator” is a symbol that is placed between the title of the article and the name of the site, for example: “SEO plugin for WordPress - Webvim blog.” I don’t use this format; I don’t think it’s the best for blog promotion. I’ll show you how to set this up later, for now just select any one.


Set the title and description for the main page.

This depends on what template you have installed. Most often, on the main page they are displayed the last notes, then fill out both fields. I wrote my blog myself and instead of the main one I have a separate page and the description is taken from it. I advise you to fill it out - it won’t be superfluous.

Post types

There are several types of posts in WordPress: we are most interested in “posts” and “pages”.

We set a simple template, like in my screenshot. And for maximum effect We will fill out the title and description on each page.


Taxonomies include categories and tags (labels). These pages can also be promoted as posts.

I use the same template for all types. This is not so important here; we will still fill out the tags on the categories page.


We do the same for dates, check the “noindex, follow” and “disable archives” checkboxes.

On the same tab below there is a section “Special Pages”.

Set the title template for search pages and 404 pages. I installed a search from Yandex, a separate page is displayed for it, but most have a standard search, so you fill out all the fields.

  • “%%searchphrase%%” - search phrase;
  • “%%page%%” — page;
  • “%%sep%%” is the separator, the one we chose above;
  • “%%sitename%%” is the name of the site.

Headings and Metadata - Rest

I unchecked all the boxes here.

  • “Noindex for subpages and archives” - I don’t hide such pages;
  • “Use meta keywords” - I don’t use keywords, they are outdated;
  • “Tags noodp and noydir” - for the Yahoo search engine and the DMOZ directory, which are not relevant for Russian-language sites.

Go to the next section in the left menu.

Social networks - Accounts


Adds semantic markup for Facebook.


Metadata for Twitter. In addition to the checkbox, select “Summary content with a large picture” - an image will be inserted into the tweet, and, as we know, there are more clicks on such tweets.

I leave my Pinterest and Google+ tabs empty. First social the network is not popular in the CIS countries, and the second, after 2014, does not support displaying the author’s photo in search results, so there's no point.

XML sitemap

One of the most important sections in the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. Read carefully!

The XML map shows any changes on the blog to search robots. Without a map, the blog will be indexed extremely poorly, and particularly distant entries may not be reached at all.

We enable the construction of a site map by checking the first box. If your site is slow, try decreasing the value in the “Max entries per sitemap” field. The default value is 1000 and most users do not experience problems.

Sitemap with list of users

I am writing a blog alone, so I checked the “Disable sitemap with a list of authors and users” checkbox so that there would be no unnecessary information in the site map.

Post types


We exclude labels and formats from the map.

Breadcrumbs - bread crumbs

We check the “Enable breadcrumbs” checkbox and paste the code that is offered to us into the template.

Yoast SEO is a WordPress plugin that customizes website pages for correct display in search engines. He will help:

  • avoid problems and possible sanctions and filters from search engines for duplicate content;
  • will configure the output title, meta description And meta keywords;
  • will create a sitemap sitemap.xml ;
  • will make a breadcrumb breadcrumb trail ( breadcrumbs);
  • will help remove category stems (/category/), stop words and replytocom from comment URLs;
  • will configure redirects from child pages of media files to parent posts;
  • and much more useful for internal search engine optimization site.

Where to download and how to install the Yoast SEO plugin

Quick setup of Yoast SEO

Here's a reminder on how to quickly set up Yoast SEO on a new website.

If this is your first time encountering this plugin, some things may seem unclear to you. In this case, I suggest skipping this section and going below to the full Yoast SEO setup.

  1. We enable the full functionality of the plugin. To do this, go to SEO - Dashboard - Feauters and move Advanced settings pages to Enabled, then down and save the changes.
  2. New items will appear in the sidebar. Let's go to Headings and metadata(
  3. IN Headings and metadata We go through all the tabs and delete the %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%% construction everywhere. Typically, only the first template remains, for example %%title%% . Save the changes.
  4. Also in Taxonomies( delete the word Archives from the beginning of each line. Save the changes.
  5. In the last tab Other( Subpages of archives set disabled , save changes.
  6. In the sidebar go to XML Sitemap( and XML sitemap functionality enable (enabled). We go through all the tabs, turn off the author map and make sure that the required types of posts, pages and taxonomies are present in the map sitemap.xml. Save the changes.
  7. In the sidebar go to Additionally. We turn on the breadcrumbs navigation chain, write the text of the link to the main one, indicate in the post chain Heading. Save the changes. To insert breadcrumbs into a template, use:
  8. In the tab Permalinks( put down:
    1. Strip the category base- Remove ;
    2. Redirect attachment URLs to parent post URL- Redirect;
    3. Remove the ?replytocom variables- Remove.

    Save the changes.

Above was an example of a quick Yoast SEO setup. This is a kind of cheat sheet for those who are not setting up a plugin for the first time. If you are not one of them, then we will consider all the settings in detail.

Full Yoast SEO setup

Now that the plugin is installed and activated, let's move on to setting it up. A separate SEO section has appeared in the left sidebar at the bottom, go to it:

Inside we will be shown several sections:

  1. Dashboard
  2. Are common
  3. Features
  4. About Me
  5. Webmaster Tools
  6. Safety

Let's consider all these points in detail.


Dashboard or Desktop. This displays various messages and notifications that you should pay attention to.

For example, in the screenshot above we see 1 problem (the default site name is set, you need to register your own) and 2 notifications (suggestions to use the plugin configurator and connect the site to Google Search Console). We just installed the plugin and we can use the configurator, but it won't be enough to full customization, so I'll skip it and go straight to reviewing the plugin and fine-tuning it.


The second section, which can be accessed at

It contains the following functionality:

  1. Configuration wizard— here is a configurator that you can use to pre-configure the plugin in several steps. You can skip it;
  2. About the creators— information about the creators of the plugin;
  3. Restore default settings— here you can reset the plugin settings to the original ones if something went wrong.


The third section is Features. Available at

Knowledge Graph (About me)

Fourth section - Knowledge Graph(About Me). Available at

Why is all this needed? Google will use them for its Knowledge Graph.
And also, he can use this data in search results:

Webmaster Tools

The section is located at
In this section you can quickly confirm your domain ownership in Google panels Webmasters and Yandex Webmaster.

If you have already verified your domain ownership, skip this section.

Google Search Console

To verify ownership of the domain in Google Search Console:

Yandex Webmaster Tools

To confirm ownership of the domain in Yandex Webmaster Tools:


The section contains only one function: Security setting, and is located at

By default (disabled), the Yoast SEO metabox on each post does not allow authors to change the post's view permissions search robots(meta name robots noindex) and also override canonical link(link rel canonical). Therefore, if you trust the authors, you can enable the ability to change these vital above parameters in posts for everyone, not just site administrators. Otherwise, leave everything as it is by default - disabled

Headings and metadata

This section is responsible for how tags are displayed in the code in the head section , <meta name="description" content="">And <meta name="keywords" content=""></p> <p>I’ll tell you right away about the template variables that are used in this section. Variables in Yoast SEO look like a specific word wrapped in double percent signs. If Yoast sees such a variable in its metabox, it will replace it with <a href="">certain value</a>, taking it from the settings or site data.</p> <blockquote class="note"><p>To display meta desciption for Posts, write in the field <b>Meta description</b> tag %%excerpt%%</p> </blockquote> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>For example, %%sitename%% will be replaced with the site name defined in the settings, %%sitedesc%% with the site description, %%title%% with the title of the post or page, and so on. Below is a complete list of variables with their descriptions:</p> <ul><li><b>%%sitename%%</b>— indicates the name of the site. Defined in site settings</li> <li><b>%%sitedesc%%</b>- description of the site. Defined there</li> <li><b>%%date%%</b>— date of publication of the post or page</li> <li><b>%%title%%</b>— post or page title</li> <li><b>%%parent_title%%</b>— title of the parent page</li> <li><b>%%excerpt%%</b>— a short description of the post or page. If does not exist, it will be generated automatically</li> <li><b>%%excerpt_only%%</b>— a short description of the post or page. If it doesn't exist, it won't output anything.</li> <li><b>%%tag%%</b>— current label/tags (tags)</li> <li><b>%%category%%</b>— heading (category) or list of headings (categories), separated by comma</li> <li><b>%%primary_category%%</b>— main heading (category)</li> <li><b>%%category_description%%</b>— description of the category</li> <li><b>%%tag_description%%</b>— description of the label (tag)</li> <li><b>%%term_title%%</b>— title of an arbitrary term</li> <li><b>%%term_description%%</b>— description of an arbitrary term</li> <li><b>%%searchphrase%%</b>— current search phrase</li> <li><b>%%sep%%</b>- the separator, which is defined in the next paragraph, and which is present in wp_title()</li> </ul><blockquote class="note"><p>You probably understand that some variables can only work on certain pages that correspond to them.</p> </blockquote> <p>The above variables are usually sufficient. However, there are also advanced options:</p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><h4>Are common</h4> <p>Located at</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Headings and Metadata - General - Yoast SEO</p> <ol><li><b>Header separator</b>— here you can select a character that will serve as a separator in the header instead of the %%sep%% variable</li> </ol><p><b>Enabled analysis</b></p> <br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><blockquote class="note"><p>You are already familiar with variables (description above), so further I will give examples of templates that I usually use.</p> </blockquote> <h4>Homepage</h4> <p>Responsible for what is displayed in the title and description on the main page. Located at <br><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy><br>Here the default set is %%sitename%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitedesc%% . <br>In theory, it will be enough to leave %%sitename%% or %%sitename%% %%page%% . You change it at your discretion.</p> <h2>Typical solutions to problems and problems</h2> <p>This section contains typical tasks and problems that you encounter when using Yoast SEO.</p> <h3>How to remove duplicate post title in breadcrumbs WordPress SEO by Yoast</h3> <p>The code below will remove the duplicate article title in <a href="">bread crumbs</a>, let's leave only links to the upper levels:</p><p>Add_filter("wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link", "remove_wpseo_breadcrumb_last"); function remove_wpseo_breadcrumb_last($link_output) ( if(FALSE !== strpos($link_output, "breadcrumb_last")) ( $link_output = ""; ) return $link_output; )</p><h3>How to Remove WooCommerce Products from Yoast SEO Breadcrumbs</h3>add_filter("wpseo_breadcrumb_links", "sheens_wpseo_breadcrumb_output"); function sheens_wpseo_breadcrumb_output($output)( if ("product" == $output["ptarchive"]) ( unset($output); $output = array_values($output); ) return $output; ) <h3>How to remove and disable JSON-LD from Yoast</h3>// Completely disable JSON-LD output in Yoast SEO add_filter("wpseo_json_ld_output", "__return_empty_array"); <p>Also, sometimes there is a need to disable Google SearchBox for a site</p> <blockquote class="note"><p>The SearchBox in the search results looks like this: <br><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> </blockquote> <p>In WordPress, you usually write . If on the site <a href="">standard view</a> search is disabled, then you should also disable it in JSON-LD:</p><p>// Disable Yoast SearchBox for Google add_filter("disable_wpseo_json_ld_search", "__return_true");</p><p>Or you can change <a href="">existing address</a> for search, for example</p><p>// Change <a href="">search bar</a> Yoast SEO add_filter("wpseo_json_ld_search_url", function () ( return ""; ));</p><h3>How to disable OpenGraph meta tags in Yoast SEO</h3> <p>To disable Open Graph metadata, you can go to the admin panel: <b>SEO</b> — <b>Social media</b> — <b>Facebook</b>, and switch the slider <b>OpenGraph</b><br><br><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>To disable Open Graph via hooks, you can use the following code:</p><p>Add_action("wp_head", "remove_all_wpseo_og", 1); function remove_all_wpseo_og() ( remove_action("wpseo_head", array($GLOBALS["wpseo_og"], "opengraph"), 30); )</p><p>To disable specific OpenGraph elements, you can use the following filters:</p><p>Add_filter("wpseo_opengraph_url" , "__return_false"); add_filter("wpseo_opengraph_desc", "__return_false"); add_filter("wpseo_opengraph_title", "__return_false"); add_filter("wpseo_opengraph_type", "__return_false"); add_filter("wpseo_opengraph_site_name", "__return_false");</p><h3>ERROR: field is missing or empty</h3> <p>If an error occurs when checking a site in the micro markup validator <b>ERROR: field is missing or empty</b>, which means you did not specify a default image in the plugin settings: Yoast - Social Networks - Facebook, and you specify any image that will be shown on social networks when sharing pages that do not have thumbnails.</p> <p><img src='' width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3>How to remove rel prev next from head</h3>/** * Yoast: Remove Prev Next for archives */ add_filter("wpseo_prev_rel_link", "__return_false"); add_filter("wpseo_next_rel_link", "__return_false"); // Redirect /page/2, /page/3, etc. to the main first page of the category (category) add_action("pre_get_posts", function ($query) ( // If we are on the archives page, on pagination page 2 and higher, and there is also a category name if ($query -> is_archive && $query -> query["paged"] > 1 && $query -> query["category_name"]) ( // Redirect to the main page of the category wp_redirect(site_url($query -> query["category_name"]), 301); exit ; ) )); <h3>How to enable article:published_time and article:modified_time</h3> <p>By default, Yoast in Open Graph displays the publish date and modification date only for Posts. To enable them for other pages or pages, you can use the following code:</p><p>// Publish date and modification date for pages add_filter("wpseo_opengraph_show_publish_date", function () ( if (is_singular("page")) return true; return false; ));</p><p>And with the following code we can enable the display of article:published_time and article:modified_time for anything at all:</p><p>Add_filter("wpseo_opengraph_show_publish_date", "__return_true");</p><h2>Yoast SEO and Woocommerce</h2> <p>There is a special paid plugin for WooCommerce, a description is available at At the moment, it costs $49. <br>In addition to the standard Yoast SEO features, it allows you to:</p> <ul><li>Increase the number of shares on Pinterest</li> <li>Use bread crumbs ( <b>breadcrumbs</b>) from Yoast instead of standard WooCommerce</li> <li>Guarantees excellent <a href="">working together</a> Yoast SEO and WooCommerce</li> <li>Deletes <a href="">unnecessary pages</a> from the sitemap sitemap.xml and gives indexing priority to the necessary pages</li> </ul><h2>Yoast or All In One Seo Pack, which plugin to choose</h2> <p>I would definitely choose <b>Yoast SEO</b>, since it contains everything you need that is not in All In One Seo Pack, and that needs to be completed with third-party plugins:</p> <ol><li>Site map <b>sitemap.xml</b>;</li> <li>Remove /category/ from URL;</li> <li>bread crumbs <b>Breadcrumbs</b>.</li> </ol><h2>How to Import Metadata into Yoast SEO</h2> <p>Let's say you are transferring a website from an old engine to WordPress. Also, let's say we have a table articles in the database, which has columns with the data we need: meta_title , meta_description and meta_keywords columns. Also, let's say that the articles table has an ID column that matches the ID of the post in the WordPress database. <br>If you need to enroll in bulk <a href="">Yoast metadata</a> SEO for your articles, you can use the following code. It can be registered in or created.</p><p>Add_action("admin_action_sheensay_import_yoast_meta", function() ( current_user_can("manage_options") or exit; // Only the administrator can make a request global $wpdb; // Create a database request $sql = "SELECT articles.meta_title, articles.meta_description, articles.meta_keywords, articles.ID, wp_posts.ID FROM articles " . " INNER JOIN wp_posts " . " ON articles.ID = wp_posts.ID " . " AND wp_posts.post_type = "post" " . " LIMIT 0, 10"; $rows = $wpdb->get_results($sql); exit(print_r($rows)); // Output the query result to the database. To import, you need to comment out or delete the line foreach ($rows as $row) ( update_post_meta ($row->ID, "_yoast_wpseo_title", $row->meta_title); // Write meta title update_post_meta($row->ID, "_yoast_wpseo_metadesc", $row->meta_description); // Write meta description update_post_meta($); row->ID, "_yoast_wpseo_metakeywords", $row->meta_keywords); // Write meta keywords ) printf("%d positions imported. <br>", count($rows)); exit; ));</p><p>Now you can open the URL , you will see the result of the request. Try clearing the $sql limit of LIMIT 0, 10" or increasing it, for example LIMIT 0, 1000 , then check the result by reloading the page.</p> <blockquote class="note"><p>LIMIT 0, 1000 means "select 1000 records starting from position 0". This way you can break the import into portions. The following will be:</p> <ol><li>LIMIT 0, 1000</li> <li>LIMIT 1000, 1000</li> <li>LIMIT 2000, 1000</li> <li>and so on until the end</li> </ol></blockquote> <p>Once you are sure that the request produces the required data, comment out or delete the line exit(print_r($rows)); , then reload the page. You will see how many rows are imported.</p> <blockquote class="note"><p>If there is too much data, the script may end with an error; it simply may not have enough time to execute. In this case, try either increasing the maximum PHP execution time or . <br>If the execution time cannot be increased, try feeding the data in portions, changing the limit: for example, LIMIT 0.100 first iteration, LIMIT 100.100 second, LIMIT 200.100 third, and so on.</p> </blockquote></blockquote> Have questions? Write a comment! <p> <p>Hi all! Today I will take apart a super popular plugin - Yoast SEO, designed for SEO website optimization. Although the plugin is in Russian, this will still not be enough for beginners to understand the plugin settings. Therefore, my instructions are to help all beginners and those who want to understand this plugin. I'll show you how to set up the plugin and how to work with it. You can install the Yoast SEO plugin directly from <a href="">wordpress admin panels</a>. Go to the tab: Plugins – Add new, enter the name of the plugin in the search form, press Enter, install and activate the plugin.</p> <p>Attention!</span> – .</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>To start setting up the plugin, go to the tab: SEO.</p> <p><img src='' height="290" width="181" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>On the plugin page, at the top of the page, you will see notifications; close them by clicking on the cross on the right so that they do not bother you or distract you.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Are common</span></h3> <p>In general settings or in main settings, you can:</p> <p>– <span>Start presentation</span> You can watch the presentation to understand the plugin settings. Text prompts will appear throughout the presentation.</p> <p>– <span>View changes</span> you can see <a href="">last changes</a>, which occurred in the plugin.</p> <p>– <span>Restore default settings,</span> you can reset the settings, return everything to its original position.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>About Me</p> <p>– Site name, here you can change the site name, specify a different name for the site, but this is not necessary. You can also specify <a href="">alternative name</a> for the site, especially for Google, but it is also not necessary to do this. You can leave the fields empty, the site name is indicated in the main WordPress settings and this is more than enough for all search engines.</p> <p>– <span>Company or <a href="">Private person</a>, </span> choose who you are, if you are a single blogger, then choose – Private person. If the site represents any company, firm, agency, OJSC, LLC, individual entrepreneur, then select – Company.</p> <p>Webmaster Tools</p> <p>Here you can add your site to popular search engines. Leave the fields blank if you have already added your site to Google, Yandex, Bing, Alexa. To add your site to search engines, follow the link with the name of the search engine. I'll show you using Google as an example.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You will see a page - <span>Webmaster Center</span>, to confirm the site. You need to copy the Meta tag and add it to the field on the plugin page, webmaster tools.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Paste the copied Meta tag into the Google Search Console field and click <span>Save changes</span>.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>After that, go back to Google Webmaster and click on the button - Check.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>If everything was done correctly, your rights to the site will be confirmed. It’s the same with other search engines, insert a special meta tag for verification, save the tag and check the site. Only Alexa does not have a meta tag, but a verification ID. Look, to add a site to a search engine, you must have your own account in this search engine, that is, you must have an email, if you don’t have an account, then you will need to first register an account, and only then you can add the site to this search engine system. In general, it is not necessary to add a site to search engines through a plugin; you can do it yourself, manually. I already told you, without a plugin.</p> <p>Safety</p> <p>– <span>Disable Advanced Composition from Yoast SEO meta box.</span> Check the box to allow other authors and editors to manage settings for each post, edit the meta description, etc. If you are the only author on the site, you can uncheck the box for security so that no one except you can make changes.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p></p> <p>– <span>Enable indexability check,</span> enable the service to check site indexing, check the box.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Headings and metadata</span></h3> <p>Are common</p> <p>– <span>Forced rewrite of headers,</span> It is not recommended to check the box. If you check this box, the plugin will be able to change the headers of your posts; it’s better not to do this. The plugin will strictly adjust your headers to fit the templates, and this is not good for optimization. Headings should contain not only keywords, but also <a href="">human factor</a>, that is, creativity, something from you, and not just everything from a primitive robot. Do not turn on!</p> <p>– <span>Header separator,</span> Of course, you can choose any separator for the title, but it seems to me that a vertical stick looks best, so choose it if you agree with me.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Homepage</p> <p>– <span>Title template,</span> is specified by default, it is not necessary to change it, leave the field empty.</p> <p>– <span>Meta Description Template,</span> Leave the field blank if you do not want to change the default template.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>By the way, at the top of the page, on the right, click on the tab - Help, here you can see the designation of all templates. If you wish, you can change the templates and add some additions.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Post types</p> <p>Fields – Title Template and <span>Meta description template</span>– leave all values ​​unchanged.</p> <p>– Meta Robots, if you check this box, Posts, Pages and Media files will not be indexed by search engines.</p> <p>– <span>Date in the pre-examination of the fragment,</span> It’s not necessary to check the box, what difference does it make whether the date is indicated there or not, because this is a preview.</p> <p>– Yoast SEO meta box, if you check this box, the meta box will not be shown for each post, where you need to indicate the meta description, focus <a href="">keyword</a> etc. Don't check the box!</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Taxonomies</p> <p>Everything is similar here, the fields are Title Template and <span>Meta description template</span> leave unchanged. If you do not rely on the promotion of Categories and Tags, then you can disable the Yoast SEO meta box for them. The format doesn’t have to be indexed at all, that is, check the Meta Robots box.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="721" width="692" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Archives</p> <p>Same thing, fields – Title template and <span>Meta description template</span> leave unchanged. Look, if you have problems with duplicate content, that is, identical entries appear in the search, then you can disable Author Archives. If you have been blogging for a long time, then check the do not index box. If you have a new site, then it will be enough to simply disable the archive so that it is not created. It's the same with the date archive.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="717" width="682" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Other</p> <p>– <span>Global META settings,</span> leave all fields blank. I don't see the point in preventing search engines from using the DMOZ or Yahoo directory description, because if you don't use them, then what difference does it make at all. For Google and Yandex this does not play any role at all. Using the meta keywords tag is, in my opinion, an outdated topic; meta descriptions are more than enough. Previously, there weren’t all these descriptions, keywords, etc., there was a title and that’s it. Over time, they began to complicate everything, to come up with some unnecessary <a href="">complex functions</a>, but now everything seems to be returning to normal. We’ve already looked at the archives; if you don’t have subpages on your site, then there’s no point in banning them.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Social media</span></h3> <p>Accounts</p> <p>You can add the URLs of your social media accounts if you have them, of course, if not, leave the fields blank. Go to your social media home page and copy the URL at the top of the page.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Facebook</p> <p>See, when a link to your site is shared on social networks, your site name, image and description are displayed. You can set all these details for your site's home page if it is shared on Facebook. That is, if the main page of your site is shared on Facebook, the data you provide here, image, title and description, will be displayed. You can also set a default image, that is, if your post or page is shared and there is no image in it, the default image that you specify will be displayed.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Here you can also add a Facebook administrator for a more detailed analysis of your site on Facebook. But not necessarily.</p> <p>– <span>Facebook App ID,</span>, I already told you.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Twitter</p> <p>You can choose how your site's posts appear on Twitter. With a picture or just text?</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Pinterest</p> <p>You can use your details, title, description and image for the Pinterest social network, just like for Facebook. You need to pass verification, follow the link, copy the meta tag and paste it into the field - Pinterest Verification. If you don't have a Pinterest account, simply skip these settings.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Google+</p> <p>– <span>Add metadata to posts for Google+</span>, if you check this box, you will be able to add metadata to each post for Google+. That is, you can specify the title, description and image that will be displayed on Google+ if your post is shared on Google+. You will have a special tab in the Yoast SEO widget for social networks, this widget is displayed on the post and page creation page, I will tell you about it later.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You also need to enter your Google+ page URL here. And on the Google+ page, on the “About” tab, provide a link to your website in the Links section.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>XML Sitemap</span></h3> <p>Are common</p> <p>To activate the XML Site Map, check the box at the top of the page. Here you can view your XML Map by clicking on the button – <a href="">XML Sitemap</a>. Here you can specify the maximum number of entries for one sitemap page, the default is 1000 entries. If you have performance problems, then lower the number to 100. The XML sitemap displays a list of your posts and pages for indexing in search engines.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Sitemap with list of users</p> <p>There is no need to indicate authors and users in the XML sitemap. If you have a site where many authors are published and you want their names to be indexed, you can leave the checkbox unchecked. And if you have a regular website, then check the box.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Post types</p> <p>Here you can exclude any type of content from the map. Posts and pages do not need to be excluded, but media files can be excluded.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Excluded entries</p> <p>You can exclude some entries from the sitemap by specifying their ID.</p> <p>Taxonomies</p> <p>If you don’t use tags or categories on your site, then there’s no point in excluding them. And if you use a lot of categories or tags, then it’s better not to exclude.</p> <h3><span>Additionally</span></h3> <p>Breadcrumbs</p> <p>You can enable breadcrumb trail. Breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs are the path from the page you started on to the page you are currently on. If you want to enable the chain, then check the box, do not change anything in the settings, save the settings.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Here you can enable the function of removing stop words from post labels, although this is not at all necessary. Sometimes stop words can even help make a more precise request. I wouldn't include anything here at all. If you don't use RSD files then there is no point in hiding them, the same goes for the rest, why hide short links? It’s not clear why they are worse than regular links. It's better to leave everything as it is, by default.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>RSS</p> <p>Here you can configure <a href="">RSS feed</a> for your site. You can add content that will appear before each post in the feed. And you can add a content template that will be displayed after each post. For each template, explanations are displayed at the bottom of the page.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Tools</span></h3> <p>– <span><a href="">Group editor</a>, </span> by using <a href="">of this instrument</a> You can quickly edit the titles and descriptions of your posts and pages.</p> <p>– <span>Import and export,</span> You can import or export the settings of any SEO plugin from site to site.</p> <p>– <span><a href="">File editor</a>, </span> will help you edit files – .htaccess and . And if you don’t have these files, you can create them.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" height="505" width="502" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>– Recalculate SEO scores, a tool for calculating keywords. Click on the link and your score will be displayed.</p> <h3><span>Search Engine Console</span></h3> <p>Here you can connect the Yoast SEO plugin to the Google Webmaster Console so that the plugin can get detailed information about your site. Click on the button – <span>Get authorization code from Google</span>. A window will open where you need to click on the button - Allow.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Paste the code into the special field and click on the button - Authentication.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>You should see the address of your website, click on the button - Save profile. The site will only appear if you have added it to Google search.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Now on the page <span>Search Engine Console</span>, you will be able to observe the indexing date of the records, the response code of the records. It is also possible to observe the display of the site on Smartphones and communicators.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Metadata for posts and pages</span></h3> <p>Go to the post or page creation page; at the bottom of the page you will see a special widget.</p> <p>Content</p> <p>Here you can change the Title and Description of the post that will be displayed in search results on the browser search page. When a person searches for something through a search, he is shown a list of sites with titles and descriptions, and this data will be displayed in the search results.</p> <p>– <span>Focus keyword,</span> Indicate here the word that best characterizes your entry, that is, a generalizing word. For example, if you are talking about how to lose weight in a post, then the focal keyword will be “Weight Loss.”</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Additionally</p> <p>In additional settings, you can block the entry from indexing, that is, so that search engines do not index your site. If you are using a breadcrumb, you can specify a Post Title for the breadcrumb. You don't have to specify the canonical URL if you don't have problems with duplicate pages. The canonical URL is the main one <a href="">url address</a> records. In general, if you do not want to change anything here, then do not change the settings.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Here you can specify for the post – Title, Description and Image, which will be displayed on the specified social network if your post is shared on social networks. You can leave these fields blank if you don't want to change the basic meta data, title, description, and image.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h3><span>Keyword Research</span></h3> <p>At the top of the WordPress admin panel, you will see <a href="">new inset</a>– SEO</p> <p>– External Adwords, you can go to the service <a href="">Google AdWords</a> and see popular queries in <a href="">Google search</a>. That is, you can find out how popular a particular query is in Google search. Number of views...</p> <p>– <a href="">Google Insights</a>, you can see popular trends on Google.</p> <p>– SEO book, website about SEO, in order to receive training materials, you need to register. True, the site is in English.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>And also, on the main page of the WordPress admin panel, you will have an SEO post review widget. By clicking on the button – Analyze entire site, you can analyze your site using special tools. You will need to register on the site to access your statistics.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <p>Attention!</span> <span>The plugin has been updated! Read the new instructions HERE!!!</span> – .</p> <p>That's all for me, I'm waiting for your comments, good luck and see you again!</p> <br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>Setting up the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin new instructions</span> updated: April 23, 2018 by: <span>Ilya Zhuravlev</p> <p>There are many SEO plugins created for WordPress that allow you to configure <a href="">optimal settings</a> site for search engines. However, sometimes for <a href="">efficient work</a> requires installation of several plugins at the same time.</p> <p>So I decided to work with the plugin <b>Yoast SEO</b>, which includes many well-known features of other plugins.</p> <p><b>Yoast SEO</b> is the driving force for optimization <b>WordPress</b> in search engines. However, setting up this plugin may be a little difficult for some users without basic SEO skills. Incorrect settings can stop search robots from indexing your site, or allow bots to index parts of your site that shouldn't be indexed.</p> <p>Before we get started with the plugin, let's take a look at <b>its main capabilities</b>:</p> <p>And in order to safely promote your site, without worrying about the correct settings of SEO plugins, I advise you to use the services of professionals. For example, offers services for promoting sites where the least participation is required from the webmaster. The studio employees will do everything themselves and increase your high-quality link mass.</p> <p><i> </i> </p><p>If you are using any SEO plugins such as All In One SEO, Old All In One SEO, Headspace 2 or others like that, you should start by importing the settings.</p> <p>After installation and activation <b>Yoast SEO</b> it should itself detect plugins from which it can import settings and display the corresponding message:</p> <p>If this does not happen, go to the “SEO” → “Tools” page, there select the “Import from other SEO plugins” tab.</p> <p>On the page, mark the previously used plugin and click “Import”.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>This will allow you to save all the specified titles and descriptions of individual posts that were specified when working with other SEO plugins.</p> <p>After successful import, you will receive a corresponding message with a recommendation that <a href="">old plugin</a>, in our case this is All In One SEO, can be deactivated and deleted.</p> <h3><span>Headings and metadata</span></h3> <p>This is one of the most important sections of the plugin, which needs to be configured with care. <a href="">special attention</a>, so as not to disable/enable an unnecessary option.</p> <h4>Are common</h4> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>It's special here <a href="">important settings</a> no, only selecting a separator in the page header. The separator is the symbol that is displayed, for example, between the title of the post and the name of the site. Users see them in search engine results and in the title of the tab. Choose the one that visually suits you best.</p> <h4><span>Homepage</span></h4> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Here you must configure the settings for the home page title and description for search engines.</p> <h4>Post types</h4> <p>Here are the SEO settings for blog posts, pages, and media. If you use additional types of materials, the corresponding section will also appear on this page.</p> <p>Initially, the names had this pattern:</p><p>%%title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%</p><p>However, I only left:</p><p>%%title%%</p><ul><li><b>%%title%%</b>– name of the post/page/media file.</li> <li><b>%%page%%</b>– if a post or page is divided into several parts, then this code will display something like “2 out of 3”, that is, page navigation.</li> <li><b>%%sep%%</b>– instead, the separator that we selected before is displayed.</li> <li><b>%%sitename%%</b>– is responsible for displaying the name of the site.</li> </ul><p>In the "Meta Description Template" field I inserted <b>%%excerpt%%</b>. In theory, this value is indicated according to the standard, but I still wrote it down just to be sure. %%excerpt%% is responsible for displaying the generated description of a page or post if it is missing. If you yourself compiled this description when writing the material, then your version is taken as the basis.</p> <ul><li><b>Meta Robots</b>– be sure to indicate “index”, this means that you allow search engines to index this material. Otherwise, if "noindex" is enabled, then posts or pages will not be indexed.</li> <li><b>Date in fragment preview</b>– if you have a news portal, then the date should be displayed in snippets. In fact, you can also show the date for a blog, but I decided to hide it.</li> <li><b>Yoast SEO meta box</b>– allows you to hide the headers and metadata settings panel block.</li> </ul><p>In the end I use these settings:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h4>Taxonomies</h4> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Here the settings are identical to <a href="">previous paragraph</a>, only here tags and categories are provided. Since I prefer to hide these pages from search engines, I set noindex everywhere.</p> <p>The name template was left standard.</p> <h4>Archives</h4> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>This section also has similar settings for archives, which are based on date and author.</p> <h4>Other</h4> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>This is the last tab in the “Headers and Metadata” section and I left everything as it is, that is, like this</p> <p>And now in more detail:</p> <ul><li>Archive subpages - I set “noindex” to avoid duplicate pages, and I also want to keep a list of indexed pages without any “garbage”.</li> <li>Use meta keywords tag? – I disabled this option because I’m not going to write down keywords for each individual blog entry, especially since Google has long officially stated that it does not take them into account.</li> <li>Force noodp meta robots tag sitewide – prevents search engines from using DMOZ descriptions for your site.</li> </ul><h3>Social media</h3> <p>I can’t say anything particularly useful about this, as I don’t use this settings section on my website, but I’ll try to roughly describe the situation.</p> <p>If, in addition to your website (blog), you have pages on social networks, then you can report them to search engines and link your social network account to the site.</p> <p>Open Graph is needed to optimize your website for a specific social network. Using a plugin <b>Yoast SEO</b> it's very easy to do.</p> <p>On the “Accounts” tab, you must fill in the fields like this:</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Next, on the appropriate tabs, you can configure the display of the announcement of the material separately for each social network. Settings for Facebook and Twitter, for example, are a little different, but still not a big deal.</p> <p>If you really need to make settings in this section, then following the plugin instructions you will understand everything.</p> <h3>XML Sitemap</h3> <p>The reviewed SEO plugin has the ability to create and customize XML maps.</p> <p>Enabling this feature will force the plugin to take care of your map for search engines.</p> <p>In addition to generating a site map, the plugin allows you to perform several other useful manipulations.</p> <h4>Authors map</h4> <p>If registration is enabled on your site and many authors write to your blog, then using this function you can add a list of user data to the map.</p> <p>My function is disabled because registration on the site is disabled and I am the only author. But even if this were not so, I doubt that my decision would change.</p> <h4>Post types</h4> <p>In this section, you can select what types of records your XML map should contain.</p> <p>As you can see, my map includes blog posts and regular static pages. But I decided to exclude media files so as not to clutter the map... and my illustrations are far from unique.</p> <h4><span>Excluding records</span></h4> <p>The updated version of the plugin has a new feature - excluding a specific post or page from the site map. I won’t even say in what case this will be useful, however <a href="">this opportunity</a> There is.</p> <p>To exclude materials from the map, simply indicate the IDs of the records separated by commas.</p> <h4>Taxonomies</h4> <p>Finally, setting up your XML map for search engines, you can exclude categories and tags from it, which, as you noticed from the screenshot, is what I did.</p> <h3>Additionally</h3> <p>As of today, the section has three breadcrumb tabs; permalinks and RSS. All these sections are included in the functionality of the plugin for a reason, so let’s move on to familiarize ourselves with them</p> <h4><span>Breadcrumbs</span></h4> <p>The function is better known as “Breadcrumbs” and allows you to show the user the path to the page he is on. It can be very convenient for ordinary readers, but it is more effectively used as part of SEO optimization.</p> <p>It has simple and intuitive settings.</p> <p>But the implementation of displaying a chain is more complex and requires some knowledge from the user, since you will have to slightly change the code of your theme. Namely this code:</p><p> <?php if (function_exists("yoast_breadcrumb")) { yoast_breadcrumb(" "); } ?> </p><p>need to be inserted into files <b>single.php</b> and/or <b>page.php</b>. As a rule, breadcrumbs are located above the title of articles or pages, so the code must be inserted before the code for displaying the title.</p> <p>In some templates you can insert this code at the very end of the file <b>header.php</b> your topic.</p> <h4><span>Permalinks</span></h4> <p>There are several points in this section:</p> <ul><li><b>Changing category addresses</b>. Allows you to remove the /category/ prefix from site category URLs.</li> <li><b>Redirect to <a href="">parent record</a> </b>. Since all attached files to an entry are stored in the database as <a href="">individual pages</a>, then I recommend enabling this feature as it will create a redirect from those pages to the main post.</li> <li><b>Variables?replytocom</b>. Sometimes the “extermination” of ?replytocom creates difficulties for webmasters, but in the reviewed plugin, ridding the blog of these variables and duplication of content can be done with just a click of one button.</li> <li><b>Stop words in URL</b>. There is also a feature that will allow you to automatically remove stop words from the URL of your posts. I advise you to enable the function.</li> <li><b>Redirecting Bad URLs</b>. I don’t fully understand what exactly this setting does, but the plugin recommends not using it. Therefore, we won’t... Those and other pages should respond with the code “404 – page not found.”</li> </ul><h4>RSS</h4> <p>We leave everything as is. The function is quite useful, it allows you to add some content to the RSS feed. In our case, the standard plugin adds an additional link to our blog to each entry (in the RSS feed). This will protect copyright and identify our blog as the original source, because there are many rabbers who steal content through RSS.</p> <h3>Tools</h3> <p>A truly interesting section of the plugin, as I have never seen anything like it anywhere else. There are four tools:</p> <ol><li><b>Group editor</b>– allows you to bulk edit titles and descriptions for blog posts.</li> <li><b>Import and export</b>– allows you to import settings from other SEO plugins.</li> <li><b>File editor</b>– makes it possible to edit robots.txt and .htaccess files directly through the site console.</li> <li><b>Recalculate SEO score</b>– evaluates site optimization and gives advice on how to improve it.</li> </ol><h3><span>Plugin settings on the post editing page</span></h3> <p>In addition to SEO settings for the site as a whole, the Yoast SEO plugin works separately for each post. That is, when editing/creating <a href="">new entry</a> on a blog you can optimize it to suit your needs. The plugin also gives recommendations for improving the article from an SEO point of view.</p> <p>The first section of the block allows you to edit the snippet, that is, specify the title and description for search engines, as well as the address of the entry itself.</p> <p>In the Focus Word field, you can specify the desired keyword and the plugin will provide you with recommendations for setting it up.</p> <p><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy>Somehow like this. I’m sure I missed a lot of things, but the main nuances were described, and if you have questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.</p> <p>Hello, friends!</p><p>Today we will look at a very cool plugin, with which comprehensive SEO optimization of WordPress is possible.</p><p>All the attention today is the Wordpress seo by yoast plugin, which is an analogue of all <a href="">known solutions</a> All in one seo pack and Platinum seo pack. But it has advantages over them, based on which I switched to this plugin. There is also a small drawback. Let's look at everything now.</p> <i> </i> <h2>Advantages and disadvantages</h2><p>The main criterion by which I decided to switch to this add-on is the ability to write meta tags (title, description and keywords) for each type of page:</p><ul><li>records;</li><li>pages;</li><li>headings;</li><li>archives and so on.</li> </ul><p>Some will say that all this can be done in other solutions, but this is not so. Can only be applied to posts and pages. You cannot enter data into sections and other pages, and this is not good, since absolutely all pages on the site must be filled out in order to let the search engine know what it is about. In my case, it was necessary to fill out data for the headings.</p><p>It was possible to implement support for descriptions and keywords for categories in other ways, but this would require intervention in the file <a href="">All plugin</a> in one SEO (in my case) and installing an additional plugin, which has some difficulties, which I will talk about in one and <a href="">next articles</a>, if you still decide to stay on AIOSP.</p><p>The second criterion for <a href="">choosing WordPress</a> seo by yoast is the placement of the meta tags themselves in the source code of the page. This plugin, if the title rewrite function is enabled, places the title, description and keyword tags in one place and you can place them at the very beginning of the page. This makes it easier for search engines.</p><p>In other plugins, this cannot be achieved without editing the add-on itself. In them, meta description and keyword tags are added somewhere at the bottom of the area <head>site. Here it is all together, which is better in terms of the convenience of scanning the page by search robots.</p><p>The next advantage of WordPress seo by yoast is the presence of many modules, using which you can do without additional plugins. We'll look at them next. I did not use these solutions, as I am inclined towards specialized solutions in this area, for which special plugins have been created.</p><p>Another important advantage is completely <a href="">correct work</a> rel="canonical" attribute to pagination pages.</p><p>If we take all the pages from the list that share page navigation, then for each number from the list of pages rel="canonical" should lead exactly not <a href="">current page</a> from the entire series. If you look in <a href="">source</a> pages, then we see that the plugin adds canonical to each pagination page.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>This is a rather delicate moment and, if you are a beginner, then do not go into this jungle too much. This is perhaps the only SEO plugin that does not have any conflicts with this attribute.</p><p>The disadvantage is the setting to block category pages, archives and pagination pages from indexing, which is not very correct from the point of view of SEO optimization. The point is that by activating <a href="">this setting</a>(we'll get to it later), we will prohibit all these pages from indexing while the headings should participate in the index.</p><p>It would be more logical to make separate settings for pagination and categories with archives, so that the first could be prohibited from getting into <a href="">search database</a>, and the second is to allow. In this case, this will not work.</p><p>This drawback had to be solved by disabling this setting so that the categories were indexed, and adding code to the template to block pagination from indexing. <a href="">This code</a> I will give in the appropriate paragraph.</p><p>Well, now we move on to installing the plugin and its subsequent settings.</p> <h2>Installation</h2><p>WordPress seo by yoast is quite easy to install ( <span>you can download from here</span>).</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>After activating the plugin, you will be asked to enable tracking of the plugin on your site in order to make some changes based on the analysis.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="305" width="320" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>I forbade it so as not to create unnecessary burden on the blog.</p><p>Further, it is only worth noting that when switching from another plugin, you will need to import the settings from the previous solution so that all metadata is preserved. This is done simply. When installing the plugin, you will immediately be prompted to import data from another add-on. This will be visible in the inscriptions that will appear in the plugins section in the admin panel.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>After this, you will receive a message indicating that the import was successful.</p><p>In the screenshot above, which has the import link, you can see that the error message is still showing below. This is because my site has the Google XML sitemaps plugin installed, which creates a sitemap. The Wordpress seo by yoast plugin also has a module for <a href="">XML creation</a> cards that may conflict with the previous one if they are active at the same time.</p><p>After exporting the settings from the previous plugin, you will be taken to the import settings page, which we will come to next.</p><p>Now let’s move on to reviewing all the functionality of the plugin and see how to properly configure Wordpress seo by yoast.</p> <h2>Admin panel settings (basic)</h2><p>All settings are located in the SEO item, which appears after installing the plugin in a separate place.</p><p><img src='' height="362" width="159" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>We move to the first item “Admin Panel” and begin to configure it.</p><blockquote><p>First I will give screenshots of the settings, and then describe them.</p> </blockquote><p><img src='' align="center" height="879" width="602" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>In the "General" section, you can take a tour through all the points to see the description of the plugin settings. By clicking the “Start presentation” button, a step-by-step description of the pages will begin, during which you will be transferred to each item with a small help;</li><li>Using the "Reset to default" button we can reset all plugin settings to their original state, as they were immediately after installation;</li><li>We already looked at the “Tracking” item earlier, when we abandoned it immediately after activating Wordpress seo by yoast. If you suddenly want to enable it, then activate the checkbox in this parameter;</li><li>Security - to be honest, I could not see any changes after disabling or activating this feature. Apparently, if the checkbox is enabled, other authors will not be able to control the advanced functions of the block, which is located in the post editor (discussed below);</li><li>Webmaster tools - here we can confirm ownership of the site by simply entering verification codes from the desired search engines, or rather from their webmaster panels. This item eliminates the need to upload verification files to the hosting. I entered only from search engines <a href="">Bing systems</a> and Google. Yandex is confirmed for me using a file on the hosting, since this search engine was not supported in the previous plugin.</li> </ul><h2>Headings and metadata</h2><p>This is a fairly extensive settings item that is worth paying close attention to.</p><p>In order not to write a lot of code in the article, I will show <a href="">necessary settings</a> on the screenshots, which will show which parts of the code should remain with you.</p><p>Let's go from the first tab "General". It definitely needs to be configured.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="801" width="479" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>Forced rewriting of headers - this option is necessary so that the headers on pages of posts, pages, categories, etc. had the correct appearance from a structure point of view. This option may not need to be enabled. You will need to check how the plugin translates titles without the setting enabled. For me, with the function disabled, the title inside the post had an incorrect appearance. The name of the site was displayed, and then, without indentation, the title of the article. It all depends on the template. Therefore, I activated this checkbox in WordPress seo by yoast and it will rewrite the headings in accordance with the settings that we will put in the following tabs.</li><li>Title separator - select a separator between the site name and the article title in <a href="">title tag</a>. The most common option is <a href="">vertical bar</a>. That's why I chose him;</li><li>Noindex for subpages and archives - must be enabled so that pagination pages are not indexed. By enabling this checkbox, the plugin prohibits from indexing pages that are divided into lists by page navigation, as well as pages of categories and archives. I have disabled this setting for now, since category pages are needed for indexing in order to <a href="">correct scheme</a> weight distribution on site. Rubrics should participate in it. Therefore, be careful, because in the screenshot above I marked this function as necessary to enable. <p>But then the situation arises that the content of pagination pages (page navigation) is indexed. I fixed this issue using <a href="">special code</a>, which adds the robots meta tag to such pages. I give you the code below, you need to add it to the functions.php file of your design template.</p> <p>/*** ADD meta robots noindex,nofollow FOR PAGES ***/function my_meta_noindex () ( if (is_paged() // All and any pagination pages) (echo "".""."\n";) ) add_action ("wp_head", "my_meta_noindex", 3); // add your noindex,nofollow to head</p><p>I hope that in the future the developers will add the ability to separately close category pages with archives and pagination pages separately from indexing, as this will be more correct.</p></li><li>Use keywords in meta - if you add keywords to your posts, then check this checkbox, as it adds this field for entering keys;</li><li>Clearing section links <head>- by activating all the checkboxes at this point, we can remove unnecessary lines from the source code of the page, thereby making it cleaner and more pleasant for search engines.</li><p>If you use any plugins that work with the Rss feed, then after disabling the Rss link, check that the plugins work correctly. If conflicts arise, then you should not activate the “Hide Rss link” setting.</p><p>Let's move on to <a href="">next tab</a>“Main menu”, where you need to configure the name of the main page of the site, its description and keywords.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>Title template - leave only that part of the code that is shown in the image. It will display the site name specified in the general site settings. If we want to write some other name (for search engines), then write it instead of the code;</li><li>Meta description template - enter a description;</li><li>Keyword template - write down keywords for the main page, if you use them.</li> </ul><p>On the "Post Types" tab, you only need to change the title templates by removing unnecessary code so that the title is displayed only from the names of posts, pages and media files.</p><p>Regarding description templates and keywords, we will enter them manually in the page editor itself.</p><ul><li>Meta Robots - we can block posts, pages or media files from indexing. Do not do this. You can only ban pages if they do not carry meaning for the user;</li><li>WordPress SEO <a href="">Meta Box</a>- removes the plugin block from the editor of each page type, which makes it impossible to enter metadata, so there is no need to enable the checkbox.</li> </ul><p>On the "Taxonomies" tab, the same settings for rewriting headers when <a href="">WordPress help</a> seo by yoast, only for pages of sections and archives.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="866" width="507" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>We also block tags and formats pages from indexing (I don’t know what that is). <b>We leave the categories open for indexing.</b></p><p>You can leave the rest of the header parameters as is, but make sure everything is as shown in the image below.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="1017" width="628" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>The "Metadata and headers" section is completed. The main work of the Wordpress seo by yoast plugin will now be performed in <a href="">combat mode</a>. Now let's consider <a href="">additional modules</a>, which can also be used.</p> <h2>Social media</h2><p>It is possible to enable markup support for Facebook, Twitter and Google+.</p><p>I recommend turning on these settings so that posting through social buttons and displaying your announcements on social networks is normal, but there are some nuances:</p></ul><ol><li>firstly, markup adds a fairly extensive part of the code to the pages;</li><li>secondly, if buttons are rarely used on your site, then you can not enable them for now, so as not to waste the source code of the pages.</li> </ol><p>I'll enable these settings. Let's see what happens.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="142" width="357" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><img src='' align="center" height="108" width="317" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>As for the other settings in these tabs, I will not describe them, since I don’t see a strong need for them. You can fill out all fields at your discretion. Moreover, there are descriptions for the fields there. But, if you still have questions, then run to the comments.</p> <h2>Site Map</h2><p>This module adds an XML map to the site, which is very good. If you use this module, you can safely remove <a href="">google plugin</a> <a href="">xml sitemaps</a>. But I didn’t do this, because I was already used to it and see it as a leader in the field of building XML maps.</p><p>If you use the capabilities of the Wordpress seo by yoast plugin, I will briefly describe its settings and sitemap construction.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="800" width="464" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><ul><li>With the first checkbox we enable the card to function;</li><li>Sitemap with a list of users - check the box so that a map with a list of all users who add posts to the site is not generated;</li><li>General settings concern sending pings to search engines. By default, pings are sent to google and bing. It wouldn’t hurt to send it to others;</li><li>Exclude message types - posts and pages do not need to be excluded, but excluding media files is a rather interesting point, since the list of media files in the map is very interesting, which should speed up and improve image indexing. You can try leaving the parameter enabled and analyze the card's performance with media files;</li><li>Exclude taxonomies - exclude the necessary taxonomies from the map. There is no need to exclude categories, but labels and formats would be desirable. But this is provided that you do not use them when promoting your site;</li><li>Entries per page - 1000 links on one page will be quite enough. If there are more than 1000 materials, then set the value so that everything fits into one list without breaking the map into pages.</li> </ul><p>By the way, the map in the WordPress seo by yoast plugin is very good.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>As you can see in the first image, the map consists of 3 files:</p><ul><li>your domain/post-sitemap.xml;</li><li>your domain/page-sitemap.xml;</li><li>your domain/category-sitemap.xml.</li> </ul> <h2>Permalinks</h2><p>Very cool point, huh <a href="">more precise setting</a>, which it contains.</p><blockquote><p>In the screenshot below, the setting to remove stop words from links is active. I disabled it because it sometimes deletes important sections of links that form a key phrase.</p> </blockquote><p><img src='' align="center" height="637" width="445" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p><i>Using <a href="">standard function</a> tree comments on WordPress, as well as closing the variable in the tobots txt file exposes the site to the risk of duplicate pages with the replytocom variable in the index, which has a detrimental effect on promotion.</i></p><p>To get rid of this variable, you have to either install third-party plugins for tree comments, or close the “reply” links with scripts, which requires technical skills.</p><p>At this point, by checking one checkbox, we solve this problem. Therefore, I recommend enabling this setting. There is no point in touching the remaining parameters, they are not so important.</p><p><b>Also make sure that your robots.txt file does not contain any restrictions with the replytocom variable.</b></p> <h2>bread crumbs</h2><p>It is also a very interesting module, since I have not seen it in other similar plugins. If you are using breadcrumbs using any separate plugin, then you can activate this feature in Wordpress seo by yoast and remove all third-party solutions.</p><p>The plugin’s settings are very simple, so I won’t go into every parameter. There you just need to indicate the names of the signatures in the breadcrumbs, as well as indicate the separators between the links. To display the crumbs, you need to place the provided code in your template file on all pages where they need to be displayed.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="702" width="479" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>RSS</h2><p>I don’t see any point in setting up this item, since I don’t see it <a href="">practical application</a>. If you know how you can benefit from it, write in the comments. Then I will try to deal with it, although there is no need to change anything here.</p> <h2>Import and export</h2><p>In this section of the WordPress seo by yoast plugin settings, you can import settings from other similar plugins that you used before the solution discussed in this article.</p><p>There are many import options. You can also export settings to a file so that you can then import settings from it to another site.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="827" width="503" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Bulk editor</h2><p>This item allows you to change SEO headings (title) for all pages of the site in one window.</p><p>This item may come in handy if you suddenly want to optimize articles in a new way and need to change the headings in accordance with the new rules.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p> <h2>Change files</h2><p>A very useful point that I began to use often.</p><p>Allows you to edit robots.txt and htaccess files from within the site's admin panel. There is no need to go to the hosting, download the file, edit it, and then download it again, and so on every time. Everything is given in one place and very quickly.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="891" width="434" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>I would like to note that when making changes to <a href="">htaccess file</a>, it is better not to deactivate the plugin, since after re-activation WordPress seo by yoast replaces it with a standard file.</p><p>And finally, the last section.</p> <h2>Extensions</h2><p>The plugin developers also made other modules that will allow you to work with the site more professionally. But they are paid. If you need the extensions provided, you can purchase them.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>It remains to briefly consider the capabilities of the block, which is added to the page editor and allows you to enter metadata for materials.</p> <h2>Block settings in the editor</h2><p>After installing Wordpress seo by yoast in the editor of posts, pages, categories and other types of pages, a block appears where we can enter the title (title for search engines), description and keywords.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>By entering the focus keyword in the field above the metadata, we can check that the page is optimized to ensure that the basic rules are met.</p><p>As you can see in my screenshot, by almost all the rules the page satisfies the conditions of the plugin. But I want to note that it is not necessary to comply with all points, since over-optimization can result in sanctions from search engines.</p><p>On the "Analysis" tab you can see the results of the page optimization analysis according to Wordpress seo by yoast. I don’t recommend looking at them, as there are moments visible on the face that can already lead to filters for excessive optimization.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>On the "Advanced" tab you can make <a href="">additional settings</a>, for example, indicate the canonical (main) address of the page, if necessary. You can also do a 301 redirect, that is, a redirect to another page.</p><p><br><img src='' align="center" width="100%" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>In the "Meta robots indexing" item, you can completely block the page from indexing by selecting the "noindex" value.</p><p>It is also worth noting the ability to add meta tags to categories. When creating or editing existing categories, be sure to fill out all the data in the block that the Wordpress seo by yoast plugin adds.</p><p><img src='' align="center" height="601" width="600" loading=lazy loading=lazy></p><p>The list of settings and features of the plugin that I planned to review has come to an end.</p><p>The material turned out to be simply unrealistically huge. Probably, at the beginning of the post I should have advised you to stock up on tea and waffles. If you are going to re-read the material, be sure to do so, since the article is unrealistically voluminous.</p><p>I hope you didn't get too bored while consuming the material. The main thing that <a href="">WordPress setup</a> SEO by Yoast was done correctly.</p><p>With that, I will be uploading this post. In the following articles I will begin to talk about <a href="">internal linking</a> site, as well as paid (link) promotion of the site, so that the work of the plugin is not in vain.</p><p>All friends. Bye.</p><p>Best regards, Konstantin Khmelev!</p> <script>document.write("<img style='display:none;' src='//;artfast_after?t44.1;r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+";h"+escape(document.title.substring(0,150))+ ";"+Math.random()+ "border='0' width='1' height='1' loading=lazy loading=lazy>");</script> </div> <div class="comment_box" id="comments"> </div> </div> <div id="sidebar"> <div class="widget widget_nav_menu" id="nav_menu-2"> <div class="menu-mainmenu-container"> <ul id="menu-mainmenu-2" class="menu"> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Internet</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Programs</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Instructions</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Browsers</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Windows 10</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Android</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">iOS</a> </li> <li class="submenu"><a href="">Connection</a> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="widget"> <div class="heading star">The last notes</div> <div class="popular_posts"> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/9a33039a30feeb66635a37d6efafcc8d.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="How to combine files into one file?" sizes="(max-width: 95px) 100vw, 95px" / loading=lazy loading=lazy></a> <div class="element"> <div class="title"> <a href="">How to combine files into one file?</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="news_box"> <a href="" class="thumb"><img width="95" height="95" src="/uploads/0ed8a01e3a4ecd770c6ba7be6fb99ca8.jpg" class="attachment-mini size-mini wp-post-image" alt="Digital phone isdn. 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