Plugin that brings back the old VK design. How to return the old VKontakte design

After transferring 100% of users of the social network VK to a new design, many were dissatisfied with the changes. The previous option, according to most, was more convenient. There are several ways to return the old VK style. They will only work for computer owners; there are no options for Andriod and iOS software yet.

How to return the old VKontakte design through the VK menu

There were a certain number of users on the social network who became voluntary taxi drivers of all those aspects that the developers wanted to change. They were the first to switch to the new version of the site; they were able to evaluate the changed layout of pages, comments and video sections. The developers left them the opportunity to return to the previous view with one click of a button:

  • in the left menu you had to go to the very bottom;
  • on a gray background, find the gray inscription “Return to the old version...”;
  • click this link.

This was the easiest way to make the old interface in VK. The first wave of changes began for all computer owners in April 2016, but by August everyone began to switch to the “fresh version” forcibly without the opportunity to refuse. The line with the option to switch to the old version has disappeared, and no one else has such a function.

How to make an old VK on a PC by changing the address in the browser

In some cases, for some reason, testers did not display the button that helped them change the interface version. However, observant visitors were able to find a way to make the old VK design. When trying to log into their page at the old address, a person might notice the prefix “new” before the id of the account owner. It turned out that the user was redirected to a different address upon login. To disable this interface and work as usual, you just had to remove the word new from the line and press the enter button.

At the moment, this method does not work, because when you enter your profile, you are no longer redirected to another page, you remain on yours and the word new is not in the address. This happened due to the implementation of this version of the design on a full-fledged basis and the interface was changed immediately for all users of the site. The opportunity to refuse the innovation was not provided.

How to return to the old VK design using plugins

The developers of the social network did not leave their clients a single built-in option on how to return an old Contact. In their opinion, all the changes made help open the resource from the other side and there should be no way to undo them. Third-party programmers do not agree with this and offered their own option on how to return the old VKontakte design - install plugins.

Applications are just starting to appear, so in some cases they may not work correctly. They help disable the new VK, but do not always ensure the functionality of the resource’s functional elements. There is an option available to disable VK updates exclusively for computer users, and at the moment it only works with Google Chrome.

How to return the old look of VK using Stylish

This was the very first way to return the old VKontakte design. The plugin is available in the official Chrome browser store for downloading for free. Since its release, the creators have been constantly improving the utility, but there are still shortcomings in its work. You can enable and try this solution, and if you don’t like it, simply remove it from the list of applications. Installation process:

  1. Go to the official Chrome App Store.
  2. Find the Stylish plugin through the search.
  3. Install the extension by clicking on the blue “Install” button.
  4. Go to the plugin website using the link from the extension.
  5. Find the inscription “Old VK design”.
  6. Install extensions by clicking the green button.

Old VKontakte interface for Google Chrome

Another popular extension on how to return the old VKontakte design can be found in the Chrome browser store called “Vkold”. If you enter it in the search, the extension page will appear in front of you. Click on the “Install” button and confirm your decision. In automatic mode, the application will install and turn on. For now, you can only remove the new version of the VKontakte interface in the Google browser.

According to reviews from users of this plugin, this is the most similar version of the old design at this stage, but many people complain about a large number of shortcomings. The site becomes old only in appearance, but the functionality is still displayed in the new style. Owners of wide-format monitors have encountered problems: when scrolling, the page does not expand, remains narrow, and the font is small. This plugin needs serious improvement, but you can use it if you wish.

Video: how to return to the old VK design

Who would have thought that the widely publicized update of the official client of the social network VKontakte would cause such a reaction from users? They are not just unhappy - they are outraged. Literally all the changes were criticized: the left panel, which was transformed into a tabbar, and the camera for stories, and even the likes, which from the usual blue suddenly became red. Even the most reserved ones note a number of shortcomings that would be nice to correct in order to return the interface to its former convenience.

  1. Disable auto-update of the VKontakte application on Google Play;
  2. Delete new version of VK;
  3. Restore the old VKontakte client.

Disabling VK auto-update on Google Play:

OptionsGoogle Play");

  1. Launch Play Store, go to " Options" by clicking on the corresponding icon (Alternatively, the icon with three horizontal stripes next to the inscription " Google Play");
  2. Select " Settings" and uncheck the box " Automatic application updates" (in some versions of the application you need to check the box " Never").

After these steps, the VKontakte application installed from Google Play will no longer be able to update automatically, and you will be able to use the familiar old version of VKontakte for Android without worrying that the client interface may change at any time due to the next program update.

Removing a new version of VKontakte:

  • Go to " Settings", further in " Applications", then select the new application that disappointed you " In contact with” and remove it from your Android device.

Restoring the old VK client for Android:

Download and install the previous version of the official client of the VK social network for Android (you can find it by following the link).

All. You have returned to your smartphone or tablet the familiar version of the VK application with an interface convenient for you, and it will not go anywhere again without your consent. There is no need to be afraid of automatic updates of the VKontakte social network client - you have blocked this opportunity.

The new version of the VKontakte application allowed us to once again verify that not all changes intended to improve and increase the usability of the application lead to these improvements. The tastes, habits and needs of users are purely individual. Fortunately, you can almost always find a way to return to the old, proven version of the program and continue communicating on a social network (in this case) under familiar conditions.

Information from 10/04/2017: As a result of changes in the VKontakte policy, audio recordings are no longer available in older versions of the client. The official response from VKontakte technical support on this matter: Hello! Music in older versions of the application is disabled at the request of copyright holders. Update to the latest version, please: VKontakte support team

Many users rushed to search for programs, scripts, services and extensions that would allow make old page design and menu.

A solution to this issue has been found and by applying it, in just 5 minutes you will be enjoying the old design on your page.

After you have done everything written in these instructions, your page will look like this:


Install the old VK design

The developed extension contains CSS code in the network, which is responsible for the appearance of the site. By installing this component in your browser, you replace the current CSS with the one that contains the code of the previous design.

Installation of this component is possible on the following browsers: Google Chrome, Opera and Mozilla Firefox (the developer sometimes has problems with the latter, but he is actively solving them).

Click on the image and go to the UserStyles website.

Next, click on the “Install Stylish” link and confirm its installation in our browser. We return back to the same site and see the green button “+ Install with Stylish”. As soon as the script is installed, you can go to your VKontakte page and enjoy the appearance of the site!

If, when you go to the site, you do not see any changes, click on the shortcut of the installed extension and check the box next to it. Some browsers may require a restart and only after this is completed will the changes take effect.

Also, this component does not yet add the “My Answers” ​​section to the menu, and the bell that was developed and launched with a new design remains. If you want to remove it and return the section with answers to the menu, go to the next section with a description of installing another script.

Script “Old Design for VK”

This component will add to your account a button that all VKontakte users are so accustomed to - “My Answers”. It is worth noting that this script, which will be discussed further, does not work in Google Chrome. For us it only worked in Mozilla Firefox.

To install, go to the site: and to run it, click on the Install this script button. After it is downloaded and installed, the bell will disappear but a link to Answers will appear.

If everything was done correctly, then you will get the result as you see in the image above.

At the time of publication of this instructional article, only My page, News, Audio recordings, Video recordings and Answers are displayed correctly. Still, the remaining sections do not look very attractive, but the developer promises to eliminate all the shortcomings soon.

Restore old dialog design

All sections of the site were affected by changes, and My messages were also affected. The design of dialogues and chats was completely subject to changes that not everyone liked.

And so, in order to set the appearance that the Dialogues had before the update, you need to perform a simple action: go to the appropriate section and at the very bottom of the windows with conversations you will see an icon in the form of a gear - point your mouse at it.

From the menu that appears, select Go to the classic interface. If everything was done correctly, the page with dialogues/conversations on VKontakte will take on the appearance to which we are all so accustomed.

We will update this publication as new versions are released and bugs are fixed. Ask all questions in the comments and we will definitely answer them!

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A few days ago, the social network Vkontakte turned 10 years old. Of course, in honor of such an event, the developers could not sit still and a couple of months ago they organized a new design for Vkontakte, which, unfortunately, many did not like.

In the month of August 2016, the design of VK was transformed and began to be shown to absolutely everyone, and not just to users who participated in testing. They, in turn, could still click on the treasured “Return to old design” button, but now it’s gone. So what should I do? How to return the old VK design?

For this case, I found several options that will allow you to return the design. I think that such a feature will not work for a long time and sooner or later you will have to switch to a new design.

Attention! After searching the Internet, I discovered various scripts, shortcuts, etc. that supposedly would help switch to the old design. Indeed, this was the case before, but now these methods are already outdated and do not work 100%, so you don’t even have to try. The method I have given below is a little crude, but it allows us to some extent use the old design that we once loved.

Old VK design, how to switch to it?

So, one very good developer created a browser plugin that allows you to switch to the old design. To install this extension follow this link.

When you are on the site, click on the link "Install Stylish", after which you will be prompted to install the Stylish extension.

Enable the extension in the browser panel and go to the VKontakte website.

Click on the plugin icon and select the option there "Find other styles for this website", you will be redirected to the same site where you need to select the first link "Old VK design".

You will be redirected to a page where you need to click on the green button "Install With Stylish". Confirm the installation of the add-on for the extension.

Go to the VK website and click on the extension icon and check the box "Old VK design". Bottom tick “Turn off all styles, remove”. We update the page and voila, we have the old VK design.

This is interesting:


For me, the new design was to my taste, although it was not familiar, for some it was terrible. At the moment, this is the only way to switch to the old design, since no scripts or shortcuts no longer work. The disadvantage of this extension is that it is not yet finalized. You will see many shortcomings, but overall VKontakte will be similar to what it was before. Good luck with your transition.

Officially changed the familiar interface to a new one. Some active users still cannot come to terms with this fact and are looking for a way how to return the old design to your page. Of course, it will not be possible to officially switch to the former design, since VKontakte has completely abandoned the previous design. However, it is possible to return to the good old VKontakte using the Stylish browser extension. Unfortunately, only Chrome and Firefox users can use it. I can advise the rest to either download the browsers presented above or use mobile applications, since they are not affected by the new design.

How to return old VKontakte

To install the Stylish extension, follow the link and click install

Using this extension, you can install a theme that will take you back a couple of months back to the old site interface. There are many themes to choose from, and the developers are not asleep. The most popular ones are located at the top.

As you can see from the screenshot, the theme is in the process of being finalized and tested, the developer urges us not to be sad and promises to bring everything to fruition soon. However, despite this, the number of installations over the last week was about 7,000. We can only believe that the project will not be frozen. Already in the current alpha version there is almost complete compliance with the old VK interface.

Thus, returning to the outdated VKontakte interface is possible only with the help of third-party solutions. Whether you trust their development or not is up to you, my task was to show you how can I return the old VKontakte design?. Thank you for your attention!