When will Yandex upgrade? Updating the Yandex search database: how it works

New information does not appear in search engines immediately after it is posted on the Internet. Before users begin to find your site through search, information is collected by search robots and stored for some time in the search engine database. The transfer of information from the database to the main search occurs periodically and simultaneously for many sites and is called an update.

Update(abbr. AP, from the English update - update, actualization) - the appearance of new information (sites, pages, texts, etc.) in search engine results. Updating information is usually accompanied by a recalculation of the ranking formula taking into account changes on sites, the emergence of new pages and resources, as well as a change in the link mass. It is after updates that changes in positions are monitored and results are tracked, so knowledge of the types of updates and their frequency is necessary. Each search engine updates its results at different times and according to its own algorithms. Let's look at what types of updates exist for the most popular search engines - Yandex and Google.

Yandex updates

Text update– occur 1-2 times a week. During a text update, new text documents indexed several days ago appear in Yandex search results. During a text update, changes in positions occur due to the addition of new documents, as well as technical changes (closing duplicates, optimizing pages, assigning a region, etc.).

Correct Yandex updates– a service that specializes in Yandex updates. It has gained particular popularity among optimizers and people who independently promote their sites. The analyzer shows not only the percentage of changes in positions, but also separate information on text and link updates, as well as the last date of indexation of the taken into account texts and links.

The analyzer's operating algorithm is based on an hourly measurement of the number of documents in the Yandex index. As soon as a large number of new sites and pages appear in the index, a text update is recorded.

In addition, the site has a TIC update analyzer, which monitors changes in the citation index on many sites and based on this makes a conclusion about the update:

You can get acquainted with the correct Yandex updates

It comes down to the fact that first the spider robot goes to Internet sites and downloads the viewed pages into its database, then indexing occurs in it (the “importance of each page is assigned) and the received information is structured according to the appropriate algorithm.

It is important to understand that when a user types a query, the search engine does not look for the answer across the entire Internet, but only in its database, which was collected by the spider robot.

The search engine searches for documents, i.e. web pages within its collected database. At some point, the indexing program makes a decision to create a new database (that is, new information has appeared and it needs to be structured - new pages, new texts, new links). The old database is replaced with a new one - this is a Yandex update. Update (from English update - update) is also called simply “up”.

The search engine also, in addition to the main spider robot, has a so-called “fast robot”, which creates a database that is updated several times a day. This robot is fast and visits resources that are updated quickly, for example, frequently commented blogs.

This search engine produces several types of updates.

How and where to find out the exact Yandex updates

I would rather not be mistaken if I say that the best service where you can find out the latest information on this issue is the service.

So, today is August 26, 2015 and what do we see.

The last ups were on August 8, 10 and 25. Consider, for example, up on August 25th. The search engine posted the index until August 9, which means that on August 25, only those documents that were published no later than August 9 will appear in the search. Those. if you published an article on August 10, then it will not be in the search results on the 25th - wait for the next update.

Search engine ups can also be viewed on the service. If you look, the data here is delayed (screenshot taken on August 26, 2015).

Yandex issue

Let's consider the situation. Your blog occupies some position in the search results (for each request, each blog page has its own place in the search results). And the spider robot at that time found a bunch of similar blogs on your topic, and even with a bunch of good links to them, and entered all the data into the database. Now the situation has changed - the search engine must place the best blog in high positions in the search results. It replaces the old database with a new one - it produces an up, and your blog becomes lower in the search results. That. After each update, the positions of sites in search results change. The frequency of updates for this search engine is approximately 2 to 7 days (and Google almost every day). So compare which search engine is better!

Yandex TCI

Yandex recalculates each site, taking into account the links leading to the site and the weight of these links.

You can view Titz's aps on the same service. Just click on the appropriate link.

Strictly speaking, with Yandex everything is more complicated. This is how they distinguish between a Yandex text update (the texts of documents found by the robot are taken into account), and a link update (which takes into account found and “broken” links in documents). The frequency of Yandex updates can be viewed on the website. By the way, here you can clearly see the time delay with which both text and links are taken into account.

There are also toolbar and button TCI updates, but these are subtleties that are needed by very cool SEO specialists.

Any webmaster has come across such a concept as Yandex search results update, abbreviated as (AP). Why Yandex AP? Yes, because at Google the concept of an AP simply does not exist. Of course, it exists, but Google’s search results are updated every day, the databases are constantly updated in real time, unlike Yandex. Even in terms of indexing, Google is much ahead. It is enough to add a new page to Google addurilka, and the page will already appear in the Google index within 10 minutes.

This trick will not work with Yandex; you will have to wait for the search database to be updated so that your pages are included in the main index. There is an add-on, but it only shows the main robot that a new article has been published on the site and it’s time for the robot to look at the resource and index it, so that later during the next AP the page will be included in the main index. That is, robots constantly go to sites and collect all the information and put it in a special box, so to speak, and then when the time comes, they update the search database, and all the information comes out. After which the positions of resources begin to rise or fall, backlinks appear, new pages are added to the index, etc. This is done in order to reduce the load on the servers. Google has powerful servers that allow them to update their databases in real time, as they say.

True, Yandex has solved the problem with slow indexing of new pages. As I said, pages are included in the index only after a Yandex text update, which usually happens once a week. It’s very inconvenient, especially when a news site wrote the latest hot news, and it ends up in the index and becomes available in search for users after the update. For this case, Yasha has fast robots that walk around sites and collect fresh information and throw it directly into the index, and the pages will be searchable. Typically, these fast robots live on sites that are updated frequently. You can also attract them to your resource with special services where robots live quickly. These robots quickly index the article and usually immediately throw it out closer to the TOP 10, especially if the material is new, and then when the update occurs, the page takes its well-deserved place in the search. Well, it seems that we have more or less managed to explain the principles of the update, and we can move on to their types.

Types of Yandex Updates

1. TIC. AP does not occur so often, usually once a month, sometimes it doesn’t happen for two months or even more. There is no pattern, it is not known when the next updates will be. The size of the TIC is influenced by the number of backlinks that lead to your resource. Of course, links from donors must be high-quality and related in topic to your site, then the links will be taken into account.

2. VIC. Weighted Citation Index is designed to measure the static weight of each page of your resource. It is updated constantly, but it is not yet possible to measure, let alone find out, the VIC.

3. Yandex Catalog update. Many people are surprised, of course, but there is also a Yandex Catalog AP, after which you can either see your site in the catalog if you added it there, or not see it if your site has lost trust and was removed from the catalog.

4. Updating the image search database. For this purpose, there is a special robot that is engaged in indexing pictures, and then an AP occurs, and sites that are promoted by pictures collect tr

5. Favicon update. If anyone doesn’t know, a favicon is a small picture that is located on the left side of the search results opposite the title. If anyone doesn't understand, look at the screenshot.

Well, if you put a favicon, it will not appear in the search results immediately, but after the favicon update occurs. I won’t say how often this AP occurs, but mine appeared about two weeks after I installed it.

6.Update of mirrors. Yandex has a robot that collects information on merging the site with the main mirror. To make it clear, I’ll give a simple example... a website. For search engines, these are completely different sites, and they need to be glued together (identify the main mirror) so that the entire weight of the link mass goes to the site with www, or without www. If you don’t make a main mirror, then the transmitted weight can be divided into your site with www and without www. Duplicate pages will also be created. Don’t forget, when you redirect to the main mirror, immediately install the main mirror in the Yandex and Google webmaster.

7. Reference AP. The link update, like the main update, often occurs on the same day, and usually once a week. The reference one serves to collect all backlinks, in order to then transfer this data to the AP TIC, and for the main update, which, taking into account the links, builds its search results.

8. Text, as you may have guessed, is designed to add new pages to the main search results that will be available for search. This also usually happens on the same day with the link and main search results.

9. Behavioral factors. Many people say that there is no AP PF, but I fundamentally disagree. Yandex, like Google, takes into account behavioral factors, and information on them is also collected, which is used to build search results.

10. Updating the search algorithm. The worst AP for a webmaster. During this, a new calculation of relevance occurs, new algorithms are introduced for ranking sites.

Where to see?

1. On the website tools.promosite.ru at tools.promosite.ru/updates/

As you can see, the usual search database up happens first, then the text and link ones immediately follow. You can also view AP behavioral factors here. Screen


2. In Yandex itself. Yasha himself can inform you in the form of an email about major updates to the search database. To do this, you need to add your site to Yandex Webmaster. After adding, enter this URL webmaster.yandex.ru/settings/messages/types.xml into the address bar and check the boxes next to “Global” and “Search database update” and save the changes.

3. Updates of TIC, PR and regular AP search database can be viewed at pr-cy.ru

There are plenty of places to look at updates; I won’t rewrite everything, since there’s no point. I wrote down the most important places where I look. Regarding the AP favicon, Yandex Catalog, mirror AP, VIC, AP Pictures and updating the search algorithm, I did not write places where you can look at them, since I don’t know them. Yes, even if there are such services, I honestly very much doubt the accuracy of the data.

Hello dear readers! Today I decided to take a break from the WordPress topic and talk about Yandex updates. Why Yandex? Yes, because, unlike Google, it does not make updates so often. It should also be said that Yasha is today the leading search engine on the Runet, so special attention is paid to him. Below I have provided a list of all updates (updates):

  • Search results update;
  • T&C update;
  • Yandex Catalog update;
  • Favicons update;
  • Updating the image database;
  • Search algorithm update;
  • Behavioral factor update.

I think I’ve indicated all the updates, but now let’s look at each of them in more detail.

I think the most attention is focused on updating the search results. Yandex makes these updates at different intervals. Now this period is approximately 9 days. Previously it was more often almost every two days.

Once upon a time I didn’t pay much attention to this update, but now for 4 months in a row, I’ve been watching it and hoping that some kind of HF request will “shoot” for me. Plus, as you remember, I conducted an experiment to increase site traffic, which did not succeed. You can track this update by following this link: https://seobudget.ru/updates/

As you can see here you can monitor 4 types of updates simultaneously. At the moment, many people have begun to confuse the usual Yandex random with search results. In detail, there are such concepts as text and link updates. What is it?

A text update is the appearance in the search results of site documents with a later date that were indexed after the last crawl by the robot.

Link update - changing the number of external links that point to your site.

Usually a link up follows a text up, but not vice versa. Lately, Yasha has started making link updates less and less often, but text updates always happen differently (you have to wait 1-2 weeks). It is better to track the appearance of these APs through http://tools.promosite.ru/

T&C update

The second most important update (at least it was for me) is the T&C update. Previously, when I was just starting to be interested in making money on the site, this app was in the first place for me, I dreamed that my site would earn the top ten. After they gave me TiC 10, I practically stopped being interested in this update. Although for many webmasters it is very significant since the profit from the sale of links directly depends on the T&C. I gave up Sape 1-1.5 years ago. It brought in income, but not as much as I wanted, and I don’t have enough pages on my website to trade in it.

Yandex Catalog update

This update occurs more often than all others, on average every 2 days. I don’t follow this Yandex update at all, because my site has not yet been included in this directory. Yes, in principle, I think even those who have sites in the Yandex Catalog do not particularly monitor it as much as the traffic from this directory is very small and that is, not everyone who is in the directory.

Favicons update

In principle, it doesn’t affect anything, I followed it when I first created my site. For those who don’t know, a “favicon” is a mini-logo of a site that is displayed in searches and is also visible in browsers at the top.

And I watched this up because I didn’t have any favicon in Yandex search.

Updating the image database

I think this type of change is followed only by those webmasters whose main traffic comes from image searches. For example, you may have a website dedicated to paintings from a certain era, and it will be presented in the form of a gallery of pictures. Here I think you will follow this app.

This update is followed by many, especially young sites and those that have moved to a new domain. And the essence of this app is that it involves gluing together the site’s mirrors. A simple example of a mirror: website And www.site. That is, an address with and without www. It is very important to indicate the same address both in the webmaster panel and in the file .htaccess via redirect and in the file robots.txt and wait for the mirrorer's update. After the update, the following message will appear in the Yandex Webmaster panel:

Search algorithm update

Perhaps for some it is a very unpleasant update, for others it is excellent. The thing is that search engines are improving and it happens that they change their algorithms. So Yandex, without exception, sometimes makes itself felt. Now this update is called Minusinsk. Yandex lowers the position of the site that had purchased links. Today, too, another update of the search algorithm took place, how this affected the site’s results is too early to tell, you never know what else could happen during this week.

Behavioral factor update

The last type of update that we will consider is an update of the behavioral factor. In fact, this update was a very long time ago - November 26, 2014, so it’s too early to talk about it. Although behavioral factors greatly influence the site’s position. I'm really looking forward to this update, as behavioral indicators on my site have improved.

Good day, dear readers. I already wrote about Yandex updates, but it was done, I decided to pay more attention to this topic, I think it will be useful for beginners to understand this.

What is an update?

The word update comes from the English update, which means:

  1. modernization,
  2. latest news,
  3. modernize,
  4. update.

In the context of search engines, the most appropriate word is “update”, i.e. an update is an update to the search engine database.

What happens during an update?

In order for a site to participate in searches, so that the search engine can show it to its visitors, it must first know about its existence. For this purpose, there is a spider robot that constantly scans the Internet, and a database into which the robot places newly found resources. But this (placement of the site in the database) does not happen immediately.

At first, the robot only collects information. You can imagine this as how we bloggers collect new information and keep it in our heads before we write about what we have learned on our blog. When a sufficient amount of new information has been collected, it is time to put it into the database. But new information cannot simply be taken and placed. It is necessary to rebuild the entire database taking into account new information. After all, as we know, all sites that take into account a large number of... In order to correctly take into account new sites in your database, so that they also have the opportunity to participate in ranking, it is necessary to rebuild both new and old resources.

It is the formation of a new database that is called an update.

What is included in the search database update

During the update, new texts that the spider robot found, new links, and changes that occurred on already indexed sites are taken into account.

It is worth saying that every search engine has updates, but if for some, for example, Google, updates occur more often and almost unnoticeably, then for others, as in the case of Yandex, this is a whole event.

Yandex updates

Due to the fact that when updating the search database, several different parameters are taken into account, in the Yandex search system the update is divided into several parts.

Text and link updates

  • Yandex text update- all text materials that were found by the indexing robot while crawling the Internet are taken into account.
  • Yandex link update– all links that were found (or not found) in new and old documents are taken into account.

These two updates occur most often and always together. After the robot has found new documents or seen changes in old ones, found new links to sites, it is updated and a new database is formed taking into account the changes. Therefore, in text and link updates, a new copy of documents is uploaded to the database. It is after these updates that you can and should look to see if new site pages have appeared in the search engine index.

Here it is worth knowing that texts and links are updated on a certain date, i.e. If you published a new article yesterday, and today there was a text update, then the new article was definitely not included in this update.

Judging by the statistics, text and link updates occur in the interval from three to ten days and a copy is always posted on the date (+ day) when the previous update occurred.

For example, the penultimate update was on March 18, 2011, on this day the texts and links that the robot found before March 15 were taken into account. And the last update was on March 25, 2011, which took into account texts and links found before March 19, 2011. Those. despite the fact that we published new articles between March 20 and March 25, the latest update on March 25 did not take them into account. Pages with these articles will appear only in the next update.

Therefore, when you check how many pages of your site have been indexed, take into account the update dates.

But, I’m sure, many of you have noticed how recent articles receive traffic from search engines, which essentially shouldn’t exist. The fact is that Yandex, like other search engines, has a fast robot that indexes resources that are updated frequently. These primarily include news sites, this is done so that Internet users can find out the latest news. But the fast robot indexes not only news resources, but also frequently updated sites in general, which include blogs, especially popular, frequently commented blogs.

But the most anticipated, most important updates for optimizers and money makers are different.

Issue update

Issue update– the most important update for people who promote websites. After the search robot finds new texts and links, enters them into its database, takes into account all the factors by which sites are ranked in the search engine, the long-awaited update of the search results begins - a change in the positions of sites in search results for queries.

It is difficult to say exactly how often the issue is updated. Judging by the statistics of updates, this can be just once a month or even less often, or two or three updates in a short period of time, for example, within one week. But at the same time, it is worth knowing that the site’s positions can change in the intervals between these updates, only the changes are minor. The update is accompanied by significant changes in search results.

If the development of the resource occurs correctly, the site is well internally optimized, its link mass and trust increases, then such a site will certainly move higher in the search results for the selected keywords. If you are constantly working on your site, then it is after the update that you need.

If your positions have grown, then you are on the right track and can continue to work in the same direction. If your positions have fallen, this may be a signal that your actions are not correct and that mistakes have been made in your promotion.

But you should know that a drop in positions is not a guarantee of your wrong actions. If you watch for a long enough time how the site’s position on requests changes from update to update, it becomes clear that even with proper optimization and constant growth of external links, there may be small drops with subsequent growth in the next update. Therefore, I think there is no need to panic if you see a slight drop after an update, it is better to wait for the next one and only then draw any conclusions.

There may be several reasons for this. If, between updates, you increased your link mass, exchanged links with other resources, then perhaps not all links were found and taken into account, or the site that links to you fell under the filter.

If you made some changes to the promoted page and a crash occurred, then, firstly, you need to make sure that the updated page is already in the index, and secondly, again wait for the next update and after that draw conclusions.

In my practice, it also happened that without any reason. But then they returned to their own place.

TIC update

The most long-awaited update for many bloggers, especially for those who are going to or are already making money by selling links.

The AP TCI recalculates the thematic citation index, which is calculated based on the links that lead to your site, taking into account the thematic nature of the referring resource.

There is a distinction between updating a push-button TCI and a toolbar one. In principle, they happen at the same time, but not exactly. First, the push-button TCI is updated, and then the toolbar one, therefore, while the apa period (can last from several hours to almost a day), it is the push-button TCI that is more accurate and reliable, and it is this that is reflected in.

A push-button TCI is a button in the form of money (you can get it from Yandex itself), which you can often see on different sites.

And the toolbar is a TCI in Yandex.Bar, which can be installed in your browser.

This update happens most unexpectedly, although there are exceptions. Either it happens consistently once a month, then it’s gone for more than 2.5 months, or suddenly twice with an interval of a week (I’m talking about the latest updates). What this may be connected with is a mystery.

Any breaks or, conversely, excessive frequency in updates may be due primarily to the fact that Yandex has made some changes to its algorithms and is testing them. During testing, the site’s indicators and its positions on queries can fluctuate greatly and change significantly, but, as a rule, after a storm everything falls into place.

How to find out accurate and correct Yandex updates

I have already told my readers that I check updates on this site, and also installed their widget on the Yandex main page. For me this is the most convenient, because... I often use Yandex search, unlike many optimizers who do not recognize anything other than Google :).

Updates, as a rule, begin somewhere after 12 a.m. Moscow time, and the promosite widget immediately shows this. But I’m in no hurry to immediately check positions and other things. The search database is very large, and updating it takes quite a lot of time, up to several hours, so there is no point in checking anything at night; everything can change before the morning. You can check only in the morning, when the update has already passed and everything has settled down.

But there are other services that also monitor Yandex updates. You can find information about updates on any of the resources. Already known to all of us, it also shows updates. So, I think there are no problems with obtaining up-to-date information about updates to the Yandex database.

Also, after each SERP or TCI, topics are created on various SEO forums where optimizers share their successes or failures, express their thoughts, and build hypotheses about which schemes for promoting or raising TCI work and which don’t. Of course, no one gives away secrets, but if you read it carefully, you can always learn something useful for yourself.

But most importantly, everyone can receive a message about the search database update to their email from Yandex itself. In Yandex Webmaster in Settings there is a page that is very difficult to get to if you don’t know where it is. On it you can select the news that you want to receive, and also choose how you want to receive it - directly in the Webmaster interface or to your mailbox.

But I want to warn you that if you follow updates only using this function, you will learn about the latest updates, because... discussion of the update begins as soon as it begins, and Yandex sends a message about the update only when everything is over. But at this moment you can be sure that the update has passed and you can already check how many positions the site has risen in search results.

That's all I wanted to tell you today. Now you know exactly what updates are, what kind of updates Yandex has, how often they happen and how to monitor them.

Good luck with your development.