NTV Plus for individuals: “Basic” and “Economy” packages. NTV plus: packages of channels and frequencies

NTV-Plus is a leading satellite television operator, which was founded in 1996 by the Media Most holding. The main tariff that the company provides for its users is the “Economy” package. The service costs only 25 rubles per month, but includes up to 70 popular channels.

An additional tariff in the form of thematic satellite TV programs can be connected to the standard version of the service.

The most inexpensive package from NTV plus “Economy” consists of a list of the following television programs.

32 all-Russian:

Russia K, NTV, MIR, Friday, First, Zvezda, Channel Five, ORT, Che Channel, TVTs, MUZ, Rossiya-24, TV-3, Rossiya-1, Karusel, TNT, TVTs+2, STS and many others.

8 regional:

First Yaroslavsky, Moscow region, Bryansk Province, Kuban 24 Orbit, Alliance TV, Don24, Armenia TV, Grozny.

4 news:

CCTV-news, Moscow24, CCTV4, CCTV-Russian.

3 children's:

Disney, Ani, My Joy, .

5 entertaining:

Kitchen TV, Bober, Yuvelirochka, TDK, Shop24, Shopping live.

3 TV channels with films:

World of TV series, Cinema Mix, Bollywood.

3 educational:

1 educational, Country, Enlightenment.

Additional thematic TV channels

Additional TV programs that can be connected to the Economy tariff from NTV Plus are:

  • Educational (18 TV shows);
  • Kino Plus (16 TV channels);
  • Supersport (12 channels);
  • Musical (12);
  • Entertaining (10);
  • For children (12);
  • Egoist TV (2);
  • Night channel (3);
  • Cinema Mood (4);
  • Our Football (2);
  • Viasat Premium HD (6);
  • Viasat (7)
  • Amedia Premium HD (3).

Each package has its own tariff from 59 to 299 rubles per month.

What is needed to register for an economical package?

Today NTV Plus launched the “Economy” tariff plan, which is a completely autonomous package. You can view it without connecting any additional services. New television users or “experienced” clients can connect to it. Users will be able to change their existing tariff to a basic inexpensive one by paying for a satellite TV subscription for a year in advance. And this is very profitable, since by paying once, you will watch satellite broadcasting for free for a whole year. In addition, subscribers with a paid subscription to economy services for 12 months will be able to switch to the “Basic” package at any time. This service costs about 150 rubles/month.

It is important to say that subscribers who have activated the “Economy” package service independently will not be able to switch to additional thematic channels. It is better to entrust the change of tariff to company representatives. This can be done in several ways:

  • by calling the NTV Plus Hotline;
  • by visiting a company branch;
  • by sending an SMS to a special number with a request to change the tariff plan;
  • by writing a request to connect or change the tariff on the official website of the service provider.

If you still want to connect or change the tariff plan yourself, then you should immediately install additional satellite TV packages.

Additional services

The following additional services can be connected to the “Economy” satellite TV starting package:

  • HD Plus (allows you to view more than 200 channels in modern high quality);
  • Multiscreen (the ability to watch TV shows using all digital devices outside the home);
  • SMS-inform (notifications to the client’s phone about the crediting of funds, about changes in the tariff plan, payment reminders, etc.);
  • Interactive TV (a service that allows you to browse the Runet library, pause and play a movie or program, and rewind).

Package for summer residents

The “Economy” tariff is recommended for summer residents and owners of country houses in which you do not live year-round. The service is inexpensive, but the list of channels is so wide that no one will be bored “with nothing to do.” Any connected TV channel from the tariff plan: news, entertainment, music or watching movies will find its admirer. But before you activate the service, do not forget to purchase or order from the provider the necessary basic equipment: a receiver, a dish, a converter, a smart card and cables. It’s better to immediately entrust the connection to a professional.

The Economy package from NTV Plus is by far the most profitable and convenient among other offers from satellite TV providers.

NTV Plus is one of the most popular modern satellite TV providers, founded in 1996. The company provides subscribers with a wide selection of TV program packages, but the main and most popular is the NTV Plus “Economy” package.

The service is very inexpensive, about 50 rubles per month, and contains more than 70 different channels. In addition to the standard option, subscribers can also connect to additional services with various thematic TV shows.

The “Economy” tariff from NTV Plus includes the following list of television channels:

  • 34 all-Russian: MUZ, TVC, Che Channel, ORT, Channel Five, Zvezda, First, Pyatnitsa, MIR, NTV, Russia K and others;
  • 13 regional TV programs: Promotion, Astrakhan 24, Kuban 24 ORBITA, BST and others;
  • 5 with news: CCTV-Russian, CCTV4, Moscow24, Izvestia, CCTV-news;
  • three for children: My Joy, Ani, Disney;
  • entertainment: Shopping live, BOBER, Shop24, Yu-TV, TDK, Yuvelirochka, Country Life, Kitchen TV;
  • dedicated to TV series and films: Bollywood, Kino Mix, World of TV Series;
  • educational: Education, Country, 1 educational.

If desired, the subscriber can add additional TV programs to the NTV “Economy” package, depending on his interests. The cost of collections of TV shows ranges from 299 to 59 rubles.

Let's look at the names of the available packages and the number of TV shows in each of them:

What is needed to register for the Economy tariff?

This tariff plan is completely autonomous, so you do not need to connect any additional services to use it. It can be used by both new teleoperator clients and “experienced” users.

To change your existing plan to the affordable “Basic” one, you just need to sign up for an annual subscription to satellite television services. This is beneficial not only because for 12 months the subscriber will not have to worry about payment and can comfortably watch his favorite TV shows, but also because customers with a paid annual subscription can switch to the “Basic” tariff plan at any time. The cost of this service is about 150 rubles per month.

Important! Subscribers who subscribe to the “Economy” tariff on their own will be able to use the service of switching to additional thematic TV channels.

It is best to ask for a change of NTV Plus representatives; to do this, you can use one of the methods below:

  • go to the company’s website and make a request to change or connect a tariff;
  • send an SMS message with a request to change the package;
  • visit the NTV Plus branch;
  • call the TV company's hotline.

If the subscriber still decides to do it on his own, then additional packages must be installed immediately.

Additional features

In addition to using the basic package of TV channels, subscribers can connect to a number of services that increase the convenience of using TV:

  • Interactive TV. Thanks to this service, you can pause TV shows and movies, rewind them, and also watch the Runet library.
  • SMS information Convenient SMS notification service reminding about payment, crediting money, changes in the current plan, and so on.
  • Multiscreen. Allows you to use all available digital devices to watch satellite TV.
  • HD Plus. More than 200 TV channels in excellent quality - the choice of those who prefer the best.

Bottom line

NTV Plus “Economy” is an excellent choice for owners of country houses and summer residents who do not live there all year round. The service is quite accessible, and the list of channels is extensive enough to find TV according to your interests.

Among the available NTV tariff plans, the one discussed in the article is the most profitable and most affordable in comparison with other providers.

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On this page you can familiarize yourself with the list of channels of the Economy package* NTV-Plus by category.

All-Russian channels (34)

Channel One, MATCH!, TNT, STS, Russia 1, TVC, REN TV, Home, Spas, MUZ, Friday, Russia K, NTV, Russia-24, Channel Five, World, Star, Carousel, Che, Channel One HD, TV-3, OTR, TVC (+2), Karusel (+3), REN TV (+2), NTV (+2), NTV (HD), Channel One (+2), Channel Five (+2), TNT (+2), Zvezda (+2), World (+4), Russia 1 HD, MATCH! HD.

Regional channels (14)

Bryansk Province, First Yaroslavl, Grozny, DON24, TNV-Planeta, Armenia TV, Kuban 24 ORBITA, Moscow Region, KRIK-TV, TV Gubernia, St. Petersburg, Arkhyz 24, TRO, Astrakhan 24.

Informational (4)

CCTV4, CGTN, CGTN-Russian, Moscow 24.

Children's (3)

Disney Channel, My Joy, Ani.

Entertainment (7)

Shopping Live, Country Life, Jewelry, TDK, Kitchen TV, BEBER, Shop24.

Movies and TV series (3)

KINOMIX, Bollywood, World of the series.

Educational (3)

First educational, Enlightenment, Country.

* Subscription to the main package “Economy” or “Economy East” is provided to new subscribers in the first month of providing services under a subscription agreement and to subscribers who have a Subscription to the archive package “Starter”.

* Offer for new subscribers who subscribe to the main package “Economy” or “Economy Vostok” in the first month of providing services under the subscription agreement. The subscription cost is 50 rubles per month, including VAT. The minimum subscription period is 12 calendar months. Suspension of the provision of services when subscribing to the main “Economy” package is possible after a period of 12 calendar months, or at the request of the subscriber. From the moment of joining the promotion and for 12 calendar months, the subscriber is given a discount on the basic package “Economy” or “Economy East” in the amount of 25 rubles/month, including VAT.