All in one SEO plugin. Correct setup of All in One SEO Pack plugin for WordPress. Why do you need the All in One SEO Pack plugin?


Good day, dear readers! In this article we will talk about one of the must-have plugins on a WordPress website - All in One Seo Pack.
What is its importance? This plugin allows you to improve the visibility of your blog for search engines (Yandex robots, Google, etc.), which contributes to more successful promotion of your blog on the Internet. With its help, you can write a title, description, and keywords to the entries you add (using our article as an example):

In order to install All in One Seo Pack, go, as usual, to the admin panel - “Plugins” - “Add new”, search for it, install it. And now the fun part begins - setting it up.

A section will appear in the admin panel - All in One Seo Pack, where we will edit: where and what checkboxes to put and what to write in the proposed fields. So, let's look at each section of the settings in order:


We checked the following boxes:

  • canonical URLs (helps search robots determine the main pages and thereby prevent duplication);
  • Prohibit pagination for canonical URLs (pagination is the separation of information on a page, additional protection against duplicates);
  • Set protocol for canonical URLs: Auto;
  • Use default title: (since we prescribe them ourselves).

2.Home page

Here we write down basic information about your blog:

  • title – may include the name of the site;
  • description – briefly describe what your blog is about, what information visitors will learn by visiting you;
  • keywords – in this field it is recommended to enter no more than 2-3 keywords (phrases).


Quite an important point, but you need to use keywords with extreme caution - incorrect use of keywords can result in a ban, i.e. the blog will fall under the filter of search robots. We have: “Use keywords” – “Enable”.


We checked the following boxes:

  • Rewrite headers – Enable;
  • Capitalized titles;
  • Headings of sections in capitals;

The rest is like this:

5.For custom post types

This section can only be configured if you are using custom post types. Beginners shouldn't come here. We clicked "Disable".


It’s simple – we select the places where the SEO plugin tools will be displayed.

7.Verification of the Webmaster

You do not need to touch the fields in this section, provided that you have registered with Google Webmaster. We completed registration and, accordingly, left everything empty.


For beginners, there is nothing special to fill in this item, so we skip it, the only thing is that we checked the box: “Advanced authorship settings” - Disable.

This section will help you avoid indexing unnecessary pages, thereby protecting your blog from duplicates.

10.Advanced settings

We leave everything by default, we don’t make any marks, because... We enter all data for the site materials manually.

That's all! Don't forget to click "Update Settings" to save all changes. Now, when adding (or editing) a record, the AllinOneSeoPack fields will appear (they can be seen in the example of the very first picture of this article). We wish you good luck in optimizing your posts and goodbye!

(Last update: 05/02/2019)

Hello ladies and gentlemen! Use All in One SEO Pack plugin for automatic optimization of a WordPress site for search engines. By the way, this is the very first SEO plugin for WordPress, at the moment there are already more than 50 million downloads. With the advent of a competitor, AIOSP fell into second place, but is still very popular.

Since 2007, the AIOSP plugin has acquired many free add-ons (, robots.txt, social meta and others), where you can activate or deactivate available functional modules at any time.

SEO plugin for a WordPress site

Out of the box, WordPress does a great job of attracting users to your site. But you can do even more to make your site visible to search engines and social networks.

In this guide, you will learn how to properly set up one of the best search engine optimization (SEO) plugins - All in One SEO Pack. And how to use it to increase your web presence on the Internet.

It’s easy to improve positions in search results - the WordPress AIOSP plugin is indispensable for SEO settings. This beginner's guide will walk you through the basic steps you need to take after installing the plugin.

All in One SEO Pack Plugin

All in One SEO Pack plugin for WordPress

Key features of All in One SEO Pack: Support for Google Analytics; support for custom post types; debugging navigation links; security using Nonce technology; automatic generation of META tags; helps to avoid duplication of site content; automatically optimizes titles for search engines; XML sitemap and much, much more. Translated into Russian.

You can install this module in the standard way, through the admin panel: Plugins - Add new, enter its name in the search field. SEO Plugin will be displayed first. Click the Install button:

Install SEO plugin

After successful installation, activate it. You will have a new section with the same name.

All in One SEO Pack plugin settings

The All in One SEO Pack works well with the default settings, however the steps below will walk you through some important configuration settings that every WordPress site owner should follow.

Click General Settings. What's good about this plugin is that all the main settings happen on one page. note that the proposed settings are only recommendations for you, you have the right to do as you see fit:

Basic plugin settings all in one SEO package

Here, the "General Settings" block, Canonical URLs, is checked by default. Naturally, we leave it. This means that the important rel="canonical" attribute will be inserted into the page code.

Use markup enabled by default - leave it. Keep an event log- No. Yes, you can get hints on each setting item by clicking on the Question Mark icon.

Let's go to the block "Home page settings". Example, my blog:

Site home page settings

Home page title: Fill in the Title for the main page of your site, that is, the SEO title of the web resource. If not filled in, the default site name will be used (WordPress Settings - General - Site Name).

The Title tag is an HTML element that tells search engines and visitors in the most concise and clear way what exactly a particular page is about. The title is displayed in: the browser, social networks and search results. Must be unique for each page.

Home page description: This is the Description for the main page. Meta description for your site. This is the description that search engines will display in search results and will appear under the Title heading in the search results.

Description - small text conveying a brief summary of the page. The description enclosed in the tag can be used by search engines to generate a snippet. Google takes into account 150-160 characters, Yandex - 160-170. To “like” all robots, do not exceed 150 characters.

For example, in Yandex results:

Blog home page in Yandex search results

Use (instead) a static master page- leave it disabled.

Header Settings". We leave everything as it is, by default. Since everything is filled out correctly:

Leave the header settings block as default

SEO is only for these post types. Marking page types

You can add media files. Why not.

Display Settings". This will determine where to display Title, Keywords and Description:

Show SEO settings for custom post types

Webmaster verification". This is a way to verify the ownership of a site when you add your site to. Enter a verification meta tag (not the entire meta tag, but its personal number) to verify your site through webmaster tools from Google, Bing and Pinterest. This The setting will add a verification meta tag to your site home page.

The methods of confirming the right to a web resource are described in great detail.

Enter the verification code here to verify your site with Webmaster Tools

The next block is "Google Settings". If you have a Google+ account, I recommend filling it out. Although the Google Plus social network will close soon (in the spring of 2019), but for now let it be. Google Analytics ID: In this field you need to enter the code assigned to your site by Google's analytics tool:

Indexing settings (noindex and nofollow)". Tag tells search engines that the content does not need to be indexed by search robots. Check the boxes as in the screenshot:

Indexing settings (noindex and nofollow)

And the continuation:

noindex and nofollow settings

Oh, the settings page doesn’t end, scroll down and the next block “”. Here, decide for yourself what to celebrate and what not. Click on the prompts and decide whether to check the box or not. This will not affect the operation of your site in any way:

Advanced settings in the SEO plugin

It is not necessary to fill out the remaining advanced settings. Leave the fields blank:

Advanced settings for everything in one SEO package

In the block " Key settings"let's leave it at the default - Disable. This is due to the fact that meta-keywords have no value in modern SEO. This was said by Matt Cutts from Google. In general, meta-keywords for search engines are dead. So, the main settings in SEO plugin we have produced, update/save them.

Custom post/page settings

Individual post/page settings: Snippet Preview - The preview snippet shows how your post or page might look in search engines based on the SEO title and meta description you entered.

In the "Title" field, you enter your (optional) SEO title that will be used for this post or page. And the “Description” field for the page. If you change your title and description settings and click Publish or Update, the preview snippet will be updated to match your new SEO title and description.

With the NOFOLLOW and NOINDEX tags, I think there is no need to explain to you, and everything is clear. That's probably all I have for today. And in conclusion I will say:

Either way, focus on the content and SEO results will come no matter what plugin you use - All in One SEO Pack or Yoast SEO! Next time I will tell you how other modules can be used from the same plugin.

See you again, friends. Bye bye.

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Greetings, dear readers! This article will talk about the most important and most popular WordPress plugin called All in One Seo Pack. If you came to this article from a search engine, then you probably already know what kind of beast this is and therefore you can click and go directly to setting up the All in One Seo Pack plugin. And just in case, I’ll tell you in more detail, for those who don’t know what this miracle plugin is for, what to do with it, and just for the general scope of the article :-).

P.S. The volume of the article is very large. I would like to ask you to immediately take setting up this plugin seriously. Do it once and forget it.

All in One Seo Pack plugin and what is it for?

I, like many webmasters who have WordPress sites, believe that too many plugins is bad. However, All in One Seo Pack is the very plugin that should be in the arsenal of every webmaster. Maybe, of course, not this particular plugin, perhaps its analogues, such as Platinum Seo Pack and WordPress SEO.

What functions does this miracle supplement perform? The most important thing for which this plugin is intended is to compile and write code with internal optimization meta tags: title, description, keywords.

This code is not displayed on the site in any way and is created only for search engines. With the help of meta tags, your pages are ranked better by search engines, it is easier for them to understand what is being said on this page, and also, using these meta tags, search engines can form a snippet in their results. Please pay your attention to the word “can”. This means that it is not necessary that when you write a description, search engines will take this particular text into the description. But title is used constantly by search engines.

If you are a novice webmaster and don’t understand anything, don’t be alarmed. Next, I will explain everything to you in detail step by step with photos. Now I put myself in your place, my head is spinning. It's only the beginning:-). What I wrote above is not all the capabilities of this plugin; later, when setting it up, you will see for yourself and understand everything that it is capable of. As they say, it’s better to do it once than to hear it a hundred times. Go!

How to properly configure the All in One SEO Pack plugin?

And so, first of all, you will, of course, need to install this plugin. You can easily find the latest version in your wordpress console. You can find out how to find and install plugins. After you have installed and activated it, the name of the plugin will appear in the menu on the left side, where there are various settings for it.

To begin, go to the “General Settings” tab. These are the main settings of All in One Seo Pack.

And oh horror, everything is in English. I don't know about you, but for me this was a problem. Let's look at everything point by point. At the time you read this article, you may already have a different version of the plugin and some new items may appear, while others, on the contrary, will disappear. So if you have something extra, leave these settings as default.

basic settings

  1. I enjoy this plugin and have made a donation - “Thank you for the plugin, I made a donation”

Here, it seems to me, there is no need to explain anything. The plugin is free and we, if desired, can make donations and, by checking the box, inform the creators about it.

  1. Canonical URLs - “Canonical URLs”

This setting adds the rel="cononical" tag to the page. Thanks to it, search engines remove pages with the same content and duplicate pages from searches. This item should be checked.

  1. No Pagination for Canonical URLs – “Prohibit pagination for canonical URLs”»

This setting will block the indexing of pages with numbers, which again will save the site from duplication. But to be honest, I didn’t check the box on one site, I checked it on another. So see for yourself.

  1. Enable Custom Canonical URLs – “Enable custom canonical URLs”»

I’ll be honest, I don’t really understand what this function is, it’s disabled by default. Let's leave it that way.

  1. Set Protocol For Canonical URLs – “Set the protocol for canonical URLs”

Install on "Auto". I won’t explain to you what protocols are, it’s very long.

  1. Use Original Title – “Use default title”

Since headings need to be written independently, with feeling, sense and arrangement, we disable this function "Disabled"

  1. Use Markup – “Using markup”

If you ordered markup or you had it right away in the template, then you do not need to check the box, but if you don’t have markup, then check the box, and if you don’t even know what markup is and what it is needed for, then it’s better do not check the box to avoid mistakes.

  1. Log important events – “Event log”

Well, it’s already clear what this function does. However, we don’t need the extra load from the plugin, and this magazine will be difficult for the uninitiated to read. We don't tick the box.

Home page settings

This point relates to the semantic core of your site. How to compose it and work with it you

  1. Home Title - “Home page title”

The main page is also the main one in Africa. Write the name of your site here and most importantly make sure that it does not exceed more than 60 characters.

  1. Home Description – “Description of the main page”

Write here a short description of your site, a couple of sentences about what your site is about, using the main keywords in them. Also try not to exceed the 160 character limit. As you can see in the picture above, I exceeded it by 6 characters, but this is not critical.

  1. Home Keywords (comma separated) – “Site Keywords”

This meta tag is going into the sunset. I think that there are a couple of other search engines that take into account the Keywords tag, but Google and Yandex have already forgotten this, like a bad dream. And we are advanced webmasters and therefore we will focus only on the giants of the search industry, and we are not interested in others.

  1. Use Static Front Page Instead

If you are using the main page as a stats page, then go to the left "Enabled" if the main one is in the form of a news feed, as is often the case on blogs, then you should go to the right "Disabled"

Setting up keys

I already talked about keys above. It's better not to use them at all. But there are still the old guard and adherents of the old canons who use them. If you are one of these conservatives, then simply check the boxes as shown in the picture below. You just need to enable the use of keys "Enabled" or disable "Disabled".

Header Settings

At this point, format the headers of all your pages. There are sections and pages and posts and the main page and what not. I won’t go into depth, I’ll show you a simple example. If my category “Canning” appears in search results, it will look like this.

And if there is a page with an article in the search results, the title will look like this.

In the first case, with a category in the header there is the name of the category and through a horizontal stick there is the name of my site, and in the second version with an article there is simply the name of the article. Now let's see what we have in the plugin settings.

Well, I think you get the point. But if you don’t want to bother, then do everything as in the picture and live in peace.

I would like to draw your attention to the last two points “404 Title Format” and “Paged Format”. There, from the default settings, you can and should translate into Russian.

Setting up custom post types

In this paragraph, we indicate where additional fields should be displayed to fill in the title, description and keywords. This means that when you create an article or page, there will be fields under the text editor that you and I will fill out in the future.

  1. SEO for Custom Post Types – “SEO for custom post types”

Turn on " Enabled»

  1. SEO on only these post types – “SEO only for these post types”

Here we choose what we will optimize: posts and pages. Media files, I think, should not be specified. There is already plenty of work on the site, but optimizing every single image is not worth the effort.

  1. Enable Advanced Options – “Enable additional options”

Disable "Disabled"

Customizing the appearance

There’s not even anything to talk about here, so we put everything as shown in the picture. These points mean where to display the link to the settings of the All in One Seo Pack plugin. Just where we are now making settings

Settings for webmasters

When you have registered or will still register your site in the webmaster panel of search engines, then to confirm the rights to the site you are required to insert a code into your site. This can be done in different ways. And now the creators of the All in One Seo Pack plugin provide us with this opportunity to do this using their plugin. But since I did this a long time ago, these fields are all empty.

Google services settings

In this section we can use various Google services.

Here, in fact, you only need to configure two lines, the first and the last.

  1. Google Plus Default Profile – “Profile on the Google+ network”

In this line you need to insert a link to your Google+ profile. This action will help improve the appearance of the snippet in Google. You've probably seen how the author's photo appears in Google results near some sites. If you insert a link to your profile, then your photo will appear, which accordingly increases the click-through rate. Although, as I heard, Google has now decided to stop adding photos to the snippet.

  1. Google Analytics ID – “Google Statistics ID”

This is a setting for those who decide to use Google Analytics.

Indexing settings (noindex)

From the name it is clear what needs to be configured here. I won't tell you everything in detail. There should be only five checkmarks as in the picture below.

BUT! I would like to draw your attention to two points “Use noindex for Categories” and “Use noindex for Tag Archives”. With these checkboxes, we prohibit indexing of category pages and tag pages. Here, of course, it’s up to you to decide for yourself, but personally, on one of my websites dedicated to cooking, I decided to remove these checkboxes. Due to the fact that I have a description for each category in the form of text on the page, and my tag pages look like full-fledged pages in the form of a gallery, I felt sorry for them not to be indexed by search engines.

Additional settings

Here we leave everything empty. This section is not worth paying attention to at all. Mostly pointless functions.

Well, at the very end of our long journey, don’t forget to click on the “Update Options” button, which means updating the settings.

Using the All in One SEO Pack plugin

Now, when you write a new article or if you already have articles and you need to optimize it, a new block will appear under the text editor.

Here we only need two fields: “Title” and “Description”. How to fill them out correctly is a completely different story.

In custody

This completes the main settings of the All in One Seo Pack plugin. But this plugin also has additional modules, which you can read about in the next article. If you don’t understand something or have any questions, write them in the comments. Also don't forget to subscribe to blog updates. Thanks everyone, bye everyone!

In this lesson we will look at how to install the All in One Seo Pack plugin. This is one of the most necessary plugins for successful SEO website promotion. But I’ll say right away that it is only suitable for the WordPress engine. Sites with other engines need to use completely different operating schemes.

Well, let's start installing the plugin. To do this, let's first log into the admin area of ​​your site. To install the All in One Seo Pack plugin, go to the section "Plugins" choose "Add new" and in the search bar we write . After that, click "Search for plugins."

Among all the plugins found, we need All in One Seo Pack. Select it and click "Install". After that, in the window that appears, click on the button "Activate plugin"

All plugins are installed. I think that now everyone will know how to install a plugin and, moreover, any of them. Because the installation principle is the same for all plugins.

Now let's customize it a little. You can go to the plugin settings from the WordPress panel. Go to the column "SEO Tools" "Basic". Click here and go to the plugin settings panel.

Let's now go through these settings step by step:


  • check mark "Canonical URLs"- must definitely stand. This prevents the creation of duplicates on the site;
  • "Show title by default"– leave the default “Disable” This checkbox affects the compatibility of the plugin with various themes;
  • "Keep an event log"- we don’t put it.

Home page settings:

  • You will learn how to correctly fill out the fields Title, Description, Keywords in the lesson about compiling a semantic core for a site. Now we will not touch on this issue. This is a very broad topic.

Key settings:

  • "Use Keys"— it must be “Connect.” If you disable this, then the site will not use keywords;
  • “Translate categories into keys”— we remove;
  • "Translate labels into keys"- We also film. Because we will enter all keywords manually;
  • “Generate keys to records automatically”- uncheck this box for the same reason.

Header settings:

  • "Rewrite headers"— the “Connect” checkbox must be checked;
  • ticks "Capital Headings" And “Capitalized section headings” leave it on. In principle, this doesn’t really affect anything. Just in some pages on the site such as “Tag Pages” "Category Pages" Each word in the title will begin with a capital letter.
  • then "Format for pages", "Format for entries", "Format for rubrics" and we do not touch all other formats, leaving them as default. The only thing that can be translated is in the “Format for 404 pages” section the phrase “Nothing found for” and write here in Russian “Nothing found for”, and in the “Format for navigation” the word “Part” is translated into Russian as “ Part". This format is needed for pages divided into parts.

Appearance settings:

  • "Show SEO settings for post types"– only “posts and pages” should be checked.
  • We skip Settings for Webmaster and Settings for Services in Google.
  • Indexing settings (noindex) - we determine whether category pages, archive pages and tags will be indexed on the site. Here we check the boxes and prohibit the indexing of archives and tags, but leave the categories.

Additional settings:

  • "Generated Description"– uncheck this box. Using this checkbox, descriptions will be generated automatically for those pages that do not have descriptions. But I recommend that you uncheck this box and enter all descriptions manually.

This plugin also has a “Performance” settings tab. You don't need to touch anything here. We leave everything as default.

And there is also the “Other Modules” tab. You don’t need to touch anything here either. We leave everything as it is.

We have configured the plugin and now you can use it.

After we installed the plugin, in the “Posts” section in the editing window for each post, plugin settings now appear for each post separately, where we can enter the title for the post, post description and keywords. All this data is needed for search engines - first of all.

Here, by the way, the plugin also displays how our site will look in Google results: Title, link to the article and description.

In the new version of the plugin, we also have a few more checkboxes. Using them, you can prevent a page from being indexed, prevent search engines from following links on this page, or we can disable the plugin for this article altogether. But we don’t need these checkboxes, so we don’t need to check them.

You may still have the old All in One Seo Pack plugin installed, but that’s okay. The settings all remain the same. The plugin interface just changed a little.

We have explained everything about how to install the plugin, and we have corrected the All in One Seo Pack settings. That's all for today. Goodbye everyone.

Tags: ,

All in One SEO Pack is one of the most recognized and deservedly best plugins for search engine optimization of WordPress sites, which at the time of writing has been downloaded more than 17 million times, which characterizes it as a very powerful plugin designed to help beginners start competent search engine optimization of their sites .

Simply installing the All in One SEO Pack plugin will certainly not help you optimize your website. In order to get the most out of it, the plugin needs to be configured correctly. There are a lot of settings, but strictly speaking, for a beginner you can leave most of them as they are. This article describes in detail the process of setting up the plugin and describes most of the functions of the All in One SEO Pack.

All in One SEO Pack plugin settings

basic settings

Leave the main settings as they are. There is no need to configure anything additional here.

In the settings on the main page you will see three fields: Home Page Title, Home Page Description And Home page keywords. You need to be very responsible about filling out these fields, as this is a very important step through which you introduce your site to the world and tell what it is about.

Firstly, In the “Home Page Title” field, write the name of your site and a short, enticing description. You must keep it to a maximum of 60 characters.

Secondly, In the “Home Page Description” field, write a description of your site. Here you will have to be content with a maximum of 160 characters.

For example, if your site is about mobile phones, you could write something like this: On our website you can find reviews of mobile phones, descriptions of their capabilities and detailed instructions for their use. Comparative reviews of mobile phones are also presented here.

Third, In the “Home Page Keywords” field, write 6-8 keywords that readers will use to search for your site based on the home page. Separate keys with commas.

For example, if you are writing about mobile phones, write: cell phone reviews, mobile technology, cell phone comparisons, cell phone instructions and tips.

Keywords don't really influence search results, but as I said, you can specify 6 - 8 keywords. You should not repeat them when optimizing WordPress categories and .

Here I did not activate “Translate categories into keys” and “Translate tags into keys”. If your categories or tags are open for indexing, you can select these options. It’s better to generate keys to records yourself, but if you’re not sure you understand what you’re doing, check the box.

Templates for your page and post titles. In the updated version of the All in One SEO Pack plugin, the configuration of the “Header Settings” section is good without additional settings, so if you are new to this, do not try to change anything here.

By default, the plugin is able to work with any type of post. So leave the first item enabled. Select additional options if you plan to work with more than just posts and pages.

This block is only responsible for displaying the All in One SEO Pack plugin settings menu. You can choose where to show them: in posts, on pages, in the admin panel. It all depends on where you want to display the settings: if you need them in the top menu, then activate the last option.

Webmaster settings

In the webmaster settings, enter your verification codes from Google, Bing and Pinterest. It is clear that the last two are not particularly relevant for our users.

Google services settings

When you search for something on Google, sometimes you see a photo of the author under the search results. This group of settings will help you show photos under your posts in search results. But you must have a Google + account and a verified Google authorship.

Paste your Google+ profile URL into the Google+ Profile field.

The All in one pack plugin supports Google analytics. Paste your Google analytic code into the “Google statistics ID” field, the code should look something like this – UA-XXXX.

Indexing settings (noindex)

It is not easy for beginners to understand the meaning of this title. No indexing means that none of your pages or posts will ever be indexed by Google. If you check the box next to "Use noindex for categories," "Noindex for tag archives," or other archived items, Google won't index any of it. By checking these boxes, you can avoid duplicate content. You can uncheck the “Use noindex for categories” or “Noindex for tag archives” checkboxes if you want these items to be indexed.

You can also use the noindex/follow plugin for better control over indexing.

Additional settings

In Advanced Settings, the first option, called “Generated Description,” is enabled by default and is responsible for generating descriptions. Be sure to check the box next to the next option - “Remove description from multi-page pages”, since if you write long posts and divide them into two pages, the extra description on the second page will be deleted.

Leave all options as default.

Update your settings.

Additional modules

This section presents activated modules that, as conceived by the authors, can further improve your site. One of them is enabled by default. You can activate the other two yourself. Once activated, the corresponding settings for each module will appear in your menu.

A page where you can configure some performance parameters.