What is page pagination? What is pagination and how to optimize page layout. Eliminating pagination via Canonical links

Kristina Zagorulko

Jun 30, 2015 | Reading time: 6 min

All large online stores V mandatory use pagination - page navigation goods. This is done for the convenience of visitors. Imagine that a section contains a couple of hundred units of goods. Put them all on one web page? In principle, it is possible. Unlike a paper page, an Internet page is dimensionless. Use scrolling and view the product. Yes, the site page is dimensionless, but the connection speed is finite! And if each product item has images (and this is almost always done now), then such a web page can take a very long time to load. But if pagination is always good for website usability, then for SEO, its incorrect configuration promises a deterioration in positions in search results and complicates indexing:

  • search engines may fine a site for duplicating content;
  • Product units will be indexed for a very long time, which means they will not be detectable through search.

Let's take a closer look at these problems.

It’s a limit and search engines have a limit.

The search engine robot does not spend as much time on the site as is necessary to index all its pages. This time is limited and is determined by the frequency of content updates, trust and a host of other values. Now imagine the situation: in an online store, each section has 20-30 pages, differing only in product names. And the robot will index each page, that is, read its contents. And he won’t even get to the page for a specific product, because it is located a level lower. But the owner of an online store needs something completely different - indexing of product pages!

Duplicate Content Problem

Search engines treat identical content even within the same site poorly. The logic is simple. The website web page should contain as much content as possible relevant to the request. And if on different pages ah, it’s almost identical, that is, there is a list of product units (it’s different for different pages, but very similar, since the product is of the same type) plus the SAME description of the entire group of products, which contains keywords. How then to determine the most relevant of all such Internet pages? Essentially, from an SEO point of view, the weight of the pages is being dispersed. The main page of the section (catalog) is lost among dozens of similar ones. This means that it will inevitably sag in the search results, or rather, all web pages will sag.

SEO optimization options for pagination pages

First, let's decide what we want. The minimum task is to organize pagination in such a way that it does not harm SEO, that is, does not worsen the site’s performance in search results. Maximum goal: contributed to improving the site’s performance in search results. Now let's look at the available options.

Option #1. Prohibition of indexing pagination pages

A. Using the noindex meta tag

This SEO optimization option implies that in the section EACH web page of pagination except the first line is added:

In other words, you prevent the search engine robot from indexing this web page, but you allow it to follow links from it.

A few nuances of SEO optimization:

  • Avoid duplicate first page URLs when dynamic creation web pages. In other words, if the site implements filters, the content of the page depends on the specified conditions: sorting by price - higher, lower, by popularity, by brand, etc. To do this, the link to the first page of the catalog should look like: domain name/catalog . And from the page: domain name/catalog?page=1 you need to make a 301 redirect to the page: domain name/catalog.
  • Be sure to create XML map site.


  • This option is perfectly understood by Yandex.


  • The noindex tag is not accepted by Google.
  • With a large number of filters and products in the catalog, a large number of dynamic pages, on which you need to add the noindex meta tag.
  • Content from pagination pages is completely excluded, with the exception of the first one.

B. With the help robots file.txt

Let our pagination pages look like http://domain name/category/page/n, where n is the page number. In this case, we write the directive in the robots.txt file: Disallow: /category/page.

In the case of dynamic web pages like http://domain name/category?page/n the directive will look like: Disallow: ?page=

This method of SEO optimization is more universal, but is not without its main drawback - content is completely excluded from the pagination pages, with the exception of the first one.

Option #2. Using the canonical tag and the "See all" page

The essence of this SEO optimization option is that a web page is created on which the entire catalog product is displayed, and using the canonical tag (we wrote about it in the article “”) you point search engines to it as a canonical web page. For example, you have a “Lampshades” section in your online store. Then you need to create an Internet page with all the lampshades, for example, with the following URL: domain name/abajyru/?&show_all=yes. And on all web pages there is pagination in the section write the line:


Nuances of SEO optimization:

  • If there are a lot of products, then such a web page may take quite a long time to load. The solution is to reduce the resolution of product images.


  • The canonical tag is understood by both Google and Yandex. At the same time, for Google this method of excluding pages from indexing is a priority.
  • All pagination page content will be indexed through the "See All" web page.


  • Imposes certain restrictions on the quality of pictures and the overall volume of content.
  • For Yandex, the canonical tag is not directive. He can ignore it. And this likelihood increases if the content on the web pages is not identical. And this will definitely happen, because the list of goods will be different.
  • With a large number of filters and products in the catalog, you get a large number of dynamic pages on which you need to add the canonical tag.

Option #3. AJAX pagination

The essence of this SEO optimization option is that when you scroll down the page, it loads new content. This is achieved using AJAX technologies(Asynchronous Javascript and XML), which allows data exchange between the server and the user's browser in background. Many people are very familiar with this technology, because it is implemented in VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. AJAX allows you to load the product list all the time and the second and subsequent web pages of the catalog simply do not exist.


  • For search engines the directory will look like one web page, so everything will be indexed and there will be no duplicate content.
  • No danger long loading time web pages (as in the case of the "Show All" page).


  • To implement such pagination in an online store, an experienced programmer is required;
  • if the text on such a catalog page is written not only for promotion, but also for users (and this is how it should be), then, if there is a large number of products, it will have to be placed at the top, which is unusual for the user.

Option number 4. Pagination using rel=”prev” and rel=”next” tags

This version of SEO optimization is based on the fact that with the help of these tags, Google is given a command when indexing to combine the pages tagged with them into one whole. Here's how it's done in practice.

Let's say we have four directory web pages. Then to the section page No. 1 we put the line:

For page No. 2 it will look like this:

For page #3:

And finally, for page #4:


  • Allows all content to be indexed as if it were on one page, but without the need for a cumbersome "See All" web page.

Hi all! There are seemingly elementary and obvious things in SEO, but if you understand them a little, many questions and nuances arise that worry project owners. Today I want to talk about pagination pages (or also called listing pages). I would like to write a detailed lesson: what, why and why, in order to explain everything how we managed to do this with the lesson.

I already talked about it on my blog (I also told you what page navigation is). Now it's time to show what you need to do with them from an SEO point of view. Many people are concerned about the following questions:

  • should they be closed for pagination indexing in robots.txt;
  • maybe it's worth closing them using meta name="robots";
  • or better use rel=canonical;
  • or maybe even leave them open for indexing;
  • Well, other questions.

So, let's go!

Pagespagination are pages that are created when a list of posts or products is split into several pages. Here is an example of pagination navigation on my blog, these links lead to pagination pages:

As you already understood, page navigation can be on pages that contain a large number of:

  • product cards;
  • information posts;
  • discussions on forums.

Pagination indexing

It’s better not to block pagination pages from indexing so that robots reach as many products/posts as possible (especially important when you have a lot of products). But again, even though the pages are open for indexing, I would recommend making sure that they are not included in the main search. I am against low-quality pages in the index and believe that search should only contain required pages, and the importance of such pages will be higher than if it is full of low-grade content. How then?

The whole difficulty lies in the fact that the two largest search engines on our market (Yandex and Google) have different requirements. Let's look at them.

Yandex requirements

Moreover, in in this case There will be no problems with indexing products or posts, since rel=canonical does not prohibit robots from visiting pages, but the index will only contain the main page in both search engines.

Google requirements

That is, Google does not recommend, as Yandex does, putting canonical on the first page; it also says that this is wrong. But from experience it has been noticed that if you put rel=canonical on the first page, nothing critical happens; sites feel good in both search engines.

And yes, there is such a point: Yandex doesn’t care about the rel=prev and rel=next tags, it doesn’t understand them and simply ignores them.

What do SEOs say?

There are a lot of opinions on this topic, I’ll give a couple.

Some people say that each pagination page needs to be tailored to different queries. For example, the first page is under “Buy a laptop,” the second is under “Buy a laptop inexpensively,” the third is under “Buy a laptop in an online store,” and so on. Don't do this. Search engines are not so stupid, maybe it worked 5-8 years ago, but now it’s definitely not worth doing.

And someone says to prohibit it in robots.txt or use meta tag name="robots" content="noindex,follow". I did this before too, but it's not entirely correct, because behavioral factors pagination pages will not be transferred. Yes, and Yandex also says:

I don’t promote category pages on the blog (but in vain, I talked about the benefits of the right one), I can’t get around to it, somehow I’ll definitely get around to it and remove “noindex, follow”. For those who promote categories, I recommend using the instructions above.

Duplication in pagination

By the way, if Yandex believes that pagination pages are duplicates, then Google does not think so; the main thing for it is to indicate rel=prev and rel=next. If you use the rel=canonical tag on the main page, then only that page will be in the index. If you use only rel=prev and rel=next, the pagination pages will be included in the search engine index.

The prev and next tags show the robot that the pages are connected in a logical sequence, as if they were one big page. This is why it is wrong to simultaneously use rel prev/next and rel canonical on the main page. That is, if you want to specify both canonical and prev/next, then we point canonical only to the page itself (to itself).

How to design pagination pages

The text of the heading/category description should be displayed only on the first page; pagination should not be displayed on other pages. This is so that there is no strong duplication, and the text is still displayed primarily for robots. And users who have already moved to the second and other pages are no longer interested in the texts + improved usability.

If you have an online store, you can add a link to the "All products" page of this category. This will allow you to view the page immediately, without navigating to other pages. In this case, search engines recommend putting rel=canonical on this page with all products without pagination. But here you need to be careful, because if you display a lot of products/posts, the page will take longer to load, and search engines like sites that are as fast as possible.

And also, if we are on the second or any other page, the link to the first page should go directly to the main page, and not to /page/1, here is an example:

I repeat, there is no need to block pagination pages from indexing. Again, a screenshot of “Plato’s” comment and a link to it have already been given above.

Someone does endless scrolling (products/posts are loaded as you scroll down the page). If you do this, again you need to be careful. Or someone displays "Show more" buttons:

Infinite scrolling and other javascript/ajax can be used, but to avoid problems, I would recommend making sure that all elements are indexed and sent to the robot. And yet, I would duplicate the endless scrolling with numbers 1,2,3,4, since some users find it more convenient. Here's an example:

Also, when there are a lot of pages, you can make a breakdown of 10 pages to make it easier for the indexing robot to “run” through the pages, and the pages will be located in fewer clicks. That is, we output something like this:

1, 2, 3 ... 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70...79.

Conclusion - what is the right thing to do in the end?

In my opinion, there are 3 options for the most correct development of events:

  1. If Yandex is important to you or both search engines are interesting (for almost all projects for Russia), then we make a canonical on the first page.
  2. If you are only interested in Google (for example, your site is located in the CIS countries, where in some of them there is practically no traffic in Yandex, or foreign projects), then we make rel canonical to itself and write prev/next.
  3. If you have a page where all products are displayed, you can point the rel canonical to it, use rel=prev and rel=next. Then it will be correct for both search engines. But in this case, let me remind you, there are also disadvantages: if you have categories where a larger number of products are displayed, this will slow down the loading speed of the site, and this affects the ranking.

In all cases, a ban on indexing is not required (neither in robots.txt, nor in meta name="robots"). Do not forget that we place the text only on the 1st page, so that there are no duplicates with big amount coincidences. You can track changes to pages in the index in the Yandex and Google webmaster panels.

If you take similar steps to optimize your site, the results will not be long in coming. Here is a fresh example from our latest work (this is the total traffic from search engines, we started working in October 2017, click to enlarge):

Guys, who managed to get to the pre-recording of my SEO marathon, I answered almost everyone’s questions, there’s still a little bit left, a lot of questions have come in, I’m sorting them out. 🙂 If suddenly you didn’t have time to sign up for the marathon pre-registration, wait for news on the blog (subscribe to the mailing list so as not to miss the start of sales), we start in February!

Well, the question is: what do you do with pagination pages on your projects?

Pagination - page-by-page navigation on a website or even simpler, sequential numbering of website pages. It seems to be a banal and widespread phenomenon, however, there are still disputes around it about whether what should pagination be for SEO?.

Everyone has their own examples and arguments, but the essence is usually the same: more pages- better CEO. No, not better. Why I already wrote, but let's take a closer look page-by-page navigation on the site. What should be the sequential numbering of site pages so as not to harm SEO, at a minimum. Why not harm? Because in tasks search engine optimization site included determining the exact match of a page to a key query, not creation infinite number duplicates of the same page with the title “Page No. 911”.

Benefits of pagination for SEO

Let's look at the incredible benefits of page navigation for a website in terms of. It provides access to all site pages from the list of category pages. Yes indeed. Especially when you have 50 pages and to get to, say, page 21, the crawler has to drill down... how many levels? Find a product or post on page 21 and go one more level. Yes, the benefits are enormous, especially considering that search bots do not go deeper than 3-4 levels of nesting. No, well, of course they do, but the value and terms of indexing with each level fall exponentially.

What else is useful to us from the serial numbering of website pages? It limits the number of links on the page, because it is inappropriate to have more than 100 links on one canvas. This is really useful. There is also an indirect benefit, in the form of page navigation, which is one of the most popular and familiar methods of displaying large lists of information on a website. That's why we keep it. That seems to be all.

We figured out the benefits of serial numbering of website pages. Now let's figure out how to use pagination and not spoil it.

SEO of page navigation on the site

Let's start with the theory: Each page of the site must answer a specific request. This means that a category with many pages, namely its main canonical page with a direct address, must respond to a specific request. Consequently, a similar page with duplicate content that is or once was on the main page of the category is not just a duplicate, but what is much worse - a competitor home page categories.

There are unique people who try to personalize category number pages by adding page numbers to the headings and even changing the page description according to the template. But here's one question: what query does any of the number pages answer? Especially when you consider the migration of content from page to page. For what key query should the category number page appear in search results, like ? There are no such requests. And as pages for non-existent queries, such pages should not participate in site indexing.

To be fair, it is worth saying that now we're talking about not about chaotic sources like poorly organized forums where you can find one exact match key query somewhere on page 768 in one of the messages. I'm talking about sites where there is a rigid structure and a clear logical organization of key queries.

Excluding pagination from indexing

Depending on how page navigation on the site is organized, you can use different ways excluding pages of the site's serial numbering. Let's look at examples:

Eliminating pagination via Canonical links

In short, then canonical link is a link to the main page of the section or the page that is decided to be considered the main one. On each numbered page we indicate a link to the main page and “oh, miracle!” — all numbered pages fly away as if excluded from indexing. If in more detail, then read.

And this is what the code that needs to be placed on each number page looks like:

Excluding pagination via Robots Disallow

Let's imagine that the address of the number page looks like this:


All you have to do is ask search robots don’t go where you don’t need to go, namely:

Disallow: /category/page

We insert it into and forget about page navigation. Just like in poetry. But then the magnificent Mr. Robots gives us another surprise.

Avoid pagination of dynamic pages

If pagination on the site is organized using dynamic URLs:


Please go back to robots.txt and add the ones you already know:

Disallow: ?page=

Clean-param: page /

Get used to creating only landing pages, which carry unique, useful information for visitors and pages that do not compete with each other key queries. Think about which pages should be closed and which should be open for indexing. And most importantly, do not chase the number of meaningless pages - you will lose.

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First, a little information:

Pagination- This is the sequential numbering of pages, which is usually located at the top or bottom of the pages of the site.

In most cases it is used for main pages and sections. It often looks like this:

What pagination is is described in detail on Wikipedia.

We consider this moment important for internal optimization site, therefore this manual Regarding pagination for SEO, we will consider the main nuances and solutions.

Get to the point!

Let's look at some of the potential problems that arise when you use pagination, without considering the potential problems:

Search robot visit limit for your website

When search robots crawl your site, the depth and number of pages they visit at one time will vary depending on the site's trust, content update frequency, etc. And, if you have a huge number of pages with pagination, then the likelihood that search robots will go through all pagination pages and index all final pages (products/articles) decreases significantly. In addition, the limit will be spent on visiting pagination pages, and not on visiting truly important pages of the site.

Problem with duplicates

Depending on the structure of your paginated pages, it is very likely that some pages may contain similar or identical content. In addition to this, you will often find that you have the same title tags and meta description. In this case, duplicate content can cause confusion for search engines when it comes time to determine the most relevant pages for a particular search query.

On this moment SEO specialists have 4 ways to solve this problem.

Option 1: Remove pagination from the index using noindex

In most cases, this method is a priority and can be implemented as quickly as possible. Its essence is to exclude all pagination pages from the index, except the first one.

It is being implemented in the following way: such a meta tag

added from section on all pages except the first. Thus, we exclude from the index all pagination pages, except for the main page of the catalog, and at the same time ensure the indexing of all products/pages that belong to this catalog.

Nuances that should be taken into account:

  • if you place the description text of the main page of the catalog, then it is still advisable to place it only on the first page.
  • You should check that the URL of the first page is not duplicated. For example, if you implement pagination this way:



then if you are not on the first page, the link to the first page should be


at the same time from such a page


a 301 redirect to site.com/catalog must be configured.


  • suitable for Yandex
  • least complex of all solutions
  • A great way to exclude all paginated pages from the index if there is no logical reason to include them in the index.


  • even though he decides potential problem pagination, but at the same time excluding page content from the index
  • if there are a lot of products, then if you do not use an xml sitemap, products that are deep in the catalog will take a long time to be indexed.

Option 2. “See all” and rel=“canonical”

This method recommends using Google: its essence is to create separate page“See all”, where all products/pages from this catalog are displayed, and on all pagination pages we put rel=“canonical” on the “See all” page.

Implementation this method: after you have created a “View all” page (for example, this is site.com/catalog/view-all.html), then on all pagination pages you need to add a section post:


This way we show search engines that each pagination page is, as it were, part of the “See all” page.

  • this is the most preferred method for them
  • users prefer to view the entire category on one page at once (although this point is quite controversial and depends on the situation).


The "See All" page should loads quite quickly, preferably within 1-3 seconds. Therefore, this method is ideal for categories in which the number of paginated pages is from 5 to 20 and is not suitable for catalogs with hundreds of paginated pages.


  • priority method for Google
  • all pagination content will be in the index search page via the “See all” page


Option 3. Rel=“prev”/“next”

Our final option for solving the pagination problem may be the most complex, but it is perhaps the most universal method for Google (Yandex does not currently take these directives into account). Since the implementation is quite complex, you must be very careful when using this method. Let's see how it works.

For example, you have 4 pages in the directory:

By using rel="prev"/"next" you are essentially creating a chain between all the pages in a given directory. This chain begin with first page: for this you add to the section :

For the first page this is the only attribute. For second page must be specified as previous page, and the following:

For third page do the same for the second one

When we are on the last fourth page, we must indicate only the previous page in the chain:


Using these rel="prev"/"next" attributes, Google combines the page data into a single element in the index. Typically, for users, this will be the first page, as it is usually the most relevant page.


  • rel="prev" and rel="next" are auxiliary attributes to Google, not directives.
  • Both relative and relative values ​​can be used as values. absolute URLs(according to valid tag values
  • if you provide a link in the document , relative paths will be determined based on the base URL
  • If Google detects errors in your markup (for example, if the expected rel="prev" or rel="next" attribute value is missing), further page indexing and content recognition will be performed based on Google's own heuristic algorithm.
  • you should check that the URL of the first page is not duplicated


  • allows you to solve the pagination problem without using “See all”
  • implementation occurs with only minor changes to HTML


  • these attributes are not taken into account by Yandex
  • implementation can be quite complex
  • you need to be very careful about making connections in the chain of pages

Option 4. AJAX and Javascript scrolling

You've probably encountered endless scrolling products on websites ecommerce, where products continually load as you scroll to the bottom of the screen. Although this is good opportunity improve usability, this method also needs to be used correctly. It is advisable that the products are not automatically loaded when scrolling, but at the bottom, under the latest products, there is a button “Show N more products”. You can see a good implementation of this method on the website wikimart.ru by wandering through the final branches of the catalog.

Proper Use parameters

In some cases, when you use the rel="prev"/"next" attributes, paginated pages may contain parameters that do not change the content:

  • session variables,
  • sorting,
  • changing the number of elements per page.

In this case, we get duplicate content. A solution to this problem can be to use the combination rel=”prev”/”next” and rel=”canonical”.

To do this, firstly, you must ensure that all pagination pages with rel="prev"/"next" use the same parameter. Secondly, for each URL with a parameter, you must register its canonical page without this parameter. For example, we have the same 4 pagination pages and we use the session ID sessionid=55 to track users:

Correct use of filters and rel=“prev”/“next”

Now, let's look at an example when we use parameters by which we can/want to produce unique content and it is important for us to keep such filtered pages in the index. For example, we have a category with sneakers and we want to create landing pages For search results With different brands, using the parameters in the URL.

We released new book"Content marketing in in social networks: How to get into your subscribers’ heads and make them fall in love with your brand.”


What is pagination?

There are several types:

  • straight line with numbering (1,2,3)
  • straight line indicating positions in the list (1−20, 21−40)
  • reverse indicating positions in the list (new, 600−31, 30−1)

Main disadvantages

Time limit for site visits by search robots

Yes, it is not only people who lack such a viscous and ever-elusive substance as time. The presence of the bot on the site pages is strictly limited. The amount of time spent is determined by the ratio of the frequency of content updates, trust and some other indicators. Naturally, the allotted time interval for indexing all the necessary pages of the resource is not enough for the bot. Especially if he spends it checking huge amount pagination tabs (products, articles, videos, etc.).

Problem with duplicates

Search engines have an extremely negative attitude towards identical content, even within the same site. Depending on the particular structure of your listing, there is a high probability that some pages may have the same content (text, meta tags). , most likely, will cause dissatisfaction with search engines, which will lead to sagging pages in the search results.

Human factor

Most users usually view no more than 2-3 pages from the proposed list. Therefore, from a position below 10th, you can’t expect any traffic.

Usability inconvenience

Using a numerical list becomes extremely inconvenient due to the fact that many web designers, based on the principle of saving space on the site, make the “numbers” smaller.

Not necessary, but... necessary

For promotion, as a rule,pagination pagesfurther than the first one are not needed, but to receive links to news or products they need to be indexed.

Ways to solve SEO problems optimization of page-by-page paging

  1. Site navigation extension

Rand Fishkin (genius, playboy, hipster, co-founder of MOZ, SEO specialist and world-famous marketer) in one of his video tutorials advises reconsidering your website strategy. Namely, to replace page-by-page paging by creating second- and third-level directories.

2. Eliminate paginationpagination pages via noindex


  • This solution to the problem is simple enough to implement relative to the other solutions listed below.


  • Eliminates the ability to index all page content.
  • Products located in the depths of the catalog wait a very long time for their turn to be updated.
  • A large number of filters and products in the catalog is equal to a large number dynamic pages on which the noindex meta tag should be added.

the main objective this option- removing from the visibility of search robots all pages of the listing, except the first (main), while ensuring the indexing of all products/pages belonging to this catalog.

This procedure is carried out by adding to meta tag:


  • When posting optimized descriptive text for your home catalog, make sure it appears only on the first page.
  • Make sure that the URL for the main page is not duplicated.
  • Create an XML sitemap.

3. Prohibition of site indexing using the robots. txt

We simply write the directive:Disallow: /category/page

Minus: Excludes content from all listing pages except the first one.

4. Canonica tag l and the “See all” pagefor pagination pages


  • Understands both Google and Yandex (for Google it is a priority method of exclusion from indexing).
  • All information is indexed through the “See All” web page.


  • The quality of pictures and the overall volume of content will be subject to certain restrictions.
  • Alas, canonical is not a directive for the Yandex search engine. If the content on the paging pages is not identical, the search bot will definitely ignore this tag.
  • Thanks to the large number of filters and pages, the number of dynamic pages on which this tag needs to be added increases.

This option of SEO optimization involves the creation of one web page on which the entire range of the catalog will be displayed, and using the canonical tag it is indicated to search engines this page, as canonical.

It is enough to register in the following line:


  • Reduce product volume resolution. This will eliminate the problem of long page loading times.

5. Asynchronous Javascript and XML


  • The directory appears to search engines as one single web page. As a result: all content will be indexed, and the possibility of duplicates will be eliminated.
  • The page does not load as long as in the case of “Show all”.

The main idea of ​​this option SEO optimization- when you scroll down the page, new content is automatically loaded. This result can be achieved by AJAX help(Asynchronous Javascript and XML), which allows data exchange between the server and the browser in the background.

6. Solving the pagination problem using rel="prev" and rel="next" tags


  • All content is indexed.
  • Does not require complex software.


  • This tag is not accepted by Yandex.
  • The HTML code is simple, but it creates a lot of work to write out all the necessary chains.

The principle is quite simple: with the help of tags, Google receives a command when indexing to combine all pages on which the this code, into one whole.

Example for three pages catalogue:

  • for the first