Customize yoast wordpress seo titles and metadata. Search Console - Yoast SEO. How to Import Metadata into Yoast SEO

There are many SEO plugins created for WordPress that allow you to configure optimal settings site for search engines. However, sometimes for efficient work requires installation of several plugins at the same time.

So I decided to work with the plugin Yoast SEO, which includes many well-known features of other plugins.

Yoast SEO is the driving force for optimization WordPress in search engines. However, setting up this plugin may be a little difficult for some users without basic SEO skills. Incorrect settings can stop the site from being indexed by search robots, or allow bots to index that part of the site that is not worth it.

Before we get started with the plugin, let's take a look at its main capabilities:

And in order to safely promote your site, without worrying about the correct settings of SEO plugins, I advise you to use the services of professionals. For example, offers services for promoting sites where the least participation is required from the webmaster. The studio employees will do everything themselves and increase your high-quality link mass.

If you are using any SEO plugins such as All In One SEO, Old All In One SEO, Headspace 2 or others like that, you should start by importing the settings.

After installation and activation Yoast SEO it should itself detect plugins from which it can import settings and display the corresponding message:

If this does not happen, go to the “SEO” → “Tools” page, there select the “Import from other SEO plugins” tab.

On the page, mark the previously used plugin and click “Import”.

This will allow you to save all the specified titles and descriptions of individual posts that were specified when working with other SEO plugins.

After successful import, you will receive a corresponding message with a recommendation that the old plugin, in our case All In One SEO, can be deactivated and deleted.

Headings and metadata

This is one of the most important sections of the plugin, which needs to be configured with care. special attention, so as not to disable/enable an unnecessary option.

Are common

It's special here important settings no, only selecting a separator in the page header. The separator is the symbol that is displayed, for example, between the title of the post and the name of the site. Users see them in search engine results and in the title of the tab. Choose the one that visually suits you best.


Here you must configure the settings for the home page title and description for search engines.

Post types

Here are the SEO settings for blog posts, pages, and media. If you are still using additional types materials, then the corresponding section will also appear on this page.

Initially, the names had this pattern:

%%title%% %%page%% %%sep%% %%sitename%%

However, I only left:


  • %%title%%– name of the post/page/media file.
  • %%page%%– if a post or page is divided into several parts, then this code will display something like “2 out of 3”, that is, page navigation.
  • %%sep%%– instead, the separator that we selected before is displayed.
  • %%sitename%%– is responsible for displaying the name of the site.

In the "Meta Description Template" field I inserted %%excerpt%%. In theory, this value is indicated according to the standard, but I still wrote it down just to be sure. %%excerpt%% is responsible for displaying the generated description of a page or post if it is missing. If you yourself compiled this description when writing the material, then your version is taken as the basis.

  • Meta Robots– be sure to indicate “index”, this means that you allow search engines to index this material. Otherwise, if "noindex" is enabled, then posts or pages will not be indexed.
  • Date in fragment preview- if you have news portal, then the date should be displayed in snippets. In fact, you can also show the date for a blog, but I decided to hide it.
  • Yoast SEO meta box– allows you to hide the headers and metadata settings panel block.

In the end I use these settings:


The settings here are identical to the previous paragraph, only tags and categories are provided here. Since I prefer to hide these pages from search engines, I set noindex everywhere.

The name template was left standard.


This section also has similar settings for archives, which are based on date and author.


This is the last tab in the “Headers and Metadata” section and I left everything as is, that is, like this

And now in more detail:

  • Archive subpages - I set “noindex” to avoid duplicate pages, and I also want to keep a list of indexed pages without any “garbage”.
  • Use meta tag keywords? – I disabled this option because I’m not going to write keywords for each individual blog post, especially Google already he officially declared long ago that he does not take them into account.
  • Force noodp meta robots tag sitewide – prevents search engines from using DMOZ descriptions for your site.

Social media

I can’t say anything particularly useful about this, as I don’t use this settings section on my website, but I’ll try to roughly describe the situation.

If, in addition to your website (blog), you have pages on social networks, then you can report them to search engines and link your social network account to the site.

Open Graph needed to optimize your website for a specific social network. Using a plugin Yoast SEO it's very easy to do.

On the "Accounts" tab, you must fill in the fields like this:

Next, on the appropriate tabs, you can configure the display of the announcement of the material separately for each social network. Settings for Facebook and Twitter, for example, are a little different, but still not a big deal.

If you really need to make settings in this section, then according to the instructions of the plugins you will understand everything.

XML Sitemap

The reviewed SEO plugin has the ability to create and customize XML maps.

Enabling this feature will force the plugin to take care of your map for search engines.

In addition to generating a site map, the plugin allows you to perform several other useful manipulations.

Authors map

If registration is enabled on your site and many authors write to your blog, then using this function you can add a list of user data to the map.

My function is disabled because registration on the site is disabled and I am the only author. But even if this were not so, I doubt that my decision would change.

Post types

In this section, you can choose what types of records your XML map should contain.

As you can see, my map includes blog posts and regular static pages. But I decided to exclude media files so as not to clutter up the map... and my illustrations are far from unique.

Excluding records

IN updated version plugin appeared new feature– exclusion of a specific record or page from the site map. I won’t even say in what case this will be useful, however this opportunity There is.

To exclude materials from the map, simply indicate the IDs of the records separated by commas.


Finally, setting up your XML map for search engines, you can exclude categories and tags from it, which, as you noticed from the screenshot, is what I did.


As of today, the section has three breadcrumb tabs; permalinks and RSS. All these sections are included in the functionality of the plugin for a reason, so let’s move on to familiarize ourselves with them


The function is better known as “Breadcrumbs” and allows you to show the user the path to the page he is on. It can be very convenient for ordinary readers, but it is more effectively used as part of SEO optimization.

It has simple and intuitive settings.

But the implementation of displaying a chain is more complex and requires some knowledge from the user, since you will have to slightly change the code of your theme. Namely this code:

need to be inserted into files single.php and/or page.php. Usually bread crumbs are located above the header of articles or pages, so the code must be inserted before the header output code.

In some templates you can insert this code at the very end of the file header.php your topic.


There are several points in this section:

  • Changing category addresses. Allows you to remove the /category/ prefix from site category URLs.
  • Redirect to parent record . Since all attachments to a post are stored as separate pages in the database, I recommend enabling this feature as it will create a redirect from those pages to the main post.
  • Variables?replytocom. Sometimes the “extermination” of ?replytocom creates difficulties for webmasters, but in the reviewed plugin, ridding the blog of these variables and duplication of content can be done with just a click of one button.
  • Stop words in URL. There is also a feature that will allow you to automatically remove stop words from the URL of your posts. I advise you to enable the function.
  • Redirecting Bad URLs. I don’t fully understand what exactly this setting does, but the plugin recommends not using it. Therefore, we won’t... Those and other pages should respond with the code “404 – page not found.”


We leave everything as is. The function is quite useful, it allows you to add some content to the RSS feed. In our case, the plugin adds as standard to each entry (in the RSS feed) additional link to our blog. This will protect copyright and identify our blog as the original source, because there are many rabbers who steal content through RSS.


A truly interesting section of the plugin, as I have never seen anything like it anywhere else. There are four tools:

  1. Group editor– allows you to bulk edit titles and descriptions for blog posts.
  2. Import and export– allows you to import settings from other SEO plugins.
  3. File editor– makes it possible to edit robots.txt and .htaccess files directly through the site console.
  4. Recalculate SEO score– makes an assessment of website optimization and gives advice on how to improve it.

Plugin settings on the post editing page

In addition to SEO settings for the site as a whole, the Yoast SEO plugin works separately for each post. That is, when editing/creating a new blog post, you can optimize it to suit your needs. The plugin also gives recommendations for improving the article from an SEO point of view.

The first section of the block allows you to edit the snippet, that is, specify the title and description for search engines, as well as the address of the entry itself.

In the “Focus word” field you can specify the desired keyword and the plugin will provide you with configuration recommendations.

Somehow like this. I’m sure I missed a lot of things, but the main nuances were described, and if you have questions, I’ll be happy to answer them.

Plugin WordPress SEO(full title - WordPress SEO by Yoast) a real find for those who want to expand their capabilities standard set from WordPress. Its main function is technical SEO, a set of measures to increase the site’s position in search engine results.

In other words, under equal conditions, your site with WordPress SEO will be higher in Google or Yandex positions than a competitor’s site that does not use or this plugin, or other SEO similar.

Download and install:

  • Administrator's turn part of the VP itself:Plugins -> Add New: WordPress SEO by Yoast(install, activate);
  • Or from the office. website: WordPress SEO by Yoast (move and unzip to Your_site/wp-content/plugins)
  • You need to keep your eyes open with this plugin! Incorrect settings may reverse order not to improve the “SERP positions”, but on the contrary – to also “help” to throw out part of your site from the search, reduce the text, etc., create a conflict with other plugins...
  • Think seven times (check), and “Save changes” once

All about the WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin. Settings

  • It’s impossible to tell “everything” about this plugin. Because it affects changes in important promotional attributes. To understand why one way or another, you will have to make appropriate digressions into SEO basics, and not only. And then this article will turn into a whole talk.
  • Therefore, only the settings are given below, and why exactly this is so - Google to help, we study the corresponding mat. Part.
  • But here, below, are all the important and not so important settings. And therefore, the loud name “All about the plugin...”

So, after activation, another menu appears in your VP admin panel: “ SEO“, responsible for the settings of this SEO plugin.

In addition, all sorts of windows will flash: “Allow...”, “Subscribe...”. Click “No” everywhere. Although, it doesn’t matter (I just don’t like intrusiveness or an overabundance of information...)

Let's go through each submenu, top to bottom, left to right...

  • — It doesn’t matter, it’s recommended, but not essential...
  • - Very, very important settings.

1. SEO -> Admin Panel

You can leave everything as it is, or at your discretion, the only thing you may need over time is to fill out two fields (I underlined them). These fields are identifiers that are needed to confirm that this miracle site belongs to you.

Confirmed via special code, which is assigned to you when you register a new site with Webmaster from Google or Yandex.

However, I immediately install Google Analytics; you don’t need to enter the code from Google.

There are no special settings here. We can move on...

2. SEO -> Headings and metadata

2.1 SEO -> Headings and metadata: " Are common«

No comments, I already indicated why above...

2.2 SEO -> Headings and metadata: " Main menu«*

*Some VI templates do not have the ability to edit here. It's OK …

You can leave everything as is, or come up with your own template. But it is recommended to write your own meta data for each post or page (title template - also known as “title”, meta template ... - “description” ...) I’ll say more about this at the end.

Where %%page%% - corresponds to the variable - page name, %%sitename%% - site name, %%sep%% - "-" symbol, %%term_title%% - category, %%date%% - date.

2.3 SEO -> Headings and metadata: " Post types«

Post, Pages:

Media files

If you have these original media files (pictures, videos), then uncheck all the fields. Otherwise (if “borrowed” on the Internet):

2.4 SEO -> Headings and metadata: " Taxonomy«

Usually like this:

But it can also be the other way around. Those. at the top Prohibited - with a tick, at the bottom Allowed - without a tick. But no way: both are allowed (without a checkmark), but both can be closed from being included in the search engine results (i.e., both have checkmarks).

2.4 SEO -> Headings and metadata: " Rest«

"Special Pages" at discretion.

3. SEO -> Social networks

Uncheck " "

You may eventually need the “Google+” tab; in “Owner’s page on Google:” the address of the page from Google+ is written (obviously, we can do without a picture).

4. SEO -> XML Sitemap

This CML sitemap is a map (a list of all pages and posts on the site) created specifically for search engines. It speeds up the entry of new pages/posts into search results.

You can leave everything as is. Or …

Remove (do not exclude from the map) - if your media files are unique, otherwise - leave as is.

Exclude tags and format if your categories are open to search engines (however, it doesn’t matter).

BUT! On some templates, this built-in CML generator in the plugin conflicts with the template itself. Or conflicts with other plugins. It is recommended to turn it off until everything is installed and configured. And then turn it on, see - if everything works, then so be it.

If something doesn’t work, and the map looks unclear at your_site/sitemap.xml, it’s better to install another plugin (for example, the best is considered to be: Google XML Sitemaps).

5. SEO -> Permanent links

Don't remove categories, many plugins and other WordPress settings use them. By the way, for some templates this is impossible to do. Those. one day you will bet new template- and all internal links will refer to non-existent addresses...

6. SEO -> Breadcrumbs

There is nothing remarkable here, except that this built-in utility often conflicts with templates. If you installed the template, there were “crumbs” there, but after installing this SEO plugin, they disappeared, alas, this plugin’s fault. To be treated - enable the corresponding setting here (in red).

Yes, also, as a rule... In general, see for yourself (second red line)...

6. SEO -> RSS

At your discretion, you can leave everything as is...

7. SEO -> Everything before “Edit Files”

Utilities: “Import and export” - allows you to save settings or take them from other SEO plugins. The experts will figure it out themselves; there is nothing for beginners to do here yet.

“Mass editors” - allow you to edit the same meta data (title and description) in bulk. In my opinion, it is a useless and inconvenient thing. Better pens in each article.

8. SEO -> Edit files

Allows important files( and .htaccess) edit on the fly. I had a couple of incidents because of this (half the site was removed from the index, traffic dropped, and I didn’t know why. It turned out that the file was saved incorrectly thanks to this editor in the plugin).

How to work with WordPress SEO by Yoast

After activation and all settings, the following field will appear in the editor of pages, posts and other things (depending on the “WordPress SEO Meta Box: Hide” settings):

(1) - hmm, how can I put it briefly... For example, you have a request to Google: “Buy a Bathtub.” The whole article is about this. So the plugin will calculate how suitable this article is for “Buy a Bathtub”.

Since we started about Baths:

What you enter in (2) will appear in the search results in place (2).

What you quote from your given article in (3) will appear in the search results in place (3). This is true for Google, but not for Yandex.

Pay attention to “buy a bathtub” in both field (2) and field (3) - the request is present in both, highlighted in bold. Try to do the same.

Flaws WordPress SEO by Yoast

  • Lots of settings, easy to get confused, forget...
  • The plugin significantly loads the hosting processor. But he also does a lot of work.

Yoast SEO is a great plugin that helps you customize your website search engine promotion and correctly tailor articles to the desired search queries. Below you will find full video on setting up and using Yoast, and this will be a text version of the instructions.

So let's start setting it up. Eat quick option settings, I’ll tell you about it right away.

Achtung! All code described in this article must be added to your theme's functions.php file. But it's more convenient to use.

Quick Settings

I have prepared for you special file with settings. Just download and import it

Attention! Current version of Yoast SEO 7+. In this version, there have been dramatic changes to the interface. The settings information in this article is temporarily out of date

How to import? Very simple: go SEO → Tools → Import tab

Upload the downloaded file and that’s it. If the import is successful, a corresponding message will appear.

Now all that remains is to add your data in the Information and Social Networks section.

Setting up Yoast SEO

Now let's go in detail and in order. And first we have General Settings

General settings


Various messages will appear on the Console tab indicating problems that may occur. If everything is configured correctly, then usually there are no problems.

Are common

Settings Wizard allows you to configure Yoast in visual mode. That is, everything that is written in this article is only more beautiful.

Counter text links — special functionality of the Yoast plugin. Allows you to analyze internal links and correctly configure internal linking.

About the creators— the section allows you to view information about the developers of the Yoast plugin.

Restore default settings— reset all settings to original ones. Sometimes it is necessary.


This is where the settings begin. Not everything on this tab needs to be included.

Readability analysis and SEO optimization Usually they are turned on, but if you turn it off, these important tabs in the Yoast metabox will be cut off when editing an article.

And the whole point of using the Yoast SEO plugin will be lost.

Switch Additional settings disables all additional functionality of the plugin. IN previous versions This plugin was disabled by default and the settings were not shown.

Setting up Ryte— includes the ability to integrate into a special, imported service for monitoring the indexing of your site. It costs some crazy money and does not work with our search engines. You can and should turn it off. And you can also monitor it through Metrica.

Admin Panel Menu— duplication of various information in the top bar.

I usually turn this functionality off, but if it’s convenient for you, you can leave it on.

Key Content— special Yoast functionality. If the site has several articles on the same topic, it allows you to indicate the most important article. You can turn it off if you don't intend to use it.

Text link counter. I already mentioned this above, if you’re not going to use it, turn it off.

Information about you

On this tab, it is advisable to indicate what you need. This information necessary for correct formation basic For me it looks like this

For a commercial site you need to do this

These settings help generate the desired snippet in search results. For example, this site looks something like this

Webmaster Tools

This tab is intended for conveniently adding a site to the webmaster accounts of various search engines. Receive the data and add it to the required fields. The video above explains this in detail.


WITH general settings finished. Watch the video for details starting at 2:22.

Headings and metadata


Variables hidden under the button are used to customize header templates

Variables - special designation for the required data. Yoast will substitute the required data if the required variable is specified in the appropriate fields.

Full list of variables from the Yoast plugin

Note! Some variables only work on certain pages.

%%date%% - Post/page date %%title%% - Post/page title %%parent_title%% - Parent page title %%sitename%% - Site name %%sitedesc%% - Site slogan or description %%excerpt %% - Post/page quote (if absent, generated automatically) %%excerpt_only%% - Post/page quote (without automatic generation) %%tag%% - Current tag/tags %%category%% - Post categories (separated by commas) %%primary_category%% - Main category of the post/page %%category_description%% - Description of the category %%tag_description%% - Description of the tag %%term_description%% - Description of the term %%term_title%% - Title of the term %%searchphrase%% - Current search phrase %%sep%% - Separator defined in your theme wp_title() tag. %%pt_single%% - Replaced single label message type %%pt_plural%% - Plural record type %%modified%% - Record/page change time %%id%% - Record/page ID %%cf_%% - Value custom field from record %%ct_%% - Value of custom taxonomies from record (separated by commas) %%ct_desc_%% - Description of custom taxonomy

Not all variables are shown, only the most popular ones.

Are common

Fun tab. Here you can specify a word separator in the snippet. Sometimes this is a very necessary thing.

A separator is an html icon that can appear in a snippet and looks like this

The separator is also visible in the browser tab

IN starting position There are not many types of separators, but if necessary, you can add your own.

To add your icons, add this code to your functions.php file

/** * Adding new Yoast SEO separators */ add_filter("wpseo_separator_options", "add_sep"); function add_sep($separators) ( $separators_new = [ "sc-flore" => "✿", "sc-air" => "✈", "sc-drive" => "✇", "sc-skull" = > "☠", "sc-anchor" => "⚓", "sc-circle-star" => "✯", "sc-gier" => "⚙", ]; $separators = array_merge($separators, $separators_new); return $separators;

HTML symbols can be found on any relevant website. For example here. And a snippet with such a funny separator will look like this

Home page

There are two options for customizing headers for your home page.

The static home page is configured on the page itself via the Yoast metabox.

And the regular main one is configured through this tab.

Post types

Setting up header templates is usually done individually for each site. But there is some general option


For regular records, only the title is usually left


For regular pages I already use a separator, I like it better. But you can leave only the title.

Media files

Or attachments (attachments), that is, all those files that are downloaded through the Multimedia Library. WordPress creates a separate page for each attachment. When indexed, these pages create duplicates in the search, because this type records should be closed from indexing and there is no point in customizing headers.

If you just have a blog, then there is nothing else to configure in this tab. But if WooCommerce is used, then there will be additional types.


Products are custom type recordings and setting headers is most often done individually. Standard option looks something like this

Custom Post Type Archives


This tab allows you to configure header templates for categories, tags, and other taxonomies.

For taxonomies everything is the same:

  • we remove the word “Archive” in the headings, you can remove the separator and the name of the site (although I usually don’t remove it);
  • disable indexing of unnecessary taxonomies, such as tags (individually for each site).


Depending on the structure of the site, it makes sense to disable tag indexing. Tags are included on this site.

Recording formats

Formats are like a “horse in a vacuum”. They exist, but no one uses them. Depending on the topic, they may not exist at all. If there are, then it’s easier to just turn them off.

Setting up Yoast. Setting Taxonomy Headings (Post Formats)
Product tags

Individually for each store and catalogue. If necessary, disable indexing

Product categories

The same as for product tags.

Product delivery classes

This taxonomy must be closed from indexing. This is an internal functionality of WooCommerce.


We leave special pages as is, as a rule, this is enough.


Attention! Yoast SEO plugin has been updated to version 6.3. Now this tab does not exist and will not exist. So, the information is not relevant, but I’ll leave it so you know what happened

For archive subpages (pagination pages), we disable indexing.

You can also enable adding keywords to keywords meta tag. Although today it is meaningless.

Social media

Section intended for configuration correct display website on social networks



Turn on Open markup Graph and specify the default image (it is better to take the image size at least 1200x900).


Here we indicate the possibility of sharing with large pictures


Pinterest somehow didn't work Russian Internet, but it wouldn’t be superfluous to set it up


if you have personal page, then you can indicate it here. There is nothing wrong.

Possible problems

I met two of them

  1. The wrong picture is picked up. Solution: force the desired image via Yoast
  2. There is no picture at all. Solution: Check the image file name. It must be in Latin. Open Graph does not understand files in Cyrillic

XML sitemap

Now we need to tweak it a little.

Post types

Here we include only those types that are indexed. Compare with the Headings and Metadata section, if indexing in the post type is disabled there, then it is not needed in the map.

Excluded entries

In this tab you can specify which records should be excluded. Specify the record ID separated by commas.


The same as with types, turn off non-indexed types

Problems with xml map

Yandex does not understand image tags

Yandex does not understand the image tags in this map and displays this as an error: Unknown tag image:image

Images can be removed from the map.

Add to functions.php

/** * Removing images from the Yoast xml map */ add_filter("wpseo_xml_sitemap_img", "__return_false");

Now you should turn off the card and turn it on again. And don't forget to reset the cache if the caching plugin is running.

The map doesn't look right

Not like in the video and pictures. Most likely, the card is cached. Or the caching plugin is not working correctly.

  • Clear cache
  • disable the caching plugin,
  • create the map again,
  • now enable the caching plugin.

Should help...

Video on the topic

After a few updates the error will go away.

Additional settings

The first tab is bread crumbs, and we need to talk about them in detail

Bread crumbs

Breadcrumbs are an important navigation element, especially on commercial sites. It looks like a chain of links.

Yoast provides its own version of crumbs, very convenient and immediately with micro markup.

You can't just turn it on. You also need to display the function in the right place on the site

", "

"); endif; ?>

To display crumbs on all pages at once, the function can be added to the very bottom of the header.php file.

The crumb settings accept both HTML symbols and icons (see screenshot above).

If you are using a static master page and have separate page records, then a switch will appear Show blog page. Each site is different, but on this site this switch is turned off.

Video on the topic

Problems with Yoast breadcrumbs

Usually no problems arise, but many, on the advice of SEO specialists, turn off the last bit on the posts so that there is no duplication of the post title. To do this, we push into functions.php

/** * Removing the last crumb for posts */ add_filter("wpseo_breadcrumb_single_link", "remove_wpseo_breadcrumb_last"); function remove_wpseo_breadcrumb_last($link_output) ( if (false !== strpos($link_output, "breadcrumb_last")) ( $link_output = ""; ) return $link_output; )

Few people know, but Yoast has a cool functionality for replacing the last bit for each post

This way, you can not delete the last crumb, but rewrite it as necessary and even push a relevant query there.

Additional crumb settings

Don't forget to specify which taxonomies to display in the breadcrumbs. This is especially important when using Yoast crumbles instead of WooCommerce crumbs


Remove the /category/ prefix from the post URL and enable redirects from attachment pages

For more information about redirects from attachment pages, see the video above.

Reset permalinks

Be sure to remove?replytocom so as not to create duplicates in the comments, and leave the rest of the switches as they are.


You don't need to change anything in this section. Although if you need to fine-tune the RSS feed, you can tinker.


This section contains convenient tools

Group editor

Allows you to bulk change titles and descriptions for articles without going into each article. Convenient thing

Import and export

Important tab. Will be required to move from another plugin or quick addition settings. This section is described at the very beginning of the article.

To move from another plugin, select the one you need in the list and click the Import button

Video on topic

File editor

Allows you to edit robots.txt and .htaccess files from the admin panel.

Attention! Incorrect editing of the .htaccess file can lead to dire consequences. You don't need to change anything in this file if you don't know what you're doing. And make backups.

For those who are curious, I give an example of my robots.txt file.

User-agent: * Disallow: /cgi-bin Disallow: /wp-admin Disallow: /trackback Disallow: */trackback Disallow: */*/trackback Disallow: */*/feed/*/ Disallow: */feed User- agent: Yandex Disallow: /cgi-bin Disallow: /wp-admin Disallow: /wp-includes Disallow: /wp-content/plugins Disallow: /wp-content/cache Disallow: /wp-content/themes Disallow: /trackback Disallow : */trackback Disallow: */*/trackback Disallow: */*/feed/*/ Disallow: */feed Disallow: /tag Host: https://wpruse..xml

There is also a great one article about this file from my colleagues.

Search Console

This functionality allows you to track indexing errors in Google via the API. Convenient item, I recommend using it.

How the Yoast plugin works

Since Google has long said that keywords are practically not used in article ranking, Yoast does not use them. But he uses the so-called focus words or focus phrases.

Based on these phrases, the text is analyzed in the editor for readability and the presence of obvious inconsistencies with the requirements of search engines and the relevance of the article to the focus word. And then advice is given to solve these problems.

Video on topic

One of the series on the “SEO preparation” course.

Problems with analytics

Firstly, Yoast does not understand Russian well and does not understand cases. For example, the focus word plugin settings will be analyzed in exactly this case, and if the text says settings, then Yoast will not understand and may produce errors

Secondly, when using premium themes and builders to design pages and posts, there will be problems with analytics. Yoast simply won't understand the wall of shortcodes that builders create.

Thirdly, most important. Never aim for green badges. In some topics this is simply not realistic, and sometimes it makes no sense. They turned out orange and good. Better write high-quality and useful articles.


How to remove and disable JSON-LD microdata from Yoast?

I don’t know why this is needed, but you can use a hook

/** * Disable Yoast microdata */ add_filter("wpseo_json_ld_output", "__return_empty_array");

What is the difference between Yoast and All In One Seo Pack?

The difference is in the approach and availability of functionality.

  • Yoast has analytics, All In One SEO Pack- No.
  • Yoast has an xml map, All In One Seo Pack does not.
  • Yoast has breadcrumbs, All In One Seo Pack does not.

Well, etc. You can compare for a long time; you need to select tools according to specific task. Use what is convenient and necessary for you.

Video on topic

What's special about the premium version of the Yoast plugin?

In the premium version:

  • It is possible to add up to 5 focus words in one article
  • There is a preview of the social network snippet
  • There is a redirect system

And everything is from the global

Video on topic


Something like that. All settings are analyzed in detail, problems are described. I think now you will be able to configure the Yoast plugin correctly and quickly. Once again, I’ll give you one last piece of advice.

Don't chase green badges, just write. Write good, high-quality and interesting articles, and the traffic will come.

Greetings friends, as you already understood from the title of the article, we will talk about Yoast Seo, a plugin that will help you optimize your website. I must immediately warn readers that installing, activating and then configuring the plugin according to the recommendations in the article will not bring your blog to the TOP of search engines. This requires not only yoast seo, but also a lot of additional manipulations both inside and outside the site.

IMPORTANT! The screenshots show the settings of the test site. This means that there is no point in lining them up exactly as shown in the pictures.

The plugin is updated frequently and, to the great happiness of users who are just starting to use this tool, they have added a special add-on to it that allows you to initial setup wordpress blog just a few wedges. The user only needs to check the boxes. Let's look at this version first, and then move on to already detailed analysis plugin.

Configuration wizard

After you have installed the plugin (download it from third party resources not at all necessary). Just go to “Plugins” – “Add new”. Paste into search key query“yoast seo” and it will be displayed immediately. Install and activate. Or alternatively, go follow this link and download it.

For the plugin to carry out initial setup, run the following actions: Go to “SEO” – “Dashboard” – “General” and click on the “Open Setup Wizard” button. The plugin will start automatically configuring its parameters.

The first thing you will see will be an invitation to subscribe to newsletters from the development team. Here you can subscribe as you wish, or not at your discretion.

Next stage – Environment:

There is nothing complicated here, most likely your first point will be.

At the next stage, the plugin will ask you about the type of site, select the desired item and proceed further:

In the next paragraph it will be necessary to provide an explanation:

In fact, there is nothing scary in it, no matter how weighty these words sound. The fact is that Google displays sites in search results differently. If you noticed, company websites have an additional area to the right of the search, which indicates their logo, address and contact information.

The next section is social profiles:

Your site will probably have or have links to social networks, but unfortunately, there are no Russian social networks on this list - such as VKontakte or Odnoklassniki. In principle, it will be enough for you to have addresses on Facebook and Twitter, but this is just my opinion. It all depends, of course, on the direction of your blog.

Post type visibility for search engines:

Here you need to note what search engines will see when they visit your site. You can leave it as is, or you can change it.

I would leave this point unchanged due to the security settings of your site, but this will be discussed below.

Google Search Console:

If you haven't set up this feature, skip it and move on. We'll look at it below.

Title settings:

Here you choose how the site will appear in search results. for example: Test site (name) – (separator) – site for testing plugins (description of your site).

The last stage is congratulating you on setting up the plugin and another offer to subscribe to the news :)

Now, let's look at everything in more detail and detail, in order to understand exactly how the Yoast Seo plugin works.

Information panel

On this tab, information will appear in front of the site user that warns about any problems on the site; in addition, notifications from developers will appear on it from time to time, for example, about plugin updates or about certain actions that would improved the quality of the information received.

Are common

This tab contains settings that help start the system automatic settings, which was mentioned above. It also contains information about the plugin developers and the ability to reset the plugin settings if necessary.


In this section, we need to take a closer look at the yoast seo plugin, as it contains a number of quite important points that are worth paying attention to.

In this section I would leave all features enabled for a number of reasons, the main one being that the developers have made several hidden functions in the plugin, which work by default.

Let's say you have an online store on Wordpress or you just sell some goods or services using a plugin WooCommerce . IN in this case the product on the site may be in different categories, such as: brands, products various colors, sizes, etc. Therefore, the canonical tag is added to all sections so as not to create duplicates that would have to be indexed search robot Google (remember that this is primarily a foreign plugin, which is customized by developers for search engines) Google system), that is, everything on the WordPress site has this tag (of course, when the plugin is enabled).

But! At the same time, you can make some changes; this function is hardly applicable in the Russian segment of the Internet, but rather in the foreign one. We still need to talk about it. The point is that when you create any post or page, you have the opportunity to set a canonical url (link). For example, a blogger found your article on the Internet and decided to post it on his website. By posting it, he puts a link to your article, as a result in the search engine Google results information from his site will be displayed, but the link will point to you. How to apply this in Russian realities, I think, is not difficult to guess.

Another one hidden feature is that Google is “asking” that the site’s search pages not be indexed. If they are indexed, then this will be additional noise that the search engine does not need.

About the site

Here you have the opportunity to choose between an individual and a company.

The difference is that if you choose a company, you can upload its logo, which will also be displayed in search results and this data, by the way, is combined with the settings of social networks.

Webmaster Tools

Here interesting point, which is as follows: if you have already registered your site in these systems, then you do not need to enter any data.

The registration process is not anything complicated, but I think that I will still compile instructions for registering and possibly using this service.

There is nothing complicated here. You need to do the following:

  1. Download HTML file to your computer.
  2. Upload it to root folder your site, usually called public_html (it contains the files of your site).
  3. Follow the link to make sure that the file download process was successful and it is displayed.
  4. Click on the VERIFY button – that is, confirmation.

When you click on Yandex.Webmaster you will be redirected to the page:

The scheme here is approximately the same.

Of course, before making these settings, you need to create accounts in both Yandex and Google.


In principle, both in the screenshot and in the plugin itself, everything is written out quite clearly. only one question arises: “Why this function if it is disabled?” It is needed because you may have a website with a huge amount categories and entries. It is unlikely that you will lead them all. In this case, when you trust your authors, you can enable it so they can make changes to the articles.

Headings and metadata wordpress seo by yoast

This section determines how your site will appear in search results. For companies, developers recommend indicating the name of the organization so that the user sees the name of the organization and has more confidence in this resource.

Are common

Choose the separator you like best, but try not to make it too complicated. For example, I chose a vertical line for myself.

I would also recommend disabling forced rewriting of headers, so that you can form them as you see fit.

Let's move on to some of the most important points of the plugin:

Home page

As you can see, in the Name Template line there are some strange squiggles - these are variables. Their task is to display your site in search results ( Home page) as you need. there are quite a few variables a large number of. You can get acquainted with them on a special tab.

Click on the purple link “Support Center”, there you will see 2 sections: “Main Variables” and “Additional Variables”, you can insert them as you like. Experiment with them, but remember exactly which variables you insert, such information will be displayed.

There is one more point here, which is that if there is only one page on the site, like Home, then you can enter a description. If it is missing and the site is a blog in pure form, then it is not necessary to enter data.

Post types

It is recommended to use more variables in post posts. If the site sells some goods or services, you can use a variable, as a result of which (if there is a custom field) the price of the product or service will appear directly in the header. Don't remove the variable for the page and use a delimiter variable rather than a hyphen or anything else. If you put a hyphen, it will not be possible to put another variable in the form of a vertical separator. It is better not to delete the site name, because Google will return it back by changing the page title in the results.




Social networks yoast seo

I don’t know how much it makes sense to dwell in detail on this section. Perhaps it makes sense to highlight it in a separate article in order to clearly show how to configure these parameters. In fact, you have already configured them if you ran the Configuration wizard for the first time:

What would you like to pay attention to? social media you did not connect to yoast seo, in any case it will receive metadata from Facebook:

XML Sitemap – Yoast SEO

A very important section of the plugin settings. You may have third-party plugins installed to create a sitemap, but I would recommend disabling them and using these settings, as they provide a number of options.

Are common

A special feature of creating a sitemap from this plugin is that it generates separate maps for pages, posts, and tags. Why, exactly, do you need a site map? In order6 to transmit data about changes that occur on your resource when you, for example, publish new entry or add another page to the WordPress site.

Please remember one very important thing - the Sitemap does not in any way affect the site's ranking in search engines. At all. Its function is to inform search engines about changes on the site and nothing more, as I said above.

Look at this item: Here you will find XML Sitemap: XML Sitemap – this is exactly what you need, this is the data you should provide to search engines. If you click on it, a link will open in which all your cards are located. There may be a map by author, by post, by page or by tag. The plugin recommends making no more than 1000 lines per map so as not to overload your server.

Sitemap with list of users

Post types

Here you, in fact, decide for yourself what data will be in the site map. You can include all 3 points.

Excluded messages

You can exclude certain posts from the site. For example, you wrote something out of passion and don’t want this information to be available in the site map. The plugin prompts you to enter a post ID, but doesn't tell you where to get it. There is nothing complicated here. When you create a post on the site, it has standard view; refresh the entry, you will see its path in the browser line: &action=edit

You should be interested in the number that is highlighted in red; this is the ID of your entry. Paste it into the exclusion row and click the save button.


Here, mark the ones you want and save.

Before moving on to the next section of the plugin, it’s worth saying a few more words about the sitemap. In the “Search Console” section there is a “Settings” section. It contains a link to Google Search Console. More precisely, authentication from her. Be sure to check your site through this link. And remember that in Google Searsh you only need to add a map with the word index in the title, the rest are not needed. As a result, your link should look like this: You can get a ready-made link in the section – XML sitemap – Yoast SEO – subsection “General”.

Additional – Yoast SEO

Bread crumbs

The next section, I would not call it very important. Rather, it had its meaning several years ago, when the number of templates was not very high. Now the developers wordpress themes they include “breadcrumbs” in almost all of their templates. What it looks like: “Home” – Section “InfoBusiness” – article “ How to monetize a website on WordPress?

In my template, breadcrumbs exist by default, but yours may not, so if you enable them, you can leave everything as is in the plugin.


My advice to you is to leave everything as it is in this picture. I think that soon this section will simply go away from the plugin and it will be hidden opportunity, I wrote about a number of them at the beginning of the article.


Honestly, I don’t know who still uses them, if there is, for example, .

Tools – Yoast SEO

This section contains functions that may be very useful to you:

Group editor

You may need to rewrite the titles and descriptions of your entries. Open this section and make the necessary changes.

Import and export

On some other site you had SEO settings and you wanted to import them to your site, select the file on your computer and click the button Import settings.

Here, too, everything is clear in principle. If you need to export settings.

The plugin developers believe that there is nothing inherently better than their yoast seo plugin, but they still offer to import from 4 options of other plugins :)

Search Console – Yoast SEO

Desktop computer

In this section, you will see all the pages that have one or another error according to what Google Search Console found on your site. This is where it comes into play. Paid version Yoast SEO plugin. The point is that you can redirect broken links and give them a different path:

  • 451 – means that the page was deleted for legal reasons;
  • 301 – redirection from one page to another;
  • 302 or 307 – if you expect that the page will change direction from one page to another, use this option;
  • 410 – the page will be quickly removed from Google.

After you have paid for the Pro version of the plugin (you can find prices on their website) or by going to last tab: “Go to premium”, you can make changes; Don’t forget to click on the “Mark as corrected” button.

Now let's move on to the final part yoast setup, in it we will talk about how to customize a post so that it is attractive to search engines. To do this, we will create an entry on the website.

Under visual editor A special field has appeared that will need to be configured. It has 2 horizontal ones: readability and enter the section keyword. I should also note that in Pro versions plugin you can enter multiple keywords.

Readability – it is advisable that this item be marked with a green light; from the plugin’s point of view, this means that the article is easy to read for the end user.

Keyword - This is where you enter search query. For example, instructions for creating Landing Page.

After you click on the keyword tab, you will see a tab with the following content:

Enter your keyword in the space provided. Look at “Analysis”, the more green lights you have, the better your article is optimized from the point of view of the yoast seo plugin.

The next step is to change the snipnet (this is a thing with a description that will be displayed along with a link to your site in Google search results - remember that the plugin is primarily designed for this search engine ).

Here you can:

  • change the title of the article to be more attractive to users;
  • change the shortcut (link to your article in the browser, the shorter it is, the better);
  • add a meta description (displayed in search results), I recommend using the keyword in the meta description 2 times.

Frankly, I don't use it. It may be of interest to companies that would insert a specific image into it, for example, their logo.


Actually, additional settings. You can change them, you can not change them. Everything here is at your discretion.

This is where I would like to finish the article about the Yoast Seo plugin. I hope you liked the article.