How to set up a Yandex mailbox. Setting up Yandex mail for OS Android

Active Internet users know that it is simply impossible to do without mail. At the same time, every year Yandex Mail becomes more and more popular and reaches the same level as and Gmail. The number of people who want to use this service on their smartphone is growing, so they are increasingly looking for an answer to the question of how to set up Yandex mail on Android. In order to start using Yandex service mail, you need to configure it using protocols POP3 and IMAP, or install the original program.

An example of how to set up Yandex mail on an Android phone

This method is suitable for any phone (or tablet, we’re just taking a smartphone as an example), of any brand: Samsung, Xiaomi, HTC or Meizu, because it is the simplest and most accessible.

Installation requires several steps:

  1. Open ;
  2. In the program search, enter the phrase “Yandex Mail”;
  3. Select the desired application from the list (below you can click on the active window with a direct link to Google Play);
  4. Click on the button " install«.

Standard Yandex Mail application

After installing the application, a characteristic shortcut will appear on the smartphone screen that allows you to enter the program. After you click on the icon, the mail will prompt you to enter existing login information, or register new ones. Choose the ones that suit you. When you log into your mail, you will see a list consisting of the Inbox, Outbox, Drafts, and Spam folders.

Yandex Mail Beta

This application is also official, but it has many new features. If you install it, with your help, developers will be able to improve the functionality of the standard application and add innovations more and more often.

Best email client 2018 - myMail

Recently, an application such as myMail, is gaining more and more leading positions in ratings and the favor of users. The main advantage is ease of use and support for almost all mail servers: Gmail,, Outlook and, of course, Yandex Mail.

In this case, most often there is no need to enter protocols; you can do without deep manual configuration. All you need to do is enter your login and password into the fields and immediately gain access to all the advanced functionality.

myMail has very useful options: the ability to group letters, find them using attached filters, and set the time of sending and receiving. There are push notifications, which is very convenient. The advantages also include a clear interface and beautiful design. User avatars are visible, as are mail server icons, so emails can be found almost instantly. Don't forget that messages are also grouped into chains. Therefore, not only individual fragments can be deleted, but also the entire dialogue at once.

The application can be easily downloaded from Google Play and installed in the standard way.

Manual mail setup using POP3 and IPAM protocols

POP3 and IMAP interface will help you access multiple mailboxes at the same time. But setting up each such protocol has a number of subtleties, more on that below.

So, POP3 allows you to receive only copies of email messages on your device. You can edit them in the device itself. But in the original mailbox, they will be completely unchanged. And here is the protocol IMAP allows you to edit letters without leaving your smartphone.

To get started, to install Yandex Mail using this method, download one of the applications below.

An excellent program that does not have any abstruse settings, tested by time and more than 5 million people. The application is only in English, but the language will not interfere with comfortable use, everything is done intuitively.

« Yandex » has recently become so popular, especially among users from Russia, that questions related to it are increasingly appearing on the Internet. Some people can’t download the browser, others can’t register an account, and there are also those who have problems setting up mail on Android. "Yandex » in this case - just a godsend. It allows you to quickly configure, register and install everything.

About company

But first, let’s take a brief look at the Yandex company itself. It was founded in 2000. Has transnational status. In addition to the search engine, it owns Internet portals and services in a couple of other countries. The most developed are considered to be in Russia, Belarus, Turkey and Kazakhstan. Until May 2017, it was also popular in Ukraine.

The search engine is also not lagging behind. It is noticeably inferior to Google, but still remains fourth worldwide in terms of user activity.

In addition to search, Yandex has a lot of services and add-ons. The following remain popular: “Market”, “Traffic”, “Maps”. The largest services are: “Mail”, “Money” and “News”. How does Yandex. register? Mail", the use of this service, and what configuration errors look like, we will consider further.


This service is absolutely free. It was launched together with the company back in 2000. It quickly deals with spam on its own and can scan messages through the Dr.Web anti-virus filter. Translation of foreign letters is available in the system.

According to the company's estimates, 130 million letters pass through the service per day. 27 million people use email every month. At the moment, the user sees the seventh version of the interface. There is also a smartphone app that can help users stay connected. We'll talk about it a little later.

The service interface is nice and customizable. Everyone can choose from a dozen different themes and color schemes.


It is best if the registration is Yandex. Mail" will be held on PC. This is much more convenient, and there is no fear that you will make mistakes when entering data, since you are using a large display. To register for this service you need:

  1. Go to the Yandex website.
  2. In the upper right corner you will notice a small window where those who have already created a mailbox usually enter their username and password.
  3. Above the text fields for entering personal data there will be a “Create a mailbox” button. Click on it and a new window will open. You can also use a direct link to the service, or registration through social networks.

So, before you start setting up Yandex. Mail" on Android, you need to create an account:

  • After clicking on the “create a mailbox” button, a small questionnaire will appear in front of you where you need to enter personal data. Here you enter your first and last name and password. For security, write down your mobile number. This way you can easily recover forgotten data.
  • You will also have the opportunity to answer a security question. If you suddenly forgot your password or login, or your email was blocked for security reasons, you will need to answer it. You select a security question from the list. This could be the name of a pet, the name of the first teacher, the mother's maiden name, etc.

  • After all the data has been entered, you will confirm that you are not a bot and enter the characters indicated on the captcha.

Now you can start using your email account.


To set up Yandex. Mail" on Android was a little simpler, it’s better to customize the mailbox for yourself right away. The system will prompt you to set a set of labels for letters. You can add special notes for business messages, friendly messages, etc. Add a name and color to these labels.

Next you will be asked to add personal data. Here you can indicate your full name, signature at the end of the letter and an avatar. Then select a design theme. This can always be done in your account settings. Usually, the fifth step is to add a mobile phone for those who did not do this during registration.


To make the mailbox work on your smartphone, you can search for the Yandex. Mail". An Android smartphone has a Play Market, which now has all kinds of applications for the phone. Just enter the required software into the search and you will definitely find something similar.

This store also has the official Yandex.Mail application. It will be quite simple to install. All you have to do is enter the username and password that you have already registered and use the software. At the moment, this is the most convenient and easiest way to use this particular service.

Built-in software

If for some reason you do not want or cannot use the Play Market, you can turn to built-in programs. It’s worth noting right away that not all smartphones have built-in email software. But if you find such an application, you can try the Yandex. Mail" on Android:

  • Let's go into this software. You will be offered two configuration protocols. POP3 will send emails to your smartphone, but they will only be copies. You will only be able to view them, and edits will only appear on your phone. IMAP is a useful protocol that will make it possible not only to view, but also to edit messages directly from the device.
  • Therefore, it is better to click on IMAP.
  • Enter your username and password above.
  • Since we are setting up Yandex. Mail", then enter in the server line. Often this data is already here.
  • Next, you need to select the security type SSL/TLS, after which the value in the port line will change from 143 to 993.
  • Then click “Next”. And in the new window we change the security again to SSL/TLS, after which the port from 587 will become 465.

That's it, consider the setup complete.

If for some reason your Android device does not receive notifications from Yandex. Mail", go to the program settings. Most likely, you have one of the modes installed there that blocks notifications. Also check the application itself in your device's settings. You may have notifications disabled for all software. This is usually done to save battery power.

Mail clients

And finally, if Yandex does not work on your Android smartphone. Mail", try using email clients. There are more than a dozen of them in the Play Market. There are high-quality and easy-to-use applications. They are usually installed if you need to collect letters from several addresses at once. Popular ones include myMail, OMail, ProfiMail Go and AquaMail.

Do you use the Yandex mail service and have purchased an Android smartphone? Then you will definitely enjoy having access to mail from your device. For this, various email programs are used, both original and third-party. Setting up Yandex mail on Android is simple and does not cause any difficulties for owners of smartphones and tablets. Let's see which programs you can use to access your mailbox.

Yandex Mail via browser

The easiest way to access your mail is to use a browser and open the Yandex mail interface. Next, enter the login and password for your mailbox, click on the login button and find yourself in a pleasant and convenient web interface. But on the screen of a mobile device it may not be so convenient.

Here are the disadvantages of this method of organizing access to mail:

Nevertheless, many users continue to use the web interface without knowing that other tools are available. Therefore, we decided to talk about them in our review.

Yandex.Mail application

Yandex provides its users not only with an email service, but also with convenient tools for working with mailboxes. Such a tool is the Yandex.Mail application, located in the Play Market. Setting up Yandex mail on Android comes down to installing this application and its initial configuration.

After installing and launching the application, fields for entering your login and password will appear on the screen. We enter the data, wait for the connection to the servers, click on the “Go to Mail” button and go to the main interface of the program. Here you can see outgoing and incoming letters, a folder with drafts, a folder with spam, and also a folder with deleted letters. Sorting elements are available - this is the display of important emails, unread emails and emails with attachments.

To protect letters from access by unauthorized people, PIN code protection is provided– it is configured in the application settings. Sound notifications can also be configured here (it is possible to set an alert schedule). There is another important item in the settings - adding another mailbox, which is very convenient.

The application works online, without downloading letters and their subsequent synchronization. Thanks to this, users can work with mail from several devices - for example, having started writing a letter on a computer, you can continue writing on a smartphone or tablet by going to the drafts folder. Notifications about new emails in the application are carried out in real time.

Third Party Applications

In order to set up Yandex mail on Android, you can use more universal solutions. Such a solution is the Mail application. It allows you to work with mailboxes from many other mail services. These included the Yandex mail service. Accounts are added both when you first start the application and in the future. There is no need to make any additional settings - just enter your login and password, and the program will do the rest itself.

A nice addition will be the presence of online checking of new letters, as is implemented in the “native” mail application from the Yandex company.

The Play Market store offers many other applications for working with Yandex mail. But in this case, you will have to enter manual settings into them - the addresses of POP3, SMTP and IMAP servers are indicated here, the necessary ports are set, logins and passwords are registered. For an untrained user, this may seem complicated, so we recommend that you use the applications described above - they have excellent functionality and user-friendly interfaces.

The importance of an established email message in the field of Internet communication cannot be disputed, so setting up Yandex mail on Android will be the topic of our conversation. You can follow one of the following paths:

  1. Achieve convenient handling and correction of writing using standard mobile device applications.
  2. Download and install a program that will help you manage piles of correspondence on your smartphone.

In order for you to choose the method that is most convenient for you, we will consider each of them in more detail.

How to set up Yandex mail on Android using built-in programs

Not all Android-based devices include native software for operations with mail servers. However, if you are the happy owner of such a phone with an application built into the standard shell, then you will not need any additional programs to set up Yandex mail on Android. First, choose which protocol is best for your needs:

  • POP3. With it, a copy of the letter will be sent to your phone, and any editing of the correspondence will be reflected only in the phone, and not in the real mailbox.
  • IMAP. Aerobatics for mail servers, not all of them work with this protocol, but serious Yandex supports it. IMAP allows you to edit your email directly from your phone.

If you chose POP3 to set up Yandex mail on Android, proceed as follows:

  1. Go to the Mail application, select the protocol (POP3).
  2. In the window that appears, enter your login and password, the POP3 server will display the line POP.YANDEX.RU, if not, enter it manually, select port 110, security type - none, delete messages - never. Click “Next”.
  3. The mailbox will open, you can already use it.

If you chose IMAP:

  1. In the Mail application, select the IMAP protocol.
  2. In the window, fill in the fields: SMTP server – SMTP.YANDEX.RU, port – 587, require account login – check the box, enter your login and password, click “Next”.
  3. Now you can use your mail with editing capabilities.

Setting up Yandex mail on Android: Video

Setting up Yandex mail using additional programs

As soon as you figure out that the developers did not embed an email program into your mobile device in advance, you can start looking for one of the following useful software that will help you set up Yandex mail on Android.

  • K-9 Mail.

You can download a program with carrier pigeon functions from the link, it is quite convenient, and also completely free. With providers who were tested for joint work, the application behaved friendly and did not enter into conflict. A simple design without bells and whistles, but it performs the basic functions of the mailer perfectly.

  • Profi Mail.

You can download the application from the link. There are both paid and free trial versions. Initially, the program was written for Windows Mobile devices, and only then was finalized for Android, as a result - the interface of the old Windows. However, if this fact does not bother you, then you can install Profi Mail on Android, especially since this is the only version of email software that normally scales messages with hypertext markup.

  • Mail. Droid.

How to set up Yandex mail on Android according to the latest fashion? You will find a program that matches this request at

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    When Abu - Assad's film was accused of being fraudulent he responded by saying his film is both a documentary and a fiction. Andre Bazin, film theorist, was a huge fan of neo-realism and Rossellini in particular. According to Bazin, it emboldens the Christian message. This was originally a short film called Peluca. Jakes after his film Woman Thou Art Loosed, drew theater goers through grass - roots marketing in black churches Okay, now we have a product that needs some editing but the big question. is how in the world do we get this film in the theater? The Idiots not only subverts big budget Hollywood filmmaking, but it also calls into question documentary filmmaking I would like to posit editing a short version of the film and using the rest of. your budget on one or all three of these options: book formats, networking or film festivals. Making a short film and submitting them to film festivals is one good way to get distribution and funding for a full - length version.| Year of the Cat by Al Stewart, Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent, The Lovecats by The Cure or in Cool for Cats by Squeeze. U2 recorded a song titled An Cat Dubh, which apparently means The Black Cat in Gaelic, no cat in the song though, black or otherwise. Cats, the musical by Andrew Lloyd Webber, was first shown in London, England in 1981. Based upon T. S. Eliot's Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats the show features song after song about . They Call Her the Cat, by Elton John is about, well it"s not about cats! No doubt there are more songs that are about cats than those listed on this page, but those songs sadly seem few and far between. An absolute freshness both in terms of style and idea are found in her modern paintings. Lodha Palava Area will be wisely found at Dombivali near Shil Phata Path that includes an exceptionally calm as well as calm environment near to keeping a tally of features' treasures. with the help of GSA Content Generator DEMO.

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