Google mail collector. How to add a mailbox to Yandex? Mail to SMS

Switching from one tab with Gmail to another with Yandex.Mail is quite tedious. And if you have ten accounts With different mail providers, checking new correspondence in the morning turns into torture. By combining letters in one place, you will get rid of this inconvenience.

Web interface

Most providers Email provide a built-in function for collecting letters from several mailboxes. For example, let's try to collect letters from all your mailboxes in one Gmail account.

First of all, make sure that the postal service from where you want to pick up letters has access to POP protocol. Then go to Gmail settings and click "Settings" on the right top corner. Go to the “Accounts” tab and look for the “Receive mail from other accounts” section.

Add an account, enter your email address and click Next, then enter your password. To make mail exchange between providers more secure, make sure that the “Always use a secure connection (SSL) when receiving mail” option is enabled. Then click on “Add account”.

Now letters arriving at the added address will be automatically collected in the Inbox of your Gmail. You can add as many email addresses as you need.

Desktop clients

Email needs software. Yes, you can do a lot in the web mail client (sometimes much more than Google currently allows you to do in Gmail). But the web interface cannot be compared with native application. Even the most modern Web UI is a bottleneck in working with mail.

Rafe Needleman, С

Desktop email clients are good because they can aggregate emails from multiple accounts. At the same time, you can work with dozens of addresses and not even think about which provider stores this or that message.

Most desktop email clients have a built-in shared Inbox. Even if your favorite client only supports separate folders for incoming emails, you can still easily put them together using smart filters.

Although Outlook is designed for simultaneous control multiple mailboxes, it still displays a separate Inbox for each account. But this can be easily fixed using filters.

Open Outlook, go to the Folders tab and click New Search Folder on the toolbar. Then select "Create a custom search folder." Click Select, but do not select any search criteria, so that all new messages are sent to the folder. Name the folder anything you like, for example “All Mail”.

Click on “Browse”, select all the folders and mailboxes from which you want to collect mail, and check the “Search in subfolders” option.

Now the smart folder you created will contain emails from all the email accounts you added to Outlook. You can enable the “Show in Favorites” option so that your new mail is always visible.

Mail Mac client provides a single folder for incoming emails from all connected accounts. Just add your accounts, and all new letters will be collected in one place.

In Thunderbird, collecting all your emails in one inbox is easy. Go to the View menu (if the menu bar is not displayed, press Alt). Then select “Folders” → “Merged”. You will now have one Inbox for new emails, one Drafts folder, one Sent Items folder, and one Archive folder. You won't have to look for long to find out what's where. In this case, messages will, as before, be stored on the servers of your mail providers.

Mobile clients

Unified Inbox is available in many mobile email clients, including Gmail. Gmail app collects your inbox from all email accounts, including Yahoo, Outlook or other services.

If you don't like Google's app, you can try third-party email clients such as Outlook or MyMail.

Maybe you have your own ideas on how to group mail in one place? Share in the comments.

In Gmail, you can receive emails from multiple email accounts. Choose one of the options:

  • Import all messages(old and new). Use this method if you intend to continue receiving letters to another address (including Gmail address). There may be slight delays between the receipt of letters in another Mailbox and importing them into Gmail.
  • Receive only old messages. Suitable for those who have recently switched to Gmail.
  • Forward only new messages. Select this option if you want to instantly receive new messages from another mailbox.

How to import all emails

You can import all old and new emails from another account.

Note. Only emails can be transferred from another account. Folders and shortcuts cannot be imported.

Step 1: Change settings in your external account

Yahoo, Outlook or other service

Make sure your email service has POP access. Then change your settings in Gmail.

Another Gmail account

Step 2: Change your Gmail settings

Error: "The server has denied POP3 access"

with these tips.

Other errors

If you encounter other errors, click Show error details and do the following:

  • If POP is disabled, enable it in the settings of the account from which you are importing letters.
  • If POP is not available Most likely, your email service does not support access via this protocol. In this case, you can import old messages and enable automatic forwarding of new messages.

If you're having trouble with Mail Fetcher, try these tips.

If you only need to retrieve old messages

If you recently switched to Gmail, move old emails from the mailbox you used before.

We will forward emails from your old account to yours new address Gmail for 30 days so you can gradually notify your contacts of the address change.

This article will talk about what “mail from other mailboxes” and “collecting letters from other accounts” are. Email service reviews and comparisons.

As we update the functionality of email services, we will publish news at the end of this article. mail service, search engines Yandex and Google already for several years they have been offering very useful and necessary functionality that allows you to combine all the rest in one mail email accounts. In other words, you just need to add and configure all your “mails” once, and it will be possible to manage them in one window without constantly entering your login and password.

Mail services offer us a huge storage space for all incoming letters, user-friendly interface, good functionality on management and much more. To test the capabilities of the listed email services, we will highlight three parameters to evaluate their performance: 1) it is necessary to manage various e-mail accounts, including various services and websites, through one email client; 2) have a personal signature and name for each mail; 3) delete letters from the servers of those mail accounts that were added to mail, yandex or google mail.

Our task looks like this:

So let's get started. The first to test is the service from, which tells us: “You can collect mail from all your mailboxes into one mailbox on

Set up the collection of letters from any server running on IMAP protocol or POP3". To add external mail other than @mail, @inbox, @list, @bk, you need to have at least one mail that already exists on the listed servers from mail. In other words, register your mail first, and then add other mail accounts. The process of registering for mail is simple, there is no point in describing it, but adding other e-mails to this mail account we'll describe it.

Next, you will be asked to enter the login and password for any mailbox you use, and within 3-5 minutes, the “Mail Collector from mail” will create a folder with the name of the added mail next to the “inbox”, “sent”, “spam” and other.

In fact, the letter collector will work within 10-15 minutes and will add all letters to the newly created folder from the mailbox you specified. All incoming letters for the new e-mail will be sent to this folder, and it will also be possible to send letters from the attached mailbox. When creating a new letter, the “From” field will appear, in which you can select from which mailbox the letter will be sent.

The advantages of the mail service include the ease of adding and ease of setting up other mailboxes, and the absence of the need to specify different protocols (POP3, SMTP). This is very important because not every user knows what it is.

The disadvantages of are that assigning a name and signature for each newly added mail (any new email, except the main one) is not possible, that is, each address will have a name and signature main mail and that's all. Another big disadvantage is that when downloading letters to mail there is no option automatic deletion original letters from the attached mailbox server. Why is it so important to delete emails from the server of an added mailbox? This will avoid filling out the attached mail, because... external email accounts tend to be too small size for storing letters. For example, if the mail space in your external account is full, will not display any new messages until you enter the external mail interface and delete messages directly from there to free up space. In addition, we link mail to Mail in the hope of getting a lot of storage space for our mail, which may be limited by hosting resources. Thus, despite the fact that offers almost unlimited mailbox capacity, when adding mail from another domain zone(For example, [email protected]), your resources for the added e-mail will not increase in, but will continue to be limited by hosting resources (in our case, resources).

The ability to add another mail to the Mail service did not satisfy our task on two points out of three, with a total of one point.

True, has another way to add external mail, or more precisely, connect or log in to external mail. It looks like this:

This method is not suitable for our task, because This is not a mail collector, but a user mode that connects to mail and downloads it every time mail interface all folders and letters. But here it is possible to add a personal signature and name for each mail, it is possible to send letters from the configured mail. Deleting emails from loaded mailboxes does not work because... This is not a mail collector.

Important! Some users mistakenly think that if letters are displayed in mail, then the mail from which the download occurred can be cleared. Let us note once again that works as a mail viewer, and if you clear your mail, it will be deleted both in the main mailbox and in mail.

The second test subject is Yandex with his letter collector. The tasks are similar: collect mail, assign a signature and name to each mail, and also delete all mail from the added mailbox.

The Yandex mail collector is configured according to a similar scheme, but if the mail connection occurs from some site, for example, then you will need to register additional settings, see screenshot.

The Mail service did this work for us, but Yandex offers manual mode set all settings from third party mail. There is nothing complicated here: in the login field, enter the full name of the mail ( [email protected]), in the server field we enter only the domain (, it is better to leave all other settings as default, or change them if you know what you are doing. After successfully adding mail, the following message will appear:

Unlike the Mail collector, Yandex offers you to choose whether to save the original letters in the added mailbox or not. In all other respects, the letter collector from Yandex works in a similar way to; you can select the mailbox from which to send the letter. But Yandex has the same problem with signing letters: it is not possible to set an individual name and signature for each added mailbox.

Judging by the navigation, it is possible to add an individual signature for each mailbox, but in reality it does not work. Select your email, enter your name and signature, and click save. That's it, the signature is saved and works, but it is also saved for all other mailboxes, that is, by assigning a name and signature to one mailbox, you automatically change these parameters in all mail combined in Yandex. Even if you select any other box, the signature will now be the same everywhere.

In total, Yandex has successfully coped with the collection and sorting of mail, it can delete original letters from the added mailbox, but it cannot work with signatures! The Yandex email collector failed to cope with our task and scores two points out of three.

I would like to note that, having “digged” into all three services for assembling letters, it seems that Mail “cobbled up” its functionality on a quick fix. Although it will satisfy most users, to be honest, Mail made a mail collector for show, to show off in the competitive race. Everything works well and without failures, but the collector from Mail could not cope with our task. The mail interface has several advertising blocks, but they do not interfere with working with letters.

As for Yandex, which created a mail collector a long time ago, it seems that they are not supporting this particular industry, because fixing such simple functionality (the ability to add multiple signatures for mailboxes) should not be difficult for such a powerful search engine. However, Yandex now has another unique functionality that allows you to link domains to their dns servers, and subsequently create and configure mail. But such operations and settings require knowledge and time. And although there is nothing complicated there, in any case, it is not for most RuNet users. Great advantage— no advertising in the Yandex mail interface! Minus— limit in the letter collector to 10 mailboxes.

The finalist and winner is the email collector from Google, which coped with our task with a bang, despite 5 box limit

Today these are perhaps the most popular postal services. And when considering this or that resource, we casually agreed that each mailbox can be connected to a different email address from a different service.

After all, going to every mailbox and checking mail is not always convenient. Therefore, for convenience, the ability to add a mailbox to an existing address was created. Then all mail will be collected in one place, in one mailbox. Today we will learn how to organize the collection of mail from other mailboxes.

Let's start with Mail ru

How to add a mailbox to Mail ru

The mail ru mail service provides the ability to add a third-party mailbox to your main one.

To add another mailbox, go to your main mailbox mail account ru and click on your address at the top right

And click on the button “ to add a mail box».

After entering the data, click " To come in».

As a result of our actions, a folder appeared with our first and last name, and letters from Yandex mail will be delivered there. And you will no longer need to go to your Yandex mailbox to check new mail.

Now we’ll do something similar in Yandex mail.

How to add a mailbox to Yandex?

To add a mailbox from another mail service in the Yandex system, also log into your Yandex mail account

And click on the gear icon and select “ Collecting mail from other mailboxes».

Go to Settings " Mail collection" Now we will add a mailbox from mail ru. Enter our email, password for it and click “ Enable Collector»

At the next stage, you can specify a label for letters from Mail. All letters from mail service will be sent to your inbox. Let old emails be marked as read. Next, enter the password again and click “ Save changes».

That's it, we have connected an additional mailbox to Yandex mail. If in the future you no longer want to receive emails from your connected mailbox, you can disable it at any time.

You can add other boxes in a similar way.

To switch between the main and added boxes, use the main menu, then select the box you need.

How to add a mailbox to Gmail?

Mail from Google also makes it possible to connect an additional 5 mailboxes.

And select the item ""

Go to the tab " Accounts and import" and click on the link " Add an email account»

In the new window, enter the address of the mailbox that we will add. Click " Further».

Then, one by one, specify the password for the mailbox to be added, then change the POP server to pop3.mail. ru. Check the box that ensures that copies of received emails are saved on the server. This will be your safety net in case something happens to Google account your emails will be saved on mail server ru. To make it easier to recognize which mailbox the letter came to, add a label to all incoming letters from mail ru

After that, click “ Add account».

On next page we don’t change anything like that, except you can set your own Username. Enter the password from mailbox and click " Add account».

After this, an email with a confirmation code will be sent to your added mailbox. You can confirm in two ways: follow the link in the letter or copy the code from the letter and paste it into the field. Click " Confirm».

Now the settings have changed. As you can see in the screenshot below, our added email address has appeared, which can be changed or deleted.

You can also set the default mailbox from mail ru to send letters by clicking on the corresponding link.

And now the letters from the mail ru mailbox have successfully arrived in the mailbox from Google. As you can see, all letters are marked with a label that we specified during the process of adding a mailbox.

And when creating a new letter, you can choose which mailbox you want to send the letter from.

You can also use to collect letters in one place special programs- mail clients. The most popular is " The Bat " But this program paid. Among the free ones - Mozilla Thunderbird . Read about that on our website.

Write in the comments if you use it mail clients or a letter collector, as we described today.

Let me finish here. Good luck and success to all of you!

We should strive not to ensure that everyone understands us, but to ensure that it is impossible not to understand us.

WebAsyst Mail allows you to view and respond to emails arriving at your postal addresses, located on various mail servers, for example:,,

We will call email addresses located on other servers external. For each external address in the Inbox folder, a separate branch. New mail is checked automatically every minute. When new messages arrive, the name of the mailbox in which the messages were received is highlighted in bold.

In fact, WebAsyst Mail does not retrieve messages from an external mail server, but only learns about their arrival and reads the headers. Of course, if you open an email by clicking on its header, WebAsyst Mail will also read the entire contents of the email. However, the letter itself will remain mail server, and will be accessible through the postal service's own web interface or from mail program, such as Outlook or The Bat!.

WebAsyst Mail allows you to perform all basic operations with messages received in external mailboxes:

  • viewing messages and attachments
  • Reply to the sender and forward the message to other addresses
  • deleting or moving to the WebAsyst Mail folder for permanent storage (with these operations the original message will be deleted from the mail server)

Why do you need to collect messages from other mail servers?

As a rule, each mail service provides its own web interface for working with mail. However, it is convenient to use the WebAsyst mail collector, for example, in the following cases:

  1. When you need to see all correspondence arriving at different email addresses in one place - on one web page.
  2. When you usually work in the office using an email program Outlook Express and went on a business trip without office computer. In this case, WebAsyst Mail will give you access to all your mailboxes from any computer connected to the Internet.
  3. When you need to provide access to letters arriving at different addresses to other employees without the need to forward these messages - WebAsyst Mail allows you to flexibly configure access rights for each folder.
  4. Finally, when your mail server simply does not have a web interface, or it is not easy to use.
  • Mail collector from your mailboxes on other mail systems