Backup folders and files. "Native" Windows backup program. Exact copies of files

The main idea of ​​programs for automatic copying is that all operations related to copying data and preventing their loss are performed automatically, without requiring the user’s attention.

Of course, creating backups manually is not difficult, but if you do it regularly, it becomes more annoying than all the daily household chores. And, since you do not see the results of your efforts immediately, be patient to create a backup of data without the corresponding automatic means lacks.

Handy Backup- a comprehensive tool for automatically copying data on computers running Windows. It makes it easy to produce automatic copy your system hard drive or even a small corporate network.

The program has compression and file encoding functions, and includes an integrated FTP client and an interface for online backup, and much more - and will serve both beginners and advanced users well.

Recommended solution for automatic data copying

Automatic Copy Technique

Typically, automatic copying consists of five steps:

  1. Retrieving valuable data from your hard drive
  2. Compare selected data with existing copies and identify new and changed files
  3. Compressing files to reduce the required size free space on disk and network time - for example, when backing up to an FTP server.
  4. Copy files to the desired storage medium or server
  5. Recording all operations and sending e-mail notifications about the results, so that the user always knows that the data was copied successfully.

Benefits of Auto Copy

Handy Backup includes all of the above features and supports a wide selection of media to which data is copied, as well as data transfer protocols.

Encryption and storage functions supported different versions the same set of data, as well as the operation of the task in a chain of other programs.

Automation of work according to schedule

The program also allows you to set a schedule for automatic copy tasks so that they run as often as you want.

Additional opportunity - automatic start copy tasks when connecting a USB device corresponding to the task.

To learn more about the program's capabilities, check out full list Handy Backup functions on the page:
Backup - backup with Handy Backup.

Automatic backup with Handy Backup - easier than ever!

Good day to you, my dear readers. The frost hit hard, so you won’t be able to go outside for very long, although it’s great there, to be honest. But that's not the point. In the previous article I talked about that. But it turns out that most people don't want to work with standard means operating system.

Well, they are right. The built-in tools do not have very good functionality, although they are quite good, but the programs are made specifically for specific needs, so the developers are trying to make it so cool that people use this particular application. Well, this is logical, right?

And there are sooo many such applications and the abundance is dizzying. I’ll show you several of these applications that I consider the best, and you can decide for yourself which one is worthy of the title “ Best program Reserve copy?”, because no one will give you a specific answer, but will only express their opinion. Well, if you don’t mind, then I’ll express my opinion.

An excellent program for backing up your system, files, folders, messages, entire disk and other information important to you. This is a really powerful thing that can help you protect your information. IN this application you can configure the frequency of copying yourself, and only those files in which changes have occurred. This greatly facilitates your work and in case of some “Oops”, you can return to almost any point in time. The schedule can be set up simply and clearly.

In addition, the program has very broad functionality and an excellent task scheduler. You can find in the image specific file and isolate it from it separately, without affecting the image itself. And a huge advantage of the program is that it has its own remote space. There is, of course, a fly in the ointment. Firstly, it's paid, and secondly, some people started complaining about the last few versions.

Aomei Backupper

Good and free program. And this is already an important factor. Backupper has a number of functions useful for backup, such as a simple interface, encryption and compression of backups, increased speed, copying separate files, partitions and even disks, etc. But how can there be no downsides? Of course they will always be there. I will focus on only one thing, but the most important one is the lack of a schedule. Those. you can only make backups manually and cannot set the time automatic creation image.

EasyUs Todo Backup

Another good free backup program. Just like other programs, this one is capable of archiving not only all hard disk and system images, but also individual files and folders. The system also has the ability to change and replace any file that has undergone changes. Well, among other things, the program automatically rewrites old image, well, the schedule is just a classic. It's a shame that the program doesn't support the Russian language, but in principle it's not difficult to figure out.

Macrium Reflect FREE

Great program. I'm just delighted with it myself. With its help you will quickly create a system image, the built-in scheduler works like clockwork, the interface is simple and convenient, and there is a high degree of security. And this is not a complete list of all the advantages. But it turns out there is one minus. Here you can only create a system image, but to create a backup of individual files and folders you will have to purchase paid version. Just like that.

Cobian Backup

Another pretty good one free program, which I would highlight among others. There is, in principle, everything that is needed for backup: copying individual files and folders, and good encryption, And good planner with schedule and much more. This program Suitable for any user, although beginners may find it a little difficult to use.

Here I have shown you five of my favorite backup programs. I do not advise you to choose at random. First, look at the reviews of each program, compare the functions, but most importantly, it’s better to test it on yourself, since one of the programs failed to restore from a backup miserably, when everything went fine for another person.

There are many factors due to which some will do well and others will not. Everything may depend on the computer itself, your system, etc. So, if you don't succeed with one, it doesn't mean the app is crap. Although many will not agree with me. But I expressed my opinion, and you can express yours.

Personally, of all these programs, my favorites are Acronis and Macrium Reflect. And I would recommend using one of them, although, as I said above, with Acronis latest versions people had problems. But on version 11 I didn’t notice anything bad. Everything was going great for me.

But what I recommend even more is to watch the stunning backup course. Here you will receive the most comprehensive information on this topic and you will quickly learn how to protect your files from loss without a hitch. No, seriously, the course is built so beautifully that just anyone can handle the backup. No water, just business.

Well, on this cheerful note I end my review. I wish you to protect and protect all your necessary data from any circumstances.

Well, I say goodbye to you for today. I was very glad to see you on my blog and really hope to see you again. Don't forget to subscribe to my blog updates to stay updated interesting information. See you in the next articles. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin

A simple, convenient and long-proven program for backing up files and synchronizing folders on a schedule. Russian developer. The program has a simple, clear interface, but at the same time has wide possibilities And flexible settings. Allows you to copy all or only new/changed files between local, network, replaceable disks, FTP/SFTP, NAS servers.

The program has 3 editions:

  • Exiland Backup Free (free, basic capabilities, Windows application)
  • Exiland Backup Standard (paid, advanced functionality, Windows application)
  • Exiland Backup Professional (paid, maximum capabilities, Windows service)

Key features of the program:

  • 4 types of file copying: Full, Differential, Incremental, Synchronization.
  • Flexible configuration of task launch schedules
  • Compression to standard ZIP format, AES-256 encryption, archive separation, integrity check
  • The program works as a service (Windows service)
  • Copying files from multiple PCs on a local network
  • Fast copying of files to multiple threads (in parallel)
  • Support FTP protocols, SFTP (SSH), copying files from Linux systems
  • Maintaining a detailed log
  • Notification of results by E-mail, SMS
  • View backup and restore files if they are lost
  • Launch external applications, command line(before and after completing tasks)
  • Grouping tasks

Built-in scheduler

You can use the built-in scheduler, run tasks using a button in the program, or assign tasks to the Windows Scheduler ( Task Manager) – in this case, you do not have to keep the program running all the time. Windows Scheduler will launch a program that will complete the task and the program will be unloaded from memory.

Duplicate backups

To be safe, you can store backups in several places. The program allows you to specify an unlimited number of places to store backups.


To prevent access to ZIP archives, set a password, specify the AES-256 encryption algorithm, and save backup copies to network folder, access to which is limited ( Exiland program Backup allows you to specify a login/password to access a network folder). All settings and passwords in the program are stored in encrypted form. Access to the program settings can be limited by setting a password to enter the program.


The program has existed since 2005 and over the years of service has shown its reliability and resistance to emergency situations, such as a connection breakdown (network failure) during backup, incorrect names files, disk problems, etc. If the connection is lost, the program will wait for a connection to appear within the specified time and will continue copying when a connection to a network drive or the Internet appears. The user ( System Administrator) will receive an SMS or email notification.

Create a task

Creating a task is very simple. To do this, click the Create -> New task button located on top panel. Next, specify the name of the task, for example, “Working Documents”, select the type of copying, folders and files to be copied, compression/encryption, select a folder to save backups and specify a launch schedule.

Now you can minimize it to the Notification Area on the System Tray and wait for it to launch as scheduled. You can also run the task by button on the top panel.

Every computer user probably knows that no system is immune from errors and even critical failures when by ordinary means it is not possible to restore it. For this purpose, programs have been developed for and including utilities that allow you to create backup copies hard drives and logical partitions. Let's look at the most popular utilities different levels difficulties.

Programs and data recovery: feasibility of use

Some users have a bit of a misconception about how powerful these types of utilities are. Unfortunately, they mistakenly believe that the most simple option will become normal copying user files to other logical partitions other than the system one. There is another category of users who believe that they can copy the entire system partition to another location, and then, in case of failure, from this copy. Alas, both are wrong.

Of course, this technique is applicable to user files, but not everyone wants to clutter another logical volume with a bunch of information or constantly keep it at hand external media like a USB HDD, a bunch of disks or flash drives, the capacity of which is clearly limited. And with large volumes of data, you should also take into account the time it takes to copy from one volume to another. Backup and recovery programs for both the system and partitions work somewhat differently. Of course, in most cases you will need removable media, but the created backup copy will take up much less space.

Basic operating principle and operating options

As a rule, most of today's well-known and widely used utilities mainly use the principles of creating images and compressing copied data. At the same time, images are most often used specifically to create copies of the operating system, which allows you to later restore it after an unexpected critical failure, and utilities for copying partitions or user files require archiving-type compression.

As for reservation options, there can be two of them. In principle, almost any system backup program suggests using external media (DVD, flash drive, etc.). This is only due to the fact that when restoring the system you will have to boot from something other than system partition, namely from removable media. The image in the logical partition will not be recognized.

Another thing is disk backup programs. You can save them necessary information namely in other logical partitions or, again, use removable media. But what to do if the used hard drive capacity is hundreds of gigabytes? Nothing will allow you to record this information even in compressed form. Alternatively you can use external HDD, if it is available, of course.

As for the choice suitable utility to save user files, The best decision- a program for backing up files on a schedule. Such a utility is capable of producing this operation without user intervention, saving all changes made over a certain period of time. IN backup copy New data can be added, as well as old data can be deleted from it. And all this in automatic mode! The advantage is obvious - after all, the user only needs to set the time interval between copy points in the settings, then everything happens without it.

"Native" Windows backup program

So, first, let's focus on the native tool of Windows systems. Many people believe that the backup program built into the system Windows copy It doesn't work very well, to put it mildly. Basically, they don’t want to use it only because the utility spends too much time creating a copy, and the copy itself takes up a lot of space.

However, she also has enough advantages. After all, who else but Microsoft specialists know all the subtleties and nuances associated with the components that are essential for correct Windows recovery? And many users clearly underestimate the capabilities of the tool built into the system. It’s not for nothing that such a backup and recovery program is included in the main set of the system?

The easiest way to access this utility is from the standard “Control Panel”, where you select the backup and recovery section. There are three main points you can use here: creating an image, creating a disk, and setting up a copy. The first and second do not cause any difficulties. But the third one is quite interesting. The system will offer to save a copy to removable media, having previously identified the device itself. But if you look at the parameters, you can save a copy on the network, which is perfect for local locations. So in some cases, such a system backup program will be a good tool for creating a backup with the ability to subsequently restore Windows from this copy.

Most popular utilities

Now let's look at the utilities that, according to many experts, are the most popular among users today. Let us immediately note that it is simply impossible to consider all backup programs, so we will dwell on some of them, taking into account the level of popularity and complexity of their use. An approximate list of such utilities may look like this:

  • Acronis True Image.
  • Norton Ghost.
  • Back2zip.
  • Comodo BackUp.
  • Backup4all.
  • ABC Backup Pro.
  • Active Backup Expert Pro.
  • ApBackUP.
  • File Backup Watcher Free.
  • The Copier.
  • Auto Backup and many others.

Now let's try to look at the top five. Please note! On this moment considers backup programs, mainly used for workstations ( user computers). Solutions for server systems and networks will be considered separately.

Acronis True Image

Of course, this is one of the most powerful and popular utilities, enjoying well-deserved success and the trust of many users, although it belongs to entry-level programs. Nevertheless, she has enough opportunities.

After launching the application, the user is taken to the main menu, where several action options can be selected. IN in this case we are interested in the backup and restore section (there is also additional utilities, which will not be considered now for obvious reasons). After logging in, the “Wizard” is activated, which will help you create a backup. During the process, you can choose what exactly you want to create a copy of (the system for restoring from scratch, files, settings, etc.). In "Copy Type" it is better to select "Incremental" as it will help save space. If the media volume is large enough, you can use full copy, and to create multiple copies - differential. When creating a copy of the system, you will be prompted to make a boot disk.

Here's what's interesting: the utility shows fairly high performance in terms of backup copy creation speed, time, and compression. So, for example, it will take an average of 8-9 minutes to compress data of about 20 GB, and the size of the final copy will be just over 8 GB.

Norton Ghost

There's one more before us most powerful utility. As usual, after starting the program, a “Wizard” starts, helping you go through all the steps.

This utility is notable for the fact that it can be used to create hidden section, where the copy will be stored (and both data and the system can be restored from it). In addition, you can change many parameters in it: read control type, write type, compression, number of points for simultaneous access, etc. As for performance, the application compresses the same 20 GB to a size of just over 7.5 GB, which takes about 9 minutes. In general, the result is quite good.


And here is a scheduled backup program. It differs in that its installation takes only a couple of seconds, and after launch it automatically creates a new job and begins copying data, assuming that user files are stored in the "My Documents" folder. Unfortunately, this is the main disadvantage.

When starting, the task must be deleted, and then the original destination folder must be selected. There is no “wizard” in the usual sense; everything is done from the main window. In the scheduler, you can set the copying interval from 20 minutes to 6 hours. Overall, the simplest solution for entry-level users.

Comodo BackUp

There's one more before us most interesting utility, capable of competing even with commercial products. Her main feature is the presence of as many as five operating modes and great amount settings.

Interestingly, the utility is able to respond to changes in the files included in the backup in real time. As soon as the source file is modified and saved, the application immediately creates a copy of it, adding and replacing the final element in the backup. Not to mention the scheduler, you can separately note the start of creating copies either at the start or at exit.


Finally, let's look at one more free utility, allowing, so to speak, to make backup copies for everything that may be needed in the future at the same time, in one fell swoop.

This utility is interesting because it allows you to save copies not only on external or internal media, but also on networks, or even on FTP servers. There are quite a lot of editable parameters and settings, among which are four copying methods, as well as support. In addition, the interface is very simple, and the display of folders and tasks is presented in the form of a tree structure similar to “Explorer”. The user can also divide the copied data into categories such as documents, drawings, etc., and assign each project its own label. Naturally, there is also a “Task Scheduler”, in which you can specify, for example, the creation of copies only at times of low processor load.

Solutions for server systems

For server systems and networks there are also specialized programs Reserve copy. Among all this diversity, three of the most powerful can be identified:

  • Symantec Backup Exec 11d System Recovery.
  • Yosemite Backup Standard Master Server.
  • Shadow Protect Small Business Server Edition.

It is believed that such utilities are good tool reservations in relation to small businesses. At the same time, restoration “from scratch” can be done with any workstation located on the network. But the most important thing is that the reservation only needs to be made once; all subsequent changes will be saved automatically. All applications have an Explorer-like interface and support remote control from any terminal on the network.

Instead of an afterword

It remains to add that not all data backup/recovery programs have been discussed here, allowing you to create backups of both systems and files, and then restore them from the created copies. However, it seems that even brief information The above programs will give many an idea of ​​how it works and why all this is needed. For obvious reasons, we leave the question of choosing the appropriate software open, since it already depends on the preferences of the user or system administrator.

  • The program is free for personal and commercial use.

    FBackup is a backup program that is free for use at home and in the office.

  • This means you save money instead of paying for another data backup program.

    Automatic reservation.

  • You create a backup profile, set it to run automatically, and you'll never remember about it again. FBackup will automatically create copies of data at the appointed time, which gives you not only confidence in the safety of your files, but also additional free time.

    zip packaging of backup copies. When making a reservation full type source files

  • archived using the standard zip algorithm. FBackup uses ZIP64 compression, which allows you to create archives larger than 2GB. Moreover, you can protect archives with a password, which will be requested when extracting data from them.

    Perform actions before/after backup.

  • For each backup profile, you can specify an action to be performed before or after.

    For example, you specify a "Cleanup" action before starting a backup, which will delete all previously archived files before creating new ones. As an action after backup, you can set the system to shut down, log out the user profile, put the system into sleep mode - any such action will be performed at your discretion after the successful completion of the file backup operation. Exact copies of files. You can use this type of backup to create a "mirror" copy original files at the specified location.

  • Ease of use.

    The two main functions of a backup program are data backup and recovery.

  • FBackup makes it easy for you by offering user-friendly wizards. When you start working with the wizard for creating a new backup profile, you specify where, how and how often to create copies - and that’s it, the profile is ready to launch. If you want to restore files, open the recovery wizard, which will only ask where you want to restore the backup files.

    Automatic updates.

  • FBackup automatically checks for updates once a week, allowing you to stay up to date with new versions. The option to check for updates can be disabled, but this is not recommended to ensure that your version of FBackup is up to date.

    Multiple reservation assignments. By default, the location of future backup copies is the operating system partition. To ensure the security of your backups, you will need to place them in other FBackup supported destinations (such as external USB/Firewire drives, or mounted network drive). In that case, if it happens

  • hardware failure

  • , Your data will be safe and secure on an external independent storage device.

    Plugins. Archiving open files. If a file is being used by another program while a backup is in progress, FBackup will still be able to back up the file using the service Shadow Spears A volume provided by Windows. Thus, if you are using Windows 10, 8/8.1, 7, Vista, XP, 2016/2012/2008/2003 Server (32/64-bit), FBackup will archive these open files. For example, you can make a backup copy of your mail database and

  • Outlook settings

    without it closed.