I am able to delete an empty folder. The folder is not deleted - possible reasons and solutions

Almost every active user of a personal computer has at least once encountered the problem that it is impossible to delete a certain folder or file in the standard way.

In this article, I will tell you in detail about the reasons why a PC refuses to remove uninstallable programs.

Let's start with the fact that there are no undeletable files in principle. There is data that cannot be eliminated. Any file or folder can be “thrown away” from the PC.

So, the file that won't get deleted?

Let's look at the reasons:

    Virus attack on computer.

    Access to delete is denied.

    The data to be deleted is being used by some program.

    The folder to be deleted contains an open file.

    The data is necessary for the system to operate (located in the “Windows” folder).

Elimination methods:

    Due to a virus attack on your PC, most often it is not possible to remove programs. To solve it, try scanning your computer with any antivirus program and adding the found files to quarantine or disinfecting them. After the reboot, the process of removing uninstallable programs should be successful.

    If access is denied, you just need to open it using and folder with an active administrator account.

    Sometimes the user tries to delete the folder in which the launch shortcut is currently open. To delete such a folder, the program must be closed.

    The operating system will not allow you to delete files and folders that are necessary for its stable operation.

Let's look at one of the reasons for the problem, how to delete a file that is not deleted. It lies in the fact that the data being deleted is occupied in some process.

If, when trying to get rid of any document on the monitor screen, you see the following message: “The operation cannot be completed or performed because the file or folder is being used by the program,” then you simply need to end all active processes in which this file/folder and try again.

There are situations when the user simply does not know and cannot clearly trace the active process that is preventing something from being deleted. For these cases, there are programs for deleting “undeletable” files.

    Unlocker. A small, free utility for downloading and subsequent use on home computers. She knows exactly the answer to the question: “How to delete a file that cannot be deleted?” After installation, Unlocker will integrate into and help not only terminate active processes that are interfering with deletion, but also rename or move locked data. The program is characterized by a multilingual interface, support for Windows XP, 7, 2000 and Vista operating systems. Its RAM consumption is minimal, there are no special requirements for PC hardware, the occupied space is 200 KB.

    Wise Free. As such, this program serves to remove unnecessary or incorrect information. When launched, the utility will definitely allow the user to create a backup copy of the registry, which will protect against the deletion of necessary files. This utility differs in that it has the ability to divide found registry errors into absolutely harmless and potentially dangerous. Safe errors can be safely removed, but getting rid of potentially dangerous ones can lead to unstable operation or failure of operating system processes. The utility operates in automatic mode, i.e. launching, eliminating errors and shutting down occurs without user intervention.

Which program should I use? Any! These are the simplest, most useful and easy-to-use utilities.

I think that most likely, after installing any of them, the question of how to delete a file that is not deleted will be closed! All the best!

This often happens when certain files are not deleted. And the system writes that this file or folder is occupied by another process. This can happen both in Windows XP and in Windows 7, 8, 10. Today we will look at methods for eliminating this problem when files are not deleted.

So, imagine, you installed some program on your computer, used it, and you didn’t like it. What are your actions? Of course, delete it. After uninstallation, the program was allegedly removed, but the folder with some program files remained. When you try to delete such a file, an error appears:

Let's look at ways in which you can delete files that cannot be deleted using standard means.

1st method. Simplest
If the file is not deleted, restart your computer and try deleting again. In many cases this helps. If the problem persists, then read below.

2nd method. Task Manager
In the Windows 7 and XP operating systems, to get to the Task Manager, you must press the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Del.
In Windows 8 and 10, just press the Windows + X key combination and select Task Manager from the menu that appears.

The Task Manager we called will open, where you need to find the process that is using the file and remove the task from it. Then try deleting the file again.

3rd method. Using a boot disk or flash drive
The next method is to start the computer from a LiveCD or bootable USB flash drive and then delete the file or folder. In the first case, we need to use the standard Windows graphical interface to find and delete the required file, or use the command line. If you are using a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7, 8 or 10, then during installation you can open the command line by pressing Shift + F10. There is also “System Restore”, thanks to which you can return the computer to its previous state. By the way, the drive letters may be different, so use the dir c: command to display the contents of that drive. Thanks to this, you can easily understand what kind of local disk it is.

4th method. Deleting files in safe mode
It's very simple here. You need to go into safe mode, find the required file or folder and delete it. In safe mode, only operating system programs are launched, while all your installed third-party utilities (messengers, drivers, antiviruses, etc.) do not start. Therefore, the probability of successfully deleting the required file is very high.

5th method. Using a special Unlocker program
This program, called Unlocker, helps delete files that are used by some process. A very useful utility that copes with its tasks with a bang. You can download it at https://yadi.sk/d/PkczjpOKjbeje

When the program downloads, install it.

Next, select Advanced and uncheck all the boxes,

The essence of the Unlocker program is to unload from RAM the processes that are used by the file. The program can find and terminate a process that is even hidden in the Task Manager. In general, an excellent utility that every system administrator should have.

Every computer user strives to keep the internal or external hard drive clean by promptly deleting folders with useless files or programs. According to Microsoft recommendations, on the Windows operating system you need to remove unnecessary applications through the built-in utility for adding/uninstalling programs, but not all of the applications installed on the computer are displayed in it.

In most cases, deleting a program or other files in a folder does not cause problems. Just right-click on the folder, select “Delete” and confirm your decision. But deleting a folder does not always go smoothly, and the system may warn that it is unable to complete the operation due to the folder's files being used at the moment. We suggest considering several ways to delete a folder that cannot be deleted in the Windows operating system.

Restarting the computer

The most obvious and simple way to solve the problem with a folder that is not deleted is to restart the computer. Most often, an error with deleting a folder occurs due to the use of files that are located in it. For example, if you launch an image from a folder with pictures, you will not be able to delete it until the program using the image stops accessing it.

If, after closing all programs that could use files from the folder being deleted, the result remains the same and the system reports that deletion is impossible, the easiest way will be to restart the computer, thereby resetting all access to the files.

Closing programs that use files from a folder

If, after restarting the computer, the problem continues to occur in which the folder cannot be deleted, you need to understand which of the files in it is currently being used by the system. Most likely, the folder contains an application that automatically starts after the computer is restarted, thereby becoming used and cannot be deleted.

For example: PicPick automatically starts at the same time as your operating system by default. If this option is not disabled in the application, then after restarting the computer, you will not be able to delete the folder in which PicPick is located. You will need to first close the application, and then proceed to uninstall it.

When an application is not displayed, but errors still occur when you try to delete the folder with it, you need to shut down the program using the Task Manager. To do this, press Ctrl+Alt+Del and launch Task Manager. Next, go to the advanced view of running applications and select the “Processes” column. Find in the list of processes the one that can be executed from the folder you are trying to delete. Complete this process, and then try to erase the folder again.

Virus check

Viruses are the cause of many computer problems. They can sneak into a specific folder and reside in it, causing the user to have problems when trying to delete it.

To make sure there are no viruses in the folder, you need to install an antivirus on your computer. Next, right-click on the folder and select from the drop-down menu the item associated with scanning the folder with an antivirus. If no problems are found during scanning, then the error is not related to viruses.

Formatting a disk with a folder

Often the problem where the user cannot delete a folder occurs with external hard drives or flash drives. If you can't delete a folder from your external drive, you can simply format it.

First transfer files from an external hard drive or flash drive that may be useful in the future to another drive. After this, you can begin formatting the information keeper, as a result of which everything will be deleted from it. In order to format an external hard drive or flash drive, right-click on it in the drive selection list and click on the appropriate item. It is recommended to perform a full format (not a quick format) in order to completely “zero” the information storage device.

Using special programs

To fix the problem where you cannot delete a folder, several applications have been released that can help you cope with this task. An effective program can be called Unlocker, which is distributed free of charge via the Internet on the developers’ website.

The program works very simply - it analyzes the computer and finds processes that use files from the folder. When they are found, the application prompts you to close them, after which there should be no problems with deleting the folder. You need to use the Unlocker application as follows:

It is worth noting that deleting a folder may not be possible not only due to the use of the files located in it, but also due to access restrictions. If a folder is simultaneously accessed from several computers, the system administrator can retain the rights to delete or change files in the folder only for himself. Thus, information from the folder can only be viewed from other computers, but not erased.

How to delete a folder (file) that cannot be deleted? Hello dear friends, probably each of you has encountered this problem when you want to delete an unnecessary folder or file, but the folder is not deleted. Situations can be different, mostly this happens after programs, utilities, browsers were uninstalled incorrectly, or some kind of failure occurred during the uninstallation process and after uninstallation, folders or files remained that were simply not needed. I want to offer you four ways to solve this problem when folders are not deleted.

The content of the article:

  1. We delete a folder or file using additional programs.

We archive a folder that is not deleted.

Let's start with the simplest and try delete non-deletable folder. Probably every user has a WinRar archiver on their computer or laptop, if not, download it and install it. Next, click on the folder that is not deleted with the right mouse button and select the “Add to Archive” tab. In the window that opens, check the box “Delete files after packaging” and click “Ok”. If after archiving the folder or file is deleted, then everything is fine, take the created archive and simply drag it to the trash.

If this method does not help and the folder is still not deleted, then move on to the next solution.

We transfer a non-deletable folder or file to another medium.

Let's try to move the folder or file to another medium. Insert a flash drive or external hard drive, right-click on the folder that is not being deleted and select the “Cut” tab. Open the flash drive or external hard drive and in the window, right-click and select the “Insert” tab. If everything works, just delete the folder or format the flash drive. If there is no result, read on.

We use Safe Mode to delete a non-deletable folder.

Everything here is quite simple, this method helped me personally, and I think it will help you delete a folder without resorting to third-party programs. Just go to Safe Mode, select the folder or file that you want to delete and delete it in the standard way. Read how to enter safe mode. What does Safe Mode do? In simple words - To start in safe mode, the Windows system loads only the functionality that is necessary to load Windows, practically kills all unnecessary processes, so folders and files that cannot be deleted are deleted with a bang (not counting the Windows system folders). If you need to delete a windows system folder or file, read.

How to delete a non-deletable folder using programs.

So let's try it using programs. As you can see, this warning says - The folder is already in use “The operation cannot be completed because these folders or files are open in another program.”

First, go to the “Windows Task Manager” and press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc or Ctrl + Alt + Delete. Click on the “Processes” item, then click on the “Display processes of all users” button, look for the process and click on the “End process” button, then delete the folder.

If you cannot determine which process is occupying a folder that is not being deleted, then we will need the Revo Uninstaller Pro program, you can download it from this link from Yandex disk. After installing the program, open it and select the “Hunting Mode” tab.

A target will appear on your desktop. Hold the mouse on the Target and point it at the folder or file to be deleted. In the Drop-down menu, click on the “Uninstall” tab.

In the window that opens, you will see the process that occupies the folder. In my case, this is the Explorer.exe process, click the “Next” button.

In this window, click “End the process and continue.” After this procedure, the folder or file should be deleted.

In my case, this cannot be done; if I terminate the Explorer.exe process, then everything will disappear from the desktop, all files, folders and shortcuts. If you have the same situation as me, then read on. By the way, I recommend reading the article at the link below on working with the Revo Uninstaller Pro program.

Download the program Unlocker, in my opinion, this is one of the best programs for deleting folders and files that cannot be deleted. You can download from any site on the Internet; after installing the program, right-click on the folder or file to be deleted.

In the drop-down menu, click on the magic wand)) Unlocker icon.

In the window that appears, click on the arrow and select the “Delete” action. Click "Ok".

The Unlocker utility will automatically terminate the busy process and delete the folder.

I think this method will help everyone 100% delete a folder that is not deleted! That's all friends, I hope the article will be useful to you. If, nevertheless, something doesn’t work out for you and the folder or file is not deleted, then write in the comments, I will try to help everyone. Good luck to you!

Being the rightful owner of our computer, we naively think that it must obey us in everything. But no! Even such a simple task as deleting a file or folder can be nerve-wracking. How many times did this window appear when trying to empty an unnecessary/empty folder?

Such files and folders appear as a result of incorrect user actions. They can stay on your computer for a long time, take up space, and it is impossible to open, rename or delete it.

How to delete files and folders that are not deleted?

So, if when you try delete file or folder a dialog box appears, please read the message carefully. Perhaps the file is open in some program, which does not allow the system to delete it. For example, you are trying to delete a movie that is either still running in the player (the process is not stopped), or the file is being distributed via µTorrent. Or you are trying to delete a folder that contains music currently playing in the music player.

First of all, you should restart your computer, usually after this the folder is deleted without problems. If the file is still not deleted, you should carefully review the running programs; perhaps the process is not stopped, or the folder may store encrypted data, in which case you need to uncheck the “encrypt data” box. Another option for the inability to delete a folder is if its name matches the name of the system folder. I hope everyone remembers that deleting system folders is not recommended? Then you need to check for viruses, since some viruses can block files, protecting them from being deleted. Attention! Important information: if you delete a folder, and it appears again and again on your computer, then most likely it is a virus, and you need to either install an anti-virus program, or update it, or install a new anti-virus program and perform a full scan for viruses. Another method for deleting such a folder is to try to cut it out and move it to a flash drive, later the flash drive can be formatted, the main thing is not to forget that formatting will delete all information from the flash drive, so the necessary files must be transferred to your PC.

So you can use one more method. You should go to the folder properties, and in the “Tools” section, select the “View” submenu, uncheck the “Use simple file sharing” option and save the changes.

In the “Security” tab, you should open “Advanced” and in this menu uncheck all the checkboxes for the reading and execution items. Save the changes and try deleting the folder again.

You can also use the Total Commander explorer to delete; it displays blocked files and folders. If you are using this explorer, you should launch it, then press Ctrl+Alt+Delete to launch Task Manager. Once you find an encrypted file in Total Commander, you should also look for it in the processes displayed in the task manager. If such a process has been found, then it should be stopped, after which delete a file.

There are also special programs for folders. One of them, Unlocker, is very popular. Once you download and install it, you can move, rename, combine and delete locked files and folders. When installing the program, you should carefully read the test and remove unnecessary checkboxes, otherwise you risk installing an unnecessary start page for your browser and useless software. After installing the program, you right-click on the file or folder to be deleted, select “Unlocker” in the context menu

Then a window appears

at the top of which all the processes that are currently working with this file are listed, and at the bottom in the context menu you can choose what to do with this file, delete it, copy it, rename it or move it. For deleting a folder It is necessary either through the Task Manager or in the program itself to stop the processes. In the program, after selecting the necessary files, click on “Unblock all”.

Well, that’s all, now the annoying folder can be deleted without difficulty!

I can only wish you success in the fight against folders that cannot be deleted!