How to restore the system from an acronis image. How to recover a deleted hard drive partition using the free AOMEI Partition Assistant Standard Edition program. Creating an image of the system partition

It is believed that it is better to roll over Windows on a new one on a new computer or on the same one, but after replacing significant components. But what to do if you really don’t want to lose your finely tuned system, configure it again, install a bunch of software, but need to move to another hardware? In this case, you can do different things:

  • Create your own distribution based on the established Windows - unbundle the components and package the system into an installation image, as we once did with the example of “Tens”;
  • Connect the hard drive to the new computer, clone Windows and, if problems arise with its launch on the new hardware, try to fix them;
  • Make a backup copy of the system, restore it on another computer and, again, play with troubleshooting problems that may arise;

Resort to the previous two options, but using technology Acronis Universal Restore.

In fact, I propose, friends, to talk about this technology and its application below.

About technology

Acronis Universal Restore is a tool for eliminating errors that may appear when restoring a non-native Windows backup to a PC or laptop due to the presence of inappropriate drivers. The technology was created by the Acronis developer company primarily for the business environment in order to simplify the deployment of a properly configured operating system on corporate machines. Like the standard utility for preparing Windows for deployment on other devices, Sysprep, Universal Restore unlinks components. But it can also do what Sysprep cannot do - install drivers for hard drive controllers and other components from a custom distribution. And exactly, friends, from a custom distribution. Universal Restore is just a technology for adapting Windows to new hardware, but not a 100% working system recovery tool with a database of all kinds of drivers. Only if we specify the path to the folder where we store the drivers necessary for the operation of a separate component of the target computer, this technology can help us.

Universal Restore is not a mechanism for creating a backup copy with the initial decoupling of components, as many believe. Unbundling of components and installation of drivers on a new computer is carried out after restoring the system from a backup copy. This technology works in tandem with the regular Acronis backup mechanism. However, it can also work in conjunction with backup or cloning mechanisms from other developers. Or it can even be used without transferring the system in cases such as changing the hard drive controller mode. This technology simply exists in the form of an add-on to Acronis bootable media, which, in fact, ties the user to using the backup mechanism from Acronis.

Well, now let's look at a real example of how this technology works. Using Acronis bootable media, we will create a backup copy of Windows on the source computer, restore the system on the target computer, then adapt it to the new hardware using Universal Restore.

Preparatory actions

Let me remind you, friends, Universal Restore is only a mechanism for introducing drivers into Windows transferred to another hardware. Ensuring the availability of the drivers themselves is our task. You need to either connect the DVD that came with the laptop or PC motherboard to the target computer. Or place the folder with the distribution of drivers downloaded from the Internet, say, on the same media where the system backup will be stored.

  • Note: if you are transferring Windows from an old PC or laptop where the BIOS was set to IDE hard drive controller mode, and the new device is in AHCI mode, be sure, friends, to make sure that you have AHCI driver installers. The same applies to the situation of transferring a system to a device with a RAID array.

Creating bootable media with Acronis Universal Restore

Acronis backup tools, including the Universal Restore add-on, can be found on board various homemade Live drives. But the official, honest, and 100% safe way to use this technology is to create media inside the Acronis True Image program installed in the Windows environment and activated. You can create bootable media with Universal Restore in the current version of True Image 2018 as follows.

  • Note: friends, to create bootable media from Acronis True Image, it is fundamentally important that it is activated. The media created in the trial version of the program will provide access to the Universal Restore add-on, but will be ineffective in terms of creating a backup.

In the True Image environment, go to the “Tools” section, click “Acronis Universal Restore”.

Click “Download”.

Download the program to your computer using the link that opens in your browser. Let's install this program. And we launch. This is the Universal Restore Bootable Media Builder.

We follow the step-by-step wizard.

We leave everything as default.

Selecting components. Two components are of fundamental importance here - True Image (backup software) and Universal Restore technology. It is also important to choose their 64-bit versions so as not to bother with disabling UEFI in the BIOS of computers with this interface active. But you can select all the components; it all weighs no more than 900 MB.

We select a medium - a flash drive, an optical disk, or, as in my case, an ISO file.

In the case of choosing an ISO, we give the file a name and indicate the path to save it.

At this stage, the media can include drivers for IDE, AHCI, and RAID controllers in case the system is transferred to a more modern, or, on the contrary, older computer, or one with a RAID array.

Let's continue.

The media has been created.

Backing up Windows on the source computer

You can make a Windows backup using Acronis both inside the system, using the interface of the installed True Image (described in detail), and using the functionality on board the bootable media. I, friends, will choose the latter method.

We start the computer from bootable media. On systems with an active UEFI interface, launch True Image in such an ascetic menu by entering the number 2.

If the normal BIOS mode is active, launch True Image in the GUI menu.

Select disk backup.

We specify system partitions: three partitions (usually) for GPT disks and two partitions for MBR disks.

Create a new backup archive and click the browse button.

We indicate the disk partition or media on which the backup copy will be stored. Give the backup a name.

In the summary of assigned operations, we check whether we have indicated everything correctly. And let's start creating a backup copy.

As a result, we turn off the computer and connect its internal drive or removable media to the target computer.

Restoring Windows from a backup on the target computer

Boot the target computer from Acronis bootable media. And, as in the previous case, select the True Image environment. Now we go to the “Recovery” section and look for our backup copy.

Let's restore it.

Select all system partitions for recovery.

We indicate the destination - the entire disk of the target computer or its separate partition.

We carefully check everything and proceed to the operation.

After this, we boot again from the Acronis media. And we adapt to the new hardware using Universal Restore technology.

Working with Acronis Universal Restore

On UEFI systems, to launch the UEF Universal Restore environment, press the number 1.

On computers with a regular BIOS, select this environment in the graphical interface.

Hi all. Today we will talk about data recovery in the event of a crash of the system, hard drive, or God forbid the computer as a whole.

Backup will help us avoid losing data usingAcronis True Image Home. The program is necessary and important especially for those who zealously monitor the preservation of valuable data. By the way, for those who like to store data on disks, I recommend reading the article -.

Simply put, Acronis creates backup copies of data from disks, as well as any other important files. The help of this program is also important if changes are made to some parameters important to the system.

After all, thanks to the created image, you will be able to restore all the data that will be included in the backup copy. This may also be necessary if any problems arise with the system.

Thus, created thanks to Acronis BackupData 's take the security of files on your computer to a whole new level.

Acronis fully supports the Russian language. True, this program is paid and the licensed version will cost about 1000 rubles.

However, for the sake of the safety of your valuable data, I think it will be possible to spend money once. But in the context of this article, we will use the free version of the program, limited in time. So, let's look at the capabilities of the Acronis program and learn how to use it.

Download versiontrial is possible directly from . I think the installation process will not raise any questions for anyone, since it is extremely simple. Therefore, I will not describe this in detail, but it would be advisable to choose the full version, but not the usual, selective one. In the line requiring the key, we do not write anything if you do not know it.

Once the installation process is complete, restart your computer. After that, open the program by double-clicking on the shortcut.Acronis True Image Home 2010. Remember that Acronis One-Click Backup will not work, you need exactly that shortcut.

When a window appears warning you that we are using a demo version, click on “Try”. Well, as soon as we launch the program, it immediately asks whether to create a disk image. It’s too early for us, so we click on “Cancel”.

Well, first we will look at the process of creating a disk image.

There are two options for creating a disk image. First, via Windows, running the program directly on the system, that is, as we are going to do. And the second, through a boot disk with the program.

Naturally, we must first create it. Restoration with the second method of creating an image is carried out similarly to the first, so there are no special difficulties. True, there are undeniable advantages of creating an image through a boot disk.

Namely, by working in this way, you increase the security of data storage significantly. Despite the fact that the levels of information protectionAcronis are quite high when creating an image through the system. But you should still take into account the fact that many processes occur simultaneously on the computer’s hard drive.

And when creating a disk image, there is no 100% guarantee that no error will occur; the operation of various antiviruses is especially dangerous. Thus, the image (forgive the tautology) may turn out to be incorrect and damaged.

Therefore, I consider it advisable to pay closer attention to creating a copy from a CD-disk withAcronis. And below I will describe this process in more detail.

But if there are those who persistently want to create an image from the system, then the work process will not be difficult for them. After all, the program supports the Russian language, and then the whole process will be prompted by the program itself.

And on the other hand, the process of interacting with the disk is almost identical to working through Windows, there are literally a few differences in the little things.

Creating a disk image using Acronis

So, let's start by creating the boot disk itself. Let's pay attention to the program windowAcronis and click on the “Tools and Utilities” tab => “Create bootable media”. Now, listening to the program’s prompts, we follow the suggested path.

For the first three steps, click on “OK”;

Next, at the fourth stage, the program prompts you to select a device for recording, we select “CD burner" . This means that we have chosen yoursDVD, CD- drive unit. After you have chosen, click on “Next”;

Insert into the driveCD -disk intended for recording and click on the “Proceed” button;

After the system shows that the recording is complete, click on “OK”.

2 Acronis Data Recovery

We all want to hope that we will never have to restore a disk image. But still, cases are different and as additional knowledge, it would not hurt us to master the nuances of disk image recovery.

The process is quite simple.

So, we boot the computer from a blank with the program. Next, in the program window, select the “Recovery” section. Then click on the button« Search for backups" and in the next window select the image that you once created. And at the end of the startup process, click on “Restore”.

But if you lost, deleted, etc. some specific files, then there is no need to restore all the data. You can select “Recover selected partitions and folders”"and follow the prompts

Or it is possible to restore a disk or a specific partition - “Restore disks or partitions”.

And we chose to restore the system partition and clicked on the “Next” button.

The next tab will prompt us to clarify which folders, sections, etc. we want to restore. Following the path we have chosen, we must select the section we need and alsoMBR . The latter meansthe main boot area, which contains a list of loading operating systems.

This is also convenient from the point of view that if there are problems with the bootloader, you can only selectMBR. Of course, if there are no problems with data loss. And the opposite from here: if you are sure that there are no problems with the bootloader, and the problem is with the files, then you can not select MBR.

Now we double-click on the fateful “Next” button again. When the MBR tab appears, we should indicate the location where we want to restore the boot area. And here you need to choose the place from where this image was taken. And again “Next”. “Get started.”

We wait for the process to complete and restart the computer. Everything should be back to normal and functioning perfectly.

In the process of creating a disk image, you copy all the data to date. The program creates a backup copy of the registry, the system partition, and files in real time.

Therefore, when completely restoring from an image taken from diskwill return the data copies from which they were taken. That is, those files and data that were added to the hard drive after the backup was taken will be deleted and lost. The program recreates the system on that day.

Therefore, I believe it is necessary to create fresh disk backups as soon as new important data appears on the disk. Or, when restoring from a disk image, select only those folders that were damaged. And also in case of system failures, restore only system foldersWindows.

Well, the last piece of advice: use external storage media or internal removable ones - they are the most secure.

But in fact, the program’s capabilities regarding the created image are not as limited as we think. After all, you can work with the created image as a system disk, that is, extract and add files to it.

For such actions, select the “Tools and Utilities” section => “Mount image”.

The next step is to specify the image and work with it as a system disk.

By the way, the program still has many useful functions that would be worth exploring. For example, scheduled reservations. Also, to restore information, I advise you to read the articles: about what needs to be done to ensure that the hard drive lasts as long as possible. Lastly, watch a cool video about a monkey :)


Hello, dear readers of the blog site :) This article will be a logical continuation of my previous one - about backing up the entire operating system (using Windows as an example) along with programs and files, using a very useful program - Acronis True Image

Now I will tell you how you can easily restore your system from a previously created backup and return it to the state when you created this backup. Also in this article I will explain how to restore individual files and folders from the corresponding backup.

Restoration may be necessary if the system suddenly begins to work unstably, slows down significantly for reasons unknown to you, some other problems appear with its loading, and so on. In this case, you can simply restore it from the backup you created earlier. The process is simple and after recovery you will receive your system ready for use: all programs will be installed on it, all the files you worked with will be there, everything is configured as it was before creating the copy.

The latest versions of Acronis True Image allow you to restore your system from an archive even to other computers with different hardware. This opportunity can be very necessary.

So, let's take a step-by-step look at what needs to be done to restore the system from a backup.

Restoring the system along with previously installed programs and files using Acronis True Image

First of all, we need to have on hand the media (for example: an external HDD, flash drive) or remote online storage where our archive with a backup copy of the entire system was saved. If you are reading this article first and still don’t know how to create a backup copy at all, then I recommend reading the previous article where I talked about this by clicking on the link above.

The process of restoring their archive system is very simple. Let's look at it:

    Launch the installed Acronis True Image program from a shortcut on the desktop or from the Start menu.

    When Acronis starts, go straight to the “Backup and Restore” tab. And on this tab, click the “Restore” button at the top:

    A small window will open showing a list of previously created backups.

    But even those copies that are stored on removable media (flash drives, external HDDs) will still be displayed in the list, but if you try to recover from them without connecting the required media to the computer, you will receive an error. In my example from the previous article, I made a backup copy onto a flash drive and at the moment did not connect it to the computer. Therefore, when you click the “Restore” button, the following message will appear:

    In this case, you need to connect to the computer the removable media on which the backup archive is stored and click the “Browse” button, then select the location where the required backup copy is stored:

    You could find a backup copy by immediately clicking the “Search for backup…” button after going to the “Restore” section:

    In this case, you would be taken to the same Explorer window, where you can find the required backup copy on your computer, external storage device, or on the network.

    When the archive with the required backup copy is selected, click the “Add list of backup copies” button located at the bottom of the window.

    If the archive was protected with a password, a window will immediately appear where you must enter this password:

    Now the main window for restoring the system from the archive will appear. In the window, you need to select the partitions from those that we archived - those that you want to restore. If you want to restore exactly everything that you previously backed up along with the system, then simply select all the partitions from the list by checking them.

    If, in addition to the system partitions, you also backed up separate partitions with some of your data and want to restore only the system without these partitions with data, then simply check the boxes only on the system partitions (For Windows 7, this is usually Drive “C:” and the partition "Reserved by the system").

    In this case, the system, along with its settings and programs, will be completely restored, but partitions with data that you have not marked will not be restored.

    In addition to selecting partitions to recover, you can also select the location to which they will be restored. For example, you can make sure that the partition with the system from the archive is restored to another location or to another disk. To do this, click on the arrow to the right of the partition name and a list of available locations or disks where you can restore the partition will open:

    As you can see from my example (image above), I only have one location available where I can restore the selected partition. 2 more places are marked in red and this means that restoration there is impossible. Typically, this is due to insufficient space to recover more volume.

    Also, for each of the restored partitions with the system or data, it is possible to change their additional properties. I advise beginners not to delve into this and not even go into these properties, because by default Acronis performs recovery as efficiently as possible without changes to disk structures.

    More experienced users can go to the additional properties section by clicking on the link at the bottom of the restored “Partition Properties” section:

  1. The last step before restoring a partition is to specify, if necessary, additional parameters for the recovery stage itself. Let's go over them.

    In the window we will see tabs already familiar from the stage of creating a backup copy: “Advanced”, “Performance”, “Notifications”. Let's look at the settings on each tab.

    Now we have everything set up for recovery and we can start this process by clicking the “Restore Now” button at the bottom of the window:

    Since the recovery occurs directly from Windows, in my experience, Acronis always requires a system reboot at the very beginning of the recovery. If you checked the “If necessary, automatically restart the computer during recovery” checkbox in the settings above, then the computer will restart itself without prompting.

    If this option was not enabled, you will receive this warning:

    And to continue the reboot, you need to confirm this yourself by clicking the “Restart” button.

    You can activate the automatic shutdown of the computer immediately after the system recovery process is completed by checking the appropriate box in the window (see image above).

After the restore is complete, you will be able to boot your system with all the programs and all the files saved at the time you created the backup. You no longer have to install Windows from scratch, install all programs and make settings. Now you can simply download your ready-to-use system. Comfortable? :) I think that few people will say “No” for some reason :)

The most important thing is that there is nothing particularly complicated... The manual is large only because it is detailed, and the steps themselves are very simple.

Let us now consider the process of restoring individual files/folders from the corresponding backup.

Restoring individual files/folders from the corresponding backup

Do not forget that different backup copies are used to restore partitions and individual files/folders. I talked about the process of creating each of them in my previous article.

To restore individual files, you need the appropriate type of backup copy.

So, let's assume that we have lost some important documents and need to restore them. We have a backup copy.

We begin the recovery process. It’s still much simpler than partition recovery, so it shouldn’t leave any questions at all.

Well, we have looked at all the possibilities of restoring from backups, namely, from entire partitions with the system and data and individual files/folders.

All this just seems complicated, you just need to go through these steps once and everything will become clear :)

This is where I end this article, and in the next one I will talk about another important function - creating a boot disk with Acronis and the ability to restore the system, even if the system itself does not boot for any reason. In this case, since the system has “broken,” you will no longer be able to launch the Acronis program from it. For such purposes, you need a recovery disk with Acronis True Image, from which you can boot and restore everything.

I will be waiting for your questions in the comments and will be happy to answer everyone! :) Bye;)

Today, the issue of restoring a hard drive is quite relevant due to the fact that it can fail at any time after the next update or a sudden virus attack. And then what to do when the problem has already overtaken you?

Almost the only way out in this situation is to restore previously saved data. To do this, it is best to contact specialized organizations that specialize in data recovery. After diagnostics, specialists will tell you to what extent and in what time frame it is possible to restore files. Therefore, we advise and recommend that if there is important information on the disk, you should not experiment with it yourself. Without special knowledge and experience, it is better not to restore information that remains in a single copy!

In this article we will tell you how to restore partitions using Acronis Disk Director. Moreover, even if you need to make two or more from one logical drive, there will be no problems either, because managing the program is extremely simple due to the full Russian language.

Recovering data from a hard drive in Acronis

To perform data recovery from a hard drive using Acronis, you must have an image file saved on one of the logical drives. Therefore, first we will look at how to create this very image.

Creating a recovery image

After installing all the programs required for normal operation, insert a boot disk or flash drive and launch the OS or bootable version of Acronis from it. You can do it yourself; to do this, launch Acronis and in the window that opens, select the “Create bootable disks” option, before inserting the flash drive or disk into the computer.

If a flash drive is used, it must first be formatted as FAT32.

Data recovery in Acronis

Data recovery using Acronis is performed quite quickly and even in large volumes. The principle itself is to copy entire partitions to the same or another hard drive, so before creating a copy you need to make sure there is enough space.

In the photo, file recovery is performed using Acronis using the example of a 500 GB hard drive. A space equal to the volume of the system disk was allocated from logical drive E, where the entire partition was subsequently copied.

Using the Acronis program, data recovery in this way is the most effective, because it involves a global copying of information from one disk to another.

So, with Acronis, file recovery is carried out in the same way as creating a copy, but only in this case, copying will be carried out from the selected partition to the remote one. But in order for the program to determine the need to restore the partition, it must be deleted.

That is, if Windows is damaged, the boot disk removes the partition so that the program can detect it. Next, Acronis starts and copies data to empty space. You can delete a partition and then perform data recovery using Acronis Disk Director, again using specialized programs. For example, Partition Magic or G-Host. You can also use the Windows boot disk itself.

With acronis, recovery of deleted files is performed with high reliability and system stability, but this depends on when the copy was created. Therefore, after installing the OS and the main programs, it is very important to create a copy of the partition while it is not yet damaged by various virus programs and update patches.

How to partition a hard drive using Acronis?

How to partition a disk with Acronis? It's easy to do this with this program. To do this, launch the program and select “Create partition” in the menu on the left. If there are unduplicated files left on the hard drive, then first of all, before resizing/creating new partitions, make a copy of all important information to another medium! Because In our practice, there were often cases when during normal work on changing/adding partitions a failure occurred and either data disappeared or

How to restore Windows that won't boot using Acronis True Image 2016 bootable media from a previously created backup? Creating a backup copy of Windows with settings, drivers, installed programs and games is a reliable way to save the system and data for further resuscitation in the event of a system failure, virus infection, deletion of important files and a host of other problems. Despite the presence of standard system backup functionality in Windows, third-party software is used for these purposes in most cases. And users often trust the resuscitation of Windows to the Acronis True Image program, which has been the market leader in backup and data recovery software for more than ten years. Having made a backup copy of Windows in advance using Acronis True Image, in case of problems with the system it can be revived by rolling back to the state from this same backup copy. Even if Windows won't boot, True Image bootable media will come to the rescue.

We will consider this entire process in detail below: we will create a backup copy of Windows in Acronis True Image 2016 and restore it using bootable media.

Free trial version of Acronis True Image 2016

In the latest versions 2015 and 2016, the True Image interface has become simpler and more intuitive than in its predecessor versions. The organization and appearance of the program matches Windows 8.1 and 10: the interface design is dominated by simple lines and shapes, and large controls simplify touch control. Acronis even claims super-performance for data backup and recovery—as much as 50% faster than its competitors.

Acronis True Image version 2016 is a paid software product. By purchasing the program, you get not only Windows backup functionality, but also a lot of other features:

  • several methods to restore Windows, including startup repair by pressing the F11 key;
  • transferring Windows to a computer with different hardware;
  • safe Windows sandbox mode;
  • other useful functions.

Acronis is offering a free one-month trial version of True Image with some limited functionality, which does not include Windows backup and recovery. Likewise, the ability to create bootable media is not limited. Let's take advantage of this free opportunity to the maximum, and first, download this very free version of True Image 2016 on the official website of Acronis True Image.

To receive a link to download the trial version, you must leave your email address to Acronis. Subsequently, it will occasionally receive letters informing you about Acronis products, promotions, discounts, etc.

After installing and launching the program, we can close the login to the Acronis cloud storage account that is offered from the start and confirm the use of True Image in trial mode.

Creating a Windows Backup

In the True Image window we need the first section. Click "The whole computer."

In our case, only the system partition with Windows is backed up, so the next choice will be, accordingly, "Disks and partitions."

In the backup source selection window, check only system partition C. Click "Ok".

In the window for selecting a backup destination, you must specify the location where the copy of Windows will be stored. The program provides for saving a copy during its creation on:

  • local computer space,
  • removable media (USB-HDD),
  • network resources, in particular in Acronis cloud storage.

What's better? Cloud storage from the creator of the program is practically imposed on users, since this pleasure is paid. However, both the cloud service from Acronis and any other web resource are not the most reliable places to store data if there is no high-speed Internet. And how, in some cases, will a non-functional Windows be able to connect to the Internet? There may also be problems connecting to local network resources. The most reliable place to store backups is an additional internal or external hard drive. A non-system partition on the same hard drive that contains the system partition with Windows is not the best storage location, since if this drive fails, you will be left without backup copies.

In our case, there is no external hard drive, but there is a connected internal HDD, so in the backup destination window we select “Browse”.

We will specifically set aside one of the partitions on the second internal HDD for storing Windows backups and call this partition Backup to make it easier to navigate during recovery. If, when choosing a storage location for a backup copy, disk partitions do not open in the tree structure of the computer, the specific path to the storage directory folder can be entered in the column at the top with the inscription "Save a copy to:". Having selected the storage location for the copy, click “Ok”.

Next we will see a window for starting the backup process. In the left corner at the bottom of the window there is the “Settings” option; this is Acronis True Image’s configuration functionality, which allows you to set flexible parameters - for example, set periodic backups on a schedule or select an incremental copying method, when only changes are made to each subsequent copy. Also in the settings, you can exclude certain types of files or directories from the backup copy, configure duplication of the copy in an alternative location, select a low priority for Acronis True Image to allocate computer resources for parallel operations, etc.

In our case, we will not resort to additional settings, but will immediately begin creating a backup copy. Click the “Create a copy” button. By the way, Acronis True Image allows you to delay this moment for several hours in the drop-down list of this button.

While creating a backup, you can check the box to turn off the computer at any time and go about your business.

After the operation is completed, the backup copy will appear in the window of the first section of the program. In the same section, you can start the process of restoring from a backup copy - be it Windows or individual files.

In our case, we will not run the Windows recovery process inside the installed program. Let's complicate the task and create bootable Acronis True Image media to look at the process of restoring Windows that won't boot.

Creating bootable media

To create bootable media, go to the “Tools” tab of the program and select "Bootable Media Builder".

Since the free trial version of Acronis True Image 2016 is limited to a one-month testing period, this process should not be postponed. By the way, bootable media will allow you to restore Windows, but being created as part of the free trial version of the program, it will not allow you to create a backup copy, as is provided in the full version of Acronis True Image 2016.

Choose the first type of bootable media.

In the next window, you need to select the media itself - a DVD, flash drive or ISO file for storage and subsequent recording on any of the media. If you select a DVD or flash drive, Acronis True Image will carry out the recording process itself. Keeping an entire flash drive for a rainy day will probably be an excessive luxury for many. It would be much more practical to allocate a DVD for these purposes or create an ISO file that can, for example, be stored on another computer and burned to a flash drive at the right time. Plus, Acronis True Image cannot create UEFI flash drives, and for computers with a UEFI BIOS, in any case, you will need software with the ability to create UEFI bootable flash drives.

In our case, we will select the ISO file and indicate the path to save it.

Click the “Proceed” button.

Bootable media has been created.

Windows Recovery

Let's say that rainy day has arrived and Windows won't boot. We go into the BIOS and set the computer to boot from a DVD or flash drive created in Acronis True Image. The startup window of the bootable media will offer several options for further actions, from which you must select launch Acronis True Image 2016 with the appropriate bit depth.

In the recovery window, click either "Update backups" so that Acronis True Image itself finds files of its format, or using the button "Searching for a backup" indicate the path to the required file.

As soon as the backups appear in the Acronis True Image window, call up the context menu on the desired one and click “Restore”.

Selecting a recovery method: in our case we are talking about resuscitating Windows, not folders and files, so we choose "Recover disks and partitions". Click “Next”.

Selecting items to restore: in this window, check both the system partition C and the MBR boot record. Click “Next”.

In our case, no changes will be made in the window for specifying recovery settings, and, in principle, something will only have to be changed if Windows is transferred as a separate partition to another connected hard drive. Click “Next”.

If several internal hard drives are connected to your computer, Acronis True Image will then ask you to specify one of them to restore the MBR boot record. We indicate and click “Next”.

The preparation is complete, we can proceed directly to the Windows recovery process.

The recovery operation execution window is equipped with options to automatically restart and shut down the computer after the process is completed. If necessary, you can use them.

The restoration was completed successfully.

Now we can again set the BIOS to boot from the hard drive and test the reanimated Windows.

Have a great day!